NATION/WORLD Tuesday, January 19, 2016 East Oregonian Page 7A BRIEFLY Abduction of Americans in Iraq raises fears about security %A*H'A' A3 — The aEduFtion oI three APeriFans IroP a %aghdad aSartPent oYer the ZeeNend is the Oatest in a series oI Era]en highSro¿Oe NidnaSSings underPining Fon¿denFe in the ,raTi goYernPent¶s aEiOity to FontroO statesanFtioned Shiite PiOitias that haYe groZn in strength as ,raTi seFurity IorFes EattOe the ,sOaPiF State grouS. :itnesses said Pen in uniIorP Farried out the NidnaSSing in Eroad dayOight Saturday, 100 yards Peters IroP a SoOiFe station. ³*unPen in PiOitary uniIorPs FaPe in ¿Ye or si[ S89s, they entered the EuiOding and then OeIt aOPost iPPediateOy,´ said 0ohaPPad JaEar, , Zho runs a shoS doZn the street IroP the threestory aSartPent EuiOding Zhere the APeriFans had Eeen inYited Ey their ,raTi interSreter. ³A IeZ hours Oater Ze heard that three Ioreigners had Eeen NidnaSSed Ey these gunPen,´ JaEer said. The three Zere aEduFted in 'ora, a Pi[ed neighEorhood that is hoPe to Eoth Shiites and Sunnis. HoZeYer, they Zere then taNen to Sadr City, a Yast and denseOy SoSuOated Shiite distriFt to the east, and there ³aOO FoPPuniFation Feased,´ an ,raTi inteOOigenFe oI¿FiaO toOd The AssoFiated 3ress. The oI¿FiaO sSoNe on Fondition oI anonyPity EeFause he Zas not authori]ed to sSeaN to reSorters. AP Photo/Mic Smith Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. interrupt each other during the NBC, YouTube Democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center, Sunday in Charleston, S.C. Gloves come off COinton, Sanders turn uS heat at ¿naO deEate EeIore ,oZa FauFuses By KEN THOMAS Associated Press CHARLESTON, S.C. ² ,n tKeir ¿naO deEate EeIore tKe ,oZa FauFuses, tKe gOoYes FaPe oII EetZeen HiOOary COinton and %ernie Sanders. SKouting oYer eaFK otKer at tiPes, tKe tZo Oeading 'ePoFratiF SresidentiaO Fandidates engaged in soPe oI tKeir tougKest e[FKanges oI tKe FaPSaign on Sunday nigKt, undersForing tKe narroZing raFe EetZeen tKeP in tKe ¿rsttoYote states oI ,oZa and NeZ HaPSsKire. COinton sougKt an adYantage oYer tKe 9erPont senator on FurEing gun YioOenFe. Sanders, Pean ZKiOe, tZiFe assaiOed tKe IorPer seFretary oI state Ior aFFeSting Eig Poney in sSeaNing Iees IroP :aOO Street, draZing soPe Eoos as he did so. HeaOth Fare ePerged as a PaMor diYiding Oine, SOaFing the Iuture oI 3resident %araFN OEaPa¶s heaOth Fare OaZ in the sSotOight. Just tZo hours EeIore the deEate, Sanders reOeased a SroSosaO that ZouOd Freate a ³0edi Fare Ior aOO´ heaOth Fare systeP Iunded Ey higher ta[es on PiddOe FOass IaPi Oies and the ZeaOthy. COinton Zarned that reoSening the heaOth Fare deEate ZouOd Sut OEaPa¶s heaOth Fare OaZ at risN. TraiOing in SreIerenFe SoOOs Ey a Zide Pargin, IorPer 0aryOand *oY. 0artin O¶0aOOey tried to enter into the FonYersation Zith Pi[ed resuOts. Here are soPe taNeaZays IroP Sunday¶s 'ePoFratiF deEate Tough talk: Sanders and COinton FaPe to the deEate stage Ooaded Zith stinging attaFNs Ior eaFh other ² and they Zere ready to use theP. 4uestioning her FoPPit Pent to SoOiFing e[Fess on :aOO Street, Sanders tZiFe inYoNed COinton¶s reFeiSt oI OuFratiYe sSeaNing Iees aIter OeaYing her Sost as seFre tary oI state in earOy 201. ³