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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1921)
RfeAD THAST OfefeCONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT: IS FURNISHED BX THREE SERVICES, A. P.2 U. P. AND. I. &fc ,L ; ,1 TEN PAGES V SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 EN PACES SECTION TWO PAGES7T0 10 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1921. . 4 t&z V: v ' " ...i:..zimr.rzi-". i . ' - - '" CAMBRIDGE-OXFORD FAIL TO BRING STAR MEN FOR MEET WITH IIARVARD-YALE JULY Z s- Americans Expect to Have Easy Time Defeating British Lads; Harmony on Yank Side Need CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 21. (T. N. S.) The Cambridge Oxford track toam, which arrived In thlH country recently for the purpose of meeting Harvard and Yale July 23, likewise. Princeton and Cornell, did not bring lt full strength, and therefore la tin. Jlkely to defeat the first Amerlcian combination. Mountain, the Wltlsh champion over the half mile: Butler, the (rreat sprinter, and .Montague, the crack distance star, are among the absentees. , Mountufn in a keen runner and should have scored first pluce In the 880-yard event. Captain Kasll Kudd, while admittedly a rnveet performer, Is bellev- lBie OUjeClS lO UOiiifi roti,,!,.,- Ing.thal either Khcdden or Hulman, of ! ' their staff, should share the h0111"" j Hr.nton Wlin KTOgnCSS, ine greill llillvmu mnr, .Vaiioiial league MhihI.imjh. I.. Trowbridge, of Oxford, out of the meet. Harvard noma mat tne rust Ht. Louis . Brooklyn ChiCHRO . Olne'nnatl and second place man In thin trial heal j',hlttrtppntt be chosen for the big gameH Irrespei tlve of their college. Thin should cause, a merry row If each aggregation sticks to Its belief. Klcven In Vale Kqiiud Kleven men. Including Captain Truman finrdincr, whose event l not on the international programme, are In the Yale squad P. It. CrjickHhank, hammer thrower: K. W. Siemens, M. K. Douglas. K. V. Vandorpylo- and F. W. llllllH, distance runners; Anton , Hylnian and Hubert Hhcdden, hurdl-j eis; S. If. Fetdmnn, dash man, and O. , W. Chapman and Tench t.'oxe. quarter j nillers. . . . Caritain Dennis F. O'fnnnell will noi be hnndlcapped by a Blight Pack in 4S . 8 .14 24 29 32 34 43 4." 46 SO American League Standings. New York . . Cleveland . . Washington Detroit .... Boston i6 47 4 3 40 31 32 4 5 47 47 48 C ret. j .63 I .fii !i j ,r,K5 i ,4!4 ; ".4K0 .4X9 a: ' ,2S3 : .640 . ' .r.ii ' .478' .400 .461 .4 43 .371 . n not expected to run both tho nunrtcr ; Jury which he received a few days ago, and half mile and win them. If Tom-j Coach William llinsham believes. On mlo Campbell 1h right Hudd U not very likely to win tho shorter event, despite the Olympic games showing where he won the 400 meters. The Yale man collapsed In that race Just as ho did In the Intercollegiate this year. Butler la the English college's pre mier 440 man, a member of the Cam bridge track team, and always a clone rival or CaptalnTtudd, of Oxford. Last year they ran a dead heat In the dual meet between the two colleges, but this year Butler put over a win on the nciri muni miitnii. imin in um.i ,t fine 100-yard man. Montague's tbest distance Is three miles, but he was listed for the two- mile race here. He is easily the bent I a,pr' runner at his distance overseas. Porfett Harmony Xetwary Tho Harvard and Yale team may Iron out their troubles now that the Britons are here. The same antipathy that Yale holds for Harvard when they meet In the regular season seems un ih shoulders of the Iwo-tlmes Mar vard leader and Tom Campbell, of Yale, in the half trille and the mile, lies much of the responsibility if the Englishmen are to be sent home de feated. O'Connell, although defeated In the Inter-collegiates, ran the best mile of his career In finishing a shade over 4 minutes 21 seconds. r.Titos ntovr; hoxfkt. HOHN'EU-, X. Y., July 21. Ninety nine out of every hundred In the Cnit ed States and everyody In Hornell is honest, according to Charles 8. Pmith, 1 manager of a local moving picture the- St. Lou is 41 Chicago 3!) 4 9 Philadelphia 33 54 American AsKcsHutlon HcsiHt. MineajmliK 5, Columbus 3. Milwaukee 3, Indianapolis 5. , St. Paul II, Toledo 7. Kansas City. I 9, Louisville 10. Western League HcsiiIIm. Wichita 4, St. Joseph 0. Joplln 9, Omaha 3. Oklahoma City 6, Oes Moines 5. Tulsa 14. Sioux City I. Pacific Coast League Siandiuss. W. L. Pet San Francisco 68 Sacramento 63 Oakland 60 Seattle 09 Ixs Angeles 56 Vernon 5 4 Salt Lake 35 Port land 24 7 Yesterday's Itesiilts. At Snn Francisco 5, Portland At Los Angeles 6, Seattle 5. At Sacramento 6, Vernon 2. At Salt Lake 7. Oakland 17. h::i i'rt''''' i1'1 '"' '"l!:'Aw.1!.. MS"1' rr? ,f Kyainer oays 41 45 44 45 46 54 67 624j .583 ; 677 567 549 j 500 ! 343 I 237 i I'll go along as I am! "Of course I'll go to the movies if I can be comfortable. These Casco summer shoes are as light and comfortable as any house shoe, but they are smart enough ii appearance to wear anywhere in vacation. They look good, feel good and I don't have to fuss with changing." Every member of the family can get a lot more real en joyment out of the summer afternoons and evenings with Hood Casco Bals. They are light, easy and cool, stylish in appearance, and give excellent wear. Note their superior construction and examine the Hood patented pneumatic heel "You walk on air." CfsJt any dealer or write us. Hood Rubber Products Co., fnc. Watertown, Massachusetts. -HOOD CONROY'S CASH GROCERY PAY CASH AND PAY LESS. SOAP SPECIAL THIS WEEK $1.40 4ol YVliJrn r0r . i.u Vjijaiai iiioiv, D 1 w 12 Peets Bath Tablets or cream uu $2.60 FOR. $1.85 6 No. 2 Cans Van Camps Pork and Beans. . $1.00 12 Lbs. Sugar "" 12 Lbs. Head Rice J-"" 16 Best Crepe Toilet Paper Olympic Pancake Flour, large package, each. . due Wessons Oil 35c, 6oc and $U0 A new policy has heen Inaugurated at the theatre Smith manaaes. There are. nd ticket sellers or takers in the; lohhy. All persons are admitted free. ' Alter visiting the show they walk to the door where a box with a slot In It . has heen Installed. If they liked the j nhnt.d vn nn. rfmmli. th fact thev I performance they drop thirty cents In are to be team males against Cam-hhebox. There Is no attendant to stop j hrldee and Oxford. Perfect harmony j the patrons If they don t care to drop , Is nooessarv if the meet is to be won. the money In the box. There is a girl , Despite Harvard's invitation tho Yale stationed in a little booth Just inside, men have come to the Stadium for the lobby to provide change for tnoj very few workouts with their Harvard I patrons who want the correct amount. stablematts. The Klls have chosen to ! -Manager Smith says that practically 1 make the trip from their bench qunr- I nil the theatre patrons pay. The only , ters when the Harvard team was apt (ones who don'l drop their money in- , to be engaged elsewhere. to the box. according to Smith, are the The trial race to determine the pair! ones dissatisfied with the show. that will competn rfgalnst tho-Hritish r hurdlers will be held shortly. It is not Farmers" wives determined whether Whitney, of Hsr- worms, vard, will be allowed to take part. In this ran in try keep poultry. mm ATHLETIC SPORTSHO UK KLIN". July 21. ( P.y Frank K. Mason, I. N. S. Staff Correspondent.) Germany is advertising herself as a nation wilh a "yellow strejik," is the hitler complaint of K. (i. (jot in the j Hamburger Fremdenhlatt. "lo you know the Rnglish expression 'yellow streak."" demands llerr (iot. "You can rrndlly find It In the lOnglisli Germun ilictionary. It means a cow ard at heart. "The German national assembly do- In Japan rear silk creed that upon the demand of any tust ns women on our farms ! u. , The Hood Athletic ii a prime favorite With active, real boyi in city, town and country. Suction iolei that prevent slipping. Sport trimmed and made to rjr. The Hood Process puts all parts to gether to stay. Make your boy happy with a pair of Hood, Athletics. Big men and little men want sport trimming on their play shoes. The SporUhu is red trim med, red corrugated sole a splendid shoe at a moderate price. And how the little folks like their looks. Ask for Hood Sporuhu. .......MiHttiiiitmiimilllllllllllr "iHiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii!UiimimimiHH"'" : s f CASTLE GATE I EGG COAL THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER CLEAN AND UNIFORM f B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituu iiiiiiimiiiiiiiumumiiiimmmimiiiiumi PHONE , FIVE FOR j FUEL i Fi must hoist a flag wilh a broad yellow streak through fhe middle. He must . not only show the yellow streak to was a passenger December T. I1)1!" 'e suffered a severe cold, which later da- eloped Into bronchitis. An alleged opening at the side of bJs ! beilli is the defecl claimed. PLATE LUNCH RIETH HOTEL 25c QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Warm Weather Needs Drive dull care to the showers-" lock up the old stove and eat Nature's own warm weather foods. Watermelon, Canteloupes, Cherries, Blackberries, Loganberries, Peaches or Pears will put you right. You wouldn't wear an overcoat now would you? Then do not burn up your system every day with hot foods. Pendleton Trading Co. ' PhOTVe 455 ' At the WRn of Service MIf It's on the Market We Have It" every foreign warship, but raise It be-. fore every foreign fortification when ; he comes Into the harbor." The national assembly changed the Imperial black-white-red flag to the republican black-gold-red banner. The change In the national colors has been the subject of bitter comment by the royalists, who explain: "Gold is for the past, red for the present and black for the future." llerr Got sees In the gold stripe a yellow streak. "Our flag will be 'the flag with the vellow streak' to everyone who under stands the Knglish language, which means most of the murine world. I: will be considered the symbol of a people who are cowards at heart. The stripe stares the world in the eye, the stripe which from every flagstaff pro j claims that Germany is a democratic land Incidentally a coward folk. How llouff will It he until this coward peo ple tear the yellow stripe from their struek, Mr. Humphreys observes, are flag and from their hearts.' , m)t 11S u,.,,. as u,M. taken by dally riders oti si reel cars. There are more than one hundred accidents on street ' cars durn; a year, but the tnlal num her of r'des per year by the country's population reduces the percentage, of i chance ."There is actual danger in thunder storms," declares Humphreys, "enough to warrant the individual taking ordinary precautions. Rut there is no justification for the fear experienced by the average person when the flash and noise (.f the storms come.'" He advises pecking shelter, prefera bly in a steel-frame building. if in the open, keep away from barbed-wire fences Isolated trees and hilltops. 11 V M. tn fi t M. Pally. The first known moving picture ir t SKXDW - l'ronrietor camera was made In 1X90. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE , Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diaeaeep of Women. X-Ray ElectrtS Therapeutics. Temple Bldg. Prions 41 Boom 12. WASHINGTON, July 21. (I. N. S.) When the lightning flashes and the thunder booms your chance of being struck Is Just one in" a million. That is the expert opinion express ed by W. J. Humphreys of the Seismo logical ileraitm. tit of the weatner bureau. Figure it out one hundred million people in the counti y "and. an annual lightning death roll of not more than 100. 1 iocs it make any difference whether you live in one part of the country or another? Get this: On the I'acific coast records show that the annual thunderstorm sched ule provides for rarely more than two or three performances. In the south. rioi ida especially, thunder storms are much more frequent, but less danger ous, because f the fact that the clouds usually travel higher in that section. The chances one runs of being SAYS r. s. is vxni:u oiu.iga-tions. WASHINGTON", July 21. (f. P. I Secretary Melon told the senate fi- nance committee that- the. 1'iiitrtd i States government considers itself j "under obligations" to the foreign na Uions to defer interest payments of ! their debt. FORD The Universal Car npnipnttier that when yon hrlivr your l YinT onr lo us for me. rlianlcal ntlcniton that you (ret tho genulno l-ortl sorvlco, ma terial, experienced workmen nn7 lord niclorjr prices. Your IVnl is loo nxeftil, too valuable to take chances with xmr nie chanlcs. wilh equally poor quality materials. Hrlnir it to us ami save both time and money. , We are authoriwM Ford dealers, (rusted hy the lord lotor Co, to look after Hie wants of IXml owners. Thai's the assurance we offer. We are getting a few Pord cms and the first come, first to receive delivery. ., im llM Have you thought about that Sedan or Coupe for this fall and winter? They nre mlghly comfortable a ifd coz.y when the wind blows and the rain Is falling. Gome In and look them over nnd place your order In advance so that wo can he sure of ordering enough to go around. This will be the closed car year. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 Water & Johnson St. Service I i - . , i M htW ! TTohoes thai- make W m "Utile Pals" will kcrp vnur children's feet sliaprlv duiiiiR tile fornmiive vears o that thrv will not sutfer from foot atlmriiTs at maturity, "Ue parents are coming to our store every dav for the-e dependable lioes, "Utile Pal" hainK been en liuintic.illv recommended to them bv other sati-fied parents. It's a fact that "Utile PaN" ttive praeticallv donhle wear because iliev are solid, Pennine lraiher; v Thry'rr mnJr th-'ir ?:viy ly the iiiy they're tmitlt rendlcton's landing Store. "Built forllard Use and Abuse Little Pals JUVENILE FOOTWEAR. i:ri"F.I.O. July 21. tl". P.) Due t,i the number of increasing bank rob beries thrnnubout the lTnl'cd stM'.;. liuffalo banking institutions have in stalled many safely devices to insure against robbery. Sharpshooters armed with automat ic rifles, barricaded in an armor plate cage above the corrhh-r of the federal reserve bank, are on guard to frustrate possible attacks by armed hand. is. The "pill box" contains seven loop holes and looks like a world war iVni fication. Any point in the bank is a target for the man In the cage. Additional night guards have been placed in banks anil they are now arm ed with s.ived-off shol guns. l'esides visible means of warding off attacks the banks have Installed secret appl ances lliat would bring police in stantly to tbe bank where an altacK was made and other appliances that would trap tbe robbers. si i s pi i i.m .x to. nut ooi.n. . WOItCKSTKI!. Mass., July 21. Tho Pullman Company of Itoston is defend ant in an unusual tMiao suit, filed in the superior court by Nathan .lasen, of Worcester, who claims that because of x defect in a Pullman car In which he The APPEARANCE of your printed stationery reflects the character of your business FIRST impressions are usually lasting, and you should no more think of representing your busi ness with ill-arranged, poorly printed stationery than with an uncouth, inexperienced salesman. The psychological effect would be the same. THE SNAP and vitality of our "distinctive" print ing registers instant approval. Ask a user. SHIFT your printing troubles over to our shoulders they are a burden to you a pleasure to us. H-Eastfe(OreAonian) Pendleton's Best Job Printers Telephone 1 lat Oivgonian Itblg. Owner Mnin anil Wehh St. i