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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1921)
TEHPA0E3 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONAAY EVENINO, APRIL 4; 1021. T...m s-1 ' i - II , II piano duet by Miss Vivian Warn- of J 1 sml Miss tttirharn Lieimllen, a read-1 at T for I h past we k 1. 1. Hemming. day on a mtr tour of i-jiMrrn on business and pleasure. he Methodist Ladles' Aid last night he reception rooms of the church. ' Hexidea a farce, "The Ladles' Aid So- clty," the prottram Included a piano duet by Mis Vivian Warner and Mix Barbara Ueunllen; a rending-, "When Hessie and I Were Out." by Mtm. UK-HAttliXOK HKTritNS. I a i m iMM,,Wm returned Pa'-I rr and Miss t.fday 'from Portland where she visited. ; In. When U.-ssie and I Were Out." Ith nor Dtoi nrr, 1 m .n. , . j. .-m imim,,, ..'" jliu. "W hen fusy and 1 Made Vp." i Mrs. AMxTt Kcklund. a vocal duet. i mm I "Somenhere a Volt e in Calling:." by Mr, l.r. f 1: I fit ... . .... .. jun .4,,.., t.l Clnplintnn- itiinlhdr PAfirilnir "Whl Mr. and Mrs. Maim, e I,.1cr left .-, nmt r . ,,. ""'- - - V, . " ,7 , .; V" iircaon;ov .miss riun nu --ti,,t jt",, w. ........ ...... . .... . violin it.lo hv J. l. Ross; a readinn by ihcklnnd; a vocal duet, "somewnore a ! i;.iiiii,l Rhode, a vocal nolo. "The! Voice Is Calling." by Mr. and Mra. T. ' ,.,- 1 .MWs" i.v Mrs. Caldwell, and ! H. Ilemboldl; a piano duct by Miss ", .v... v..iin .on : K.mio ,.lo. hv Miss ltuth HenJnmtn. iFn'th and Deliirht Snyder;- n violin no of lH'lth, wcie Pendleion visitors Kri-j !v Tliev recently came l Ricth ' P.N;"E TO UK KVKXT f,m Tl, rmlles io reside. fi.K-.fty Is .imicipaitn the Klks for Mrs. W. When t vi.iTtns ix riTV Mr. Alary Harvey nnd Mrs. Flor. Dunne, formerly of thts city, no tiC Comillle. (in'Bon. spent Sunday visit ing rendleion friend. lo by J. D. Rose; a reading by Itosa- i llnd Uohde, a vocal solo, "The Svvnl- I t-... .... i ,,i,, ,tln th Kits for-! lows" hv Mrs Caldwell .and a banjo J mal l :iil to be given tomorrow night in i solo, by Miss Ruth Penjnmln. 'the Klks' club. Several dinner parties' lhave been planned for the hours pre- RXTRB XOCS CLIP. MEKTS cetliiiK the dance, among them one for; For a meeting of the Kntre Nous ahich Mr. and Mrs. Charles llond wllijciub, Mra. E. J. Matthewson was hos be hosts. The guests will ' number ; tess on Saturday to members and a fe ihiriv. additional Rucsts at her homo on Court street. rrcsT tor i.rxcHEOx guests Mrs. J. T. Richardson. on returned Saturday morning- after a visit In Portland. i Four tables were In play dur ing' the afternoon, high score for the Invited Kitests falling to Mrs. B. M. Huntley while Mrs. Fred Hennlon re r; pests of MRS. richap.pson Mr and M in. Harlei Richardson, Ia Orande spent the week-end as the Mrs. C J. Proughton, of Dayton, it. ii..ha-rnn'a mn nr I Hf.-ni!icion. arrived uu.v iu ins nit- Mrs. Richard- cuest of Mrs. O. M. Rice. Mrs.iceiven ntgn nonors im" ino ciuj ltr,,,ivht.,n will attend the bridge members. Invited guests otner tnnn hutuheons to be iriven at the Rice home club members were Mrs. Robert Simp- 1 tomorrow and Wednesday with Mrs. son. Mrs. Herbert Oreen, Mra. Ray M. Rice. Mrs. Lyman Rice. Mrs. C.J Hester, Mrs. Walter Adams, Mrs. Wes ! 8 Jerard and Mrs. K. B. Aldrich as ley Matlock, Mrs. Frank KlncAid. Mrs. Old Monk Olive Oil I'Hst rrrwiim ti:rott from J"raiui. Ablutol Um lHit for table or iihhIIi'IiuiI mh 1 -'UO-M 45 to $t.S0 SfuJimoniK. direct Import order, foclnU Un 1-YtMicl' V'nti. n higher Ihan ilonutitU', t n North Siur tilanLrcra, mlxctl vtwtublm for itahul, tin. Re rmlicrto, Tomato Sauce, special buy, by the doen t;MiitSu l itiiiM ntluiler Swiss IHocmo to urrlvc, pound. . In ported Roquefort fm l-lntH-c. pound IYcsh Ranch Emits, doen . I'YCMh Rniitli Hiitler, a lmuml roll X. (. S. Kitchen Cleaner, 1k. ;..'..... riortw. Ilottlc ...500 , . . S.V" . . ,ao ,.$.a .$12S ..II.T5 ; . .Mo ...HSo . . .400 . . 35c Parsons' Uoiwliolil Ananonlft, iarB. Our s!.h k Is most .s.mplcto nnd It uttll M you to Investl. sate Mtr pricess. We buy right uul sell rlKlit. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. LADIES A1P HAVE IT.iXjr.AM An enjoyable pnieram was present ed by members of the North side divt fon of ihe Methodist Indies Aid Fri day night at the reception rooms of the church. Besides a Tarce, "The lJi e.ifn Aid Society," the program includ- hostesscs. I-VlUFt A1P HAVE PROGRAM. An enjoyable program was presented by members of the North Side division iks s ii o r W t Jvj ioi H. H. Hattcry and Airs. Huntley. NEW - JERSEY SPORT JACKETS Another shipment of those pop ular Jersey Sport Jackets in colors of navy, brown, rookie, tan, Copen, scarlet and Kelly green; excellent values $9.50, $10.50, $12.50 and $15.75 THE SHOP OF BETTER VALUES cd Art iipi Tf vr.ii are laekincr in ambition, get tired too easily, "wind" not as good as it ought to be, you need a tonic a system builder, something to restore ambition, strength, and "wind." f ML Sarsaparilla Ionic '. will do this, or we will refund your money. We guarantee it to overcome the things that have drained your vitality, to help put your blood in shape, and aid m repairing the waste and in bringing back the healthy functions of -every organ. , . . Don't put it off, thinking you will feel better in a few days. Be on the safe and healthy side by at once taking our advice and advantage of our guarantee. We tell you that Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic will aid to make your blood richer and purer, your nerves stronger, your eye brighter, your complextion better, your muscles more elastic and tireless, and we take all the risk in proving it. A bottle containing 128 adult doses costs $1.20. Sold only at IHE PBIDLETI DRUG CO. PARTY IS C1IVEN As a surprise for Mrs. R M. Plant ing, who celebrated here seventieth blrthiWiy yesterday, a number- -of friends called Friday night at her home, 417 Logan. The guests brought refreshments, a feature being a cake with seventy randies. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pell, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Peining, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Knbusk, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. John Molstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Enbysk. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred f omppl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eli Enhysk, Mr. and Mrs. John Planting, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ra stilla. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wulman, Mrs. Margaret Molstrom Mr. Walter Planting, Mr. Tngeprit Holmgren, Sign Planting. Mabel Narkaus, Myrtle En bysk. ''Edna Enbysk, Sylvia Christo pher, Hazel Wolman, Mildred Plant ing, Elreta Rastilla, .Edith Somppl, Helled Somppl, Clarence Planting, Enrl Planting. Erwin Planting, EldonJ Molstrom, Floyd Wolman, Francklyn Christopher, Ethel Enbysk and Selma Enbysk. TO PE DEVOTED TO PEXDLETON Because Pendleton Is the convention city for the annual convention of the S-tdte Federation of Women's Clubs, to meet here May 31 and June 1. 2 an.l 3 the next Issue of the Clubwomen's Bulletin, the official organ of the state federation, will be a Pendleton num ber. One of the features of the conven tion will be the singing of the Oregon state song, and members of the various clubs has been requested t know the song for community singing. Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor has requested that delegates familiarlzo themselves with the song. Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, president of the general federation, the national or. sanitation of clubwomen, will be pres ent at the convention and will speak on June 1. Mrs. Ida B. tananan, president of the Btate federation, is chairman of the program committee. The clubs are stressing child welfare and Americanization. The convention will be marked by election of officers, and for this reason, a large number of delegates will prob ably attend. So far, no political pre dictions have been made and a quiet election is predicted. CASTS ARE ANNOUNCED Members of the Thursday Afternoon Club are at work on rehearsals for two comedies, "The Well of the Saints." by Syngs, and "Spreading the News," by Lady Gregory, to be presented at the State Hospital auditorium Thursday afternoon, April 28. Mrs. Frank Boy den' and Mrs. Willard Bond will be hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. Wilson D. McNary Is directing the plays. The cast for "Spreading the News," Is as follows: "Barclay Fallon," Mrs. Heorge Hartman: "Mrs. Fallon," Mrs. I Harold Warner; "Jack Smith," Mrs. I William Lowell; "Shawn Earley." Mrs. j Willard Bond; "Tim Casey," Mrs. D. D. Hobart; "James Ryan," Mrs. G. W. ! Phelps; "Mrs. Tarpey," Mrs. Benja itnin L. Burroughs; "Mrs. Tully," Mrs. Clarence TVhlteman; policeman, Mrs. ;Gu Boyden; a removable magistrate, Mrs. John Hlalley. I For "The Well of the Saints." the least is "Martin Doul,". Mrs. Brooke i Dickson; "Mary Doul," Mrs. A. L. Schaefer; "Timmy," the Smith, Mrs. Benjamin S. Burroughs; "Molly Byrne." Miss Beth Smith; "Bride," Mrs. Buy Boyden; "Mat Simon." Mrs. Alfred LockwoodT the Saint, Miss Edna Gates. 3 Phones 28 "artists wed ; 10 -'jj I 8MsW vl sMiiftss Only 1 Quality the Bert THE THOMAS SHOP pi parlment are tlll anxo"slv n."Utlr the arrival of the new fire truck, It It expected during the mglti, oavli.n left Pocatello last evening, and It Is believed It will he here ready for de livery tomorrow morning. A romance which began when they met month ago culminated in the marriage of Eddy Brown, noted American Tioliniat, and Hallna Bruzovna, famous Polish actress. They wre married in Mew York. JAPAN SKMkS TROOPS TOSmEBIA TOKIO, April 4. (U. 1'.) Japan will send 10, 000 additional troops to Siberia, starting April . according to a statement In the newspaper Nichl Nlchl. Card of Thanks We desire to extend to the many kind friends nnd especially the mem bers of the American Legion, our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the beautiful floral offerings and kindness during our sad bereavement. FRANK VLHICH BALFR I'LRICH HINDERMAN FAMILY. Card of Thank . , We wish to express our sincere ap preciation to the many kind friends for their sympathy and kindness shown during- our bereavement and loss of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Olive Harrison. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings receiv ed. JOHN 11 HARRISON', AND FAMILY. MISS SALISBURY HONORED A group of friends were asked to the home cf Mrs. W. F. Matlock on Satur day evening to meet Miss Salisbury, talented young singer who Is a student at Whitman College and who has been visiting here. Miss Salisbury's songs proved de lightful as she has a lyric soprano of unusual quality. In addition, Miss Margaret Aune played a piano solo, Miss Lois Swaggart gave a reading, "Friendship," Mrs. Wade Privett sang "The Rosary," and Miss Pauline Mima pave E!ugene fteia s poem, oeeui Things At Night," and Mrs. William .Mays gave "The Little Old Dug-out on the Claim." All the numbers were decidedly enjoyable. Later the guests sang old-fashioned songs, with U Mak ers and Joseph H. Scott as leaders, and then enjoyed a few hours of dancing in the spacious rooms of the Matlock home. A delicious supper was served. WILL ATTEND CONVENTION Representing the Degree of Honor of Pendleton Mrs. M. A. Ross, Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Kyle Long are in Portland attending the state conven tion of the order. BENEFIT PARTY APRIL 15. t Members of the Delphian Club are making plans for a benefit card party to be given Friday, April 15, In the li brary club room. The proceeds are to be used toward defraying the expenses of the convention of the Stute feder ation of Women's Clubs, to be held here May 31, June 1, 2 and 3. Each member of the club Is to be respon sible for one table. VISITOR FROM LA GRANDE Miss Mabel Hcrsinger of La Grande formerly of this city is the house guest ot Miss Alice Forshaw. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Halters J-oiind . Two halters were found under Col- Suits, Goats and Dresses Se our wonderful showing for Spring. Garments that arc individually different yet not expensive Every day brings forth words of praise from those who view our display of beautiful Coats, Suits and Dresses. We-have been assured that our garments are not only ahead in style but that they excel . in Quality of Fabric, Beauty and Value of any shown in the city at their prices.. We invite you to come and see them today. J Mn Warehouse. Owner may have same by calling at Sheriffs office and identifying. II I. . F3k Attention The Easter Ball given by the local Elka lodge "will be held Tuesday even ing at p. m. Admission (3.00. Visit. Inir brothers cordially Invited as guests of the lodrTc. COMMITTEE. FOR SALE A real bargain, model Moon touring wire wheels entr Miller i-ord equipment splendid condition Inquire ownor, O. E. Prcs ton, Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton, Ore. FOR RIWT--Two furnished apart menta. Call White Doughnut Lunch IIJ W. Alta. WANTED Board and room for elder. ly man. will require some care Ad dress "10" this office. FOR RENT 3 room apartment In basement, partly furnished on north side Phone "95-W. mmmmmMmkwmm lllluiiiiuiiiiimiimiiimiiiiuuiM""" lliiilliiiiii 1 1 For Sale BLUE SPRING BARLEY. ALFALFA SEED CHICK FOOD ROLLED BARLEY ROLLED OATS. BULLA FLOUR & Mil CO. Phone 1014-351 MISS TODD WEDS DR. HOLT Unusually charming in detail was the wedding of Miss Virginia Cottur. Todd and Dr. G. E. Holt, solemnized on Saturday evenin at Hermiston at the home' of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Todd. Flowers and ferns banked the fire place where the bride and groom took their places for Hie reading of the im pressive ring ceremony by Rev. Georgo U Clark, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Pendleton. Miss Fannie Tcdd was her sister's attendant and Logan Todd, brother of the bride, was best man. The bride looked lovely In a wedding gown of lace and white rharmotise, with touches of silver, and her veil, of rare old lace, was worn on her tandmother's wedding day seven ty vears ago. Miss Todd carried a thower bouquet of roses and orchids. About twenty guests were present for the ceremony and for the wedding supper which followed. Pink and white snapdragons were used In the dining room and cnndles In antique sil ver candelarbra cast a mellow light on the ic cne. The bride is very popular In Pendle ton and In Hermiston and Is a membei I of an old Southern family. Dr. Hon 'it pron.inent in his profession and Is a graduate of the Ameriian College o Osteovathy. Kirksvllle, Illinois. Dur ing the war he served overseas In the medlcHl corps. After a short wedding trip to Portland the young couple will make their home In Pendleton and it ic duilcilvd at the Security $5 1 Down Sale KITCHEN CABINETS "The Best Servant in Your I Jo use" Track Sftt Ilrro Yet . MmT of the PnrHftnn fir de- YOUNG GIRL FINDS RELIEF Wants to Tell Other Girl. All About It f FVansville. Ind. "I am eighteen years old and have been bothered for several monuis wim irregular periods. Every month my back would ache and I nlways had a cold and felt drowsy and sleepy. 1 work in a millinery shop and I went to work every day, but feit stupid and would have such cramps. I had seen Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound advertised and had heard several women talk of it, so mother got me gome. This Vegetable Compound is wonderful and it helped me very much, so that during my periods I am not now sick or drowsy. I have told many girls about your medicine and would be glad to help anyone who is troubled with similar ailments. You may use my tes timonial as you like."-STF.ix Lmx wn.EB.6 Second St.,Evansville, Indiana. Some girls lead lives of luxury, while others toil for their livelihood, but all are subject to the same physical laws and surfer in proportion to their viola tion. When such symptoms develop as irregularities, headaches, backaches, bearing-down sensations and "the bluea," girls should profit by Miss Linx wiler's experience and give Lydia E, finkbftin'a Vegetable Compound a trul. FREE TO EACH PUR CHASER OF A SELLER A 12 piece set of alumi num wear, guaranteed for twenty years. Free! Free! Free! Free! ji I, etutns special E-3 1 i3 Think of it! During this Sale only $5.00 bring the ; Superb Sellers Kitchen Cabinet to your home. j Then you enjoy all its conv enierices while you are making y the remaining very easy payments. The Sellers is today acknowledged by thousands of house- wives and by prominent Domestic Science Experts to be the "World's Most Convenient Kitchen Cabinet." It is the only cabinet having the "Fifteen Famous Features" w i t h o u t which no kitchen cabinet can be a REAL convenience. These 15 long wanted improvements include the exclus ive Automatic Lowering Flour Bin; the Automatic Base Shelf Extender; the Dust-Proof Top ' underneath the Porceliron' Work Table; Ant-Proof Casters, etc. . REMEMBER ONLY5.6o BRINGS A SELLERS TO YOUR HOME DURING THIS SALE. CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. 5 "itlliimiMIIIIIM'MIilll"lIMH"""",l"","'"l'M"" IIMlllllillUllllUIIIUlUIUlitUlllllHUUIilllllUUIUIUIIilllllillllUllallUlll MinnMiiimiMimiWIIWmW lliMlllllllilliWitlM Apartment.