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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1921)
THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRE '. . y-.? ''' - , ,, i II", "!''. ' ... '" "-"-"'''" 'itf- . mmjn . .j.u.l .1 1. 1 1 1. DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Munibr of aopiee printed of yesterday'! D.illv 3,311 Thle paper I mcmlia of and audited by tbt Audit Bureau of Circulations. The F OregnnUn ' F.ater Oro on' (greatest newppf and filing force gives tn the drtlr or twice the guaranteed Pni circu lation In Pendleton nd rmalilla ooua ty of c.ny other nwpper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPE2 VOL. 32 1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20, 1921 NO. 9729 STATE CHAN: fOF COMMERCE ENDORSED BILL LOOKING TO FEDERAL AID REGARDING COLUMBIA BASIN POWER BOND MIX-UP IS New Ordinance Passed by Council Provides for Bonds CORRECTED NEW SALE REQUIRED in ArrnrH With Prntkinnc. nf .resolution proposing negotiations be in Mccara wun rrovisions ui (wwn ..,, WaUlll 0l.eut Ilrit. xi. . ; l i - a u me uiy cnarier. HEALTH CONDITIONS IN CITY DISCUSSED New Rubbish Ordinance Con templated; Audit of City! Books up to Start of Present j Administration Wanted. The ordinance authorizing-the Issu ance of 12,2,000 In iiO-year, ( per cent bonds for fire apparatus hiuI piny- I grounds was declared llivulid, repeal- eil mid replaced by an ordlnunce In I conformity with the city charter, hint i night at the weekly meeting of tho city counlcl. The new bonds will have j to be 20-30 year type, drawing 5 per cent Interest. They will lie Issued n aoon rm the advertisements can be placed and biili received and accepted. The bonds roled Hi the general elec tion and purchased by Caratcns Knrlea Co., of Portland, cannot be la aued. The certified check of the com pany, placed with the city recorder as a Kuttrnntee of good faith, was ordered returned to them following the action of the council. City's ilea llh A Problem Pehdlelon'a health was the other outstanding feature of a busy session. Dr. F. K. Hoyden, new city physician, appeared before tho' council to recom tnend, ua had bin predecessor In bin annual report, that Ihe tlsy take steps to provide an,lolation hospital or suit able building for the handling of con-.the tagioUH diseases. Deplorable conditions were pictured by the physician. Smallpox is running rampant In Pendlton and Its spread is apparently unchecked, owing to the lack of proper facilities for isolating cases. It waa declared. In the crowded condition of many houses, the main- tenanco of an effective quarantine Is declared almost Impossible. A vote of confidence and of support Wa given the physician by the coun cil. A committee was also appointed to work with him In retard to settle ment of the Isolation hospital Idea. Manuel Kriedly, Claud Penlund and Robert Hlmpson were named on this committee. ' An additional paid fireman for the ed to the council, by the committee which hud had In hit ihik-mkm'oh for n Week, tho unniiul report of Chief W. K. T? !tiir..).1 ITU. a. ,lni.i I,.h r -..t A itiiinoiiii a mu atiutitoi vi 1110 dihic t fire marshal's report on Pendleton and ! ... , . ,. ' , , of the chiefs annual reports were re- ; .mmnrtn.i -n.i u..e .i , of adding a fireman was left In the hands of tho finance committee. Kxtenslon of the ordinance prohl- j 1'ii.iiik ruuuinu on mr pueu mreein in the city to Include all streets was r-ulor ,,, Wlu)hinBton, charged that uuested. The city attorney was order- '(jlfi international mercantile marine ed to draw amnedmenU to the present j cora,lanv, tt American shipping corn ordinances covering the point. The ronll-0Ung forty vessels leased matter of posting notices on this mat- i r,.,(m ,,, H)l)iT1R )ol'ir,i, ,olmd by Icr was left to the street committee j nn alrpOWCI1t cu,rcd into with the with power to act. ! ltritih government Jn 1908 to pursue The audit of Pendleton's city ac-..... nn,i.,.. inlm-lous to the Ilrltlsh counts, which 'came up a week ago. I ,,.. nnr murlne or of liritish trade." wna held over for another week for i-rcsldent Franklin of the Inlerna ronslderatlon before taking action. ,;nil jiercntlle Marine, attacked the The officials feel that the audit is nec- I jncs charges. To support his charge-, essary but nrn not Inclined to hurry Jones aid an agent of the shipping the matter without due consideration. '. ,card had named Andrews, formeiiv Tho controversy over allowing I. U. i employed by the International Sler Johnson to erect a wooden structure ' cantlle Marine, had opposed the es on property within the ftre limits j tabllslnneiit of the American shipping brought to the attention of the coun- ; ell recently by C. H. Riidil, was not settled lust night, tho fire committee asking for an extension of time In j w hich to decide on this. The commit- i teo recommended that u permit be Issued to Edwin E. Nelson trustee, for Iho repair of the building which Is to - house the Nye.Wurd Store on Main street, ' , LONDON', Jan. 20. (IT. p.)"lm portant documents" were seised In a laid on Sinn Fein centers throughout London early today. Scotland Yard unnounced the search was made for firms and ammunition, hut none whs reported found. The. raid was one of the most extensive In recent months, The raid Is reported to hae been adjoining nieuth country. Caricatures determined upon following rumors cf of "President" De Vnlera are used by n widespread plot of property ileslruc- the crown forces in new warnings of tiim. Tho police and secret agents property punishment. Posted on the . visited homes and meeting places In doors in county Oalway are rarlca TlnyKwater, Harnsbury, jnddlngtoii, tnres showing De Valera with blood Htepney, Kastham and Hanwell. flushing from his mouth and ears anc. - . revolvers pointed at both temples. PORTLAND, Jun. 20. (A. P.) Itelow the heading was the warning: Cattle steady, bog. lower $1 1.60. "Murderers Remove this card and slicop slow, eggs, butter weak. Iho house (jogs up." FOREIGN,KELATIONS COMMITTEE MAKES REPORT RESOLUTION Instead of Original Proposal for 50 Per Cent Reduction Report Calls for Negotiati ons With Two Powers. WASHINGTON, Jun. 20. (A. P.) J tie senate foreign relations com mlttec reported favorable on Ilorah'H aln and Jiipiin for reduction of naval building. Ill lieu of I he original pro posal that negopullons look to a re duction of filly percent for five yearn, jthe committee proposed the nogntl j aliens provide such reductions as tun j be agreed upon. I E I , T i Kvidcnce that new shoes offered for Six Travelers Have Miraculous! salo here by Frank Kvans, George Escape From Serious Injury H'"''"""'-'', " J"""'9 'v,7 Howe f J ' jwere stolen from cars while in trun- When Car Tangles in Barbed sit, today resulted in the tKsu.inee of Wirp and Tiirrlg Ovpr ' wlUTnnU "," "f ,he v- 8 Marshal's wire ana xurns uver. j ofnce , pnrlianiS fr t1Pi,. arrest. The , ; men are all in custody In Pendleton, Not so much an a scratch was re- i celved by any of the six occupants of! tho Pilot Rock stage this morning when the machine while going up the grade near Pendleton crashed from tho road into a ditch, became entagled with u barb wire fence and then turned completely over. The accident was due to faulty Mcering gear. In the machine were Kanoho 8tuh bleficld, who was driving the car to Pilot Hock from Pendleton, J. D. Kirk, of t'klah, Johnnie Utng and three commercial travelers. The car was badly wrecked, with damage done to wheels, windshield, top, etc.. but occupants had no difficulty tn ex- jtrlcntlng theniselvea from the debris. :a the 'machine landed right side up , after Its acrobatic turn, j Luggage owned by the passengers suffered more Injury than did the men themselves. . Mr. Kirk's suitcase was badly battered and the top was partly torn off. ! IN SALE OF VESSELS WASHINGTON, Jan. 2I. i'A. P.)- :V. ,h",,".n" b,r,J"h,,,".d "'.'l ; ly In anything It does in connection jwlth the sales policy for government : vessel now in force, Chairman Henson . - . , 4 , ., . .l,.,.. h nuu - lne association convention. 'The .... i i. ,..., i ik. opport unltst may proclaim now Is the time to get out of the shipping busi ness," salil Pension, "this might be .true If we wore not charged by law to ! establish a permanent merchant ma- ,., ,.. A,ri,.., riinr Snn from New York to Knglund on the ground It would Injure the liritish lines. Franklin said "wo never hud a man by that name," and asked for fur ther Information. Jones then asked to l.e excused saying he was compelled to return-to tho senate. !N IRISH BOMB ATTACK 111'HLIN, Jan. '2U. (P. . P.) Light men and women were wounded : In three bomb attacks directed at the police Into last night and early today. The military devised a "human screen" following a sudden spurt of fighting. A proclamation posted throughout the city declared that known "rebels" will be carried in 'every lorry patrolling Dublin or the FAVORING RORAII WITH AMENDMENT - j J0NES CHARGES THAT ENGLISH INFLUENCES FIGHT -U. S. SHIPS WASHINGTON', Jan. 20. ft'. P.) Charge that an agent of the Pniled States whipping board has disapproved of the cstubllsh ment of tho American. snip line out of Newark, N. J., because "it would Injure the business of the liritish lilies railing out of New York," ws made by Senator Jones of Washington, In a speech at the opening convention of the National -Merchant Marine Asso elation, lie ulso charged that Ilrltlsh Interests conducted a de liberate campaign to destrop the American merchant marine. ON FEDERAL CHARGE bavlna been arrested last week bv the sheriff's office, the Pendleton police j and special agents for the ). V. R. X. Co. Ten pairs of shoes were found in 'Kvans' pitsseKsinn but his two com panions had none of the goods on them when arresied. Other evidence found while the men were held a sec ond time, however, led to their being connected with the case. They wen; i released by the local police utter their first arrest because of lack of evidence ' hut instead of leaving jthey remained and were 1 w. A deputy tnarsMal is cxpe cime for the trio tonight or tomorrow ond tube ,!hem to Portland. Pour cartons, in which had been contained a pairs of shnes each, were found In a barn a mile and half cast of Ricth. They bore the eddress of a merchant in Ashland, Or?. The s'leciflc charge to h? placed against the trio, It is believed, is larceny of tjoods in Interstate commerce. MONI-.V WPUOPKHLV PW NKVV YORK. Jan. 2l. (A. P.) At leas: a liiii.foc,.iiii Improperly paid the shipbuilders :iy the shipping board will be disclosed by an audit. Colonri B. II. Abadie, formerly controller gen eral of the board, told the Walsh con gressional committee today. He charg ed a "great many serious irregular ities." In the dealings between" the shipbuilding corporation and the gov ernment. AYIl.l. T. K K XO AtTlOV. TOl'KKA. Kas.. Jan. 20. No ac tion pertaining to the Non-Purtisjin league will be taken by the Kansas Parmers I'nion . which opened Its fourteenth annual convention here to day, according to a statement made . by II. Jl. Collins of Krie, president of j the board of directors. j f '1$- lUTLVE- ULJV ' . M BE BETTER TH AH 1 7rr .i Cl, y Xsr f - LEfilNE REPORTED DANGEROUSLY ILL, FEARS POISONING Has Personal Retinue of De tectives Whose Sole Business is to Guard Soviet Head Against Poison Plots. METHODS RIVAL THOSE OF THE ANCIENT CZARS All Focds Are Analyized and if Impurity is Detected Serv ants Are Made to Eat Before Viands Go to Premier. rtlOA. Jan. 20. d". P.) The life of Nikolai Ix-nin Is In serious du'nger, ac curdini; to all reports reaching here. The latest Moscow report was that Lenin, was lying ill, surrounded by detectives, whose recautions agninst i a poison plot outrival those of the guards of the ancient Czars. Lenin's guards rcimrtcd to fol low me practice in vegue nuring ine j '''a rog'nie. All foods are analyzed for truces of portion, when their purity is sunpected and the viands offered first to the servants preparing them. If the servants live, the premier may eat the fenme preparation. Reports here indi cated there was grave apprehension in Moscow. Soviet leaders are reported tr believe their regime will' be in ser ious danger nhoiild Lenin die. t n ii f i i'iriii:i' ; Siiiill JIM larch wheat ilo.-icd at $1.69 today ami .May wheat at 1.5 3-S, a decline over yesterday's market, when March gra'n clostd ut $1.72 3-8 nnit- .May at Jl.M 3-x. Following are the quotations from Overbeck : Cooke, local brokers: Chki'KO nin Market. ' ' Wheat Open $1.72 1.63 .S .70 .45 .4 4 14 1.49 HiKft Txw t'lo;-e $1 .73 '4 l.KS $1.69 Mar. May May July May July May 1.64 i Ccn .6'. 's 1.60 .6S .69 .44 .4414 1.60 .68 -9 .70 V 3 .:.t .45 'i -4 5 ls If. TO J.Sti'4 Parley .69 'i .44 44?-, 1.47"S 1.47 May .081 .69 I'laiigii r.xcbangi London, 3.7ii. ' Paris, .0662. Merlin, .ut67';i. -Rome, .ua.Mi. N. Y. Mfinoy, 7-jier cent. THE ANNUAL SEED CATALOG. EVANGELISTS CHARGE THAT HE SAW CRAP GAME IN TEXAS TOWN ON SUNDAY HAS KICKBACK AFTER DREAMING OF DEATH AGED MAN BUYS COFFIN AND DEPARTS REDDING, Cat, Jan. 20. (f. P.) John Ijiwronce, 75, arose yesterday following a night in which h" dreamed a Vision of his di-a.h. During the afternoon, he we'll to the undertaker, selected a catiket and returned home. He died today. "I never nw Law rence looking better than when hi? cane to iny ;i!ace yesterday," tho undertaker said. MOST COUNTY MONEY 101 Out of Total Cost of Nearly! 946.95 Was Devoted to Im provement of Eoads. Umatilla county's total expenses fur the year 1920 wore $7,26Ti.72, ac cording to a summary of expenditures, completed today by the county clerk's office. Of this amount $675,318.77 went for road and highways-and for road bonding, the balance, or $12ii, 946.9,", went for the various depart ment, of county government. Expenditures on roads and high ways within the county proper and exclusive of the road bonding fund, were $193, 872.57. The road bonding measure caused the expenditure of H,'9."4 4t'.i. These were by far the largest items In the Cuimty buet. tare of the poor, was the largest sinule item of the administrative ey pense. , It took $13. 043.43 to maintain 1 the county farm and the v -'mis char- V illf-K fclt.'h liu U'iUniw' ,.n.,, The circuit court cost more than the opcraiiiin of the sheriff's office. Expense of administering justke was $12,469.81 and it was made particul arly heavy by the numerous inured trials conducted during the year. There were teven men . tried in this county fur murder, one of whom how ever, was tried here on change of ven ue form Grant county. The neigh boring county later refunded to this county the cost of that trial, $2303.25. Detection of criminals, pay of the sheriff and deputies, and other ex penses of maintaining the office to taled $11,9X0.21, or slightly under $1000 a mouth. This is exclusive of the man hunt and rewards, which cost $765.12 and $1000 respectively. The county stilt Has posted rewards to taling 3250 which are In litigatien. The primary and general elections held during 1920 cost Umatilla county $S3i3.21, the report showed. The clerk is expecting that this item will he the aim of persons opposing the primary and favoring the return to (Continued on page .) -o Minister Jailed for Contempt of Court When He' Refuses to testify; Backers of Evange list Gather for Prayer. AMAHILU). Tex., Jan. iQ.(U. P.) Ir'"?'- M,,rsan. Lw Starke, nationally known evangelist of the Methodist Episcopal church, was Jailed for con- . tempt of court at Canyon Texas, as a 1 1 result of a statement, made while con- ducting a revival that he saw a crap 'game in Canyon Sunday. Residents of :ianymi. Jealous of the reputation of j their village, had Starke eummoned I before a court inquiry. He told the j court that because no violation of law j could be charged and aa only the spirit j of the sabbath had been disregarded. I he would not testify. He was there fore held in contempt and sentenced tc Jail. Reports from Canyon said feeling was running high among citizens. A great crowd of loyal supporters of t Starke gathered at the Jail and prayed (and sang hymns. BABYSONOFHARVEY M'PHERSON DIED TODAY Jime Ij,ll MpPiunm th liitieithe state chamber adopted a reeoiu- elKht months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Mcpherson, died last night at. St. Anthony's hospital after a two houcs illness. The child was suffer - ing from a cold which developed into pneumonia and proved fatal. He was born May 21, 1920. and , would have been eight months old , tomorrw, the day.upon which the fun eral will be held. The services -will take place at the Christian church, with Rev. H. H. Hubbel), formerly of the local church, now if Spokane, and Rev. Ii. L. Bussebarger officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson's many friends greatly regret the death of their little son. The couple is well known here, where Mr. Mcpherson is vice-president of the Pendleton Cash Market. I , POI.ICF. AUK AMBUS10:i. LONDON, Jan. 20. (A. P.) Four civilians were killed and several black and tan auxiliary police wounded in County Galway, Ireland, according to reports today. The fight ensued when the block and tan patrol was am- uusnea near ine city ot liatway. STATE HOUSE BULLETINS SALEM, Jan. 20. (U. P.) Confer- Two Itills Passed. ' ence of representatives and legislaturca I SALEM, Jan. 20. (U. p.) The ot Oregon, Washington and Idaho pro. i senate passed two bills relating to spe posed by a resolution of Representa-jcial instructions to grand juries, one tive Sheldon was introduced in the relieving circuit jurges from deliver Orcgon hotise, providing the appoint-ting special instructions on the crime nient of four representatives and three , of prixe fishting when each gram) senators to represent Oregon s-hould Jury is in session, the other relieving such a conference he held. He pointed i them of delivering instructions on out that the Oregon governor in his ! criminal libel. , message to the legislatore, recom-j mended legislation to cheek the Japan-, . Vnmrs Oregon IVmxIs. ese "menace" and stated that the same SALEM, Jan. 30. (V, P.) Ryan conditions exist in Idaho and Wash- anil Vinton introduced a bill in the ington as in Oregon, "the problem is j senate providing that all the other a mutual one," therefore the confer-j bonds of other states and bonds Issued ence of legislators of the northwestern ; foreign countries, except those stairs is advisable. I specified as exempted by law be ub- .Sect to assessment' an: taxation. The S'2:S4.70O Voted. bill is designed to encourage invest- S.VI.KM, Jan. 20. (U. P.) The j ment in bonds or Oregon and its sub donate passed an appropriation 1. ill divisions by Oregon people in prefer covering payment of deficiency ap-jence to numerous outside issues which propriations aggregating $234,766 an- are flooding the country, tborixed by the state emergency 1-oard lust Show lUitirUH. during the past year. , AH child-caring agencies and tnsti- Senate Kills Pills. Th; senate killed ten of its 192 creations and the highway bill which Olcott vetoed following the close of the special session. Pill Is Introduced SALKM. Jan. 20. A. P.) An anti- alien bill modeled after the California I iaw was introduced by Representative j Leonard, of Multnomah, following an U'xamiuution by the attorney general, J who decided it was constitutional. I Would Raise Salurics, Senator Pell Introduced a lull in i reusing the salaries ot the attorney l-'cncral, and state superintendent, ot I schools from $liH0 to $000 and the 'corporation commissioner from $3000 I to $C0ii, and the cleikk ot the state I'i.'iul board from ;40ii to $.1000. j 1 or liicrt'iiHcd Tax The joint road committee Is consid ering recommendations of yesterday by Chairman Pooth ot the highway j coiiimixsiiin, for $',1001,000 road bonds. an In, Tease in the gasoline tax. and U at the boards recommendations tn the annual report b enacted by legis lature. Fitlbm-s OkiMt's ImiuI. SALK.M. Jan. 20. (A. 1M Sonutor Patttcrson introduced a bill to carry out the governor's training school rec ommendations. Representative Hors ford Introduced a bill repealing "La- tbor hill of rights." PROJECT !rn.,,f 0I A1III ,0 rRAiM OLUMil Id SPEAKER BEFORE STATE CHAMBER Representative From This County Explains Possibilities of Using Power for Irriga tion and Other Purposes. STATE OF WASHINGTON WOULD ALSO BENEFIT Next Event in Move for Utiliz ing Power is Meeting at Umatilla on January 26; all Towns Are Invited. - Representative Frank Sloan of thle county appeared before the Rtate Chamber of Commerce yesterday to make an informal appeal in behalf of the move for developing power at Umatilla rapids. In a brief talk he gave such data as he liad upon the (subject and this information wa re iceived with much Interest- As a result of Jlr.' Sloan's effort tion endorsing a legislative bill for j the purpose of making It possible for j the state of Oregon to co,operate with I he federal government in survey-in power possibilities on the -Columbia river. Following the mcetinff it. developed I that there was some opposition to the , mnvo rn t) nrnfOKHpH prmind that the . u,. (n ,,.,! inn ai affect the i mutK nt U'hine(l,.: However, it was contended by Mr. Sloan that this is a good feait'jre tnajimieii jr-nsM'Twill ifive . an opportunity to get the support of the Washington delegation in congress) as well as the Oregon delegation In any work planned wherein the feder al government, participates. The next event in connection with the Umatilla rapida power project will be a meeting to be held at Uma tilla on the afternoon of January 2t. This meeting ia called by the Umatil la Commercial (Tub and will be open to Pendleton delegates and to repre sentatives from all the west . end tow ns of the county and of Morrow county. I unions in Oregon are re.intreil to place Iheir records at the disposal ot the child welfare commission and to provide a commission with all the da ta resurding its words In a bill Which Senator Farrcll will Introduce. Weather Reported by Major Lee Moorhiiusc, diserver. Maximum, 36. Minimum, 35. Uarometer, 29.73. Fluii'.v of Snow. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Friday fair.