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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1921)
1 ' I m TEN PAGlES DAILyEAST OMCOOTAN, TEliDLETON, OP.ECCN, MONDAY EV2TTIKG, JANUARY 17,1921. PACE i 4 People Here and There C. E. Walloa, formerly vlco ju-phI-dent und cashier of the Inland Kmpiro Jiunk, left Saturday nluht for Hpo kuno to visit with Mr. Wallca nnd till son und daughter-in-law, Mr. and Jim. J. 11. Wallca, for a fow ihivs. Ho will return to Pendleton ahortly. U. S. Deputy Marahnl 8. F. race of l'ortlund, In In Pendleton toduy nerv ing summonses to the U. S. district court. . Ilia home In In the Wallowa country. Curl Kupers of Helix, .came In today on the morning train to transact bua- lness In I'endleton. Mr, Kupera la al so interested In an oil well being aunk near Atuliu, WuhJi. Tom Tuggurt, agent for the Good rich tire line, with headquarter In Pendclton, arrived this morning from Portland. He went there last week end to confer with officers at Port land. " , " Urover Temple, Helix rancher, came to town thla morning to spend the Carl ItTngdnhl, rancher and bank di rector from Helix, la ft Pendleton bus iness vlxltor today. He came in by train thla morning:. , . Pan Unwmnn, proprietor of the Mia tlon Tnidlng Bloro, und well known aportHnmn, returned on No. 24 thla morning from Portland where lie (spent the week oml on business. It. I. Keator, district attorney, camo home from Portland on Sunday aft er attending the annual convention of the dlatrict utlorueva of Oregon, In session there Thursday, 4 Friday "nnd Saturday. Lyman G. Itlce, nsslstuht cashier of the First National Hank, returned thla morning from a Scottish Rite reunion held in Portland Thursday, Friday and Buturuay. jj Councilman Robert L. Simpson re turned thla morning from Portland. Ho went to the big city Wedneaday night and Wub honored with the of flee of vlco president of the Oregon Automotive Asaociutlon while there. Ho took In the Portland automobile ahow and looked up Borne apparatus which the city aewer department la planning on buying. ' cluudo Miles, salesman tor the Oro gou, Motor Oarage, and Dr. H. i Han avan, dentist, were union s hume coming PendletOnlana from Portland thla morning. The annual Portland automotive ahow attracted them to the city luat week. William II. Morrison, farmer and ecllcr of farms, returned this morning from Portland. He dropped In on tho reunion of Scottish Hlte Masons while In the metropolis. Clydo McKay, prominent In the Pendleton Automobile Dealers" Asao. elation and proprietor of the Western Auto Co., arrived home today from Portland where he has been attending u S PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY Grocery Specialists Groceries is our line, nothing more. The special ist in any line generally excels. It is so with us. We devote our entire time to this one line. We believe we know the things which will please you best and u,- give you the best value. Why not buy your groceries from a grocery specialist? O I u te. Q The Economy Grocery c , 113 West Webb St. . ... . . Phoned PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE the recent automobile show.t R. H. Wood, chief special unent for the O. W.-H. & s. Co., Is due In Pen dleton lute this afternoon on a busi ness visit. Ho Is coming from Port land. Milton Flu Gerald, youngest son of Judge and Mrs. Thomas Flu Gerald, is ut home on a 10 days' visit. He is now employed as an engine foreman for the Southern Puclfic railroad In the Portland yards. When one's term aa sheriff expires, his duties do not always end. W. It. "Jinks" Taylor, ex-sheriff, had to come to Pendleton from hia Athena homo , today to testify Mi a criminal ease coming to trial in circuit court. George 8. King, a merchant of Bak er, la In Pendleton fori a couple of days on business, huvlifg come over during. the week end. Quaker Minister Is Grateful To Tanlac t . rV t Col. J. H, Ttaley and Fred W. Kiel Ter, of the law firm of Uuley, lialey & Htclwer, left for Walla Walla by uuto Sunday afternoon to appear to ay in court mere a attorney! In a case to come to trlul. " Mr. rind Mra. C; I. Parr of Astoria, ura Pendleton visitors' today. They are former Pendlctonians and Mrs. Ilarr la visiting friends In the city while Mr. Durr la here upon a busi ness trip. C. O. Itracher, Pilot' Hock merchant, was a business visitor in Pendleton to day. He brought In a coyote scalp. In- cldally for which he wus .paid a ft bounty at the county clerk's office. Tho county commissioners assem bled today to continue their January session. From Cmaplne came K. K. iican, from fianfteld G. I Dunning, and from pilot J lock Judge I. M. Schunnep. A. J. Stevenson, of Portland, la liere today and la registered at the Pendle ton Hotel. , ' I!. I). Kyaor, of .Spokane, Is in Pend leton' today, having arrived this morn ing on No. S4. M. I Barnes la a Portland busi ness visitor In Pendleton today. K0F1W1Y; i OFFICES AND OFFICERS! : f - ' ? , ' ' 'i - i - ' : f ! "J LAMPS There is many a home which could be beautified by an art tablet lamp. Our showing of these lamps in bronze and vcrde is complete and they are priced o very reasonably that no home Can afford to be without one. . $8.00 to $15.00 v. Pendleton : The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon. CS6 Rev. Parker Moon, Carthage, Missouri. pearly everybody In Southwest thing for me and suggested a change of climate. I then moved to Texas and went hack and forth three timea but did not get the relief I had hoped for. Finally. I got o bad off 1 was not able to get around with any de gree of comfort. I wis also told 1 had heart trouble. "I had read about Tanlac and, as it had been very highly recommended to me, I decided to try it. I got a bottle and had taken only few deses until r could notice a marked Im- ' provement in my condition. I noticed ! enoppLttl- thiit I uaa not trnnhlpri MiuYlugc License Issued. John V. Hose of Helix, was issued a license toduy to wed Misa Lillian Eng l.h, of Ilieth, on Sunday. The cere mony will be performed at the bride- elect's homial ltlcth on'Suuday. Don't Buy YourShoes Until You Have Seen Our Prices IT WILL PAY YOU. No old stock here that have been bought at the high market price of a year ago, but all new ones which we are selling on the lowest market price of today. SPECIAL Men's Brown Calf Blu., all solid leather. . $8.00 Men's Black Ulu., rubber heel, leather sole $6.50 The Bootery Pendleton's Popular Priced Shoe Store. - . . .735 Main St. . ' Want ltKlMU'rcI Kiiglnwr. The count commissioners, ,ln aes' alon today, entered an order that in considering applicanta for the county roadmaster position, only registered civil engineers be considered. . Files Ifcvlaratioii of Intention,' Jim Sam Madnnla. of Pilot Rock, today filed his declaration of intention at becoming an American citlxcn. He is a native of Italy 20 years old and haa been In this country since 1912. (iunrdlnii for Key Appointed. J. H. Key on Saturday waa appoint ed guardian for Hoy Koy, hia son, who was adjudged by the county court as incompetent. Max B. Hopper, W. S. Ferguson and Henry Dell were ap- pointed to appraise the properly be longing to the younger Key. I Burglars. hH Kir Year. 1 . Maximum sentences of six years j each In the Oregon state prison were i given Jack Walton and J. W. Dono ; hue by Circuit Judge O. W. Phelpa to j day. Tho two were found guilty of j'having robbed Thomas Campbell's I atore at Hermiston after, the Jury In I their case had been out less than 10 j minutes on Saturday aternoon. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Dcspain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court "Phone 880 Harvest Bread The best bread on the market Made at home but sold in most every town in Umatilla County. The bread that defies competition. - Buy it, eat it you will forget the idea that better. bread can be made out of town. We are proud to say we sell it and our . .sales are increasing every day. Pay Cash Receive More v Pay Less Dcspain&Lce Cash Grocery 209 E Court ' '"Phone 880 Motion for Now Trial Kiled. - $ Motion for a new trial in the case of Joe Kerley vs. Duvld B. Hill, Was filed with the clerk of the circuit court this afternoon. The verdict was brought In by the Jury Friday night. The ver dict is ngainst law and an error In law, was made in the trial, the attorneys for tho defendant aver in their pio-tloii. Pno Trial Postponed. The trial of James Poe nnd Mrs. .Marty Poe, on a charge of larceny of furs in the St. eorge hotel lure sev eral, months ago, was due to begin in circuit court this morning. Illness of some of the witnesses, however, pre vented the taking up of the case and It wus postponed Indefinitely. The case will probably be called early in February. x Missouri either knows or has heard of the Hev. Parker Moon, who for a full half centw-y haa devoted his life and tulenta to Sunday school and or ganisation work for the Society of Friends e& Quakers. He resides at 628 Howard Avenue, Carthage, Mo. 'Uncle Parker." as he ia more fam iliarly known, came from fine old rug ged Quaker stock, and there ia not u better knotvn or more highly respect ed citizen In that part of the state. In referring to hia remarkable res toration to health by Tanlac, he said: "About five years ago 1 suffered any more with sour stomach after a general breakdown. iy principal , eating, which was a great relict, trouble was" nervous indigestion. Myl ' kept on taking-Tanlac until I appetite was very poor and my food i fully regainedrmy health. My appe seldom agreed with me, and I hnd to lute Is spendid; I enjoy by meals live on a very restricted diet. I suf-, and I do not find it necessary now to fered a great deal from headaches take any" laxative medicines of any and dliy spells; I had serevere pains ; kind. I Can sleep much better and across the small of my back and was jam not nearly so nervous, badly constipated most of 'the time. J "j take great pleasure in recom In t&cl, I was so weak and rundown ' mending Tanlac to anyone who needs I wasjiot able to attend to my duties, j a good system builder, or who suf , "ThlB condition made me very nerv-i f,rs with stomach trouble. I have ous and I could not sleep at night, j recommended Tanlac to a great many Frequently I .would lie awake most ,' of my friends and am pleSscd to all might and waa In that condition ; reach others by giving this statement more or less for five -years. . My j T,an,ac is sold in Pendleton by physician said he could not do any-1 Thompson Bros. '. , element, 'will heotarted. Several other case at law will follow. In the inter im several equity cases gre to be tried by Judge G. V. Phelps. BUI of Exorptioa Ftni-'lird. Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps today settled the bill of exceptions filed by attorneys for Klvie D. Kerby and John U Rathle, now enjoying a stay of ex ecution from the death penalty for their art in the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor. As soon aa this matter is set tled tho attorneys may file their briqfs on appeal wHh tho supreme court of Oregon. The transcripts of testi mony in the case are alsi to be filed with tho briefs. BLANKETS THE COLD WEATHER IS NOT OVER. 5 lb. Double Blankets, all wool $9.50 10 lb. Double Blankets, all wool $19.00 4 lb. fceg: Army Blankets, new $7A)0 4 lb. Reg. Army Blankets, reel $3.09 4 lb. Gray Army "hnkets, new ........ . $H00 , 4 lb. Hudson Bay Blanket .'. ; $12.50 0. D. Army Shirts, new $5.50 and $5.75 0. D. Army Shirts, reel $4.53 , Solid Pack Peaches, can' i . .' . 29c Solid Pack Apricots, can .". 27c Alaska Salmon, 1 lb. can 15c & m SALES CO. 546 Main St Phone 861 Ml HISTORICAL LOCAL PEN IS FOUND TODAY IN CLEARING OUT VAULT Trial ,1nry KxcMsed 'for Time. The circuit court trial Jury was ex. cused this morning with instructions to report for duly on Monday, January 31. At that time the, trial of the State vs. Joe Kerley, on a charge of enibea. QUICK RELIEF M.KIIPAII Get Dr, Edvard0!ive Tablets That fs the joyful cry of thousnndj since Dr. Kdwarda produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. N.) (Jripini! ic suits from, these pleasant little tablets. They cause the. liver nnd bowelj to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets ore a soothing, healing, vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. If you have a bad taste, bad breath, fe-1 dull, tired, tire mnstipntgd or bilious, you"l find quick and sure re sults from Ilr. Fdwards' little Oliva laWoU( bedtime, Ijc uml '4KK, box. ) A steel pen with which was trtitten the signatures on the first bonds is sued by school district Ko. 16, l'un dleton, was found carefully preserved In a sealed envelope in the lower vault of the American National Dank Sun day. The vault was being cleaned out tnd the old relic was found In the pro. cess of eliminating worthless papers. "This is the pen with which I signed the school bonds of district No. 16," says the Inscription on the envelope. No namo Was signed but it is thought that it was written by K. C Cox. then cashier of the old Pendleton Savings Bank. The envelope bore date of Aug. 22, 1885. The pen, In perfect preservation. was a Northern I'aclfic rnuroaa pen. stamped with tho name of J. K. Gill & Co., Portland stationery house. It. with the envelope containing it. will be turned over to Col. J. H. Holey, one of the founders of the old bunk und a director of the Amerlcuti National. Kcalty Men T.iuich. Five associate members were admit ted to the Umatilla County Realty As sociation, at a luoheon today nt the Elks' Club. They are John 1 VVaughan, J. H. Gwlnn, D. D. Phelps, James Johns Jr., and ames 11. Sturuis. The luncheon, which was well attend ed, Is one of a scries of Itenlty Asso ciation luncheons, which will occur each month. The association is plan ning to take In additional active mem bers In the future. (East Oregonian Special.) . ECHO, Jan. 17. "uneral services were conducted by Rev. Alfred Lock wood of Pendleton, Wednesday after noon for the late A. M. Longwell at I the Longwell residence. Services at the cemetery were In charge of the Masonic lodge of which Mr. Longwell was a member. Arunah Longwell was born at Jlim rods, Yates County, New York on June 11, 1871. He was married to Cora A. Peary at Hyrone, New York, May 27, 1S98. Mr. and Mrs. Longwell came to Kcho in May, 1907. For four years, Mr. I.ongwell was manager of the lo cal Tum-a-Lum lumber yard and has been postmaster here since May, 191S. Mr. Longwell was always active in any move for public improvement. He owned land under the Teel project and was treasurer of the district for some time. He was a member of the Kcho library board, "an active member of the Commercial Clubhand nt the time of being taken ill was junior warden of the Masonic lodge. Mr.. Longwell belonged to the Episcopal church and for several years worked to secure a church building for Echo. Mr. Long well is survived by his wife and small son, !erald. two brothers F. 'E. Long well of Buffalo, New. York, and Fred Longwell of Corning, New York. A half sister resides in Syracuse, New York. The many friends of Mr. Long well deeply regret their recent loss. . B. C. Hoffnagle of Jackson, Michi gan, is here visiting his brother, J. L. Hoffnagle and family. His wife is now visiting in Colorado but expects to arrive here in about a week to visit also. , . . Mrs. Jae De Foe and small son are here from Hood River visiting Mrs. De Foe's sister, Mrs. Fred Scherer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross returned from Las Vegas, New Mexico, Thurs day wher they had been visiting for some time with their daughter. J. Frank Spinning was a business transactor in Pendleton Thursday. Charles Dallas was here from his farm south of Nolin Saturday. , Gail Sherman spent Wednesday in Pendleton. : Henry Robertson, prominent wheat farmer, was here from Sand Hollow Thursday. W. O. Dennis was in Pendleton on business Wednesday. Miss Edna Edwadge of St Louis Mrs. Jessie Williams has resigned as teacher of the third and fourth grades, Mrs. W. H. Crary is teaching the room until a teacher can be se cured. Mrs. L. M. Hills, who has been In the St. Anthony's hospital' aince ber fore Christmas following an operation for appendicitis, is much better and ia now able to be out of bed. Miss'Annie Vey of Pendleton visited at the Jiome K)f Mr. and -Mra. -Joseph Cunha, Sunday. i HOIS 10 BE MM FROM FERRIS HEEL CARRIAGE PARIS. Jan. 17. The carriages for passengers are being taken from the big Ferris wheel here and sent to the. devastated regions of France wher they will be used aa bungalows to pro vide homes for homeless. . Thev are Oregon, is here visiting at the home of just big enough to make a diminutive Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gross. Miss Lois Gobbell was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. An "old time" dance was given at the city hall Friday evening. One was also given at the I. O. O. F. hal) the same evening. . Verne Hard Gulliford and Viola Hard have opened a restaurant re cently in the Esteb building, opposite Jones confectionery. home containng one living room and a kitchen. The Ferris wheel is being disman tled after being one of the sights ot Paris for many years. , WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. -r. P.) Secretary of the Treasury Houston transmitted to the house additional estimates of $3,551,000 for the immi gration service. CHICAGO. Jan. IT. (I. P.) Mrs. Cyrup Mi'Cormiick, wife of the chair man of the board of directors, inter national Hurvester company, has died. Tha hsuband was at her bedside, hav ing raced here from New York, tak ing a special train part of the way. She was ft commnnding figure in Chi cago social circles for many fears. Ir Coughs nnd ilds "I want to say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in my family on occasion, without numlers. for coughs nnd colds and has given tho best, satisfaction of any cough i medicine we ever tired," writes Mrs. C. McU.ser, Greenville, 111. You will look a Ions while before you find a better remerdy for coughs uml colds or one that is more safe and plea sant to take. Vcll known In Fort-Ism Coiniirire. It will be a surprise to many to know that Chamberlain's Cough Re medy is well known and highly este emed "In many foreign countries Charles M. Cramer, a well known watch maker of Colombo, Ceylon, says of it, "I have not the slUhtest heslt nncy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Uamedy to all who are suf fering from coughs or colds. I have repeatedly used it and it has always been "beneficial." I Tonialit ; If you would enjoy tomorrow, take - Chamberlain's Tablets tonight. They i produce an uereeable, laxative effect, j clear the head and cleanse the sto-; mach. They are just what you need when constipated. i No doubt .Maiiit It There Is no question but that Chamberlain's Tablets is we of the best preparations on the market fori stomach troubles, billiousness and constipation. There Is no better proof ' of this than when a man has once I'wrd them he will consider nothing I else when, ii need, ot such, medicine, V A Few Reasons Why We Sell for Less We buy for cash We e!l for cash We are out of the high rent district We carry a small stock We bought on he low price level Jim Beard's Cash Store Phone 432