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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
TEN PAGES DAILY FAST OEEQONIAN, PEXDLETOJf, , OREGON, fRIMY EVENING, NOVEMBER, 12,1920. .tails', a, nf Spillllllll!l llllllllllli"1 uHtiuti' '. . i J ij ; ; News of rvnamon CAIJQIfDAK Or EVEJfT1 Nov. 11. Armistice Day Stat holiday. Nov. 11. Pendleton vs. Baker, football Baker. Nov. 11-2S Red Cross noil Call. Nov. IS. University of Ore- (on homecoming, Eugene. JNov. It-tO Paclflo Interna- tlonal Livestock Exposition, Port. tana. Nov. concert Nov. 25. ThanknglvlnK. Dec. 8. Annual Meeting Round-Up directum, Dec. 10. Sale of Indian lanji, agency. IJ. American Legion tlon of Miss Carol Wurtenberger, art Instructor In local schools, show ori ginality and bouuty. Mbm- Wurten berger says that the pupils -show a koen uppreclutlon of art and that the boys are Just us Interested In the work us are the glrla. Hallowe'en motifs, autumn leaves stulned glum effects and conventional designs are note worthy of the dlsplaay. Miss Wurteni, berger expects to ahow some of the orlKliiul designs to the Pendleton Woolen Mllla with the suggestion that the Idea bo UHed In designing blank ets. Worthy of special mention are postern painted by Helen Cook, eigh th grade pupil. One shows a basket of autumn product and another an old fashioned miss In hoop skirt and poke bonnet. Art l Known, Pouters, design and other art work done by the puplla or all gradea In the Washington arhool form an attract ive exhibit today at the tieorae C. Haer hardware store. The nalntlk-m the winter and may decide to locale and drawing, done under the dlrec- In Pendleton. Parent of Slieehan Ilrotliers. Mr. and Mr), W. H. Bheehan of Chi cago, parents of Sheehan brothers, i.rm.rietora of the cosy cigar store, anu billiard establishment, are now in the city upon a visit with their aona. Thev expect to remain In tne west inrouii I'crmlt for Wicj Issued Charley Ix-niun wi.a Issued a permit by the city recorder today to erect a woodahed at 601 Court street at a cost Of ffcli. ,: O. Muyflcld hi Charge. The undenominational Diblo class will meet tonight at 7:45 at the Bulva tion Army hall for a study of the Hook of Revelations. C. Mayfleld will be in charge. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 . Other Depts. 78 Aged Ijtdy Recovering Mrs. Isaac Parkes, HI, Is recovering from a recent fall In which she broke her left wrist. Mrs. Parkes suffered the accident at the home of her son Joe II. Parkes last Saturday. Police Miid All Orderly. Police yesterday found everything in Pendleton orderly and no arrests were made despite the holiday, The celebration of Armistice Pay passed Off hero with no untoward incidents. "101-101-101-.1011Q1-.101 101 101-101-101- New Crop Raisins, Currants and Nuts We are receiving shipments of new Thanksgiving specialties every few days. FANCY APPLES er.yp A comparison of our apples with others on dis plry in the '-ity will readily convince you that our pewspaptr advertisements speak th truth when we advertise the finest apples in this market. TrOU CAN DEPEND OP. 101' " Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. IfrtTMe Rxrhange Connects I With Depart MJH U UKOCKKIES AND MEATS ioi-ioi loi ioi loi loi loi loi loi ioi- Itcv. CVx Hi-turns' Rev. W. H. Cox, pastor of the Bap tist church, returned today from Her mlxton where he attended a meeting at which the deacons of the Hurmls ton llaptist church formed an organi Smullpoi la Slightly lAtm. There is a small decrease In the number of new cases of smallpox Jn Pendleton, according to John Hailey Jr., who acta as special health offi cer. Yesterday one new case was placed In quarantine but the old aver age of more than one a day has not been maintained of late. Court Street Itcing Repaired. A steam roller Is at work today on Court afreet patching the holes In the pavement made by cuts for pipes to the various mains. Bitullthlc la being furnished by the Warren Construction Co., and the patches are covered with fine screenings and rolled. Breaks all over the city are to be patched at this time. No Attractions Scheduled. No shows are scheduled for this month at the Oregon Theater, says Bam Wright, manager. Mr. Wright says that it difficult to book attrac- , tlons for the theater as the show sit uation is very unsettled at the present time. Over 400 shows, he states, have been takea off the road since the in crease in the railroad rates. D611sDo11s-Do1Is Muse that little daughter of youn happy by getting one of our dolls for hor. We have the largest stock of dolls In Pendleton, and we are proud to say that Ihey are of the best quality that we could . lossibly get. And the prces are within reach of all. tc to r.'o.oo Don't buy before seing our line, for we are certain that we co save you money. , .v deposit on any of our dolls or toys will hold It for you until Christmas. IJltio G4rl Mashes lingers. Olorla, small daughter of Mrs. Theo Rollins, yesterday mushed two fingers of one hand quite badly when she caught them In a ringer being operat ed at the Rollins home. An examina tion proved that the bruises are deep but it is not thought that he little fingers are permanently injured. The little miss Is two'and a half years old. Chinese Taken to Portland Hid Chung, a Chinese, arrested re cently for smoking opium, was taken to Portland this morning on No. 19 by Deputy U. 8. Marshal Robert Car ter and will be confined In the Mult nomah county jail, pending trial In the h. S. district court. Hie -was unable to furnish bond of $500 recently required of him, and has been In the city jail since the arrest was made.' The BEE HIVE PayCash iendIton' Variety Stor St Cah Cheaper Living Expenses BY USING A UNIVERSAL Doan Brothers Give nond. Buscom Doan was released on $500 ball yesterday afternoon upon having a preliminary hearing before U. S. Commissioner S. A. Newberry on a charge of manufacturing Intoxicating liquor on the reservation. His broth er, iTarion uoan, was released on 1300 bail. They were arrested by the sheriff Sunday night with a complete still In their possession on the reser vation nine miles east of town. They will await trial In the U. 8. district K I , , . j i Old ' Hcllt Tjeiiicnibered. R The finding of historic relics near R The Dalles recalls to the minds of old renaieion restcents a granite bowl vhlch was unearthed at Umatilla by 'he children of a section hand, and brought to Pendfttvn for exhibition at !Pat Klne's saloon. The bowl as de scrioea-oy pioneers, was of granite vi inch Is not found in this region, and was ciaoorateiy carved to renresent scies. one handle was In the form of u fish tail and the other a head partly resembling that of a fish and partly of a man. Kins offered the section man 25 for the relic but the man refused and presented it to the superintendent of the railroad. He resigned and went East and since that time, all trace of the relic has been lost. wMiTt rOKCum JruSHfH MCI MTENTfO A0JUSHSU mem twin Mrirtit MO DOOR I CHECK F Ak'.hTV' KTINTtO UrT SET PUTl RDoWf OVCT h rOHCOAW UKD SOUDUSIV ! v W JHITt rOKEUlM 000 riwuf ewri l rOREH DOOR (CMovAtit tma tuns MACHINE rCE (ECISTI DAMKR SANtTAftT U IASI TPIBUTL1JHIVERSAL EsVY AS6ESTDS Mill BOARD HEAVY KlISMtO. STEEL BODY INSIDE PORCELAIN BOOR UNINC PORCELAIN FIVE BOTTOM CUAM OUT DOC' A full line Porcelain Ranges, blacking necessary. Easily kept clean. No viiiniif jr. uaR b II II I Bn County pBrimrs Meet About 30 members of the I'matilla County Farm Bureau met at the li brary last night to hear talks In favor of the afflhai'on of the farm bureau of Oregon with the national federa tion. Paul Maris, state ' leader of county agents, spoke on the benefits to be derived from organization. Ch-wter Gray, president of the Mia- scurl federation and member of the national executive board, expressed a wish that Oregon would join the fed eration which, he sald.-ivould help thu farmers In the woo and wheat situa tion. (Jenrge .Mansfield, president of ine temporary state organization, said hat the farmers needed a permanent stale federation to carry on projects. rarmers at the meeting seemed favor- ly Impressed. It will he decided nt the next executive committee meeting of the county bureau whether or not mutllla's bureau will favor affilia tion with the national body. 1 lli W QUALITY SERVICE frvr.rrrvt'M i fadivo stork Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 52S Other Depts. 78 i i 500 Dresses, Suits, and Coats On Sale Large reductions on all Winter Wearing Apparel beginning Tomorrow, Friday. II All from our regular stocks. Fresh, clean, smart beautiful styles and excelent material. rl Many women will have an opportunity to buy a very "worth while" dress, suit or coat at prices that t i are so low that no one could resist them. Really, to see all the stunning, luxurious coats, the lovely suits, and dresses of every type, styles for g every occasion, at these positively low price?, make one feel like buying enough clothes to last a year. S COATS For every requirement, from simple, well tailored, serviceable utility coats to the finest, softest fur trimmed imported materials. Coats of velour, bolivias, veldyne, plush, duvetyn and peachbloom. The coats that are trimmed, have large, warm col lars and cuffs. Sometime a wide band of beaver, opossum, natural wolf, Hudson seal. The colors include every thing from practical dark shades to the more n6velty shade. The most becoming browns, tans, navy, rookie and Nankeen. This entire sale is inviting because of Low Prices, Smart Styles and excellence of materials and work manship. We have a fine line of ladies' coats we have priced at $25,007 Heavy Salts Peco Plush at $57.50. And all of the higher quality coats reduced to Very Attractive Low Prices. Z3 ITS SALE ON DRESSES Included i nthis fine collection are dresses of crepe de chine, serge, velvets, Georgette, tricolettes, tricotine and duvetyne. Perfectly charming dresses in the large extensive collection; dresses ex quisite in detail; many copies of importations, all surprisingly lovely in style and absolutely good materials. ' Dresses for general utility, dressier frocks for luncheons, pretty dinner dresses and party gowns. Serge Dresses from 819.50 to $29.50 Tricotine from $25.00 to $49.50 Georgette Dresses . . $21.00 to $39.50 Satin Dresses -. $22.50 to $49.50 Party Dresses $22.50 to $59.00 Dinner Dresses . $29.50 to $49.50 SALE ON SUITS Our entire stock of suits to go and go quick ly so they are marked at a phenomenally low price to clear them out in one day. Tricotines, duve de lains, peach blooms, vel dyne and silvertones. Beautifully tailored, some quite mannish and severe, others more feminine, most effectively trimmed with season's approved furs, Hudson seal. Our SUITS are mostly all marked 1-2 of original price. Extra good assortment of 1G, 18. Grocery Department A New Shipment of Bizet Brand Import ed Spanish Green Olives just arrived at Alexanders. PLAIN 28 oz. bottles $1.15 22 oz. bottles " 85c i i 124 oz. bottles ........ . . ... v go j -- 1 m - botfa .... SFE I 6 oz. bottles "' ?: S 4 oz. bottles 25c H Curtis Ripe Olives, 9 oz.' red cans' .' . V .' 50c 1 ! KH1QID5 (Tablet or Granules) ESI INDIGESTION Taka dry on toncu or with hot or cold yratar. Universal Stoves &Fumaces QUICK RELIEF! Prlca, 25-K75 MASK BT SCOTT a BOWNS MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION Ponliuul Police Hold Man. Marvin Vnnbebbor. wanted here on a charge of beating a hill for board and rnnm. una arrested Inst evenlns In I'ortlund and Is held for the local of ficials. Word of the arrest was receiv ed by the sheriff this morning. . School to Have Social. A box supper and social at the school In district Nf. 66. seven miles north of Pendleton, will be held thb evening for the benefit of the school. Several from the city will attend. Miss Tlllle t'oickel Is teacher in the district. Ilank Sues on Note. The First National Bank of Milton today filed suit against Joe Hodgson to collect 11500 alleged due on a note for $i500 given May S, 191. Interest entire principal to the time of ment of J 1000 and on the balance uf ion the SS Paymei since is asked. S. D. sents the plaintiff. Peterson repre- Three Got Marriage Licenses. Three couples took out marriage li censes late Wednesday evening In or der to be married on Armistice Day. Alvin Ray Gentry of Wtiapine. was licensed to wed Miss Anna Warfield of Milton. Walter Herman Hoeft, of Pi lot Rock, was licensed to wed Miss Muriel Sloan of Pendleton. . James Madison Williams and Mrs. Clara Robinson of Tendleton, were the third couple licensed. E .protest. A report from Paris says lireat Rritain has made a formal jrromlse not to favor the removal of the interdict against Herman- for the time being. CAUIU.K TO UK UXlEI WASHINGTON", Nov. IS. (A. P The navy department today received a report that another effort would be made to land a cable at Miami with out a permit. rARIS, Nov. 12. (l T.) French delegates to the league of nations have been instructed to withdraw if Germany is admitted, accenting to the Echo de Paris today. PARIS, .Nov. 12. (A. P.l The French government is unalterably op. posed to the admission uf Germany jto the Lcagite of Nations at this time, the foreign office stated today. Pre mier Leygues is declared to have rn'ommended that French delegates withdraw from the meeting of the assembly of the lea Germany is admitted NOURISHMENT is Nature' first aid to the body in times of weakness. r ivm n urn-M" i e meeting of the i ngue at Geneva If ted over France's Scott's Elision i purity - A " 1 "-" 1 it unsurpassed in purity and goodness, is nourish merit in I . i . ii .i tnat seldom tain greet Smm. IIm.NI 3 ..,M A JMk IMkJjMk-IMkJMk.A4 AAJiSAAASmInM- a il i i JjAu. i)n ' -..4. .u&jfr '