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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1920)
CAILT EA3T OKZGOSIAff, f SKELETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVEIHITO, OCTOEETt Sff, ID20. w tfinnJ 10 Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, L6st, Found, For Rent: Etc. EIXTELN FACES fcaaato.wMsB -r-iiiiwrf' iiaarwwwa ' Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory 1 especially handy tor the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address ot responsible bualnss men who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concern who stan dready to give you prompt ervtce. t Uassiliea ior Jbasy Keference. I,. TODAY; FOR SALE FOR BALM 75 H. P. Holt CftUerpMar Sturgls 4 Storle. FURNITURE FOR 8ALB-lOjf-w or 413 Logan St. ' .FOR SALE Furnished 14 room Apt. ! hniii. K(14 Urn,.. I'hone FOR 8AJ.E 30 head hogs J. Holaday, Gibbon, Oregon, FURNITURE FOR BALK) t once 08 Lewi St, Phone 72-W. FOR BALB While, Wyandotte pullets W, E. Pott. Athena, Oregon. SLEEPING .ROOMS for rent--gcntle rnen onlyPhone 478, 212 Lewi. FOR RALE Universal rango used one year Inquire Room 10, l.aats Apt. FOR RENT Downstnlra bed room- bath privilege 3o Louis St. Thone 294-K. FOR SALK Oak dining table, buffeti Cbllda Oca, Monarch range Phono S 348-R. . FOR SALE Rhode Island Red hens and pullets Phone 10F5, FOR SALE All kind, of Insurance. J. R.-Bates, (14 Main et.. Phone 0. FOR SALE BY OWNKR-f 5 room , house with large pantry, sleeping Aiipwcn ana Datn room, largo garage. new chicken house and park, cement walks and wallB, corner lot, good looa tlon Will take part payment and give torms on remainder Address 'tt" this office. . . 'WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room house, fumhihed or unfurnished Phone 658. MAX AND W1FB mants work on ranch liMiulns finale Rooms Room 41. WANTED Couple (u. lend to turnace and other small help for use' of fur- Tiixhed apis. Phone 4 21. FOR SALE 7 room house and three lots at 611 Bush St. Price 63600 In ulre of owner. , FOR e head of good mules, 10 head of horses all good stock See Sturgls Biorle. FOR RE.VT Sleeping room, Inquire 120 Lee St., evenings. FUR SENTNIC Sleeping OOBIS. Bourd across the street. phon 292-M. sir, Oardm. FOR BALIS I heud horses, with har ness and 4 wagons -Inquire at Road Camp near Saxe Station. FOR BALE Five room house with bath, pantry, sleeping porch, store building now occupied by Wost End Grocery, also garage 20 by 60 feet, ce ment floor and large pit, occupied by Mallery and Krause all for the price of an ordinary home Phone 015 or see Bi Reetx, 1(14 W, Webb St. FOR SALE: 10 acre tract on highway near Athena. Ore. t'A acres alfalfa, S7 fruit trees, overflowing artesian well, I roomed tnodern furnished bun- FOR SALK Self-r opened eomMn iralow, tenant house, good barn, J head harvester, 1811 model, good shao terms Sturgls A Stori. FOR BALE Four wagon oxee, for ouig gram, low prlc i taken soon B. L. Burroughs, Phone t. FOR SALE l-g rustic, 1-4 and l-( sheeting; 1-4 flooring; 2-4, 2-8. 4-8 nd -8 com 120.60 thousand 70J Aura St. " stock, Implements. . 20 tons hay, etc. Six good lots In Athena, close in, go with place. Laura Counter, Athena, Oregon. - ROOMS FOR RENT Possibly ar rangements for cooking 4 is Gar field Phone 24 2-M. FOR RENT Two room apartment, suitable for man and wife or two men no children on this floor 775 Thompson St. . WANTED GIRLS WANTED French Restaurant MRS. ADA FIELD Spiralis, corsetlerei JAMES B. PEURT, Attorney at Law, Phone 124-W. Aadress 614 Jane.' Office over Tajkw Hardware Um py. t RALET RALET, Attorneys at Law. Office la American Katlonal bauia Bfuldlug. LAUNDRY MATE RN ITT and nunvalescent hos pltaf Mrs, Frail, 114 E. Bluff fSU, Phone 277. , WJC HAVE TWO good business oppoi Unities in Pendleton priced right quick action necessary Snow at Dayton. FRED H. 8CHMI1 T. Attorney ai Law. Room 4 8miUj-tVawforO KVKKT Artui Uti iiOarea Perfeatiy. T bore's an agent In your lows. fn? l eunrtrj. f) 8 Qardeo St. OPTICAL WaiS'TED Sewing plain or faocy Phone 808-M. FOR SALE i'olund rhhia, Chester , White croas nhotts Write I. A (Christopher, Adams, Ore. WANTED Experienced girt wlxhes general housowork; , litt OQ per fnoailiAddrr "' this office. )3T Rlack female water MpunleJ dog . on Friday Oct. 22," between Adanm and pendknon. Suitable rsward Ceo. W. Beiler, Frevwatcjr, OrKon. . FOUND Bunch of Jtcys on pot eKIce tept owner may bavctame tsy call ing at this office and paying for this ad. , " SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen to ' vail upon merchants, $10 and tip a day. Rwtdy si'llcr. 'Commlsxinn bawls. Side Una or whole tlm. Write Pacific Cla tea Co., I40J W. First, Ave., Spo kane, Washington. FOR SALE A new Electric Singer ' Sewing machine, ascd two weeks. A Tneuform rubber form never been uned, also a new unusued two hole domestic flreless conker with all at tachments. . Call Room 804 Hotel Pen dleton aflcr ( o'clock or Sundays. FOR SALE OR LEASE Sheep rareh 120 acres, well euulpped Abun lano of range Joining Addr It. K. Waltor, Qulney, Wash. FOR SALE Holt 75-.H. P.aterpil- jar and nine rjUom engine Oliver gang plow and two organ Special gas combine. F. A. Dooley, R. F. D. No. I, Athena, Oregon.' ' - FOR SALK New -room bungalow, northsldo. New 4-room bungalow, north aide. Good -room, residence, Long St. Lot 100 by 100. Good 8-raom residence, Lewis St. ... 'rm . m0drn re,"aence- WANTED By November 1st., furnleh .. . - . ' . ed or unfurnished t an r-r 1 :ifft 01 nouses, wanted good clean rags at The Fast Oregon!; vn carlo. MESSENGER BOY WANTED at Tall- man's Drug Store. WANT TO REVT- Furnished Apt. by Sept. 10th. Phone 0. , WANTED TO RENT by the Salvation Amy, a 4 or s room unfurnished house Phone 1052. . FOR SALE Lease on 1800 acres wheat land 1000 acres ready for needing. First class' outfit 8 miles froh, on, three mile haul See Bnow k Dayton. FOR SALE by ownet at Cost Strictly tnodern bouse, well located on oorth tide, ( room a Til NUh, refrigerator rooms, hardwood floors, concrete gar age, etc. Add res Box 47, O.ty. I have al- . , !,-. most any klhd of a home you can think ' . of. - ' : 1 WANTED Work bv 17 year old bov GIOO. W. ELDER I after school and , Saturdays Phone SIR Mam SU 1 G8S-W after 4:00 p. m. Res. Phone S72-W J'hone s3 . i 1 WORK; WANTED r.n ranch by rx. ' VOn SALK penenced man und wife Address Nice bungalow and 125 feet of John U Arbogant, Rltter, Oregon. ground n good street, two large green -' . houes attaihed. House and one lot. TEAMS WANTED Lumber haulins THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered tt cents a month, Sunday Included- G. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson's Place) (0t Halo St Phone (22. IOU CANNOT enjoy life unless you Are sure your family will be prop erly provided for when you die. You can easily provide for your famine's future needs by taking a policy with the leading northwestern company, Vcw World Life Assets oyer 13,200,- I'CO Eugene Molitor, Gen. Agent, Pen dleton. Ore. BEAUTY SHOP MARINELLO J3HOP All kinds of beautly parlor work. Skin and scalp treatment a specialty Room (. Association Mock, Phone 775-R. U All & KiJTHWKLJ optometrist aaa Optician. Glass ground to fit yens eyes, American National Build ing I'boiie (at BATTERIES OSTEOPATH tR. G. E. MOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office bog; Keafcleuc 17W. AUTO TOPS PHILADELPHIA iIAMOND Oltlf BAT1KRIE3 guaranteesV for 18 moc"js. W. E. Cbose Co.. 120 E. Court, Telephone 268. Pendleton. GAD WAS AUTO TOPS. Plat Glass. Bacxs. Bide Curtains 21 East ! Court BL PRESTO-LITE BATTERIES Best hv competll'" test. Service on all makes of batteries, g-uaiaoteed. Prest O-IJTE Bervtcn Btatkm, 4ft( K. Court Phcne 84. DP, XsENA M-CO.VNELL OsteftP- thtc physician and surgeon. Tunipt ' Bldg. Office phone 847-J. Re. U4-U, POULTRY SUPPLIES CATERPILLAR WORK 1,1 worth w hut I ask for the entire property. ... ; GEO. W. ELDER , V ' HI Main St. i Res. rhone S72-W Phone 932 by day or contract. BardeJl Lum ber ti. Box Co., Freewater, Oregon. FOR BALE Lease 1600 acros ot sum- merfallow caterpillar, gas harves ter, 60 bead. of mules and outfit also 1600 acres to plow In spring. Located about 10 miles from Mora Sherman county. Ore. Address IX P. Mattihall, Pendleton, Or. , 1."LP WANTEI Male A. business of your own, representing Portland factory, good territory open 1n Ore gon and California, experience im-' necessary, prefer mechahnlcally Inclin ed persona with smnil capital. Port land Assembling Plant, 826 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED High class auiesman In lo cal territory to represent nationally known manufacturer of tanks and pumps for gasoline and oil. Must call on garajre, mail stores, factory, etc. Permanent position with aplenddid In come and opportunity for advance ment for reliable salesman. Milwau kee Tank Works, Milwaukee, Wis. FOR SAI Several used Ford roustabouts from 8200.00 to 4260.00. . , , - Classy Patire roadster food condi tion, go 3d will sell at sacrifice. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR BALE My north aide home, 120 Monroe St., one block from county library 2 lots, 2 houses rents for 170.00 per monlh one 12 room house VSED CARS 18'..; Bulck touring car, all" cord tires, we sold this car new last Febru ary, big reduction in price. 1J18 little six Bulck, fine mccnanlcal condition, new top, ,cord tires, newly painted. 1819 Franklin touring car, has had good care and Is In first class condi tion, will sell cheap. 11 8 One-ton Ford truck, used only short time; price li.00. 11 type 67 Cadillac 8, seven pas senger, as good as ne-st, all cord tires, 30r - I20 Hudjon Speedster, used less WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to lob work city or country. Pbone 80J-W, call (14 Illllth St. wanted at o.vcl a eo h. p. steam or gas engine at Mars quary. cabbage hill for trial; Will pay rent un til It proves to suit my work, then buy same. I. I Mnrs, Cabbage Hill. , .. e) TIME CARD Weston- Pendleton Auto &tae Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:20 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 2:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave Adams for Pendleton at :20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. lAorc) forTVestvn at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. Mcl HERRLV, Prop. j CATERPILLARS, harvesfeis. gas en- ' gmes. ufomobi;es and general 0 - I I l-',ksmith)iia. Rsund l'l Garage, Parks Nebergall, 211 Heel Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, Engtneerinc. Constructing, 14 years experience In concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third St North, Port land, Oregon. CHIC FOOD. Scratch food, lonlca. bone, .shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. VmatiUs Floor A UrnOt On. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING ' PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING All makes Warn-n's Music How, Hi Main SU Phone. 624. PIANOS AND PLAYERS IHIR0PRACT0RS AUTO ELECTRIC WORK WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile, w. E. Chase Co. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. A lax. Re vere and Savare tires. 228 & Court Street. Pilot Tio-lr.Pendleton Auto Mage Lttve, 1-11 ot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:20 m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 $C m. e Leave Pendleton at 4 c. FAMCHO STUBBLE FIELD, Proo Ceeeee.e ' DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing l In nervoba disease and diseases of i women. 8 to 12 a- m. 1 to 6:10 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone 706, Smith- -i a 10m uuuuing. HIGH GRADE PIANOS ot plMln tone qua'lty. Players of tnfllTldtialtry its the construction that count. Bee piano ou display, write or phon Tb l'j-e illne, C28 Slain SL. tlwne 1&7S J. P. Darnall, Factory Ilo., Eaiae- ft t'hase I'lano Cj. , -. 1 Painting and Paper Hanging AUCTIONEER DRS. TERPENIMG Chiropractic and Santpractors, 616 Tubilii, l'brme 442 J. W. JACKSON -Wart pspw tor nl cheap, pointing, paper hanginf and uusouiiuing oy aay or PlMine 1031 ! Csivtsi St. PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture mm ing. U J. McAtee, the FraUJ mnt Man. Lowe Bro., Paints. COU W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer. Call at Sturgls 4k Storie's Implement Ca, for sale dates. -t AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH. YEA78 of experience Motor Inn Garage, ",ZZ Cottonwood Ward A, Jloeelaiid, Prop. one 7 room house Paved street nd vin (u ria. cotiorete wnJka Call at Bowman's 1 " Studio. FOR SALE Household furniture In cluding Reed chairs and table, Vlc rola, cabinet mwlng machine, electric washer, Circassian bedroom suite, white ivory bed, breakfast table and chairs, ruga etc., wHl be sacrificed for Immediate sal Call 1002 RsJer ft AMBITIOUS MEN Large coVpora tion, handling best known goods 'In Us line needs two men In vicinity to be trained as salesmen 1 prefer tnen 25 to 46 years old, married common school education, will and desire to succeed: chance to earn while learning 850 to 8160 a week. Ask for Mr. Peach, Pendleton Hotel, Monday 10 a. In. to ( p. m. ' - '- : ": INITIATIVE MEASURE number 810 on the ballot to be voted in Novem ber will give to Oregon a port equal to any port on the Pacific. Coast. You are vitally Interested in the passage of this hill. It will not Increase your taxes. The cost I borne by the Port of Portland, but all Orepon tvu-st vote on the -measure. Vote 210 YES on Hie ballot November second. NOTICES Mnst Bo Sold to Settle Estate Two wheat farms, one consisting of 284 acres and the other of 861 seres, located on main county road south of Milton, Ore., and close to school. The soli of each of these places re of the very best quality, having produced as much as 60 bu. of wheat per acre, they also lay splendid tor farming with tractor. These lands belong to an estate and must be sold in the next few days, so if interested write, call at our office or ftt our expense for' further Information. HALL lASli CO. 11 HFlrst St. Walla Walla, Wash. , , . ; 256 Office Phone ' neR- 5580 LOST AND FOUND wfCiT"on ni rnd between Hil- """'jv:.1'.;. f Hill, one 535 smooth tread suto Ure .lm Finder return this otflo for rewara. Tiado And Price Movement (-.mi rnnnilar Havk UradKlrect NEW YORK,, Oct 80. BrndstreeU today says: : ' " " " . The trade and price movement is more Irregular, but on the whole rath er less one-sided than In the proccd lr.g -week, further 'retrograde move ments In whole trade production, em- nlnvment. and prices seeming 10 partially b1nnced,by slight Improve ment In retail buying and a fairly dis tinct hardening In prices Of farm pro wit. hin, mnv or may hot presage , m iht, hitherto ebbing tide of trade 'distribution. On what might be termed the const nirUve side of the s.luatton Is to be cited a siignt In. buying at retail-' quiet distinct g.iirroni quiet to fair noted mm -the npoarent dead low point of last week the " of thU be,I"f' "P" panntly, the advent nf lower tempera tures or prospects rf of more normal weather conditions west and south, thouirh more attractive prices at retail "are cite, Frost Itrports Give Bulls ;t Comrol In Wheat Market ' CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Bulls had the advantage In the what market today owing largely to, frost rcporu from Argentina and to virus expressed by a wall known trade authority that the Look these ovar at the 0.gtm MtHor Garage We are prepared to give Very liberal 'rms if de!red. FOR RENT AUTO REPAIRING WALLACE BROS. Fisk Tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 80S-12 Johnson St. l7a RENTLEY aV CO. Goodyear and j?HE "PIONEER" AITO MaJ Satia l.'amond Tires Tire ' seroe, oils J faction guaranteed. We repair any and scceecories Alt an.1 Cardea SU.M"- eaa -s G9RTSON A MARTY Gates Half joles, (000 miles buarantted 1-i cost of new tires. 632 Cottonwood St. APT9. AND ROOMS ALTA APIS. FOR RENT -4 -room furnished apart- mcht H Cosbie St. FOR . RfCNT Furnfshed room 1814 B. Court Bleeping FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping , room Phone 204-M. ( farm strike In the U. 8. was serious. poR RENT Front bed room in prl- Th market closed unsettled 1 1-2 o 2 1-2 net higher, with December 2.08 1-2 10 3.00 8-4 and March 2.03. Corn finished 1 1-8 to 1 6-8 up, ana oats Kalned 1-8 1-4 to 3-8. In provisions the outcome varied from 25c decline to 25c advance ... . . More than usual significance was attached to Argentine frost news in asmuch as wheat crop dumago was implied, and any great Impairment ofj yield In the southern hemisphere would be likely to bring about a more active European demand for supplies from the . United states, imeruoi among wheat traders centered almost entirely, however, on developments touching the holding attitude or farm ers. It was contended that notwith standing that primary receipts , con tinued liberal, an adequate test as to the amount of stoppage of rural sell ing would require at least ten days. Corn and oats- oorrowea uip" strength from wheat. Provisions were irregular. Wtock Exchange Sliowg Sanio jmv"iry w i-i-"v NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Business on the stock exchange Friday differed In no Important essentials from the Ir regular and hesitant movements of the preceding sessions of .the weeK, the professional element again domi nating the market. The ebb and flos- or prices continu ed" to bs governed by financial and In dustrial conditions, the former Indicat ing further, , depletion of available funds and the latter presenting renew ed signs of curtailed production and reduced payrolls. Most of the day's call money was of. fcrcd at 9 per cent, with the usual ad vance of 10 per cent at the finish. Developments of the day Included the declaration of an Initial dividend on shares of the New Orleans, Texas ft Mexico railroad and unconfirmed re ports of a heavy sale ot copper for ex uort at 15 to 16 1-4 a pound. Aside from occasional pool aciivnjr In some of the local utilities and mis cellaneous specialties, dealings center ed In oils, steels, equipments and transportations, the latter mnlnly of the high grade. Short covering ac counted for the brisk rally at the close, mich slocks as IT. a Steel. Bethlehem Steel, Baldwin Locomotives, Southern pacific and Mexican Petroleum scoring net gulTis of one'to nearly four points. Sales 500.000 shares. Trading in bonds vale home 714 Jane St. FOR RENT Two room apartment See Mrs. Dunn. 401 Aura St. FOR RENT One front Bleeping room Inquire 120 Lee St, evenings. FOR RENT Sleoplrijr room with bath, ; privilege Phne 6M or call 800 Vt. Webb. PERKINS A AMNIONS, Automobile Rcoalrlng. Ford, Che7rc let, CStude baker or r.ny make of car. - Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, XT-one SIMPSON TIRE BERVICE CO. lie-, 20S. public an Firestone tires, eon?3 or fabric 326 K. Court Et, Miotic 631. RADIATOR REPAIRING .XTA AL'TO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All make of Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. ! . " c' ""eu' e. CLEANING AND PRESSi.vC MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and retailing. 304 W Webb St. DRAYMEN CALL PENLAND Bros., lrauator van to move your household goods. We also ptick or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone S:!. DENTIST OR. FLOYD CROUP DentiPt Room 108 American Stat. Bldg. Phon 128 Pendleton, Or. nil- H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room ?, Temple Bldg, Phone T72. PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLY 20 Barney Oldfield. Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um C ip SOS E. Court AUTO TRANSRER A. M. BOYD EN Stand si Henn)ng Cigar stor. Country trips Phone 6 W. G. FISHERt -Stand HJlty & Kemp. Phone 5J2. - ATTORNEYS GEORGE! W". COTJTTs, Attcrney at Law, RooPk 17, Schmidt block. BARTER SMYTHE, Attorneys st Law. Offices In rear of Americas National Bank building. . FEE A FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despsln BulUing. C E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store Phone 107&. MISCELLANEOUS PHONE 276-M I. C. chimney sweep will ma.n. . .- Snyder for end you s ft. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 21. Sinlth-Crajrford Building. S. A, LOW U Attorney md Counsel lor at Law. Office in DespalB Bldg. & A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP A CLARK. At torneva at Law. Room 2 and 4 Smlih-Crawford Bldg. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM MAKES A SUGGESTION. 3Y ALLUAN A JrtMePUt Tlflfi -tfOOpMISHY. )JT-nrrrr? 1 , 1 i 1 1 - X ..i 11111 " " 1 1 " " 1 "" 1 j , ' ' I,- .. "iiHiii r"'W' '.Z',"'7? ; It SMCU. FfAI. Tc0 ouy' g AMO OT0 60! I . j 'iijnn 1 !nr ' r Li l. Lin fiwn rv r: MAktl A AlkiMV pi. ARC "tosjuieirfi won obj ft t oamce 1 svst uipu-r "CO SOMA (28,000, shown kby domestic Issues, although . 11 1,-.-. 1 ..lA.nH f nominal aalns. To ss a cause in some -r - -- kly hanjt clcrUig( fs.xss." tai saiff, t.,(lTj!',''rr;l' ' 7 .'', ' i tr. a, bondi unthgnra on il. Li.U.L...iJj- ,, x, - ...j I st: EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any sire, style or shape glaet nrhlln yon wait. D. N. Re her, M. D, T, 8, 9. Belts Bldg. RESTAURANT A gooa pi&c to eat. FARM LOANS SECOND HAND FURNITURE ' WB rxx, SELL or exchange house hold goods. Ve also do general far, niture repair work Phone 622, Riley Kemp, 623 Main St THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE Ma-vng? and Steam Bath, Electrical cabinet bath, medical rob bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, etc. at The Swedish Institute. If you suf fer from rheumatism, stomach trou Wo3. nervous, " run-down, paralysis. adiposis (reducing of weight) come and see us. G. W. Brown, M. O. D. Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant. Over Taylor Hardware tore. Main St., 743. Phone 1079-W. SNOW A DAYTON. 117 E. Court 81, Rdl EstateV Fire Insurance Farm Locus. See ua Shout loan. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Hail order promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Kail orders Mrs. Ralph Hassell 417 Bush, Phone 986. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In caw and o-. ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods Cheapest plao to buy household goods. S16 E. Coart I'hone 271-W. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your Junk to the Pendletcn Hide A Junk Co. See us before you sea U D. Cameron. Prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging "romot work. Tsllman Drag Co. i .it .1- j 11L Li . MADE TO MEASURE 1 LJU Carl E. Franaeen, lit Bldg. otia 0 ) SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. E. F. Gibsos P S. T.: N. D. Room 11 Feebler Bid,' L W. AYERS Room 16-l,Uond lililg. uraauate or I 'a rent School Welt- mcr Institute of Nevada, Mo. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General englneerlaf work. K. A. lansdsie, C SL, Rtvr side, Pendleton. Ore. . TAILORS (47 Main Phone 1001 inniiiHiiiniiuiufltinHnninniiiiiuiiiiiiiiifimmuiimmtimnmiiiiiiiiKitiiliuiuut ; SWEET CIDER, POP CORN, DELICIOUS APPLES, FALL BUTTER PE ARS .DATES, FIGS, DAINTYCAKES BUTTERNUT BREAD, 17c The Dean Tatom Co. a S3 S a Meat Dept. Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone ESS CjMqaumuuuuaiaauufaM . f t .