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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1920)
SIXTEEN Mtffi37 -r; o DAILY EAST OEESONIANrPENDLETONOSSGCIT, SATTODAY EVENINO, OCTOBESf 30,- IMO.: r t9 trnu - REMARKABLE CHANGES IN TIRE GUARANTEES Tli advance and progress made by the lradlng tire manufacturers of'the country tha last two years has brought about an Interesting change In the fig ure of motor r maintenance eost and In t're mllnuga records, Iteput alile tire companies have educated their customer so thoroughly on what to expect of their tire equipment that the chanito In maintenance figure haa scarcely bwn noticed and oonse qunntly has not been thoroughly ap preciated by those who aeek econ omy In tiro buying by patronizing the bbt concerns. If you have owned a car for several years you . will remember It was only a few yeara ago mai you consiuorea yourself fortunate If you ran on the Iho . flesr That is the verdict of " those' who have, taken advantage of our FREE SERVICE "The Service With a Smile" And your verdict will be the same if you will try it once. HOW BOUT YOUR CHAINS? We have th'm in tho regular and extra heavy. Better put a pair in your car, you never know when you are going to need them. L S. Spsnce Benfley Co., Inc. ."Always on the Job" Alt St. .: Phone 755 Opposite P. 0. GODDyEAR TIRES DIAMOND Gas, Oil, Accessories. FREE air, water in the Radiator, Water in the ; ; . . . uattery. . same tires for 3, COO or 4,000 miles without a mishap. Then camo a lime when the etnndard manufacturer put guarantees of from 6,000 to 7,000 mile behind their products. . Tou made a proud effort to beat the guarantee by a few thouaand mile and If you suc ceeded you probably wrote a letter to your dealor apprising him. of your phenomenal achievement. Thone figures Unit used to be phe nomenal fado Into insiKrlficanca com piircd to present day mileage records. Nowadays you think of 10,000 miles op. a lire a an ordinary run, no more than should be expected of a good tire under average conditions. In faot, If you happen to have a blowout under 1,000 miles you let out a terrible howl. Many motorists travel 10,000 to 13. 000 miles on tires of late construction before experiencing blowout trouble. Others often run from H.000 to 1,- 000. The stee of one's car and the type of roads on which one Is accustomed to travel have a bearing, of course, in these records. The handling of one's car enters Into mileage records, too. A careful driver naturally gets many more miles out of his equipment thun one who abuses his tires recklessly. "Very frewently enthuslast'c driv ers write In to the factory to tell us of their record runs," said an official of the Firestone Tire A rtubber Com pany recently. "The figure are not surprising when one considers the Im provement of manufacturing methods In the tire Industry. "Constant experimenting and de velopment of the processes of the larg er, reputable concerns Is responsible for the Increased mileage enjoyed by the car owners. With the develop ment of processes tnat f'gure In the actual construction of tire, the lead ing manufacturers have widened their producing capacity on such a scale thut quantity production has helped to combat price Increases." IIMWIIIIIIIIIIIHIWIItlimllimMHMIMIIIIW liMii.ii.iiiilliliiMiiniMHuniiliiiiiiiliiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii.hihiiiullliiHliMMiiiliiiinhillllliuilllili,!!!,!!:, kiiliililillHlilUlilliyiiiimUiWM illMIMIlUitlllHllUulJllUl!!llHI(lllliUlHllMIUHillMniillUliUUiH,llH,il,lllllli,inM,MiUHlltlllni.. I "WITT" n T V v IMISIFCL 1 We wish to announce the change in ownership and r ;iHMHHMHM.UIMUMMIHMMUIMHMHIH TKS TT ': i ''TTs-' ' jLas t JLyay : j To Secure a i ",.. Tlaoir This is the closing day of our great October offer on the Thor Electric Washer. During the month many housewives chose it ajj their ideal washer. Many more will buy today. ThU i your last chance to secure the Thor for only $5.00 down. Phone 40. PACIFIC POWER SLIGHT CO. "Always at Your Service" PHONE 40 Cottonwood & Court Sts. i J Don't Let TIRE TROUBLE Spoil Your Trip Your summer vacation includes a motor trip, of course. Possibly the tire trouble experienced last year, damp ens the joy of planning this summer's outing. , .- ' i THE GATES HALF SOLES Eradicates Tire Trouble. , Gertsoh & Marty N'fcw vintK. Oct. 30. Governor r . 1 . . 1. 1 1. n . . . knlMlnr, r.t Via West Is by no means an olevonth-hour i development dictated toy considerations i,l nnhllcnl exnediencv. It reaches back to the very beginning of his pub lio career. While he was a member of Congress he was an acUve supporter of measure designed to aid In the devel opment of the western country and on March-20, 112. he made a rorcetui AArM in ih HnuM of ReDit.senta- tives advocating pasaoge of the three- year homestead bill, a measure amena- inc and llberalii.lng the old home stead legislation., Mr. Cox was one I of but two members from slates east of the Mississippi river wno aeicnnea the measure. Senator (then Repre sentative) Pat Harrlson,.of Mississippi, was the other. v rvuMnlnr AmltiKt faovcrnmcfil In his remarks Mr. Cox pictured the West ss the field In which tne woric- Ir.rmnn. the wtilow. the man sufrcrlng from 111 health and the newly wedded pair all sought to find a home and a competence, and he Bald the Govern ment should do all In ita power to as sist them. - "I see nothing In this bill," he said, 'Ho suggest any conspiracy against the Government, I see nothing which Justifies a belief on the part of any per nn that of these homesteaders are not Inspired by the home-creat- lng Instinct. It anould inspire mr governmental distrust. The .hiv. ihla hill aeeks to revise or amend ts fifty or more yeara old. We have It from eminent auinormes rn ...PnoiiiKnt Roosevelt's Com mission, from the Secretary of the In terior, from Mr. Plnchot nimsen ana yield to no man in this House In the estimate which I plac upon his un measured services for good In fact every person competent to cedes the nroDriety of the old homestead laws being revised. Wanted Human Unit cwnsicitrpo. k r- ..nin-r iho fWi that during the past year 130,000 Americans had gone to live In Canada "because ine govern . . , .u:mBu, th menial concrssiuan tit ' e. 1 " laws more liberal," and descnoing the many difficulties confronting the homesteader, he continued: "I say to by colleague that we nhould humanize the homestead laws. We are making this mistake In our legisla tion; We are dealing with things In the abstract; we are absorbed with matter Impersonal, whereaa we should bring our legislation down closer to the hu man unit, down oloser to the activities of Individuals and communities. We have, perchance, at times flown in legislative airships very far above the man working out his salvation Ih the soil, I. earnestly hope that this bill will pass. I think It should be amended, however, and all utilities, or substantially all utilities, except agri culture, be reserved by the Govern ment." ."Tire" Was Snaky This story sounds fishy but It's true. A farmer near Lexington. Ky.. driving home one. night In his flivver, saw vhat looked like a tiro on the road shead. When he got out to get It. Hi-.", uii-.trhod out about 15 feet and wlgtrled Into the shrubbery. The farmcr'later learned that the "lire." was a huge hoa-constrletor snake that had escaped that day Jtroni a carnival. lloili parties for r.s 1 Good road plaaks wh'ch both par lies have included In tho'r p'atferms should not he fotgotten In the diBCtm s'on of more spectacular Issues, 'tlood roads arc of tremendous Importance to the country and fhould not be ide tracked for any ettuse. They strike deep Into the roots of fundamental progress and should be provided at any cost. (ircoks Hard on Speeder Auto speeders have a "tracky" time In Athons. When a traffic cop In that city sees a speeder coining he does not rest content by ordering him Into court. He throw a spiked board in the lauto s path and If It Is going so fast that It cannot atop in time. Its tires are punctured. The practice Is said to have rcaucea mruius -minimum. " Slary Garden Uses Trucks Mary Garden, the opera singer. Is uIhsb Flats niAtlir trucks to carry her management of the ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION better known as the WILLARD SERVICE STATION Mr. H. W. Graham and Mr. Wm. Hilgers, new managers, both of Portland, and having a wide battery experience, will endea vor to make this the best station on the coast for free Battery Service and advice. This service to be given on any make of Battery. Come in and let us get acquainted. The firm name from this t ime on will be known as the Penflleton Storage Battery Co. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. A nnouncement TO OUR CUSTOMERS: , " , Beginning November First, The Simpson Auto Co. Vill Sell for cash only. This step is necessary on account of changing conditions, and we predict that it will benef it you as well as ourselves. Our policy of real service will not be changed and you can always depend that we will go the limit for your Ford. . . . sWq carry nothing but Genuine Ford Parts, and our Genuine Ford Mechanics are here to keep up and increase the efficiency of your already Efficient Ford. ' Please help us out and give us your business under this new schedule. We thank you. Simpson Auto Go. it 633 CottnMJ SlraUTlto kalaf'. '.ur In Southern r ranee. War costs her i,000 ft &y.