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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1920)
VA? "TWELVE PA0E3 DAILY EAST C2EG0S1AN, PENDLEION, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1920 FAGS KILOS GENERAL IS "SANDWICH MAN" A Wear your Clothes out on your Back Don't Xj. Rub them awav in h-0 the Washtub CEMiWD EXCEEDS , SUPPLY 1 , , rHcdpuy LESS ; Mtt.i ' HELP If 1 - ',,,il- 1 mmmn$ r. r J J THE RE!3Y?v TIUT.T!-TEAll TV- BORAX SOAP CHIPS Xw" . ?&7gt K.!; :b, ifHi t a KmtV V f As.' ' P(Mri t "i 1 PENETRATE THE FABRIC AND LOOSEN THE DIRT, WHILE PRESERVING THE TEXTURE. -DIRT CAN NOT RESIST THEM if 4fy 1K. 1 - ' li 1 "yf" : i; '.: ,. w a i - i f tiTfiffiiiiiinw, tAmAMi hiflttAv vnnnrfll fi a nandwlch man! Members of the British Middle Class Union, an organization t flnt the high cost of living, recently held a parade with sandwich boards. The Picture hows Brig. Oen. Roberts. C. B., and the sign he carried in the parade. The "buy less" campaign which the organization Is fostering is already having its ell t. it to said. "its the borax in the soap that does the work- Is W Oman's Vote Wasted? Five say no I One, yes! Woman's vote is merely a weapon. Do you agree with Mary G. Kilbreth or Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt? See Hearst's for November. CALLING A SPADE A STEAMPLOW by O. K. Chesterton Alto in ifearsf'a (or November Can We do without War? Has war been a ruling, constructive idea in all human societies? What can we find to take its place? Read H. G. Wells, The Future of Man kind, in Hearst's for November. THE LITTLE RED FOOT A New Novel by Robert W. Chambers Alto In Hori(' for November Do Men Marry RedKair? Is the old theory that there is just one woman for every man, nonsense? Is Romance largely a matter of propinquity? Read what the marriage licenses indicate in Hearst's for November. And in addition to these, there are 3 other great novels, 7 other vivid short stories, and 8 other special articles all in II .A Magazine mth a Mission FOR NOVEMBER -NOW ON SALE BY Leedy's Cigar Store L G, Frazier 5 Griggs' Cigar Store Welch Cigar Store Nye-Ward Co. Thompson Drug ' Sol Baum Distributor, LEO ADLER, Baker Ore Niiiteen cases arc lisled on the dock et of the state KUprerne court for it wml-snnual Kastrn Oregon Rpsaion which openn In the circuit court room next Monday, Oct. 25. In reality there will bo 23 or more cuumi, a five sulti In which Twohy Brothers are appel ur.t, will he argued ua one. The appeal of W. V. Wilder, under sentence to life ImprlHonment for the murder of Hert McXeece 13 months ago on Wlldcr's ranch near Frecwater, 1 one of the t-wo caws from I'matllla county U come lefore the sesKlon. Wilder h!U4 been In prison for. more limn lx months, nerving time on his sentence. He wan convicted at the Jiuui.'iiy term of court. 1111 lirp 1iorsi Oiiilosted An appeal by Charles A. Johnson aralnirt Kay KelUr, on a Judgment for pasture char)te, Is the second case from this county. Peterson, Hifhop j & Clark, of Pendleton, represent Ooth Wilder and Johnson, appelanla In the actions. Malheur county fnrnlnhes five of the 19 cases listed on the docket, while the five Twohy cases, counted on the docket as one, are from Crook county. The complete list of cases and the date they are set for hearing, follows: Jlonday? Oct. 23 Amos Aramburn, administrator, respondent, vs., lanaclo OuerricaKoltia ,et al., appellants; Lor en Oolcochea, appellant, vs. IRnacio GuerricaKoltla, respondent; United States National Bank of Vale, appel lant, vs. Catherine U Pheahan, respon dent; all of Malheur county;' Clifford D. Iugsle respondent, vs. Frew W. mythhe, appellant, Harney county; State of Oregon, respondent, vs. Wil liam Stevenson, appellant, Malheur county; J. A. Pope, respondent, vs. John MncDonald, appellant, Grant county; Mary Cole et al., respondents, vs. Kdgar Marvin, county Judge, et al, appellants, Wallowa county. Twony tnscs itum ii Tuesday, Oct. 26. William Afarks, ' respondent, va Twohy Brothers Co., 'appellant, Crook county; State of Ore gon, appellant, vs. Price Gates, respon dent; Stale of Oregon, respondent, vs. Frank Turnbow. appellant, both from Union county; Stnto of Oregon, re spondent, vs. W. W. Wilder, appellant, Umatilla county; First. National Bank of F.lgin, appellant, vs. Summervllle Lumber Co., et al., respondents; Kd ward O. Wilson, respondent, vvs. North Powder Milling it Mercantile Co., et al., appellants, both from Union coun ty; Kay Keller, respondent vs. Charles A. Johnson, appellant, Umatilla county- Wednesday, Oct. 27. Percy M. Johnson, respondent, vs. Homestead Iron Dyke Mines Co., appellants; G. P. Clerin, respondent, respondent, vs. K. 8. Eccles, et al, appellants; Glroux Brothers, respondents, vs. Charles Pockler, appellant, all of Baker coun ty; First National Bank of Vale, re spondent, vs. Emma H. Hallady, et al., appellant, Malheur county, and F. Wiiitermute, appellant, vs. O. W. R. & N. Co., respondent, Baker county. FIRST DEATH IN CORK 6 vim Appear At Your Best Instantly'- If yea receive a tudden caller or n uneipccted In vitation you can feel con fident of aliay appearing t vour best. In but a few moments it render to your rtln a wrndcrtully pure. aofl complexion mat u l bevond comparison. 'ft . ! m Test the Tone of this. BUS ii .i 1 2 At for Strad'ivapA Master Musical Instrument Hrr tlie f tratliv.-ra si a toloisr note the perfect rlsr-fy of the tone. Hear with tlte ScraJivara sny numlier of voices or instruments together observe thet die voice of each singer or each instrument it clear-cut mi imblornsd crcatirg vividly the itnpmsion that tlie artists are Rally present. I ut btnulivcra plays awry tnaka ol record. CaQ and hear tlie CtraJivara Demonstrated. IVr Rale by TAIXMAN & CO. Phone 147 rendlcton, Ore. CORK, Oct. 19. (A. P.) The first death among the hunger strikers In Cork Jail occured Ftinday night. Flts perjld died at 9:45 ' o'clock, having fusted 68 days. The condition of Fitzgerald and Murphy hat! become so grave yester day that, with the cotment of the oth er hunger strikers, the prison doctors were permitted to give Fltz Gerald medical treatment. A cork specialist also was called in. Fitzgerald was one of the eleven men on a hunger strike In the Cork Jail whose cases for a long time live been the source of wonderment by medical authorities. Nearly a mouth ago Dr. Pearson and Dr. Battiscomfce, ail physicians, expressed profound amazement that the men abstaining from food were still alive and' con scious. The physicians said that ex cept for the devotion and care of the nuns it was certain that several would lone; since have been dead. All the hunger strikers were declar ed to have been reduced to a severe degree of emaciation. M Release fcrlfomenwho Suffer The multitude of American women who suffer terribly day after day and year alter year from ills peculiar totheirsex is almost beyond belief yet there is hardly a town or hamlet in the United States wherein some woman, and often many, do not "eside who have been restored to health from someof the worst forms of female ills,and oftenavoided operations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. These Two Women Tell of Their Experience. C'amillton, Ivy." I suffered almost Oualaska, Wis. "Every month I two yearn Willi female waJ:nes. I Had sucti pains ui my tacit anu ioer could not walk any tllsta::ce, ride or lake any exercise at all without resting. If 1 swept the floor or did. any kind tf work it would bring my sickness oil I wa.s weak and languid, bad no energy, and life was a misery to me. I wa.j under the care of a good physician for several months and tried other reme dies. I had read of Lydia E. l'inkliaui'a , Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. After taking twelve bottles I found myself much improved and I took mx more. I have never had any more trou'.de in that respect since. I have done all kinds of work and at present cm an attendant at a 8tato. iiospital and am fecline Jine. I shall always recommend vourVefMahleCom poun'd." Lillian Tiiakp, 824 fcouth cth (Street, CarroUton, Ky. part of stomach I could not lie in bed. 1 suffered so it (seemed as thougti I wojiid die, and I was not regular either. I buli'ered tor a year and was unfit to do my housework, could only wash dishes once ia a while. ' I read an advertise ment of what Lydia 11 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lad done for other women and decided to try it. It surely did -wonders for me. I have no pains now and can do my owa hoirework -without any trouble at alL I v.i.l nlv-ays praise your medicine B3 I Co not LehVvij there is a doctor that can do as much gxl for female -weakness as can LyULi E. Piukhaui's Vege table Compound and you may i.:;o these facts as a testimoniaL" il's. Lester E. Vaiixer, 11 1, Box 69, Onalaska, Wis. Thousands of Such Letters Prove the Curative Vahie of if nil i-ii o fa&Wrs is 2 R op ! tj e 1 I pwwiii" Ilml""'i! III COX RESTS FOR LAST 81 YELLOW AUTOMOBILE IS GUT ARM CAMDEX. X. J., Oct. 15. (A. p.) New Jersey authorities have been seeking three younpr men aeen In a yellow automobile Friday near the se cluded spot at Ortcks Crossway whrfe the body of David S. Paul, messenger for the Broadway Trust company of Camden, was found Saturday. When he disappeared Oct. 5, Paul was taklns 110,000 In cash ana 15, 000 In checks to a Philadelphia bank. No mcney was found on the body but ill the checks were intact In a' pocket. An autopsy showed death was caus ed by skull fracture and Paul had been killed not more than 24 hours before the body was found . CLEVELAND. Oct. 18. (A. . P.) Governor Cox obtained a full day's rest Sunday In preparation for .what his associates said would be a whirl wind finish of his campaign. During the next fortnight he will make his fight in the great population centers of the eastern and central states, be ginning Monday in Syracuse, Roches ter and Buffalo, N. Y. A Madison Square Garden speech at New York next Saturday night will close the week, and the following week the candidate will speak at In dianapolis, Chicago and other mid west centers. The league of nations promised to be virtually the exclusive battle ground of Governor Cox for the re mainder of the campaign. His advis ors today said that he would stress the contention that Senator Hardinp stands for rejection of the league, but still crying "Kamerad, Kamerad to the hosts of peace," comprising re publicans and Independents favoring the covenant. Governor Cox attended vesper ser vice at Trinity Episcopal cathedral and Sunday night conferred with E. H. Moore, Youngstown, Ohio, his person al adviser. Mr. Moore said that pros pects for Governor Cox's election re "Improving daily." NIP OF CANNED HEAT FIRST CLASS FIRE WATER FOR REDMAN'S THIRST When real whiskey was extant, red men cal.fd it firewater. Now that substitutes only are available, the red skins ore turning to various ulcoholic substances for their beverages. Per haps with an Idea to sticking to the literal meaning of the term fire water, George Dick, a reservation Indian", on Saturday night told the police he had become drunk on Sterno. Sterno is sold as canned heat. It is a mixture of para f fine and alcohol. somewhat denatured. The alcoholic content Is said to be about "6 per cent. George had five cans of the substance when arrested. ' He told the method of preparation as follows: "Dig out dope, put 'em In hot water. Mraln 'em, drink. Mike feel good." Reputable merchant, the chief of Police said today, have wondered at the recent demand for Sterno on the part of Indians and some white men. They are to be Informed that Instead of furnishing quick heat it is belli used for fire water in hope thev will refuse to sell further to Indians for purposes or consumption. George, the offender, w;.s f inertt $M ililiitn It! Ill 111 Iff 41 m m 'n!ii!tii!rti;iiT;n1rHijH!,ii'B'n!n''';'n;ynji!fj! mailt .'ii,n'n''V''.'''"',,'S 1iai"!Tiri7iiriaiT,ii.a.' " Cabaret Dancing Every Evening at the Jolly Inn Cafeteria Basement St. George Hotel Come and dance to your heart's content amid the most favorable surroundings. ?ii!iij;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii:'iittM''ii' iiiiliriiiii!eai'aaiWiuiiaiii!i MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative T M-'f,-flve- tly, I Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look fr the name California on the package, then you are sure your hild Is having the best and most harmless physio for the little stomach,' iver and bowels, children love lt fruity taste. Full directions on each We offer subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price The Unsold Portion, City of EDMONTON Province of Alberta General Obligation 6 per cent Gold Notes EXEMPT FROM ALL , DOMINION GOVERNMENT TAXATION YIELDING 9 NEW WHEAT RECORD INSIGHT This year's wheat crop of the Edmonton district has been estimated at 68.000.000 bushels. It is expected to surpass the record-breaking yield of the year lSlo. Estimated yields for other grains are as follows: Gats, 112.000,000 bushels, averaging nearly 40 bushels to the acre: barley. 8. 000.000 bushels, running about 20 bushels per acre, and rye, 1,700,000 bushels, with an average yield of SO bushels an acre. Prices Subject to Increase Without Notice DATED SEPTEMBER 1, ltl.'O Denamlnatloiui $100. S.V10 mn SIOOO. Maturity aa Follows! .l'r'n'Pal V' semi-annual interest Due Sent 1 1i' Price u Mrch 1 and September t), payable in line bept. I, 1? 1 rice St. S3 v s. old Coin tn New York and at the Due Sept. 1, l!23....1rice 92.45 offices of Morris Drothera. Inc. FIXAXCIAL STATEMENT Grosa assessed valuation tl.a$.T1!l W Value .Municipal Property (not including Public Utilities)..., 11.03S.3K.00 Net Debenture Debt 9.4SS.S)? AO Revenue from Public I'tiliti.s (above cost ol" operation !i7.77J.0O Net Local Improvement Debt rat payers' share) 5.(!i I.TM.00 In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these are cecured by long-time debentures totaling $2,594,420. Legality Appraved by Malone, Maloae Taranlo. I'aaaaa TKLKCHOM: UK TEI.E(.H Arn KKI1EHS AT Ol K EV l't SE. MORRIS BROS., Inc. Katakllaheal "Tlie Premier Maalelp.l Hna.1 Haa.- I'nrtlaaal. Or., Marrla Hull-Una-., Oi a tloa-lt Mark. Braa4may Sill. Seattle, V ah4 t'rntral Hid, ttaartrr Taraaia. tah., fidelity 1!Uk. 8aa r marine. ( al., Mrreaaala .Natlaaat Crataty ---- - Baak, Hultalna. Capital Oaa Mllllaa Daltarar f'3 i i t -a m K 4 a s : i ootUe. You must say "California," 1 .-Mi for Ins experiment,