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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1919)
;t.-n I - DA1L? EAST OKEUON1AN, PENDLETON. OKEUON, TUUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1010. , a"--; NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON ; iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniif iiiMiiiiitiiiiiiiniif tiiiitiifiifiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii itiiiiiitiiirtiiitffl(iiMtiiiiiiiiiHMiiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiifti)iitiittitiffiftin(tiiittftaMitftitnttif Movie Producer Daparta, Waltt-r Hlilnir, who (lh.ulo.l Hi. filming of "A Itomance of Pendleton" left thin morning fur Walla Walla whore u almllar plat Ufa will t ahoarn. w.ll Make Trip ui Boattlo. Ourlund Gray, Hallx ranohar, will laatft tmncirrnw on :i thru- wci'kM trip whton will Includa Portland, laattla iiml Walhi Walla, ! will return f(ar Thankagivlnf. AltcntlliiK: Wallowa county COttrt, Judge Jafbea A. Faa l'ft on No. 18 laat f-vcnintc for Bntarprlai whrn ho h:il tiouic cnpfn to n'lin' bf"lo the Wallowa county term of the circuit court. Will he Rodney W. OninKc. Tha proud father I.h a drucglHt In the nclxh borlng town ii m and tho now arrival it IiIm fli-Ht won and heir. Will li. 1,1 vuli'. The Mullen Aid of the Iftthodla! thUNB win hold a cooked food, apron and hatidlicrciilcf mile rjcconilar 13. Thn locution for the ale haa not yet baaa padded upon. 'ii li e.-: Ti l To HMkjilM'. I . re Qray. proeptel or of the I M'ltn Mud Ruaaell nekta, hi employe, left llaat ntght for HrmKiino on a bualneaa 'trip. Tho bueJnOM ll connected with Mi., telling of Motel Davenport paa I trial nt the Delta. Ira Now Olctka, MIhm .MiiIm I llrookn and Mrs. It. Powlfl are new employee at the P plea WniehouHu. They are amnio) aa elerkH. Is Driving Vow .Muclilno. Hurry Alyrlek 1h driving a new Cine II Klx pnreli.iHi"l from the Klliihiil Motor Company, II. R Marka, of DohO MEDICINAL ROOTS, KERBS, BARKS AND BERRIES And oilier alleralivei, tonic and I in found. - I . i ! 1 1 1 i i inndionls tlint are rfcuiiiiniiuli'd in the best mcdieal books, tre combined in II I Snr saparilla. It ImiMs up the plood, improves tin appi'titc, invigorates lint c :'-sl i-.ii, tone the stomach and fives nerve Htrenpth so M 1o promote permanent good health. Mas merit I'd and held the praise of three (n cra t ions. You kIiouM trive it trial. Aa a penile thorough cat hurt ic many recommend IJootl'a PilU. Hay initio Mere. Mr,-. Howard Jdllff ami children nrrlved In r-nllcwm on Monday from the euat to Hpenrl Ihe winter montlUI with In r neloe, Mm, Blanche frivnn Mini, at her auhuibim li'iino In Rtver Hbl. Mr. Jolllff will arrive Inter and tin family will pniwdbly locate hefi a, n?w Mitchell Six tho HJime company. purchased from -7 s bo ; New Members Added. Fi vo new m e rn hern were ad d a4 1 1 the Ratal I Clerk' Union of Pendleton ' i meeting last night. A lare .s"i i.i nuM-iliiLr is planned by the union p-rmnmnlly when a dexlrable location land will take place In two weeks. Still iher event In tho calendar of the - j onion w be a danee, for which tho On Trip to lloppticr. i.-ntni d;ite of November 20 haa R. K. Delft, agent for tho North--been selected. eru ' ; rain and Warehonmi fo., and ' V. A. Mitchell, of tho I'arlfio O rain Goodnaaa Unira MafieaS nnaiffrnr- m ';i le Ciiiiilinnn, local r for j ga eomi'leted a deal f-r the piii'ha.ue f' 'he I,. IS, .M I rfsldence at the cor- jg nr of Reley and Garfield stretB. The a Itorchape price wa not rermrted. Mr. 13 afeee, who haa been eniMced In thels Co., loft by auto this morn In on huslness trip to Meppner. They r pect to return Friday afternoon. OVWUra Hal Small Son. A nine pound son wa: niornlni at Pilot Hod; Mis. M. ). ornnce. Th b this Mr. and younff man lei loi loi ioi ioi ioi ioi foi lot loi- o Nuts, Popcorn, Apples New crop Budded Pranquette Orogon Walnuts, tho hijhest quality Oregon Walnuts frrown, SO per pound Faacy Itxge Rrazil Nuts 40c lb.; 2 lbs. for 75c Popcorn that pops 20c per pound A large variety of Table Apples. "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) atock baalnaap h lies imrchj arhi I 1 1 yen i -. :.i..l alfolf I In the Walla WaJla valley will rafnora to It at once. lei -101 101 IOI 101 TOT TOT TOT 101 1 j 'T 101 (.ill. Shop IMahlNhed. "The Kenihvorth Uift Shop" Is aS new department In thn Peoples Ware- house. The BtOoal f"r the whop Is from f Marshall Fleld'H and ffrm a Rift shop Is unit. f'hlna. Klns, candle ah a ties, fi lenk petn and ther novelties suitable 5 for Kifts, will be sold In tho shop. !S Mr.". Minnie Henderson, of the art de- Is partment of tho atore, will be in rhurfce of the new feature. I ThK is i tUldren'a Book Week. This week Is Children's Hook Week, erhJch Is betnc observed nationally as a means of encouraplnif rendln? I anion children. Bookstores and li braries are co-operating- In efforts to make the week a success. Bookstores are showing special volumes for chil dren's reading, while the.. Hbarles have prepared special book lists. ftftaob RAbtofl hi Idaho. Much evldenco of rabies la shown In .Southern Idaho, according to C P. Watson, who has returned from a trip j to that section, made in the Interests i of the U. 8. Biological Survey. A ra- f bid coyote attacked a farmer In the J Idaho country during Mr. Watson's, visit, and Mr. Watson also saw a ra- j bid steer. "See V3e Before The Fire' If fOn tit Blake a quick sab of your properly, it arm par yon t" tftel ( ith OS. We have arrange iii tils whereby we OOO sdl property on easy terms to (he buyer ami get the ea--li for the seller. We are Belting property on this plan to putties (hat couldn't buy otherwise. JOE KERLKY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate, Grain 721 Main Pendleton Will Attend IDapnailliiBl Prominent stockmen of this section art planning- to attend the Pacific In- : ternational livestock Exposition j which opens on Monday In Portland. Among th'-e who plan to attend are,' .1. N-. Burge.-Js. Thomas Boylen, Claude t IlTimpton and James Sturgl-s. Fred Bennton, county agent, will attend and , will act a clerk for the Juries. Stan ley Ji wi-tt. bead of the Biological Stir- .' vey office here, .will attend and will haVe charge of tho survey's exhibit. ew Wctor In IN ndlctou. lr. H. Day, an osteopathic phy- ; ; who has been practicing at Bend for tho last two years, arrived Jn Pen-' dleton today and will open offices in j (the Kmlth-rawford building in the . rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Rey nold. On December 1 ho will nmvo to the offices now occupied by S. A. ' y u berry, attorney, in the same build ' lug. Dr. Day baa a wife and family In Bend whom he will bring hero when ho obtains a house. Guaranteed Fresh Eggs Strictly Fresh Egrgs, per dozen 80c Fresh Country Butter, 2 pound roll $1.15 Tillamook Cheese, per pound 45c Sauer Kraut, per quart 15c Mince Meat, per pound 30c Pickled Pork, per pound 40c Will Move. t Federal Building. S. A. Xcwbcrry, deputy clerk of the IT, S. district court, will move his of fices from the Smith Crawford build ing to the federal building about Dec. j 1, ho announced today. Mr. .New- I berry has been in his present location- for the last 10 years but says he Is en titled to offices In the federal build- 1 ing because of the position he fills! with tho court. Will Winter hi California. Mr. and Mrs. I'erett King and children and Walter Clark, who Is as- , s ciated with Mr. King on his wheat j ran Oh north of Pendleton, left Wed- 1 noeday by motor for California where i they will spend tho winter. They in-! tend to drive to Portland and ship tftetr machine to San Francisco by Steamer and tour the state from the' Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. ! I parents of Kverett King, will them about Dec. l In the south. join ( f V SERVICE Grocery Department Two Phones 526 Making plans to INson. Farmers from the west end of th" county have agreed to buy a ton and i a half of poison which will be used for j exterminating rabbits In that section. The poison will be bought Individually and will be used under the direction j of Fred Ponn!on, county agent, and the T'nitcd Biological Survey. D. 1 Jamison of the survey is now instruct ing farmers aa to how the pnlson j should bo mixed and is securing the signatures of farmers -who pledgo themselves to buy th poison. Treasury ixelslons KojumlliifT Insur- ;s inicc. : Umatilla county men who reinstat- j ed their g-overnment term insurance 35 by eendtng In all the premium for the 2 jtlrne In which their Insurance wnsS hvpedd, are asking if any of that money II j will bo refunded owing to the fact, 5 that niwonly two months premium,!;- the month of lapsatlon and the month ' of reinstatement, are required. The Bed Cross office In Pendleton says t 'at according to Information receiv i ed, a treasury decision states that if on reinstatement of insurance any In unrrd lias paid an amount creater i than that noW required, on Written an nHontlon by the Insured or a benef i c'arr. the excess of premiums paid shull be applied towards (he payment: of future premium. Another deelsion-l la that when a man reinstates his in -1 sura roe, and sends In the premiums, I a written application and statement of Grocery Phone 626 Use the Phones SERVICE Other Hirt'mtS 78 Um the Phones PENDLETON'S ftEADING STORE JIHf ; i1 JSffitfSA? mmmm DRESSES $35, $39.50, $45, $55, $65, $75 Anticipating a splendid season, we have prepared a com plete showing of beautiful gowns 'for every occasion. Duve tyns and Tricotines appear in handsomely tailored models. Very lovely are the Tricolettes, Velvets, Meteors, Satins, Georgette and Taffetas. Fashion you will say is at its best here. mm Thanksgiving Table Linens Can be purchased here with eage. Because you're sure to get quality and then the patterns and designs will suit. Come down tomorrowf and select yours for that bis Thanksgiving feed. j Damask I $1.25 to $4.50 Table Cloths $5.00 to $15.00 Lunch Cloths 85c to $6.50 Lunch Sets L $10.00 to $16.50 Napkins, set ( $2.50 to $15.00 ROBE CLOTH 85c YARD Suitable for Bath Robes and garments around the house these cool mornings.' Offered in dark and light patterns. See them, they just came in. PURSES AND BAGS 75c to $25.00 Another shipment of brand new styles of bags and purses, made of leather and some of velvet. Offered in many attractive styles and colors. Be u:-e to see them. GARMENT DRYERS A combination shirt and hose dryer for children's garments. They are adjustable and made of good hard wood. Get a set for vou'll probably need one, set $1.75 OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT is one of the most complefc departments in our store. Bring the boy down and let us fit him out. No trouble to show goods. Wearpled At last, a Hoys' Suit that put- a stop to uncertain service. You've seen boj' clothes of the old school; now come soe the head of the OlasS, We have hist Imoh granted the exclusive selling, right in IVmlleton for a Bojra' garment that Mui'C go bad without making good. Its nniiie is W : AIMM.FlX.r. It s made in New York hy a Million Dollar institution ami soldi from sea to sea by specially appointed dealers. ' ,l-:very WKARPf, fCIH&i suit or o'eoat is aeeonviMuiiod hy an insur ance policy that plctlirea the wear to your satlsfactMn or new clothes 1 as your settlement. It's the biggest, ImaaVlcM and boldest stroke in box s clothes mer ehamlising that has oA t r been attempted in Anu rira. , WOre Khul we i. wis fJie et hiie sell in c rlgtal for IVndleton. And INndletou will Ie .:Ia.f that W I : MUM l 1H.E is a part of the t'it.v wiu'ii the season or Till: BELT Kvdfrw Wceurnlctlac siitt -hh's home with a '" l.ea thcr Itelt on the laaits. The minute our S4n sees it stretch he'll lilart to COBS, i.ii. r 'KiN( .n insnrance IHilles ei-s with eery garaaenl r ganlliss of rie'.N w t loihes if ;t Wearpledge fait without any red iaM Till: MUTlirJt ioi n Wearnledire Clothes, lMth moileN and lejike. are assdn on b a on mi it tee of Mothers this "loueh" tell and talk? win $10.00 10 $15.00 BOYS' SHIRTS 85c to $4.00 Boys' Shirts in many neat patterns and stripes of all colors. Bring the boy in and let him select one or more of these fine shirts. We have all sizes in stock. BOYS' HATS $1.00 to $3.75 NEW STYLES just came in, of these little boys' fine hats, offered in many styles and shapes. Select one of them now while we have the size. BOYS' SWEATERS $3.50 Keep the boy warm by letting him wear one of these sweaters. Offered in all colors and sizes. BOYS' TIES 25c to 75c Boys' Ties in all colors and styles. When you need a tie come here and buy it. You'll be pleased and satisfied. BOYS' UNDERWEAR $1.00 to $3.00 Of course you'll need a suit or two of underwear. Why not select it here where you will get quality am' just the style you want. We're showing a big line of these goods. 1 I s 3 5 i::iiitiliiii!.tlliiiitlirilLiiiMit:i!i(ilFii:i;;iiiii:iiii!fiiiiiii;iii!jllllilllllltllllllillllllltlllllltIIlllllllllI1lll MliliiiilittJiiiilltMliltliiiiiuiiiiiittMljlliiJiiiiiirtlllitiiij. . 1 I I I ? . it s a I ' I I. I good health will not be required.