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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1919)
DArtVS EAST OKibONlAN, PEWDLETOiT, OHEOOW, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. PASS NINE WANT ADS CLASSIFIED TEN PAGES Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference MISCELLANEOUS DItEHSM AKIXO Mr. Chaa. R!ck ajiaugh, Phone 746 702 E. Alta, WANT A) COLUMN AND ssmi-ji uiniflCTonv Counting six ordinary words to the lino nnd charged by tlm lino. Want tids and locals. RntM rr i. Klrst Insertion, per line 10c Kach add. Insertion, per line. ... rc One week (six Insertions), each ltiHertlon, per line Be 1 mo. ouch Insertion, per line.. 4c 1 month contract, each inser tion, per lln' ... 3c 12-month contract, - each In sertion, per line 2c No ads taken for less than 2 lines. Minimum chars: 2Dc Ads taken over the telephone only from Kast Orejtonian sub ncribcr and those listed In the Telephone Directory. Copy must be in our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. FOR SALE POTl BALES ALL kind of Insurance. J. H. Kstet, KM Main St, l'hone (04. I FOR BALE Five room bouse on North Side. Cull 281-M during day; 1618 evening i FOR HALE Late model Bulck Six, newly pulnted and good condition. !A bargain if taken at once. Also oth ! er saod buys in used . cars. McLain & Snavoly, opposite Hotel Pendleton.! Phono "04. FOR SALE Continued FOlt SAfjS Hix Iota and two small houses, ono four and one three rooms. Can either take all or part. Owner, 603 Sycamore. APPLES POJl SALE at 11. CO per sack. Bring your sacks. located 2 miles west of Freewater. John Mc- Ewen, Freewater, Ore. WARD PHONOS for Xmaa. take you In your home. We will If WIND SHIELD OLASS Put In while you wait. B. L. Burroughs, Cor ner Webb and College. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PKNDLETON AND VICINITY Tills directory E especlallly handy tor 3S5 out-of-town reader who may want (he name and address of re- mnfiHlhln huslnMU ....... ul... wDNMil f ). tnHntxinm t'HriOIJM lilU'M. All reliable, IVlXllSi bl MlillMM OO&V oernn who Maud ready to give you prompt and efficient service TREES TRIlOIEn carneia rhlmnovi.l windows, wall paper cleaned. Call Smithy, 381-J. HEMSTITCHING at the Blnrer shop. t Mall orders promptly attended to. FOR SALE Studehaker tourinB car in good condition. Inquire "X" this t HEMSTITCHING Quick office. FOR SALE Shorts and bran, the old fashioned kind, none better. Uma tilla Flour and Grain Co. 1300 W. Alta. Phone 351. WANTED rouBtabout, 191G, NEW TODAV Each new advertisement will be run under ''New Tod.ay' for the first insertion only. During subsequent Insertions of the ad It will appear under its proper classification. ,FOU SA LB Ford good rubbers. Mako an offer aj.d j WANTED drive It away. Telephone Oarage, op posite court house. WANTED To rent piano. Call Mrs. Lester Rogers. Phone 1041. 1 To buy a few hogs weigh- big about 120 lbs. Phone A. P. Knight. FOH SALE L. C. Smith Typewriter, sanitary couch and mattress, library EXPERIENCED ranch cook wishes situation on ranch. (man) Must service mail order. Mrs. Ralph Hassell Apt. 13 Laatz Apts. Phone 386-M. PSYCHOMETR 1ST -Office hours 1-8. 402 E. Alta St., upstairs. ANNOUNCEMENT ATTORNEYS I HAVE MOVED my office In thejFEE FEE, Attorneys at Law. Beltz Bldg., from Rooms 9-10-U to i flees In Deapain Building. rooms 7-8-9. Turn to the left, D. K. Reber, eye, ear. nose and throat spe-claist. CM- It. I. KEATOfS" Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bluldlng. FLORJST POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist, 523 Main St. FARM LOANS AUTO TOPS "8. A. Lowell, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office in Deapain Bldg. IB" YOU NEED a New Top or Cur- a A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Law. tains for your oar, Bm Gadwa, 101 ; Smith-Crawford. Bluldlng. e. court, Hi ill.-, stand tables, rockers, etc. Also ; have a homo for winter. Inquire De- partitions taken from Dr. Klnz office. Call Dr. Starba's office. LOST AND FOUND STRAYED From the J. M. Marplo place at Nolin, one 2 year old brown fllley, branded Lazy TJ on left stifle. Reward for Information leading to the recovery of above described animal. Notify J. 8. Utterback. Nolin, Ore. NEW TODAY mott's Cigar Store STRAYED From the Sloan ranch BOARD AND ROOM WANTED near Piiot Rock grey tream and FOR SALE One half cabinet Singer I Young lady employed In business muG coit. Branded M. C. on left Sewing Machine. 66 model, $35. office desires board and room in pri--shoulder. Reward for information Singer Store. ! vato family. References If desired. j leading to recovery of .above animals. Our Mr. Fred Earl left Frlduy for er Co, me iew xorK markets in the special Interests of the Big Store. While there ho will look after the "Last Minute" Novelties of the holiday "Trade In men's wear and mako arrangements for a tremendous spring trade. Re plenishments of winter stocks will bo given immediate attention. He ex pects to call In Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Denver In tho same In-jKiernan Ave. teres is, THIS I'EOPLES WAREHOUSE. FOR SALE Shuttles and supplies for an wttius iiiuciiiiiei. imjujie aing- i i Address P. O. Box 578, Pendleton, Or. (Notify R. L Knapp, Pilot Rock. VANTED Good clean East Oregonlan office. rags at The FOR SALE Modern bungalow with one acre of ground and pumping ' WANTED Small furnished apart plant. Phone 221-R. I ment' ,wo adults. Dr- M- 8lm . i - jmons. Phone 87. FOR SALE Modern eight room house hot water heat, four lota. garage. 225 Jane St. Pendleton. Ad dress S. 8. Buttler, Spokane, 804 W. RELIABLE GIRL wishes work, dress "A' E. O. office. Ad- PETERSON. BISHOP & CLARK, at- jAUTO TOP8 and shoe repairing, 121 j torneys at Law. Rooms 1 and 4. I West Alta Street. .c.nlth.f-rtivi.fni-ri t.ulMin. AUTO TIRE SERVICE JAMES B. PERRY.aAttorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com- WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Pftny- Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co., Phone 661, AUTO TIRES RALEY A RALEY, Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. SNOW & DAYTON, 117 East Court St. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Xmrm Loans. See ua ..bout a loan. GATES HALF-SOLES HAVE the old tires half-soled; fSOO mile guaranteed; have proven worth. O. W. Bradley, 639 Cotton w'd. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 'FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, 811- i Law. Room 24. Bmlth-Crawford vertown Cords. Wallace Bros. Bldg. WILLIAM '. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Oregon. ARCHITECT WANTED Woman to washings for ladles. -Golden Rule Hotel. do small Room 24, LOST Steel grey fllley, branded 7-4 connected on right shoulder. Address ispaln Bldg, E. H. Hartung, Pendleton. RAYMOND W HATCH Architect Phone 76S, Rooms t and t. De ll. M. TURNER. Attorney at Law. Rooms 7. 8. . Deapain building. BICYCLE REPAIRING FOR SALE Standard sewing ma chine, chairs and tables. Mrs. Jesse Falling. Falling Bid. FOR SALE 320 acres good wheat land 1 3-4 miles southwest of Sparks station. Terms. Address Carl New Quist. Pendleton, Oregon. general Call at RELIABLE GIRl dress A, Care E. i vlshes work. Office. Ad- LOST At 1'astimo theater, overcoat for 9 year old boy. Please leavo this office. LUMBER FOR SALE. CHEAP Four hundred llncul feet 6x8, nine hundred i lineal feet 4x6. like new except a few 'bolt holes. Also a various lot of other sizes. J. It. MacMaster, 415 Garfield. l'hone 248-M. 4- I WANTED By married couple, no I children, an unfurnished four or five roomed house. Inquire X this of- ! flee. Reference given. j WANTED Woman for housework. Small family. 645 Main St., or phone 321. FOR RENT Nice large slecpInK room, suitablt for two people. 625 Willow. MAN AND WIFE want housekeeping hooms. No children. Phone 1049-W. TIME CARD. Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leavea Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12 45 p. m. I eaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. n. and 1:00 p. m. 4 Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a- m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. GEORGE R. WRIGHT. Telephone 604; (14 Main St, Pen dleton, Oregon. AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and ARCHITECT ' supplies. Savage tires, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court. AUTO TRANSFER FOR QUICK SERVICE, aee Bud Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar store. FOR RENT Room and hath for one room, suitable for two people. 625 iroad lo Eugene. 9 miles. 88000 cash. Madison. .Federal loan $4000. A. Ball. Route 8, i Eugene, Ore. DRESSMAKING neatly done by Mrs. Wesley. 1209 B, Court. 200 ACRES SO cultivated, balance timber-pasture. Adapted to stock, grain, hay. Good soil. Natural drain age, spring water. Horses, machinery, I tools 1-2 of crop. Building Macadam j SALESMEN Economy line of Calen- W A NT ED By gentleman, sunny room, either with or without board. Address F. M., East Oregonlan. FOUND Emblematic (lodge) finger ring. Owner can have same by calling at this office and. paying charges. FOR SALE New seven room house with two lots, on one of beet corners on north side, price $1,000 with furni ture. Call 605 Grant St. and dars. leather goods and bank sup plies, good commissions; exclusive contract and territory; established house. Economy Advertising Co.. Iowa City. Iowa. NOTICES FOR SALE Lot, Cottonwood St., corner Tnstin Phone 386-R. WANTED Throe millwrights. Will pay $1.00 per hour and railroad fare. Vale Milling and Elevator Com pany, Vale, Oregon. Illot Rock Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a, m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. AUTO REPAIRING BLACKSMITHING Jdfe PRINTING LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Hill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc.. printed to your order, ian Office. LAUNDRY EVERY article LaunCered There's an agent In your Troy Laundry, COS Garden St. tly. town. THE BOWMAN SHOP, Llacksmith- lng. Horseshoeing our Specialty, Re- i Dftir auto snrlnsm. wheels, all sizes. ' MUN'JUKAai LUBRICATING OILS Oils and Greases, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse FIRST CLASS Blacksmithing of every j Matleck and Alta Sts. F. O. Sullivan description, xou can ao netier nere. tasum Oregon jtepresentauvs. A, P. Burgln, R07-9 Clay St BATTERIES LEGAL BLANKS PERKINS & REMENT, Automobile ull"u' iUUA-.o oi every aeacrij.uun Repairing. Ford Chevrolet, Stude-pATTERIES "Paired or recharged. , Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, BJU. of baker or any make of car. Service -. sates, vontracts. suopoenas. Ainaayiis car at any Phone 203. time. 630 Cottonwood. AUTO WRECKING USED PARTS every description. We buv vour car. condition no oblect ; Auto Clearing House, Garden Alta. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, e6.00. Inquire at T. & S. Motor Co., 722 Cottonwood street FOR RENT AtU'iitlon Knights of Columbus. There will be a special meeting Wednesday evening, Nov. 5. Import ant business to bo transacted. By order of (J. K. FRANK DOWNEY. Hermiston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Hermiston, 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton, St. George Hotel. 4 p. m. Fare: Echo. 81.00: Stanfield. $1.25; Hermiston. $1.75. Special trips by request. A. R. ROBERTS, Prop. Phone 755. AUTO PAINTING BY MZNWITH YEARS of experi ence. Motor Inn arage, 7 22 Cotton wood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Service Station. Cor Garden and court Complaints Summons, etc.. PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID Bgggg 0fflce- - BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co.. 320 B. Court, Telephone 269, Pendleton. u MONTERASTELLL for sals at MONUMENTS CHIROPRACTOR DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, SOI E. Court; Phone 1053. Marble and Granit works; write or arrange fog Interview for prices, styles, eta PIANO TUNING APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APT& WE HAVE 2 Hupmobilos, late models; 2 IteOB, 2 Kurds, ono lata modol Uuick IN lOi:I. Special prices. lor row nays to i make room for new cars that are to The following described animals ' arrive soon. Terms to suit. Mclean have been taken up by tho marshal of1 Suavely, Main St.. opposite Hotel the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: I Pendleton. l'hone 704. DiTinviOtftKn A riT D.nlltnn Pnn r-t TOOLS FOR RALE Full kit of car- """""" penter tools. Keen-Cutter Miter Box,ou HE NT Garage, 812 W. Alta. brand new. Lester Urown, General ijlon0 729-J. IN POI ND. AUCTIONEER COL. TV. F. YONHKA Auctioneer, ; Call at Sturgls & Storie's Implement PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, CO., for sale dates. Let me take care of your piano bf the year. Tuning, regulating and re. pairing. Uprights, Grand and Players Phone 645-W. B. A McDonald. Painting and Paper Hanging CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS tag. L. J. McAtee, .the Practice; Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. ML LORETTA H. BTARBA -10 Feebler Bldg. S to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones 5f. 683, Res. 1169. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK I FOR RENT Room for one desirable young men. 713 or two Matlock. One iron grey horse, branded C with . line under, left stifle, 6 years old. One bay mare, branded the same. ' 8 years old, yeurllnfc colt with her. . One brown mare, " same brand, i weight about 800. One bay horse, no brand 10 years old, 8T.0 lbs. I If said animals are not claimed by! tho owners or those entitled to their i possession, cost and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from j the date hereto, then at 2 o'clock pi ! ni. of the 14th day of November, 111 it. i the said animals will be sold to the ! hifthest bidder, at public auction, for I cash, at tho City Pound, in said city j of Pendleton, the proceeds of such ! sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 3rd day of November,1 l!tiy. A L ROBERTS, City Marshal .Notice lo Creditors. Wc wish to announce that we have , sold out the business known as "The t Auto Clearing House, at Corner of j' Alta and Garden St., to Bentley & Rinehurt. Any knowing themselves j fntodbted to the Auto Clearing j house pleaso make arrangements to j take care of tho account by Nov. 10, 1919. IX POUXD. The following described animal has boon taken up by, tho marshul of the City of Pendleton, 1o-wit: One gray horse, 11 years old. Brand ed C. R. on left stifle. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or t hose entitled to Its possesslnn , a sl h a n d expenses paid and taken away within ,ten day from tho dato hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. tin., of tho i2th day of November, 1919. tho said animal will bo sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at tho City Pound, In said City of Pendleton, tho proceeds of such sale to bo applied to tho payment of uch costs and exponses of making Bale. Dated this 31st day of October, 1919. AL ROBERTS. City Marshal FOR RENT A cozy sleeping room, large enough for 2 ladies or 2 gen tlemen. East 716 Alta St. Store Room Spaoe for Rent, sessio. costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 to'clock p. irf of the 14th day of November, 1919, the said animal wil lbe sold to the FOR SALE OR TRADE 1918 Ford; Applications will be received up to .highest bidder, at public auction, for The following described animal has Fbeen taken up by the marshal of the TXTPPCTi. TTTlTr City of Pendleton, to-wit: J ? " , ' One gray horse, 7 years' old. 900 ; Magneto, starter ignition. . J lbs. No brands. - jectrto Service Station, Main A Water. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to its pos Eneineerine. Constructing: 10 vears experience in concrete and brick con- J. w. JACKSON, General Contractor struction; Columbia bldg. Portland, Or Painting, papering and k&lsomlnina DENTIST touring car. Reo. Studebaker. November 15th, 1919. for store room Dodge, Ford bug, Buick 37 bug and space In the new Elks' building now In 1S10 Cadillac. Will take good Rem- course of construction. Floor space Inston shotKun as part payment, flood j can be arranged to suit tenant. Build ev terms on any of these cars. Heck ling will be completed about April 1st. & Miller. Phone 203. C20 Cotton- Address B. P. O. E. Building Corn wood street. mlttef, Pendleton, Ore. cash, at te City Pound, m said City of Pendleton, tho proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 1st day of November, 1919. AL ROBERTS City Marshal WE REPAIR anything electrical an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. DR. THOMAS OHM ART, Taylor Hardwarde Bldg., Pendleton. Ore., nn rjiuuu OU I. ATTORNEYS DRAYMEN BTNOS & BTNON- 15-16-17 Belts building, over Bond Bros. Telephone 154. CALL. PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van t . ! to move your household goods. We Attorneys at law. . . ' 17 , i done quick, neat acl cheap. 1 Cmt vin. Phone 1034. THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Tinting, Paper TT"r"t Estimates Furnished 'hone 1144 Shop 728 Cottonwool itry hauling. Telephone S3 9. I- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS THESE ARE TIMES TO BRING YOUR OWN. BY ALLMAN Hum, I see HelejJ Pgceiveo) AM MVlTATIoti To A TUREfc ( OCLOCVi TTEA-. "THAT OLK?UT To BE SOME SWeU AFFAIR IF MRS. VAjJoeEeoLO is sivimg IT : HEtEH 15 SETTW6 To M SOME SOCIAL UCWT- rj .i .-i ENGRAVED CARDS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at : ' " VISITING CARDS Wedding An- CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorneys at . nouncements, invitations, many ae Law. Office In rear of American signs ana styles to seieat rrom. National Bank Biulding. 'sale at East Oregonlan Office. ?AU1R SUPPLIES CHICK FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley, Umatilla Floor & Grain Co. The insomnia of the midnight cat if contagious. With approximately SO per cent of the total valley apple crop either in warehouses or in boxes in the or chards, damage to the fruit men can not be great according to the best figures given the Milton Eagle by a prominent fruitman yesterday. the date hereto, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of tho 8th day of November, 1919, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses o making sale. Dated this 27th day of October, 1919 AL ROBERTS PI IIMRIIMft AMD UPATIUft For " rrr. HEATING plants., sheet mtal work, pipe fitting, general plumbm up plies D. D. Phelps, 317 E. Court. RADIATOR REPAIRING VLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All make, of adiators repaired. Work guaranteed. !dw. A. Porter, Prop. IT SAVS DOWl HEBE W THE COSM6I1, P. BwV. Q. S . - WdtoDER maT that meahs - aowa op Hi AT SOCIAL cope STUFT I Svl'Poat BEAUTY SHOP BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss Robb'a hop. Judd Bldg. Phone 1050. Some people arc so miserly one can't even' have a Joke at their expense. Learn of the husy little hec, but he careful how you take a pointer from ifcm. Women ought to mnkp good legls- ; lators. Many a man can Icslifv that a womun'fi ri is law, SAV. H eLElJ.VttAT DOES TUIS MEAKt AT THE- Bottom of This AFTeRNoaJ TEA 1MVITATIOMP 1 That hears, Pte43e OKINb tOO ft- OWN 1 7 M I r 111! BH ( .ii .hm .u jjsjji. 1 - 1 11 11 1 1 , " " U: ' IV FOUND. Tho following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendelton, to-wit: One mouse colored mare and colt mare about S years old with flax mane and tail. Branded half circle 5 point star on left stifle. Colt one year uld. One sorrel horse, S years old, star in forehead, branded circle U on left stifle. One gray stud, three years old branded diamond U on left stifle. If said animals are not claimed by j r, the owners or those entitled to their j possession, cost and expenes uH and taken away within ten days from UVB your Radiator repaired by out expert. Thorough satisfaction s City Marshal, .an teed. I. D. Phelps, 317 E. Court REAL ESTATE Take home a Delta fancr brick of' Ice Cream. They are put up In card- UMATIJLLA County wheat or alfalfa Doard cartons and will keep for on ! lands, Pendleton property, stock ancaes, grazing tanas, w. t. Morrison nour. s RESTAURANT ORE THROAT ggggj or Tonsilitifs gnrg-c with warm salt water then apply ts4 ICR'S VAPOR! YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30?. CjO A rood place to eat. RUGS s'EW and attractive rugs made from your old Ingrain and Bruseet car rets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rui Co.. 133! Walla Walla Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Phone 1077. SUITS TO MEASURE EMIL bSckTSZiot. HoteTViSZ dleton, Bldg, Phone 1108 SECOND HAND DEALERS AN IRRITABLE, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly .always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stom ach troubles by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets Strengthen the stomach and enable it to pciform its functions naturally. Try them. They only cost a quarter. B j ji .a - - 2 Maj V ?8 lm V. 8TROBLE. dealer in new and sec ond band gooda Cash paid for second hand gooda Cheapest place ' o buy household goods. HQ r- court. .Phone Z71W. j JSH jEETM ETAL W0R KS" PEITOSHECTSrALsrka chimney tops, cutters, skylight ( troughs, auto bodies, 718 Cottonwood, IHTTAXI I SERVICE I wiisa YOU N EED a taxi or tourtna cnr. call Goedecka We go any where, anytime: all new taxis; phone 484; stand 811 Main St. TAILORS UXDOREN 1 RANSI1ES;. alterations: 738 Main St. wallor USED CARS I'SKD CARS at genuine Bargain prtce at the Prnitlcton Motor Kales Co. Onttonwooi) Wtr Pl., t B'.'DS tit.