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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1919)
r.MiMrtr ( pin. n up wri"-'' ' iDAlLt EAOREGQiANVPEN STlfe PAGE EIGHT TWELVE PAGE3 UUHMIlUluilUiiUiiliiiiiiiiiilililili wlwtwiifiiiiwwiwinfiirtiiwwiiBW il(TIMELY HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS ABOUT IliiPTII1 miiiiii .9 J o ui "o 1 rss .BllMliimUwMiNiiiimi.wilaw A IpDIRBCT OR Y . - OF ARCHITECTS BUILDERS o SUPPLY DEALERS HIpiiiiiniiMi.ipiinwiiuiinmiMninu.imHiMni lll!llinillllilllll!lllllillllllll!llllilllillllllllilllllllll!llll!lllll!lllllllillllll!lllllllllllll!ll!lll HAM-aWtaMfJMNM B U I L D I N G ... JW HISRnfiiMH i5n in? Mini iimunu s j ,1 nc . I u jrw 4 til "II 'M I iiiiiiiimiiiiuii,aiiumymi.1l,.,iiimluiiuu BU1LDN0W I J :I1 3 3 '3 I I Raymond W. Hatch Architect Phone 768 Pendleton, Oregon Designer and Planner of . Houses, Apartments, Churches, School Biuldings, . Public Buildings, Garages, Farm Buildings, Etc. Phelps Plumbing Adds Prestige to Your New Home. We employ skill ed workmen, and use the best plumbing material on the market. Both material and workmanship are backed by the PHELPS GUARANTEE. Call at our display rooms and make your selection. Yours for better plumbing, , D. D. PHELPS Telephone 443 317 East Court Street Jjet n patoit your homeat least let us figure with yon before yon let the Job. PHOENIX PURE PAINT Cant be beat. Paper Hanging, Kalcominlng and In terior Decorating that gives satisfaction. t Get our estimates. MURPHY BROS. m Court St. OWN TOCR OWN HOME" Telephone SIS 1 NMMiiMSH .. ... .. if m. . - MM w inaaw-TTT We are in a position to give you service that wont tie up your job. LET US FIGURE YOUR NEXT JOB. "OWN YOUR OWN HOME" PE17EN LUMBER We Are Independent Contractors We are not affiliated with any lumber concern but buy where we can do the best. When we figure w!ih yea, you will profit by our independency from any lumber dealer. Dunham. Brownlow & Payne Contractors and Builders -Construction Superintendents RESIDENCES BUSINESS BUILDINGS JOB WORK PLANS ASD SPECIrlCATIONS KURNISHED. ' Golden Rule Hotel Basement. Corner E. Court and Johnson Sta. Telephone 383 THREE NEW EXTENSIVE BUILDING PERMITS THIS WEEK DWELLINGS MANY IMPROVEMENTS The week showed a slight increase . In the number of projects for which building permits were issued. Of the ten permits issued, three were for new home dwellings, two of them to cost 4500 each ondhe third 1200. Con siderable repair work was also permit, ted .raising the total of the week to 113.086. , Kvery part of the city and many buildings within the fire limits are now experiencing building activity and contractors are kept busy with about all they can handle at present. New Building Nearly Bone. The Gritman building on Webb street is well on the way to comple tion. It will in a measure be an aid in solving the housing problem for the upstairs of the building will con tain five four room flats. The down stairs will be used for the location of business firms. D. D. Phelps fias the plumbing contracts, while I Twitch ell is In charge of ithe concrete work. The building is a two story brick. Wyrick Home Takes Shape. The Guy Wyrick residence on Jack son street is nearing completion and gives Indication of being an imposing structure. It is colonial In type and doorway, windows and roof are true to this mode of architecture. C. M. iriswold is the contractor In charge of 'the building of the residence, j Store Being Remodeled. Work is progressing on the Improve jments for the Paris store on Main I street. The total cost of the renova 'tions will he about 15000. A feature jof the plans, drawn by G. R. Wright, will lie the island windows and new I store entrance. 'A special ladies' room I to be used for the display of dresses, is Included in the arrangements. New cabinets and fixtures will be installed. ' w. Is. Buley has been awarded the contract for the work. . Enbusk Home Attractive. ' The 'Enbusk residence on Perkins avenue wilt be one of the most attrac tive bungalows in the city when com pleted. G. I. La Dow Is the contrac tor in charge, while C. P. Miller has been awarded the contract for the plumbing which will be modern end complete In every detail. Yaugnan Wiring Mill. J. L. Vanghan has charge of the wiring of the Umatilla Flour and Grain company, .in connection with the In stallation of new machinery in the mill. New motors and other new electric machinery have been InstaU- led. ' ' BUILD NOW "OWN YOUR OWN HOME" To the prospective builder we offer a complete line of Builders Hardware in latest designs, and our prices are right. Let us give you our estimate. "OWN YOCIt OWN HOME" Geo. C. Baer 6 Co. 43 Main St. "SERVICE" Phone 81 "OWN YOUR OWN HOMfct" Careful Attention Given Elouse Uiring to pr will give you the best service and prevent many a fire. We use care in all our work. ELECTRIC FIXTURES ' The largest anil finest stock In eastern Oregon to select from. We would be pleased to figure with ou. J. L. VAUGHAN Pendleton's Big Electrical Store 204 E. Court Street Telephone 13V ON THE FINE LOTS THAT I HAVE FOR SALE. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. INSURE IT . WITH ME. "I Sell, Rent or Insure Anything" J. H. ESTES Phone 604 614 . Main St. Cheating Planfis id Plumbing Contract work my specialty, but no plumb ing job but what re ceives my prompt and careful attention. "OWN YOUR OWN HOME" Let me give you estimates for your new home. C. Plumber UILLER Telephone 202 Corner W. Court and Garden Streets. When painting your home, why not get the best. ifcimffisiwHD HIGH STANDARD PAINTS Get my figures on painting, papering and calco mining before you let the job. . Paints, oils, varnishes, calcomine, brushes, picture framing, glass, etc. TIIK PRACTICAD PAINT MAN L. J. McATEE 515 Main Street Telephone 158 Vou Do the Landlord and Pay Rent to Yourself If You Want to Build Your Own Home and Pay it Out Like Rent, See Me. I Loan Money on City Property. 1. JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate. 721 Main St. . Pendleton, Oregon. Mill Work Designer, OTnUhniy.VrWnl. rev-JUIII.-raHaW "OWN YOUR OWN nOME" 1 . BUILD NOW and see me for the whole job.. I furnish the plans, mill work, estimates, and act as contrac tor and builder all complete. G. I. LaDOW and Builder 705-707 West Alta Street .u.O'lift mv,a uw mm m m m m m mmmmmm,mmm9immmmmmmmmmmm m mmmmmmhmm m nJmmmm.m mimmmm n mmmni im iihn n m nil y&t.tMMmtur