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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1919)
TWELVE PAGE3 f DAILY KAS'I OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. PAGE TWELVE OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE j. r Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. -All over the Country - You Reap the Benefit OF OUR EXTENSIVE BUYIr. POWER. You save at least 10 1 per cent by paying cash. Ouf moderate prices "not only on one or two articles bat on everything in the store" is one of the distinctive features that has set this store apart from the common run of stores and gives the buying public prestige over high prices. NEW IN TODAY Gorgeous Bungalow Nets, per yd. 59c to $1.49. Dainty new de sin Camisoles $1.49 to $2.98. A carefully selected lot. of Fall o " , , j. n Coats ana nresses at prices inu&t i tu&uuauic ui an. -THE NATIONAL COFFEE- GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. s are t any why you will find' a checking account to your advantage. And when you have such an account in a strong, well-established bank, it will, in the course of time, prove an asset. It will help you establish a cred it, and a good credit reputation is an in valuable asset. . The American National Bank invites, and gives the same particular care to small ac counts as to large ones. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank In Kastern Ort-gua" A CAR LOAD OF LEXINGTONS . Arriving today. No wait No delay. Every ,,' owner satisfied. Ask the fellow that owns one. , . ..' FRENTZEL-WAILS MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Tck-pliouo 4 722 Cottonwood St. Pendleton Wet News The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices the given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. . , . V.Kgs and Poultry. ' Eggs, BOc. Hens, 20. Spring chickens, 25c a pound. Country Hani, Etc). Hum best quality. 28c Bacon best quality. 40e. . Butter Fac and Hutu-i. Butter fat. 69o f. o. b. Pendleton. -Butter, $110 a roll. Potatoes1. New potatoes. So a pound. Illuo amson Plums Selling Here. Blue Damson pHims are retailing in local markets for 10c a pound. This is the first apearance of the plums In the Pendleton markets. ". SLIC 1EPUI ' : : TRUCKS MEANS SERVICE and we can give it Complete stock of parts. Republic-trained mechanics. Every service facility and a willing ness to serve. Ajid with a real truck to start with there's no way for a Republic owner to be other than satis fied, happy and making money on his invest ment. : Pendleton Auto Co. l-'ruit For Camiiiur I Si'llliKr Hero Xw. Yellow Crawford peaches, desirable for canning, are retailing In 50 pound boxes at 2.35. Bartlettt pears, also suitable for canning, are retailing for $2 45 a SO pound box. Wool Market Holds Generally Firm. Wool market is holding generally EYESTRAIN ...When your eyea ache, ating or hum, or cause, headache, you are suferins; from eyestrain, and your eyes arc call ins' fr help In the only way tny can. Kvcstraln Is the rnat cause of rye trouhton, nnrl the only remedy is tln e rroond 4o fit. Many forms of eyetrouble pfre prn-S-rewnfve nnd gradually become worse, unless proper Klmmne-n are worn.. If you come here to have your glaHaew fitted you are sure of a thor ough examination of your eye, and consequently the proper glasses when thev are needed. - . IteaNonalilr I'harnrM. - DALE ROTHWELL , lplomrlMi anrf 0flrln. Oirr WnriilRKMrn'N Clothlnff Store. Mjiia niil hh strevtM. I'honr 0. firm throughout the world although some interests have believed that the agitation for a lower price range on commodities would affect the fleece trade as with woodstuffs. This does not appear to be the case, for wool values are holding firm and generally unchanged at domestic as well as for. elgn centers. The English offerings have been extremely disappointing as regards quality and even at that no no ticeable change lias been indicated in values. ' . ' Grains SImmv Little . Clumge Today. ' . The market ii barley Is still a little lower than for several days and slight changes, are reported.. The sudden drop in prices is attributed to efforts of speculators to break the small buy ers. The quotations today are: . No. 2 barley, 162.75; standard feed, 65, and No. 3 blue, 68. Mill feed Went up to t37.60 but neither it nor hay is on the market in any quantity at present No Livestock Enter Yanls All Iay. Not a single head of livestock came into the North Portland yards for the day's trading, the same reported for the mornng in most instances being those disposed of at too late an hour the previous day to report for that period. That the local 'hog prce would not be effective If there was really any thing to offer, is likely because pack ers are not in the charity game and have constantly kept their buying values below their bosses at Chicago. While the last trading in the cattle market Indicated a good steady tone generally In the North Portland alleys, still there was nothng available far the day. here. Prices were cotninued on a nominal basis as previously quot ed.. General cattle market range: Best steers II 1.25 f 1 1.75 Oood to choice steers .... lO.nOifr 11.00 Medium to good steers ... 9.003 70.00 Fair to good steers .. .... 7.50 ifr 8. 60 I Common to fair steers.. 7.00W 7.50 Choice cows and heifers i.jHW v.uv Oood to, choice cows and heifers ,",60 Medium to good cows and heifers 7.00 4' Far to medium cows and, hVifers - 6.00 W Conner - - : 4.00 ft' Runs '. 25 'Calves 10.00 15.00 1 As in other lines, there was nothing 8.00 7.60 7.00 5.50 8.00 Do you wash your washing or have your washing done? WE GIVE YOU DOUBLE .SERVICE When the clothes come home you have a pleasant satisfaction in seeing that your coarsest and your finest have been treated carefully and with the same personal touch as if you had washed them your- " self. , . ; : ; . ', ." . .;, , DON'T WORRY ABOUT MONDAYS We will take them off your hands every " week as regularly as they roll around and bring them back to you in just a day or two, fresh, clean, crisp. ' i WE MAKE SUNDAYS OUT OF YOUR MONDAYS Troy Laundry TELEPHONE 179 e 4 aw SI SEE THE NEW MODELS IN OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. Goats Suits "Dresses Quality productions in every particular, appeal ing immediately to every value seeking buyer. We must uphold our reputation and give you the best values. We have never failed you and we are not going to do it now. , Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars for ; Rose Bath Soap, 4 bars for . . .-. Armour's Fragrant Toilet Soap, 2 bars for ioc pJSi Olive Shampoo in beautiful gla ss containers . ................ 4c CutkurarPackers Tar and Cashmere Boquet Soap, per bar 19c ffi 8Ivl S'vshing crekm in iubes; Palm Olive Face Powder Colgate's Shaving Soap, per bar Furs! Furs! Furs! ;j5ee our line and investigate our prices before you buy furs. We are sure to save you money. 7C7Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. offering In the aheep and lamb divi sion. 14 V.... indication point to a nulot but steady demand for both sheep and lamb range: . ITime lan.b. M f-" K-nlr In medium laHIDB.-.. 1 !". YearlinKs VeurllnKa Wethers v Ewea 7.00 iTp 8.60 7.00 7.50 7.00 4 7.50 5.00 ff 7.00 Turkcj- IU-d Wheat fttollM "t 2.23. - hiv whpat bjiIp.s were report- fd here yesterday. Minnlck Urothera disposed of 3&U.U00 ousnei " nt $2.06 1-2. The uruin wan mostly club and hybrid, Thin rcprenentu a little more than nnir or meir c.uif this year. Ja -C' Cunningham In re ported to have Bold 1X.0OH buhel of Turkey Red at a price around 3-2"- .... aufttn- antH mnoo bushels of Turkey red at 12.23. In addition there were a larne number of smaller saies. Walla Walla Union. - "Fantan Your Honor, Quite a Lively Game," Chinese Pay $20 Each PORTLAND. Auk. 18- "Ah ico, Ah Goon. Ah Bo, Ah Uln." I . i. tin .ihA,t . Antina .Tlldsra AH, WWI, B'B"" - Iltlchard Dolch, us he read these four names on me aocKei., "Fantan. your honor, quito a lively name, at 3 Second street." chorused Officers Cordcr and Soulplus. tempo rary guardians or tno tour """' Inamen. " ' The officers .said they spent two 'hours in the room occupied by the al jleged fantan players, quietly watch- , v.. Arrests followed. "Ah well," reiterated the JlidKe. "you men made a serious mistake to evor let those patrolmen get Into the .,.. I mlKht under some circum stance forgive sou even that, but what do you mean by sitting therof playing this fantan fcr two hours while the officers were In the same room? Don't you know an officer's! time 'Is worth mors than that? l'ayf fines of $20 each." Umm Killed 7M lr. S. fluldlrra. WASIIIXOTON, Autr. 15. fiovi-n iiin-c drcd and firty-tx of the American ol-" dltrH killed In action were victims of Kim, according- tot n anouncemcnt to day by the war department. The aver--aire line of the men killed was 33 yvnnj. The tutu) of mljfsini? In action on July; 31 wm 341, the department annoim:'' inff that lara-e reductloni had been ' made In the Hut an a renult of check-' Intf against the lint of the central rec- urJa office o th expeditionary office. . f)no may presently expect a broth erhood of fur mm to take over rogue latlon of daylight and the weather. RJttpr Anti-American Feeling Started Kiots Amone; Men in Siberia SEATTLE, Wpnh., Aug 1. Captain ,5 Stephen Chad wick. ' Syatlfo who hns returned from uy'with th j American army In Siberlu; tells of .a ' many Instfiiicfs of fighting l)Ctween . American and Japanese soldiers, due to the bitter anti-Americanism-of the j S5 Japanese. ' " S . . i i ...... th af.rlinoninus at- tiutuniv" ," " titude of the Japanese army is very in KilMiriM. He asserts that L. ...... nnrf iii tlon of the Japan ese plainly snoweo men 3 "In one Instance, at a small railroad station," said Chadwtck, "an Ameri can soldier brushed by a Japanese soldier who was occupying the big- . . .. . 4,a r. .1 wau e n wit v The Japanese immediately called for help asserting the American nua . him.. "A squad of Japanese soldiers then came out and bayonetted and butted ithe American with their guns. The American was rescued by American comrades." - Captain Chadwick, who was locat led In Khabarousk. a city of 35.000 I people, says that the English transla tion of Japanese editorials and news stories, showed an avowed feeling against the United States. "It Is my opinion 'hat the Japan ese signed the peace treaty for dlplo m.lip affect entirely." stated the cap- J tain. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Auto Parts and Accessories We not only sell AUTOS, but all accessor ies essential to the fitting out of AUTOMO BILES. GOODRICH AND GOODYEAR TIRES MONOGRAM OIL AN D GREASES . ,We have a department devoted entirely to making repairs under the direction of expert mechanics. , Oregon Motor Garage ss ' a 3 3 a ; BUICK . HUDSON Distributors 19, 12t West Court St, . CADILLAC Pendleton, Oregon TlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIil ;,.t. tsiiCvirf. ' Hutu-Jaw i 1.1 A S'JJ