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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
DAILY EVENING EDmoI DAILY EVENING EDITION Number coplea printed of yeatardar ;. ' DPr vsntio. 2,887 Itda paper I manuer and andlted tty ttw Audit Bureau CiroulnUon. Tlie )M Onavuiaa la IdMftwa Or fon'a area tern newspaper aad aa a ell log force gtTca to lia ad over twice Dm rtrcnlatloa la Ion and Umatilla county of an oUmv J newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CUT OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1919. NO. 9781. PENDLLTON CECTTES JOYOUS BUT NOISELESS VICTORY FOURTH OF JULY R-34 AIRSHIP HAS OFF'! J - VW FOUNDLAND THIS MORNING SUCCEEDED LONG FLIGHT 'LONDON, July 4. The British dlr ' iKllile R-34, wns about 110 miles off the coast of Newfoundland at 3 thU morning, Greenwich -time, thj ftir mln'ftry announced. Th report an nouncing the position Indicated tlie riaft hod veered (o the soulbw-rd. and probably will start for the eastern const of Newfoundland. At 7, Greenwich time, the 11-34 was reported about 200 miles off the New foundland const and 325 mites north east of St. Johns, Indlratintc the craft was still bearing to the south. ANTI FIivl CKER ORDINANCE STANDS, FOURTH "NOISELESS" Tne nnti-flrecracker ordinance came throiiRh unscathed at the special session of the city council last nlht and Pendleton id sup posed to be undcrffolnf? a noise less Fourth, although the sale of fireworks has not been curbed. Chief of Police Roberts issued in structions to the force to stop any violations of the ordinance. Xo fireworks pageant has been arranRed by the committee for tonight and the only aerial Il lumination will be the Itinerant Human candle and rocket display of the small boy remote from Main street. Firecrackers have not been popular thus far, the tor pedoe being most In demand. EMPLOYES OF ODDS f) COUNTY WANT SALARY E CHAMPION KAISER WILL BE TRIED FOR Petition Asking 10 to 15 Per I Cent Increases in Hands of Commissioners. Living Cost, Better Offers J Cited; Janitor Does j ' Not Sign. 5 TO 4 AS WILLARD MEETS FOR 12 ROUND BOUT TODAY!, DEMPSY SPIRIT OF PA TRIOTISM . MARKS PARADE; SERVICE MEN DRAW MOST CHEERS JahI by the "Kplrft of '70" but full of the spirit of (. Pendleton's first rirtory Itiurth of -July Parade wended tut war along street lined with ad. miring thouxinda at HI 43 this morn in-. It wan a mile-Inns; proceitilon of J" j soldiers. suDors and marines of tlie recent war. patriotic noajM and works illy 4. Age flung; a challenge to youth in Toledo today, and : of art on wheels, youth flung it buck. Jess Willard. 38 years old. heavyweight champion of I .s men In uniform or tlie color paxxrd by. cheer on ctiecr rose from the world, met Jack Dempsey, 24. in a scheduled 12 round bout for the j the, throngs standing by. The floats of commercial organizations .fraternal pugilistic title. In the greatest aren:i ever constructed. orders and patriotic bodies, the Liberty car and the Junior JCed Crosa drew ' : : ' r'nr such a contest the program their Miuro of applause for tlMHr originality, their, appropriate-new and siarieu at lT.-ltz, orriclals or Toledo general excvllem-e. Athletic Club having returned to thati A Smiling Fourth. FIGHT RETURNS salary increases were asked yester day by oil county employes except elected officials and the petition is ;now n the hanjls of the county com I Dl fTUl 17 C C Vl IT V V 'nlssloners for decision. Rises of from lKJ 1 J ILLiUJI io to 1 BOUTS TONIGHT MAGE LEGAL BYJIIY ACTION The boxing matches scheduled for lomgni in me yrrgon inwuer won. JtaIv ad Jfl try njfJ case and legalized lost night by the creation . ... ... in Penuw,t commission by the city . MH h.iiUUI. wiihi tn on The com- nlUttl PftmmitiP(, which will be formed in accordance trw. ..-h,. nf tnn the personnel Tnere f no prec.dpnt by which the deputy county clerk geU $125 and the LONDON', July 4. The former Oer- 'man kaiser will be charged with vio lation of the neutrllity of Belgium and Luxemburg, It developed today, j following Premier Lloyd George's an nouncement that the kaiser will be brought to trial. Five Judges from the United Stales, Britain, France. 5 per cent are desired although no definite figures was incorporated In the petition. I The upward trend of living costs and the scale of salaries offered elsewhere for similar work brought about the petition. Several of the employed of ficials have received better offers from private corporations in the past but hoping that I mat ilia county would fol low the precedent of Multnomah and other counties in the western part of the state, have remained on the job. The sheriff's office, which employs three deputies, pays $135 to the chief and $120 to the other deputies; the program following an earlier an ! nouncement in which two original six I premilinaries were called off. 1 iMiicationH early today were that j the expected enormous crowd would ' not reach the huge proportions which nave oeen ho rreeiy preaioiea. kvi- Jn accord with Its policy of going to press at noon on all big htilidnvn ho na to clva ftirittlovpK l half holiday the Kast Oregonlan ! dence w een the hustle of ticket is being published today at 12 DETAILED PROGRAM Pendleton Is all smiles today. There are smiles because hundreds r"Y"Q DirCr "II7 r A i Drave Umatilla county service men f Jl Kill J I Jt U-f l lare here to help celebrate the first o'clock. Owing to this fact the returns from the Willard-IJemp-sey fight cannot be curried today. The report will be bulletined this afternoon at the Cozy ciar store and will be published in the reg ular edition tomorrow. , (speculators to get from under at the; j smallest poHsible loss of admission 4, pasteboards in which they Invested; land also in the failure of "flop Afternoon. Independence day after the signing of ; peace. ' There are smiles because from tha three days holiday Mr. Umatilla grounds at 1 p. m. At 1 30 sports --"". " """" and races iegin. 1. 100 yd. lash. houses" to do the land office lousiness i Prizes, 1st, $10, 2nd, $5. free for all. stenographer the stenographer In the assessor's office gets $125, the Janitor gets $90 and $125 Is allowed for "help in the recorder's office, al- of a boxin council In special meeting, mission was created with the state law and named, tluy Matlock, W. H. Hheehan ,,. ,.,,,..,,, and Ir. Oeorge 11. Kins are members of the new commission. ... , Tho three bouts this evening mark PWH inle. the revival of the boxing, game here TAItia. July 4. IJoyu ceorge s an- 'though the stenographer is not getting nfter several years' bun. It Is made nouncement thul the former kaiser j that much at present. The lunllor possible by the recent enactment by will be brought to trial was a com-j was the only employe who did not nf the legislature of a law permitting plete surprise to the peace delegates , fix to the petition. Trgulatfd boxtng, under a lordl com. nere, ti nas aevemneo- t - miuinn Although Bccrctary Lansing is chair- Fran kle l.ough and Buddy Stevens, msn of the. committee on responsi- First III Line for lightweights, meet In the main event billty for the war h had no Know tonbrht In a ten round affnlr. Hoth ledge of plans for Wllhelm's trial nn boys are fast steppers and have met he read them In newspapers. It Is tomt good men In California, although " known here whether Lloyd George neither has met before. Lough is I I'luylna: politics or Is announcing a rrom Portland while Stevens is a io- ... TOLEDO, Jply 4. The first man cal boy, , who linught a seat nt the Hickard Two good preliminaries are on tho When one of the buglers In the arena after having stood In line be rnrd tonight, both six round affairs, ranks of tho soldiers played mess call frB 1he )00tha since 4:30. tranquilly Perry nd Sailor Owens. 170 pound, before the start of the parade he near- rrt the booth and went fur a walk.' ers, will mill a heavyweight go ana ly crentea a riot, nome or tne noys yvhen i,e reached for his ticket a few they expected. Willard was a strong favorfte in early bets today. A delegation from I Kansas, the champion's home state, j announced they had $10,000 to lay at I odds of ten to eight on the champion, j Odds of five to four on Willard were freely quoted. ' Willard Confident. J By Jess Willard "My duties are Sheriff T. D. Taylor returned this Plain today, to stop Jack Dempsey morning from Allies City, Montana, Alleged Auto Thief Returned; to Plead Not Guilty, Report Miles City bringing with him Robert Grant, charged with stealing' the Hudson car owned by J. B. McCook of this city. The car was stolen from in front of Battle Ticket is Pickpocket Victim and keep the heavyweight champion ship where It belongs, i believe I can do that thing. Mv condition is far better than I thought It would be, and I believed even at the start I was the Oregon theater on the evening of ' Kolng to be In fine shape. I'm all April 18, and was recovered In Miles' ready for. Mr. Dempsey and 'am set City June 25. j to travel any kind of a Journey he Oram, it is reported, j lans to plead outlines in the ring. I can't tell how; not ffuittv. Sheriff Ti'Vltr sold the re- M"ne the show will last but I don't i eovered car for Mr. McCook white in ."'think I'M be there all day." j Montana, as the latter hud purchased lJrmpsey HorWuL 2. Boys race, for boys under 1 2 years "f age-- 50 yards. Prizes. 1st, $3; 2nd, $2. 3. Girls race, for girls under 12 years of age 50 yards, prizes $3 and $2. 4. Boys race, for boys under lt years 50 yards, prizes. $3 and $2. 5. Girls race, for girls under 10 yAra. Prizes, $3 and $2. fi. Free for all race 50 yards. Prizes. 17.50 and $2.50. 7. Fat man's race,' 200 pounds and over 50 yards. Prizes. $5 and $2.50. 8. Potato rase, free for ail. Prizes $5 and $2.50. 9. Sack race, free for all. Prizes $5 and $2.50. f(tii ri n it i c ti unnnn i fie uidtie. 1 There are smiles because Old Sol has blessed the city with his finest . ; beams and the old town is just as gay .as in the pre-war days. 1 It is Pendleton's big Victory cele . brat ion and the smiling thousands are here from the whole country to share it. Visitors Come Karly. ; r.ariy inis morning e nates streams of cars bearing sun-tanned men in neatly pressed uniforms, proud fath- 'ers, mothers and small brothers, sis ters and sweethearts in their best white summer frocks, came from the four points of the compass. Every train brought its share of celebration- -bound people, all in smiles. Pendle . ton's own thousands were as carefree .j. i and happy as any citizenry could be. j mall boys' cap pistols beat the a - lute at sunrise by several minutes this a nerv machine since the disappear ance otthe car. HERE ARE THF PARADE WINNERS Quinllvan and Morris, at 160 pounds. Just couldn't keep their feet still and -will battle for supremacy of battle- when he faltered on the mat few notes ship over shipyard. The bouts will a big shout went up from the ranks, start at 8:30, doors to be open at 7:30 The soldiers were "tjarin to go." CARS CRASH COLLISION NEAR HOSPITAL: ONE HURT minutes later it wns gone the prop erty of a pickpocket. The unfortu. nuto man. Harold farter, the son of a grocer of Montthelier, 40. did not call the police, nor set up wild howls. Ho Just fell In line again to buy an other ticket. Riverside park was filled all night with transients who declined to pay the high price for beds. Tllowing arc the prize winners it tixluv'N iwirndV: Fraternal flonto. lViKlleton i:iks' lodge. Ihihlnc floats. I'eoples Ware house. - Honorable mention, Alexaiu l'lng njrlies. I.o.-ter Stairha. ders. tho lice Hive, liner's Hardware. lMen.-Miro cars, Sirs. Olnrles E. Ilnnilr Honorable mention. Dr. P. L. Ingram, A. !. rYentzcl. By Jack Dempsey "Now I am "waiting for 3:30 for I have every confidence In the world that this is the beginning of the end for Jess Wll lard's championship reign. Tonight I hope to be champion and think I will he. I realize I have no simple task in defeating a huge opponent but you know they say the bigger they are the harder they fall, and I think i I j ! Mr. Jess is going to give the floor a solid thump. I am ready to start eariy and keep hot footing it to the finish. Rules) Are Plain. By Keferee Ollie Pecord My work in the title fight is plain. The rules of the Toledo boxing commission are: nnt enmnliented. Thev nrn thorough- ly understood by both Willard and 10. Three legged race, free " ' i.o VT. 21 for all. Prize $5 and $2.50. no rk. are to be allowed. Incea- 11. Men', relay racou, man at;-pop-pp- of cap pistols,. teams-Athena, Weston 'and "n trPed," h"d Pendleton.- Total distance 444 every port of the city yards. Prize $20. ,Pood """7 "d ' 3 p. m. dancing free at Happv ' ?l on , Main "reet, ,r,om " 1 .the morning, each minute seeing the Canyon. f . . .. , . masa ul iiuiiiKiiii. a u i in iii wrgcr ainu larprer proportions. When Pendleton's own band started its street concerts at 9:30. more crowds congregated and there was nothing but smiles on the fusxMj nf tha I iat aanara o tkalr ffAavf Jazz rhythm. - ; Everybody is Happy. Canyon T?all i game. 3:30 p. m. between Pilot Rock and Athena. Admis sion free. Prize $125. ' Motorcycle races, 5:30 p. m. Prize (Continued on rage Six.) H. C Gates, real estate salesman boy, were out for a ride and returning roe the Aslorin Mrine Iron Works. Is ! ow" " ,ne ". nnlttoe party ap confined to his room today with sever al cuts about the face and- head us a result, of a collision between his car - and one said by police to huvc been driven by Umils'Chalifoe near the hos-, pltal shortly after 10 o'clock last night. Hoth machines were so badly dum- , aged that it required two hours to ' separate them. Le Outes, brother of the Injured man, was bruised and shaken up but wns able to be out toduy and swear out a complaint against hCallfoe and his companions. It Is alleged that the latter were driving . recklessly and some members of the party had been drinking. Raleigh Moon, one of tho Challfoe party, was arrested by Chief of Police Roberts charged with being drunk and disorderly and using abus- - t.,a InMmiatra tin1 Blinnt thA nlifht In Jail. He was released on $50 bull this morning. rrienus or uures say iniu mo -Ihers, with two women and a small peared going Kast on Court street at a rapid pace. They were driving on the left Ridc of the street. It Is alleged nnd when it appeared to Lee Gates that the oncoming car was not going to turn to the "right, he prepared to cross and clear the bigger car. Just then the Challfoe car swerved sharply to tho right, It Is said, swerved back nnd struck the Oates car on the left side. Olnss from the big car's wind shield wns found 30 feet from the col llsslnn and one rear wheel from each machtno was torn free from all the spokes. Hoth machines were badly bent. H. C. Gates' Injuries necessitated several stitches being taken In his head and one ear was cut. It was re ported that a woman in the Challfoe pnrty had been cut by flying glass und taken to the hospital to have her wounds dressed, but the hospital de nied that any of the purty In the ac cident nnd bcon taken there, when In quiry was made today. LUMBER BILLS HELD UP PENDING INVESTIGATION BY COUNTY OF PRICES Lumber Is costing the county alio- In small lols. Borne lumber was billed . .. .. . ... an hlrrh a tSR n thitiianii.l uhlla rmivli gethcr too mugn to sun tne county .. , , . ,. ., .... lumber for bridge dockings was quoted no mm ss oners and as a result all blllH ... .. .. at ironiuiin u ii itrn. for lumber delivered In June were or- Tho commissioners realize that lum - dared not paid yesterday. Both Judge ber has recently advanced, they said. Marsh and Commissioner G. I Dunn-jbut cannot bo convinced that the ad ; Ing declare that they believe certain jvance has been as great as to warrent ' dealers are asking unreasonable prices the prices charged. Lumber deulers for their mnterlal and they will 'not iwho have sold to the county recently ' okeh the bills until they have beenjtlkcly will be asked to modify their (brought down to a fair figure. , !flgures before getting their, warrants. The county formerly bought Its lum-,lt Is rumored. ' 1 ber by carload lots and distributed It Other bills presented to the court 1 but during the last month ran short , were, for the most part, okehd l) the and hud to buy quantities from dealers court. THE FOURTH ON THE RHINE jL 1 1 , . ...... . .. 'j 5 miles Round-Up track $25, 15 and $10. Kvenlns;. Concert on streets by Milton band. f30 to 6:30. 7 o'clock, waferfight on Main street. Prize. $100. Concert on street, 7 till 8 p. m. Dancing. 9 o'clock on Main street. Dancing at Liberty hall, 9 o'clock and Happy Canyon, 8 o'clock free. Identa, recalled the mighty 'struggles Pendleton's first post-war Fourth of I July was on the high road to success j today. The hundreds of uniforms, many with one or more gold chevrons, !the gaily decorated streets with their paintings of Washington, Lincoln and to gain three great victories. The . isoldiers of the Spanish war and those of the Civil War. In parade with the 'sturdy young men of the recent con jflict, added weight to that picture of America's victorious struggles, j . And while hundreds cast care aside to celebrate and then stopped to re member the serious side of it all, there were still the smites on every face. They were smiles of pride, of thanks giving, for the men who fought the fights and came back, for the victory they won and for the peace which they made possible. , Pendleton Is all smiles today. CELEBRATION SPARKLERS Until a. m. today the presentation of "The Spirit of 76" In the Victory parade hung in the balance because of the non-arrival of the coFumes. Bob! Fletcher finally made a personal tour j Tomorrow's Victorv celebration will to the post office and discovered that ;riva. that of today, with Billy Sunday (the. package which had been address- and the airpane flights as the chief ' ".'resunian nau attractions. Another feature which been, because of Illegible writing, mis- wi., new. tomorrow is tha music ianen ror a package ror the r-astern bv the famous Scottish Pipe band, bet Oregon State Hospital. The cocked ter knon s the "Kilties -. The Kil hats. coats, etc., were rescued and the tieSi wearing the costume which la day was saved. reminiscent of the "Ladies from Hell". I will arrive tomorrow on No. S and will Besides the American flag, which piay the music which hua made them appears everywnere on cars, floats. in demand all over the state. In windows and aa a decoration for I interest centers around the automo store buildings the French. Kngllsh bile contest on the South Main street and Belgian flags are also in evidence. ;miit Rnd the water fete at the Pendie New American flags have in many;ton Natatorium. The entire celebra cases replaced the tattered colore tion will reach its climax tomorrow which have been flying from the tops ntght at the masquerade on Court of local buildings. street, when cash prtsea will be lven for tha best costumes John Gurdane, aged 95. is the old-' f""0 ,he PrOKram ,n fu" tor . ' , tomorrow; est G. A. R. veteran m lendleton. He, - fought at Shiloh. Vicksburg and At- Band concenla ,tr(wt, ,., h " v." 7"! VmSny """'!"" till 12 o'clock. He marched with Sherman o the sea. i , , . ... J v .iuvv Auiumuuiie contests in charge of V. K. Snavely, South Main street hill. Class I Fords and bugs. Prize $10. Class t 4 cylinder curs. Prize $10. Class 3 6 cylinder cars. Prize $10. Class 4 g cylinder cars. Prize $10. 9:30 Baseball game at Round Vo nn fir I i V. .itl- . j : Prize $125. Admission Free. I 11 o'clock Arrival of aeroplane. I 11:15 Arrival of Billy and Ma Sun Walla Wa'ln hor Victory cele- I ,,ay on 'rain Xo. 17. braiion last ve' uiir the arrival of i Afternoon, the men of the l tilth, nnd for this rea- i 1 o'clock Main street Band con son Walla Wallu is not officially cert- :0 bands parade to Round Vp celebrating today. This has resulted grounds. in the HiirM.1 or innnv nuto loads of1 o'clock Flying exhibition hy eg Walla Walla people f"r Pendleton's army aviator over Round Up grounds. Fourth. I o'clock Baseball, Milton vs. . , Helix. Admission Free. Prize $114. i (Continued on pat atx.) The veteran lost one eye fighting In the Civil War and was wounded also ( in tho leg and (n tt-'e neck. In spite.' : of his age. Vr. O - v-ine Is attending: the Victory , r'.. , - t :..m today and is : taking a keen irl'T.'st in every event J Iist Decoratii m ' '.i ht was unable' t:i attenit ih x -r-!es here because t of a slicl-t . ctd. l i.t his health ccilent t,lny. tContiuucil on I'age 3)