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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1919)
V 7 r TEN PAGES PAGE TWO DATLT EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1919. ' " ' ' 4 - '.' - wwA : - 'f k - t & a MK -' u' We want you to be satisfied or ' i I V. 4 VVi i vie are not satisfied, -Your money lj I , LP""A V 1 ( 1 isn't any good to us if we dont de- , u ft I'V i V iv V 'A liver thje value you -expect; and 1 ,r , ' v V .1 satisfaction is the chief thing. Test ,l V"''! I IV ' M --Vr 4 U thegoodsia service; then if ; you -rl j'l - I i Tvr J Lf are dissatisfied, money cheerfully , k i'V! I - l -v M ' V-ii'l i'vi : . refunded.. lH A -ty P ,J F!ti fern itiFiik III ,,.,r..fffPr Bue Suits $25 to 60 They're Hart Schaffner & Marx make and they're great values; the styles are for men and young men, and every size is here. Every body ought to have a blue suit ; they're almost a necessity; here's your chance. There's a great se iection to choose from. Copyright 1919 Hart Schaffner U Marx Hart Schaffner & Marx - suits for young men The hew welt-waist suits are here;- you'll like them; others itoo. .'New, colors, showing the new shades,new mahogany colorings, olives, green of many shades, stripes, iridescent colors, club checks, over:plaids. Soft, light-weight . construction ; new ideas in. lapels and pockets, snug fitting, clean cut; single or double-breasted types; special values at $30, $35, $45, $50, $60 Special styles for the older men The more sedate business man ought to be very particular about style; and he usually is; doesn't . want son to look better than he does. We like to see such men here; they want the best we have, and we have the best there is; Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; they like the soft custom tailored effects, with no weight or padding, clothes that really fit. We have all sizes; every type of figure is provided for; new rich weaves, imported and domestic at $30, $33, $43, $50, $60, $70. Dixie weaves for the hot weather You want to be cool and comfortable this sum mer; everybody does. You want to be stylish, too. Dixie weaves are the ideal summer suit because they combine both of these qualities; they're cool and they're very stylish. ' " - Dixie weaves are made of light weight, airy, all wool fabrics that keep their shape, wear well and al ways look stylish. Dixie weaves come in all styles and in all colorings; models for every one, great values at $17.50 y.'i MEN'S HALF HOSE The greatest assortment in Pendleton. The celebrat ed Shaw-Knit sox and others. All the new and wanted colors, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c to $2.00. Also work sox of all kinds economically priced. For the "first-long-trouser" boys We've made special preparations for them; boys who have just grown out of "knickers." "Pep" styles are made for them; designed for boyish figures with all the style, snap and dash of the clothes we have for college men. Mothers and fathers will appreciate the Hart Schaffner & Marx quality; it means long wear and service. BATHING SUITS Now for a plunge. Enjoy your swim in a smart bath ing suit. New color combi nations, new weaves, the kind of suits that really fit. Priced from $2.00 to $8.50 COOL UNDERWEAR for hot days. Comfort un derwear, the kind, that fits without wrinkles. The best makes in America. The suit $1.00 to $7.50. TRUNKS AND VALISES Prepare now fqr that long planned vacation, buy your luggage here where "quality and value" is the password. Trunks ....$10.00 to $75.00 Suit Cases ..$2.00 to $35.00 Valises $1.65 to $35.00 HATS A stock of hats that leaves nothing to be wanted. The new feather weights, qual ity hats at most reasonable prices. Straws, Panamas, Felts, etc ...$2.50 to $27.50 pendletonS greatest department store THE HOMK OF CARIIARTT OVERALLS Union Made; the best in the world n NEW SHIRTS FOR THE 4TII You'll want a4 nice , cool shirt for the 4th. We can please you. Our stock is most complete. Every style, new patterns and colors $1.50 to $12.50. MANHATTAN SIHRTS In the new and wanted colors . $2.00 to $12.00 : Ss : in im i i ii 1 1 ii i i 583 WHERE IT 1 PAY S TO TRADE.