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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1919)
- t "7 Pv JT C ' M j V -rMj- . r. Fourteen pages PAY'AST OnEGMTA, NPLETOH, OrirfCON, SAWRpAV.JWE 28, raor: ntnvrrxN "i Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals Lost, Fbund, (J For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference 4- . nw TOU1T, Eastf asw advertisement will be run under "New Tatar" for the, first .Insertion only.. During eubeeauent Insertions of the ad It will appear .under IU proper classification. . , . . I: FOR SALE For Sale Continued Wftnfprl !ti' "' ' ; . . i - - i WOMAN WANT JOR cooking on ranch for two or three" men.; lurr X. C, this office. l-OR BALK Fine reHidence and now IFOR QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICE- furniture. 177.' . tiiUO. Inquire Walker FUIl HALE All kinds of Insurance. ! J. If. Eates, (14 Main St. Phone (04. NEW TODAY rOR BALE Price 2100. 6 room furnished house. Enquire 224 Thompson general WANTED Woman for kitchen work.. Write Ilermlston i family Hotel, Ilermlston. Oregon t'On BALE 10 room furnished bourn. price 111500, Keautlful horn for Inqulra 224 Thompson St FOR RENT Desirable front furnish. ed stepping room in private fumlly. Phone WANTED 41W. ) At ll, KOR SALE 1 U. With gas engine I See purl Bowman, cut Holt combine In good shape. Bowman Hotel. mestic luuntlry, rrs. munftle girls, shaker girls and Iron- jPOR, SALE 60 thoroughbred White Leghorn and Anconas chicks. Phone 292M. 220 acre' south of La Crosse; 186 acres full wheat; SB acres summer fallow; I head horses; Improvements fair. Price tls.7 Half cash terms balance. Crop will make a large payment on the land. J. Moore. Care Becurlty State Bank, Croase, Wash. - - A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, conn) slating of 2000 acres bunch grass land, 20 acre Improved alfalfa land, 100 acres unimproved, with water, system, located In southeastern Klick itat county, Washington, is offeree for sale at a very low price and easy terms for a short time only by own er. Address Western Investment Co., Alderdale, Wash. FOR SALE) 4 oji.iler (0 It. P. en -:'glne, suitable for romblne. Ilar- gain. ee Paul at Simpson Auto Co, t'Olt KALE 20 acre alfalfa ranch on 1 Ilermlston government projeot, elose In. yCheap for quick sale. - Four years terms at 7 per cent, llox "U" Her' mlston,. Oregon. WANTED Young ' $90 per mo. All tc X., hleth. ' mun for ly agent O. caller -W. II EXPERIENCED Ion ranch. Addr Tangent. Ore. OK wants work ss Alma Johnson Taken I'p. One mixed dark brown bull, brand ed. lit connected, un right hip, about sears old. K. O. SHAW. . Pendleton. Ore, I TUB "niXVKR" IS ABROAD IW TUB MM), AJIMI.D WITH SOME CLIPPED WANT AD8I . He'll look you up If hie scis sors ha"e encountered your "for ale" ad. He'll be clipping and answer ing ads tomorrow, too; and youra ought to be there' when be reada the paper If you bave ANT THINO TO 8ELU VHINOS If. to t BOMEOODT, they are worth money. ONE AXD HALF TON REPUBLIC truck In A-l condition for sale. Alio Ford car for sale. Phone 1014. Bly densteln St Co. FOR RALE 1 team or black mares. Weight about 1400 lbs. each. Phone 1166. Hl.'ICK L.IOHT SIX. Model 191. enly driven 2000 miles and in first class condition-. Must be sold at ones. Call 37U. r .1 VVANTBO Woman to eook on ranch; Address 'K" this office. BOY WAWfOP at-Baet Oregonion of. fice. Oood xiportunlty., W - leasa trade. Permanent. Wages paid -while learning. Use tho foreman at once. HANDY; BUSINESS DIRECTORY . OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY lb la Directory la especially bandy for the out-of-town muter who may want thm sm aasl addresa af responsible buslocas men wtao represent the foUowlng tsxIobs Hues. . All are reliable, responsible bastoeee east otra wbo stand ready to roa promit and ffiessnt serrtoa, aW( mm Hiseellaneous dki;hsmakixo Mra puy. 74. 702 E. Alia. Phone INPBPENDEMT Call 6JW. C1TT SeaTenger. IF THIS PKIUiO.f or persons taking kodak from nam I, Perkins Hoems, will return same to Troy . Laundry they' will receive liberal reward. Auto Tops IF TOU NEED a. New Top or Car tains fpr your ear. See Oadwa, 201 B. Coart, I AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing. Ill West Atta street." Auto Tire Seiric PRACTICAL TRAINIXO In Gas. Electrical and Steam Engineering. mechanical drawing, machine . shop practice, oxy-acetylane welding, au tomobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subject. Write for one you want. Seattle En- WHEN IX 1ROUBU eaU eur Berries Car. We go anywhere, any time. SlnpsoB Tire Service Co Phone 111. Auto Tires PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup. vertowa Cords. W SU- BlacksmHhing Legal Blanks THE BOWMAN SHOP, ' Blacksmlth- ing. Horseshoeing our Specialty. He- pair aut- springs, wheels, all sixes. FIRST CLASS Blacksmitbinr of every description. Ten can do better here. A. P. Burgto, 607-1 Clay St. LEOA1V BLANKS ef every dsserlp tlon. Blank Deeds, Lsassa, Write, Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenae, Affidavits. Complaints. Sunmene, etc, tor sale at East Oregon lasi OfOee, Batteries (Willard) BATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries. ESeetrle Servloe Station, Mala and Water. Monuments 7Z L. MONTEBASTELLI, Marble Granite works; write or arrange for Interview for prices, styles, eta Piano Tuning f3namntael for It i PHJt?I,-; month W. E. Chase BERT MoDONALD, Piano Tuner. new last year, first cla oondltlon ' Sneering School. Seattle. Wasn. cut ona hundred acts of grain: ' ail ' FOR iiALE A ii Holt Combine en gine In first class condition. Inquire James Hill, 110 N Main -or pnone 72. FOR BALE Some very beautiful lots on the North Side. . Bee me be fore you buy. J. H. Estee, fit Main I fttreet. Phone 104. crated ready to ship. Write C. O. Pick, ii Second St., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE 165 acres, I room house, smoke house, good barn, small orch ard. Most ell underfence. 1 million feet of saw timber. Plenty outside Lost LOST Blaek leather hand ag at or near1 ' xtinghem - Springs, Sunday evening. v Nam attached- Suitable reward If returned to this office. Architect GKOKGB R. WBIOHT. ARCHITHCT Telephone 04; 14 Main St., Pen dleton, Ore. RATMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 7(1, Rooms i and . De- spala Bids. KOR SALE Two Fords in good con dition. Inquire Independent Ga rage. ?nB; 7.V ;rAldrT EJlLeniLOST-Pair of field glae. in black Troxel, 84 3 MlUer St.. Rosebkrg, Ore.j, eather caw Rngraved R In box 14622. Finder will receive reward by FOR 8ALB- property, Phone &I1. -Or will trade fOr city Cole "b automobili FOn SAI.K is If. p. International Oas Engine witn .friction clutch I returning to John If. Van Kirk, Cam. and throttling governors. Also 4 H. P oriage, tela, . Fairbanks-Morse gas engine almostj ' new; 1 platform Fairbanks-Morse! Coupling experience la buying with scales, capacity 1500 lbs. Any of tnesei up-to-date study of the "ads," a we' WORK HOUSES FOR 8ALB In quire Fred Hendrlckson, Adams, Ore. - DLTCK Model 24, for sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has good tires and In fair mechanical condition. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after f p. m. any evening, can be bought at a bargains If. Nelson. Phone 107. David lllgness too often precludes a great ness. Witness Russia and China. Tre mendous powers come packed small and concentrated. You can pulverize a mountain with pittances of dyname- lin and proxyline. , man 3e cosies a highly EFFICIENT member of the home-making partner ship... . ... .. NOTICES Beauty! Shop UAIRDRKriSlNO, SCALP 1 RBAT ment, facials. Hair dyeing all colore Marie Robe. Room IL Judd Illdg.- Tel 1069. - FOR SALE Good garage, good lo cation in ousinefie part or town. Well equipped with machinery and tools, good stock of extras and tires. Must quit on account of health. J. I. Royer. City Garage, Pilot Hock, Ore. Pilot Itoca-Prndietnn Auto Stage, VmmM piu$ Rock at g a. BO. . Leaves Pendleton at 10:10 a. m. Leaves pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLBFIELD, Prop. For Rent APT 8. AND ROOM ALTA APTft FURNISHED APTS Hamilton Court HOUBEKEEP1NO ROOMS. 101 Clay. FURNISHED sleeping room and apt. Inquire 4 IS Garfield or phone 148M". FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, phone 282M- SIS Garden. FOR SALE World champion pedi greed male and female Russian wolf hounds- Six months old. Right age to train. First takes them. M. & Hill. 1st Court House, Portland. Ore. t - Wanted PIANO PLATER for sale reasonable. 0 K. Webb. WANTED Furnished apt. Royal M. Sawtelle, jeweler. Inquire WANTED I2xperienced bookkeeper at once. Pendleton Roller Mills. WANTED Olrl for general work. Phone 389W. bona WANTED Good eleea East -Oregonlan rage at The HEMSTICHINQ at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. FOR SALE 1470 acree of fine wheat - land, one and one-half miles from: strtlon. Good house and barn. 200 WANTED An experienced acres In summerfallow. All plow work at The Palm. rand.-' Price 126.00 per acre. Part cash, toal. crop payments, 9 per cent Int. W. S. Smith, lone. Oregon. girl to WANTED AT ONCE -eiecond hand office desk, flat top preferred. Phone this office. "C." ''1 'MIM Notice of Payment of tbe Csewral In- dobtedneRB Bonde of tbe City ol -- Pewdloton . Oregon. I Whereas, the City of Pendleton has decided to exercise lie option to re deem and prjr off part of the gener al indebtedness bonds of the City of Pendleton, Oregon, .Issued en the 1st day of July, 188, optional 20 years after date, and numbered from 1 to 76 Inclusive, of the denomination of 11000 each. Now therefore. Notice la hereby given that tbe City of Pendleton . General Indebtedness Bonds No. 1, 2. 2, 4, i. 6, 7. . . 10 are hereby called for payment and will be paid upon presentation there of to the City Treasurer In Pendleton. Oregon, or at tho offico of Kountxe Broe. in New York city. New York, on the 1st day of July. 111. Interest) on said bunds ceases July 1st. 121. LEE MOOP.HOUKE. City Treasurer. By II. W. DICKSOrf. Dated this 16th day of June, 112. . Auto Washing ? CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work right. Automobile Laundry. Pbone '12, opposite court bouse. Auto Repairing MiLLER A BEMENT All kinds ot automobile repairing. . Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed, fit Cotton- weoA. Phone 201. - cn x9) P! Court. Tele-1 me take care of yenr piano By tne phone 2, Pendleton. I year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; pnone si-w, sis w. wsoe, Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, SOI M. Court; phone lit. DR. LORETTA H. 8TARBA t-10 Peebler Bldg. to 12 a. m.; 1:20 to I p. m.; other boars by ap pointment; phones Of. 681. Res. lit. Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pap picture Pram. Ing. L. I. SIcAtea, the PraeUcal . Paint Man. Lowe Broe. Faints. Contractors & Builders 3. W. JACKSON. General Contractor. Painting, papering and kaiao mining done quick, neat and cheap. (Id Calvin. Phone 1024. PARKER BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing; 10 years experience In concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or Auto Wrecking ONLY 2000 for 10 acres, all under i government ditch, one mile from! Hermiston, Ore., Is renced, not a j building. Is best alfalfa land. Joining WANTKD Second hand bicycle. girl's size. Must be a bargain. Ad dres "IV East Oregonlan. land has cut as blgh as tons alfalfa! WANTED Experienced girl or wo- per acre. No rocks or gravel, soil is sandy silt Address Ed Ma her, Te nlno. Wash man to work on ranch, No family wnshlng. Must give references Phone 207R. HERE'S THH , BARGAIN Enough land for three good farms of nearly 400 acres each. Some good timber. good mill, good box mcory liriu, mm noun pay iim- ... Th. .-.. ht rVRj HBr -iurge .mi m-vum i ' (he subject of the next purchases you write F. u. watts, weston. Bl. , m.k. A.r th. FOR RENT Part of store bldg. quire 222 B. Court. WANTED On or before Itth of July 4 or & room furnished or unfurnlsh- ed house. Will stay permanently. C H. Collins, 209 Tustln, . room wlt'a bath. Inquire Tit iif street, evening i Ore. plan to 'you KNOW and do not nave to DOINGS OF THE DUFFS SEE S v Toni Had Another Close Shave. BY ALLMAN mcb.iVe hao1ke. KAlta ALL SHAVtO OFF Of MV HEAD MV TAMILV vhouVgo amN PtAce VJiTH Me -Tve- best- CAM DO IS 37OlL AROOmiutoW Turn DARK. ALOUB. M -.'xreaVf ifl"te .... - w III IV & - J I ;'l V ' '' " I . I EXptAWEO To TMeai TUnr I Did IT To STOP MS HAiR- FROrA FAUMS OUT- BOT i suppwse i cm't biamb. The, ) t0 LOOId fUMMS- Taken t'p. There came to my place at Camas Prairie between Albee and ITklah about March 23th bust, one grey sad die mare about 2 years old, weight about 10SO lbs., branded long diamond on left shoulder. Owner can bave same by paying charges. JOHN ENDICOTTt Uklah, Oregon USED PARTS every description. VTe buy your ear, condition no object. Auto Clearing House. Garden A Alta. Phone 76S. Auto Painting BY MEN WITH YEARS . ot experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, (II Johnson. - Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer B. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR- Exeavatlnc- 120t East court. Phone: 286M. THE HOUSE PAINTER n WENDT Tinting-, Paper Haagtes Ethnatee) Fnrnlrtied Pbone 1144 Shop 728 Cottosrwood Cleaning, and Pressing HE DO CLEANING, preseing. alter ing and repatrlng. Rudd tbe tailor, tot W. Webb. Phone 68S. Dentbt DR. THOMAS OHMAKT, Vaytor Hardware Bids, Feadletaa, Ore. Pbone SOT. Draymen COL, W. P. IOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales Tbe man that gets yon tbe money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office, - Auto Electric Work' AUTO Electric "Work ef all kinds; magneto, starter. Ignition, ate Bl- ectrlo Service Station, Mala A Water WB REPAIR anything electrical 'on an automobile. W. K. Chase Co. Attorneys D. W. BAlLIir, Attorney at Lew, Rooms T. t. t, Deepaln Building. , CALL PEN LAND Broe. Transfer van to move your household gooda. we also pack or store gooda. We do eena try hauling. . Telephone lis. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept.. any alxe, style shape glass while you wait. D. N. Reber, M. D-. . 10. 11. Belts Bldg. Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch food, ton lea, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. C P. 'Coleswortziy. 11 B. Alta. Plumbing and Heating HBATINQ plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing i piles I. D. Phelps, 1T E. Court. Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta, atree . All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaran teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE yovr Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction gnar- anteed. D. D. Phelps, (17 K. Court. Engraved Cards VISITINO CARDS, Wedding An nounceraenta, Invitatlona, many de signs and styles to select from. For aala at East Oreeonian Offloe, . Florist QEORGB W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room IT. Schmidt block. CARTER A SMYTHB. Attorneys at Lew. Office In rear ot American National Bank Building. POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist, S22 Main St. Farm Loans IN POIIXD. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendelton, to-wit: Black roach mane horse, weight about 1000 lbs., about 10 sears old. i branded on right schoulder with a Y upside down with bar across top and reversed F. ' If aald animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at : o'clock p m. on the 4th day of July, 1019. the said anlmnl will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash. at the City Pound, in said city of Pen. dletom the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Duted this 23rd day of June, 181. ! AL ROBERTS, City Marshal.; FEB A FEB, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Deepaln Building. R. L. KEATOR. Attorney at Law. Room 14, Smith-Crawford Build ing. 8. A. LOWELK attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Despaln Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. " Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON, BISHOP A CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms 1 and 4, Smith-Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. Snow A Dayton, 117 E. Court St., Real Fir Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half-soled: 1600 miles guaranteed; have proven worth. O. W. Bradley, (2 Cottonwd. Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Oregon. Job Printing RALEY AND RALBT. Attorneys at Law. Offloe In American National Bank Building. LETTER HEADS. Envelopes, Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills. Commer cial Forma Dodeera. Placards. atA 'nrlntsil tn vnue orriae. XT-US nneal. an Offloe. Laundry Call for Bids. Sealed proposals will be received jBldg. up to t o'clock, p. m Monday, July 7t h, 1919, for furninhtng School Dis trict No. 16, Umatilla County, Ore., with: 230 tons of Rock Springs coal, orl some other kind equally as goal. Coal to be delivered as directed by the chairman board of directors of said district. . ....... 40 cords of red fir Wiiid in fouti foot lengths, to be cut worn green FRED B. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bicycle Repairing AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles and supplies, Savage tires, key fitting, Pendleton Cycle Cc. 228 E. Court. EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, tot Oarden St. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greaaes, aU dealers, Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matlock and Alta Sts. F. O. Sullivan Eastern Oregon representative Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property, atoek ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison FOR SALE Double walled tent house and lot. For particulars call 21 1 Marie St. ; BUICK LIGHT SIX. model 11, only Restaurant THB QCaSLLB. A good gdaea te . Suits to Measure EM II, BECK, tbe tailor. Hotel Pen dleton. Bldg. Phone 1002. Second Hand Dealers ' V. STROBLB, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods; Cash paid for second hand gooda. Cheapest Plaee to buy household goods. II BL Court, Phone I71W. .... ... Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL worka, chimney tops, emitters, skylights. troughs, auto bodies, 722 Cottonwood. Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We so Any where, anytime; all new taxle; Bhont 4t4: stand til Main St. Tailors LINDGREN A FRANSEEN, alterations; T2S Main St. frallora Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain prlo, at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co Cottonwood A Water Sts.. Phone ttt where the celebration will be held the! It takes a hustler to distinguish the ' ..k-r f OH vteu.,1 mas AS weu. ROAM ABOUND Al-OWft- I cWt stick wrne. House AmW Moe oriIl PEEL UKB. I WA9 locVCO . ,M A JAIL- w 1 ,1 e. , yiliffjp r if" iBfmT - - hi r I've GOT S0o siipptbS JimI Mow Keep Right o Got a 'till vf e Gtr is That b. AMD, lit CALL THE WAGOet! IB 4th and 5th of July. ! difference between an obstacle and Exclusive .concession Xo. 1 Ice hinderance In his path. body timber and to be wall seasoned, cream, cold drinks, candles, cigars and To h- A.llvarwi tn several schools ill"."."! nuitMiiea. riirm-teri h th. ehal, nMin of board of Exclusive concession No. 2 Lunch rfir.oinr nf uih duirict. and hot drinks. Purglar-ptoof safes and fire-proof a buildings seldom are. The board ot directors reserve the right to reject any and all bid Mail or deliver all bids to the un dersigned, and address the envelope, PROPOSALS FOR FURNltHlNO FUEL. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 21st day of June, 1919. II. E. BICKERS, Clerk School District No. IS. Uma tilla County, Oregon. Shuts Vpv Adv. "Lost, a checkbook belong Ing to lady that folds In the middle." Boston Transcript. SEES GREAT AID TO NATION IS WKl.lMNt; OP HAILISOADS ATLANTIC CITY, June 28. "The transportation systems of the country. when returned to their owners Jan 1. next, are going to be up aftainst one of the greatest constructive periods they have ever experienced," declared R. II. Atshtoa, President of the American Railroad Association, before the me chanical sections of that association. This opinion was shared by represen tatives of nil the biff trunk lines at UndtnK the convention. A Ifefill Hint President Alslilo.i insisted that con- I nm at a loss to know what to.cemrntion in der Oovernment control send Numarry for a wedding presenCiwas a veiy ood thing for the Nation He married a grass widow, you know, ef large unacr thrt existing circum- r.nd ." istances. lie added: Vend h m a lawn 'mower." Inter-! "1 ! not believe thr.t In the future i rupted J. Fuller Gloom Kansae Cltyjthe lelrisli c.ndilons which have pre-! star. . - tvaueu in the past are aotng to prevail i tin the milrtad business of any other SKAl.Kn niDN WII.I, RE RFCJ'IVF.D busines" ef he country. I believe the 11.V 1'oiirtli of July tiinimltlt-e. t;eorge time has-conie when all men must lVrxiison. tiiaJriiian, I'p to . work together and I believe that the Saturday XigliL 9::tl. welrltn-.; of all the railroad ussoctutions For the exclusive rtuhta to sell tin into .me Itia force is KoiMK t In In tin- LADIES! When Irregular or delayed use .Triumph Pills. Safe and always de jpendable. Not sold at drug stores. I Do not experiment with others, save disappointment. Write for 'Relief and particulars. Its free. Address: National Medical Institute. Milwau kee. Wis. TeucAnT!oceToiAv?ois A Pv-eperwttoffv of COMPOUND COPAIBA and CVUM AT VOUK DRUGGIST A. w srf n am : cn yr jTollowing nt the Koimd-l'p grounds, I udvanljse, ot all of u.V DR. DAVID B. HILL Dentistry Wappler Interruptless X-Ray, acknowledged to be one ot the best made. I have taken spe cial courses In X-Ray work at the Xorih Western University of Chicago and from Prof. J. C. Jerman of Kansas City, besides the regular course In X-Ray work at the University of Den ver. I can please you. CHICHESTER S PILLS w-. .tiisuaoiDixua I'llUla Keel r 1 fjaVX. s.r?"!k WANT AD COLUMN A.1D CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR T Count! six ordinary wortU ti the Un nl ch.rv4 by th lino. Want ada and local. Rata Par Llaa. eTlral tnaertion, pr Una baoQ aao. laaartloo, per Una.- Una waak mix lnsertlou). 1 mo. aach Insertion, per Una. 4a moBm eontraot. aacA lnaar ttoo, par Itna ., .- ta fnonia coacraete aaca ia aritan. pf lino . - , . Sa No ads taka (or laaa thaa i a Uoea. Minimum charaa .. Jta Ada takao ovar Uia tlpboaa only from t-;t Oraoniaa aub nbtra and thoa iiacod In Ctta Twlopbona Directory. Copy must bt in our oifictt not lit tor taaa l .Jtf u elock day of publication.