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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1919)
71 TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1919, ins n ii m 'it si m M7'ifci litTSfcTSiT in m I 2 MOTION PICTURE IWS What the Picture Theaten Have to TeU You. '8 CASH GROCERY AIvTA TODAV C010Y t 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 IT PAYS TO PAY, CASH AT CONROYS Spuds, ,100. IDs. $2.00 . Just out of the Pit, this is very1 fine stock. Grape Fruit, extra large, each .'. 10c Lemons, Extra Large, best grade, doz.. . 35c Best Peaches No. 2Vt tin, each . 30c Hilton Strawberries, Lowest Market Price Olympic Pancake Flour, pkg 35c Fresh Mixed Cookies, lb 35c Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. 10c Lima Beans, 2 lbs. ". 25c Small White California Navy Beans, 2 pounds ,:..V 25c Crisco. . . . ; 3 lbs. $1.05, 6 lbs. $2.05 ADIKOXnACKS IS HfKNK OK JSIIXltt UKl KE'8 NISW I.II.M ,T'J & V. Beautiful Lake Placid, In the Ad Irodacks Mountains In New York, won the bucl, ground for many of the) moat charming scene .pictured In "The Make-Believe Wife," Hllllo Burkes new Paramount phutoulay, which will be shown at the Alta theatre today, they hooked ranged from eight to ID which Mini Burke displays her talent a comedlenna to the best possible advantage. In the story Mlsa Burke portrays the r61e of a young society woman who Jsi enKagcdJ to a lawyer, tihe Is hostess to a house party at her home In the Adirondack when she and a young athletic society man stray off into the mountains together and are lost, f They are seeking their bearings when a storm comes up and they are obliged to spend tho night in a cabin which they providentially discover. . The unusual situation Is made the pretext for a demand upon the couple to wed, after they have been found by a searching party. They agree to this, for each secretly loves the other despite the fact that they are; promised In other quarters. After their mar riage the groom hastens away to China so as to permit his bride to obtain a divorce. But-through the substitution of suitcases this plan goes awry and the couple are later reunited under dramatic and highly amusing circum stances, as the' sequel proves. Miss Burke Is splendidly! supported In this production, her leading man being David Powell, a favorite screen player. The picture- was adapted for the screen by Adrian Ciil-tfpear and di rected byljohn Stuart Robertson. I iiHWiiWiwiBsWMM .v..--: 13 A AHCADB TODAY SHOOTS IlKIJfVIO.V INTO TOtVV . WHICH OlSTKD PHKACII(;lt ' Like the regular Ford cars the Ford Model T One Ton Truck is a real farm necessity, just as it is the necessity of manufacturer, contractor and merch ant. There is no question about it proving a money saver right from the start. It is flexible, turning in a 46-foot circle; has 124-inch weel base; the regular Ford motor with worm drive and has proven as eco nomical in operation and maintenance as the Ford Touring Car. The price of the truck chassis is $550 f. o. b. Detroit. We urge placing orders without de lay in order to get reasonably fair delivery. The de mand is big come in and let us talk it over. Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson St Phone 408 The strenuous methods of tho lata Colonel Rosevelt In achieving reform are recalled In "Hell It oar In Keform." a William Fox Screen production, hav ing Tom Mix as Ms star, which is; to be presented at the Arcade theatre Sjjtoday. The play deals tilth the evil j upfrits of Tarantula, a bandit-ridden Rttown whose outlaw residents oust the ureucner ina u in juix s ulsk io unooi R religion and righteousness Into the 6 ! place. The Fox, cowboy star Is said to 2 do this with the same degree of direc tness that Roosevelt used In tackling trusts, malefactors, mollycoddles and undesirables. , Numberless new thrills are promised In "Hell Roarin Reform," which is declared to be the liveliest western drama In! which Mix has appeared. Among other things, Mix leaps on horseback from the upper balcony of jone building to the roof of another, plunging through the roof with his I horse; he rides down a steepi moun itain trail at a headlong gallop, routs a band of stagecoach robbers by firing thres guns at one time, and ;shoots a pipe out of a man"a mouth. tf IM M Li, w-tt4s I PIANOS and if Zi TALKING MACHINES I'ASTIMja TODAY. r . K , I it ! TJ ' We can furnish you what ever make Piano you wish at the lowest price and terms convenient to the buyer. Liberty Bonds taken in at full value. We carry only the standard makes of talking machines, such as the Edison, Victor and Columbia. New Edison,' Victor and Columbia Records arc now on sale. We invile your inspection. Warren's Music House ' 820 Main St w ' " " " " Phone 521 Pendleton, Oregon A JOKB OX TIIK POUCK During the entire story' mt . "The Lightning Raider," Pathe's now serial r starring I'eari wime. trie woruing or. C Lightning's brilliant mind Is cleverly brought out In. the action, hut in the R seventh episode, "Meshes ofj Evil,"' PfBhe accomplishes the brightest coup 'of her entire career. lightning Is 4 tho cleverest girl thief in the world j-who Is wanted by the police of many nations, but she has stopped stealing 5 1 In order to help her friend, Tom Nor- Q Hon, secure an ebony block from his R j arch-enemy, JVu Fang. In the seventh Kjeplsode TnmJttnd Lightning have been Pj cornered by K'i Fang, and his hench Smnn In a lonely house and are' trapped iin an upper room. They manage to S phone for tho police and when tho 5 bluecoftts nrrive Wit Fang and his g'irang of Chinese thugs take to' their J heels. LigMnlmr then tells the offi K cers that thpj floe'ng girl Is Light W ning and her gang of thieves and asks 4 for trotection against them. So half jof the squad of police chaso W'u Fnng 0 while the remainder slay to protect 2 LjiKhtnin from herself. ARCAHB TIHJItSI.Y FItlD.W S.VI I UI) V. AXD VKUSAT1LITY Oil STAIt SHOWN IX iAt'i:s There are times when a car would pay for it self four-fold if you could but bridge a finan cial gap or two. Our resources arc such that we can be of great assistance under those conditions.. Chevrolet, Velie Peerless A Carjfor Everyone. i y Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc., Vasimovn, the great star of the j Metro pictures, "Revelation," which will be presented at the Arcade thea j tre starting Thursday shows her a unity as an artistic Interpreter of cIhhmIc dancing in this photodrama- 1 rreBed as a bacchante, a priestess of Bacchus, god of wine and revelry, with leaves In her hair, a garland of grapes across her shoulders, with a! goblet In one hand, and a cluster of1 grapes In the other, she performs "La j Ianse Bacchanal." typifying the ex-! hu be rant spirit of revelry of a Purl I lan cafe. j The great Naxhnova executed this dance with true artistry and poetry1 of motion in graceful movements which were ideal for registration by the motion picture camera. On the screen this dance is a revelation In accurate presentation of dunce move ments In motion pictures. L. Across Street from Hotel Pendleton Will Denounce Paid Sunday Amusements, Dances and Tobacco DENVER. May 28. lald Hunda amusements theatrical perform ances, motion picture shows, baseball' games and similar attractions to 1 which an admission Is charged will be denounced by the Northern Hap-! tlst convention, now in session In : Denver, In the opinion of Da, .Sam uel, Zane Ratten of Philadelphia. Dr.1 Ratten in a prominent memler of the resolutions committee and ha pre dicts that the committee will incor porate in Its report a rtemtnrtntlnnuf ; all Hnnday pjild amusements. , i Other matters which may he passed 1 on by this committee Include the Willard-Dempsey fight at Toledo,' fuly 4, the new dances. Including the, "tfftfnwy fhlYcr-'-fwil tobacco ui"f-i N IRRITABLE, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good naturcd. A great many have been permanently cured of stonv ach troubles by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable itto perform its functions naturally. Try them. They only cost a quarter. i Billie Burke IN f "The Make Believe Wife 7 "All we can say about this wonderf ulpicture is that it is Billie Burke at her best. ; 7 Constipation is the arch-enemy of health. Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspep- Beecham s fills have been a world-tavonte sia. laxative for over 6ixty years. They go straight to the cause of many ills and remove it. They act promptly, pleasantly and surely. Contain no habit-forming drug. These time-tested pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and Relieve Constipation Directions of Spcil Velua to Women sire Willi Ererr Box. Sold by drasgisU throughout tho world. In boxas, 10c, 25c Today "I do not believe this Northern BP-i tint convention will start a crusada aiminst tobacco, but I do think ivs will express our disapproval of the campaign of tobacco dealers to fores a cigarette into the mouth of every American soldier," declared Lr. Ilat ten. i "Some of New liaium Arc lTitty Some of the new dances are "pretty rocky," in Or. Batten's jndmient. The nuestloa of the Wlllard-1 emp sey fiKht hu not yet come before the convention, but a'nnmber of dele gates believe the authorities should be petitioned to stop the battle on the ground that It will he a "brutal, de- i moralizing exhibition " Wealtlilest Vym" IJreid. I ll-INUTO.'-O.V-inH-0.'. -". May 2S. ''Madam Walker." reputed to have been the wealthiest negress In the United Mates it not in the world and accredited with havlns amassed a fortune of more than $1, OSO.UOn through the rale of a "hair restorer." died at her country home Iwre after n long Illness. VISIT Happy Dav NEW FOUNTAIN For the coolest and best drinks in town. Tlain Soda. Any mixed drink you want. Golden West lee Cream be cause it's a Pendleton product and better. Try our milk shakes. Cliquot and Puritan Club Rinser ale. .Try a "Kelly" Cigar, 3 for 20c. I .1 0 1 5 ? CHILDREN 10c ' " ' TIM i ' k D E ADULTS 25c Mix- arm eiorm - 9 Regular Wednesday : J Night Dance T AT Liberty Dance Hall SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA These mid-week dances are very popular, out tonight and have a good time. , Gents 7oc 1 Come 5 1u4inwid i in .u 1 Wire Us At Our Expense iFrrAiiAS iv this i'.vn:iv TOMOIIKOW PASTM TODAY ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 5c Pearl White IN "Meshes of Evil I 1 I CHARLIE CHAPLIN 1 L . , ,.., ., A.. . WM t JJ t "THE JAZZ WAITER" .mmm hljiih hi uwi"litww apHtvm..w ni i . i ,m .mmtmutmrn-niu. wmw WJiutmsf f 'P'Wi PH'-. " " "M' ".l 'Pj - i infin ri .ii r rin i4-tf 11 i-iniirt i - ' niii mmimmui(mirh -Mir jir'A --a"M"tli; .-.wwt....'.. MllMli 3 Days Commencing Thursday CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c ' SEE THE SUBLIME ! NAZIMOVA ii In the Super-Production De Luxe EVEL AXIOM The Soul of a Paris Grizette Laid Bare to All the World. 7 'Acts: OF POWERFUL DRAMA: :7 Acts Vi'tU a Doubt the Greatest Star of the Arc 4 i s V I 3