East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r,nr nrn
Cullth4 Itsiit Rn) Semi Wwkly Rt !Vn
hA.T illii i,iiIA i'll.l.lMIINi; ( ll
iv .,..! :, f'llt auto business is about
i IL the same everywhere pv.miI W he "vest business
! in this countv. Work that Imatilla county this;
i will answer satisfactorily nnl-vear- It is estimated there are
urn. mi intuit riT.
Men,br I tiite1 IT AKv.-litli.fl.
Kmer.Hl tt '!" N!iffW at lvnillf too.
OrsjE., mi md) '.am GRAi I matter.
us mi.i: in onuR cmrs
lni(MTiai HuTfl Nrvii Maod,
Ikmaian V. Cn. Portland, orison.
'htrn Purt-a.1. ht S-cuTi'.v HuiMing
W liihK!..ri. i V', Iturenii ';01, Kvur-
side roads that are seldom
used w ill not answer at all on
the main highways. There
fore it is necessary to applv
different methods to different
j roads, the expense oeing de
pendent upon the amount of
,'"r"""J i traffic and the number of peo
ple to be served.
There are some who anrue
that to be fair all the roads of
iuuu automobiles in the county
valued at $1,000,000. The
number of machines is larger
oy iar man ever before and the
situation is a tribute to the
prosperity of the ronntv
But this section is not alone
in this regard. The Highway
Commission of Massachusetts
reports that the numoer of Au
tos in that state is 36 per cent
M lisriillTloN RATES
J,ii) tn jnr. tv mil..
I'miv, ihrw oi.'iith. b? ma
l !.'. mt mu!h. by nuiil
IWly. ue yt-iir. bT rrtrr "
Iiilly. me iviithv by rrter 3 ; j
1'mir, thr ni'-nili. by irrier J.i."i
Iwilv. mutiih. bv -riir .t;.S
Mml Ww-kl), on, yt'sr by tunll 1 .V)
r-fini wHiy, n m.-nili'v by rami,
htmi wkiy. i.ur HHiuti, by mail
w v I fV VI aVl. J? t J a
the county should be treated!. "?"IOTx V t4' 11 13
exactly alike. But that would I """"Pated the total number
be the most unfair svstom im. V1 "cnines registered there
r.:::::::: imaginable. Think of" spending1' tte year wiU exed loo,.
as much monev ner mile nn a. .
road used bv 10 people as on a'. V ho s?ld anything about
road made "use of hv thond business depression? Who can
ands. Could anything be more 1 ?Lorry ov r "hard times" when i
ridiculous. . e country from east to west
is Duying automobiles as never
I Good roads people every
where now recognize that the
first step in a good roads move
consists in permanently im
proving the main trunk roads.
This because the heavy traffic
is on these roads and all the;
people make use of them.
Even a man living on a side
road will profit by this policy.
He will use the side road for
a comparatively short distance
and then reach the good
trunk road. He would profit
poorly under a system that
cared for the side road but left
the main highway in bad con-
dition. If responsible for such
.t. ! state of affairs he would be
Sews in self:shne.ss, gred
nd hale
sa.n his deserts In the
rrs that ait.
For the sK.w and remorseless
wheels of Fate
Forever turn 'ruund and
If you give out of mercy and
!oe ard liht,
The s.ime sh:Il return to you.
For the standards of right are
And the scales of the gods
are true."
Multnomah county the
OL. ROOSEVELT thinks: people ha7? vted for the im
l)L the hPrp nHvnPat nro ' provement of their trunk
cowards, silly, base, hy-roads' six ,in n.uir
Bocritical. futile, weak minnVH !sAme general policy
novinno anA o fa- tl,c. tt,t. f OUOWed
He evidently thinks that big
problems can be settled only
through war. But they can
not be settled that way. The
Franco-German war 40 years
ago did not settle the issue be
tween France and Germany.
It merely engendered hatred
that brought on another war.
The Crimean war did not settle
the Balkan problem. The pres
ent war is being waged over
that same identical issue. So
was the Bulgarian-Turkish
war. 1 he Russian-Japanese
war did not settle the quarrel
between Japan and Russia. The
same conflicting desires still
exist and the future may show
another war over the same
identical question. The great
est objection to war as a meth
od of settling disputes is that
it does not settle them. Wars
are usually ended through
compromises that could be ar
rived at just as well before the
war as afterwards. When a
nation is defeated in war and is
humiliated too much it bides its
time as France has done and at
some later day proceeds to
take revenge. Germany may
do the same thing if conquered
in the present war, provided
wars remain in fashion.
Instead of settling a quarrel
between nations a war is likely
to make the trouble more deep
rooted and bitter. There is
abounding evidence to this ef
fect, i
er. The
is being
wherever effective
good roads work is being done.
Umatilla county may well ob
serve this principle. It is the
policy that provides the great
est good for the greatest num
NE of the big insurance
companies is preparing
to write special policies
for non-dnnkers who take sick
and accident insurance. They
will be given lower rates than
are granted to those who drink
even in moderation.
In 1909 forty-three of the
principal life insurance com
panies of the United States and
Canada agreed to compile the
results of their combined ex
perience in the great variety
of risks. The records of 2,000,-
000 lives were studied, the in
quiry extending over nearly
four years of continuous work.
It was determined beyond
doubt that abstainers from in
toxicants live longer than per
sons who indulge the appetite
for strong drink. This was
found to apply not only to
"heavy" drinkers, but also to
those who are "moderate" in
their indulgence. All classes
of "drinkers," indeed, showed
an "extra mortality" above abstainers.
This is a feature of the sub
ject that is not exploited in
whiskey advertisements.
- (From the K'ew York Times )
Something closely approaching hu
inor is seen in the report recently i
rendered by the chairman of the
British Rubber Growers' association,
which Is reproduced In a commerce
report. In part the report says:
"The advent of the war has pre
vented us gaining the benefit from
various efforts made to promote thei
use of rubber In new directions and
has interfered with some schemes.
The government departments cannot
suspend work on the war to test un
tried Inventions. There are many
such In various stages of develop
ment.. There is the rubber so treat-'
ed that it Is to make vessels unsink-
lable. There is the buffer of rubber.
that , when collisions occur at sea,
Is to give only a gentle and friendly
tap, unless in the case of an enemy
submarine. There is the sheathing
of rubber for battleships, from which
the enemy's shot and shell will re
bound and like an Australian boom
erang with damaging effects return
tc Its source. There are the rubber
studded blocks for filing steel rails
in chairs:, tn renlare thA wnnden Itova
now in ttao !
"Above all, there are rubber road
ways, which the council have under
taken, with a view to meet the many
calls for more silent and more dur
able streets. This project, under the
more able guidance of Mr. Barker,
has been ready for launching since!
last year, and the registration of the
company la apparently only retarded
by a suspicious government which
possibly fears that the novel experi
ment of issuing shares in exchange
for rubber, Instead of money, may
restrict the availability later on of
so important a munition of war."
"Let thy attire be comely,
"But not costly"
is just another way of saying:
$15.00 to $30.00
Not only comely, but so bristling with smartness
and up-to-the-minute modishness, the well
dressed man recognizes in them the most con
j vincing way of expressing his individuality.
J ' Pendleton's Leading Clothiers.
(Special Correspondence.)
STANFIEIX), Ore., April 17. The
funeral of the late Miss Elmina Preg
nitz was held Thursday morning at
the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Pregnltz, Rev. J. E. Faucett
read the burial rite. The interment
was at Pleasant View cemetemy. The
bereaved family have tne sympathy
of the whole community.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Long of Echo
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Pregnitz.
Mrs. Will Taylor spent Monday in
Mrs. W; P. Ward was attending to
business at the court house in Pen
dleton the first of the week.
C. W. Lassen, state veterinary of
Pendleton was here Monday to In
spect some stock.
The Study Club met at the home of
Mrs. J. H. Norton Thursday after
noon. Papers were read by Mrs. J,
J. Buchannan and Mrs. George C. Coe
after which a social hour was spent.
Delicious refreshments were served
Kev. A. C. Howard of Walla Walla
is visiting at the home of his nephew
Prof. W. C, Howard.
Dr. J. H. Gilbert of Eugene lectured
at the school house Tuesday evening
to a large audience. His subject was
on education.
W. D. Kldd left Wednesday lor
North Yakima on a business trip.
M. F. McManus of Portland was in
town Monday.
Miss Hascue Duff was a Hermlston
visitor Thursday.
The parent-teachers meeting held
at the school house Friday afternoon
was well attended. Prof. Youel of
Hermlston spoke on adolescence. Mrs.
John Pagan read a paper on early
education, Mrs. R. A. Holte gave a
reading, Miss Anita Howard sang
solo, and Mrs. F. E. Schmidt render
ed a piano (election, Mrs. W. F.
Reeves talked on art and Mrs. Jesse
Richard read a paper on picture
study. After the program refresh
ment were served.
Miss Eva Dunning Is the new as
sistant at the post office.
Miss Opal Calllson of Pendleton at
tended the funeral of Mis Pregnltz.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holte were Her
mlston visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Emery are vis
iting their daughter In Hermlston for
a few days.
The damage would be & lot more than if you hit itwithat&ck hammer
Suppose you would take a piece of rubber, a piece of an automobile tire, for instance,
and keep striking it with a tack hammer. You would have the hardest time in the world to
make an impression on it. Change your tactics and use a sledge hammer, and it wont take
long for the tire to become bruised and weakened. jtiiM fj
This Illustrates the Principle that is so Well
Workeid Out in the
. - t
If you are using an automobile to hammer the tire to pieces, the unsprung weight (the
weight below the springs) would represent the hammer, and the weight above the springs or
the total weight would represent the weight of the man wielding the hammer. The rocks in
the road would be the anvil on which you were working on your tires.
THE FRANKLIN is a light weight car (2750 pounds on the scales.) Therefore, the ef
feet of continual pounding on the tire is less. The tire fabric does not wear or weaken near
ly so quickly as in the case of the heavy-weight car.
FRANKLIN springs are flexible, and the blow upon the tires is cushioned to a much great
er extent than on other cars.
"UN-SPRUNG WEIGHT" on the FRANKLIN has been scientifically reduced to the ut
most. The front axle is made of drawn steel tubing properly heat treated. It is several times
stronger and much lighter than the solid I beam axle used on other cars. The rear axle is
steel tubing with aluminum differential housing supported by a truss rod of the finest steel.
It weighs less than one third as much as the rear axle on some of the popular selling cars yet
it is impossible to break or even spring this rear axle structure. The Franklin wheel especi
ally its rim equipment, is light and strong and the whole car is flexible. So the hammer blow
on the road is as a tack hammer when compared with a less scientific construction of other
These are the principal reasons why the Franklin gives its owners from eight to fifteen
thousand miles on a set of tires.
endletoifc Ant Coi&pony
(Continued from Page 1.)
7:30 p. m. Grand Concert
The Celebrated Schu--mann
Thursday, Jane 24.
9:00 a. m Junior Chautauqua
10:00 a. m. Lecture. Mrs. Robinson
2:30 p. m. Preude. Saxony Singers
3:00 p. m. Lecture, "American
....Mrs. A. C. Zehner
7:30 p. m. Popular Concert....
.Saxony Singers
8:15 p. m. Popular Lecture ...
..Hon. Nelson Darling
Frhlay, June 25.
9:00 a. m Junior Chautauqua
10:00 a. m. Lecture. Mrs. Robinson
2:30 p. m. Concert
Cirlclllo's Italian Band
7:30 p. m. II Trovatore, sung by
Cirlcillo's Concert
i Company, and accom
panied by band.
8:15 p. m... Cirlcllo's Italian Band
Saturday, June 28.
9:00 a. m Junior Chautauqua
10:00 a. m. Lecture. Mrs. Robinson
2:30 jj. m. Prelude
...Ruthven MacDonald
3:00 p. m. "The Lucky Num.
ber"..F. Eugene Baker
7:30 p. m. Popular Concert ...
Ruthven MacDonald
of Toronto, Canada.
8:15 p. m. Famous production,
"The Story Beauti
ful" Father P. J. MacCor
ry, assisted by Mr,
and Mrs. MacDonald.
Sunday, June 27.
I'sual services all churches.
2:30 p. m. Prelude ..Gulotta Trio
3:00 p. m. "National Righteous
ness" Mrs. A. L. A. Robinson
7:30 p. m. Sacred Concert ....
Gulotta Trio
8:15 p. m. "The Man Worth
Rev. Roland A. Nichols
Monday, June 28.
9:00 a. m. .Junior Chautauqua Work
10:00 a. m. Lecture. Mrs. Robinson
2:30 p. m. Prelude
...The Alpine Yodlers
3:00 p. m. "The Twentieth Cen
tury Searchlight"...
Col. Geo. W. Bain
7:30 p. m. Popular Concert ...
The Famous Swiss
8:15 p. m. Cartoon Entertain
ment. . , Evelyn Bargelt
(Continued on Page 1.)
Next Tuesday evening In the Ma
sonic hall the local W. C. T. U. will
l-old a public reception for thrje
prominent workers In the temperance
cause, Mrs. Hutchinson of Chicagt,
national treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Kemp
of Portland, state president and Mrs.
Henrietta Brown of Albany, vloe-presldent-at-large.
Mrs. Kemp will
make a short address on "The Why
and What of Prohibition" and a
short program has been arranged.
Refreshments will be served. Th
general public Is invited.
Yale Moots Prnn.
Yale baseball team this afternoon,
meets the University of Pennsylvania
on Franklin ield.
I d
Kanxas 1iwn-np Day.
TOPEKA, Kan., April 18. Today
was fire prevention and clean-up day
In Kanoas by proclamation of Gover
nor Arthur Capper.
Buying direct from the manufacturers for
spot cash and selling for cash and cutting out
the profits of the middleman is the reason the
HUB sells so cheap. Our buyer is now in the
east buying goods in large quantities, and buy
ing for less than he has ever bought goods be
fore. New goods coming every day, bought for less
than wholesale prices. We are better pre
pared now to sell first class merchandise for less
money than ever before.
Look around and compare prices and qual
ity. Come to the HUB and you will be con
vinced that we will sell you the same grade of
merchandise for less than any store in town.
Prices and quality talk and we have both.
Before you pay more find a
car that will give more than
and before you pay less than $1085 for a FOUR, find
one that gives you as much as you get in a STUDEBAKER
You'll no doubt look at several cars before you make up
your mind. As a matter of fact that is the only way to
One demonstration of this car will prove, by compari
son, that it is the safest investment.
Studebaker Prices F. O. B. Pendleton.
4 Cylinder Roadster $1085 6 Cyl. 7 Passenger... $1575
4 Cylinder Touring.. $1085 6 Cylinder Touring.. $1500
Phone 74.
727 Johnson St.