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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
.1" I. i' W FIHTTT HZ' nvirv ft qtit.-c:otx, ri-ynn-Toy. oni-noy. Friday, makci, in, nm. SOUSA AND WHITTEMOHE, TRAPSHOOTING TO PAOFS. HMO FEET AH! Tir' i. jrand itn Atinjia. lOU,rjl. RWKATT. CAL- loim:i feet on corns. Ah! whnt re'.l.f No more tired! feet; no mere burning feet; no more swollen baj smelling. enty feet. No j more roiene In coins, callouses, bun lone. , I No matter what ails your feet or i what under the tun you've tried; without getting relief. Juat use "TJ7"j "TIZ" Is tie only remedy that draw out all the polsohous exudations which puff up the feet "TIZ"' cures your foot trouVle so you'll never limp or draw up your face In pain. Your 'shoes won't n'fm tipV.t and your feet t i t-'-V U J - f r'- V-,r John V V J rl ' PHILIP V SELECT STEERS GO AT $7.50 Prltlxli Offlier Los Rig. LONDON, Mar. 18. The British tt.HUalty lint for the flvtt days from March 10 to March 14, Inclusive during which the buttles of Neuve t'hapelle and St. Elol were fought, how thut 112 officers were killed or tiled from wound and that 183 of ficers were wounded or are minting, The list of casualties among the men has not been given out, but (Courtesy Thursday's Journal.) . PORTLAND, Ore. Extra fancy hay fed cattle sold at 17.60 today Is 8rrne ,-ompetenl critics estimate them the North Portland yards for sev;M bout two.thlri, of thoH iurfer. era. mans or stun rrom tne rrmevme e,, by tne GvrmanH whlch Kleld Mar country. This Is really the extreme ,, r John Frint,hi th Hrltllh u im me i.oss.u.e commnndcr-ln-chlef, said were be- exception or a load or pulp stun tween ,7 000 anJ ,8 fl00 """" ""' occasionally soiu at a. rnH,uun . klilmi In fructionul advance over this. 1 the fighting and three Canadian of ine steers that sold today at $7.50 fleers were wounded. were among the best quality arrivals In the local yards recently, thereby -"- Indicating that aside from the Idaho J TWnrtfl(1 pnnT,rtt Ta rs,rnA pulp goods, in which killers have tty local sipiU'Hiliiit, aa in) vkuu.'i enact t ... ... "J I" nt mitu ceen interesteu in, tne market will ti,. ,tu..l nortli.u of the ear. There li not reach anove that figure. I only unit war to cure oVnfuntii, an1 that t , I by rcnMliiilioual rt'inedli. . IK'Sfura t (.eneral caitlo market range. Iraiwd hy as Inflsmed condition of th rou Select pulp fed steers . .. $7.60 i 7.75 ' "' llnlim of tb Knstaihlsn Tube. WhL Hext hay fed steers 7.25 W 7.50 ,hl" iub ,,l,'a T'" hae a rnmbllng , ' , . ..,""' ImiMTfwt hearing. ud when It U tiood to choice 7.001D7.15 .entirely cI.xi.hJ Iteafnww la the remilt. and Ordinary to fair 5.50 4r 5.60 'be Inflsnunatliio ran be thkeo out lvt ..nv c ,K, a c- and tbli tube restored to Ha normsl cou V '4",,'-8aidltlt.u. hearing will be destroyed forerer . l.ood to prime 6.004f 6.2a oln cBe out of ten are caimed br ( alar Ordinary 4.00W5O0 fn- bb, la oothlnr but as Inflmned mo Select calves 8.00 ft S.50 , m'?a of,11,be 1ffl" ""''V". t,-..r,,..- k.,ii km,. ..i V 8,,r 0u' Hundred On Mara foi Junc bulla 5.50 (. .o0 ,,. lN.,fll.M. ......i ,,. vnainary f.uuiu PIXKHl-KT. N" Hop) Uciualii ut $7.00. For tops the North Portland Mar ket for hogs remains firm at $7.60 today with only a small run report- that cniiuot be br Mall's Catarrh Cure. Seud for cln ularn. free. F J CI I K.N KV CO., Toleda Ohio. 8n(j b.f !ruKk'lta, 75c. Take Mails frar.illr I'illa fnr constlpatln V ., ,l.n 1 11 I - TiA.'ul ll .a t.l. . - . . . . ... . . win nr.rr. nr.rr nun t r F , Jhn I'hllli o vus a n , i. I l"ln "erure in the fpi.rr(, ln vr nisnt. Tiie enure nog and s i: n. Think of It. no more. i,.,Vr f,' w 1 le ' here and nUhm.h e i market here reflects strength even foot misery, no more agony from I 222 c n t , "k n IV t k u,l" n'1- at the highct prices in the I'nlted cor or bunions. i here this 1 Vl , 7 hel'' Wen rUn ff thia Ste. Killers continue a llber-1 Get 25 cent box at any drug More; UU r'ater interest , seasmn more are scheduled. i bidders for whatever !a offered. . . Good Weather for Colds or department ftore and get instant relief. Wear smaller shoes. Just nce trv TIZ" Hot n whole rear's foot comfort for only 25 cents. Think of -ar'h is a month when school' It. jrhlldren and adults catch cold be-' j cause of elun and changeable weath-i . 1 er. Foley's Honey and Tar Com-' (pound Is a reliable standby at this iHIIII!llllllllllllIIIIIll!HI!lllIIIIIIIIIi:UII'-i ason for coughs, colds, croup la j - t- ex XT r Sr'pre. c. T. Lunceford. Washing- T . L. Vail DUSeil .". writes: i have used It for s x years an 1 It never has failed. I DARDANELLES AFFECT WHEAT SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK General hog market range: jPcHt light $ 7.60 II EN MIXED WITH SlLPHin! Medium light 7.35ft 7.50' IT llltl.NCiS HACK ITS LI'S- TUi: ASl) AliUNDAXtK 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e j ( 1 1 1 j i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ) n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jj aal JJ f The Foundation of Business it built with a bank account Hare jour money let 5 jour banker know you, and when tlie timo cornea bo 2 will he ready to help you. H Don't eipect a banker to help .you unless time and s eoiwientiona dealings have proven you worthy of banking confidence. . TISE American national Oanh I OF PEIIDLETCIJ, OREGON f Capital anJ Surplus $400,000.00 STRONGEST BASK IN t'ASTJUtX OREGON. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH H00DI.ES, chop suey. china dishes GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW W 110 Weit Alt St., Upitain, Phone 4J3 s Gtiural Contrjctor at;d Siirn'rintoDilcnt. TEXPLllTOX, OUEGOX. rimmtlt'lllHlltlflltlitllllMIIIIIIItllllllin i (Thursday's Market.) CH'CAl'.il T., e -.v.. ::thlnt I. I. k... ... . " i .. ' .i.iau.f : " " " w,r ""i- remedy maae lor, regard :r.g the oteninir of the Dar I Good und heavy 7.00 7.25 ! Hough and heavy 6.85 7.0 i Sto.'kers 6.50 'd 6.75 Muitoii In Atraln. T n-..a -..11 u.ahnr .l'.v U-Ilhilllt any supplv of mutton on the open our hal'' 18 charm. It ' market at North Portland. Trade f0r ma" ,he face- When il 'conditions reflect great trenKth lu ns W. nows h .h p,.Plv .eeklnar nd-'b',,jr nJ few appli- Gray hair, however handsome, de- j notes advancing ere. We all know , 'the advantages of a youthful nnnnnr rutions of i'aso i'ep. and Sulphur en- n . . i . " --.x mi alH..n,.l ..i..,li..u -.. I in a tmmaiMIITO "uu ,vr ""ere , t.aneucs caused general short rnxor. " .. . . nances Its aPDearan.-e a hundre.l- v n;aAntd ki-un tha AVtruR H nria jntimiiimiiuuimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini LTJow Open I Ex-Postmaster's Kidney Troible Gone 4 W. T. Azbell. ex-postmaster of r Edwar Import, Ind.. writes. "I suf- rered severe trouble with my kidneys For SALE CHEAP 18 Mead Good Work Llules For Further Particulars See E. L. Smith & Go. Pendleton, Oregon ing in the maket todav for wheat --- ; frM option,,, forcing a closing 1 i- to . T'T " T V"', .LT l eray! Look young! ,vXb:,"Si hi,f 7 ,han TVixx: m h-rBnv ;ho ,otc at hr ot j.arKet at the start was under pres- h , K'1 trom any dnjrf store a 50-cent ure for May with a loss of lc but r""!,, 1'1 ,P., , PMn-. ' UllIe of "Wyeth' aSe and Sulphur July was unchanged and September nlV .t . Compound." 1-te higher than yesterdav's finals. .. "etner I Thousands of toKii recommend this Hong Kong Cafe I 5 &XD NOODLE PAKI.ORS I Noodles AND Chop Suey C OuUide Tray Order Specialty. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN DAT. AND ALL, NIGHT Foreign orders for wheat are again Itt yeurlings Best ewes ready-to-use prepnraUon, because It and h,.-7 t h .if" r nP-8 reI'orU-d t various American centers e , rkena the hair beautifully and re ey Kidney Pills gave me relief' mJ ket to the hlsh r'olnt Heavy lUht lambs 8.00 8.25 J"'.,! ,J 1 Sluggish and inactive kldne, fail o " WHF.T I IJv.-i.h-W Shlp,K-r. ! f"? ' 1 M' " d"ken8 ?, nat- eliminate waste matter from th. IvL "EAT-. .. I Hoes-C. K. Helshee Moro. t wo nd . e"n,y'. . 1 "o''a eliminate waste matter from the svs tem and backache, rheumatism, sore r muscles, aching joinu and bladdor r j ailments result. Foley Pills are safe r and prompt In action. Sold every- wnere. Aav. MEALS 25c A-ND IP. Special Chicken Dinner Sundays. Pimples, sores and boils usually j result from toxins, poisons and Im purities which are generated In the S Next to E. O. Bldg. Phone 80S j bowels and then absorbed into the 1548 Main Street! RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN MMPI.ES AKE IMPUNITIES SEEK ING AX OtTLET THKOl'GII NKIX IDRES. niiiniiiwiiiiitiiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiii; For a good Spring Blood Purifier get a bottle of ' Hot Spring Blood Remedy for sale by Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. It is the function of the kidneys to filter Impurities from the May Open. 1.53 1-2: hich 11.57: low. $1.53 12; close. $1.56 3-8. July Open. $1.21 1-2: high. $1.24; Hogs C. It. Kelshee. Moro, loads; V. E. Lowell, Gibson, load. sri nxe or soft onlh u-lth If Am. one Ing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning For Sale '.'2i acres of good lan.l nrnr Wcstr-n, Oregon. Tin's is one of j Uio l t ranches in tlie !ui-!.lmih(,l. l'rioo, $$1.00 per acre, j 'I lirco iii:irtcr ytrtion n few milts South of town for $,'5,000. i J lius ranch 1ms 3 icllotl -10 bushels to the acre. UATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. ! li: East Court St i low. .,;,; ce ii. 3 TISA' -"l, .tie-George Dtaon. Terrebonne Talr dU eV M Sep,.-Open. $1.09 3-8: tw atST J pS Junction Uer ' two. It. natural If 1-4; low, $1.09 1.2; i0Se( $i.,0 7-8. (,M'Xed 8 uff-J' f- Fllnt- JncUon color Is restored and it becomes thick L L Vy- l0"J C l' " '"V'MW "d lu.trj, and you appear P ( lat-kanlc plneer Dies. iiuM.Mt;, ore., March IS. i.uhard I. Davey passed away at hi nome in flatskanie. Ore. Mr. Davey nan wen a resident of Columbia ounty for 30 years and leaves a large circle of friends. He was born Oc tober 24, 1839, at Hythe, County Kent. England. He Is survived by a widow and 13 children. The funeral services were held at the Presbyte rian church with interment in the family plot. - ; WHEAT TRADE HAS STRENGTH Reprisal Are Siigevrted. AMSTERDAM. March 18. The ears younger. IX POUND. The following described animal has 3 been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-w!t: One bay horse about 8 years old. olack mane and tail, four white feet, star in forehead, strip on nose, dim brand on left shoulder, weight about I 750 pounds. IT said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the (Thursday's Market.) PORTLAND. Ore. Ncs regarding the Dardanelles was of inter est to the local as well as the general Possession of them, costs and expens Amerlcan trade today. The fact that e against' them paid and they taken ...... ... 1 1 1 . . 1 1 ... v. 1 1 . VL'lthtn tan Hriv fmm V.A .1 - thT the aZZUJ lFOm , BerJ'n In forcing an entrance Into the straits ""eof. then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the been k rl. . , , "".as indicated by today's reports Zth day of March, 1915, the said an ny to lodge a 1 - n .I . . . w'vui men inp Krltlah an hnr tu. l .. ami rf ih.m ... ! k. t aaa Ill 1UI ill Jl urine, but In many Instances the bowela create more toxins and im purities than the kidneys can elimi nate, then the blood uses the skin pores as the next best means of get ting rid of these Impurities which often break out all over the skin in the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the skin of these eruptions, says a noted au thority. Is to get from any pharmacy! about four ounces of Jad Salts and First Monal Sand E3 PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 riVv-l" whieV'it i the b'e' tontrarv to iSn-t J , ' , Klonall' "l-ressed in cash wheat and tonirarj 10 international law and , . . , , tt would nr-Bu,..a ""'.cargo prices from London and Liver- to t U , . I I... J . I Im.'l I Will hiA Cr.11 trk 0 Vl A hlokaat V.1.1 protest at London against the treat- , ..... .... ' u . ,..!,ier t nnhiio ..rHon t, .k. i.'h u.iiii muuria niiu uuina L ' ' . . ., VB Vual., k .uq wheat. clty Pound. at the Depot Dlvery Sta- In said City of Pendleton, the 3 proceeds of such sale to be applied 1 . . i . , , ,io prices ironi ixjnuon uuu ijer- -- fj u. .Uoia auu c would necessitate reprisals. r " , . . ... . I D,n9M nf mavir, i i ". viic 4 i triiinina iiitt, iui v j'c in r - Tii UK..,, T. 'eagerly seeking supplies. It is even I JOHN KEARNEY, th nZvT Z... . r . . "y Intimated by the grain trade that the -.-w 'man urou urr J r I f I rl Er: Known For It's Strcnffth snada, Argentine and India, than to secure actual entrance. rmed at an On . i ' aw. r . w . u 1n , . enowiiiK oi lorce ai.iiiiisi ine uaruan- Zv,a tk. 11 . . . ellt wan more to bring down the JA!n"0UnCe.,nent .W" "l.ad9 Pce of wheat in the United States. "uis iu uie nature oi me uer-'fa inun nuoniarine warrare, tne ordinary I r i l' I 1l,T. r.f v.Klar.x.n , .. . . . . 1 : Lm :",ut f wheat sh1Ps recently nviii iiic iirw iii ine i . -. nv. c Ki..,.i i - f ,o . . '..uiieu nere are now coiiiir 'i"i"jiiiui 111 a SIU.1S ui, i-ii u t:ii hs omer suomarine ...i . . r -i ,1 hot water each morning before crews. ... ,. , uir ii an: iinij uu BU'iut'H uiiritru unui roore reselling has been shown re cently than since the war started. All Chief of Police. E3 SI! Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY noodles -r: HOT TABLES CHILLI CO'! GARI1E SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE EverythlDg clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bts Paone tIT Pendleton, Ore breakfast for one week. This will' prevent the formation of toxins In the bowels. It also stimulates the kidneys to normal activity, thus coax ing them to filter the blood of im puri'es and clearing .ho sl;ln .t I imp r. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless a:,d is made from the acid of grapes nnj lemon Juice, combined with lilh- It. Here you have a pleasant, effer vescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and is excellent for the kidneys as well. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y The Knife Is I'lK-laimcd. BOULDER, Colo., March 18. No "'ere made at better prices than origl- one knows yet which member of the nal transactions; indicating along a Roulder city council carries or Browing strength for the grain abroad, used to carry a knife with a cork- Clover Seed Huying price; Nomi screw attachment. During a recent nul N"o. 1, uncleaned. It l-2ft12c; meeting of the council such a knife, which some member of the council had lost, lay on the table in their midst without being claimed, all fear ing that by admitting ownership of the knife they would disclose an oc casional thirst. The city marshal fi nally confiscated the knife. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two tuneral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. leiiDeeteber whenever you are troubled with minor ilrncnt3 of the digestive organs, that thece nay soon develop into more seriou3 sickness. Your future safety, a3 well as your present comfort may depend cn the quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who havo tried them, Beecham'3 Pill3 tre the most reliable of all family medi cines. Thi3 standard family remedy tone3 th3 stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, rerjulatej inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the blood purified by icham'$.IFIII Tb Urgnt Sl of Any Mcdicisa In tha World) Sold Eerywkr. la boaa. 10c, 2S. J. T. PROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modem funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 13 ordinary, 11c pound; alsike, 11c. Flour Selling price: Patent. 17; Willamette valley, 17; local straight J6.60; bakers' 77.20. Hay New crop, buying price; Wil lamette valley timothy, fancy $12.50 S13; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, 115; alfalfa, 13(0 13.50; vetch and oats. 111; clover, 18 9 per ton. Grain Sacks-1915 nominal v i HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES Calcutta ifi reliable abstracts of title to all Millstuffs Selling price: Bran;!,ftnd8 ,n Umatilla county. Loans on $27; shorts, $20. . c,,y and arm Property. Buys and Rf,n..,i n'apuvsviiin ,.rir ivij'f'H all kinds of real estate. Doce INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS 33 per ton. Values on the Portlund Merchants Kxchange today for spot wheat were a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and accl ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALET. ATTORNBYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. uuice in Despain building. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 17; offlco telephone, 20. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. CARTER A SMYTH E, ATTORNEY8 at law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. urnce over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISIIOU. ATTOR. neys at law; rooms 3 and 4. Smith- Crawford building. uncharged to $2 lower than yester- fent 'nsuranco. References, any bank uny. despite the strength in the for- elpn situation and In Chicago. Sales Included, 15,000 bushels May blue stern, 11.43; 5000 bushels April blue- stem, $1.42; 5000 bushels May blue- stem. $1.42 1-2. Oats bids for spot delivery wore 50c a ton lower, too, with barley off $1, with no sales in either line on the exchange during the session. In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, See. PENTLEY &, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 315 Main street Phone 404. . President Sells Cotton. WASHINGTON, March 18. Presi dent Wilson sold a balo, of cotton und sent the proceeds to charity in Oklahoma. During the "buy-a-bale-of-cotton" movement the president bought sev eral bules and one now Is in storage at Boawell, Okia. H. M. Conway, of Paris, Tex., offered to buy it at 10 tents a pound and the president ac cepted his offer and directed that the proceeds be sent to charity In MISCELLANEOUS. LEOAL .BLANKS OF .EVERY .DE- scrlptlon for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc t!on sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an3 advertising complete that will assur you of having a successful sale. ENO RAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Oklahoma, to be selected by Senators i Very latest etyles. Call at East Ore Gore and Owen. I gonian offlco and see samele. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms l, , I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash pa!4 for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone I71W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. wl F." YOIINKA, AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery salea. "the man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates aettled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despaln building. i PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephones; Office, 34 1W; residence, B12J. DBS. WHITAKER & WOOD, DEN- tists. Office hours 9 a. m. to B P. m. Milarkey Building, Pendleton, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cash or give traae for Umatilla county farm, $20 to $60 per acre. Address Box 13, Athena, Ore. TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every deception printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts thai our patrons are allowed the free us of. fyuca.3wm!juu.t ENGRAVING COMPANY """w.'r'" 1 ' iiwira "tft work aftkftk iwr a untiealltd:' -' i it it- r ilm i in a Masi