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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
TEN PAOKS. DAILY FAST OK WW XI A v. V KXPU'TOX. OK KAON". nm.V. MAWII lf. 1'Ur, PAOK KIVB iPf! " ,We want YOU toT toe tne JUDGE, ; We Want You to Try .'"PEKJJEOO" GROWN IN UMATILLA COUNTY Prepared in Pendleton You'll find "Pemeco" always fresh, clean and appetizing. Shipment of Fresh Fish Arrive Daily See Our Vegetable Dept. New Stock Each Morning Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs Service Quality Sanitation The Central Uiot Phone 33 IIometads. Canadian Homestead Land Cluk now being organized. 100 men only accepted. Right of selection came aa number of application. We lo cate you on 110 acrea of mixed farm ing land, partly prairie, partly light timber. Level black loam aoll. No atone and no alkali, and within five mllea of town and railroad. One of these claims worth a lifetime of sav logs, total fee Including everything ISO, S10 when you Join, 110 month ly. Balance paid when you file. Will all go together, between March 16th and April lot. Here la a chance to get a flmt class farm for less than $100, Including location fee, railroad fare, filing fee, etc., etc., Come and see ua. or write at onre. Alberta Land Co.. 402 Plttock Block. Port land. Adv. Ftor Safe Very Iieasonable. Modern 7-roam h'uae and 7 lota about 11 block frim town 1 block from paved rtne'M. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. Ia quire "Mrs. C. A.," this, office. Adv Old IVdiloiMMl Kaglc Dance. Join with the Eagles In an old fashioned dance given by the ladles at KaKle-Woodmnn hall Friday ev ening, March 19th. Fine home cook ed lunch served. Tickets 75 cents l couple, extra ladles !5 cents. Adv. Our Spring Hat Display This Resplendent Showing once again emphasizes convincingly the enviable reputation this store has always achieved for com' bining the artistic and ultra stylish with the practical. Simplicity, style and beauty are conspicuous in every hat. It would please us for you to see them whether you care to buy now or not. CARRIER MILLINERY 740 Main Street. Telephone 413 Pay Cash Get More We have everything in groceries and sell for cash for less money. Try a pound of our extra choice GREEN TEA 30c lb. ENGLISH BREAKFAST Regular 50c Value 35c lb. Visit our store and get acquainted with our low cash prices. 25 or more saved. THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phone 476. Next Door to Quelle Cafe. 028 Main. LOCALS (Sb Advertising in Brief KaTKH. for lln. fir l Insertion ..JOe Far lln additional losertloa. . . .6c fit Hue. wr muntb 11.00 No local taken fur It, thio :5c. Count ordinary word, to Hue. Loral, will not be takeo otr tte pbuu and remittance moat arroa iwnr order pmibib For fuel fone flvn. , Violets dally. J0C bunch. Forshaws Two light airy front rooms Brown Hall, Riverside Drlvs. North Side. For sale Team and harness. In quire 122 I'lne street. A S mom house furnished for rent. Inquire 314 Aura street. CI reduction on lard for Satur day only. . rtayhurn's Meat Market. Man and wife, no children, want work on ranch, 802 Water street. Five room modern house to rent. Phone 3J0J or inquire 417 Oarfleld. For sale New Economy Chief cream separator. Inquire 210 Thomp son. For sale Small office safe, sec ond hand. Address "W. W." this of fice. Fire room house for tele on north tide. Corner lot Improved. Ad drew this office Man and wife want work, ranch preferred. Experienced, inquire 201 W. Court. For rent Large corner bedroom with bath adjoining. M W. Alta. I'hone 2S1W. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and Jeweler, Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Mrs. Mae Frledly has moved to 10 water street and has some nice, rooms for rent. Wanted Good lady canvasser. Ap ply mornings. Kelene Hatter Mfg. Co., lenpkln Block. For sate 10 acre, of timber land near Gurdane, Oregon. Peter Krlser, 107 Carfield street. For rent FurnlBhed housekeep ing rooms. M3 K. K. K. I'hone 224 W. Wanted Experienced girl wlti references to do general housework. Call 814 Lewis or phone 793J. For sale Registered shorthorn bull. 3 years old. Inquire Dave Nel son. Phone 307. Wanted to do house cleaning of cy kind of work. Call J. W. Pierce. Phoaes HI and 4. Very many people desire t0 buy lands in eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. For rent ( room house and fur niture throughout for sale nearly new. 54 7W, Jll Stonewall Jackson. For sale Modern five room house, north side, corner lot and garage. Easy terms. Inquire "A" this office. Wanted Hack, horse and double harness. Apply 701 E. Court street until Monday morning. J. H. Van Cleve. For enle Two moJern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from M&in street. Inquire ot Walters' mill. Esther Brewer has a complete !ne e-f face creams and switches on sale today and tomorrow at the Brown furniture store. Broken lenses duplicated In a few minutes. See Dale Rothwell, the ex clusive optician, American National Bank Building. Phone (09. If you can't find a chicken for your Sunday dinner, call up the Cash Market, the old reliable. We always have them on hand. Phone 101. Dunham, Brownlow A Payne, con tractors, builders. Job work. Esti mates and plans furnished. Golden Rule Hotel basement. Phone 361 J. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 147 Main street Phone 33. The Alta House and Barn. Head quarters for farmers and stockmen. Call and see us: Stephenson k Eng lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 702 East Alta street. To Whom It May Concern ThU Is to notify you that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Oieta M. Beale, from and after March 8th, 1915. J. J. Beale. No. S40 T. P. W. Special, Is what a man should call for if he wants a nice lightweight upper leather In a dark tnn kid, wide toe, low heel lnco shop. Easy fitter, long wearer and a pwltlve comfort. The Peoples Warehouse.- For sale 320 acres famous Rock land Valley land, 240 acres of which Is tillable and 60 acres now under cultivation. Joins the Minidoka na tional forest reserve, thus giving ac cess to unlimited range for cattle. Soil excellent foothill land and lays well. 325 per acre. Address C. M Cnnfleld, American Falls, Idaho. B. 8. Dutton Is reirlxterel at Hot Luke from Pendleton. . A. T. Gordon of Athena,- Is among the visitors In Pendleton. George Ketzer of Walla Walla spent last night In the city. County Commissioner II. M. Cock burn Is down from Milton today. Ray Hicks of Pasco, came over this morning to spend the day. Sam Jenkins, manager of the Hub. i uri ...... i .. .. s li i - . I Til jrmriunj lur njMJKanv on a DUB- Iness visit. J. D. Casey, .Meacham sawmill man was In Pendleton yeirterday. He wan at the Bowman. Mrs. W. O. Kymons of La Grand and Mrs. J. B. Dick of Peola, Wah.,j are guests of the 'St George. Letcher P. Norvell and Charlei Myers of Helix are among the visit ors at Hot Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. filover and MUs Edith Still, prominent residents of Milton, are at the Hotel Pendleton to day. A. W. Nye left today to spend a short time In Umatilla. Mr. Nye re cently recovered from an attack of the grippe.' Henry Henson. veteran engineer now running out of Pendleton, spent yesterday at his ojd home In La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Reed of Athe na are In the city, today for the pur- I,e of looking at automobiles with! a view toward purchasing one. William Doherty, a Pendleton high; school graduate who Is now In busi-i nes at Milton, Is in the Ity to at tend the funeral of h's grandfather. Michael Hrelthaupt. , Street Cnllol WiIon. i LONDON, March 19. The deci sion of the municipal authorities of Louvaln, Pelglum. to give American' names to certain streets In the city, j Is' set forth In a formal resolution of, thanks which was adopted on Wash-1 Ington's birthday by the Burgomast-j er and aldermen of Louvaln and sent to the American commission for re lief In Belgium. The resolution concluded: "The cradle of a university of five centuries' standing and today her self partly In ruins, the city of Lou valn cannot fail to ajwociate with the memory of Washington one of the greatest captains. The name of the learned professor whose admirable precepts and high political attain ments, as also his firmness of char acter and dignity of life, all con tributed to carry him successively to the presidency of Princeton Univer sity, the governorship of New Jersey and, finally, the presidency of the United States. "In order to perpetuate to future generations remembrances of these sentiments and our anient gratitude the burgomaster ami aldermen have decided this day in the new parts of the city, as they rise out of the ruins, three streets or squares shall receive the Illustrious names of Pres ident Wilson. Washington and Amer-1 lean Nation." lire ii mm IN WHICH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF Tlio tVohlonborg Don't. Store Stock ANY DAY MAY BE THE LAST. W. L. Thompson, Trustee, has given instruction! to get the money, by reducing the stock to a minimum and cutting the prices to as low as 50 cents on the dollar. The end is near the opportunity will soon be gone. Women's Shoes Girls Shoes Boy's Shoes Infant's Shoes Women's Shoes 89c, $1.39, $1.95, $2.19, $2.23, $2.69 and $2.95 Misses' and Children's Shoes, 39c, 69c, 73c, 83c, 93c, $1.03, $1.19, $1.33, $1.49, $1.69 and $1.79 Boy's Shoes, . . $1.49, $1.79, $2.23 and $2.69 Women's Khaki Skirts . . . 75 c Women's Khaki Jackets . . . . $1.15 Women's Khaki Riding Skirts . . . $2.15 Infants Long Dresses ... . 20c Women's Corsets (Kabo) 39c, 60c, 90c, $1.1 5, $1.65, $1.95, $2.15, $3.85 I Oc Laces 5c Embroidery at Bankrupt Prices $12.50 and $15.00 $3.9 Growing' Girls Coats 0 W. L. Thompson. Trustee for The Wohlenberg Dep't. Store KlpfcUnt Dismay KjuhroldOry Mate rial-. The Prlscllla Needle Shop of Walla walla has on sale at the J. T. Brown Furniture store, todar and tomnrrnn- a complete line of the latest broidery materials, Adv. em Call for Bid. School District No. IS Is asking for sealed bids for the construction of a retaining wall on the west side of block No. :6 and on the north side of blocks 226 and 227. and walks and steps within said blocks, all located In Reservation addition to the city of Pendleton and known as the high school property. Plans and specifications of all work may be obtained from W. E. Brock, chair man of the board, at Taylor Hard ware Co. Bids to be opened on Wednesday. March 31, 1915 at 1:30 p. m. at the office of Ixt Llvermore, clerk, ill E. Court street. Adv. KEWS OF FARM AND RANGE SHEEPMEN or OREGON IDAHO 10 MEET AT BAKER APRIL 1-2 Thorough Organization Will Be Made In Order to Get Best Ilceulut Out of the Ilwent Market Condi tlons. Sheepmen of Oregon and Idaho are to hold a big get-together meet ing at Baker on April 1 and 2 for the purpose of organizing thorough ly to get the best results out of the present market conditions. ' This Is the substance of a letter received this morning by the Pendleton Commer cial association from R. O. Mllea of the Baker Commercial Club. "Owing to the present unsettled condition of the sheep Industry." rie writes, "a number of prominent sheepmen have decided to secure the cooperation of the Oregon and Idaho growers' associations arul to hold a big get-together meeting !n this city on April I and 2. to discuss the vari ous phases of the Industry and the conditions as they now exist." "With the price of wool and sheep climbing the growers have won- i derful opportunity and should I thoroughly organized and In active , cooperation to secure the best re sults. This meeting should be large ly attended as It will give the grow er an opportunity to meet the buy er and to better Inform himself on the unusual conditions of the Indus try. It Is planned to have prominent speakers present and to close the sec. end day with a banquet." jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' Compare Before You Buy The man who doesn't secure the services of that great teacher, exper ience, may live to a green old age. The Bachelor's Club of the high school last night gave its second and last semi-annual banquet at the horn of Mrs. C. L. Crockatt An excellent time was enjoyed during the course of the evening. In various waya. Sing ing and music were prominent dur ing the early part of the evening while the guests were gathering and Inter the visitors broke np Into par ties for a general hour of cards. A short voluntary program of tinging, comic reading and general fun mak Ing was given by the members of the club, and then all gathered about the banquet table. Toasts and rnecdotes were given by the ban queters, which kept the company la a whirl of merriment throughout the evening. The rooms and tables wer decorated with the Bachelor Club co ors. The mantle of charity covers a lot of amateur theatrical performance. Good Coul nd Wood. Our Rock Sprint,- coal burns clean giving you more heat and less dirt for your money. Good dry wood thst doesn't boll, Lut burns. Also lab and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and cott order from B. L. Burroughs, phone 6. Adv. DlfwoluUon Notice. To Whom It Jtay Concern. The firm of .Lester and Miller, tailors, pressors and cleaners, 114 E. Webb atreet, Is this day dissolved by mu tual consent and will now be known as Lester and Shanafelt, L. D. Shan afelt having purchased the Interests of J. P. Miller. All bills will be paid and all moneys wl be collected by the new firm. It. T. LESTER, J. F. MILLER. L. D. SHANAFELT. Pendleton, Ore., March 9, 1915. (Adv.) i Men's 45c work shirts at Men's black sateen shirts at Men's heavy army shirts at -. Overalls, bib, at Overalls, bib, at Hoys' 49c Overalls at Men's $1.49 pants at Men's $1.98 value corduroy at Men's $2.45 value corduroy at Men's $2.98 value corduroy at Men's $3.49 value corduroy at , Beware of Imitations. $4.00 John B. Stetson hats at $5.00 John B. Stetson hats at $2.49 Hat value in all colors, Hub price Why pay $1.98 elsewhere when you can buy them the Hub at Infants' soft sole 45c shoe values Children's patent Baby Doll slippers, 5 to 8, real 9 value for Baby Doll slippers in kid and gun metal, 5 to 9, 7 value for Ladies' gun metal slippers, $3.50 values $3.00 Patent leather pumps $1.98 Gun metal pumps at Baby Doll patent slippers at $1.49 Juliet, same value here for Men's dress shoes, button and lace, $2.98 val. at $3.50 Values at ;. Men's dress shoes $3.98 values at $4.98 Values at Men's work shoes, all leather, $2.98 value at $3.50 Value at , ... US? ... 45 ... 45? ... 69c ... S3f ... 45? 1.00 91.45 91.95 92.45 92.S5 92.95 93.35 91.S5 at 91.00 ... 25C Sc ... 95C 9c ... 60C 92.45 91.95 91.95 91.S5 91.19, 92.G5 92.95 93.65 93.95 93.25 THE HUB RPHEUM Thursday and Friday 6 Reels "THE HARD ROAD" Greater than any sermon Is this life story of the girl who chose the easiest way. A marvelously realistic play that Mhould be yeen by every man and woman; every young man and girl in this city. Magnificent scenes, depicting a' fashionable New York apartment; the interior of one of Broadway's most palatial cafes, the bright liht of the gayest life In the world. Learn how these fascinating gleam lures victims to enter upon the hard road -and what follows latr. "EXPLOITS OF ELAINE" A complete story In each episode. LOVE AND LAW Comedy 10c 6 Reels 5c r.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF.