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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
TUTTT EAST OnFtONTAN". PENBLFTON', OREGON. FRIDAY, MA7ECH 19. 1915, V.J. L TEN PAOES. LOCA CHINESE TRIES O if m purity ami Unequalled for wholesomeness The shortening you use in 'cooking and baking should be as pure and wholesome as the food that is prepared with it. Cottolene is itself a pure, wholesome food, consisting of ultra refined cpttonseed oil as fine as the choicest salad oil and beef stearine from selected leaf beef suet The purity oi Cottolene is indicated by its rich creamy tint It is unbleached, contains no salt or water, and possesses high food values. c V CttSIteMe ARRANG E PEACE III RANKS F, ACT ONS KH(XXnNJ IN I A GRAXDK LKADfi to EKrirr to start jc TOSO THOt'DLES. l'n D. Gar In Friend of One of the Oriental IlHn Held for the . Kuootlnic OUwr (Jilnewo Arr hrnt to lA Grande to Ait A. IVaor maker Among Foreigner. fed for more than a quarter of a century has been giving complete satisfaction in thousands of homes. Cottolene is not "just as good" as other cooking and frying fats it is better than any ' other more nutritious, more wholesome, more digestible feeder in every way. The purity of Cottolene is safeguarded not only in the refining processes, but in the careful selection of the choicest cottonseed oil and beef suet Nothing else is used in the production of Cottolene, the supreme cooking fat Cottolene does not absorb tastes or odors. Heat it slowly and use it over and over for all kinds of frying. Always use a third less of Cottolene than of any other short ening cr frying fat. Cottolene goes farthest and gives the most, gratifying results. Pails of various sizes, to serve your convenience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our Genera1 Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." ithc u. FAIRRANK cowpahy Cottolene makes good cooking better New Fomullanrier land. HT. JOHNS, N. F., March 18. With the arrival In Knglund of 1 H o naval renerve from thin colony. the full strength of 1000 mm. which the New Koundland government undertook ralie has now been reached. to, PENDLETON MEAT COMPANY IS AN UP TO DATE PLANT MOTHER! IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED S.WITAKY IN KVF.KY KKSI'I'.CT ITS I'F.MKCO MIAMI IS LO CALLY roi'lLAK. "I'enieco." do you know whJ It In? Most I'endlctnn people know that the rmtue in :ipll)'d to a particular I 'rami of incut and a good m-my Know that tin) particular brand U turned out ly the lVndli'ton Mi-;it Cu.. the name in fact be-in ir composed of the ... .. i. ........ . .,. ..t i. ...... .i .. . . .......... . . ., .... , . mun kllled wllh the knife. laxaiive louuy savca a BICK cnua woius in ine i-ui ooiaiion uue, uui . . . . tomorrow. Children Dimply will not few appreciate the InMltution behind if ci toss, n-:vrnisii. oonstiiwt. i:). f.lVK "C.l.lrXmXIA strut or ncs." vlnce themselves by paying a visit to the plant where they will always find a ready welrome.and an escort from room to room. The plant Is housed in a very com. modioli building now. for It has been growing every year to meet the de mands for Its products. The floor are all of concrete and are very easily cleaned with a hose. An Inspection of the plant under a guide will take the visitor to a dozen or more rooms, from the killing pens to the store rooms. Off the room where hun dred of meat animals die every week to feed hungry man and where Jf l'ozegar. head butcher. load of cuttle Is turned into meat, be sides muny hos anil sheep. The plant has a capacity of two carloads of cat tle, three carloads of lions and a car load of sheep a week. It nm only supplies practically ull of the markets of I'endleton with meats but xends its, products to every town in thf county and as far west as Arlington. Its business has been growing steadily during the past three years and buy ing and selling, it turns many thous ands of dollars during the e.r. . Vng D. Goey, prominent local Chi nese merchant, Is one of a number of Influential I'hlnese of the north west now In La Grande in an effort to brlnjr about a peaceable aettlement of the tong hostllltVs there which, .AutiltA I,. Ik. ultamnt,1 unninu ! ICUliru a., n .. ..... Hon of Wong Won Duck a few days ago. Goey in a friend of one of the oriental held for the shooting. Am en othen of his countrymen whn: nave been -nt to La Grande to act ac peacemaker are Charles Sing !; of Ilolse, a member of the Wong family, and Chee How, a prominent! Portland merchant. j speaking of Goey' presence In that city the La Grande Observer of yesterday, ha the following to sny: ' "L I). Goey, for 2u years a chant of Pendleton, but born In Port land, arrived today to look Into the whole squabble from the viewpoint of a friend of William Kng. He belong to the ame company that Mr. Ens. row held under a pclfl" charge, claims h his. Mr. Goey will inter view the victim of the assault at the hoxp'tal. an.l expects tn sift the whole proposition to the bottom if possible. He admiu that the itory appears strange to him. and n.uts many or the rumors that have been folng around. To establish Eng'n in nocence 1 hi purpose, he believing firmly the young man has no pait in the fracas." The same paper aays further: "While no direct or indirect charges are made by either side. It Is believed that there will Ik. an at- j tempted uncovering of a Hlghbind-rj society In La Grande. Chinese Hig'i-j binder are the lawless element ,n ' ft..,.. ..-o.niTu it is Inline I. ,miiiu. j -. liMita for the purpose oi noi um f ; !ng trade but In many instance le y blackmail on people of repute, even resorting to murder if their demands aie not met. I ir nocictv Is discovered In La Grande It will mean a general! HrltLh. Russian. Turkish. German., .verl:a.iling of the Chinese secnon. " """-- Tl.e i.rel'mlnarv hearing of the and to practlo the utmn vfellanc men charged Is of considerable 1m- in regard to suspii lous cnnracMis. portance and quite likely the out-of-! Though police officials denied that town C!.lnet.e wilt l.nger here until extra precautions were being taken It was learned that several embassies have received threatening letters and Beautiful Poplin Dresses la the aew shades &n well as btitg the last word in style. Not the extreme in either color or mode, but, "just right." You will appreciate these Dresses and you are invited to inspect them. Prices ranse from' 9 13.50 up. Sei The New Ch&llie Dreut See The New Silk DreMes See The New Serge Dree See The Naw Spring CoaU Why is it that most of the new Hats are from this store? Why do we hire more help? Be cause our merchan dise is right and pri ces are right, and people are finding it out. m Mm TIIK I.ADiKS' STORE." I'cllcr Guard Ir-jratlonH. WASHINGTON. March 17. Orders were Issued to policemen who patrol near the legations and embas sies to keep cloe watch on the resi dences of the diplomats. The men were ordered at morning ' rollcall to devote as much time as possi'deto guarding the homes of the YOUR FRECKLES a ad !s over. "The wound The wounded man resis eounori-, .... . r 10. raining imrrs nu u Dhyslclan and la uau ally in La Grande hospital today and one ambassador has been annoyed by, y considerable hope Is entertained for sirange persons "shadowing' his res-j . .1 bis recovery. If he recovers and Is. Uienre. able to appear In the prosecution I there uiil ie Added interest 10 ine whole Chinese mixup." I all be- Ituil for the tncj-ti. TOLEDO. O.. March 17. The popular Jitney bus threatens to Coiim-N" Pay liirrntMsl. i'me more popular In Toledo. WASHINGTON. March 17. In aj A heavy explosion wrecked a To rei !.is.viiiiaton of the Cnlted States ledo apartment and store bulletin, consular M rvlce. announced by the ' The blast shook a large area. News slate department. 16 consulates are j paper extras were soon on the streeU closed, five are iemo.e.1. s'x new con-1 NewsWys yelled: "All about th sul. tcs are t reated the salaries of 1 8 explosion." consuls-general are Increased to cor-: Jitney bus owners jelled respond to Increased business trans i ah'rd to the explosion.- r.very jitney Xrcd Attention in Febrvary .March or fKC My Stay Coverrd. Now Is the time to Uk special cure of the complexion if you wish It to look well ih rest of the year. The February iml March winds have a strong tenJency to brlnj out frnkles that mav ttay all summer unless removed. Now la the time to use othlne double rtrength. This prescrlp.lon for the removal of freckles was written by a Drom li.ent physician and is usually a drug gists under guarantee to refund the n-.oney if It fails. Get an ounce of othlne double rtrength, and even a ftw applications should show a won derful improvement, some of the smaller freckle even vanishing entirely. (acted and the salaries of 33 consular. 'All bus did a rushing- Conrc.e. priest's Murder. WILMINGTON- Del.. March IS. demoiiMtrates ' Confi'ssfnn that he and Peter Krak.s the remarkable swiftness with which a beef or a hog can be dressed by a are two rooms where the visitors may sec I it, ....., uil..ilu titiil rru4. take the time from play to empty, the name. ed.' hanging up bv" their hind legs. In their bowels, which become clogged The abattoir and packing plant. ,, r,im ls K,., th(. Kill of the up with waste, liver gets sluggish; conducted by the Pendleton Meat Co. I a.,.. -t hmir these nnimalu had mtirdeied Kev. Joseph Zebris, priest, and his housekeeper at New Hritain. Conn., was made by Ber nard M. nlvid. The priest had refus ed to give tlieni money. fffices are Increased. ( me consulate; 11 onlv. that at Nottingham, Kns'and ' , ' i sunere.i a ueciease. SitiUlin; Won; No lHVnv. ; The consulite at Dawson. Yukon VANCOUVER. Wash.. March territory. Is" among those closed. The Mr. Amelia Wilson, an aged worn salary of the consul general nt Hu- an. .and mother of five children, who ! enos Aires was iai.-ed Horn Jt.M'O u baa been married to her husband isnon annually. Henry Wilson, since 1S7S, is suin tor a divorce. He is about 70 year old. and she Is nearly that age. When the plaintiff had placed her testimony before Judge Kennetf) MacK'ntosh. of Seattle, sitting hera for Judge Back, the Judge said ho would not hear any more testimony. He lectured the old couple and wi'd It Is a shame for them to disagree after having reached their present age with grown children. He advis ed the children to get together wl'h their parents and rtfh up their d.f ficulCes. stomach sour. Look at Wic tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is listless cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't Is not the largest industry in the n.lniJ )n (hls rooling room until nil city but no list of the principal In- ot the natural hent Is gone from their rtitutlons. that famish steady employ- j bodies and then they are run by over ment for vai:e earners mid that turn 1 i.;l,i .r1iiovs Into u cold storaae room. j 1 ! MILS. VVXDK.RVIJ.Di: tiOlNti : hack to m:i.(;iiM. eat heartily. ! ull of cold or has ora out products for which there is more i H() ci, from the frosted ammonia thront or any other children's al - ,thon a local, would be com-1 pipps tnnt. fine as the sight Is, no one ment. give teiis.oonlil of "Cailf r- Piete tnnt did not include the nnmecares to tarry long. In other rooms i r.'it Syrup of Fiji ' then don't w . of the Pendleton Meat Co. It isn't to I (cause it Is perf-t!y harmless, anc. j Pendleton hnt the big packing hous- II a few hou -s VI this constipation es ar, to Chicago and Kansas City, but rn!soti. sour blli and ! '.uentlpg wasle 't Is. neverthelens. something of which villi gently noivc cut of the boweii. and you will have a well, playful child rgaln A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmrs all that Is necessary. - It should be the first treatment glvea In any rKkness. Leware of counterfeit fig syrups. the city may well be proud. The name "slaughter house" is re pugnant to most people because they associate with It foul odors and of fensive sights. No one, however, no matter how Fensltive his noso or how weak his stomach, could find aught Ask your druggist Tor a 60 cent bottle nt the Plant of the Pendleton Meat of Calif-)rnl i Syrup of Flga," whl:h Co., at which to shudder. Indeed, the has full cViertlonn for babies, children proprietors and employees of thut In of al' ayes and for grown-ups plainly mtutlon keep the various rooms, even prtnted on the bottle. Look careful- the one In which the killing is done ly and see thnt It Is made by the IIH coan , nny housewife's kitchen. "California Fig Syrup Company." Doubters of this statement may con- will be found hams and bacon smok ing, or hams and bacon smoked and ready for the market, li one room. In fact, there were stacked yesterday In piles like cordwood hams and ba con representing a cash value on $5000. Then there Is the lard-mak-Ing room, the plckliag room, the sau sage room, the engine room and the room where the soap grease Is pressed out of the offal. Ijistly there Is the room to which all of the offal Is car ried as soon ns taken from the dead i animals and where It Is Incinerated. The Pendleton Meat Co. has 10 men on Its payroll at the plant at oil times and In extremely busy seasons several others. Every week a car- 1 MUSIC M AIDE EASY H Every member of your family eun play the latest and snappiest airs on the piano equal to the most accomplished pianist, if you BUY A PLAYER-PIANO We have them at all prices, the latest and most up-to-date makes, with 88 notes and fully puaranteed, for 9375, 9425, $475, $525, 9750 and 9850. JS .,- 1 Terms made to suit purchaser o r your old piano tidtcn in exchange. Seo us before you buy it costs nothing to consult us. mi JUuULbUVJ Music House the Corner on IP I 1 J iCJlx hi ls- 9-. mtTmm I ,u Tomorrow SUNKIST Orange Day Buy a Week' Supply of Thee Delicious Seedless California Navel Oranges NOW! Trainloads, direct from Sunny California, have just ar rived in all markets especially for Orange Day. juicy, tweet, firm, tender fruit the finest that California grows. Get them tomorrow a supply for all next week. Hun deaIers 616 making special prices. Buy them by the dozen or by the box. Tomorrow is Orange Day all over the country. Even the great railroads are placing special orange salads and desserts on their dining car menus. California Sunlrist Oranges Famous Seedless Navels ry Sunkist Orsnpe salsds. Trv Sun : desserts. Tberesrescorporrtain KME LARA WNDtftmca NEW TOKK, March 19. Mme. Lftlla Vandervelde, wlfo of Emll Vnndervelile, llelslan minister of state, will sail from this port soon with $300 000 which she hag collect ed here for aid ot her country's peo ple. The leastue for political edu- cutlon will tender her u farewell pur Ti kut desserts. There are scoresof dainty way to aerveoranftes so the whole family can have this healthful fruit every day. Start tomorrow-OranZJav-tomalto orangesapart of thedailydiet. these Iree peeling, tender, seedless navel oranges are best suited for all culinary uses. lions of housewives do. Make this the uj iuu iry mem. Sav the Wrappers for Beautiful Silver Premium . i w?un M'ln ""ft nd end to '?r,b"'l tblrwr ot pure vr plate original, cvnuine Kosrr SUw. 1eiKnd specially tofun by Wm. Rogort ft Son. oo. of the world's most (amous uvsrsmiuia. Thn l an entire et nt tS pieces that yoa can ret In this manner. The ipoon ninttraoM comej In echange tor 12 Sunkltt wrppr and 12c. Buy a docen Sunktit Orang- no ami send for It. Be ur to cneln j;c There Is, ot coarse, no adverMslnf on any piece. If any piece is not entirely satisfac tory, return it anl we'll refund yvnr aooey. Order by Phone Yoar trirf ..u Is a Stukfst atocy rmr ' "'1 o"tiy call your ceaje aed say, Send Sunkltt." Don't say mMlvHnMHR..l "C..i.l-., brings the best. , -Tl I a- ' I' 'e..!00;;'' ai.,i.-.f., CAUFORNI FHlitTCROWWS tXCHAN'.r. n- Vlara lnM, Uuaa