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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
VSCV. TVS 1UILY FAST OKEOOXTAy, PF.XPT.KTOX, OKKGOX, 1TJDAY. MA15CII Itt, mi:.. TEN PAGES. i'tiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiuiii RESOLVED 1 hat our prices won t frighten s They are fair prices. Our 2 marked richt when wo pt them. Come in 5 am! let us show jou. Buster Brown. X IT f w. u : .i jroocr es were ! i s Every woman knows that when you pet good fruit and vege- j 5 UMos you pet more for your money because there is less that Ej S jmi cau't me. Our prices are fair. El I PHONE 96 ( STANDARD GROCERY GO. ) E Where all .re Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. E ?iiutj:miini!nn!!iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiil WE have the most complete and up-to-date grinding plant in Eastern Oregon, and can duplicate your broken lens in a few minutes. W. H. HILL, Optician with Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler New Cosy THEATRE TONIGHT Kntlre CtianfQ of Picture. Three Brothers love story la two reels that filled with many dramatic situations. la Married by Installment A comedy tllm that will hold your Interest from beginning to end. Craft vs. Love A fine drama in two parts, with Florence IHadle and Sidney Prady In the leading roles. Big Feature Film Coming SUNDAY AND MONDAY Helen Gardner in Cleopatra Prices, Adults JOc, Children 5c. Ken COSY THEATRE I'lulcr New Management. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Conk til rKi' Sale. The ladles of the flautist church will hold a cooked food sale at Alex ander's tomorrow. Anotlfcv New Auto, C. A. Steen. Dromlnent Milton res ident. has purchased a C-37 Bulck) time he called upon her, four dol lars a few days later In this city and $1S when he called at her home on the reservation the day she left for Portland. Two iHtaUut at Hoiiial. Two natUnta uh. w . 1 K .. i.... automobile from the Oregon Motor of th. ..... k, .... plpa- m . V, 1 . . I - - - I" I IVI JVW. 1'iMlcnroc (iMratloii. Mrs. Fred McKlnney has Just un dergone era her dotoia say she la doing Her speedy recovery la expected ! nave died within the past two days. Fred Qreen. who waa committed from this county July 25. 1892. died Wed nesday and John Neuter, committed ears ago, died l. ..! II. ' ' "'- r.-u ivumr, nn. jusi un- nesday and John Reute rgone a serious but successful op- from Baker couUv s Ulon at M. Anthony's hospital yesterday. The body of tn Habeas Corpus Cane Ik-forred. Hy stipulation of the attorneys, the hearing In the matter of the guardi anship of Itachael Leath Charleton, set for today, was. postponed until next Friday. Court Upholds Ix-ase. Judge Phelps today refused to grant the plaintiff relief In the case of Klea nor Cameron Papant vs. S. F. Wilson and M. I. Watts. In which she sued to have a lease set aside. Ice lllockailc 1-4 Kvadcil. ST. JOHNS, N. F., March 19. Four vessels of the sealing fleet, the steamers Terra Nova. Viking. Erik and Diana, were threatened with damage by the lee pack off this port but a change of wind enabled them to run the Ice blockade. Very 111 Willi Typhoid. Alfred Lyons Is still very 111 at hla home, 1701 West Webb street witn typhoid fever. He has had the fe ver for some time and, while his condition is nut dangerous, the crisis r!as not et Jeen passed. who was 74 years ld, will be cremat ea tomorrow, ,the new crematorium having been completed and ready for use. This will be the first time a body has been cremated In it. NOTICE! To the Economical Housekeeper Spring it here and with it the usual rearranging and cleaning of the house, which will call for jt New Rug, Lace Curtains or other furnishing to brighten up tho home. The selections we offer are greater than eyer and at the every day Golden Rule low price. 9x12 Axminster Rugs in or- 36x72 Axminster Rugs, real EYESTRAIN ! is often the cause of headache, dizziness, twitching or inflam ed eyelids, pain in the nape of the neck. etc. It's correction lies in proper fitting glasses. DALE ROTHWELL Exclusive Optician. merican National Bank Bldg. Pendleton. t ImrhK Italia HI. Charles Dallas is again confined to his home 1709 West Webb street. He was 111 for several days last week Judgment la Prior, lie Claims. In the case of Waldemar Seton. ad ministrator of the estate of Jakob He Un vs. Aumist E. King, the First Na tional rtank and, F.. I Smith, an ana wer waa filed yesterday by Smith. Ho secured Judgment against Ring 'for $908 in February. 1913. which he claims became a lien against Hny prop, erty owned by Ring. He had a know ledge of the mortgage held by the bank at that time but knew nothing of a note for 11650 alleged to have been given by King to Kelln In 1908 and therefore aaks that his claim be adjudged a prior one. Carter & Smythe.are his attorneys. Jl Held for 41 Year. RIDGEFTELD, Wash.. March 19. John K. Oalther, who has been post- , master of La Center for 41 vears. but recovered sufficiently to be about will retire from the service as soon hU business. His illness seems to as Patrick M. Kanes r.centlv sn. iental or floral' patterns, a $25 value, every day price $19.50 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs, $22.50 value at.. $17.50 11-3x12 Brussels Rugs .without seams.. $17.50 10-6x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs, $22.50 val. ?10.50 9x12 Brussels rugs $1-1.75 $17.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft. at?12.50 Ingrain Rugs, 9x12 size at $4.98, $5.90, $9.90. Granite Rugs, splendid ser vice and fast colors at $3.98. 27x54 Rag Rugs, $1.50 val. for 98 18x27 Axminster Mats 98 27x54 Pro-Brussels Rugs at C8. $5.00 values $3.15 36x66 Axminster Rugs, a good $4.00 value $2.98 Other small throw Rugs at 98, $1,49, $i.os, $2.-19. Lace Curtains in white or ecru at about half their real value -19 G9 9S, $1.25. The better Curtains come in white or ecru, can save dollars on them $1.-19, $1.98, $2.19, $2.98, $3.98. Portiers in solid green or red, also fancy mixed at $1.19, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98. Couch covers G9, 98, $1.49. Lot of new Curtain scrims at 10c. 122, 15, 1S 25. lillU iumiiiiiiiimimimimiiiuuuiiimiii& m:i)iiHHiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiii!iiiiuii!iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. i n .J iff UL CAN CATARRH BE CURED? ' i! V'110 W ,,a,Cn i IF NOT, A VISCIOUS SEQUENCE. - S Tk Mother neglects to teach the child to blow his nose; some tls- s!s fei I 1. il I R E - VIIIIWVI behind the nose enlarges and the child has to breath through his itk Adenoids the arch or roof of the mouth goes up, the par- titioa between the nostrils slides, buckles or bends and he will have S Basal eatarrn until tne Interior of the nose is made like It was be S . for tals happened. The catarrh extends to the ears, he may es S cape ear dleas but later on he will have diminished hearing. If you S wait siatil you are Halloed at you never again will hear like you H dt4 s few years ago. , D. N. Reber, M. D. f EE Eye. Eear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 5 H Schmidt Bldg. . E riLniu:r:::n!iHiiinininini:iuiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiii!iiiiliiii!iii!!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!i!iiiiiM7 FOR SALE! 5000 acres well watered, 400 acres In cut. tivatlon and meadow. Cuts about 700 tons of hay annually. Much more can b cultivated. St million feet of fine saw timber, besides a big lot of smaller. Good house, cost over 12000, one mile from town! four good bams. Adjoins Nat forest reserve, and has grazing right thereon. AB vehicles and farm Implements, some of them new, good blacksmith outfH, aad chop mill driven by motor power. Tou can buy this ranch larladiag the above mentioned property, for $16 per acre. You can buy wits K, 7S0 well bred cattle, and 90 horses at the market price; half cash, reasonable time on balance. I have both larger and smaller stock raachea than this, also wheat land, diversified farms, city property, and e&ckaagaa. E. T. WADE, Peuflleion, Ore. Despain Building Ph6ne 763 I TiimimniiiiMimiimiiMiimimimiiiii iiuuimimimimniiiiimnmuiiMimiiii!. IfRMTOEJl I HEIGHTS 1 S refore you build that pro- posed home by all means visit E E Pendleton's new addition. If E E you are seeking a splendid loca- E E tion and a view unexcelled. E E locate here. If you are at all E E Interested see E RAYMOND W. HATCH, E E The Architect, E E Despain Bldg. Phone 78S E TiiimmiimitiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiimS laniyiiiisiniiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMin I PASTIME TODAY! LUBIN'S SPECTACULAR SOCIETY DRAMA be neuralgic In form. Han Appcnilit Removed. A. M. Wynn. a farmer north Pendleton and a brother-in-law pointed, can file his bond and re-j celves his com mission. Mr. Galther.l who Is 76 years old. came from In. ofjclana In 1873. and the following rt f t n , . . . .iiuic-'.'i, n,,,. v,. ..t-.i.n "- jc-tir L't-iaiiie poKiiiiHS(er. F. E. King of this city, underwent an He has ml!el only one term of operation Wednesday at St. Anthony's! office. When he took over the Post hospital for the removal of his pendlx. He U recovering rrom treatment very satisfactorily. ap- the Funeral This Afternoon. The funeral of Michael P.reithaupt, who died at his home here yesterday morning at the age of 82. of lagrlp pe and senility, was held this after noon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church. Rev. Hodshire conducting the services. Roi-overn Mlsslujf Hro. Clifford Stone, son of Jerry Stone of Adams and brother of S. A. 8tone of this city, Is in Pendleton today to recover a horse which disappeared from Adams a few days ago. Through the aid of Sheriff Taylor he lecated it ajid his saddle at a local feed barn where they had been left office there were only rour patrons who subscribed for newspapers. Mr. Oalther Is hale and hearty. Caucus Offer DpcIIimM. ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 19. Roy C. Sargent, for many years city treasurer and one of the most popu lar young men of the city, declined to accept the caucus nomination for maor agalnxt Judge J. M. Phillips, who defeated Mayor Eugene France, for re-election by a majority of 17 votes. YOU CA DO BETTER AT AD 1LLOW HrltlKh llgtnvs DlpuUsl. RERLIN. March 18. The Lokal Anselger says It has learned from a well-Informed quarter that the re port of the British admiralty of Mrch 13, giving the total losses In the British merchant marine at 17 ships from the beginning of the war to March 10 la far from the truth. "As a matter of fact." the Lokal Anselger says, "124 ships have baen lost, not counting 47 fishing steam ers, making a totul loss of 171." "A "Dad" Taylor Growing Oranges S. D. "Dad" Taylor, well known In this city, is at present engaged in growing oranges at Pawtlelle, Cali fornia, according to a letter received from him by Judge Fits Gerald. He states that as soon as the orange sea son ends, the latter part of May, he Intends to return to Pendleton. COLORED BASEBALL TEAM WILL BE ORGANIZED HERE Go After New Auto. Hen F. Trombley. proprietor of the Oregon Motor Garage, and Jamex H. Sturgis left last night for Portland and tomorrow will start back with the new C-54 Pulck roadster which Stur- gis has just purchased of the Oregon Motor Garage. The car will be ship ped to The Dalles from which city the two men will drive It. Rljr Mortgaw I Forecloel. A lien of 133.800 plus $322.40 paid out for Insurance and J500 attorne.v fees Is ordered foreclosed today by an order In the case of A. A. Cole, William Slusher and A. R. Thomson, trustees, vs. the Wool Growers' Scouring Co. of Echo. The amount of the Indebtedness of the company to the trustees Is declared a Hen up rn certain properties In the town of Echo. Pendleton Is to have a colored baseball team, which will be organ ized as soon as the club can secure finances enough to purchase uni forms and other necessary equip ment The team will play under the name of the "Pendleton Tigers" and will be composed of the best matur ed athletes to be found among the colored population of the city. A subscription list Is now being passed about, for the purpose of raising money, to give the team a start and to secure the uniforms. Ths team Is making It a purpose to ap pear before the public duly organ ized and well equipped to play a good game. They will so arrange I their games that they will not con flict with any other games to be played by the Blue Mountain league or otherwise Discharged from Hospital. Supt. W. D. McNary, of the East ern Oregon state Hospital, nas re ported to the county court that Tonyi Ollvlrl. committed from this county on Dec. 15, 1914, and Norman Pal-, ' mateer, committed September 11,' 1914, have both been discharged as cured. He also reports that Joseph Snyder, committed on Sept. 8, 1914 has eloped from the Institution. Ansclos. New President. KU PASO, March 19 Chi- huahua City will soon be pro- claimed the capital of Mexico with General Angeles as presl- dent It Is reported here. An- geles it was stated Is working In harmony with Villa and will re- celve the letter's support. 4 4444 FARMS ATTENTION! FAIRBANKS MORSE 6 CO., have made a big cut in the prices of their Gasoline Engines. For a limit ed time will make a special proposition to those who are in need of gasoline engines or pumping machinery. ' You can buy direct from the Manufactures. t s - Our representative will be at the Hotel Pendleton five days, March 18-19-20-21-22. If not convenient to call at Hotel, drop me a card or telephone and I will call on you. . P. B. VANCEL, Salesman Fairbanks CSorso Go. 95 1st Street, Portland, Oregon PIIIIIillllllllllllllllOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM iiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiii "A Si iren of C orsia 59 LILLIE LESLIE AS THE VAMPIRE WOMAN. A thrilling feature that takes us from New York to Sunny Italy. Shows how the Siren broke up the home of a young married couple but in the end she is made to suffer. Vitagraph Laugh Comedy "TWO AND -TWO" FLORA FINCH AND WILLIAM SHEA. n i n COtViSWG SUNDAY AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR. ACTRESS. First Time in Pictures. LILLIAN RUSSELL IN THE GREAT RACING PLAY "WILDFIRE" lti:;3 Russell Recently Toured the Country in "Wildfire" on the Speaking Stage. 10c Admission 5c J :i:nni;a:iuiiiiiiimmmiiiuiiiimiii!Ui!Mi!m McNary IicturiM from Sulcnu Dr. W. t). McNary, superintendent of the Eastern Oregon State Hospit al, arrived home last night from Sa lem where he consulted with State Architect Knighton upon the plans for the new hospital wing. He states that the plans are being worked out rapidly and that the advertisement for the bids will be .begun within a few weeks. Dr. McNary la now hav ing test holes dug to ascertain the depth of the. gravel formation, the In formation being necessary In draw lug up the plans. licll JotM -Short Sentence. Though he was convicted by a federal Jury upon tiiree different counts of attempted subornation of perjury, William II. Hell of this city was yesterday let off with only a nominal punishment. He was sen tenced to ten days In Jail by Federal Judge Rudkln. It was not that the court was Inclined to look lightly upon his offenso but becaune clr cumstances seemed to Justify' len iency, according to a letter received this morning by Supt. Swartzlander from Depnty U. 8. Attorney Rankin. The man's advanced years, he being 68 years old, the fact that he had been In Jail since January 8 and the further fact that he was unable to raise $500 ball combined to Induce the government attorneys to recom mend a nominal sentence. The Jury found Bell guilty of giving Trenno Oliver, an Indian girl, money three different times, ono dollar the flrnt The Alta Today EXTRA VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM OLDFIELD & DREW The Big Basso and the Baseball Girl. SONGS AND NONSENSE, JOCK COLEMAN, The Original Article From Scotland. New Songs in the Old Brogue. FOUR REELS OF PICTURES. Note: Due to mistake of shippers we will not show "It's No. Laugh ing Matter" until tomorrow. L?rr " TONIGHT'S PROGRAM WILL PLEASE YOU. : ' . Our Vaudeville Exceptionally Good. , . E3 75 Xr-3 IHjj