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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1915)
ETflHT PA0E3 PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OTCEfiOyiAK PENDLETON1, OKEQON. WKDNT.SDAY, "MAKCH D s 3CY3 Then This Store News Will Be Of Interest to You. . Tlusp nro tlio (lavs wln-ii (very woman has her eyes wide ojK'ii t Mt the latent new uf fa-hin and to learn what new (comforts and helps have Wn - . 1 1 1 1 1 wHrcroiK-. r.very aav oiiietiunj: new is coming into tne store. Some days there is a perfect inrush of new things. It is de lightful to le one of th? first to wear these new things as they come. To wear the new things before everybody has seen them. 3fany of the most attractive things come in very small quan tities, because our customers do not want them to become too common. There will be new tilings coming every day. Just kow you'll find our store very interesting. if? Jl NEWEST IN SMART SKIRTS ?5.00 TO $15.00 Your Spring wardrobe will not be complete without one or more separate skirts to go with the new waists Our Spring showing is most complete. Every desirable new style is here. The new' plaited flare, and yoke effects, some have patch pock- ' ets, others are trimmed with braid and buttons. Don't fail to see these handsome new garments $5.00 to $15.00 PERCALES A big collection of high grade Percales especially selected for house dresses. Comes in lights and dark, neat patterns and designs. The yard 7 12f, 10 and IS l-2 DAINTY CREPES An assortment dainty wash crepes for waists and dresses. Small floral effects of white and colored grounds ; fast colors ; 40 inches wide; soft and sheer. The yard 35 BABY BIBS The baby always needs a bib. A new' stock on hand, some thing different in bibs. Comes in white only, of huck, Swiss embroidery and Turkish, in plain and fancy. Each 15 to 35? Black Velvets For trimming dresses, coats, etons and the like. Beautiful rich black velvets." Several qualities and widths, 2G to 40-in. wide. The yard 50 to $6.00 D. M. C. We have just received a large shipment of D. M. C, the real article. Come early while the supply lasts DIMITY FOR SPRING Comes in neat floral effects, all colors, 27 inches, light sheer Dimity for Spring dresses, -for little school dresses as well a3 'grown up" Ftreet dresses The yard 12 l-2 Tho Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps. Money Lenders Acquitted. LONDON, March 8. Henry Math er, alias Walter G. Furnald of San Francisco and Sir James P.enals. were acquitted here of a charge of Irregular, painful when the kidneys are Tl. mi rV I'lnVTV DIt I C for that burn ioacivi-i.1 iviii ing lcaldicg sensation irregular, painful sction heavy sore feeling and bladder distress. You will liks their tonic restorative action ready effect quick, good results. Contain no harmful nJ O Kidnou Pills you enjoy ts? irovidwl for her new Spring . 1 Women's and Misses CO A TS Our showing of new coats merits your careful inspection. So many new styles are shown that it is impossible, to describe them in detail. Prominent i a m rT cr tbft smart Nor- 7 folk effects with, patch pockets WBT,,i Mts also handsome models in loose styles with flare skirts. Every favored material is rep resented a3 are also the newest spring shades. Prices range from ?10.50 to ?30.00. conspiracy to defraud by a money lending scheme. The prosecution an nounced that the charges had been dropped and a formal verdict of ac quittal ordered. bladder weakneise s disappear 1 ifully sctive. cJ strong and healthfully ill drugs. Try them. VKsBsJrV men INDIGESTION ENDED, STOMACH FEELS FINE TAPES DIArEPSIN" FIXES BOCK, GASSY, UPSET STOM ACHS IN FIVE MINUTES. Pour, rasay. upset stomach, Indi cation, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments Into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel stele and- miserable, that's when you realise the magic In Pape's Dlapepsln. It makes all stomach misery vanish In five min utes. If your stomach is In a continuous revolt If you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Dla pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a lit tle Dlapepsln. There will not be any distress eat without fear. It's be cause Pape's Dlapepsln "really does" regulate weak, out of order stomachs that gives It Its millions of sales an nually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store. It Is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic it Is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs In every home. Record of Deeds; Other Instruments Deeds. R. Lawson to Harry Howton, $100. The E. 1-2 of Lot 1 In Block 6 of Vln. cent Mary E. Sewell and husband to Geo. Hills, $500. The NW. 1-4 of NE. 1-4 of Sec. 24, T. 1 N., R. 34 E.. W. M. Geo. W, Hralgen to Olney A. Simpson, $3,000. The NE. 1-4 or SE. 1-4. and the S. 1-2 of thSE. 1-4 of Sec. 19, T. 4 N., R. 31 E., W. M. I. J. George et ex. to Matilda Chopin, $2,600. Lot 3, Block 6S. Reservation Addition to Pendleton. Matilda Chopin to I. J. George et. ex. $1,000. Lots 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15 and 16 in Block 286 and all ot Block 287 in the Reservation Additi on Ho Pendleton. Ira Hughes to B. F. Marten, $600. The SW. 1-4 or NW. 1-4 of Sec. 9, T. 1 S.. R. 35 E., W. M. Quit Claim Deeds. James W. Holdman to Ella Bowlin, $800. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 In Block 16. city of Adams. Satisfaction of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by Chas. A. Owen to Thos J. Tweedy, Dec. 12, 1911. for $2,900, Is fully paid and sat isfied. A mortgage executed by Howard A. Frlck to Cynthia A. Koontx Oct. 22, 190S, Is satisfied and discharged. Many are Affected by the Failure of Insurance Company 12,000 . POLICYHOLDERS AY ELL SUFFER FROM RECEIVER SHIP. SALEM, Ore., March 3. That ap proximately 12,000 policyholders are affected by the receivership proceed ings in the case of Horticultural Fire Relief association, was the statement of Insurance Commissioner Harvey Wells, who late yesterday was ap pointed receiver by Judge Galloway. Whether they can be forced to make good the debts of the mutual con cern Is a matter that will probably be threshed out In the courts. Commissioner Wells took occasion to deny that the Pacific States In surance company has reinsured pol icyholders of the Horticultural, Ore gon Merchants' Mutual and Pacific Home. The Paclflo States merely made the proposition that if it could be placed In possession of the Infor mation regarding the existing poli cies of the company it would agree to pay to the receiver 10 per cent of the premiums it might write replac ing any of the business, he says. The court made an order accept ing this proposition. Wells points out that it is optional with policy holders in what company they rein sure. Shrapnel Order Coming. PITTSBURG, March 3. Nego tlons are in progress between the Russian government and a large machine company here which will likely result in a contract for $10,- 000,000 worth of war munitions. Shrapnel shells form the princi pal part of the order, and, as special machinery Is required to make some sizes the company has asked Russia to deposit $1,000,000 In bank to In demnify Jt should the machines be come useless by reason of a sudden termination of hostilities. The com pany Is now working on several large orders of similar character. NOT GEOGRAPHICALLY CORRECT, STILL CORRECT Becuase he gave a political answer to a question asked In a geography class, a seven-year- old pupil in the Hawthorn school had to stand In a cor- ner for a brief period. "Johnny," said the teacher to the youngster whose name, by the way, Is not Johnny, "what do you know about Ore- gon?" Johnny was much more vers- ed In the recent political his- LUCK 111 UNITED STATES OVER A IV DESPITE 11AVAGES OV FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE LAHGE GKOWT1I SHOWN. Moat at 50 Cents a lwiucl and Slocn at $10 a Pair Arc FurtlH Away Thun Ever, According to Depart imnit of Agriculture Slno In crease Nearly 6,000,000. WASHINGTON, March 3. Meat at 60 cents a pound and shoes at $10 a pair are frther away than ever, the department of agriculture an nounces, for the reason that for the first time In many years all classes of livestock in the United States are increasing In numbers. Despite the ravages of foot-and-mouth disease, the number of beef catle increased by nearly a million and a quarter, or 3.4 per cent, last year, after declining steadily ever since 1910. There were half a mil lion more milch cows on January 1 than a year ago. Swine Increased nearly 6,000,000, or more than nine per cent In the fact of the expor tation of horses to the allies, theje animals Increased 233.000 head, and there is no reason to fear a shortage of horses, says the department. The Inreaslng use of autos took the av erage price of horses down to $6 and mulea down $11.60 during the year. Importation of hides showed a fall ing off. "There Is, however," says the department, "little reason to sup pose this decrease will be permanent or of sufficient Importance to create any real scarcity. Since the great bulk of the Imported hides come from countries now at war, shipments are not Interfered with in any way, and the only new factor to be considered la the possibility of an Increased de mon hv the warrlnsr countries." "It Is believed," the department continues, "that the United States Is In better condition to face such a sit uation than for years past The tide. It seems, has turned. Instead of livestok steadily decreasing year fter vear this year, for the first time, all classes show an appreciable increase. Including horses, mules milch cows, beef cattle, sheep and swine, there were on January 1, 1915 7.712.000 more farm animals in the United States than on January 1914. The Increase in the total val e was $78,024,000 or 13 per cent It Is quite true that this Increase is not yet proportional to the Increase in population, which Is approximately 2 per cent; but the fact that there Is an increase, that the tide seems definitely turned, is regarded as a sufficient answer to alarming exag gerations and misleading figures." Asiatic exclusion should not be ap plied to Chinese trees,' says the de-. partment of agriculture. These trees thrive in the United States for the reason that the climate of eastern China Is about the same as eastern United States. The department ad vises Importation of the Chinese ma ple which is a particularly ornament al shade tree. Chinese peaches, quinces, hazlenuts and holly, will take an Important place In the Am erican market If the trees and bush es are Imported and planted In ac cordance with the department's ad vice, It Is stated.. Holiday apple eating foil off last year and dealers have large cold storage holdings on their hands, the department of agriculture announces. "A regular, vigorous movement throughout the remainder of the sea son may be necessary to prevent dis aster In the spring." says the depart ment. "Growers and dealers are urged neither to dump their holdings nor to stand for arbitrarily high pri ces. Panicky selling usually means grief, but all concerned should seen to move cold storage apples gradual ly and with such rapidity as the mar ket allows, so that the deal may be wound up in relatively good shape." When the opportunity arrives to be a hero a man is usually sound asleep. HEAL YOUR SKIN WITH RESINOL It Stops Itching Instantly, and Clears Away Unsightly Eruptions. If your skin itches and burns with' eczema or any such tormenting, un sightly skin disease, simply wash the core places with Resinol Soap and hot water, dry, and apply a little Besinol Ointment. The itching stops IN STANTLY, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, and healing begins at once. That Is because tho soothing, antiseptic Besinol medi cation strikes right into the surface, arrests the action of the disease, and almost always restores the tortured, in flamed skin to perfect health quickly, easily and at little cost. Prescribed by doctors for twenty years, and sold by every druggist. A COOD WAY TO SHAMPOO Shampoo with Iteslnol Soap, rubbing its lather thoroughly into the scalp, so as to work in the soothing, healing Besinol medication. This almost always stops dandruff and scalp itching, and keeps the hair live, thick and lustrous. CREASE 111 HEAD One of the notable social affairs of the post-Lenten season will be the dancing party of the Phoenix Club, tentatively! set for the evening of April ninth. Under Its old Greek letter name, the organisation has been responsible for. some brilliant parties In post years. , The local lodge. Loyal Order ot Mooso, will hold Its annual rollcall meeting this evening. Mrs. Kenneth McRae Is hostess this afternoon to the Ladles' Aid of the . Presbyterian church. It is the annual meeting ot the organisation. A social session of the local Ea gles will be held on Friday evening In the Eagle-Woodman hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander are again occupying their home, 111 Jackson street, after spending the winter In apartments at the Hotel Pendleton. ' Mrs. Claud I. Barr returned Sun day after an extended visit with friends In Spokane and Colfax. Because of the large number of new members recently taken Into the lodge, the Knights of Pythias have found It necessary to liold extra meetings to give the degree work and the first of these meetings will be held tomorrow evening. Yesterday after the ladles of the Methodist Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. A. J. Owen on South Thompson street and enjoyed a very pleasant as well as profitable time. "School Days in Foreign Lands" was the subject for the afternoon and In teresting papers were read upon the schools In Japan, Persia, Turkey, Hard Cough? Grippy? Head Stuffed? Bad Cold? No Matter How Bad You Feel, or Bow Hard Your Cold, You are sure of Quick and Grateful Relief by Taking Dr. Ring's New Discovery. No use to keep on sufferingr and try ing to wear out your Cold. It will wear you out instead. Start fretting better by taking Dr. King's New Dis covery. It contains just what you need to rid you of that Grippy Feverish Stuffed Feeling and to stop that constant and annoying Cough. The first dose starts relief and you keep getting better. Buy a 50c. bottle H. E. BUCKLEN & CO., 639 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pi. When You Want Somethii Particulary Nice You can always depend upon I disappoint you. doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the batter is a little thin, K C will raise it light and feathery and it will be all the better. Jarring the stove or turning the pan around makes no differ' ence K C sustains the raise until baked. When there's a birthday or wedding cake to bake, or refreshments to provide, take no PkN8 tery he sneaks into by-paths and by-ways he acts like a vulture a vampire a dracula and yet he can not be stoDoed in his ruthless nsth He ruthlessly follows a poor girl a bride at' that is constantly in her wake and with it all eludes the ever watchful eye of her distressed husband. But wait you can learn all about this mysterious man of mystery by reading the story, of RUNAYAYJUHE bv George Randolph Chester, in r seeing him in pictures at 1 he Last Uregan and lb ALTA THEATRE Korea, India and other countries. MIhs Grave Oliver sang "The Wurk of Today" (C. S. Brlggs) and the num ber was very much appreciated. A social hour spent with sewing and conversation ended the meeting. i German Ixmhcn 200,000. LONDON, Match 3. The Dally Mall's Copenhagen Correspondent says: "It Is reported from Berlin that the German casualties In East Prussia and Poland during the last thret weeks are estimated at about 200,000.' No Use to Try and Wear Out Your Cold It Will W"ar You OUT INSTEAD. ' Thousands ' keep ' on' suffering couffhs and colds through neglect and relay. Why make yourself an easy prey to serious aliments and epidem ics as the result of a neglected coldT Coughs and colds sap your strength and vitality unless checked In the rarly dupes. Dr. King's New DIs rovery Is what you need the first tfese heirs. Your head clears up. you breathe freely and you feM much better. Buy a bottle today and start takirg It at once. Adv. roNtumea Cause IUiiHhra. CHICAGO, March I. Society wo men riding horseback on Lake Shore Drive wear costumes to make the most hardened blush, Mayor Harrl- I'lmnmimiitiinumiiiimriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I F. E. Van Dusen I mm mm nuiiiimiMiiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiir! of Dr. King'a New Discovery. Start taking at once; you will be gratefully surprised in your improvement After using ono bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, John S. Dixon, Aydan, N. C, writes: "All soreness left my chest, breathing became easy and a serious Cough was cured." Wr did for Mr. Dixon it will do for t; The double raise makes for reception or party , chances 2 General Contractor and 3 Superintendent, 5 PENDLETON, OREGON. 5 C not to N 1 U$eKC 7 nTHIS man is notorious-the 'whole world is talking about him he is the person ification of mvR. wmmM KFFP YOUR CHILDREN STRONG Soma cindrta Cttct ost alLaeat iter uotlter.lm colii after ceUi, wUla otter ctilJren art seldom ikk If your children aw pale or fraH, If they ettch cold easily, Uck bltloa or are backward In school, they need SC0TT8 EMULSION which la rich la the food elements to create good blood to innr ovum MULSIUft IS irrm num - cohol or habit forming drugs. CHILDREN RELISH IT. REFUSE SUBSTITUTE3. UK son said In refusing to permit Inter- . . . m rcrence witn tne conauci ui night dances among Working girls. iNew I Green 1 Hotel E Cor. With awl Oak. I m if pi 5-1 Transient and perma nent rooms; all mod ern conveniences. 11 M Center of nuslnem and Shopping Dlstrk-t E i C : e : c - VFJtV KEASO.NAULE HATI3. r- I 3 3 1 II Era Cri II y m Mrs JL Ae Borie Err-3 S3 3 Owner and Manager. m mm WBBOMEM Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TAUALES CHILLI C0!l CAME SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLA83 8ERVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8U. Phone iit Pendltton, Ora. mm tory of this state than In its ORS, WHITAKER & WOOD DENTISTS Milarkey Building as geographical characteristics. His answer was very prompt and terse. "Oregon's gone dry" he said. I1' RLADDFf) SOLD EVERTWHERB