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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1915)
DAILY EVEH11IG EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Rut Oregonlan has ths largest paid rcuiatlon of tor pr In OregoD, east of l'ortland tod over twice ths circulation la rtadlttoo of any otber newspaper. DAILY EVE1II11G EDITION Forecast for TMfrn Orecoa, bjr Ue CnlUMl S Wthe Obi rtw M Portland. Rain or mow tonight and Tuesday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPKIl. VOL. 20 1 DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, .MONDAY, MAKCJI 1, 1015. NO. 8-m 111 TO ME MLEGATIIS 0Vfl PASSPORT FRAUDS German Embassy peclares Charges Against rt are Form of 'Blackmail' Investigation Not Complete. 2 ATTACHES ARE INVOLVED Retail of Official Will Not lUs De manded by United State Hut Mat ter Will Be Put Cp to Germany t So that Government Can Take Whatever Course Seems Best, WASHINGTON, March 1. Preal dent Wilson will pass personally up on the allegations that officials ot the German embassy violated dlplo malic ethics and neutrality by try. In to obtain by fraud American passports for lire of German aples in England. This was decided on today by high officials of the administra tion. It was denied there Is any Inten tion to make an Issue with Germany out of the charges resulting In the arrest In New York of Richard Steg-' lr who confessed to frauds and as serted that Captain Boy-ed, German naval attache, employed him as a spy. If It Is shown that any German diplomatic officials abused the hos pitality of the United States, the facts will be presented to the German gor ernment which will decide Itself what It wants done In the case. The recall of the officials who of forded will not be asked. It was al so stated that the Investigation ot the charges of participation In the passport frauds by Captain Boy-ed nd Captain Von Papen, German mil ltxry atuche, which was begun by the state department and the depart ment of Justice, had not been com. plcted. The German embassy characterls ed as "blackmail" the charges that Ha officials were maintaining a secret service bureau. The statements from the embassy will have great weight with administration officials. NEW YORK, March 1. Mrs. Rich ard Stegler. whose husband confessed he had conspired with Captain Boy-ed of the German embassy to obtain by fraud a passport for Stegler's use as a German spy In England was arrested on charges made by Arthur Matelkat a reporter for a German newspaper, who alleges she hit him with a cane and threw a seltzer bottle at his head. Mrs. Stegler was arrested early this morning at her rooms In the Grenoble hotel. She asserts the whole case Is a "frame up", because she Induced her husband to confess regarding the pass ports. $he was fully dressed when the police entered. She declared she was Induced to go to the hotel on a promise of Matelkat that he would reveal "Important news" regarding the passport case against her hus band. Oppose Anti-Trust Docrco. WASHINGTON'. March 1. A brief filed In the supreme court by the In ternational Harvester Company de clared the appointment of a receiver for the corporation was Inevitable If the court sustained the anti-trust de cree ordering the company's dissolu tion. KNIGHTON AND MURPHY Will HANDLE WORK ON NEW WIN6 W. C. Knighton, state architect who planned the Eastern Oregon Slate ilospltal, will do 'the architec tural work on the additional wing on u commission bnsla and Captain C. .. Murphy, engineer at the Institu tion, will bo superintendent of con struction for the state while the work Is on. A substitute engineer will bo provided while Mr. Murphy Is engaged In overseeing the con structlon work. The selection of Captain Murphy to superintend tho construction work nt tho hospital was nuuto by tho state board nt a meeting Saturday and upon the Initiative of State treasurer Kay. Captain Murphy was superintendent of construction when the main buildings were erected here rrd was given much praise for the monner In which he handled the Job. By action of the state board Mr. Knighton Is dropped as a salaried of ficer and will be given a commission of three and a half per cent for handling the new Improvements here. In addition he must bear his twn office expenses. The reason given for eliminating the architect as a salaried officer Is that there Is not sufficient building work In sight to Justify retaining a permanent official. Though tho worked for economy during the tl,st few years while considerable building work was on It Is estimated the feo system will be more econom ical during the coming year. All SHIPMENTS 10 Kill IIUED III EMBAflGO ORDER Great Britain Announces Plan as a Retaliation for Submarine Attacks on Merchant Vessels. BLOGK10E Will BE STARTED l'lan bt .Made Known to Secretary of State Bryan by the itrltMi and the French Ambassadors 1 nlted State Will Have to Submit to Blockade, It Is Said. LONDON', March 1. An embargo against shipments of all commodities to and from Germany has been decid ed on by the IlrltUh government. Pre mier Asrjulth announced In the house of commons. He said the embargo was In retaliation for the German sub marine attacks on British merchant men. WASHINGTON. March. 1. The French and British ambassadors call en on Secretary Bryan today to ac quaint him with the details of the plan of the allies to blockade Germany. The call was a matter of Internationa) courtesy. State department .experts expressed the opinion the United States must submit to the proposed British block ade of Germany. This opinion was based upon unofficial reports. Of ficial advices regarding England's at titude have not arrived but one prom inent official said the proposed block ade will not work any extra hardships on American commerce. He stated he did not see on the surface any reasons for negotiations with England regard ing the matter. LONDON. Mnrh 1. Notes an nouncing the blockade were trans mitted this afternoon to diplomatic representatives of neutral countries at the time Premier Asqulth made his staatement In commons. Asqulth said the expenditures as a result of the war were steadily Increasing and (Continued on page five.) ASSAULT ON DARDANELLES CAUSES WHEAT TO DECLINE TORTLAND. Ore., March I. Due to reports that the Dor- dnnelles are being forced by the French and British fleet cash wheat bids on the Merchants' Exchange declined from ten to seventeen cents pver Saturday. Bid prices for bluestem were t dollar twenty-six. and club a dollar twenty-five. Types of Piute Indians, Some of Whom are - ii- "i i V iTt't n t ' " -"- These are types of Piute Indiana seme of whom havo taken to the wnrputh to protect Tse-Na-Got the young desperado who Is sought by the United States marshal of Utah for the murder of n "greaser" who stole his saddle. Tho Plutes are n iwtly peaceful, and have not put on v ar paint and feathers for years. In fact, tho full dress of a Piute Is usu ally a pair of ninety cent overals and a twenty-five cent undershirt Most of tho present generation would be HIGH SCHOOL 1 AND ONE OF Wip iMQTPiiPTfiDQ ninrnv raini OlOfIIOPmiP, II IHUNIUUIUHU UUILILI IILUULU nrnnnnri inc. i Entirely unknown to the parents of the bride and to all save a very frw frlems, Miss Lois D. Cun, pop- t'l.r high school girl unJ daughter of a prominent Puilleton family. th morning became the bride of Clarence Tubbs, one of ths instruc tors In the high school, the ceremony being performed at the Methodist parsonage at 10 o'clock by Rev. C. A. Hodshlrc. Four high school friends of the young people were the wltnesnes of the nuptials. Following the ceremony, Mr. snd Mrs. Tubbs quietly returned o the high school, the Instructor resuming his classes and his bride attending to her studies with perfect composure. Ii v:is not unti.' nearly time for ad journment tha. the news began to hpifMd among the students and then it caused something of a sensation. Indeed quite a stir resulted down town when tiie news became known Leraut-e of tDi prominence of the )ounc people. The LilJo U the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trunk Curl and her father is no', only t!i kmwn as one of the bluest wheal farmers' In the county but also as chairman of the republi ST. PAUL RAILROAD SAYS GREAT NORTHERN UNJUST IHSt KIMIXATION ALLEGED IN THK EXTKNSIOX OF JOINT HATES. WASHINGTON, March 1. A com plainet was fild with the Interstate Commerce Commission by the Chica go, Milwaukee and St Paul railroad which alleges that the extension of Its competitors of a Joint through passen ger rate from about 40 points on the Great Northern In Washington and British Columbia, to St Paul, Omaha and Kansas City Is unjust and dis criminatory. The St. Paul road as serts the Great Northern has refused to extend such a rate making agree ment to It, although the former makes the through Joint rates with the Great Northern.. The commission Is asked to compel the Great Northern to make such rates with the St Paul road from the North Coast territory to the western terminals. OREGON BUILDING PANAMA PACIFIC FAIR DEDICATED JIDGE WOLVERTON PRESIDES AT CEREMONIES WHICH ARE HELD TODAY. SAX FRANCISCO.' March 1. The Oregon building at the exposition1 was dedicated today with great cere mony ut which Judge Wolverton pro filed. R A. .Booth represented Gov ernor Wlthycombe. stou f . "V- i1. V- INDIAN CHILDREN PLAYING STICKS. scared half to death If they saw an Indian In all the glory of war paint ard feathers such as the artists who love the redskin have created. The present trouble Is explained by Tom Redd, a Navajo Indian gradu ate of Carlisle: . "The white men will never get Tse-Na Gat or Old Polk without many men being killed. The only chnnce to capture the Indians Is for the Navajo police to come here. Aft can centra; committee, he is a very charming rd attractive young lad) and Is undoubtedly one of the most popular of 'the school girls. 6h is In her senior year. Mr. rubbs. who ha it-icly attained his majority, Ii assistant Instructor In manual training, this being his first year in the Pendleton schools. He Is also commander of the Pendleton Boy Scouts a,rid Is largely responsible for tho enthusiasm In that organization. The young couple had been en- faxed for some time but no hint of Inelr Intention had been given. It Is i-ald there were parental objections to the wedding until after the grad nation of Miss Curl and that It was this that determined the young peo ple to keep their plans secret At 1 o'clock this afternoon upon their return to the high school the b;lde and groom were Informally re ceived before the student body and loth were forced to respond to en thusiastic greetings with short speeches. A wedding march was played for their benefit and a show er of rice descended upon them from all angles. VANCOUVER TICKET AGENT IS HELD UP AND ROBBEO IOCAL AGENT RECEIVES NEWS TWO MEN GET AWAY WITH $370. Agent T. F. O'Brien of the O.-W. K & N. In this city this morning re ceived a telegraphic message from Pupt M. J. Buckley stating that L. S. Nelson, operator and ticket agent at Vancouver. Wash., was last night held up at the point of revolvers by two masked men while the money irawer and safe were - robbed of 1370. Both of the robbers escsped fn.l the officers have been notified to be on the lookout The robbery occurred at 10:30 o' clock while Nelson was on dutj alone. One of the men carried an automatic Colt's revolver and a six Inch dirk, while the other was arm ei with a Dlstol. Both wore hand kei chiefs over their faces. One Is ('escribed ss between 28 and 30 xesrs old. five feet ten Inches tall wearing striped overalls and black cap. The other Is described as be ing six feet tall, slender, wearing dark clothes and presumably a log ger. Actor Routs 2 Holdup. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 27 Fred Manatt. member of the Auditorium Sleek company, was followed by two n.en when he left a Chelsea street cur at Thirty-second street and Par allel rond. Kansas side, on his way heme, shortly after midnight As he neared his home, at Thirty-second street and Waverley avenue, the men attacked him. ... er this Is all over It will be found that the question of Tse-Na-Gat's killing a Mexican Is only a . minor question. It Is the cattlemen from Colorado who brought about all this fiRhtlng and killing. The Tlutes will steal and the few cattle they drive from tho ramce to live on during the winter months nro at the bottom of tho fight. The cattlemen want to drive the Plutes out of tho country nnd they refuse to go." J I LlluUllu nllL m-IU Five Women are Included Among the Slain When the Progresso is Destroyed in Harbor. BOMB IS SMUGGLED ABOARD Explore Taken Onto Vessel With Shipment of loo, According? to Ad vice Ucadiin; Carranzlttta Consul at tialveftton, Texas-Disaster Hap. pens in progresso Harbor. GALVESTON, March. Thirty per- wens. Including five women, were killed when the Mexican gunboat Progre3so was blown up In the har brr of Progresso', Mexico, according to an announcement by the Carran zista consul. He declared that a ' bomb was smuggled aboard the vessel with a shipment of Ice. DATE OF HEARING ADVANCED IN OREGON LAND CASE WASHINGTON. March 1 The su preme court granted the government's motion to advance the date of hearing In the Oregon land case. The late Is set for April 19. COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED TO ARRANGE CELEBRATION S1ASS MEETING AT UMATILLA DISCUSSES PLANS FOR CE LILO OPENING. UMATILLA, Ore., March I. (Spe cial.) Saturday evening a mass meeting was held In the city coun cil chamber for the purpose of mak ing arrangements for the open river celebration to be held here May 4. The proposition was first put to the Commercial club but after considers-j tlon It was felt that greater results v'ciild be obtained by. a mass meeting ar.d a public committee appointed. The meeting Saturlay was well at tended and a full discussion was giv en and many features tentatively planned. A committee of five was appoint cd, consisting of H. B. Hull, chair man. Wm. Ford. H. V. Dryer. C, G. Brownell and Rev. Wilson. By vir tue of a motion, A. G. Means, chair man of the meeting will have gener. al charge of all local arrangements. There has been a decided effort to gt all factions lined up to pull to gether for the occasion and will re suit no doubt In making the Celllo Tho Dalles canal celebration the best Vulled off In this part of the county on Warpath mm is a m r . i v: 4 -r s , Pluto So,unw, i. --'i I . v i FLEET AIDS IE POORS TEBBICJI IIITfl FORTS British Superdreadnaught With 15 Inch Guns Wrecks One Fortification, the Big Shells Do ing Appalling Damage-French Aeroplanes Fly Over Historic Plains of Troy-Turks Unable to Reach Them With Rifle Fire-INo Aeroguns are Available. LONDON, March 1 The Anglo. Ftench fleet Is 1C miles Inside the entrance of the Dardanelles and 1 smashing the fortifications which protect Constantinople. The lighthouse south of fort KiUd Bahr, on the European side of the straits, has been demolished. The British superdreadnaught Queen Elizabeth, with 1U IS Inch guns, wrought havoc with the for. tlficatlon, the effect of the big shells being appalling. Fighting between landing parties an'1 forces of Turks is declared to be in progress a mile from the Tomb of Achilles. MAD DOG HU3S AMUCK AT HOLD'UN; IS KILLED Holdman had a mad dog scare last evening, a dog, exhibiting all of the symptoms of rabies running amuck, biting other dogs and hogs and snap ping at children until a shot stopped Its career. The head of the animal was brought In this morning by Fred McRae, Holdman merchant, and Dr. D. J. McFaut, county physician, will send It to Portland for examination. The dog bit one of Mr. McRae's dogs, another dog and two hogs and sever al children had a narrow escape from Its teeth, according to the re port brought In. NEWS SUMMARY General. Allied fleet advance sixteen miles tlirough Dardanelles and shells Innct forts.' Mexican gunboat Mown up. Thirty persons killed. All shipments to and from Germany under embargo of allies. Von lllndenburg's drive declared t be broken near Warsaw. Local. Prof. Tubbs, high school teacher, vtj Mlsa 1x4s Curl, high school se nior, secretly. Clyde Slmius arrested for Mealing Round-up booker. February wettest month for long time. i (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore.. March 1. At 3 o' clock this morning a break was dis covered in the government canal three-quarters of a mile about Echo on the Joe Rasmos place and consid erable damage was done by the flood water released before the headgates were lowered. The break was about 40 feet wide and occurred in a sec BREAK IN CANAL AT ECHO IS CAUSE OF LOSSES Of FLOOD ENBURG'S DRIVE IN POLAND SAID PETROGRAD. March I.. Von lllndenburg's drive toward the rail road connecting Warsaw and Fetro trad has been halted from the Nle r.'en river to Mlswa in Poland, the war office announced. Heavily re inforced the Russians are rolling back the Germans along the entire Prus sian front Tho battle line Is 20 miles Inside the Follsh border. A vi olent engagement is In progress west of Prxusnysx. following the recapture o? the city by the Russians. The office admits heavy losses, but itoc'arcs tho German loss U inu Ii heavier. j TAUIS. March 1. French troops in the champagne region have been HUES EIITMICE All French aeroplanes are reconnolter lag over the historic plains of Troy. The Turks, not being equipped with high angle guns, were powerless to combat the airmen excepting with rifles. These so far have proved In effective. Unconfirmed reports declare the allies plan to land forces from the Gulf of Saros and seize the Isthmus on the European side at the narrow est point near Bulalr. This will cut off the European forts from com munlcation with Constantinople. Re pcrts were circulated that this move mint had even been achieved but military experts did not credit the reports. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION ASKS RECEIY.-R BE NAMED OREGON CONCERN IX FIX AN CIAL DIFFICULTIES WELLS MAY BE NAMED. SALEM. Ore., March 1. Directors of the Horticultural Fire Relief as sociation of Oregon filed an applica tion for a receiver In the circuit court. " " It was asled "lhat Harvey Wells, state insurance commissioner, be named. The receivership will in clude the Merchants Mutual Fire Assurance association and the Pa if'c Home Mutual Fire Insurance company, recently taken over by the Horticultural Association. Wells es timated not over 40 per cent of the liabilities of the companies will be paid. REPUBLICANS BLOCK PURCHASING BILL WASHINGTON. March 1. A republican coup blocked action in the house on the government ship purchase bill. Administra tion leaders were prepared for a hatty approval on the confer ence report on the bill when a filibuster developed, forcing a postponement of consideration of the report, probably until tl morrow. tion of the canal that wis of solid concrete. It is presumed a crack was caused by the cold weather last win ter and that the water has ever since been weakening the wall. There was a full head of water In tfl canal at the time and tho farms of Joe Ra mos. E. E. Elder and W. W. Whit, worth were flooded. The damage has not yet been estimated. 10 BE HALTED adrsnced nearly a mile and a half, the war office claimed. German counter attacks have been repulsed northwest ot Perthes. The French continue to gain about ChapHott and In the Vosges, ,it was asserted. BERLIN, March 1. The French are desperately attempting to recap ture Dadonvlller In the V'oses and I r'ss back the right win of th cler n.n army. So far ttiey have bwn r pulsed, the war officii doclart-s. "Five attacks ut VaUols Were r I iVt-d." the statement al J. "but Dm fl .-.i-tlng for tho plateau mi which thn town hi located rontiiiui-s Th French suffered severe I ihk.h In ruin-Wei attack on I'eilhes.'' I