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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1915)
DAILY EAST OREflOXTAy, rENTDLKTONT, OKFC.ON, TIU'KSDAV, .f AXKAHV 21. tflir,. TCTOTTT PAOF.S. RESOLVED Tli t it i Tclty ImrJ to pet our rnV. ANY I.OWKli, l.ut we are AI.VAVS hammering them down. Wo want to Wj our frrvxvris movinp. . mm WALLA WALLA TAKES GAME FROM PENDLETON BOWLERS All the rear roan J, we keep the prices on our Groceries ham mered down to the lowest notch. Our pools and prices will trik you right PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Rested Court and Johnson Sta. UHAl, TEAM MAKIvS IT A VIC TOKV WITH A MARGIN tF BIT 69 nxs. WALLA WALLA. Jun. 21. Walla Walla defeated Pendleton in the firtft of a series of bowling match game, on Pastime alleys last night, by a margin of H pins, the final score be ing Walla Walla 244; Pendleton 2365. The local team won the first two Karnes and loot the lust one by 100 pins. The play was exciting all throughout and witnessed by a fair-1 sliod crowd. WhecIiT with Pendle ton. made high score of 201 -and' Kremer of Walla Walla, high total of Newsy Notes of Pendleton lliKot Maiutgvr Rack. J J. lllnsett, manager of the Mow- man Hotel, arrived home last night from Enterprise where he lid been for some time. llninloy Infant Dies, Twelve hours after iU birth, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Letter Hamley, died last evening at 7 o'clock. Though apparently very healthy at birth, trouble In breathing developed and all effort to relieve the trouble roved futile. " according to the local boys, Tho vis itors will line up as follows, Duncan, center; Jones and Wakefield, for- wards; Horn and Maxwell. a-uards Wilson, substitute. The Pendleton boys win go in to the game with Slebert at center, Peters and Fogler at for. wards and Russell and (lordon guards, Henerson of Dayton will referee th game. Couch Fox accompanied the Union boys over. The scores were as follows: IVndleton. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. Farmers north of Pendleton on the O.-W. R. L N. and the Northern Pa cific railroad, I can furn'sh you choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight oulck itUrtrr " E. C. Burllngarne, Farmer, Walla Wal'.a, Wash. Adv. I T and I" Dane This Friday, Those who received Invitations are hereby notified that the above club will give Its next dance Friday, Jan. 22nd. Moose hall Adr. 'nrnrfntm'fM lUUitU.lilUUiMiitiiliiiilli' I The Delicatessen Meat Market i Kurrle and Elliott, Props. f j Sell for cash only. By so doing can sell cheaper jj j and give better service to our customers. j jj We are putting out beef like j Rib Boil I2V2C PotRoats 15c Jj Shoulder Steak 17c jj J We also carry a line of Salads, Pickles, jj jj Kraut, and Chicken on hand all the time H We can do better by you on all kinds H of meat as we have no expense for H j bookkeeping, help or green stamps. We give you the worth of your money. We 1 jj do not deliver. Come and carry your j H meat and see our shop jj Telephone 61 1 546 Main Street jj McDevitt 129 149 ISO Wheeler 129 1S9 201 Hanaman 172 128 172 Hook US ItS 150 Hoover 135 15 17J 70S 7S6 87 Wall Walla. Molltor 199 ISO 143 Slaughter 12S 134 172 McAllister IS) ItS 135 Barnett 147 155 147 Kremer 194 155 178 857 792 775 43$ 519 470 454 Leave to .loin Mother. Elbert McKee, who has spent tho past two years in Pendleton, returned yesterday from Portland where h Ment three weeks with his mother. He came back to Freure his belong ings and left again to Join his moth er. They will leave soon for a trip tii ' through the south. Another bootlegger has come to 523 rlef" YM,rdav afternoon In the po. 434 j wui i iuhi ctwmiiiui was eunvici" eu oi senyig uquor to an Indian couple by the name of James and was given the maximum sentence, $50 fine or 20 days in Jail. He chose the alternative. It is probable that the state authorities will also take (he case up. 492 449 627 2424 Freight Claims Man Dlw. SAN FRANCISCO Jan 1 Jnhn M. Brewer, freight "clalna agent of . 1,nnln 'or O. A. C. Runlon, i An Informal meeting of the Uma- suddenlv at a sanatorium of naralvsl. tUla county O. A. C. club was held of the throat He had been 111 since Thursday night. Brewer was at one time pri vate secretary to William Sproule, president of the Southern Pacific. Don't forget Richard, & Prlngle's Minstrels at Oregon theater tonight Adv. last evening and plana for a reunion were discussed. Another meeting will be held at the Commercial club com mittee room Friday evening. . All graduates, students and former itu dents of O. A. C. living In the county are Invited to attend MRS. ROCKEFELLER DYINO I UEPORT IV NEW VOltK XKW YORK. Jan. 21. Official- at the Rockefeller offices refused to confirm the report that Mrs. Rockefel. lrr nenltor Is dying of nenemhi. 'Mrs. Rockefeller." said an office attache, "has been 111 many month but. there In no cause for alurm." It was also denied that the stork Is expected soon at the home of Rocke feller Junior. TTHIS colder weather will possibly make you want some warmer Clothes, Blankets and Comforters. You know it's The Golden RuleStore that sells them for less Will Attend Funeral. SALEM. Ore., Jan. 21. The senate adopted resolutions of condolence and voted to attend the funeral at Al bany tomorrow of the father of Presi dent Thompson of the aenate. Boy 9, Kills Mother. COLFAX. Wash., Jan. 21. Mrs. O R. Meye, 35 years old, waa killed ac cidentally by her 9-year-old son at their ranch home near Hay, In West ern Whitman count. Mr. Meye was hauling straw and had sent his son to the house for his shotgun. The lad, while leaving the house discharged the gun, the shot striking his mother in the breast and , shoulder. She lived less than an hour. Bus line Residence Lot. W lllard Bond today closed a deal whereby he becomes owner of the va cant lot between the handsome homes of W. L. Thompson and W. II. Mc- ! Cormmach on North Main street. The lot Is described as Lot 4. Block 2 Switzler"s addition to Pendleton and was owned by Messrs. Thompson and McCormmach. Mr. Bond may build upon it In the near future. Rejierved seats for Richards & Prlngle's Minstrels tonight on sale at Pendleton Drug store. Prices, 25c, 60c and 75c. Adr. Dale Rothwell DOCTOR OF OPTICS. Eyes examined by the latest and best methods known, to science, lenses ground to the particular needs of each case. OFFICES AMERICAN NAT'L BANK BUILDING, Pendleton, Phone 609. TODAY TODAY "?"A VBS8IFV0U'LU - V M m I" 1 T- THE BEST FILM PLAV lN TOWN The astime nnn By Porter Emerson Browne A Picturization of the Kipling Poem and The Great Burnes-Jones Painting THE VAMPIRE A vivid theme that deals with a phase of life that will appeal to all classes I REELS "A 1'iM.l 'Micro Vh-, an he mado hi prayer 1a i n a.-, vou and I I a ra and a lionc and hank of hair" How many arc there who do not know these ):n ( A (rrcat drawing card and a greater pro-'liii-lion. All-ftar cast including; Thcda Bara Hid Edwurd Joe. (8 REELS ADMISSION Afternoons: Adults 10c Evenings: Adults 15c Children 5c Children 5c i io tacnio MnTi m irvington. A petition was presented last even ing by the Irrtngton Heights Land Co. to the council for the vacation of certain streets In Irvlngton Heights addition in order that new streets with better grades may be laid out L'nder the old plat of Cole's addition some of the streets ran down hill at a steep grade but under the plan of Charles Cowan, principal owner, the streets will wind about so that traffic and travel will be easy. The petition must be on file for a month before action Is taken. Instructed Verdict Returned. Upon Instructions from Judge O. W. Phelps, the Jury in the case of M. J. Moran vs. the O.-W. R. St N. Co.. returned a verdict for the defend ant The plaintiff was suing for dam ages for three cattle alleged to have been killed at Cayuse by the com pany's engines because of Improper fencing. The railroad company con tended that Cayuse Is a station and the track there is thus properly left unfenced. Attorneys Peterson and Ballard opposed this contention but Judge Phelps upheld the defendant shoot u towx: COUNTY JAIL XOW THE DALLES, Ore., Jan. 21. Aft er naving imbibed too freely In tntox- icaung liquors. joe Selfert a bartend A n . .1 m ... . . -. u iiiumm iiawKins, a sneepnerder, began pumping lead all over the town of Shanlko. and were placed under arrest by Deputy Sheriff Q. H. Reeder. They were fin- ea ISO each and given the added at traction of 50 days in the county Jail uy jusuce or the Peace A. R. Alter matt of Shanlko. Girl, Scolded, Kills Self. WOODLAND, Wash , Jan. 21. Lo la Beaver, the 15 -year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver, of Cou gar, committed suicide by firing a re volver into her heart. The family had been attenlng a meeting of the Cougar Literary club, near the home of the Beavers, about 30 miles up the Lewis river. Mrs. Beaver found It seemingly necessary Comforters, $1.50 valucu 08 'Comforters, $2.00 vajs. $1.40 Comforters, $3.50 vals. ?2.40 Comforters, $4.50 vals. $2.08 Comforters, $5.00 vals.' $3.40 Comforters, $0.00 vnls. $3.08 Blankets 75e and $1.00 values 40, G0 Blankets, $1.50 values... 08 Blanket., 72x80 nt $1.40 Extra large cotton or Wool nap blankets, $2.50 values at ;.. $1.08 Largo wool blanket, should sell at $1 and $5 for $3.08 and $3.0S. Extra heavy all wool blankets, $G values, every day price, . $4.08. Klanelettc dresing sacques in daintv designs 40 COf, o8; Outing flancl skirts 25 40. Outing flanel nicht trowns at 40?, GO, 08, $1.40 Children's outing gowns 40? Children's outing skirts with waist or band 25? Ladies' Fleeced hose 15?, 25? TOII CAW TK) BETTER AT Ladies' wool hoso 25? Children's, wool or fleeced hoso it 1 25? Children's homo knit wool hoso - 40? Ladies' cotton ho( nt 10?, 12 12?, 15?, 10?, 25? Children's cotton ho.Mt nt 10?, 12 1-2?, 10?, 25?. Ladies' heavy vests and pan's 40?, OS?. Ladies' wool or cotton fleeced unions CO?, OS?, $1.03 Ladies' silk and wool unions $2.08, $3.08. Children's fleeced unions at ?. Heavy fleeced unions at a third bus than elsewhere. 40?, GO?. , Children's wool unions at only ..GO?, 80?, 08? Children's knit waists 10?. 15?. Children's Beuben Hiirts 25?, 40?. Sateen bloomers at 25?, 40? Children's and misses' coata nt about half their real val ue. $1.08. $2.08, $3.08 $4.08, $5.00. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Sl'IMtKME COI RT TO DIX1DE. (Continued from page one.) ult to deter- mayor and a friendly mine "who's who." It appears that the city charter does to reprove the girl before the assem- not specifically provide for the filling bled crowd, whereupon the girl left the schoolhouse In which the meeting was being held, went home, procured a revolver and met the family on her way buck to the meeting. As she reached them she placed the muzzle over her heart, fired and fell dead In their presence, HARBORS BILL PASSED. (Continued from page one.) .the $34,000,000 being apportioned to continue Improvements already under way, with provision for examination and surveys In various places. Includ ing the Colorado river and the har bors at San Diego and Long Beach. The larger allotments of the money appropriated Include $7,387,000 for the MIsslMippI river. $3,184,000 for the Ohio. $1,250 for the Missouri and $1,385,000 for the Columbia (in addi tion to $600,000 for the Columbia and Lower Willamette.) Some lKg light.- A dog fight which for blood and gameness was much more exciting than any prizefight ever staged here was fought this afternoon about 1:45 on Cottonwood street Just off Court between a bulldog and an Irish set ter. The bulldog was the heavier and the better fighter but the bird dog was much the gamer and enlisted the sympathies of the crowd attracted to the scene. The animals were finally separated before any great damage was done to either. "Coyote IUir on Trial. ' William Blevlns, alias "Coyote BUI." la on trial today In the circuit court on a charge of larceny from the Bowiaby second hand store and the case was ready for the Jury at press time. O. W. Coutts defended the prts- oner while Deputy District Attorney IV I. Keator prosecuted the case. Blevlns la alleged to have stolen shoes and other merchandise from the store and to have sold them out- One of the witnesses against him was BUI Ridings, who bought a pair of shoes and other stuff from Blevlns and who later gave the officers the first evi dence by which they connected Blev lns with, the crime. HAKER STUDENTS ARRESTED (Continued from page one.) AI Lnngrell. Haden Dougherty, Ralph (lorman. Lynn Gardner, Roy Allison. Carl Castle, Sprague Carter, Will Spangler. Harold Oardlnler, John Ruker, Phil Kilns. George Sutherland nnd Charles Palmer. Jr. All are not members. of the high school although the majority are. The action was brought at the In stance of Dlwtrlct Attorney Godwin who Investigated the hazing of Merl Jasper and found conditions suffici ent to warrant an arrest. "The little fellow Is getting along alright now but he was clear out yes terday." said Mr. Godwin. "From his story he was struck over the kidneys while Swan held his head between his knees and held him by the halr.'V of the office of mayor in case It be comas vacant. It provides that the chairman of the council shall preside In the absence of the mayor Wt says nothing about him assuming the du ties when the office becomes vacant Thus the court will be called upon to decide whether, under the charter, the chairman becomes acting mayor upon the vacation of that office and also whether or not the council has a tight to elect a mayor. Not only Is the validity of the wa ter bonds In question over this devel opment but the validity of some of the street Improvement bonds. Is likewise Involved. Thus the Warren Construe tlon Co., purchaser of the bonds, is concerned and has been lending Its at. torneys In straightening out the mat. ter. The amount of the water bonds iu $26,000 end the street improvement bonds affected total about $10,000. None of the other acts of the council under the present organization, are In question as that body Is given author Uy to transact routine business with a chairman- presiding. Reserved seats for Richards A Prlngle's Minstrels tonight on sal at Pendleton Drug store. Prices, lie, 60c and "5rt Adr. uu . Veterans May IMi ree. SALEM, Ore., Jan. 21. Veterans of the civil war and the Spanlsh-Amerl can war will be permitted to hunt and fish In Oregon without the payment of licenses If a bill Introduced in the house by Representative Blanchard lt pu&ued. The bill first was drawn to provide for tho civil war veteruns, but upon further consideration the younger vet erans also were included, but not at their own request. Mr. Blunchard says. "We can't do too much for the sol diers," declared the lawmaker. Don't forget Richards tt Prlngle's Minstrels at Oregon theater tonight. Adv. Hot Chocolate Hot Chili Hot Tamales mad to your ta$t FRESH CODIES EVERY DAY As a Guarantee we can refer you to 400 patrons whose glasses will never need? changing ex cept for reading: 1 per cent were cross eyes, now straight. A System of glass fitting that will straighten cross eyes at any age, without operation, Is absolute proof that we have something to offer that others do not have. D. fJ. Rubor, LI. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Schmidt Bldg. Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Rodford Gives HlnwHf I'p. Harry Redford, well known mixed blood farmer on the reservation, Tues day surrendered himself to the federal authorities In Portland and commenc ed serving his sentence of SO days in I Jail for Introducing lirjuor on the ' reservation. He had previously an nounced his determination of appeal. . ing his conviction. Besides the im prisonment, Redford was fine $200 and costs amounting to $220 and he has agreed to pay these sums. Red ford two years or more ago was con victed of a like crime but was par doned by President Taft. About a year ago he was detected burying some bottles of liquor In a field by some Indian girls who uncovered th liluor and turned It over to the agent I'.asketlmll Game Tonk'lit. The members of the Union high school basketball team arrived today on No. 1 for the game tonight with the Pendleton hlKh quintet. The game will be played In the high school gymnasium and will commence aboul 8 o'clock. It will be the first Inter scholaKtlc content of the year In Pen dleton and Its outcome will give an Indication of the prospects of the local team In the race for the eastern Ore gon championship. The Union team has riot been defeated by a high school team this year but after tonight will not be able to make this boast. tHE ALTA THEATRE TODAY ONLY COMEDY EDUCATIONAL "The Old Thespian'1 IrXS: of life taking "young man' partand the infatuation of a young girl who did not realize his age. ' "Coffee Cultivation.' Scenes taken in Central America showing the cultivation and caring of the coffee crop. "Hosts of the Sea" Deals with the deep sea inhabitants. HAPPY MISHAPS" Happy secures a job as expert camera man for moving pictures but lackd experience. Not being a success on "Soci ety Stuft" he is sent to get Mexican war pictures. A live farce comedy 10c ADMISSION 10c TOMORROW The great character actor 'THEODORE ROBERTS in "THE CIRCUS MAN." A story of life in the big white tents.