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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1915)
TAOH SIX. DAILY EAST ORFr.ONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY. .TAX UAH V 21, 19ir,. EIGHT PAGES. For Your Baby. The Signature of G is the cnly guarantee that you have tho enuine ill i u s t ii n r prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Costoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the ics. babi The Centaur Company, Pratt NH "Pn-i-nt Incumbent," S.U.EM, Ore. Jan. 18. Represen tative Weeks, of Marlon county. In troduced a resolution aimed at the ell portrait of George E. Chamber lain which hangs on the house wall In the row of governors. The In scription under the painting reads: Tremnt Incumbent." The Weeks resolution Instructs the secretary of rtate to change the inscription to "10M09." HINKLE OPPOSES LOBBY BILL AS PASSED IN HOUSE STAXI IKLD ALSO VOTES AGAINST IT WHEX FINAL COUNT IS TAKEN. OLD-TIME REMEDY MAKESJURE BLOOD rnrifr yonr Wood ny takin? Hood's" Sarsaparilla. ThU medi cine Las been and still is the people 's medicine because of its reliab.f character and its wonderful success in the treatment of the common dias tases and ailments scrofula, ca tarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, loas of appetite, that tired feelirg, general debility. Hood'i Sarsaparilla has been, tested forty years. Get it today. . SALEM. Ore. Jan. II. After a vigorous debate yesterday, the house went on record against the pernicious lobbyist, who Infests the house of legislation and whispers word Into statesmen's ears out of some dark corner. After the argument, which was participated In by many orators, the house passed the Shuebet bill re- I quiring the registering of all lobbyists wan uie secretary or state and for bidding others from appearing as leg- FIVE CARLOADS HOGS SHIPPED TO PORTLAND BY PILOT ROCK I.IEII WILLIAM EVANS AXD tiKOIUiK JOHNSTON SEN1 lOKKEUS TO MARKET. John CaUt-l of Missouri la Visiting His nrothee Ram-It of ltoxs W litis Is St4d to Oris Uniting Other Per sonal I tenia of Interest About Itock KotJdenu. (Special Correspondence.) PILOT HOCK. Ore.. Jan. 21. Wil liam Kvans and George Johnston shipped five carloads of hogs to the Portland market Saturday evening from here. Lucille Oillilund 1m visiting at her home here, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith motor eu down to rendieton Saturday on business. John Casteel of Missouri Is visiting his brothers, Elbert. Frank, Henry and Lemuel Casteel for a few weeks. Bert Buholts of Nye was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Uodges took dinner at the home of Sam Olmatead Sunday. Arthur Bond made a trip to McKay Friday to repair an auto. Ross Wilds has sold his ranch, I miles from here, to Cris Breding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff visited his parents at Pendleton Friday. Marvin Roy ppent Saturday at Pendleton. Lon Etter Is suffering with grippe Lemuel and Frank Casteel return ed from Missouri Saturday where they tailed relatives for a. few days. Arthur Bond was a visitor at the county seat Henry Casteel spent Saturday at Pendleton on business. Emil Eggerth visited at the count) seat Sunday. Conrar" of Conviction. Success not only means having on im In life, but also In having nerve enough to pull the trigger when It comes time to shoot. islative counsel together. 1 SPECIAL This Week Reduced Prices on all Rubber Goods Including Faultless Wearever Waterbot ties and Household Rubber Gloves. Tallman & Go. Leadinf Drufgiit When it came to a vote, those who eppoed the passage of a lobby bill wre found to be: Bowman of Wash ington. Thomas Brown of Marion, CartmiU of Baker, Clark of Ollllam. Davey of Harney, HInkle of Umatilla, Irvin of Lincoln, Lewis of Multnomah, Stanfleld of Morrow, Thomas of Ma rian. Weeks of Marlon and Wentworth of Multnomah. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells IIow To Open Goed Nos trils and End Head-Colds. Tou feel fine In a few moments. Tour cold In head or catarrh will be HOW TO CURE A LA GRIPPE COUGH. "Coughs that hand on" demand treatment. Stop and think! Reason and common sense tell you that It Is folly to "grin and bear It." Those racking la grippe coughs that wrench the body and cause soreness nd pains In the lungs yield more quick- to Foley's Honey and Tar than to any other treatment. Forty years record of successes proves this. For coughs, colds, croup and other dis tressing ailment Of throat, chest, and lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare with this reliable remedy Sold everywhere. Adv. Price of LtebtA Lowered. BAKER, Ore, Jan. 20. An agree ment was reached between the East ern, Oregon Light & power company and the city commissioners under which the lighting company will es tablish a net maximum rate for elec-, triclty for lighting of 9 cents a kilo watt hour for the first 100 kilowatts and graded down from that point The city commissioners on the other hand will abandon the proposal to install a municipal lighting plant for homes. The new rates will be effective Feb ruary 1. The city commissioners said that It would not be good business for the city -to install a lighting plant at a cost of $180,000 to compete against a company which had agreed to fur n'sh lights at a low rate. JOIN T MEETING OF i IA IIIC LODGES IS HELD AT UMATILLA OFFICERS OF THE GRAM) IX)DGE ARE WELCOMED ANAJ BANQUET SERVED. Big Gathering of Fraternal Organiza tion prove Delightful Social Fv. tnrv at Progmetlvu l inutllla Muh quorarie lUtll Bring Pltinticil for lTldity i:onlng. UMATILLA, Ore.. Jan. 21. (Spe. clal.) Friday evening the Umatilla Social club will give a masquerade ball In Pound's Hall. Mrs. Asa Thompson, Mrs. A. E Crelner and Mrs. Walter HInkle, all of Echo, were weekend visitors In town. ' Last Thursday n Joint meeting of the Masonic lodges of Echo, Hermls ton and Umatilla, was held in local Masonic hall. The meeting was for the purpose of greeting William Bris tol of Portland and Will Moore of Pendleton, officers of the grand lodge of Oregon. A number came down from Echo and Hermlston, there be ing over 60 present- After lodge meeting refreshments' were served In Pound's Hall. Toasts were responded to by Walter HInkle, Asa Thomson of Echo. Mr. Newell and Mr. Garner of Hermlston, H. N. Dryer and A. O. Means of Umatilla, William Bristol of Portland, Will Moore and F. 8. For- shaw of Pendleton. Sam Oldaker was toastmaster. Laurie Heddtngton of Hermlston, was a guest ft Mrs. II. N. Dryer Wed nesday evening. Gerald Stanfleld was down last week looking after his sheep Interests west of town. E. I. Davis and Maurice Scroggs were down from Hermlston ror me Masonic meeting. II.' N. Dryer and T. S. Tlllson. two city officials, are charged with being in office unlawfully and must ans- i . wer quo warranto proceeuinK. oiv. Dryer was In Pendleton Monday at tending to It, C. G. Brownell is in rendieton on the grand Jury. ' Lucy." the celestial who was the near victim of an attempted murder by a fellow countryman, has return ed to town. He Is minus two ringers and has a scar across his forehead. Tho irnvernment Steamer Asotin 18 In port taking coal. Mr. McKenzIe and Phil Riley made week-end trip to Pendleton. Will Moore of Pendleton and Wm. Bristol of Portland were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Means last Thursday. Bills Introduced in Oregon House Tho Mcamirva IK'lovr Were Introduced In tlio Hoiimo at Ycwtcnlay'n MtuJon. gone. Your clogged nostrils will op-j en. The air passages or your neaa will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharg es or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils let It penetrate through every air passage of the heard; soothe and heal the swollen Inflamed mucous membrane, and re lief comes Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and cat arrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuff d-up and miserable. PRESIDENT FAVORS PUR CHASE OF MONTICELLO Accounting Law Defended. SALEM, Ore.. Jan. 21. The house Judiciary committee considered the bill that has Just passed the senate abolishing the uniform accountancy system. J. Y. Richardson, head of the accountancy board, defended the present law, showing that the proper audit of county affairs requires more supervision than the county court It self ran give. The hearing was ad journed with no .action taken, the sentiment of the committee apparent ly being to consider carefully before recommending the bill tor passage In the house. Planning for tho Stores Arrival Among should k I'M LITTLE! BUT OH MY! In this IKUe advertisement I want to tell vou of my LITTLE PRICES ON Candid, Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Etc A fine large stock on hand and selling fast. Pay our prices and save muniy. l'hompt delivery makes us as near as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Aha St. Phone 536 LUMP COAL a Ton Starting on Jan H this coal will be sold at the low price of 17.25 a tjn. ttreet dulivery. Keystone Kemmerer Coal May t uisod for hoMlng etove, kitchen range or hot water and steam plants. No soot or cllrkers, burns to a fine white ash. Send or phone jour order early to C. II. P.RONSOX. Phone 387 J. . J. Baird, General Sales Agent KcykUino Ktmmerer Coal. Se Jalrd for special prices on car lots. Pendleton HoteL ' ""-civ - v 7 Mm Martin W. UuJoton. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 Mrs. Martin W. Little ton. of New York. has found President Wilson in accord with the movement In which she has been the leader to have the govern ment purchase Montlcello, the Virgin la home of Thomas Jefferson. She understood after the conference that President Wilson would be glad to see the bill for the purchase of the estate purchased by congress as soon as the abolutely necessary legislation is out of the way. wm now of, and many of them do, Is a splendid ex ternal application sold In most drug tores under the name of "Mother's Friend." It Is penetrating liquid and many and many a mother tells ho It so wonderfully aided them through the period of exoec- tancr. Its chief Dune Is to render the tendons, ligaments and muscles so pliant that nature's expansion may be accom plished without the Intense strain so often characteristic of the period of expectancy. At any rate It is reasonable to believe that since Mother's Friend" has been a companion to motherhood for more than half a century no more timely advice could be given the Inexperienced mother than to suggest its dally use during ex pectancy. Ask at any drug store for "Mother's Friend, a penetrating, external liquid of great help and value. And write to liradneld Regulator Co., 30 Lamar Bldg. Atlanta. Ga., for their book of useful and timely Information to expectant mothers. It contains many suggestions that are of Interest to all women. SALEM, Ore.. Jan. 21.-1110 follow, lug bills-were Introduced In the house: II. 11. 67. by Mlchelbook Making county nchool superintendent member fair board. H. It. 1(8, by Eustern Oregon dele gation Dividing state Into three rail road commissioner dlMtrlcta. H. 11. US, by Stott rrovldlng for detention of witnesses. H. H. 170, by Mlchelbook Repeal, lug law requiring extra commission, ers In Multnomuh county. II. H. 171, by Hare Relating to uppenls to civil notions. II. P. 172, by Irvin Allowing per. sons to hunt on own land or on Pa cific Ocean wlth6ut license. H. 11. 173, by Home Prescribing qualifications for chauffeurs. H. B. 174, by Home Providing one day's rest In seven for all work ers. H. 1). 175 Requiring all public contractors to pay laborers. H. 11. 178, by Home Making su perintendent foi contractor his agent H. H. 177. by Forbes Requiring merchants using trading stamps and other trade magnets to secure license. H. II. 178, by Miss Towne Requir ing counties to appropriate funds for certain school districts. WHAT'S INDIGESTION? WHO CARES? LISTEN! PAPE'S , DIAPEPS1N" MAKES "IE" FOR ACHING, SORE. TIDED FEET Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spot 8. No mora shoe tight ness, no more limp ing with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "HZ" Is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet Use "TIZ" and for get t o u r foot mine.. Ah! how comfortable Tour feet feeL Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Dont suffer. Have pood feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A rear's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. ' Gold Pool Not Need4d. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. The 1 1(10,000,1)00 gold pool organized to meet American obligations abroad Hhortly after the outbreuk of the Ku ropean war will be abandoned be cause bankers believe the nece.sslty for it has passed. Hankers back of the pool. It became known, have com. municated this decision to the federal reserve board, whose sanction for the undertaking was asked and granted before the plans were completed. The abandonment of the gold pool Is taken by officials here to mean that the foreign exchange problem has set tled Itself. Excellent for Stomach Trouble "Chamberlain's Tablets are . Juat fine for stomach trouble," writes Mrs. G. C. Dunn, Arnold, Pa. "I was both- TH- WORKER AND THE JOB MUST BE BROUGHT TOGETHER THIS IS THE PROBLEM BEFORE GOVERNMENT DECLARES MILLIONAIRE. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. "The gov ernment must bring the worker and the Job together." This Is the only solution of the un employment problem In the opinion or Jacob Schlff, millionaire ' banker, who testified before the federal In dustrial relations commission's .Inves tigation Into the Rockefeller, Sage and Carnegie and other foundations Schlff declared the unions fared bet ter at the hands of large .corporation! ered with this complaint for some than they do with smaller concerns, time and frequently had bilious at-.' He said he approved of labor unions tacks. Chamberlain's Tablets afford-tund declared no responsible manager ed me great relief from the first, .of a corporation would consent to a and since taking one bottle of them I feel like a different person." For sale by all dealers. Adv. blacklist. He Insisted the unem ployment problem was the biggest one before the nation today. He said he SOUR, GASSY STOMACHS it" EL FINK AT ONCE. Time It! . In five minutes all stem ach distress will go, No IndlgsstioB, heartburn, sourness or belching lot gas, acid or eructations of undigest ed food, no dizziness, bloating, fml breath or headache.. i Pape's Dlapepaln Is noted for Its sfecd In regulating upset stoniacta. It Is the surest, quickest unci most certain Indigestion remedy In the whole world, and besides, It Is harm lta. Millions of men and women now cat their favorite foods -without fear they know Pape's Dlapepsln will riive them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a large lifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepaln from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life Is too short you W not here long, so make your stay agreeable, - Eat what you like aa digest It; enjoy It, without dread of rebellion In the stomach. Pape's Dlapepsln belongs In your home anyway. Should one of the family . eat something which doesa't vgree with them, or In case of aa attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gas tritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, It ta handy to give the quickest, surest re lief known. believed It the duty of the. govern ment to solve It; now that private In dividuals had failed. 101 1 Nobel Prize Not Awarded. LONDON, Jan. 20. The official announcement reports that the Nobel committee has decided not to award the prize for 1911. jo) o KM UVJ For Every Boy, Girl and Baby In Our City and Vicinity The most stupendous and remarkably liberal offer ever made to its readers by any newspaper. jvl) 1 - ' i m II DADXJ GALL ACTUAL HtlQHT, It INCHES -. . - - ...........i. lt... J ...... ...i IIH.1..1- a I 'trr? rf? ACTUAL HC1QMT, I2i INCHES OQUM MAJOR CAP We want erery good girl, toy ui naky to hare F0UB-IIC0XE. Tkeyll new tlr f It nd belt of nil the COLORS 1RI IB. 80LCTELI UABJHES3. rTHT SOT SEI US ABOUT IT NOW! 3 GILUy GOT ACTUAL LENGTH 21 INCHES TIH1EY ARE A Dandy Drum Major's Cap for the boy and a Belt for the neighbor' boy. A beautiful, life-like doll, (about 18 inches tall) A3 large as a baby, for the little girl' A harmless and brilliantly colored ball for Baby Bunting. Something for each membenef the family all on one sheet of muslin ready "to cut out and stuff. HOW TO GET FOUR ONE THE EAST OREGONION IS GOING TO GIVE AWAY SEVERAL HUNDRED OF THESE FEATURES FOR A LIMITED TIME AS FOLLOWS: -; : ANY GIRL OR BOY BRINGING OR SENDING TO THIS OFFICE One new paid in advanco subscription to the daily East Oregonian, by carrier for one inoath 65c, wi'l. receive free "Four-in-One," Or by cutting 5 coupons fro mthe Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and 10c Or for one new paid in adranco subscription to the daily East Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 months 76o. Or for one new paid in advanco subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 8 months 76c, If "Four-in-Ono" features are to bo sent by mail add 2c for postage. Hurry and get your Four-in-One Feature now, because this offer is for a limited time only. Coupons to be clipped will be found elsewhere in this paper each day. .