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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1914)
ETOTTT PACIES Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS BERVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood SU. Fnone 117 Pendleton, Or. P1IICHESTER S PIUS, Wfv 1 UK lIAMONl IIUAMt. A NO IllltSII II.I.H, , i ytukM,watilli4.!'lr?t,AlwlrkFllt14 SOLD a DECISIS UIKHLPI mmMiiiwiiiiimiiiwimiiiimiiiiimiiiu 5 PENDLETON'S P 0 P U- lar picture snow I THE ! I COSY Where the entire family can E 5 enjoy a high-class motion 5 picture ehow with comfort, E Fun, Pathos Scenic I Thrilling All Properly 1 Mixed E Open Afternoon and Even- E injr. Clianpos Sunday, lion- E H day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 1 Next Door to St. Oeorgo Ho tL Admission 5c and 10c lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"? iJIUIIIllllIlllllllllliii 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 r p h 6 u m ( Theatre 1 3. P. MEPERNACn. Prop. 2 S mm mm High-Class 1 Up-to-Date 1 Motion i Pictures 1 I K)i; MEN. WOMEN AND 5 CHILD KEN E Projrram changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays. E Sm Projrram in Today's E Pajr. 5 liiiiiniiiiiiinmiiminimim'imiiiiimii kin 1 1 1 1 ii ii ii i ui mm t iTiiiii ii ii nil iiiui n 15 S Pastime Theatre fills la II '4 . i..iiKV hn.r. mini vnh blua Kl!Oo. Y 7'afca ihr. IInv fvr v rr-tl. A'.k( IIM m.H.Trn MVMo I "The Home of I Good Pictures" 1 mm S mmZ a - s 1 ALWAYS THE LATEST 5 in Photoplays :: Steady, s Flickerlees Pictures :: Abso- lutely No Eye Strain. mm "aaas-ama w A Refined and EntcrtaininK E Show for the Entire Family. I Next to French Restaurant I Chances Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 2 Adults 10c Children under E E 10 years 5c E iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiuiuii ia T)ATLY I, Market Start with Los of 6-8c With Ixmer IJverpool; Other Grain Show Gain. CHICAGO, Nov. 80. There was action and strength In the local wheal trade Saturday which seemed to be a sort of natural recovery and a par. tlal revival of care on the buying side after the unusual break In price. caue ed by extreme estimates on the At gentlne crop Friday. The trade wan nervous and unset tled at the outset and price had tem porarily dipped to $1.11 3-8 for De cember and $1.17 1-8 In May. From this level there was early rebound to 11.12 and $1.18. There was a second dip close to bottom figures and then Improved buying vthe last hour, In eluding replacing of lines by former holders, covering by local shorts and some activity on the part of export houses In the open market Liver pool quoted futures Id lower. That EngllHh center was Inclined to con firm as far as possible the very bear ish Argentine figures of Friday. The best Argentine authorities sent ca ble giving the probable total crop 150.000,000 bushels. The pressure appears to be off for the present and ouyers encouragea. WHEAT. Dec Open, 81.11 3-8; high. $118 1-8; low. $1.11 8-8: close, $1.13 B. May Open. $1.17 1-8; high, $!.! 3-4; low, $1.17 -8; close, 3118 3-4. soissons is siii:li.i:i. hut pkopli: work ox PARIS. Nov. 20 Reports received here directly from the front are to the effect that the Germans are nut making an attack In force between Solutions and Rhelms, as has been ru mored. KoiiwonH still Is being bom burded Intermittently by heavy Ger man kuph of long range, but the In habitants continue their usual occu pations. 1'uIIh Off Hlcli Itorn. INDEPENDENCE. Ore., Nov. 30 George A. Wells, one of the county commissioners of Polk county, resid ing five miles south of Independence, Ml from a burn 30 feet high and suffered serious Injuries and it Is feared they may prove fatal. Mr Wells Is a prosperous farmer. $100 Reward, $100. The rea1ra of this piper will be pleased In It4 ru t hut there l( It least one urraded Hnra that science bia bo able to enrr in all It stages, and ttiit ! Catarrh lUlla fatarrti Core U the only poaltlrt 'tire now knowa to the mndlral fraternity Catarrh being a rontlliitlnnal disease, re quire a eunstltutlonnl treatment. Hall'i atarrh Cure Ii taken Internally, acting llrwllj upon tr.e blood and murnna aur tare) of th if iritem, thereby destroying tbf foundation of the dleaiw. and giving th mtlint tn.nt.'lb by building up the rooitl iiitlun in. I agisting nature la doing lt irk. The proprietors have aa miu-n faltb in Ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred IMIars for any eaae tbat It fall! to rare. Hood for llt of teatlroonlala. Ad.lre.-a F. J. CI1EVHY k CO.. Tuledu, Ohio Suld by all Drct-lsta, 7Sc Take Uall a Fatnllv 11 Ma for ronattnatlna. KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS TIXKS KHKl'MATISM SllTTJl i:itS TO KAT LESS MEAT axd take s.iyrs. Rheumatisni Is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well known author ity. We are advised to dress warm ly: keen the feet dry: avoid exDosure: eat ps.H meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism Is a direct result of eating too much meat and other rich foods thnt produce uric acid which Is nr-sorbed Into the blood. It Is the function of the kidneys to filter this ncld from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do .ubio work, they become weak and slupglsh end fall to eliminate the ur ic acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through tho system, even tually settling In the Joints and mus cles causing stirrness. soreness ana pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon ful In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. This Is said t6 eliminate uric nrM hv stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. .Turf Snlts I Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with inu la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent lltnia-water j-inv Tvhlrh helna overcome urto acid. and is beneficial to your kidneys as well. a . . . . Chicago WHEAT CEN rnCC FOUR.IN-ONE rllCt "ANNA BELLE DOLL' Brinp or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 the Eust Oregonian office mul tret n "Four-in-One" muslin to the JUist urt'goni cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll? feature. Xo. :. Pendleton, i? t nnvfifiviwr 1M11J Pn Herewith please find fivo "Four-in-One" Coupons nnd 10 fnr which please pive me a feature or "Anna Boll Doll." Name... Address If sent hv mail add 2c for postnpe, BE SUNK AND STATE WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED EAST OTtEOONTAK PENDLETON, OKEGON. MOXDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1014. WEALTHY MAN A.SUSPECT IN GIRL'S SLAYING Mildred Sullivan, the seventeen year old Houlton, Me., girl, who was found sluln. lielow Is Mrs. Edith Sul livan, her mother; at the right Is Dr. L. E. Dudley, who Is accused In the case. HOULTON', Me., Nov. 30. The end of the flrHt week of the Arostook grand Jury session finds a strong be lief here that six indictments will be found In caxe of Mildred Sullivan, the seventeen year old lrl who was mys teriously slain. It It whispered that a true bill has been returned against a wealthy Houlton man alleged to have been druwn Into the case by the testimony of Ambrose Prldge and Katherlne Mkhaud. kin i Us Local Playhouses yHAT the Preu Agent Hat to " Say of Pre ent and Coming Atb. actions Orplioum Tuesday and Yednc.Mlay. Mary PIckford the popular little actress appears this change. "A Law Unto Herself," two part Rex drama, featuring Joseph King and Agnes Vernon. This play commends Itself to the screen public as one of the finest pieces of dramatic composition seen in months. It has a flavor purely Parisian with tho hot passion of blood ol the Guello race paying a strong part In the fashioning of the final uctlon. Andrea loved Edmond Rodger ori at least she thought she did. When Rodger was murdered she swore nn oath to punish the guilty party. Each day In her diary she wrote down the progress of her plans but for five long ears she failed to learn the Identity of tho man she was aft er. Yet there were many things An drea did not know and In the learn ing the situation changed. In the end Andrea loved and married the man she had sworn vengeance upon. "The Dark Horse." Imp. Featur ing Mary PIckford in a delightful comedy. The charming little actress Is at her best. Pnstlme Ttxlny. , One of tho most entertaining and dramatically acted pictures ever In J the city was presented yesterday at the Tost Ime. The picture was "The Man of the Hour" and featured Rob ert Warwick. Mr. Warwick is at lsoAlnir man for BelasCOe on yinvui v : the speaking stage and acts for the j movies In his leisure moments, mis picture will be repeated again tonight. The starting hours are seven, eight thlrtv five and nine-forty o'clock. COUPON Ore.,.. -10U "Four - in - Onc" muslin cut-out ' 'i a . 4" J!:'M ji'j vua:v. - ( Jr; Bjty WVji-r-rrN f-.v ',-:-' -l- ? : '"j! .4 ,-. ; ., , SZ v ' "v- '!Fj y'-. rmu g S . i - !' - - ', ' rv f K Hv- Coming to the Tastime Tuesday for two days, George Kleine presents "The Naked Truth" in five parts from the novel by that name. Lyda Borelll the 22 year old girl, who is consid ered one of the most beautiful and wonderfully talented actresses of the day. received $20,000 for her mag nificent work in this modern master piece. "The Naked Truth" is found ed on the French novel by Henry Ba taelll. It's a virile, earthy drama of today. It's a story of a woman's sur passing love and Its disillusionment A pretty story vividly and brilliantly told. Cosy Monday. C. W. Foster, official licensed Chi natown guide, has a very Interesting Tinvologue entitled: "Chinatown nt Midnight." Illustrated with a number cf slides taken by himself, and which show the life, custumes and habits of the Chinese of San Francisco. This talk Is very interesting and instruc tive. He will be on the bill tonight. Miss Georgia Ronalds, the dainty California soubrette does some songs In pretty wardrobe, making lightning changes for her various character songs. Foss and Palo are drtndy banjo players and thoir songs are fine; they are a good pair of entertainers. "Fatty's Wine Party." Keystone. Fatty" nnd Mabel Normand have the leads In this comedy, and they keep things stirred up every minute "A Messenger of Gladness." Than houser. A Thanksgiving Day story, featuring the little Thanhouser "Kid let." "The Master." Two reel. Kaybee, Miss Rhea Mitchell, a Portland girl, Is featured In this drama. VXCLE SAM EXAMINES PEHE MAUQVETTE TOW AY DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 30. Inves tigation of the financial operations of the Tere Marquette railroad by the Interstate commerce commission, au thorized by vote eof congress nt the last session, was started today in the federal building hero with Commis sioner Hall presiding. The purpose of the Inquiry Is to determine, If possible, whether the railroad nnd its stockholders have suf fered from what has been character ized as exploitation of the system for tho benefit of favored financial In terests and Individuals. Best Couk'i Medicine for Children "Three years ago when I was liv ing In Pittsburgh one of my children had a hard cold nnd coughed dread fully. Upon the advice of a druggist I purchnsed a bottle of Chamberlain's Cpugh Remedy and It benefited him at once. I find It the bent cough medicine to take. They do not object to taking It." writes Mrs. Lafayette Tuck Homer City. Pa. This remed contains no opium or other narcotic, nnd may be given to a child as con fidently ns nn to an adult. Sold by all dealers. Adv. ' 'i t , J : . ft -1' (,; ' n ." Senator Ixxlge to Run In 1916. LYNN, Mass., Nov. 30. Henry Ca bot Lodge of Nahant will be a candi date for reelection as United States senator In 1916, according to a re port from his home, shortly after the senator and Mrs. Lodge left for Wash ington. Last year when the senator under went a serious operation It was felt that he never again would be a can didate for public office. His present term expires March 3, 1917. CLA SSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 51 A. F. and A. M. meets vkt ;V first and third Mondays ol ach month. All vlaltlng brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and Ucensed embalmer Opposite pobtofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cara. Calls responded to 3ay or night Phone 75. f. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed oalmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral care. Calls re iponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. INSURANCE AND LAND HUSLNKSS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and ells all kinds of real estate Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents Writes fire, life and acci ient Insurance. References, any bank In Fendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. PKNTLEY LEFFINGWF.LU SEAL tstate. fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Malts airset. Phon t0 I.EOAL "BLANKS OF EVERY DS scrlptlon for county court, clrcui rourt. luetics court, real estate, etc for sale at East Oregonlan omen V KTEIUN A UT M 1 JC t ON 8. C W. LAS? F.N. M. D V C'H'NTT Vetertnarlnn. Residence ielephon J7; office tellephone 20 TTOH'FY RALeTaRAIK Y TTHRNcrv ,w. Office In American National Bank Building. E iRAJE ill L (Courtesy of Sunday s Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore., Nor. 30 Mar ket for swine at North Portland dur ing the week was somewhat under the Influence of a rather heavy run. It celpts for the week were 4 19') head or fractionally greater than the big showing of last week and were con siderably greater than any recent week. Values in general were weak In the local yards during the five days' trad ing and prices closed with a net loss of 2Bc from the closing of the pre vious week. Sales yesterday were on the basis of $7.30 for tops while last Saturday the market for best was) $7.55. All throueh the week the market here was out of line with conditions! at stockyard points east of the Rock ies. Killers here were far more bearish in their ideas than in any other part of the country. General hog market range: Best light $ 7.30 Medium light 7.25 f?ood to heavy 7.00 0 7.15 Rough and heavy 8.00 3 6.50 j Cattle Market Iicarlsh. Market for cattle was on a bear ish scale at North Portland during the week In one respect this was due to the fact that the movement Is not showing the quality demanded by killers at this time of the year. Perhaps this was the principal rea son for the weakness in the trade at North Portland. Good quality cattle were rather scaroe during the week but there was an abundance of poor stuff. Nat urally this affected the general trend of the market and only at the start SI r?f:icinf!iiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuniiiiifiiiiniHiiixiiiiiiiii3niiii!!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiniiun:f I before you build I no matter if it's out-building, or your house S P" t1 I i 3 1 1 Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. Wood and Rock Springs Coal 1 I B. L. BURROUGHS I Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 riiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiniiTiiiiiiniiniiniiniiiiixiitiinmuS JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office la Despaln building. CARTER St SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; rooms t and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. I, I and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A, LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND conruUor at law. ' Office In Despaln building. ROSrOE R JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln builllnx PHYSICIAN'S. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D. HOMKO path in physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd Rlock Telephone: Offlct 341 W: roatditnc Bit J SECOND-HAND DEALER? VSTROBLE. DEALER IN N0 and second-hand goods 'Cash for all second-hand good? bousk Cheapest place In Pendleton to bu household goods Ca'l and gat prices. S1V E Court street Fhr 271W. .rCT!nK.KRS POL W. F YOHNKA. AU'TIONEF-' makes a specialty of fanners' st.c" n,1 niHohlnery :ilea 'The man tha tv'tk voll thf 'Honey." Iv nf.if 1 I'M! ' eflr rHKSPs. N'll'K -ftAUI.Ii' SEASON' CUtS an1 SALE HIL1 PAGE SK.VK.V of the week was ns filch as $7 4$ ob tained evi n for the seiecteil stuff. Poor ni'illty sold generally from 10 to 15c below last week's lvel. Cattle market conditions In th east are not nult so favorable they were a week or 10 d.iys ago anrt values are not so high. General cattle market range: Selerted steers , .$7.2507 4S , . 7 00 ff 7.06 . S 501M.7& . 5.75S 8!i . . 00ft 8 2ft . 65f78S . 5.15 WR B .0 . 8.25 9: '..76 . 4 004. 2S Good to prime . , Good to choice . Ordinary to fair Rest cows Good to prime . . Ordinary Selected calve . , Fancy bulla Ordinary Multon Trade) Iflctier. The real bright light In the live stock trade at North Portland for the week was the excellence of th demand for mntton and lambs. Re ceipts fell off to a degree almost un heard of; total movement for th week being 2257 head compared with S183 head during the previous wee.. A year ago the movement for the cur rent week was (882 head. Top lambs bid readily around) $6. 75 In the yards at the opening of the week and this price was available for shipments later during the pe riod. The high prices that have ruled for mutton and lambs at competitive) points have caused a movement away from the coast. General mutton market: Best yearling $5.2505.8 Old wethers 5. 000 5.2S Best ewes 4.25 04.75. Best east mountain lambs 8.8 i Valley light Iambs 8.250 8 5 Heavy spring lambs 6.60 0 5.75. The Eastabrook Co. of North Bend and Bandon Is getting out 70,700 tlea per month. a home, a barn, a remodeling of or store interior get my prices If you want it cheap or good, we can fill your order MILL WORK TO ORDER The greatest stock and variety in Umatilla County of of every description printed at rea sonable price at the East Oregnn!a& We have a flno lot of stock cuts thr- our patrons are allowed the free om of. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cash or give tra? for Umatilla county farm, 120 to ISO per acre. Address, Box It, Athena, Ore. M : SCELLA N EOUK ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION wedding announcements, emboea4 private and business stationery, eta, Very latest styles. Call at East Ora gonlan office and see sample NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice Is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock holders of the East Oregonlan Pub lishing company on Wednesday, De cember S. 1914, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the office of said company In Pendle ton, Oregon, for the purpose of elect Ing officers for the ensuing year. C S. Jackson, president; L D. Drake secretary. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OH egonlan makes a specialty of as tlon sale Mils, card and advertlsltf. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk al advertising complete that wl'l aesu-) you of having a aa'.e. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR. egonlan makes a speclalt- of sun tlon sale bills, card and adv,.rtlms We can furnish auctioneer. cWi. n4 advertising complete that wit! annuro you of having a successful sale. ESEAVER ENGRAVING - COMPANY : ' ' ' ',') l 1 Z ' ' K- v ; j !; L , :