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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1914)
eioitt vagta DAILY EAST OKEOONTAX, PENDLETON, OTCEOON", MONDAY. XOVKMHER So, 1014. PAGE FIVE mi rmmimmimmi iillllillililiiill Mil TAB 'THEY ARE HERE. That ship ment of the Famous Jack Tai Middies arrived this morning. These are the middies that you have been jj waiting for and now is the time to J make your selection. I We have skirts to match, too. Yours for Middies P. s.- Received a beautiful flwrnmim i n n u i mv i i i HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL CONNECT IMPORTANT POINTS IMAT1LI.A AND COl.UMIUA COIN TV KEATS TO IlK IJXKKD IIY HKillWAV. With the completion of the atretch of macadam highway between Adam and Athena, fur which fund are In hand and the strectch between Wei ton and Milton for which money Is provided for In the budget for 1915 In Umatilla county, there will be an unbroken atretch of hard-surfaced road from the Umatilla county seat to the county seat of Columbia coun ty. Work In Walla Walla county now La being done on the last of the ma cadam road, known aa the Inland Empire highway, between Walla Wal la and Waltsburg, and when that La completed there will be a good ma cadam road between these two points. The macadam road from Walla Walla to Milton has been ready for traffic for some time past, and, with the eiceptlon of a short stretch be tween Adams end Athena extends ti . mm oil p Uuy $35.00 worth of liou'liolJ poods at V. Stroble'a and ect a Wnutifiil oil painting free; buy $5.00 worth of merchandise and get one at cost, or $1.10. We give you a rani and punch it for each purchase making every little articlo bought count for you on the picture. Fine Christmas Presents Nothing more suitable, nothing more appropriate for an Xtnas gift and you got them free. We hare every necrssUu used in keeping house. The eheapest flaec in. Pendleton to buy household (joods. V. STROBILE Telephone 271V. 212 R Court Street. LwiiiiiiiiitiitiiJiiiiiiiitriiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMitiiiiiiiiiiiiit I Pay Less and Get More I Pure FoodsLowest Cash Prices S&thfo.ction i Kxtw Fancy Koine Beauty Apples Paponvrappcd, solid pack. 5 5 nil very diol.'o, )m - - ?i35 fl 1tc iwvcr Spitzonlmrgs Extra funry, good eating and coot E ing, good keepers - g I Potatoes Full weight, medium size, solid winter keepers, the 5 price is right r Ins and The poiinii - - fJwwt Potatoes Kvon size, bright clear pecla, 7 lbs -af Kftelmp Kieli, spicy tomato ketchup, pint.....-. Mince Ment Just Mo home-mnde, pound - 20 g Minco Ment Non-Such-, pnekflfft fresh stock, each....- ljjf 3 , Hour Krniit Nono bcttor crisp, fresh kraut just in, ... 10 i Herring No. 1 stock tiloiialf doz 15 E I Salt Mackerel Medium size, 2 for 25 5 1 Jried Fruits- New Stock Prunes, Kaisins, Figs, Currants Etc 5 SnrdineJM-Our lino complete; one for 5, l0, 15, 20 and 5 25t?. Domestic and Imported. ( E s Try our XX Brand Coffee For A medium grade coffee 5 5 none, better, the pound - - 35 E I Fresh Kggs Strictly Fresh, dozen 50 f . DELIVERIES PROMPT I THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phone 470. m"n SllUIIIlllllllllllllllllltllllliniUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUni I Dill ar m m Aiways Pleaiel to Show You- I line of Silk Kimonas too I irirrminflmimimmminiMinmmmmimill iimif rmimnmn Pendleton. The Columbia countv f flclala are working- on a road toward Waltsburg, and It Is the Intention to connect It with the Inland Empire nignway from this point. With the completion of the Inland Empire highway westerly from Walla Walla, It Will be Dosslbln for travel ers to use thla point as a Junction and to make the trip to Wallula and other points In the western Dart of the county over a hard -surfaced highway. Ultimately the Inland Empire high wuy will extend northerly from Day ton and Into Spokane, but It urobab ly be some time before this work Is completed. Srt-lt (la I n Advantage. NISH, Pervla. Nov. SO In the bat tle In northwest Servla, which began November 20, the Serbs won the ad anUge although the outcome Is still undecided, says an official statement given out here. On the Daxarevatx Mlonltza line the fighting Is described as most desperate. Do you know that the Peoples Warehouse has Just deceived a ship ment of Jack Tar middles which are to sell at SMS to ti .00? flicma Onion The?e fresh stock. lUiiiliM U mu 111 UUi i i ii. LOCALS Q Advertising in Brief IUTK8. Per llo. first Insertion 10e fer Hue, additional losertloa. . . ,6e Ir line, per month $1.00 No lixtl ukt-n for less tbao e. Count A ordlosry words to Una. Local! wiu not be tako over tb 'phone and remittance moat accost paojr order. Whipple Piano tuner, phone 22tR. Phone I. C, Snyder, chimney sweep. Good winter quarters for horses and rigs at the Alta barns. For sale Universal range, almost new; 6 lids. 719 College street. WanteJ Good, clean rage at the East Oregonlan office. Girl wants work In .private family. Phone 23C J. For rent Furnished S roomed modern house. Phone SS4. Wanted Middle aged . woman to cook on farm. Phone 1F1I. For sale Three good lota or trade for automobile. Phone 21SJ. For rent 7-,room modern house, 117 Grange street Inquire John Vert Wanted Girl to do genera. house work. Apply 408 Water or phone 61- The Alta House, a good, popular, yet cheap place to stop. J. M. Sheph enson, prop. Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. To Rent Nine room modern house, hard finish, corner Garden and Webb. Inquire 211 West Webb. Have you seen that C4 Inch satin Dutchess, In black, at 12.60 per yard at, the Peoples Warehouse? Good dry, black pine wood, IS. SO per cord, 16.00 If sawed. Delivered. ee I). B. Gervals or phone 778. Old papers for sale; tied In bundles. uooa ior starting nres, etc 10c a bundle. Thla office. . Try the West End Market for gro ceries and meats, 1301 W. Alta ct Phone 778. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For sale Two moJern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. 12500 takes it. Inquire or address "A" this office. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 147 Main street Phone S3). Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, $750 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. nave you seen those new velour ribbons values up to 14.50, that the Peoples Warehouse Is selling at 11-49 per yard? Lost Between here and German Hall Saturday night. Aluminum hair pin. 3-leaf shape. Finder return to Golden Rule Hotel and receive re ward. If you want a real bargain Inves tlgate at once. House partly furnish ed, arranged In apartments and all rented, located on 60 foot corner lot close in. Place more than pays for Itself besides a good place to live Price $1250.00, very small payment down. I am leaving the city and If the place does not sell In the next four days I will lease It. See me al 210 Tustin.treet. 1 Uncle Ram Involved. The government has Inspected our meats and approved them as being fresh, pure and wholesome. Have you this protection elsewhere? . Protect your health, phone 444, Oregon Mar ket Adv. lloWllnir W"rks eonsilldato. Paul Hemmelgnrn, proprietor of the rioneer Bottling works, has pur chased the Pendleton Soda Works from E. E. Turner and has consoli dated the two, at the location of and under the name of the Pioneer Bot tling Works. All orders placed by the patrons of either Institution should be pent to 222 East Court street, or telephone 177. Best quality and quick delivery of beer and all kinds of sodas and soft drinks. Adv. Captured Germans Starving. PARIS. Nov. SO. German prison ers taken at St. Omer were found to be starving. Among the number tak en at this place were forty officers. They said they had all been forced to advance by the threat of firing on them with mitrailleuses, which were trailed behind them. Astoria mud flats are to be filled In by the dredffe Columbia. (Continued from page two.) Mr. find Mrs. Thomas Duncan have moved to Pendleton from La Grande and taken apartments et the Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. R. M McKean of New berg arrived here yesterday to visit relatives In the county. Mrs. Elmer Brewer loft at noon to day for Portland to visit for several weeks with her mother. Saturday evening at St. Mary's Catholic chnrch Rev. Fatfier Durgan united in marriage John G. Gray and Mary Grant In the presence of a few friends. Mrs. M. A and Mrs. H. J. Markhani of Chicago, who have been at Pilot Rock settling up the estate of the late Frank Markham. left to- day for Tortland and will go on east Ma the Great Northern. 1 11' Mrs. Card en of Athena is at the Bowman today. H. L. Hedrlck of Echo was a Satur day visitor here. Tyra Blackwell of Milton was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. Abe Casey of Helix came in thla morning on the Northern Pacific train. Harry Todd and Cyril Blakewlee of Ilermlston came up Saturday from the project town. County Superintendent I. E. Young and Supervisor J. Aton Yeager, are In Freewater today. C. G. Brownell returned to Uma tilla on No. 17 today after a brief business visit here. E. W. McComas, local grain buyer. and Fred E. Judd, vice-president of the American National Bank, left on No. 17 today for Portland to look at the eight cylinder Cadillac can. WOULD CRUSH ROCK SO AS TO PROVIDE WORK . Pendleton, Ore., Nov. SO. To the Editor of East Oregonlan: I want to say in regard to the unem ployed of this city for which there seems to be so much worry at pres ent why not the city ana county court get together and set one of the rock crushers going on the bluff by Lee street bridge, as the county owns two and the city one. Give employment to those with families at $2 00 a day and $1-50 to those that have not fam Hies. Let them board themselves and they would not starve by doing so Pile up the crushed rock until it Is needed, for we have roads leading to the city from all directions that the county could use It on, aud It could be crushed during the winter much cheaper. I am not in favor of the coffee house proposition for I fear that it will bring many more of the hoboes here to our city. The writer of this article has worked many a day for $1 00 and did that after I had a wife and one and two children in Cal lfornia and we did not go hungry at that. If I have set the wage too high for the winter work say $1.75 and $1.35 but our home people should be looked after first and have the pref erence. Why not work the city pris oners? The city could use the rock also. Yours Truly. H. J. TAYLOR.. COMMISSION WILL TAKE IIP COLORADO STRIKE TROUBLE MKMUKKS XAMEI KY PRESI DENT WILSOX WILL START WORK AT OXCE. WASHINGTON', Nov. 30. Mem bers of the commission to settle the Colorado coal strike, named by the president, will begin work immedi ately. The committee is composed of Seth Low, president of the national civic federation: Patrick Kllday, an officer of the United Mine Workers, and Charles Mills of Philadelphia. The president Is confident, the com mission will be as successful as that appointed by Roosevelt to settle the anthracite miners strike in Pennsyl vania. UNWILLING WITNESSES CAN BE FORCED TO TESTIFY UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Sustain ing the authority of the congressional investigating committees to force testimony from unwilling witnesses the United States supreme court de cided that George Henry, a wealthy member of the firm of William Sala mon and company, a wall street con cern, must be extradited for trial here for his refusal to answer questions asked him by the Pujo house money trust Investigators, Henry was a rart ner of William Salamon, who floated California petroleum securities. When he refused to disclose the Identity of his partners in promotion the syndt catte the committee obtained It In formation through other means. Hen ry fought extradition In New York and sought a writ of habets corpus. Federal District Judge. Mayer dis missed It, holding that the questions asked Henry were within the author ity of the congressional committee. S0L0IERS0F VILLA AND ZAPATA RACE FOR TAMPICO GENERAL CARAI.LERO RFPUPI TES CARRAXZA, ACCORD ING TO RETORT. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Carran ilsta and Vllllsta troops were racing for Tampico today where General Ca ballero has repudiated Carranxa. Two thousand Carranxlstas are on the way to Tampico from Vera Crus. Both Mexico City and Vera Cru were reported quiet. Administration officials refused to take Berlously un official reports that General Carran xa had demanded the withdrawal of American warships from Vera Crui harbor. Xottoe. The Improved Order of Redmen will give a dance In the Eagle-Wood man hall Tuesday nlht. December 1st. Everybody cordially Invited. Ad mission 60 cents. Ladles free. Adv. fill III MA.Y TAKEN TO CALIFORNIA TO ANSWEK CHARGE (Continued from Page 1.) ed that he had been In company with Clay In Rio Vista on the day of the crime. Meanwhile Sheriff Taylor has been tracing the man back from his criminal record and he now has It complete along with photographs from a half doren different cities. He proved to be a safeblower of many aliases known sometimes as James Gary, sometimes as Harry Edwards and sometimes a John Muff. A far hack as 1830 he was arrested In fie attle for robbery. He has served sev. oral terms in the penitentiary at Wal la Walla, the last time for blowing a l.ank at Euphrata, Wash.. In 1907, at which time he was captured by a cowboy posse at Willow Lake. Mors recently he was sentenced to the Mis souri penitentiary, was afterwards transferred to the asylum and escap ed from that institution. A letter from the Kansas City police charac terizes him as a dangerous criminal who will shoot to kill upon the slight, est provocation. He Is suspected as having shot two policemen In Joplin, Mo., In 1801. He had denied to Sheriff Taylor all along his Identity but before leaving this morning admitted he was the or iginal of all the photos. Aa he bade Sheriff Taylor goodbye, he remarked, "I suppose you will be coming dowi to California If they top me." Sou Ui Rend to Aid IfUrlan SOUTH BEND, Wash., Nov. 28. This city has taken steps to help the suffering Belgians. At the last meeting of the Commercial club a committee of the Commercial club a committee of seven was named to so licit funds and provisions and next Tuesday has been set aside as "Bel gian Relief Day." All the grocery store drivers will solicit money and provisions from their customers. The football players of this city, Including Myron Foster, former captain and star of the Wenatchee high school football team, will meet the Bay Cen ter Indians here next Sunday after coon In a benefit game. Turks Take- Artvtn. BERLIN, Nov. 30. Official report given out In Constantinople and reaching here relate the continual successful Turkish advance upon Da tum, the Russian port on the Black Sea. All the territory between the Tur-ko-Russian border and the River Chursk is In Turkish hands, while a Turkish force In the southern part of this territory has taken Artvln The Turks declare that the English losses at Shatt-el-Arab mounted to 750 dead and several thousand wound ed. Artvln. Transcaucasia, Is In the gov ernment of Kutals, thirty-four miles southeast of Batum. It haa a popu lation of about 10,000. Junction people celebrated the sec ond year of the success of their local creamery". :"iiii!iiiiiii!M!iiiiiiiiiiminimimiimmiiiimniiimiiimiiiiim Nevertheless there reason than ever this shopping r.iiiitiiiiiiiaiiiBitiiiiiiiaiiif ittiLiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiittitiiitiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiif f NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE U - 10 STATE MEETING ANNUAL FARMERS UNION SES SION STARTS WORK AT THE DALLES TOMORROW. Bound for The Dalles to attend the annual meeting of the state asuocla tlon, Farmers Education1 and Co operative Union, a number of well known farmers left here today. Am ong those making the trip are R O Earnhart, alternate from the Pendle ton local, C. P. Strain, delegate from the Pendleton local; W. W. Harrah. an official In the state association, C. C. Conner of Helix, Barney Anders'si, Dr. W. R. Campbell, John F. Gentry. James R. Porter, and others. The convention meets tomorrow and will be In session for three days. Sev eral subjects of Interest will be up for discussion, the open river question, belnv among the live topics on the program. The subject of rural cred its Is also to be discussed and the matter of cooperation will cpme up Cor consideration. The Washington farmers with whom the Oregon union men are associated in the warehouse business operate on a different basis from w hat Is used in this state. They destre to have the Oregon men adopt their plan but there Is objection to that course. Onions to Europe For the first time In the history of the trade, a for-( elgn market has been found for Ore gon onions. Supplies are now being collected for shipment to England by way of New York. Space has been secured for 10 car loads on the American-Hawaiian steamer Pennsylvania, sailing from Portland on December ( for New York via the Panama canal. A part of this supply Is now on the dock, and the remainder will be on hand In a few days. California has been ship ping onions to New York, and as they carried through In good shape, there Is no doubt the Oregon onions will do even better on the long trip. a Land Deal Closed The deal whereby Norman A. Humphreys ac quires the Charles Relnhard and leasehold rights on the Umatilla In dian Reservation, and Rlnehardt buys the Pierce Sawyer farm of 4500 acres In Union county, was consummated in Pendleton today. Mr. Rlnehardt moves this week to Union county. Umatilla county loses a good man and farmer, who takes with him the best w-lshes of a host of friends. The deal was put through by N. Berkeley and is one of the biggest In eastern Ore gon for some time. Some Toys Will ScarceBuy American manufacturers have risen to the emergency and sup plied any threatened deficiencies in the toy stocks. The Children's Merry Christ mas is assured. early. There few if any belated imports. American manufacturers have been taxed to the utmost limit of their capacities. Today the advertising columns of The East Oregonian are an index to the full stocks of the stores as they will be every day from now until Christmas. WAR TAX IV El l l (T DEC, I. (Continued from page one.) specified In the act ThLs li done t keep the government's bunks straight, as the fiscal year ends July 1, Trni of Ac DrnMlo, Bankers are compelled to pay tt tor ftrh 11000 of capital employed: theater proprietors pay according fck the seating rapacity of their pta hounea; manufacturers, accordf Ing to their sales; proprietors of bowl. Ing alleys and billiard and pool ta bles, for each alley and table, while brokers of all rlas'ea jny.flat sum. The terms of the art are drawtlc, making it most advUuble for thoaa who have war taxes to pay to do so before Tuesday, while those In doubt should make inquiry of the collector office. Not only do these occupation stamps go Into effect Tuesday, hut the special documentary and proprle- tary tax stamp provided by the act also. Documentary tax stamps are requir ed on certain legal papers, on con tracts, on bonds (save those required In legal proceedings), on ell agree ments to sell, sales memoranda, etc.. bills of lading and manifests, certifi cates of all description,, entry of goods In customhouse. Insurance pre miums, passage tickets to foreign, ports, all telegraph and telephon messages costing over 15 cents and sleeping and palace car tickets. Ctiewtnjf Gun Is Taxed. The law requires that all docu ments must be stamped before deliv ery, and It la Illegal to file a paper unless It Is stamped. The proprietary stamp tax affecU all classes of perfumery and cosmet ics, the term "cosmetics" being un derstood to Include hair preparations, dentifrices and the like. The ,tax also applies to that great American Institution chewing gum. Every time you chew a stick of gum after tomorow you chew up one-twenty-fifth of a cent In tar. Proprietary stamps must be pro cured by dealers and affixed to ar ticles before delivery to customers. Under the act postmasters are em powered to purchase stamps without prepayment on furnishing a bond. It Is probable that the new stamps will be on sale at all postofflces through out the state They may be obtained direct from the office of the collector, however. In any amount on recelQt of price. 335 Eggs year each Hen, Guaranteed Feeding cheap home-made stimu, lant. Shorting Moulting. Fun In struction 11. or send 25c,- Sumps, Coin, to cover postage on strictly free package guaranteed enough for two. months' feeding your unlaying hens, fully convincing you before sending IL BUY HENS, MAKE EASY MONEY. 9. DUCREST, 1112 Judkins St Seattle, Wash. I ESC be Early is more year for will be a