East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1913, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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If tongue I conto.l or If i-omn, f'vr
Mi, f-oiiHiiiuiKHl give "California
Syrup of Vlga.n
Hon't scold your fretful, peevish
child. See If tongue 1h coated; thin
Ih a sure sign Its little stomach, liver
and bowels aro clogged with sour
want e,
When listless. ' pnle. feeverlsh, full
of cold, breath bad, throat Bore,
doesn't eat. pleep or act naturally,
"has stomach ache Indigestion, diarr
hoea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs." and in a few
hours all the foul waste, the sour bile
and fermenting food passes out of
the bowels and you have a well and
playful child again. Children love
this harmless "fruit laxative." and
mothers can rest easy aft giving It.
because It never falls to make their
little Mnsldes" clean and sweet.
Keep It handy. Mother! A little
given today saves a sick child tomor
row, but get the genuine. Ask your
druggist for a BO-cent bottle of "Cal
ifornia Fyrup of Figs," which has di
rections for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Remember there are counter
felts sold here, so surely look and
see that yours Is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company" Hand
back with contempt any other fig
WALLA WALLA. Wnsh.. Sept. 19.
The tip of a buggy whip striking!
him In the eye caused the death of L.
U. Wlndust, aged 3K, at Long's Sta
tion, near Dayton.
Mr. Wlndust ncidcntally struck
himself two weeks ago and blood poi
soning and typhoid fever followed. He
was unconscious for a week.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 19. Ar
rangements were completed for the
launching of the palatlul steam yacht
Cyprus, building at the plant of the
Seattle Construction & Drydock com
pany, at a cost of $500,000, for Dan
iel Cowan Jnckllng. the multl-mllllon-alre
copper mine owner of Salt Lake
The vessel will he sent down the
ways next Wednesday afternoon. Mlss
Mlldreir Hone, daughter of scoit C.
Kone, will act as sponsor.
The launching of the Cyprus will
iiiark an epoch In the building of
pleasure craft, as she will be the
greatest vessel of her type ever con
slruited on the Pacific Coast.
SALKM, Ore., -Sept. 19. Corpora
tion Commissioner Watson announced
that only a few stockbrokers had com
piled with the provisions of the blue
sky law and that he would take legal
action Immediately against the delin
quents The law provides that all
broker.! must obtain permits to sell
stock, and file lists of the stocks they!
The commissioner has linked the
I nkxs ITiiiNTly Treated Willi Hy
oiiHi This I)l.s'uc) May Ito
omj Serious.
If you have catarrh, usually indi
cated by sniffling, stopped up head,
droppings In throat, watery eyes and
morning choking, there Is an Irritated
tate of the mucous membrane which
affords an Ideal condition for the
growth of disease germs.
Do not allow the dangerous germs
which may be breathed Into the nose
throat and lungs to begin the destruc
tion of your health. .
The easiest, simplest, quickest, sur
est and cheapest way to check catarrh
is by breathing Hyomcl all druggists
el It. This wonderful medicated air
treatment does not upset the stomach
but Is breathed In through the Hyo
mel Inhaler, directly following surely
destroying all disease germs that may
have been Inhaled the tissues of the
throat, nose and lungs are quickly
healed and vitalized.
The unusual ".-ay In which Hyomel
Is sold by Tallman & Co. dispels all
doubts as to Its curative properties.
Money refunded to anyone whom Hy
omcl falls to benefit. A complete out
fit. Including Inhaler and bottle of
liquid, costs but $1.00.
I $2600 Will Buy
You a Home
I seven lots and good plastered eight roomed house
I in good condition, on stone foundation. Large
1 lawn on eight foot stone wall. Chicken house. I
I Close to School. For particulars call or address this office 1
mtiiuiiitiiiii iiiiiiin itiiiiim ii mi mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i eh i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t i i 1 1 1 1 ifi
attorney general for an opinion as to
whether the National Mercantile
company of Vancouver, H. C. Is amen
ably to the building and loan laws of
corporations In this state. Commis
sioner Watson contends that It Is.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept 19
Country schools are to have medical
inspection this year. County School
Superintendent Johnson annouced.
The first trip of Dr. It. W. Smith,
county physician, will be to look over
the defective and backward children
i'i the various schools and after the
Inspection the parents will be consult
ed and will be told what Is necessary
to Improve the child's health and
belter its condition. Especial atten
tion will be paid to the eyesight and
heating of the children examined and
adenoid growths will be watched for.
I'ORTLANO, Ore, Sept 19. Mys
tery surrounds the dally presentation
of a beautiful bouquet of roses to
Mayor Alhee. The mystery Is bother
ing the mayor as much as It is other
officials at the city hall. Each morn
ing this week the mayor has found on
the knob of the door to his office at
the city hall a bouquet, daintily tied
with ribbon. There is no name on
the posies and the mayor says he Is at
a loss to know from where they come.
They are placed on the door some
time during the night, it Is thought.
The mayor seldom leaves his office
before 6 p. m. and Is generally on the
job again at 7 a. m.
LA C.RANDE. Sept. 19. Walt
er Swart, the veteran O.-W. It. & N.
operator at Gibbon, was burled here.
Mr Swart came west In a prairie
schooner and had worked In nearly all
the western states as a young man.
following the advance of telegraph
lines to this section of the country.
For many years he was operator at
riibbon and was noted for his ability
as an angler.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Sept. 19. A
camera will invade Walla Walla peni
tentiary for the first time In the his
tory of that institution next Sunday
when Halph Earl, representing I'a
the's Weekly, will take motion pic
tures of the convicts playing baseball
and engaging In other activities. Here
tofore a rigid rule has been enforced
preventing cameras from being
brought Inside the penitentiary, as It
was thought that general knowledge
of the construction of the cells and
walls might lead friends of prison
ers to make plans for a delivery.
Permission to make motion photo
graphs was granted after a conference
between Warden Drum and Governor
Do You Kear Co"snmptJon.
No matter how chronic your cough
or how severe your throat or lung ali
ment Is. Dr. King's New Discovery
will surelv help you: it may save your
life. Stlllman Green of Mallchlte.
Col. writes: "Two doctors said I had
consumption and could not live two
years. T used Dr. King's New Dis
covery and am alive and well." Your
money refunded If It falls to benefit
you. The best home remedy for
coughs, colds, throat and lung trou
bles. Price 50e ond $1 00. Guaran
teed by Koeppens. Adv.
AgnlnM While Slavery.
IttTXOS AY RES. Sept. 19 The
chamber of deputies unanimously ap
proved a measure directed against
'white slavery."
F1n I'ndcr CoiunH.
SA ND1EGO, Sept. 19. With thou
sands of acres in the Cleveland na
tional forest burning, fire threatened
to sweep half a dorten towns today.
No one was Injured, however, and It
was later reported the fire had been
brought under control.
Yankee Win A Cain.
TOKIO, Sept. 19. The University
of Washington baseball team defeated
the Yokohama Shogo team 6 to 1.
diaries Do Young; Ionl.
Charles De Young, general manager
of the San Francisco Chronicle, who
has been critically ill with typhoid fe
ver and complications, died.
KvcM'lt lireinan Murderer.
EVERETT, Wash., Sept, 19. W. 11.
Schrader, a fireman, shot and killed
his wife at their home and then shot
and seriously wounded Patrolman
George Tift who was called by neigh
bors to arrest Schrader. Tift was
shot through the neck and his col
larbone was broken. After shooting
the policeman, Schrader escaped.
Schrader was arrested last week on
complaint of his wife. It Is supposed
that when he returned home, after
serving a brief sentence In Jail, they
quarreled over the previous trouble.
St. Paul has 28.934 public pupils
1765 of them in the kindergarten
iK hlie of ro)K Ilii Ih Likely to In
completed Text Wanted to
Stand All Criticism.
HOME, Sept. 19. Announcement
Was made today at the Vatican that
the Right Rev. Abbott Oasquet, su
preme head of the monastic order of
the English Henedlctinc-s, and who is
already in the United States on a vis
It. has Just been Intrusted with a spe
cial mission there by Pope Plus. It
i: hoped that Father Gasquet will be
able to secure contributions In Amer
ica .that will make possible the com
plete revision of the Hlble which the
Catholic church now has under waV.
Tile preparing of a revised text of
the lilbl.. that would stand the test
o all modern criticism and research
has been one of the greatest ambi
tions of Pope Pius from the moment
he was elected pope ten years ago
The amount of money which It was
foreseen would be entailed made it
Impossible for his holiness to under
take the work until In 1907 and r"vv
with a goodly part of It completed
hi Is facing the necessity of having
to abandon It unless generous sub
scriptlons are forthcoming.
The actual work of revision was In
trusted to Pope Plus In 1907 to the
Order of Benedictines. The wor k has
since been carried steadily on In their
monasteries In all parts of the world
Owing to the fact that the great
bulk of original Biblical manuscripts
and early texts are preserved in mu
neuron from which they cannot be ta
ken the work presented decided ob
stacles. These were later largely ov
ercome by having photographs taken
of all such manuscripts and these
permit the most minute examination
of all existing texts and early Bibli
cal manuscripts, over 300 volumes of
these photographs. Including those of
the famous Plbllcal manuscripts In
the collection of the late J. P. Mor
gan, have already been forwarded to
The next step of noting all the dif
ferences In these texts and compiling
the mwas to be carried on by the
Benedictine monks In the monastery
of San Callsto, Just outside the wall
of Rome, but for the moment finan
cial difficulties have forced a tem
porary abandonment of the work. In
this emergency. Pope Pius has au
thorized Father Gasqut-t. on his pres
ent rrlo to Inspect the. Benedictine
monasteries In the United States, to
make an especial appeal for funds
which will be the first full revision
that has been made since 159.!.
Pays of Simple IXh-W Arc Past a
IVw MHliriI FW1I01W For
Youthful Wearers Uxtant.
(Pj- Margaret Mason, written for the
United Press.)
A Miss Is as good as a Mrs.
When It comes to a question of style.
And you've often seen that sweet tdx
teen Has thirty beat a mile.
Her frills are Just as frilly.
Her frocks as sheer, I wlss.
While a skirt that 's slit up quite a
For a Miss is not amiss.
NEW YORK. Sept. 19. Lending
fashions are prone to be misleading
when It conies to the younger gener
ation and the American Miss Is quite
prone to be mis-led. Sally Schoolgirl
and Susie Sixteen are replicas of their
dalrlngly dressed, or rather undressed
Mammas, and their silt skirts often
show that as the tree Is inclined, so
it tho limb.
Though the days of the simple book
muslin and blue ribbon are long since
past, some modified fashions for
youthful wearers are still extant. A
charmingly dainty little frock of forget-me-not
sprigged organdie is in
good fashion and good taste. The
short baby waist has a scalloped fi
chu around the V-shaped neck and a
scalloped ruffle around the elbow
sleeves. The skirt Is set onto the
short waistline with a scalloped head
ing and the scalloped ruffle around
the" bottom is set on the skirt with a
similar heading. A banding of the,
blue ribbon runs through a casing of
the organdie, binds the elbow sleeves
and the waist and from the latter
point the long ribbon ends fall from
a knotted bow.
A floppy white chip hat wreathed
In for-get-me-nots and rosebuls, tied
under the chin with black velvet
- "V-" !
- ' J -A ' - I
' ( i
' L I
Art Acord, champion bulliogger of
1912, was one of the four bridegrooms
at the Round-up this year, and he is
proud of It. He declares all of the
victories which he has won by his
t rowess as a cowboy have been easy
compared with the fight he had to
make for th- girl he nows calls his
wife. but she was worth it all, he
Mrs. Acord Is not a cowgirl but her
face Is very familiar to the public at
large, for she Is an actress of the
"movies." Before her marriage her
name was Edyth Kesslnger, but to
the actor world she Is known as
Edyth Sterling. Art has hal some
experience with the movies himself
in cowboy parts, and It was while the
two were playing together In Lot An
geles with the Burkwell Film com
pany that their acquaintance begin.
At first sight of her Art felt a rew
gentle tugs at his heart strings, and
he knew right away that she had
roped him. Therefore, with the wis
dom of the range, he never strugglec
once, but submitted himself a cap
tive. He tried various ways of con
vincing the winsome Edyth that she
needed a protector of his proportions,
and, while he had every reason to
Ulleve that she rather liked his style,
he Just couldn't get her to say that
one little word And Art probably
would be a bachelor today if Cupid
hadn't come to his aid in a manner
rather cruel but none the less effect
ive. strings completes this Ingenue
A party frock of pule blue chiffon,
stamped with pink roses Is made with
u pannier oversklrt of pink taffeta.
The klmona waist of the figured chif
fon is cut away in front over a round
necked vest of flesh colored chiffon.
A wired bow of narroy black velvet
ribbon at the waist, adds a Frenchy
touch, and the neck of the chiffon
vest Is drawn up by black velvet run
through beading. A leghorn with a
niching of blue mallnes encircling the
crown and covering the brim Is
caught on one side with a la France
A white wash crepe is cut on long
straight lines with Its low cut out oval
neck outlined with a little upstanding
de Medici frill of net. The long sleeves
are finished with a frill of the same
and a prelate sash of coral satin,
very wide, breaks up the dead white
ness with a splash of vivid color.
A (hie little suit of rose ratine has
a Jaunty pony Jacket whose distinc
tive feature Is a yoke and sleeves cut
In one piece. It has a cutaway front
and a little turnover collar and turn
back cuffs of ecru batiste.
The straight skirt falls from a deep
black satin girdle and Is worn with an
embroidered ecru batiste waist.
Cool and girlish Is a dainty white
dotted swiss with a square low neck
and yoke formed of wide cluny in
sertions. Bands of tlje same inser
tion divide the skirt into three parts
and a soft s;ish of corn color sation
girdles the normal waist line. The el
bow aleeves are finished with bands
of the Insertion and a tiny bunch of
orange satin apples Is caught on the
All of these suits and frocks are
nnkle length and In exquisite taste for
the maid of sixteen and eighteen
IIEDDIXG, Cal., Sept 19. Women
may wear slit skirts and diaphanous
gowns In Redding, but never men.
Judge Herslnger made this clear
when he sent James Dwyer to Ihe
rock pile for 30 days for masquerad
ing in one. of fashion's latest crea
tions. Dwyer donned a slit gown and went
to a hotel where he attempted to flirt
with tho clerk. The clerk was a mar
ried man and telephoned for tho po
lice. Now Dwyer will be enabled to
wear ankle bracelets for a period.
He had g- ne to Salt Lake last July
to participate in some wild west con
tests being pulled off there, and it
Just happened that the pretty little
actress wanted to see that show and
so appeared In the grandstand on the
eventful afternoon, when. In trying
to bulldog a steer, the big cowboy
was gored through the calf of his
right by one of the long horns of the
vicious brute.
They bore him at once to St.
Mark's hospital, and it wapn't many
minutes before he had a nurse, the
only woman In the world he cared
to have about him. And she. Just lir?
any other woman, softened when she
saw her big handsome knight laid
low with a wound. She gave her
I romise then, and such a healing ei
fect did the words have that Art was
able to stand up before the minister
on July 22 In the Hotel James and
make his vows.
Shortly afterwards his bride haa
to leav to fill her contract with the
Vttagraph company, while hor hus
band continued his thrilling feats In
the arena. By the terms of their
agreement neither is to Interfere witr;
the other's profession. "My wife Is
going to stay with the movies." he
toll some friends shortly after his
arrival In Pendleton, "and what time
I am not doing the frontier shows
I'll be working before a camera, too.
Put when it comes to that kind of
work she can drawn down Just about
twice as much salary as I can "
A useful tabulation of the re
quirements of the parcel post
appears In the Youths Compan
ion: , Do not seal the package, but
wrap and tie It securely.
Do not fall to write the name
of the sender cm the outside of
the package.
.Do not send books or other
printed matter, for all printed
matter still goes under third
class rates.
Do not fall to mark the pack
age "Perishable." or 'Fragile,"
If the contents are perishable or
Do not leave the pasckage on
a mall box or anywhere else
except at the post office or
some other place specially des
ignated. Do not forget that an Insur
ance stamp, costing 10 cents,
will insure the contents of the
package up to $50. f
SN FRANCISCO. Sept. 19 Joseph
Migilo sat at the steering wheel of a
loaded five-ton truck when the gear
chains broke while he was descend
ing a steep hill and after the truck
had run wild down the hill, hurled
a street car out of its path and
crashed through the wall o a build
ing he was still in his seat, shaken
but unhurt. The passengers of the
street car, which was partly demodish
ed. were warned in time by the noise
of the runaway truck.
CHICXOO. Sept. 19. Charles
Furthmann, an Investigator In the
state's attorney office, and one of the
men credited with ferreting out the
members of the so-called "arson
trust" has been arrested on a charge
of selling secrets from the office In
which he was employed. He alleged
he Is the victim of a frame-up.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept 19.
Caught In the chain conveyor, draggej j
to within 10 feet of the roaring fur
nace, where mill refuse Is burned,
You can't buy wrong if you
buy of us
Each theibest car in its class
If you are interested in "more
miles per gallon" see us.
PiiiDg&i M
Ask any of our customers
about Pendleton Auto Service
and held there for an hour, until his
cries were heard when the machin
ery was stopped for the noon hour,
v.as the experience of Samuel Bal
rey at the National mill, Hoqulam. He
lost consciousness when he was re
leased from his perilous position. Ont
arm and one leg were broken.
ASTORIA, Ore, Sept. 19. The cir
cuit court grand Jury has returned an
Indictment charging O. C. Hansel,
with murder In the first degree for
shooting the late Judge Frank J. Tay-.
lor last Sunday morning. His trial v.as
set for next Monday, September 22.
District Attorney E. B. Tongue and
flnnOU I nan Applications wanted for farm
lilUnUjf IU LUall loan anywhere in Eastern Or
egon; wheat, alfalfa and dairy land. Time 3 to 5 yeais,
w;h re-payment privileges. 1 do my own inspecting, in
E. O. Buildiusr.
The wonderful tonic and beverage of
Whltbread Is made from the finest barley,
malt and hops to be obtained, and is rec
ommended by the great doctors In Eng
land because It Is matured In bottles in
England and sent direct to America, and
contains only Its natural gas. Whltbread
English Ale or Whltbread Renowned
Ptout .(Malted Extract)' are unlike all
others, being most easily digested ; In fact,
wonderful tonlo for the stomach. For
sleepteeiness, anaemia and for mothers.
Invalids and those In a run-down condition
It la Invaluable. Whltbread Ale or Stout
haa been an Instant relief to thousands of
178 Went itroaUway, New York CttJ.
if -k
Deputy District Attorney Tracey will
represent the state. '
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 19. With
the thermometer registering 79 at
10:30 this morning, the city is enjoy
ing comparatively cool weather after
the terrific heat of Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Reports from all parts of the
state indicate the heat wave is brok
en. Shoo Polish.
If your shoe polish or paste has
hardened, as it does If left uncovered,
put a little kerosene on It and it will
soften and be as good as ever, accord
ing to the Ladies World.
suring no delay. Call or write,
NsihsrlandjAtnercan MortgageBank
Frank K. Atkins, Representative.
Pendleton. Oresron.
These Facts
suffering women. The most temperate
drink Whltbread Ale or 'Whltbread Htout
because they art not only a deltcloua bar
erase, but a tonlo and blood elver. &oe
.-"j iiiumaiunai men oon
th iv.l.tii ttn.l fitr n ...... . . .
J ........ ...... Bva ,t- ...Wiimi UaW lO
overwork. A glass of Whltbread at ntght
time and with the meals tlv-s thai rvatful
sloep. Ito not (xvi t any substitute as
Whltbread Ale or Stout are unlike all
other KnKllsh Ales or Hlout. being triatur.
ed In boltlea. A trial from your l.jraj
d.-nler will convince you of U wondaMul
.ITu.t nf U'klikr..,! 11. u
. ,.. ar . aaav. ft.-, VI DUfVfa a