East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 11, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Canned Goods, mean canned goods of Highest Quality
A Complex Line of
Uwajs Carried in Stock.
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas.
Undefeated Umatilla Athletic Club
Team Taken Into Camp Season
Was Closed With String of Victo
ries. By winning the game with the team
of the Umatilla social and Athletic
club last night, the Pendleton high
school team won the undisputed
championship of eastern Oregon, clos
ing the season with a string of un
broken victories. The score last
night at the end of the contest was
31 to IS but these figures do not in
dicate the fierceness with which the
gym battle was fought from the first
whistle to the last.
The Umatilla boys came here with
a splendid record back of them and
their exhibition last night supplies the
reason for it. They have a good
team, probably the best that has met
the local quintet In the city this sea
son, but like all other teams which
have played here, they could not fath
om the team work or maintain the
fast pace set by the snappy locals.
The boys from the railroad town were
heavy and for this reason the game
throughout was pretty rough and
several bad falls resulted.
Supremacy Admitted.
The vanquished team admits de
feat was administered by a cleverer
bunch of players, but thinks that on
a neutral floor the score would have
been much .closer. Arthur Means,
who played guard with the visitors
and who has Just recently returned
from the University of Oregon, stat
ed after the game that he has seen
all of the Willamette valley academic
teams in action this year and that
Pendleton is superior to any with the
possible exception of Albany, which
holds the western Oregon champion
ship. The game started with a rush and
before a minute had elapsed, Houser
had slipped down from his guard po
sition and dropped the ball in the
basket. Umatilla soon duplicated
this feat and during the greater part
of the half there was but one or two
points difference in the score. To
wards the latter part, however, Boy
len and Chapman got busy and when
the whistle blew the score ended 12
to 6.
Cliff Jordan, who has been sick,
went in at his old position at guard
In the second half and Houser sup
planted Fee at center. With the old
lineup, the team work of the tocal
boys began to show up and before
the final whistle blew, eight baskets
and two fouls had been scored while
the Umatlllans could only annex two
I will be in the following cit
ies fr th pui-ji'B of fitting
Monday and Tuesday, March
1ZO, aiv) a,. At Echo hotel.
WedMftday tuUl Ttiurvlay, Mar.
l&th and (. Orgon hotel.
PrVJj swj Saturday, March
JVfc JH,, KutflTM hotel.
Dale Rothwell
jj ta. Hiumrxu, THE
baskets and three fouls In this time.
Following is the lineup of the two
Umatilla. Pendleton,
Hindman f Boylen
McXurlen f Chapma
O'Connell c Fee, Houser
Means B A. Jordan
Sh;w g Houser, C. Jordan
Individual points Boylen 13, Chap
man 10, Houser 8, Hindman 6, Means
5, McXurlen 1.
Referee, Whistler. Umpire, Sturdl
vant. scorer, McXurlen.
Broken Aeronautical Records Becom
ing Matter of Daily Routine.
Reports of further astounding
achievements in aeronautics are now
become nearly routine stories In the
record of the world's news. Abroad,
the general public has progressed to
terms of intimacy with the flyine ma
chine that are difficult as yet to ap-
preiate in America. In France there
was held recently a convention to
consider the codification of special
laws to govern the use of the air.
Some of the most prominent bar
risters of Europe were present at that
meeting and the possibilities of the
use of the aeroplane by criminals, its
use in time of war, and the need of
precise determination of claims In
civil suits in cases of trespass and
damage were discussed as present ana
every day occurrences.
The latest intrusion of the aero
plane comes from England. In the
regular service of the Church of Eng
land and in the Protestant Episcopal
Church of America, there are prayers
especially read in behalf of persons In
peril. One of these is for persons in
danger through travel by land or sea.
The heads of the Church of England
have now under consideration the au
visability of adding to this prayer thf
words, "and in the air."
This question has been placed un
officially before the Episcopal cler
of this country- It is argued that ac
cidents to aviators have now become
so frequent that this contingency
should receive regular recognition In
the prayers of the church.
Scientific Information No Help, Says
Senator Hejburn of Idaho.
The way to find gold is not to take
aboard an assortment of scientific in
formation but to acquire a pick and
shovel, a hammer, a magnifying glass
and a pack mule and strike into the
hills. This bit of wisdom comes from
Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, who
halls from the Coeur d'Alene gold re
gion of his state and has long been
the attorney of big mining compan
ies. "No scientific study," says Hey
burn, "can aid a man in finding a
mine. .No geologist ever discovered
a mine that ever I heard of. There
Is not a mine of value in the United
States today that was ever discovered
by a geologist or by any person act
ing upon scientific principles. Our
mines have been discovered by a class
jf men, pioneers as a rule, who ex
ercised their own common sense and
the Judgment of the hour, who never
read a scientific work relating to the
subject. The Comstock mine was dis
covered by a poor, broken prospector,
who would probably have starved to
death before he got out of the coun
try had he not found the mine.
"The oil wells of Pennsylvania are
an excellent example of the utter fail
ure and Impracticability of leaving
this to the scientists. Of course it
was first discovered upon the sur
face of the river. The Indians used to
pick It up on their blankets and
wring the blankets out and sell it
for oil for medicinal purposes."
The bean crop of Korea Is reported
as remarkably good the past season,
the exports of the article to Japan up
to the end of Xovember having been
valued at J2.3S5.817. The total ex
ports for the year are expected to
reach at least 12,500,000.
Florida and California oranges
were exported last year to the extent
of 2,229 boxes, worth 12,445,659.
Read the want ads today.
We'll Crumble
Your Doubts
If you are undecided as to whepe to
end your suit, overcoat or dress to
have It cleaned and pressed the beat,
all we ask Is to try us once we'll
crumble your doubts and give you a
Job that will be sure. to please. With
modern methods and expert help, we
are able to guarantee satisfaction.
Pendleton Dye Works
Phone Main 111.
101 1-1 B. Alt.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
rVurth I'nlt Notice,
An official notice regarding the op
ening of the fourth unit upon the
I'matllla Irrigation project has been
received and is published elsewhere
In this Issue of the East Oregonlan,
All Out for Baseball.
Manager Xelson has Issued a call
for first practice tomorrow afternoon
on the high school grounds and all
aspirants for the honor of represent
ing Pendleton on the diamond this
year are notified to appear to limber
up their ligaments.
Talented Soloist in City.
E. X. Strong, who with his wife Is
making his temporary home at the
Hotel Pendleton, Is said to be a tenor
soloist of rare ability. Local music
lovers will have a chance to hear him
tomorrow morning and again In the
evening at the Church of the Redeem
er. Box Car Robbers in Court.
Charles Foots and Albert Thomp
son, the two men arrested at Hunt
ington charged with breaking Into a
boxcar at Umatilla, are being tried
today and indications are that they
will be found guilty late this after
noon. Their defense is woefully
Oregon Feed Yard is Leased.
C. P. Burnett, who has conducted
the Oregon Feed Yards on West Webb
street for some time past, has leased
the barns and stables to Roy Bow
man and Fred Windsor, two well
known young men of the city who
should make a success of their man
Aped Felirie Passes Away.
Frank Dickson, the young son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dickson, is mourn
ing the death of the big Maltese cat
which has belonged to the family for
sixteen years. The animal was In-
tered carefully by the boy, whose
pet it has been since his boyhood
Succeeds Pr. Waffle.
Dr. Marion Jones, recently of the
house staff of St. Vincent's hospital.
Portland, has been appointed to suc
ceed Dr. E. B. Waffle of this city to
take charge of the medical depart
ment of the Twohy Bros, company.
Dr. Waffle having resigned his posi
tion. Dr. Jones will be stationed tem
porarily at Brandon Spur, a new town
at the mouth of the John Day river.
Warning to Taximyers.
Taxpayers in this county have but
three more days in which to pay their
taxes and receive the three per cent
discount to which they are entitled if
hey pay up by March 15. After that
they will have fifteen days in which
they can pay without receiving any
discount or paying any Interest but
after the first Monday in April, all
delinquents will have ten per cent in
terest added to their taxes.
Revolution Ordered by Ronndup.
fc,ditor Addison Bennett of The
Dalles Optimist, says: "Do not wor
ry about that 'revolution' down m
Meico. It is all a hoax, a Joke. The
managers of the Pendleton Roundup
are behind It all. They have an emis
sary down there who Is rehearsing
these little scraps so that the federals
and Insurrectos will be letter-perfect
when they stage a real Mexican bat
tle at the Roundup In Pendleton the
coming September. Slick move of
the Roundup people."
High School, Athletic Carnival.
Now that basketball has made its
exit at the local high school, atten
tion to things athletic Is being turned
to a big athletic carnrval which is
scheduled for the 17th of this month
Class rivalry Is intense and some ex
citing events In wrestling and boxing
are promised. Many of the boys of
the school are turning out each day
to prepare for this supreme test of
superiority and Manager Devine is
personally superintending the prep
aration of these embryo Gotches and
Dies of Heart Failure.
Mrs. A. J. Flynn passed away at
8:40 Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Hales, 612 Thompson street,
death being due to heart failure and
resulting after only a short Illness.
Deceased was 32 years old at the time
of death and had only been in the
city two months, having been brought
here for her health from her home at
Brogan in Malheur county by her hus
band who was at her bedside when
she expired. She leaves four sisters
all of whom live In "other states and
a father who Is in California.
The funeral will be held from the
Baker undertaking parlors at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning, being de
ferred until that time to await the
arrival of relatives.
Roberte-PoHt Wedding.
At the Methodist Episcopal par
sonage John E. Roberts and Miss
Bertha E. Post were united in mar
riage by Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor
of the Methodist church. The cere
mony was witnessed by a few friends
of the young couple and immediately
after the same a wedding luncheon
was served at the French restaurant.
Mr. Roberts Is a prosperous farmer
who has been living seven miles out
from the city, but will henceforth be
in the Cold Springs country. The
bride formerly taught school in this
"Tlie Hub" Is New Store.
With C. O. Goserud, an energetic
and experienced store man, as man
ager, "The Hub," a store handling
ladies', gents' and children's shoes
and men's clothing and furnishing
goods Is now preparing to open In
the room Just north of the Taylor
Hardware company's store on'Maln
street. "The Hub" will be owned by
C, J. Breler of Lewlston who already
has four similar stores in the north
west These stores are located at
Lewlston, Spokane, Moscow and Col-
fax. Pendleton makes the fifth
town where Mr. Breler will have an
establishment. According to Mana
ger Goserud, "The Hub" will handle
sample goods and bankrupt stocks
and appeal especially to the medium
class trade. Goods for the store are
now arriving and Mr. Goserud ex
pects to be open for business by
March IS.
Telephone Men Meet.
Representatives of six farmers' tel
ephone lines met In Pendleton this
afternoon and made preliminary ar
rangements for the formation of an
organisation to Include the 14 farm
ers' lines of the county. W. W. Har
rah was made chairman and Adam
Ruppe, secretary of today's meeting.
A second meeting will be held here
two weeks from today at which a
committee will be appointed to make
an investigation and take steps tow
ard the formation of the organisation.
The purpose of organizing the differ
ent lines Into one body Is to put them
into a position where they can better
deal with the Pacific Telephone com
pany In the matter of rates and ser
vice. Sues for Divorce,
S. D. eteraon, the Milton attor
ney, today filed a suit for divorce In
which D. S. Conrad is the plaintiff
and Minnie Conrad the defendant. In
the complaint Conrad alleges that he
was married to the defendant In No
vember, 1903, and that within a year
from that time, his wife began a
course of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. Specifically he alleges that
frequently she called him vile and
abusive names, threw his clothes out
of his house and ordered him away
from his home, all of which made life
burdensome and unbearable to him.
Junior Basketball Game Tonight.
A basketball game which Is creat
ing no little amount of excitement In
junior circles is the one which a
scheduled to be played at the armory
this evening, beginning at 7:15 -between
the five from the Company L
Cadets and the quintet from the
Episcopal Sunday school. The line-up
of the teams will be as follows: Cadets
Daley, center; Menser and Fowler, for
wards; Ulrick and Russet, guards.
Kpiscopnls. Brock, center; Selbert and
Hamley, forwards; Colesworthy and
Greullch, guards; Heyden, Robinson,
Boylen and Carney, subs.
Indiana in Police Court.
Two well known Indian offenders,
Charles Switzler and William Jones,
were haled Into police court this
morning on a charge of drunkenness.
The former drew eight days in Jail
while the latter paid a fine of five
Sues for Money Due.
I'. C. Xelson, through his attornevs.
Raley & Raley, has commenced suit
against P. C. Adams for $109.41 which
he alleges to be due for labor.
One Marriage License.
A marriage license was Issued to
day to John E. Roberts and Bertha
E. Post, both residents of this coun
ty. F
After having won wealth by their
twenty years of labor in the new world
several Umatilla county farmers with
their families, are now enroute to
their fatherland to visit the scenes of
their youth and to tell friends and
relatives from whom they took fare
well almost a quarter of a century ago
of the wonders of the West and of
the opportunities offered to the thrif
ty emigrant. The party of Germans
consists of Herman Rohlke and fam
ily, August Kupers and family, Carl
Marsh man and John Ritte compris
ing In all fourteen persons. The Btart
was made last Thursday evening and
on the 16th, the party Intends to em
bark at New York for Hamburg, Ger
many, and will spend the next four
months in touring Europe.
The elders of the party all left their
native land twenty years ago to seek
their fortunes In America and eventu.
ally they came to Umatilla county
where the soil and climate offered a
big reward to thrift and Industry.
Each has succeeded to the extent that
they are now Independent, and are
able to take a deserved vacation and
pleasure trip to the land they have
not seen for so long. Mr. Kupers In
tends bringing his father and Mrs
Kupers her mother back to Oregon
on their return.
The district about Nannlng in the
Province of Kwangsl Is reported as
having had an unusually prosperous
year. The trade of that portion of
China with Hongkong and the world
through Hongkong la rapidly Increas
ing. Your Entire Family Will Enjoy
The Cosy
Only theatre in Pendleton with
modern convlences. Change
of program Sunday, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Baseball In Bloomers.
Roosevelt In Messina.
The Tramp Shows a (Jood Heart
Returned to the Fold,
Was She Justified.
Illustrated Song: "I Wish I Had
a Girl."
Admission 10c
Children 6c
Winter Forgotten
Old Jack Frost and Winter have been
relegated to the past at this store all
thoughts now are of spring
Our entire store Is a busy scene of rearranging, displaying spring
goods and preparing for the coming season, which we expect to
eclipse all our past season's records.
During our great sale, just closed, we succeeded In cleaning out all '
the old stock and are now showing nothing but the very latest all
new goods.
Be New Boston Store
Let trumpets blare and torches
flare and the voices of the people be
raised in acclaim, for he Is come,
Grubbs, the prince of modern min
strelsy, the epoch-making entertainer
with headquarters In Chicago, but
with a dominion limited oniv bv the
confines of civilization. Through
long years he has devoted his ener
gies ad consecrated his life Itself to
the noble cause of making a multi
tude shake with mirth, for he la a
believer In the old adage which sars
that he who produces a laugh in the
system of one of earth's creatures Is
greater than he who conquers- an em
pire or forms a trust, and his fame
In this distinctive line has been grow
ing, swelling and broadening utntll
now it Is bounded on the north only
by the aurora borealls and the rec
ords of Dr. Cook, on the east by the
full glory of the rising sun, on the
south by the one remaining hone of
hardy explorers, on the west by In
finity, aoove by the great blue arch
or heaven and below by the shades
of the river Styx.
Thus comes he to Pendleton, the
city of golden wheat and still more
golden opportunity, attracted here by
the local order of Elks to assist them
In the making of a show which will
startle the natives from their dreams
of Elyslan bliss Into the reality of a
supernno earthly enjoyment. The
initial step was taken last night when
Grubbs, fresh from Billings. Mont,
wnerc ne scored a success that was
a revelation to the residents of tnat
town, met with a large number of
local betrousered talent and instruct
ed them In the first art of stirring
the seat of laughter in an audience.
The next meeting will be held tonight
and on the 18 and 17 of the month
a minstrel show such as has never
been staged by amateur or profession
al troupes In this city, will be dlsaed
up to the Pendleton lovers of things
Your Doctor Is Honest
Honest in his knowledge of diagnosis and treatment.
Honest in his endeavors for his patients' benefit.
We put his medicines together in
the most scientific way, under
the best and safest conditions ..
Your doctor'and;your druggist guard your health
"We are in business
for your good health."
to Loan at 5 Per Cent.
Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental
money pay for your home.
Call or write for particulars.
J. II. Dolanoy, Agt., buX4,7
Umatilla County, Oregon
I have a long list of wheat lands, Btock ranches, and di
versified farms.
I have resided in the county 26 years, know values, and
enn show you some pood bargains.
The full cast has not yet been se
cured but when It Is said that such
well known Jokes as Jack Watson.
Roy Buchanan, Marshall Spell, Jack
Keefe, J. M. Scrable. Clarence Mohler,
Dick Mayberry and Sam Rosenberg
are to be seen on the end of the min
strel row, some Indication can be had
of the array of talent that will shine
before the footlights. And then It !
whispered that Grubbs will drill Judge
Fits Gerald and George Darveau In
a tight rope cake walk. The plump
figure of the latter to be encased in
a hobble skirt. Such a feature would
In itself bo worth the expenditure of
several big flat and shining kopecs.
A certain young man of great gump
tion 'Mongst cannibals had the presump
tion To go; but alack!
He never came back
They say 'twas a case of consump
tion. A dentist who lives In Duluth
Has married a widow named Ruth,
Who is so sentimental
Concerning things dental
She calls him her dear second twoth.
A man who loved fishing, named
Took care In preparing his bait.
When the fish gave a tug
He would pull on the Jug.
And the thing that he caught was a
There was a grass widow quite proper
Who was formerly married to Hopper,
But he got a divorce
As a matter of course
The grass widow Is now a grass Hop
per. Said a youth who had stayed late In
As his bedpost he grasped with a
"The banister's here.
But is It not queer (
Some ass had to take the starrs
downT" C. J. McCotter.
Temple Dig