East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    - Jszm - - - -- -
Fair and warmer to
night and Tuesday.
Calling cards, wd
ding stationery, com
mercial stationery and
Job printing to order
at the East Oregonlan.
NO 6957
VOL. 23.
Unable to Clear up Mystery
ot 9ody Found in Crtppen
Doctors Unnlilo to Testify That Body
la That of a Woman, Much Less
Thut of Mrs. Crippen Inquest Is
Positioned for a Montli Detectives
Trying to Find Fugitive Dentist
Many Persons Visit Crippen House
Where Budy Was Found.
London, July 18. The mutilated
and eaten body, supposed to be of Mrs.
Crippen, was burled in a pauper's
grave today unidentified. The great
Islington murder mystery is now deep
er still. Doctors testified they can
not tell whether the skeleton Is that
or a woman, much less that of Mrs.
Crippen. The Inquest- has been post
poned a month to give Scotland
Tard time to unearth evidence Jhat
the woman Is dead and find Doctor
Hawley Crippen, the American den
tist, suspected of the crime. Every
steamer In New York Is being search
ed at New York for him.
The coroner heard the testimony of
detectives and physicians today. Dr.
Marshall and the government physici
an testified there is no proof of mur
der, owing to the bad decomposition
of the body... The police admit the
strongest link In the evidence are the
disappearance of Crippon and his wife,
the conflicting statements and letters
of which Crippon wrote after his wife
had dropped from sight.
The Hilldrop Crescent res:4lonce of
Dr. Crippen. In the cellar of which
the mutilated body of the woman was
found last week, was visited yesterday
by thousands of Londoners. All day
long the house was the center of at
traction fur great crowds of the erul
oua Interested In the digging oper
ations of the police, which have been
renewed In the hope of finding some
further clue to the crime.
During the latter part of the week
there has been a remarkable series of
murders In London, Newcastle and
Cromer, and In every case the mur
derer has escaped. According to the
published statement of her married
sister, Ethel Lenove, who Is believed
to have been Dr. Crlppen's compan
ion when he disappeared from his
home, In a hurried visit to h-r on
July 9. professed the greatest anxi
ety over the possibility that she was
not Crlppen's legal wife.
After the announcement of the
death of Belle Elmore, Dr. Crippen
introduced the Ijenovo woman as his
wife, although there had born no proof
forthcoming so fur that a marrlge
took place. The sister says Crippen
Informed Ethel Loneve that he had
Just discovered that Belle Elmore was
still living ami that he proposed to
go to America to clear up the matter.
SI en mors Senrctiert.
New York, July 17 Three In
bound steamers from British ports
were searched for Dr. Harvey Haw
ley Crippen today the Cedrlc from
Liverpool and Qucenstown, the Co
lumbia nnd Glasgow, and tho Cleve
land from Hamburg, Southampton
and Cherbourg but on none of them
was there a trace of tho man for
whom the police or the world are
Throe detectives and rriends of Belle
Elmore, the doctor's missing wife,
scrutinized every passenger. Al
though they were disappointed once
more, tlioy still have hopes of Inter
ception the doctor hero.
Racer Injured,
Long Beach, Cal., July 17. A B.
Chubbie, a motorcycle 'racer, was
speeding at 50 miles an hour on the
strand here today when the, mud guard
of the machine caught in the spokes
of the front wheel and hurled the
rider over the handlebars. Chubble's
skull was fractured ami he probably
will die.
Rain u Wyoming.
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 17. Reports
from the dry farming country be
tween Cheyenne and the Nebraska
state line say that the heaviest rain
of tho season fell last night and early
today, insuring maturity of crops
threatened by prolonged dry weather.
New York, July 18. Ferdinand
Earle, the artist of affinity fame
announced his retirement from
the affinity business today.
"Personally I rather like the
affinity game," snld Enrl. He
snya he wont try any more be
cause he wants to shield his
mother from notoriety.
San Francisco, July 18. It Is be
lieved that the Insurgent cause In
California will be given a big boost
when Plnchot, Roosevelt's close friend
speaks here tomorrow night. While
the formal subject of h!.s address is
not announced It Is believed the slo
gan 'Teopie vs. the Insurgents" will
be tho keynote ef his speech. Pinchot
will support Hiram Johnson, the pro
gressive candidate for governor 'and
William Kent, in the second congres
sional district. Kent Is running against
Representative McKlnley.
Piittlor Deposed.
La Porte, Ind., July 17. The of
ficial board of the First Christian
church has announced that it had de
posed Rev. J. J. Cole from the pasto
rate and that he would not be per
mitted to preach tomorrow for the
alleged reason that he swam In the
lake on Sunday and tnat he drank
some whisky on the order of a phy
sician and that he had been seen at
the theater.
Mr. Cole In a public reply does not
deny the allegations but says he of
fended the members of the board by
not appearing In evening dress at a
church reception.
, Roosevelt to Church,
Oyster Bay, July 17. Colonel
Roosevelt went to church today. Mrs.
Roosevelt and Archie were with him.
This week Is to be a quiet one at
Sagamore Hill. Colonel Roosevelt
hopes to put In most of the time writ
ing speeches for his western trip. The
only Interruption now on the program
are his visits to his editorial office in
New York on Tuesday and Friday.
Fires Again Threatening.
Calgary, Alb., July 17. The com
mittee of Independents organized to
arrange a state convention for the
nomination of candidates In opposi
tion to the republican and democratic
state tickets, today made public a for
mal call for a convention to be held In
this city on July 28.
A. I. Dnvls in PondMnn on Route to
IlcrniUtoii on Official Visit Stutos
Ills Department Has Completed
Work of Invcligntlnn.
The west extension of trie Umatil
la project In this county Is up to Sec
retary of the Interior Ballinger. ac
cording to A. P. Davis, chief engineer
I i the reclamation service today, who
Is in the city this' afternoon on bis
way to Hermiston for an official visit
to the present project. He came in
from the East on No. 7 nnd will go
on to Hermiston on the motor car
this afternoon. After an Inspection
of the Umatilla project he will go on
to Klamath.
By stating that the proposed exten
sion of the project is now up to the
secretary of tho Interior, Mr. Davis
meant that his department has com
pleted Its work of Investigation and
has reported Its findings to the secre
tary, that the money for the work is
available and that all that remains
t.i be done Is for the Secretary of the
Interior to order the work to com
mence nnd the extension will be un
dertaken. 'It will he remembered that the gov
ernment engineers made their Investi
gation of the proposed extension sev
eral months nco nnd that they report
ed the project as entirely feasible.
Davis Is making an official tour of
all the projects in the west nnd as n
result of long find constant exposure
to the sun's rays bis face Is wearing a
tan that rightly belongs to a harvest
Xew York. The authorities declare
the suicide of the stranger wki .tump
ed from the Brooklyn tower of the
Williamsburg bridge to tho roadway
20(1 feet below wns the coolest ex
hibition in the history of New York's
"bridge" suicides.
Some minutes before bis leap the
strnnger accosted a passerby at tho
bridge entrance. He rolled a ciear
ctto and gave the mnn one. After
studying the race track news of a
sporting extra, he handed the paper to
tho man, remarking Indifferently on
the outcome of a race. Then without
a word he climbed the tower and
leaped. Tt Is believed tho suicide hnd
been disappointed In love.
Washington, July 18. The light
house board Is no different today than
it was before congress adopted the
lnw providing for reorganization of
the bonrd on a civilian bnsls. Unless
some way Is discovered to pay civil
ian Inspectors, it Is asserted the board
will continue to opernto on a purely
nilUtary-naval basis. A Joker It Is
said, was found In the bill. Although
the Inspectors are provided for, noth
ing is said about pay.
President 'Intimates He Will
Not Mix in State Pol
Chief Executive of U. S. Decides He
Has Enough to Ro to Steer the Re
publican Hark Through Waters of
National Polities Listens to Ellis,
Dick and Burton But That is All
Boards Yuclit for Cruise Along
Coast. .
Beverly, July IS. President
Taft, aboard the Mayflower,
sailed at 3 o'clock this after-
noon. There are 13 In the presl-
dentlal party, mostly members of
the family. .
Besides the president the
party includes Mrs. Taft, his
brother Charlie, Horace Taft,
Professor Louis Moore, Mrs.
Moore, Secretary Morton, Beck-
man, Wlnthrop, Mrs. Wlnthrop,
Captain Butt, Stenographer
Webster and Jim Sloan of the
secret service.
Beverly, July IS. Politicians who
want endorsements to state platforms
or candidates. for state office, may as
well stay at home. President Taft .
haa Intimated strongly that he, as first three months the new company
head of the republican party, has. paid a dividend of approximately
enough to d in national politics with- j eighteen percent of the preferred
out mixing in state squabbles. Wade j stock. "Since the organization of the
Ellis today arrived with the Ohio state company there has been a rapid in
platt'orm, but the president would not , crease in price of every rubber pro
play with it. He has made it clear j duet," said Bristow.
that politicians must settle their own i ,,
Taft took a farewell turn at golf
with John Hays Hammond today audi
this afternoon boards the yacht May- - . .
flower for a iruise along the New! Philadelpnia. jury Is. Though
England coast. He will touch a num. i both are hopeful that an agrt-e-ber
of pons and deliver addresses, j ,n",u w 11 he reached between train
Jost before leaving the president went I n,on aml conductors and tho Pennsyl
over the Ohio situation with Wadeivan,a roa,V Gnnl Manager Meyers
Ellis and Sinn tors Dick and Burton, j '"'' today the strike can not be
although luiad deJcided not to Inter-iavn!'lpl1 lf the conference fails. El
fere with state politics. His first stop -'"'rate preparations are being made
may be Eastport. Maine. Julv 19, . f''r the conference. The best men
l'nngnr. Main.' , July 25. nnd Rook-, of the. r , am unionists will he
land Julv "9 'present and the whole situation will
' j bo gone over.
London. A nost for s, den.l man .
wa a strange feature of King George's
t list of hou-seh.dd appointments.
In tho official "London Gazette," I '"g to the largo damage done by yos
which contain. .1 numerous paid nnd terdny's cloudburst. So far as re
honorary appointments at court, ap-i ported, there was no loss of life today,
peared the name of the very Rev. J though many prcsons were Mjured.
Professor A. H. Charter!, D. D. LL. j ear Paris. Ky.. a colt of lightning
P.. who was named for the post of struck n church and a dozen worship
chaplnin in ordinary to the king in l1,,rs wfro stunned.
Scotland. -
Later on a letter to tho Times ro- Miners Coin cue.
v( aled the fact that Dr. Charteris die 1 Denver, July 18. Delegates repre
ln 19S. Tho blame lies with some- senting seventy thousand Western
one In the . king's secretary's depart- ' Federation miners, met in annual con
ment. who drew up the list of np- . volition lu re today. It is not expect
pointmetits without verifying the ex- od that any strife will be developed
istrinv of th "in concerned. as things have been quiet miring the
past year. President Moyer Is ejt-
Daniel Glasscock Dead. : Pected to decline another term on
Morgantown, W. Va., July IT. account of in health.
Daniel Glascock, eighty-two years j I
old and father of Governor Glass-: Clouiiburst Reported,
cock, di. d nt l-.s home in this city to-j Cripple Creek. Colo.. July IT. Mon
day . llesid. c Governor Glasscock, ger advices received from Divide, Col
two other sons. Fuller of this city, orado. report a cloud burst there to
nnd S. A. D. Glasscock of Rolllngham. ( day which carried away several bridg
Wash.. also survive him. o nnd did much damage to crops.
Pendleton's first serious automobile
accident occurred on East Court
street, about 9:30 last evening, when
a machine driven by Parr Phelps ran
into the rear of a buggy containing
Mrs. Maud Campbell and the Misses
Francis and Vena Snvth. daughters
of Conductor .Tack Sm'th The oc
cupant of tho buggy were thrown to
the street. Mrs. Campbell sustaining
a broken wrist and the younger Smith
girl being severely bruised about the
shoulder nnd elbow. The occupants
were Immediately picked up and ta
ken to the offices of physicians whore
thol rin.iurlos were attended to and
nil nro rapidly recovering from the ef
fects of tho accident. Mrs. Camp
bell was the most seriously injured a
the bones of her left wrist were crush
ed. The manner of the accident Is some
what of a mystery and Is not alto
gether explainable. Mrs. Campbell
Speaker Cannon Declares He
Will Reply to Lie Circulated
by Senator Bristow,
Czar of House Wllr Address Chautau
qua at Einioria, Kansas Today
Says Bristow Spread Lies About
Senate Ruler Bristow Charges Al
drich Manipulated Tariff so it
Would Add to Ills Own Personal
Profit In Rubber,
Emporia, Kans., July 18. "Why
shouldn't I have been overcime in
Winfeld. It was hot as hell." apolo
getically explained Speaker Cannon
today in referring to Saturday when
the heat got the better of him while
speaking at the Chautauqua. Cannon
speaks here this afternoon at the
Chautauqua. He said he would reply
to "Senator Bristow's He about Sen
ator Aldrich's connection with the
I organization of the rubber trust." Af
ter a conference with Roosevelt, Bris
tow charged Aldrich allowed crude
rubber to remain on the tariff free
list, but increased the duty on refined
rubber 36 per cent. Bristow then
charged Aldrich with Guggenheim
and Ryan formed un Inter-continental
rubber company with a capital, of
forty million dollars.
Bristow also charges that Aldrich's
sen became vice president of the con
cern. The price of rubber goods in
creased. Bristow said, and during the
Light iiinu; Strikes Church.
Cincinnati, Julv 17. Torrential
r''"s visited a largo section of
southern Ohb
northern Kentucky
n"u southwestern Indiana today, add-
and companions were driving down
East Court street and were keeping
near the sidewalk when the auto
struck them. At that time they were
near the intersection of Court and .Vi
ta streets. According to CounoU'u.in
I Ell, who was an occupant of the car
1 with Mr. rhelps, it was a case of too
I much light, rather than not enough.
: He says they had their own lights
i burning but that they were blinded by
: the glare of tho street light and did
not see tho buggy until they were up
on it He says rhelps brought tho
nr to a stop ns soon as possible but
ihnt they did not have time to avoid
the collision.
Relieved of its driver the horse pro
ceeded to run away, making the trip
'o the hnrn in safety. One wheel of
'he busgy was badly smashed up but
. thorwlse the vehicle was not badly
injured. The auto escaped with a
j broken headlight.
Wallace, Ida., July 18. One man
Is insane, a dozen settlers are home
less .tens of thousands of dollars
worth of timber is destroyed, mining
companies' mills are threatened and
one !s burned by a forest fire that is
sve,.pirig the Coeur d'Alene mining
district on Pine creek today. One
hundred and fifty men fought the
blaze last night. At midnight over
three square miles were in ashes and
the flames were racing toward Kel
logg Peak. The Delnatla Mining com
pany's structures are already burned.
It is reported that Nabob, Highland
Chief and Little Pittsburg mines are
in the path of the racing flames. Ev
ery available man in Kellogg and
Wallace has been called out to fight.
The fire started from a camp fire yes
terday. This is the second fire In
this district this year.
Malott, Wash. Jumping into the
Okanogan river without shedding his
clothes, Austin Warnick prevented a
near tragedy Sunday, rescuing George
J. Stewart, manager of the local
townsite, who had slid off a sandbar
into the water beyond his depth. The
victim had sunk the third time, but
fortunately had not taken in a great
dial of water, and was fighting his
way under the surface when brought
to the air by young Warnick. Other
witnesses were not aware that Stewart
could not swim.
San Francisco, Cal., July 18.- Felix
Diaz, chief of police of Mexico City,
stopped here today enroute home af
ter seeing the Reno fight. He denied
that he had been ousted as chief of
police. He is a nephew of President
Diaz, and also denied he had any dis
agreement with his uncle or conspir
ed against him as reported.
Would Make One Representative to
Every 2J0.000 People Such Ar
rangement Would Benefit Xew
England "Machine" Would Curtail
Po or of South,
Washington, July IS. That a new
apportionment for congressional rep
resentation is being planned bv re
publican leaders became known here I
today. The plan is to prevent a great
increase in representation rrom tho
southern states which it is feared
would eiltl.'inirer the "V.n,.cp nl:, ,.v,
It Is predicted the membership of the '
house under the new apportionment
would not bo more than 410 as against
the present membership of 3S6. It
is expected the new apportionment
may be one representative to every
220. 000 people. Now it is one for
every 194 1S2. From figures already
given out by the census bureau it is
estimated the population in the south
of 29.0nn,ooo would give the south
two more congressmen Republi
cans it is said, are planning to give
the benefit of reapportionment to
New England.
London, July IS. A novel cure for
lupus and birthmarks is being used
at a London hospital, the curative!
agent being carbonic acid gas in the j
inrni ot a tuow iuu degrees below ze
ro. The "snow" is gathered on a piece
of green baize from a cylinder of gas
liquefied under pressure. It is then
scraped ul'f and placed in a small hard
rubber cylinder, where it is pressed
down until it forms a hard icy button.
This button is applied to the disfig
urement for -0 seconds a day, leav
ing each day a perfectly white patch
of frozen tissue,
Tiio intense cold friezes the part
for a second or two und severe local
inflammation follows, lead ng to a
breaking down and absorption of the
an normal tissuvi. This heals in the
natural .,y UaMug the skin sur
t'.ie pr.e i u ally in Tn:ul.
Women I iitorv iouod.
New York, July 18. The limrs
(.'Ilcio .iti, .: -o;. i ,e,c , arch
ed upon arrival today by the police
anj newspapermen tor Dr. Crippon,
tlie suspecttd murderer. Many believed
he in g. .1. sga.se himself us a wo
man and therefore every woman
aboard was interviewed.
105 In Texas.
Fori Worth. Texas, July 17. The
temperature registered IOC degrees at
11 oV.ock io.l.ij. m.ik tig this the hot
test day of the year In Forth Worth.
The hot winds have done great dam
age to crops.
Bloody Riots Prevail Through
out Kingdom, Martial Law
May be Declared.
Reports From all Cities of Southern
Kingdom Indicate Situation Is Seri
ous All Dispatches are Censured
Known There Has Been Fighting
in Several Cities One Faction
Wants Curtailment of Power of
Church, Another Wants Republic.
San Sebastian, Spain, July 18.
Bloody riots in which both the police
and rioters are suffering, swept Spain
yesterday and today. All dispatcher
are being censured. Border line In
formation says another revolution la
impending unless troops overcome the
riots soon. The secret service Is
making a concerted action for one of
the greatest strikes. In Barcelona,
Bilbao, Santanner and Saragossa
strikes have been declared. Work
men have quit work, tlelng up busi
ness. So great is the danger that
troops have been centered In cities to
stem the tide. The general opinion
la that Spain is aflame with revolt,
and that the cabinet and king are
ready to proclaim, martial law nd
suspend the constitution temporarily.
San Sebastian is near the French
border and has been ma'Oe the revo
lutionist headquarters according to
reports. Barcelona is reported quiet
today. General Weylies and his troop
are there.- Fighting Is roported In a
number of districts. The people are
demanding a curtailment of the power
of the church In politics while the
republican party wants the abolish
ment of the kingdom and the creation
of a representative body elected by
the people.
Veteran Is Dead.
Winnipeg, Man., July 17. Bob
Simmons, a veteran American driver
dropped dead Saturday evening after
driving Beulah R. to victory at Exhl- '
bition track. He was 56 years old and
43 years was a driver. Simmons was
well known in Montana and other
western states.
Louisiana Congressman Dies.
Xew Orleans. July IS. Represen
tative Samuel Gilmore. democrat, died
at his home here today after a lin
gering Illness. He took a prominent
part in southern politics. He was a
native of New Orleans. Before going
to congress he was city attorney for
13 years.
Committee Make Call.
Philadelphia, July 17 The com
mittee of independents organized to
arrange a state convention for the
nomination of candiaates in opposition
to the republican and "democratic
state tickets, today made public a
formal call for a convention to be
held in this city on July 23
New Era, Or. The spiritualist
camp meeting opened here last Sun
day with a large attendance of lead
ers in the movement from Oregon,
Washington and California. W. O.
Hodge, of San Diego, delivered the
first address. Befere every meti ng
throughout the week a short oj.n
air concert has been enjoyed, given
by Mr. and Mrs A. F. Robinson of
Eugene, and Mrs. Boyle of Hood R v.
er. On Sunday several of the leading
lecturers will speak, and this will be
rollowed by tests and messages.
Larue School Clerk Bond.
The largest bond of a Umatilla
county school clerk was riled wtlh
Superintendent Welles Saturday. It
w ns tor oil') and wns for Ralph A.
Holte, clerk of the Stanfiebi district
The sureties are Henrv W. Coe and
R. N. Stanfiold. The building of the
new school house at Stanfield is re
sponsible for the size of the bond.
D. C. Brownell Is up from Umatilla
today for tho transaction of bu!r-.e.
I Poitland. July IS Tins city
Is In festive att ro today in hon-
; or of the nrr vnl of dele-
; gates to the national con-
j vention of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians which convenes
tomorrow nnd cont.nues till Sat-
urday. Ton thousand visitors
nro expected and every train
brings delegates. Chif among
the arrivals today was the New
England and eastern Canada
special with fifteen hundred
men and women aboard.