East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1908, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rnbllihed Dally. Wekly end Beml Wcckly,
at lVndiMon. Oregon, b the
Pal:, one yr, by mall $5 00
Oally. til lu.xithn. by mall 2.50
Dally, three months, bj mall 1.2.1
Pally, one month, by mull 50
tally, ooe year, by carrier T.RO
Oal'.y, ii montha. by carrier 875
Itaiiy. three montha. by carrier 1.95
IMIly. one month, by carrier 65
Weekly, one esr, by mail 1.50
Wee 7. alt montha, by mall 75
Weekly, four montha. by mall 50
Heml Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
eml Weekly, six months, by mall... .75
Beml Weekly, four montha. by mall.. .60
Tbe Dally F.aat Oregonlan la kept on aala
t the Orecon Xewa Co.. 147 8th tract,
Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, 909 Security building.
Waahlngton, O. C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth atreet. N". W.
Member United Preas Aaaoclatlon.
Telephone Mala 1
Entered at the poatofflce at rendletoo,
Oregon, aa aecood claju mall matter.
Open sky and open set.
Wind across the bay;
Now my love comes back to me,
Shall I say tiim nay?
WhitecMpa breaking at the
He comes oversea,
From the maids of half the
Turning back to me.
Spring and sun and salty wind,
Bird and bursting spray;
"Sweetheart, sweetheart:" "O
my love,
Tea, yea, yra!"
Sara H. Blrchall.
rne city council of Pendleton Is
going to handle the question of gam
Diing without gloves. The council Is
going to take gambling by the throat
with the steel claws of law enforce
The announcement at the council
meeting , last evening that the Pen
dleton saloin man who permitted
gambling in his place recently must
appear and show cause why his II
cense should not be revoked, is f
proper and business-like manner In
which to deal with law breaking.
The people mean business In trying
to suppress gambling In Oregon, and
the city council and mayor of Pen
dleton have taken a most commenda
ble step toward the suppression of the
evil in this city by giving notice that
licenses of saloons which permit
gambling are in Jeopardy.
The way to suppress gambling is
to suppress it. If It becomes neces
sary to tar out partitk -. balconies
private ruoms and even saloon win
dow curtains and screens, to pre
vent it. th; council wilt be Justified
in doing this, and'the East Oregonlan
believes that the present council and
mayor will do this very thing If secret
games cannot be suppressed in any
other way.
tne fcast Oregonlan is heartily in
favor of the formation of the four
town b.iseball league with Pendleton
Walla Walla. La Grand and Baker
City as member with a professional
team to be maintained for a season
of four or five months.
ruining simulates Business more
or keeps the pw.pie of the various
towns in close touch lh;n a first
class; clean baseball league
games at the different towns
With a salary basis of $750
month the expense would fall
lightly upon the different towns and
il seems that after a rest of several
seasons Pendleton Is ripe for a rous
ing good baseball season this year.
It Is a tribute to Pendleton's well
known interest that the meeting of
the delegates from the three towns
of the proposed league will meet
here next Wednesday to discuss the
matter. Let us give the delegates the
glad band and get together this sea
son. The East Oregonlan will do its
part to make the league a success,
and it believes that Pendleton is ready
for a renewal of the baseball en
thusiasm. With baseball excursions to the
various towns of eastern Oregon,
with excursions to Hermisrton and
other places of Interest, with home-w-tkers
coming here by the hundreds
and new homes being made by the
s'-ore, the .year 1908 should be one of
the best In the history of Pendleton
and Umatilla county.
t'endMon people must not make
.any engagement which will prevent
them from attending the extravagan
za entertainment to be given by com
pany L at the Oregon theater next
Tuenduy evening. February lg
THPe are Pendleton's own boys '
and we must give them a good pat
ronage. They never fall to respond
to our call on the fourth of July
celebrations, Decoration day parades
or at any other time when they can
be of service or add Interest to Pen
dleton's events,
have patronUed all the Bhows
well; we have attended all the re
vival meetings;' made successes of
fairs and Pilot Rock excursions: Now
lot us remember the militia boys.
It is now up to Judge S. A. Lowell
of this city, to make a defense of his
opposition to .statement No. 1 In
some more decisive and emphatic
manner than in occasional auacics
through the Portland Oregonlan.
W. S. U'Ren of Oregon City, fath
er of the statement, has challenged
Pendleton's talented attorney and
scholar to debate the question in
public so the voters may know what
genuine arguments the opposition to
statement No. 1 actually possesses.
Judge Lowell Is a friend of the East
Oregonlan, o neighbor .and a co-worker
along many lines but tbe East Ore
gonlan cannot understand his opposi
Hon to the principle embraced in
statement No. 1, that the people
should absolutely select their United
States senators. His position seems
to be positively indefensible from any
sound, broad guage political stand
As a strict partisan' devoted wholly
to partisan promotion, a n.an may
conjure up arguments which seem to
htm sufficient. But as a citizen of
the country, placing the rights and
privileges of the peop'le vastly higher
and more sacred than the claims of
any party. It seems impossible to find
one sane, logical reason against the
principle in statement No. 1.
If the people elect a democratic
senator in Oregon (which the East
Oregonlan believes to be impossible),
would not that man be the people's
choice? He would necessarily be
elected by republicans, since Oregon
Is overwhelmingly republican. If the
republican voters of the state should
select a democratic senator, would
not the republican legislature be in
duty bound to ratify the republican
voters' choice?
You can't get away from the fact
that whoever Is elected at the polls
is the people's and should be the leg
islature's choice. If you are going to
have popular election of United
States senators you must admit the
first step, towlt; that the people's
vote on the subject Is the only man
ner of determining the people's
Voters can be zealous republicans
and yet not be blinded by party in
terests. The way to keep republican
principles alive and in power is to
keep them abreast of the times. Let
no other party outrun the republican
party in adapting itself to the needs
of the hour and to the advancing
sentiment of the world.
The marriage of American heiresses
with penniless foreign noblemen are
again provoking wide discussion, and
even Andrew" Carnegie has publicly
condemned them, says the Spokane
When one sees the uses to which
daughters of very wealthy men put
their inheritances one can not wonder
at Carnegie's determination to give
away all of his money and die poor,,
for the ways of the second and third
generations, like those of Bret
Hartes "Heathen Chinee, are cer
tainly peculiar.
Socialists, however, may look upon
such marriages with complacency, for
they are a mighty factor in breaking
ud and dissipating the fortunes of
great American families those huge
fortunes which are declared to be an
economic menace.
C. A. Barrett, a prominent mer
chant and farmer of Athena, Uma-
ber of the last legislature, has an
te r of thelast legislature, has an
nounced his candidacy for j-eelectlon.
on a square statement No. 1 platform
and there is slight doubt of his elec
tion by a large majority, notwith
standing Geer.--Oregon Dally Jour
It will not be necessary for repub
lican voters of Oregon to vote for u
democratic candidate for the United
States senate in order to put Into
execution the principles in state
ment No. 1. The first senatorial
candidate to announce himself was
Cake of Portland, who stands square
ly on a statement No. 1 platform. Let
republicans who believe in this prin
ciple vote for the republican candi
date who stands for the principle.
Congress knows neither Baker City
nor Pendleton, as towns, in the lo
cations of the headquarters of the
propoted federal district. The map
of Oregon and the court records will
be the guides In the formation of the
district and the selection of the head
quarters. On the actual merits of
the case Pendleton has already won
the headquarters. She Is nearest the
geographical center of the district;
the bulk of the business of the dis
trict would originate In Umatilla
county and enormous expenses In
mileage and travel would be saved
by locating the court here. If con
gress would serve the best Interests of
thi largest number of people, Pen
dleton will be selected.
Water that has once been heated,
or that has stood any length of time
in the kettle, cannot be made to boll
as quickly as freshly drawn cold
water. If this fact were fully appre
ciated, it would have more weight
with housekeepers as an argument
against using water that has stood
over night than numerous homilies
on the unhealthfulness of stale wa
ter. .. '
Fresh water is living, and water
that has been boiled, or allowed to
stand long absorbing gases and heat,
is either dead or poisoned, so It is
easier to boll fresh water than stale
or dead water.
For drinking purposes, water
should be boiled, bottled immediately
and fastened tight. When cool, lay
the bottles on the ice. It will be
found superior to Ice water on al oc
casions. In connection with the subject of
W,ater, there Is noe peculiar property
of that liquid which every one should
be made acquainted, and that It. its
capacity for absorbing impurities,
which it increases proportionately the
colder it gets. Hence, water that has
stood in an insufficiently ventilated
sleeping chamber all night is not only
unpleasant, bul Is injurious to drink,
snce It readily absorbs the poisonous
gases given off by respiration and the
action of the skin.
An ordinary pitcher of water, un
der such conditions, at a temperature
of 60 degrees, will be found to have
absorbed during the night from a pint
to a pint and a half of carbonic acid
gas, and an increase of ammonia.
Ice water Is an objectionable drink
at all times, but if It Is Indulged In,
the vessel containing it should never
be left uncovered In sleeping or sit
ting rooms, because at freezing point
Its capacity for absorbing these dele
terious substances is nearly doubled.
Boston Budget and Beacon.
The Thermopo'lls Record of Wyo
ming, says of the progress of dry
farming in that state:
Dry farming was, until a few years
ago. considered a myth as applied to
the seml-arld region, but In many
places it has proved highly successful.
It will not take the place of Irriga
tion where Irrigation can be applied,
but it will make much land valuable
that otherwise would be simply waste,
We have often contended and still
contend that there is much land near
Thermopolls, especially along the
foothills, where summer' storms are
prevalent, that will at no very far off
day be sown to grain. Intensified
cultivation, among lines that" have
proved successful elsewhere. will
bring about this result.
The Dry Farming congress that
was recently in Ression at Salt Lake
did much to advance this method of
agriculture, it also did honor to
Governor Brooks by electing him
unanimously to the presidency of the
association. The next meeting will
be held at Cheyenne in January,
O Liberty, white goddess, is It well
To leave the gates unguarded? On
thy breast
Fold Sorrow's children, sooth the
.hurt of fate,
Lift the downtrodden, but with hand
of steel
Stay those who to thy special portals
To waste the gifts of freedom. Have a
Lest from thy brow the clustered
. stars be torn S
And trampled In the dust " For so of
The thronging Goth and vandal tram
pled Rome,
And where the temples of the Caesars
The lean wolf unmolested made her
lnlr. T. B. Aldrich.
Portland ' Is the second healtiest
city in the United States. Milwaukee
leads and Chicago Is third.
General Demand
of the Well-informed of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant
and efficient liquid laxative remedy of
known value; a laxative which physi
cians could sanction for family use
because Its component parts are
known to them to be wholesome and
truly 1 beneficial la effect, acceptable
to the system and gentle, jet prompt,
In action.
In supplying that demand with its
excellent combination" of Syrup "of
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical lines and relies on the merits
of the laxative Jor its remarkable
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is'
given the preference by the Well-
Informed. To get Its beneficial effects
always buy the genuine manufac
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading
druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle-
w'fri sr . - 111 In
Makes the most nutri
tious food and the most
dainty and delicious.
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No fussing or fretting over
the biscuit making. Royal
is the aid to many a
cook's success.
til ,t. ,
All the uniforms were blue, all the
swords and rifles new.
When the reg nient went marching
down the street.
All the men "were hale und strong, as
they proudly moved along
Through the cheers that drowned
the music of their feet.
Oh, the music of their feet, keeping
time to drums that beat!
Oh, the glitter and the splendor of
the sight!
As with swords and rifles new, and
in uniforms of blue,
The regiment went marching to the
When the regiment came back all the
guns und swords were black.
And the uniforms had faded into
And the faces'of the men who march
ed through that street again
Seemi'd like faces of the dead who
lose their way.
For the dead who lose their way can
not look more gaunt or grey
On, the sorrow and the ungqlsh of
" the sight!
Oh, the weary, lagging feet, out of
step with drums that beat.
When the regiment came marching
from the fight!
Ella Wheeler Wllsox.
In the hold of one lake steamer,
4 21.000 bushels of wheat were car
ried recently from 'Superior to Buf
falo. . Think of the pretty baking and
loaves of bread involved in that sin
gle boatload of grain. It weighed
about 25,260.000 pounds and will mill
into 18,945,000 pounds of flour, con
vertible Into more than 20,000,000
pound loaves of bread three loaves
a day for each man in Admiral
Evans' fleet during the whole cruise
of a year and a half.
Assuming that this wheat was har
vested from lands which give an av
erage yield, the crops from 33,680
acres were poured Into the ship. It
took 12.000 farm wagon loads to car
ry the wheat to the railway stations
and 300 cars of 40 tons capacity were
hauled to Superior to make that one
cargo. Here we have an object les
son of the value to the farmers of
To instill into the mind of your child the habit of saving
Practice will prove that it is best for the child for YOU
to buy what he needs or what you wish him to have
- not allowing him to contract the
habit of spending.
SPENDING IS A HABIT - - - - So is saving.
It is as easy to i a;h the child to save as to spend.
The Pendleton SNK
Provides the means in the Savings Department. Give
him a dollar to start and encourage him to save.
There's a lesson in it for YOU
We make out.
Have your Notary work done by a reliable Notary.
112 E. Court St.. Pendleton, Ore.
water transportation and what the
canallng of our waterways will mean.
Farmers' Friend.
Will Have Fine New Dcjwt.
It has been definitely settled that
Vale Is to have a fine depot, to be
completed before next fall. The
building Is to be of pressed brick and
stone and the work on the same is to
let by contrail. The Ontario depot
was built by the railroad company
by their own men, but in the future
all brick and stone structures are to
be let by contract. Vale Orlano.
Women as Well as Men Are Blado
miserable by Kidney and
"Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discouragesandlessensambition; beauty,
vigor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
wneti the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these importantorgans. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
ocxt ana one-dollar
size bottles. Von may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
I. fit M'tLna.
- Boom of Swamp-Root
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghaniton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Bingbamton, N. 4 v., .on every
Rexall Cold
Breaker and
Grippe Cure
Do it in four hourt
Guaranteed by
. The
Drug Co.
ur mm
s'irmm n -1
Under the direction of the Bisters of
St. rrsncla, of Philadelphia. Resident
and day pupils. Special attention
given to muslo and elocution. Stu
dents prepared for teachers' exami
nations for county and state certlfl
eat. For particulars address.
Liyermore & Dickers
Rojom 12, Judd Bldg.
Pendleton - - - Oregon
Large Quantity of the Famous
Rock Spring
Now on Hand
The coal that produces heat
and not dirt. Also fine lot of
good dry wood.
Dutch Henry
Office, Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage
Company. 'Phone Main 178.
Columbia Bar,
Rooming House
F. X. Schempp (Estate
Fine Wines, Liquors,
v ' and Cigars.
Newly furnished and up-to-date.
Rooming; House In Connection.
Our Speckltyjis t
the Family Trade t
We. are fully prepared to fur- 1
nlsji you the beat of lard, sau-
sages and fresh, smoked or
cured meats each day.
Central Meat Market i
Carney & Tweedy.
Telephone Main S3. a
All the news all thi time In the
East Oregonlan.