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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
DAILY BAST OMGONIAX, FBNDLBION, OREGOX, SATURDAY, APRIL it, 1909. pack nn TEN PAGES. : Among the Exchanges i j of the Inland Empire j Slight Shock nt Boise. The seismic shock which wrecked the business portion of Son Francisco, following the, natural laws of such between the sideboard and the floor. The board was loosely fastened, and as he jerked gave way and gave htm time to stop the elevator. He was, disturbances, traveled from the cen-! however, bruised about the neck and ter of the disturbed area In concentric holds his head somewhat stiff today, circles of less and less Intensity. In The Dalles Chronicle. thin manner, when the shock reached Boise It -was of comparative inslgnlfl- ' Gamblers Broke Jail, cance. It wns generally felt even less: Three men, Harry Williams, charg than some of the tremors of the past ed with passing a forged check at few months. Mineral last fall, WUllam Burgess and The shOck reached Boise at 2:60, ' John McHargue, bom umler sentence and so far as reports go to show, was ' for gambling, escaped from the coun felt the heaviest at the Central school i ty Jail this evening, building. There a clock In one of the They were allowed by the sheriff to rooms on the fourth or top floor of go out into the Jalf yard to get their the building was swung from ItH shelf, j bedding, which had been laid on the While of course nothing definite Is grass to air, when they all skipped known, It Is supposed the accident was , out. Sheriff Lansdon, with a posse caused by the seismic shock. Boise : Is searching In every direction. Guards Statesman, have been posted at all the bridges I and boats along the rive rhave been Would Secede From Wnllu Wullu. taken In charge to Intercept the es Qulte'ii number of Dayton's repre-1 caped prisoners should they attempt Bonliitlvo citizens piled into auios ana , to cross tne river. welser Signal. carriages last Tuesday evening and Union's Share of Stale Tax. County Treasurer Frawley yester day remitted to the state treasurer the sum of 16968.75, which Is one-half the amount due from Union county to the state of Oregon for state tax This first half Is due and payable on J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR- geon. Office in savings nans. building. 'Phones: Office main 164; residence, main 176. , DR. C. J. SMITH 07FICE 6MITH- Crawford building, opposite postot- flce. Telephones: Main 801; resi dence, main 1691; barn, red 681. went to Waltsburg to attend the meet ing held there, to hear what the dele gates from Wulla Walla had to offer In argument against the Wultsburgers leaving Walla Walla county and trans ferring fhelr allegiance to Columbia county.' Four of Walla Walla's clev erest speaker. Messrs. J. L. Shnrp-1 or before the first day of May each attain. Lester Wilson, F. A. Garrecht ycar. Union county's full proportion and H. II. Turner, put up quite a com plete case but the orators from Day ton nnd Waltsburg clearly outclassed them. The sentiment for transferring thnt portion of Walla Walla county nnd Joining It to this county Is prac tically unanimous at the burg, and If any means can be found by which It can be done their enthusiasm will be rWccessful. Dayton Courier-Press. of state tax Is $13,937.50, which Is something of a contrast with other years when this county's part of the state tax frequently reached as high as $25,000 to $28.000. La Grande Chronicle. Fruit Nearly All Killed in Crook The spell of zero weather during March practically destroyed the fruit crop In this county, except In places liurely Ehcmmi1 Decapitation. where the orchards were protected Heniv Wlllerton had a narrow es-' and even In such cases the buds of the cape Tuesday afternoon and nut ror tenderer lrults were frozen. William tils presence of mind In Jerking Boegll's peach crop at the Cove or. board off the side of the elevator at ("rooked river was totally destroyed, the Sexton-Walther store, would no and there will be no peaches from doubt have been decapitated. Com- that fruit ranch this year. Mr. Boegll Ing up from the basement to the first s suld to have ready for planting floor In the elevator, he lenned over more than 3000 tomato plants. Mad- to get a shovel below and was caught ras Pioneer. The Hotel Pendleton HOI.I.ON'S & BROWN. Proprietors. Human Blood Murks. A tale of horror was told by mark of human blood In the home of J. W Williams, r. well known merchant of Hnc, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and waj near death when I be gun taking Dr. King's New Dlscovory It completely cured me and I have re malued well ever since." It cures hemorrhages, chronic coughs, settled colds and .bronchitis, and Is the only known cure for wenk lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by Tall man & Co, and the Pendleton Drug Co., drug gists. EOc and $1.00. Trlnl bottle free. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN, QUICK RESULTS t PHYSICIANS. DR. AMY CURRIN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office Smith-Craw ford building. 'Phone 614. DR. R. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms 3 and 4 scnmiai building. 'Phone, office main ba; residence main 23. DR. W. G. COLE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office, Judd building, ui- flce 'phone main 137; residence phone main 138. , H. S. GARFIELD, M. D HOMEU- nnihle Phvslclan and Surgeon, ui- flee Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red iSSi. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK.. Telephone, main 831; residence, black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, musi cian and Surgeon. Office in sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, main 1411; resiuence, mum 1661. W. R. BLAXKENSHIP PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, rooms n-is smiih-rrnwford building. 'Phones: Office, black 3261: residence, black 2902. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone main 72. X-Ray and Electro Therapeutics. OSTF.OPATIIS. DRS. G. S. & EVA HOISINGTON Graduates, Klrksvllle school. Suite 10-12 DesDain block. 'Phone red 3181. All diseases treated. DENTISTS. RALPH C. SWINBURNE. DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Smith-Crawford building, opposite postofflce. 'Phone main 643. DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SUR gcon. Office, room 15 Judd build ing. 'Phone red 3301. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OF flce In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. DR. T. H. WHITE, DENTIST AS sociatlon block. Telephone main 166. Tm R. J. RITCKMAN. DENTIST Located at Milton. Makes weekly trUw to Athena. Athena office with Hayes & Crnghead. 2ft cents a line, per month. Smallest ail taken, 4 Unea. MALE HELP WANTED. ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Telor s hardware store, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE. LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office in Despain block. JOHN W. M'COURT, ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford building. AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS, REPAIR men, chauffeurs and others wanted all over the country, 60,000 machines built this year In Unite) States; af fording great opportunities for our students, cents a day will qualify you for good wages In this growing field. For full particulars and one free lesson, Including a Dictionary of Motoring Terms, address The Corres pondence School of Automobile En gineering, Suite 7464, Flatlron Build ing, New York. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving, Jewelers' work; optics, easy terms; position guaranteed; ..loney made learning; Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1426 4th avenue. Seattle, Wash. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CARTER, RALE Y & RALEY, AT- torneys at Law. Office in Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylors hard ware store. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office Savings Bank building. WINTER & COLLIER. LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTOR- neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices, and mages a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association diock. GEORGE W. COUTTS. LATE COUN ty attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. PETER WEST, DIVORCE LAWTER Office 608 Garden street. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Despain building, at head of stairs. S. A. NEWBERRY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices in Association block, Main street. DAN P. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Despain block, East Court street. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIREC tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone main 1301. runerai parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed emoaimers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. DANCING LESSONS. PROF. W. H. BOULEY'S SCHOOL of fashionable and society dancing, Beginner's class and dance starts IVeilnesdav evenlnir. April 11. All fashion nlate dancing taught. For particulars call on Prof. Bouiey at Hnipi St. Oenree. Classes are now forming. Children's class Saturday at p. m. Private lessons by appoint ment. OREGON SHOifTliINC axd UNION PACINI; TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers daily to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally o Kiln- City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted; weekly to Chicago; reclining chair. cars (seats free) to the east daily. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EASTBOUND. No. 2, Chicago Special, arrives 5:40 p. m.; departs 5:40 p. m. No. 6, Mail & Express, arrives 5:00 p. m.; departs, 6 p. m. WESTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrives 8:51 a. m. ; departs, 8:56 a. m. No. 5, Mall & Express, arrives 11 p, m.; departs, 11 p. m. . SPOKANE DIVISION. No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 5:36 p. m.; connects with No. 2. . No. 8, Spokane passenger, departs 9 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, mixed, arrives 1:40 p. m. No. 42, mixed, departs 6:60 p. m.: connects with No. 2. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Rlparla dally, except Saturday, 4:05 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally except Fri day, 7 a. m. E. C. SMITH, Agent. Pendleton. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first class. Goods called for and delivered. 408 Court street. HOARDING AND LODGING. HELIX HOTEL HELIX, OREGON. Under lieu- management. Special accommodations for commercial trav elers. Frank Myers. Prop. CECIL R. WADE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonian building. East Webb street. G. W. PHELPS. DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John McCourt in Smith-Crawford block. VKTF.RINA KY SURGEONS. T!v Ho c 1 Pendleton hns been re filled and refurnished throughout. Fire riarni connections with all rooms. Bn'.lis en suite" sinsle roor.-... George limner Is Dead. George Hruner, the slayer of Tom It 'Illy, of Ashwood, nnd who was por doned by Governor Chan)berlnln, Is dead. While herding for the Prlne ville Land and Livestock company near Muddy. Hruner got Into an alter cation with Tim Itelliy over range and shot Rellly to death. In the trial which followed. Hruner was given a lif" sentence In the penitentiary. The dose confinement of prison lif? brought on consumption, and last month Governor Chamberlain pardon ed Hruner. who was In the last stages of the disease. He was only free for i a f"W days until death claimed him. I -r-Vadras Pioneer. llciulraiitrter. for Tinvrllnr; Moil. Commodious Sample Rooms. FREE TUS. Rates, $2, $2.50 and $3 ' Kj.eilal Rates by the week or month. !: .-llcnl Cuisine. rru'iipt dining room service. I'.nr tu ;! l.illhird Uooul III Coiincclioii. Onlt Ylii'ce JUiH'k from Depots. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary board. Office Tallman's drug store. Residence 1203 E. Court street. 'Phone main 115. T. J. LLOYD, D. V. S VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of Grand Rapids Veterinary College, Michigan. Office nt Pendleton Drug company's store. Residence telephone main 131. BANKS AND BROKERS. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD & SWINGLE, ARCHI tects and Architectural Engineers. Practical and reliable plans and speci fications and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con struction. Taylor building, corner Main and Water streets. C. E. TROUTMAN, and Superintendent, ARCHITECT Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on nil kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone v. alls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonian office. ,tupv 4 uotpt i pinivn Tin - 1 tel lii the city. $1.00 and $1.50 per day. H. P. Mlllen. proprietor. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA ST., Carney & Kennedy, Props. Livery feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone main 701. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 52, A. F. c A. M.. meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. ENGRAVED CAKD3. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansci City, St. Joseph, Omaha, and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portlnnd and Points on the Sound. TIME O RD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, 12:15 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:16 a. m. Leave at 5 p. m. daily. Leave Walla Walla, 6:15 p. m. for east. Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. m. from west. " For Information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agent. Pendleton, Oreg . S. B. CALDEr.HEAD, G. P. A.. Walla Walla,' "7ashingtoi. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, etc. Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregonian fflce. MISCELLANEOUS. F.cnucnii Plan. Elegantly Fur- r.Micil. 1 . 1 t i led !0!. J Rales: 50c. $1.00, $1.50. J There I more Cntsrrn In this section r tlie cnmitr- tunn nil otior iliseiisi's pat I together, nnd until tne iasi few years wim I pupposed to lie Incnrnlile. l-'or s prent I ninny years doctors pronounced it n lociil ! illKrase nml prescribed loi-nl roine.lioa, and liy rontnnliv inning to cure won locn; trrntment, prnnouii.-eri it iniu-nlile. Sci ence hag proven t'ntnrrli to be a conslitu . nnl dUense nnd therefore requires con Btltutlnnnl trenttnent. Moll's ( ntnrrh Cure, mnmifni'turco ly V. .1. Cheney Co.. In ledo. Ohio, is llie only (onslitutlonnl rare on the market. It In tnl;en Internally In doses from ten drops to n te.ispomilul. . II nets directly on the bloc nml mucous sur rnres or llie svsiem. I ney oin-r one uuu died ilollnrs for nny esse It fnlls to cure Wend for circulars nnd tcullmonlnln. Address: K. .1. C1IKSHY K L Toledo, (I. Sold by nil druggists. ''. Take f ish's Family 1'llls for constipation. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organized Marcn 1. 1S89. Capital, $100,000; surplus, lu0.000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on nil principal points. Speclnl at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. W. Maloney, cashier; Fred Schmeer, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFEN dlcton. Cnpltal. surplus and undi vided profits, $250,000.00. Transacts a general bunking business, exchange bought nnd sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time depos its. Makes collections on reasonable erms. Levi Ankeny, president; w. Matlock, vice-president; u. M. lice, cashier: George Hartmnn, Jr., sslstnnt cashier. KELLER & VANDUSEN. PLASTER lng. brick and cement work. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. P. O. Box 104. 'Phone black 2042. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER Cries public and private sales of all kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box 666. SEND 10c. STAMPS OR COIN, FOR sample of most useful and practi cal household article. Angeles Novel ty & Mfg. Co., 240 6lh St., Portland, Oregon. 1 I GREY SMITH Proprietor Under now management. Op lioslto O. It. & N. Co. Doiiot. ltooine en suite or single, nllli or without until. Hot anil cold water In each room. Sum pie rooms). PENDLETON OREGON Fur n Creamery Vnlon. There was a meeting of dairymen nt the City Hall Saturdny last, and steps wcA' taken for the building and opor. atlon of a creamery ut Union. A sub scription paper was started and con siderable stock taken, It Is under stood that It wrt tnke nbout $3000 to float the proposition. Union Repub llcan. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKKS reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county, ixians on cuy and farm property. Buys and sells nil kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-rest dents. References, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS. Fres. W. S. HKXNINGER, Vleo-Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. HOTEL PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OREGON. im.rlnn nlnn. S3 Per day and up nor Headouarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special; rates made to families arfd single gentle men. The management will be pleas ed at all times to show 'rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. If you ever bought a, box of Witch Hur.el Salve that fallen to give satis faction the chances are It did not have the name "E. C. DeWitt & Co orlntcd on the wrapper and pressed in the box. The orlglnnl DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve never falls to give satisfaction for burns, sores, boils, tetter, cracked hands, etc.. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles it affords almost Immediate relief. It tons the nnln. Sold by Talltnnn & Co. Sold Out This Is to notify the public that we have sold our lumber business in Pen dleton. Parties Indebted to our flrn will kindly call and settle immedt ately. GRAY'S HABBOR LUMBER CO, The most rational remedy for coughs and colds Is Kennedy's Laxa tlve' Honey and Tar. It acts on the bowels as a mild cathartic expels all cold from tho system. Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An Idcnl remedy for children equally good for adults: Sold by Tallman A Co. SACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Mllitt- est nr ce nntd for hliles. r-ce i hank ci Co.. dealers In nil Kinds or junk: 210 West Webb street, l'enaie on. Oregon. XSl RAXCE AND LAND BUSINESS WANTED WILL PAY 75 CENTS per 100 pounds for old castings. Pendleton Iron Works. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest nnd most reliable fire and ncelilent Insuranco companies. Office with Hnrtman Abstract Co. .inllX HAILEY. JR.. U. S. LAND Commissioner. Specialty mane oi Innd filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office In Judd building, room 16. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUt, CO., DEAN Tatom. manager. Office at l'enoie- ton Ice & Cold Storage plant. Dealers In fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Phone main 1 is. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods, if there is anytntng you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 Court street. rLUMBING. WILL M. MORROW, SUCCESSOR to Goodman-Thompson Co. Plumb lng, heating nnd sheet metal work Our work Is good: the prices are rldht 643 Main Btreet. 'Phono black 3221. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS nfONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Grnnlte Works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Exnmlno our work; 709 East Court street WANTED. WANT A WIFE OR HUSBAND? Join our s society. Hundreds of members who wish to marry: many wealthy. Write for Matrimonial Reg ister, price 10c. Box 669, Portland, Oregon. HURST RAILROAD SWITCH STOCK can be purchased at a big discount by communicating with W. J. Crutis. 15 Commercial block, Portland, ore. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE- palr work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W. L Zleger, manager. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO earn barber trade In 8 week Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Catalogue free. Moler system of col leges, 4 03 Front avenue, Spokane, Wn, WANTED A WELL EDUCATED voung man wants position ns cierK. Address W. L. Jones, Box 172. Pilot Rock. Oregon. , FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms and unfurnished houses, with water, bnth, snade, lawn: close In. See Spooncmore, 124 West Court street. FOR SALE. Foil SALE GOOD. LOOSE WHEAT huv. at $14 a ton, delivered. Ad dress A. J. Eisner. Pendleton, Oregon, FUR SALE OR EXCHANGE SIXTY dollar due bill, on Filers Plnno house. Address Mrs. Fred A. intes, Herinlston Ore. A 12 H. P. BOILER AND 8 H. P, engine, both In good condition, fo sale cheap, impure nt tnts orrtce. FOR SALE SEVEN QUARTERS, 6 miles from Helix, Mi mile from warehouse, big barn, machine shed nnd house: pHenty of water; owner retiring. $37.60 per ncre, machinery thrown in. Terms. Box 9. Helix. FOR SALE A MAGPIE TRAINED to talk, wltH cnge for same; price very reasonable. Further particulars cnll on or address A. D. Slonn, 41 Hush street. l National Cash , Registers I GEO. II. PAYNE, Sales Agent. j Room 218 Ransom Building. J Walla Walla, Wash. Pennyroyal blls ICi-X.RKF.. ...."liiti I.B.Ilc-. yl' ll"lt1 rr c III-; r.ik r.suLisij !n Hl'.U iu4 Uol.1 uftallle boiti v1tht.iaflriL.baii. TuLr no other. RriaM Paser.aft KubMUullon and lmll tlufli. bu; r yoir DrumcoL. or m-dJ 4. t urn) for rartlrulnre. TMttflnoalaU and "IMtar fnr l.a.lta."n Uttar. t? ra ta ra Mall. 1 O.OOO Tr,Omoall. Saldbr all Druscitu. t'hlrliraler t brmlMl t'a. Kaallaa tfalfl papar Madlaaa Sttaara. fA. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 206 East Alta street, under new management, E. K. Lorltner, Prop. Dyeing, cleaning and pressing of la dies' and gentlemen's clothing. La dles' fine garments a specialty. All work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. 'Phone main 169. " SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IK you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, cnecs. send to the EAST okeuunian the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have it sent you nnd nssume all the risk ol the money being lost In tne mans, it will suvc you both trouble ana risK. If vou are' n subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's price. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, iiregnn. '.v . ,V,K'V- T, aS ,,', j .,-.-.., u I- "mucin! MS-" "" o.nad.iaatioM, (.1 mi' rations l- . tl r 1-iu.hralial, '.i i,-., .i t't ui.t ajtra .S. ... .-,, :Wv , . .I.-.. viLi'-Ja. - in-. .rvwll tr CHOP MILL. ALL CHOP FEEDS. WALTERS' shorts and bran. Alfalfa $11 per ton. Free delivery. 'Phone main B52. I). Maurer. Prop. West Wehb street. : Real Estate Wheat land in large or small tracts. Irrigated and Hay land I Small tracts near town I tor sale or rem. foil's Santal-Fepssn Capsules a pnQiTivr runner Pr Tr !:&aimit ion or OffWrrfc SLj, I Ktdnejt. ?j cure bO . -Na(JTir.-v CtiMti untcklr and I-eraia- rirct! Ihf) worst eaufa uf 4utiot-rhor and lrrt. ro maaerot now Jo.i(r ttan.l in?. Abao'utcly narmlrr.. S-t.d by dmR-gists. Prlc V cr t7 Biu, i-OSA14 fl.tM, 3 boxes, THE SAXTAl-PiPSIH CO., ISIlKrOMTSINBa OHIO. Sold by F. J. Donnldsnn. FOR SALE CHEAP 320 ACRES t miles from Athena, mile from ware house, half 4n winter wheat growing fine; good buildings, well, and wind mill; half cash, half on long terms. Box 9, Helix, Oregon. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at $40 an acre. Terms. Craighead & Hayes, Athena, 5 All kinds of city prop erty. M. L. WARREN Successor to Rlliorn Warren. X Thone Main 190. Room 10 over T. C. Taylor Hardware store. ' 4444444444444444V44 1X)R SALE. Miscellaneous lot of wire cable, new and second-hand, any length; pipe of any description and size; ma chinery to suit anybody: write for prices on anything; metal scrap iron nnd all kinds of junk and machinery bought and sold. Address M. llnrda & Son, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Pendleton, Ore., March 1, 1906. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Pendleton Wool Scour ing & Packing Co.. that a meeting will be held Tuesday, May 1st, 1906, at M.e office of the company In Pendleton, Oregon, nt 4 p. m. President F. B. CLOPTON, Secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Pendleton. Ore..-March 1. 1906. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Pendleton Woolen Mills that a meeting will be held Tuesday. May 1. 1906. nt the office of the com pany In Pendleton. Oregon, at 4 p, m. 1 v ii-Tr Dnlly East Oregonian by caVrlsr only 15 cents a week Y. JUDD. President. H. CARTER, Secretary.