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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1906)
PAGE XHOHT. DAILY EAST OTOGOXIAM, PENDLETON, OREGON, FniDST, "FEBR-JARY 16, 10, EIGHT PAGES. A Great Scheme I To introduce our new SUBURBAN BLEND COFFEE, we will give . half gallon bean pot with ererj pound pur ckaed. A gallon bean pot with two pounds. CThe coffee is of extra fine flavor and sells for 35c per pound. No restrictionsbuy all jrou want Owl Tea House SIX BARS SILK SOAP 25c. ARE OX THE KEHERVATIOX. Cuklrmr Biilldlnss Intrude u Indian Laada. While the Northern Pacific survey ore were cro;-sectioning .the town to day to establish a rHrht ,of way line, it is reported that discoveries were made which developed the fact that a number of property owners have been living on Indian .reservation land, says the Culdeaac Beglster. This property Is all Included hi tthe plat ting of the limits in the official maps of the ctiy. The surveyors started running their lines from Mellon's addition on the north side of Lapwal creek and found that the right of way run by them deviates from one of the city plats, and after cutting through the center of Mr. Croswell's residence, goes Into Lapwal creek. Following are the names of the property owners said to be affected by the reported discovery: Theodore Wright, A. J. Creene, E. F. Bemls, C. B. Updegraff, John Green Rnd 3Mr. Lawrence. Aside from these there is a J5000 brick school house which is also said to be constructed on Indian land. These people who are affected by the reported irregularity In the limit line, have been paying taxes on the land. Athletics Are Profitable. For the first time In the history of the University of Oregon, the football team and the glee club are In good financial condition, both organizations now being out of debt and having fund In their treasuries. The glee club makes three trips each year, each trip lasting about 10 days. One trip Is made to southern and one to eastern Oregon and one to the Wil lamette valley counties. Repairing Tracks. A crew of about 30 Japs and Greeks Is now at work repairing the tracks In the O. R. & N. yards In this city. The yards and tracks will be put In first-class repair for the year. O. R. & X. Offices Painted. The inside of the O. R. & N. depot and offices has been newly painted and is now very attractive. Does Food Distress You? Can't you eat what you like without having to suffer for It? You can If you will take F & S Dyspepsia Tablets They cure all forms of Indigestion, dyspepsia, etc. The trouble with you Is that your food lies In your stomach and ferments Instead of going through the ordinary process of digestion. They overcome this condition and es tablish the normal functions of your digestive system. For sale by . Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists WINSLCW BROS. A person who has a savings account is In a measure a public benefactor, because In his modest way, he does his share to Increase the amount of money per capita In active circulation. The person who does not keep a savings account, but hides his money In our-of-the-way places, withdraws that money from circulation and thereby retards the full growh and prosperity of the country, and also roba himself of a legitimate Income. Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon T is particularly well equipped to give every depositor prompt and ef X flcient service and reasonable earnings on his deposits. ; Mark WUIIiiiiim a Suicide. Mark E. Williams, who was employed for IS months In the office of C. E. Troutman, the y architect, reotntly commuted suicide at Pasndena. Cal. His mother lives at that place. While Williams was here he was considerable of a spemd- thrift and contracted numerous bills which he cDd not pay when he left, last March. After lestv- Ing Pendleton he was In Port- land for a while, but left there several months ago. CAMPAIGN AGAINST PESTS. Everybody Must Spray Fruit Trees In Northern Idaho. William llohl, deputy fruit Inspect or, left for the Spalding and Sweet water sections today to look after the orchards, says the Lewlston Teller. He expects to start spraying in this valley by the first of the month and desires to call attention to the fact that the state board of horticulture has adopted resolutions that the es sential Ingredients of the lime, sul phur and salt spray were not to te modified, but used as directed. "For the last two years there has been seme experimenting with modi fications of the original compounds." said Mr. Mohl, "but the rpray as mod ified has not proven effective and the orchardlst who sticks to the old com pound Is taking no chances. "There Is to be no let up In the campaign against the pests. The or chards in this valley are In good shape but eternal vlgllence Is the price we must pay for such conditions. The spraying must be as thoroughly done this year as it has In any year In the past." Travel Very Light. The tourist car which passed through this morning on No. 1, the westbound train, had but one passen ger, the lightest travel experienced for some time. Pvirlnj Janyary last there were 12 cases of diphtheria In Portland, nine cases of measles, eight of chlckenpox. one of smallpox, three of scarlet fever end one of typhoid. x I Victor, Columbia, and Edisorl Phonographs & Supplies FROM $5.00 TO $100.00 EACH OX EASY TERMS, IF DE SIRED. RECORDS FOR AXY TALKING MACinXEE. J. A. Owenhouse DISTRIBUTOR. With Filers Piano House. 813 MAIX STREET. THE OLD-FASHIOXED WAY of cleaning a watch or clock was to lubricate the works with coal oil Did all right for the half turnips our grandfathers carried. Fine watches need careful handling. Particles of dust must be removed piece by piece. Each minute wheel must be freed from anything which would retard the movement. We clean and repair watches and clocks thoroughly. By having them adjusted frequently years are added to their life. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Posto tee Block. EAGLES' BENEFIT VARIED HtOGRAM WILL . RE GIVEN NEXT SUNDAY KciMtcml tn Their Hall and During tlw Evrnoitgv Opening With a Hand Concert TiK'al Renditions by Some of lite Hnrat Singers of the City Illustrated Songs and Clog Dancing Hiid Banjo Plating The New Drop Curtain tt'lll Do in Vse Sunday Evening. On next Sunday evening the Eagles' bund will give a program In their hall for the purpose of raising funds with which to failbtir equip their organi sation. At the opening of the entertainment a concert will be given by the band, and following Oie name a vocal se lection will be rendered by Miss Eliz abeth Klnsella. Also, Misses Effle nn,l Phyllis Partes and Miss Nina Maple will slug. T.wo of the parties who are here for the coming Eagles' cai nival will give an exhibition of clog dancing. Messrs. .Lawrence and Lnrklns will render a duet, and Illus trated sonss will be given by it J. Taylor and Richard Lawrence, while a banjo selection rill be given by ). Luikin. Severe! iimrumental solos will be played by different members of the band. A new drop curtain has been pro vided for the Eagles hnB and will be In use Sunday night, and also will be available for Initiatory work by the different lodges meeting there. JAIL CONTRACTS AWARDER. Walla W.illa Will Construct New Building Costing f.U.ZH. The Pauly Jail company, represent ed by Glass & Prudhomme, of Port land, wns awarded the contract for furnishing the cell work for Walla Walla county's new jail at this after noon's meeting of the commissioners, says the Walla Walla Statesman. The board took plenty of time to consider the bids, finally deciding that the Pauly people offered the best propo sition, not only tn matter of arrange ment, but In the style of construc tion, material and locking devices. The bid price by the company, call ing for inch and a quarter bars and the latest type of locking device, was 111.617, which will bring the total cost of the new Jail complete up to $33,34 2. Counting the extras that the commis sioners decided upon the bid of the Pauly people was only about $1000 higher than the lowest bid submitted, which did not fill the requirements of the specifications prepared by Archi tect Oaterman. , SNOW RAPIDLY MELTING. Warm Dnys of Tills Week Diminishing Hie Snow on the Mountains. Unless there Is a heavy fall of snow later In the year, there will be but little high water this spring and little snow left to swell the streams used in Irrigating. There Is but a little over a foot of snow left out of the timber on the summit of the mountains while In the heavy timber there Is but two feet and it is now rapidly melting. The snow which. Ig how lylnf? on the Mountains fell early In the winter and one time there was five feet at the summit. Should no more snow fall at the head waters of the fctreams, there will be a decided scarcity of water for Irrigating purposes this season. VISITED MASONIC LODGES. Jililuo II, j, Benn CtHhiillitit of Secret Work. lltttHtcts Masonic Bodies In Ancient I'siiscs. County Judge H. J. Bean, who Is lUHtodiHn of the secret work and In structor of Masonic lodges for the eastern Oregon district, has Just visit cd the lodges at Weston, Athena and Helix In an official capacity and will extend his visits to other lodges as ho can Hpare the time. Judge Bean was appointed at the last session of the Oregon grand lodge to perform this work. He is one of the best posted men on Masonic uwiKes and secret work In the state and his Jurisdiction extends over all the territory east of the Cascade mountains. DISTRIBUTING LITERATURE. ( bark's J. Gray, of the Northwestern Lines, Placing Advertising Mutter Willi the Public. Charles J. Gray, traveling freight and passenger agent for the North western lines, Is In the city today dis tributing some excellent descriptive reading matter concerning the road, and its tributary country. The Northwestern Is pushing rap Idly westward and within a few years hopes to reach the Pacific coast, ac cording to statements made In the east. It has been one of the clvlllz ers of the central states and the little booklet describing Its progress through Illinois, Iowa and the Dukotas Is high ly interesting as a comparative study of settlement. SUIT FOR DIVORCE. Plaintiff Alleged Cruel and Inhuman Treatment. Maria Redford has commenced suit for divorce from Edwin Redford and In the complaint filed today by Car ter, Raley & Raley It Ig claimed the defendant has acted In a cruel and Inhuman manner towards the plain tiff for two years past. Among other things he is alleged to have struck her, called her vie names and to have repeatedly told her that he wished she would get a divorce from him, also, that Laura Pierce was ten times better than she, and that at various timet his conduct towards) Laura Pierce m such as to be unbe coming In a married man. It is claimed by ,the plaintiff that the defendant owns property In Pen dleton valued at 42400, also that he has $1000 In money and of this the wife demands her share. Likewise, 1260 attorneys fee Is asked. APP!tASIXG CAMERON ESTATE. Believed He Left an Estate Valued at About $35,000. This afternoon the property of the late James Cameron, who died In Cal ifornia, Is being appraised by J. F. Hill, E. L. Smith and A. Zueske, who were recently appointed to do so by the county Judge. It Is said the total value of the property left by the de ceased will be In the neighborhood of $35,000. James McEachern of Helix, Is the administrator. The appraisers' meeting was held In the office of Carter, Raley & Raley. Mission School Prospering. Father Xeate of St. Andrew's Cath olic mission school on the Umatilla reservation was In the city today In the Interest of the school. There are now about 95 In attendance and the health of the pupils has been very good all winter. Glee Club Tonight. The University of Oregon Glee and Mnndolln clubs promise to give an excellent performance at the Frazer tonight. The com- pany consists of about 30 mem- bers and Is Just returning from a tour of eastern Oregon, where It has met with flattering sue- cess. The seat sales for today indicate that it will be well patronized In this city. 4 TRACK DATES FIXED. May 41 tlie Date for Associated Stu dents Meet. Manager Harold Ellis, of the track team, announces that the Associated Students' track and field meet will be held in Walla Walla on May 4, with the Washington State college, and that the missionary team would go to Moscow either May 16 or 18, and meet the University of Idaho on the truck, says the Walla Walla Bulletin. Another big lnterscholastlc track meet to be held in this city about June 1 is being planned and all the academies and high schools In the state will be Invited to attend. Meets of like nature have been held here be fore, lasting two or three days and have been very successful. The In terest aroused In the academic games is as great as tn collegiate contests. Manager Allen, of the baseball team, announced that three games have been scheduled with Washing ton State college at Pullman, two are to be played here and one at Pull man. Two games will also be played with the University of Idaho. While the arrangements with the universities and schools on the sound have not been definitely arranged, games will be played with them and the schedule will be made In a short time. It Is the intention to play several games here and also to have the Whit man team make a trip to the coast to meet the Sound teams on their home grounds. The University of Wash ington is planning to make a tour of the inland empire as they have done In the past years, and on this trip will meet the Missionaries. Idaho Is expecting to make an ex tended trip through the states of Ore gon and Washington. . rJmm r - 1' " Linen From Ireland. Two large boxes bearing many cus tom house marks were standing on the sidewalk In front of the store of D. T. Kyger on Saturday as a re porter chanced to be passing that place of business, says the Walla Walla Bulletin. Inquiry revealed the fact that they contained 800 pounds of pure Irish linen, Imported direct from Belfast, Ireland. The duty alone on the goods amounted to $281. Mothers! Retain Your, Youthful Figures. To be beautiful It to be 1ot4 bv 1L If there lives the woman, who If Indifferent to this the it yet to be heard of. Yet from time immemorial society hat recognized what they thought to be a detriment in the way of auch a realisation. The bearing of children hai meant to them the marring of physical beauty of figure, without which beauty of face would be of little account. Nothing could be more remote from truth than thii; childbirth la purely a natural phenomenon, accompanied by pain, to be lure, but If properly managed no more harmful in ita effectl upon the human form divine than any other natural function. MOTHER'S FRIEND Is essential In the proper managemewt of every case of labor ; It relaxei and toftent the abdominal muscles, 'hereby enabling them to sustain the stretching that they must undergo, and from this very fact It facilitates their return to normal propor tions after childbirth, and it (a obvious that pain must be greatly lessened from this very reason. It is a liniment, H Is harmless. It Is potent, H Is priceless In Its results, it I Mother's Friend, 1 1 m pet bottle at drag tons. Our book of price lees value seat tree to all women. BrmtMmld Rmgmlmto Oom, a. ATLAMTA, 84. I SostoiT Store I Leading Clothiers and Hatters New spring goods arriving every day. Come give a look. Stetson Hats, Knox Hats, Gordon Hats. Stein Block & Co. Clothing. Cluett Shirts & Collars. Hanan Shoes for men. Douglas Shoes for men. Pin gree Shoes for women. Boston P. B. C. WON AT BASKET BALL, Seiore 17 to li In Favor of the Busi ness College Team. Last night the basket ball team of the Pendleton Business college won from the high school second team by a score of . 17 to 14. However, throughout the most of the game the score was favorable to the high school boys, and victory was snatched from them by several successful throws made by the Business college team near the close of the second half. In the game lust night the Busi ness college team had the advantage of age and experience, several of their players being members of the Com mercial association team, while Phys ical Director Wilson also played with them, in view of this the second team certainly did well to hold their rivals as they did. The line-up of the teams was as follows: High School Seconds Cooley, cen ter: .Means and Johns, guards; Boiler man and Dickson, forwards. Business College Wilson, center, Rcver, White and Goodell, guards; White and Penlond, forwards. For the high school team five points were made by Cooley, five by Dickson and four by Bollerman. White made eight points for the Bus iness college, Penlond, two, Wilson, two and Woodell two. One point was awarded the mon a foul, "EVERY KNOCK IS A BOOST." The Philistine. Must Be Sold Quick We Have Left in Stock 50 Overcoats Any Overcoat in the house, Blues and Blacks excepted tor - - - SINCE WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS WE HAVE NEVER CARRIED OVER OVERCOATS FROM ONE SEASON TO AN OTHER. AND WE PROPOSE TO GET RID OF ALL WE HAVE ON HAND. OUR NEW FURNISHINGS FOR SPRING HAVE COMMENCED COMING AND EACH DAY SEES NEW ARRIVALS AT OUR STORE. The Merrit HAT TIIE TIIE THE THE BOND BROS. Successors to Sullivan & Bond. THE ADVANCE STORE. R.ADER The Furniture and Carpet Man i Store Bids for Hotel at Maxwell. ; Bids for the construction of the pro posed hotel to be erected by the Max well company at Hermlston, will be advertised for next week. Architect C. E. Troutmun was at Hermlston yesterday looking over the location for the building. Why not eliminate every element of chance or uncertainty by getting our figures when you need anything Id lumber T Cray's Harbor Commercia' Company W. J. EEWELL, Manager. Phone Main M. $7.95 NEATEST XOBHIEST MOST STYLISH MOST ARTISTIC $5 Value for $3.50 iiBa''1 Ss5