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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1904)
EIGHT PAGgJ PAGE FOUR. I FOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1904. SALE OF BABY GO-CARTS, 10 STYLES S3J35 to SS.B5, material the best, styles the latest prices the lowest FREDERICK NOLF CO. A.V INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pstlbibl tt afternoon tx -pt Sunday) at IVndteton. Oregon, or lb EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. A San Francisco telepgraphic re port says ot a reception given to C. E. Grunsky. the new member of the Panama canal commission- "C. E. Grunsky. the new Isthmian Canal Commissioner, was given a t complimentary banquet at the Pal-' ace hotel last night by the commer cial, scientific and civic bodies of the city. Covers were spread for , 300. James D. Phelan presidod. , President Roosevelt had been noti fied of the gathering and he sent greetings. Chief Justice Beatty re-! sponded to the toast. "The Presi-J dent" Marsden Manson toasted the! new commissioner I In responding, the guest of the' evening said, after acknowledging the applause that greeted him- "San Francisco Is the only large ! a (Clty not ownlns: a water works svs- j tem. and the time Is ripe for it to do one franchise should be given awav so. I deem It an honor to have re in the ruture. The people shouid j rrted upon a system by which pure ' ' . mountain water can be brought receive the benefits from these PuMfrom lhp s,erra Nevada mountains. In utilities, and the best sites. thej-vhen about to go to another scene bst rights of way and the best loca-lof work, it Is my wish, fellow-citl-tions. for any ot these great enter- 'zens of San Francisco, to Impress j prises should be reserved to them. "Pn -ou lae nwK UI lu -.'"-, TetjtboD. Main 11 SCn-SCKIITIOX ItATKS. oor ;r bj mall sli aaatfes by mall . ... tBi mvetbe by mall . . oar math by mall . jwr mtratb bj rarrlar . -. Dally, Dally. Dalty. Dally. Dalur. Wetlr. on j-ar hj mall WmUj. six mootlM by mall Wklj. (oar months by mall KemMVfcly. on year by mall . . . Sml-Veklr. six months by mall . ScmMVwfcljr. tbne moaths by mall Even- eitv of any nretenslons In the ... . , il waer urKS tan auu wu w tu j - West, is seriously considering munlc-j managed. It can and will give the1.. Ipal ownership, and It is pertinent to j best and purest of water nt low ! t' remark on this point, that San Fran- j rates " . . JSuo' Cisco Is the only large city on the' " ; I? "wi, , . t. . The capitalistic press is lauding,? jjg Pacific eoast not owning Its water, ..Ksdomr kened plant, and water rents are one-third ! science" and other good qualities of, (higher there than In any other city the bituminous coal miners for not'. iVs'on the coast. : Insisting upon a wage scale In pro-: " 1 oauu fcv (iiuuvo uc V l The immense Sunday issue of the 'rust. j . made ' Mi A POOR. CRUTCH. Experience is a dear teacher, as those who pia their faith to Mercury find out sooner or later. This power ful poison combined with Potash, is the treatment gen erally prescribed forContagions Blood Foisoa.'but failure and disappointment is the invariable result. These min erals drive in the sores and eruptions, and apparently the disease is gone and the patient believes the cure perma nent, but soon learns better when the old symptoms return almost as soon as the treatment is left off. You must either keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one naturally feels when the body is covered with disgusting- sores, rashes, copper-colored splotches and other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease. Mercury and Potash are poor crutches, and their use eventually breaks down the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to decav. S. b. fa., a guaranteed purely vegetableTe:nedy,.is the only antidote for Contagious Blood Poison. It de stroys every atom of the deadly virus, overcomes the bad effects of the mercury and cleanses the blood and system so thorourhlv that never after nre anv sinus of the disease seen Nor is the taint ever transmitted to others. We will send free our book on Contagious Blood Poison, which is inter esting and contains full directions for treating yourself at home. Medical advice or any special information desired given'without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. A GROUP OF BEAUTIES. The snowing of ladles' wai, more than usually Interesting have added a large number designs and new styles to os reauy large assortment, when. Is so much beauty and merit a , may be difficult, but prices rQ to a selection. Luica wAitnts irom t: Warranted movement In relUk!,! year case. $15.00. GLENN WTNSLOW Jeweler and Optlcisd Postoffice Block, K J Taylor, Lessee A- Mpr Telephone Main 41 FRAZER THEATRE One Night Only, TUESDAY, MARCH 22 .50 A Sensational Triumph! THE MIGHTIEST OF THE RICHARD & PRINGLE'S A Mammoth Attraction! MIGHTY"' LOO ' 1 ! .So , Oregon Dally Journal, which Its appearance yesterday, is a mar Ty - I.. ., l An U. , it it . ' ' Kieba New stamU. at Hotel Portland." vel of newspaper making, and Is a and Hotel itrMra. 1-waland. Oresw triumph many years In advance of the city and country which Is honor- Member tlec .crtpp Meltae News San Francisco Ilvrean. 4i r'onrtb St. Cbleass llama. nM) Security llalMlnj. , Wasbln?lon, D. C. Iloreaa. SOI Htb I SU N. W. Entered at IVnilleton pontoffice a s-onfi-class matter. Under the sand and the sod. here the rains beat soft tatoo. Millions of flowers are stir ring the clod. Knowing the skies are blue. Hearing the message, straight from God Now it Is time for you' Wonderful, wonderful thought To comfort the soul of man: How Death's white sleep is In terwrought With Life In God's great plan. San Francisco Star. ,soela. ed by being Its field of labor Port land is a growing, thrifty city, which is entitled to just such a live, newsy modern newspaper as the Dally Journal has ever been, and which the Sunday Journal will be in the fu- ture. The advertising patronage of the Sunday Journal was greater than the management ever considered possible, beginning a new issue It proves the activity and enterprise . of Portland merchants, and pres- ages a progress for the Journal. which is beyond the fondest dreams ' . ' of Its owners. The Sunday Journal , . 'will make a specialty of Eastern Or-j , egon news and special articles, and j promises to be the true home paper of the Pacific Northwest, as It will! be made In Portland largely irom vital local material, and teeming Many a man's conscience troubles . Z him only when his ueighbor does something wrong " J Drink : 8BSCENT REAM : OFFEE It Is Fine Famous Georgia Minstrels Monumental as a MonumcnM Gigantic as a Giant! Colossal as a Colossus Pleasurable Surprise of Prime Magnitude! Cannon Shots From the Minstrel Kings! A PRINCELY EFFORT BY THE REIGNING MONARCHS OF MINSTREL CATERERS TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, "THE PUBLIC." A Superlatively Great and Incomparably Big Minstrel Festival. A COMPANY WITHOUT AN EQUAL IN THE WORLD OF MINS TRELSY FREE STREET PARADE DAILY. Seats on Sale Monday, 10 a. m. Prices 25c, 50c. 75c and $1.00. IN 1 aho 2 La. SEALED TINS ONLY !, CANTV'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl Ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. I I Good music every evening. I . with local interest. The "plunger" always grief in the end, and comes to . j grief in the end, and Invariably j . urags Diners uown wun mm. ine failure of the cotton king. Sully, is another evidence of this evil. After all, the man who makes but little bluster, pursues the moderate, unde- The Boers. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Under W. i C. R. Depot. ' I. .luriunm win weicuue lac ...... , , . , , , viumuk vuuiatr tu uusiuna, uuu ouiius ' . That hardy race of pioneers , hi. follnriat,nn ae h , ,v J ttat has rescued South Africa from safest man , ac. mJl barbarism, only to be routed by the manv ppIe have wreckedJ ; greed of the British, after having mentay and financlall. bT Sul,v.s j founded homes and a government opttratlons. no one wn, ever I . after their own desires, will be a He nas a bubbe a flash j ; matchless addition to any civllid , limmer the nnflnriB, hnr), country, and the United States and iDf. up an R0,ng ,n a Canada will fee! the Invigorating in-:produclnK notnlng addinK noth, fiuence of any Boer colonies that ' to c,Tizatlon, and retarded In his may be located in these countries. mele0rJc the course of The latch string Is always out to jmate businesg. Snun the -pIuneer... such people as these. . BulId as you go. don,t hope tQ It is told of the late P D. Armour! pani firat' and bulld the "ubstaaUal WOOD FOR SALE In carload lots. Green cut black pine. Dry four-foot wood at $4.50 per cord on siding at Pendleton. Address S. G. BRYSON No. 1700 W. Railroad St WEINHARD'S BEER Manufactured of the choicest materials only Where the highest quality of beer is desired, Weinhard's al ways fills the bill. It's pure and wholesome. More Weinhard's beer is sold in Oregon than all other beers combined. Call for WEINHARD'S BEER Peter Mendernach is distributor for Pendleton and it will Al ways be found on tap at his saloon. Full supply kept in cold storage. . ' "WHAT HAPPENED TO ITr ; un, tne old story Horse iMtfl . Douea, raiueiy bang jj-yj J ; You see tae result Fix it Dp n man. the best you can and u pid ,ly as you can." Our friend Itl u . ' wagon back In short order, rindS ' solid, not a weak spot in K, uM , I luuKing -as gooa as new - ftlbiH p nis eiampie wnen in like tiroit Examine our Winona mm hacks and buggies. They hire stteS- '"'clad hubs, run easy, ma!e ftia iir.i ; i anea umLer and warranted to te . penor to all other makes. hit J ' them In stock. N EAGLE BROS. Big Brick Blacksmith Shss. ? : The Columbia SI Lodging House j Well ventilated, neat and com-! fortable rooms, good beds. Bv In connection, where best goods are served. 1 WWW- ' HI H II i I I III II Ml I I I t I 1 I 1 I I H 1 I 1 Alain street, center of bloci, i between Alta and streets. ii Well tl :! that on one occasion he made a young minister a present of a suit foundation afterward. tlon must precede The founda- tbe spangled ! Oriental Parlors Massage. Hairdresaina inri of clothes, the parson being told that!110" ,n Iorlunes as w" as n Pal-l J Manicuring. Hooms 3 and 5, t, mlohf n,rf, .h ...I. v..-- .K new. bill sent to Sir Armour The minis-1 A press dispatch says that, alarm teh picked out the finest goods ob-;ed at the steady growth of the talnable, at a coat of JSO. When j United States on the Isthmus, five the bill came to tbe great pork pack- South American republics Argen er, he sent for the preacher to vouch ' tina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Ecua- for Its accuracy, and, finding it right, assured the man of God that It would be paid. As the man was leaving, however, Mr. Armour said to him: "I wish to say to you that I have packed a great many hogs in my time, but I never dressed one before." The most vital progress fs yet be fore the est. She has made mar-i velous growth In the past 20 years, but the next decade Is to be the true expanding era of the Pacific coast states. In many localities now, cltl rens are beginning the furmatlnn nt cooperative telephone line, electric ma 0r " mUh f " 83 ' wantel1'' e ore uisirus.ea oy every south American republic and bated worse than any other power. dor have formed an offensive and defensive alliance against the United States, fearing that Uncle Sam con templates absorbing the South Amer ican states. Time was when all the South American republics looked up ; to tnis country as the protector of I their rights and disinterested friend. They believed the Monroe doctrine meant that we would not molest them ourselvett nor permit any for eign potter to do so. Since our con quest of the Philippines and Porto Rico, our forcible annexation of Ha waii, and our appropriation of Pana- A poor man may be able to point to rich relatives with pride, but he seldom does. line, and other public necessities, which must come, in time. Right now the people should protest against the granting of priceless franchises to private concerns, for enterprises of this kind. County courts and cities are too free In giv ing away the possessions of the peo ple, and In time the folly of this past I custom will be seen. Co-operation Is the watchword of the century wnen the farming communities are '?Zp-!f knitted together hy co-operative lrJiZ most remote settlement Into direct touch with the busy world, and when ' the country is covered with lines of. electric railroad, with power derived Irom the matchless mountain streams of the West, the true Industrial era of the country will be at hand. Not over Martin's orocery. Leave orders at Brock & McComas' drug store. The Oriental par lors are in charge of Conala E. Breyer, a graduate of Lola E. Shaw's parlors, of Boise City, Idaho. Egg Baths, Fomentation Bath, Plain Shampoo, Shampoo with Scalp Treat ment, Shampoo with Hair Curl ing. Head Steaming for ladies and gentlemen, Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Facial Massage. .inCTFTTthv P CELEBRATED Notice to the Public HAVING SOLD MY COAL AND WOOD BUSINESS TO L. W. Mc- ADMAS, I DESIRE TO THANK ALL MY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR LIB ERAL SUPPORT GIVEN ME IN THE PAST AND ASK THAT THE SAME BE EXTENDED TO MR. Mo ADAMS, WHO WILL AT ALL ties which must rid of at once or you're going to lie Bii-k. Then the Ulttere Is iieded. It wlj cure General Debll. ity, Bnritig 1-V-ver, Xervoiu-Iic-t. HtoniHfh Ills, Iusouiula and Malaria Try it. ! fjsiv STOMACH ft, I Fitters In the Spring your health needs attention The -y.tem UlTIMES KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF with ImniTrf ,G0D' RY WOOD AND KEM- WHICH TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS IN THIS LINE. I SHALL FOR THE PRESENT REMAIN IN THE OFFICE WITH MR. McADAMS, WHERE THOSE INDEBTED TO ME WILL PLEASE CALL FOR SETTLEMENT. HOLT BROS. Side Hill Combined Harvester The latest Improved two-wheel, side-hill combined harvester has ; proven a boon to wheat raisers. It is tbe most successful, most ; economical and easiest machine to operate ever built. ; These harvesters have been given abundant trials right here at ; home and all users are highly pleased. None have been dissatisfied ; and all are high In their praise. ; The Holt side-hill harvester on a side hill is able to stlek to ; the side of the hill, while the header win slip down the hill. The ; main wheels are vertical, which braces tbe machine lo the side ; hills. It works equally adapted to level land. The Holt harvesters are sold exclusively In this section by E. L. SMITH 21 8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon All extras for Holt machines on hand. '"""""""""""mil niiiiiinii F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor t i Mm GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar Store. Its THE BEST THE MOBT WHOLESOME PROPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR P. P. COLLIER BYERS' BEST FLOUR Tae Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every style on l mounting and carry a complete tuo of Pads. Inks, Racks, Daters, RnW Type. etc. SEALS. STE.NTILS, Tr Checks, Door Plates. Write me what vou want I 01 ! please you by return mfttl WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker Cit THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind wben need poultry and stock suppu and ask for the Internatlos" Poultry and Stock Food. Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta St Agent for Lee's Lice Kill'- LEGAL BLANKS te c t r . , , gonian for a free cat- alogtxe of them. A full sopply always kept In stoefc. Walter's flouring Mflb Capacity, 1E0 barrels a da? f 1UU1 VJtVUOUgCU U mm.-. Miti rvw,i Phnnned I etcv always on band.