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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 03. 1 k if Mt in I) t1 i I : iV 'f it' I tlMIHIIHIIHimHlll(M)UHIHtMHItllllMI Hats and Caps for Fall and Winter END OF ARGUMENT CONCLUSION OF STRAIN'S ABLE PRESENTATION, the Late Shapes and Colors Will be Used for Future Reference In Annalt of Taxation in Umatilla County Answers All Objections and Shows That O. R. & N. As sessments Are Yet Too Low. JOWS UlISC OA This letter concludes tlje able ar gument of Assessor Strain In the O. It. and X. tax case. The statistics and calculations made arc so thor ough that this article will be used Sirs, you have no more moral right to rcduco the assessment upon this company's nronertr below one-third Its full value, than you have to ab-( stract the money from the pockets of one man and empty it Into those ot, another. n a Jt tl Pirnlnnl I Do you know that this company earned above expenses last year up on Its road In this county approxi- mately 16G.4 times S 4.000. or SGG5.60U. Can you comprehend this enormous sum? It is greater than the annual combined sales of the livestock and minor products of the county. It Is greater thau the annual profits up on the county's entire wheat crop. JGfi3,000 Is a princely sum. A property that will return that mu h Income" In a single year Is worth IS.322.500. The O. It. & N. is strong. It com- and BAE R & DALEY 729 Mam St., Pendleton j 4 fnr future rotnrnnpA l.r- necneanra nt ! mnnrts the traffic Of a great Umatilla county, and the entire fitti?? t& ,umvn suuum Him u iiiit; iu vvtj X One Price Clothiers Furnishers X and Hatters I I HI I I I I I I 1 I I 1 llllll rr'M'r-M"M"r4 GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Bedford. furnaces The stonecutters of the lnd., district, have struck. Thirty or more pig Iron wli shut down between October 1 and 1 January 1. reducing the output 75.000 tons weekly The striking messenger boys of Chicago have returned .0 work. They will receive $5.40 per week for day work and Jl per day for night wort W. r. Hundley, an old and trusted clerk in the United States mint atj san Francisco, nas restgnea unoer charge of stealing $200 worth of gold dust. The Chinese government has a re ward out of $100 .OtK) for the arrest of Leung Kal Cheu. vice-president of the Chinese Empire Reform Associa tion. He is now in San Francisco. An association of German physic ians is making strenuous efforts to 1 nave a law enacted In uennany pro hibiting the marriage of all people who cannot show a clean bill of health. Father Callahan, pastor of the Ca thedral parish of ' Denver, has spec-; ulated iu Bi t: stocks with church j funds and is short in his accounts $20,000. There is no suspicion that j he attempted to profit personally, but ! to Increase the building fund of the ! new cathedral. Four German who have not been naturalized, were imprisoned by tie military al Cripple Creek because they refused to go to work after be ing imported from Duluth. They are not hoboes beating their way. but refused to work after learning condi tions 'at Cripple Creek. NORTHWEST NEWS. J. G. Toung. a pioneer of Clacka-f mas county, aged TO years, died Fri day of paralysis. Mrs. Sarah A. Brown, a pioneer of j Forest Grove, aged 71. died Friday after a lingering illness. r. .-. .w .. . .4 in ft'i-l 1 UTer t,vw luu ui uiij iv'.v . Hotel Pendleton. B. V. Dennis, San Francisiv W. H. Farrett, Portland. G. S. Youngman. Portland. F. S. Welden, Portland. George S. Carey. Madison V. Pawley. Seattle A. B. Bradbury, Portland. H. X. Dryer, Tacoma. E. H. Richmond, San Franci3co. W. S. Goodman. Valley. C. C. Irwin. Rochester. A. D. Browerc. Chicaco H. P. Brandes. Portland. .Miss Carrie Stypc. Portlaud E. Pickel. Portland. D. VT G. Brown. Chicago. T J. Walsh. Portland. E. K. Mardln. Portland. TV. H. S. Cutler. Portland C. C. Simpson. Portland. ' Mrs. T. C. Varner, city. Harold J. Warner, city. R. A. Seeas. Spokane. John T. Whistler, city. Genevieve Hailey, city. Golden Rule Hotel W R. Hamilton. Echo. Rry Belts, city. VT. K. Siler. City. E. J. Lang, Denver J. W. Robinson. Denver. M. Spencer and wife. Nebraska. C. B. Turner and wife. Nebraska. J. C. PiotL Seattle. E. Rlderman. Atheca Mrs. B. L. Leland. Helix. C L. Halloway. Weston. E. C. McCoy. Walla Walla. .Mrs. Mary McCoy. Walla Walla. L. Cunningham. Portland. S. S. Gill. Cpckane. Mrs C Kir chafe. California. John G. Helfrich. Spokane. G. B. Carlisle. Spokane. Dan Lowe. Spokane. C. J. Gulllford. Echo. E. Pickel. Portland. J. IL Douglas. Weston. W. B. Jones. Walla Walla. Roy Belts. Pilot Rock. Notice to Contractors. scaled nronosals will be receivea Horary In the state. Mr. Strain said: Is Assessed Too Low. Compared with lan- owned as investment this road even now assessed far too lands which I have valued at JG.OoO ler quarter and assessed at $2,000 per quarter will not lease for more than $6 per acre for each crop, or $960 "jier quarter. This rental Ik paid once In two years which gives $4S0 gross annually. It requires eight and one-third quarters of this land to yield $4,000. the net income of one mile of railroad last year. The assessment of $2,000 per quarter would amount to S1C.CG6 upon the naked land alone, leaving out the Im provements and special school tar. Take 17 mills upon this -valuation and you have $283.32 against the total net tax of only $243.03 upon one mile of railroad. Do you question the logic of this illustration? Can any man question It? Can auy court In ie land dis regard it? Truth Is mightier than cunning. It Is mightier than money. Xo assessor, no board of equaliza tion, no court can long suppress It. In a fair contest with error, it shall 1 prevail. If you stand by your guns railroad people will see the folly of their contention and accept the in j evitable. For I know and you know ; liefnrr It. In the face of these snd a multi tude of other facts, we find these j people here, not as I believe, to ol j tain Justice, but escape it. an I 1 do not profess the gift ot prv.ih- .. I i.... 1 .t.nm tttnt In fhnir low. The farming ' resistance of Just and equal taiaUm iuey are suvwug suuus mui day germinate and grow into a mighty force that shall rise above them, tax thorn as other pecplo nre taxed, regulate their charges, control thom wllhln the bounds of reason and fair day. The Road, Or the People 7 They should better appreciate their great benefactor, the people. In the presence of the people's sovereign ty they should assume the attitude of obedience and not of dictation. Gentlemen, It Is up to you. It is for vou to decide whether this cor- than At'. r,.,r ,dnr nf Till. 11 IT X- V acres of good pasture land has been . , ,h 0ece f the undersigned, room ! Gentlemen, the W. ii C. R. R. as sumed by forest fires in the past , j. jud(j -building, until Thursday, sessnient was settled by the board week. In the vicinity of Lakevlew. j October Sth, at 3 p. m.. for the erec-1 of equalization and" it is now beyond The 5Sth annual meeting of the tlon and completion of the Bowman (your power to reduce. As meaitured General' Association of Congregation- s hotel, situated on Main street. Pen- b. jts earning capacity or market al churches and ministers of Ore- ' dleton. Or., according to plans and yue jtg assessment is Jully as high son, will be held at Oregon City. b-1 specifications prepared by C. E. as that of tbe 0 jL & . Theuwith Xinnine September 2&. Troutman, architecL t Bids will be re-1 what ,regTt. 0( fair play can you pull The Clark county Washington, ceived for the different branches or i down assesment of the O. R. fc JTZZ'Z Jrn Si.SS Sficlus? ' JTSjl omcers of this 'company know. .V ,o rm,imr aloUt GO men. and office of the undersigned- ine owner and j taow and you dcrstand It. Any man who has even a trlfllnc knowledge of the rudiments lh of arithmetic can understand it As .. . a cr-hnnl linr knows as surely as the wisest men knows that 2 and 2 make 4 so I know and you can know the 1 n .Vilc MtlrnaH liter n Well and they know that any man or com-: pres,dent or this nation, or the moving against an IrrisIsUble frco J h, nest autborlty is certain either to be brushed aside 0earth the Vaitel stateB of Amer or run over. jca lhIjs .pany haa reiorted its Compared With the W. C. R. j post, its ex,enses, and its net Income Another point that can not be over- to this government These reicrts looked Is the fact that we have , have been published officially said passed upon the assessment of the . are now In my possession. W. & C. R. R. Its stock never paid j In my opinion, there is absolutely a di-idend and is carried uion the : no i-ossible way for this company to company's books at $1. It pays, escape the results of Its present as- . . . , - . ! t. ..I. iha irliAl:. ' nowever. honieiaing jesc iuan u jier sessmenL eirept ""wh" -- - T,a nr the corruiitlon ot some ui- ficlal. or through some technical er- It Is up to you to stand tor justice, f regardless of the action of any other assessor, or of all other assessors. ; You are the court or iui cuumj. You are bound alone by the laws and constitution of this state, ou owe obedience to no man. or set of men outside of this limitation, "iou are here to bo the lawful will of the citizens of this county, aud or this county alone. The iieople everywnere uuc u .T i... ihu fnrnr. tii to tne rnonuiij j4 cent upon a bonded Indebtedness of $29,159 per mile. Its net earnings during- the past five years have aver aged about -.0 per cent as much aj$ the O. R. & X. Frnm an Investment Ktandtoint one mile of the O. R & X. Is worth wo! and one-half miles of the W. & C. R. R. Yet the W. & C. IL IL is asses sed in this county nion its track, rolling stock and" depot grounds not less than $C.0O0 per mile, or more actual barrenness is rare comfor words to childless women. Many woaun are denied the happiness of children tlict' v Among- the many triumplis of Iiydin E. Pinkham's Tp Cnmnounu is orercomlnir cases or supposed barren nr ti children owe their existence to Jydlft E. Pinkhaiu's VegetaWtSj pound. This trroat medicine is so well calculated to retmlate erm ?! of the poncrative organs that its efficiency In this respect U vowM j zuuiutuues oi ireiaca. Nine Years Without a Child. "RrAr. Mns. PixrriASf: We had hwn HiArripd nm - I . .. n tic tnve ilf t 2 .1.11.1 1 1 l-i-Xl- . -i - . rfcni liuraiiuu uiui juj jiever uuu cuuurexi, uiiu uu we uitic u muc uuuy gin nine two a whether the public shall be made to oW tjie j. 0 our ghe owes her exist? Lydla E. 1 pay them. Lam's Vegetable Compound. It is up to you to saj neier urefore takin LvUIa E. Plnkham's , ejretoMe CompoaJ I T'T.intlll nnnntv Is Ktronir unouch. I . i iP . T ? . . , r"1! and her officiate brave enough to I had doctored but received no beneS m"m Jq ll " Z so much zlxrat the Testable Compound I dedded totrviLu?; understand V T cun.) t?Mnp bole? tos curL"-Mr.3. T. IL Gorinr, 1223 derstand It. and the people can un-, Fortrait of a Baby Girl V her existence to Lv Pinkham's Vegetable Com "Deab Mes. Pixnux: I tout some time agp askjng i mu not nave a cxuiu. i a; it I had displacement of tie and ivanan trouble, and Iwith baekache and beadacbe. eent me a nice fetter in giving me lull l3strQctiQla, to treat myself, too. m ance tvith your directions tout Vegetable unnpoi followed your kind advice fully in eve rr resper. and have a little girl, the joy of Home, l never -would tsn babv if flfchad not been far efmlZfz 1 - X uuUivb jiauic jjjtutt - 'iV-VJ barn's Tepetable Conipotufu enwign li nas aone jor me. l now ouj v -women will see this letter. uloeek, 1111 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio. Another Happy Case in Brooklyn u Bejlr IIrs. I'iskham : I wrote to you a year ago tel my troublas. l bad pains m tne ovaries, menses were bad never borne children. u You answered my letter and I followed your advice. I wa pletely cured. Have just given butn to a nne,neaitny oaue, auu hildbirth had a very easy time. - irdia sl. rinKnam's meaicines are a uoa senu to woujcu to be mothers." .Mrs. Schcxtz, 12 Luzner St, Brooklyn, I. Many women wlione letters we print were utterly di .1 lir.. innbul utt . t tlll.1,1 XaKuv. Ikatf TTWltfl MH. Lynn, 3Ias without charjre of any kind. They recciTOi wbJcii ni"',' -im". !!""f til wotnen again. KM -31es. Joas 1 id una the favor itism bestowed upon corpora...... Thev are demandinf; as never before i equal taxation, i- is up to you to break away from the uuiversal cub-' rm r fnvnrltlsm toward tuls com- tn this state, ion pany have a i golden opportunity to right a preat wrong. Embrace it. can know that Cen over iToo tons of f ' reserves the risbt to reject any and lr'i ln tnls" county is messed, aas enpaseo over ... , ..thirT ! full vBlimJ for th season. Sheepmen of the headwaters of the j little Smoky and Beaver rivers,! Idaho, have lost heavily during the; past week from a poisonous weed.; which the sneep ate en route to the stock yards, to be shipped. Colonel Sam Word, one of the plo-. n.r residents of Montana, died Kri- ot Helena, of paralysis. He was C. E. TKOUTltAN. Architect Notice to Patrons. Havine rented the retail depart ment of my butcher business to Mr. K, D. Aucustavo, an experienced butcher of "Walla Walla, I myself will conduct the wholesale part of said at Helena "M;'' ; buslncs. and all persons knowing one ot tne very u. - " - -- tnemjljre8 indebted to me will please Montana territory back in the earlj , market 8ettk! their ac- days of the gold excitement. unU. Mr. AugusUvo also desires Anderson Garred. who shot and tQ announce that the business will be killed ex-bheria A. J- McKinnon. ol 1 88 it has been, and all pat Harney county, at Guernevllle. CaU roaB Qf tne market vrUl receive the on Septemoer i. was arrested in Ba- same uftgoas treatment as heretc- ker City Friday tor xmp-wy. - ore ic Kefnre the authorities recog nized his identity, and has made his escape. David Westennan. a sawmill hand, was terribly mangled at Cascade t ,., r-lJir In- helne caught On a PERRY HOUSER. A. D. AUCUSTAVO. HoWt This? W oCer One HundrMJ Uollsts c" for ut ctxr- of cmtarrh tht cmn not t Locks, noay. - ij H1I Cmt.rrh Core. reTolving snaft. Both legs and arm j CUrsKV k co. Jolrfo. o. Itr ul fa . ,. .!-,.. .nJ toff' -f. .k. kin known r. J. ana several u -iT tt Thi lut 15 jnn. nd tllre protruding through wfll recover. the flesh. I him rirttl7 honorable In alt tojltf truuictloo and Cnanrtslly bl to carry out nr obIlctIona msde by tbelr firm. WEST it TKUAX. Wbolle DrurrtmU. Jfilif.!." I Tnlrdo. O. . ' WALDINC. KISSAX 1 MAKVI, wboie- i IU11 Csurrh Co taken .tCTjUtv li ttrtloc dirfctly upon the blol nd mocou .nrf of the .ntem. TwllmonUto 3 teal fret Trier 75c per bottle, hold bf '2 all drosrtots. . . j UtirTramUy lUts are the beat Don't undo the good your vacation tiv drinking poor water C(.Mf QrtrttXi S or putUng inferior loe into the boil ? OCbOOl JtippUgS &! e Xer b Ten cents worth of Ice per ! 1 School Books School Tablets Hr -Ill siinDlr an ordinary family ... .i ... r v.f.r Tie , Willi iiuuij ui uiimiu"!, X sure, though, that you get good ice. . . i Call up -phone Main 1S81 and No matter what the boy air Aw water ice from or girl Needs for use m i Ross Ice Plant. school il can De loaau i z cet the tore Largest tabletslwith : . - ?t tnvMt 1 jWKttni - - f FRAZIER'S I BOOK STORE What Is UfeT in the last analysis nobody knows, nut dn know that it is under strict . Ibe la oensUpaUas, feeadache or Uver Tmuni r mux. mwv . - quickly readjusts this. It's geatle. vt thoroueh. Only 25c at Tallman k Co.' drag store. New ready-mads dally at Teutsch's. skirts arriving I aBsert witaout fear- of successful contradiction that ninety out ot every one hundred taxpayers have better crouuds for reslstine their present assessment than this com pany. SupjKise. Sirs, that every taxpayer snould place himself above the law and resist as these people are doing a lawful equitable assessment, wjatt etfect. would It have upon this coun try? Ir would keep this court -Jit-ting in continuous session as a board nt equalization for a period of years. It would tie up the scImjN funds, stop public improvement, coirvert or ganized government into anarchy. Hac Never Shown its Valuer This corporation has never shown our assessor its value. It has never presented him any Cruxes whatever in support of its contention. How can it do so in the face of its own official statemcstt How can It dis prove the official figures of the United States government? Upon what grounds, then can Ul court remove- from wis corporauon its taxes an4 place them upon the shoulders of resident taxpayers? It is a creature of the state en titled to the nrivBegcs granted in its charter. It draws its lire and prosperity from tne people. To them it owes a iust tax. wblcn I aetnana in their name. It not only owes a tax. it owes more, it owes obedience to the uriucinles of this government I assert tnat it not oniy seeics iu evade its tax. It does worse. It strikes at the foundation of represen tative eovemmenu Equality before tne law is me Key note of this republic, who nouuis that this corporation employs the nas a svstem for the sole purpose oi defeating Justice in iu own favor? Aealn thev have laid mucn stress on the fact that their road haa been rnlu.rl more than otner propem submit that the fault is not mine. Sanaw UUHBMll llSVO beB tOO bMBnetaeeA moth ' soarlr "upon as MuIiiT wHti euier roperty Tne logic or taw powuoo w, wi having been favored in the past, they are entitled to an everlasting continuance of the same treatment. My position is that here Is the property, consider Its value. Impose upon no man. Shield nobody, Tie Price of Pieasirc. It is hard ibr a lowly woman to forego the pleasures of the life which she was created to enjoy and adorn. She may navr to be busy all day in office or in store, vet fche cannot deny herself the ocial pleasures wnlcn are ottered ncr. r-f But the fatigue is cY "t. often too great lor Vf. 1 her. and she suf fers from headache and backache as a 5-, consequence of Women who are tired and worn out will find a perfect tonic and nervine in Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Inscription. It cures headache, backache and the other aches and pains to which women are subject. It establishes regu larity, dries weak ening drains, heals rntini sad ulceration, and cures female weak Bess. Itsiskesweak women strong aad sick women wen. r am fto uleaasd with your imirto, kl bAntly know what thus loiTT na tor your kiAd bws, wtUm tin WUo Sry nt, of tfitM. rbomjJ Col, Ca. "I wstnl ma much wfcn nTcat jln in my tek.nd the .tJStl.L,aZ SoBueh and pxlpiuuoo of tne benrt. IMt fl UmeTl could Wdly lie down. Ccld krdly f Tamarack C0U6H BALSAM Poshmcri all the Miothiug and U-aliug virtues of our native white pine eoiu bined in a palatable form. It unexcelled Tor COUGHS and COLDS t up ln tne moraini. om ma "7" Gaitl of Patonte 1-rucrfetioa ol two raU woman.1 of Dr. Pte'rUaaiUPeUeu,Is Ulteanew cir-Y- anwi. Mtweiallv those sufTerinf from diseases of long standing, are in vited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter... All correspondence is held as strictly pri vate and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. B V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CONSUMPTION m 1ms Trouwea are wam.ue eeee and cared fey Acker's Bagllsb Kenaedr "the ldnzr of All COUgh Cares.' yures coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents. Tour money back If dlasatis led. Wrfte for free sample. W. H. looker ft Co.. Buffalo. N. T. Y. W. Jcbmidt ft Oo. 25 aud e.o cents ; er bottle at F. W. Schmidt's The Sellable Druggist lMftoffce Block. Pboue Main Ijl A Chance of a Life Tinie All facial blemishes mooted leavingthe face smoothc and per fect. No drugs, no knife. Red blutery birth marks removed without lea ving a rear or blemit k. Call on J. B. Despaka. or J. J. Worcester L AT wo Spcctaeil is presented to those .i ..kmc vearsw IllUIIlIIa U 1 LIL 1 V - J i first nut on f- which are exactly suited . 1 . 1 . . f . . r-, n M Such glasses arc mace 1 r ... r I OPTICAL GOODS I glasses and Spectacles iJ anA f nickel anu"--- u Tts Free and glasses made to ordtr onable prices, t Glenn Winsl JeweI-OfB SIJ .M" FOB BALE AT TUB EAST OBEOO.VIA office, lars bandies ot newapapers, con talalnc ever 1W) 1I papers tan b ob talced for 23 cicti s btmdl. ft sfc I Insurance at 14,37O,U3.O0 Of insurance U i 'J OREGON FIRC REUItf 80CIAT10N. AStrlcUy MntnlBt; InstiiuuBu M. H. RICE, A cent lor Uniau" yl J. P. WALKER, cw " Peudleton. nr.n kku-ki'ipwrii.TO !:' earzieta. c.rt shal vm flac purjxeea. Old nrv?TtJ J Lurdlea of 100 aaen St . k 1 at th EAST OKIWO.NI too. Orttoa.