East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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ft I
Raliev&s Dandruff
and causes thick, glossy hair to ap
plantthcfannerthta,brittlegrowth. performs Its work on the principle,
" Destroy the cause, yon remove the
effect," and consequently it reaches
and kills off the CTer-busy microbe,
which is responsible fur all scalp
diseases. It thus makes dandruff
and falling hair impossible, and
promotes a luxuriant growth of hair
that soon becomes the pride of the
owner. Even on bald spots it soon
produces hair as thick sndhixuriant
as anyone could wish for.
One bottle wm rarrinoo Sat It k tbe
For Sikbyall Rrrt-Clm Ores Stmt.
Pendleton Fish and
Poultry Market
310 Court Street
Everything ihe best. Prices
sight. We handle
Fresh Fish, which we receive
Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys
lers and all salt water foods.
Ranch and Creamery Butter,
Fresh Eggs, Game in season,
Produce of ail kinds.
Goods delivered to all parts of
the city.
We pay cash for country pro
duce. A trial order is solicited.
L M. Lyman, Prop.
Phone Bed 591
All kinds for all purposes.
Sash, 1 Doors and Blinds.
Planing of all descriptions done
M otder.
Don't place your order lot
Snilding Material until you have
C&gsnlted us.
Says Railroad Wrecks Are Caused by
the Mental Condition of Employes
Contented Men Make Better Rail
roaders Than Those With Family ,
"Do you know the cause of most
Tailway aculents?" 'asked a division
superintendent of the Lake Shore, of
rue tho other day. as we were waiting
on the platform at Ashtabula.
"What causes most accidents? "Why
disobedience of orders." 1 answered.
"No; It is domestic infelicity. "Dis
obedience of orders," you say, and
this is partially right, but the cause
lies deeper "Why should a railway
employee disobey orders? "Why should
an engineer run past the station
where he is ordered to stop? It is bis
cwn life he endangers most. "Why
chould a train despatcher send out
two trains facing each other, on the
snmn timn nn nnp track? Or why
! should a switch tender throw a switch
right in front of a fast express?
"You call these things accidents,
hut that is not the word. Th'er are
the result of mental conditions, and it j
is fot the general manager to be on'
the lookout for these conditions, and
every good railroad manager now Is. i
Do you remember when two passen
er trains met head-on, out in Indiana
last year? The engineer of one of
those trains had in his pocket nn or
der to take the side track at a cer
tain station. He ran by that station
at the rate of 50 miles an hour, and
in five minutes there was a crash
tbat snuffed out 54 lives and $100,000
worth of property.
"The cause of that crash was mari-i
tal trouble. I knew, the engineer. Let
us call him Hank Dristol, for tbat !
wasn't his name. He was married to
a smashing, dashing, beautiful creat-j
trre. and they boarded at a hotel, j
They had no children. I boarded!
there too; and we alt made eyes at!
Hank's beautiful wife. She used to!
play the piano, and sing a little, and
recite. The love of one plain, honest
man was not enough far her. She
craved the flattery of male friends and
the admiration of the clever. She was
not a bad woman just an idle wo-i
man. who spent every spare cent
Hank earned on fine clothes, and. of'
course wanted the finery and her
shape to be admired. Hank was
proud of her. too. One evening hei
kissed the dear creature good-by, and
went out to make a night run. Hei
went to the roundhouse, and at the'
lest moment the Old Alan decided toj
save Hank back, ana let him take
out a special, carrying the president
and directors of the road, in the morn
ing. Hank was tickled, for It was a
great compliment to him. He went
home to tell his wife. He used to tell
her everything.
"But when he got home she wasnl
there. She had gone to the theater
with a boot and shoe drummer.
"Hank went away, and walked the
street all night His wife never knew,
and I believe she doesnt yet. He
walked the streets all night, and ran
out the special in the morning.
"But, after that, he was never the
same He used to confide in me he
just had to tell some one to keep his
heart from bursting.
"He grew absent-minded, lost flesh,
appetite was gone, and he was nerv
ous. The doctor said he should quit
coffee, and cut out half the tobacco.
"I knew what was the matter he
was Jealous. I told him so, and he
laughed a laugh that gave me goose
flesh. 1 jealous? "Why Bill, you do not
Pendleton Planing Mill and
Lumber Yard.
ROBERT fMSTER, Proprietor
Most Extraordinary Bargains
Ever offered in Eastern
Sale Starts at Once
Everything must go. The sooner we close out
the stock the better pleased we will be.
70 Sets of Buggy, Hack and Team Harness.
40 Stock Saddles.
Chaparejos, Leggins, Collars, Halters, Curry
Combs, Brushes, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets,
Harness Oil, Gloves, Buggy Whips and everything
in the entire stock, which is complete.
Every article in the store Cut, Slashed and
Our object is to sell everything in the entire
stock as we will positively retire from business.
The goods must go and now is the chance to
get Bargains.
The Harness Dealer
iWfl tR Pgj
Headquarters for Tmj
Rates $2 &$2i
Special rates by week or exswJ
excellent cuisine.
Prompt Dinlngroea;
Every Modern (
Bar and billiard room ia cot
Only Three Blocks frea
Comet Conn and Johnvm Simu. I
ttudirtoo.OitfcB. j
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor!
hear the engine give three soft toots,
and over to the left, a woman will
come out of a white cottage, and wave
her apron."
The conductor called "All Aboard!"
the bell clanged warningly, we step
ped aboard the coach, and the train
started. "We had reached the out
skirts of the town, and were skimming
along at a rate of 30 miles an hour.
The engine gave three short, soft
toots, and I saw the white cottage, a
woman standing on the back porch
with children holding on to her skirts
all 'round. She was waving a big
check apron.
"What did I tell you?" asked the
If you are troubled with impure
blood, indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc., we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we soil
uiidera positive guarantee. It wll lal
wcys cure scrofulous or syphilitic
pcisons and ail blood diseases. 50
cents and 11.00. F. W Schmidt
Co., druggists.
Amurli-un l'lan, rnteoSl .35 to$t
iHjr any.
Euroiwjiu 1'Ihii. sue. TSc. Sl.a
Sjx-clnl rote by week ur moutb.M fa
Free 'bus meets all trains
Commercial trade solicited
Fine sample r
Special Attention Given fonntrjl
A dispat-h from Caracas says five;
bakers have closed their shops owing
to the scarcity of flour ,
know me? I Jealous? the idea! No. I superintendent. "That man's heart is
am only mad at myself, Bill, because at rest He will never forget an or
I am married to a damned fool of aoer: cis mind is free, so he !e? bis
woman, who makes my heart eat Itself ; wrk properly." -Elbert Hubbard
out with grief, because she lives on'
the fringe of folly. "Why dnct I leave! Sick Headache absolutely and per-'
her! My God. Bill that is the trouble ! ,.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert? doors
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money.
This question ar
-very day. let u--
vs in the family
?. :r it to-day. Try
you Never Know the Moment When
This Information May Prove of In
finite Value.
It h worth considerable to any
seeder to know the value of and use
ot a medicine, for if there is no occa
sion to employ it in the meantime,
irsil humanity is subject to many in
fluences and unlorseen contingencies
that the wisest are totally unable to
gauge the future. Know, then, that
Doan's Ointment will cure any case of
Hemorrholdes, commonly known as
piles, or any disease of the cuticle or
Skin, generally termed eczema. One
application convinces continuation
cures. Head the proof: ,
T. H. Thomas, attorney, of BOO East j
Bennett avenue. Cripple Creek, says:
"1 Just as emphatically endorse Doan's
Ointment today as I did In the month
ol June, 183D. At that time I went to
tho drug store for a box which 1 used
jor itching hemorrholdes. A lew ap
plications gave wonderful relief, and
x short continuation of the treatment
cured me. There have been symp
toms of js. recurrence since, but a few
applications of the remedy never falls
to bring positive relief. My opinion
of Doan's Ointment, then expressed.
Is the same today as it was when
H was first brought to my notice."
For sale by all dealers, price 60
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo.
K. Y., sole agents for the TJ. S.
Remember the name DOAN'S
And take no substitute. I
I can't' 1 love her!
"Hank didn't work on our road, or
I'd never have left him touch a throttle-valve,
even If he'd been my
brother. I knew it would come He
was found under his engine, the order
that he had disobeyed In his pocket,
and a -picture of the woman who caus
ed the disaster in his watch. No, it
A pleasant herb drink.- Cures mn-i
stipation and indigestion, mak'-s vou
f-ct. sleep, work and happy. 25 cents!
anil 30 cents. Write to W. H. Hook-i
er & Co., Buffalo, N. V. for a freel
sample F. W. Schmidt & Co.
a delicious and heait'ifu! dessert. Pre
pared in two minute. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon. Oranrre. Rasrv.
drug-1 berry and Strawberry. Get a package
I at your grocers to-day, to cts.
B4u i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yardi
Alta St., Opp. Court House!
probably has never dawned upon this ; IIUWS5a.'L"iTi.;.,n3 4,j So .
-woman that she caused the wreck '
She wore deep mourning, and the- S
cutest little black bonnet with a whit. 3
fetching I w
ruche She was the most
vidow you over saw, and she knew St
"Yes. that Is what I said marital
infelicity' causes the railroad wrpc V
and most others, too.
"The only safe man is the on
whose heart Is at rest lie who has a
home, and a wife who stays therr
and minds her business, looks after g
uttr ucsuim. i. uk iiu Hwrns, ana uoea
not make eyes at other men that o
the kind I kno wevery man ha
works for me. and I know a disturbed
rlfatrpflsipri nnrl foalniitx min t trafn
length away. My heart bleeds for 'em f
but I serve the public, and none iiueh .
can run an engine for me. f
"Do you see that man in the blur I s
overalls, down there at the end of tuejSj
platform? Well, he is the engineer j
tbat will take out this train. See hou $
calm, satisfied and self-possessed licl!
is: he has no cares, no anxieties W . f
yond the desire to do his work welL 1 St
See him now walking around his en-ig
gine, lovingly loosing it over. He is
not so awfully brilliant, but he will
never disappoint employers. Now, at
a point abcut two miles out, you will
Anyone thinking of mark-
ing the last resting place of
their relatives or friends
should call at our Marble and
Granite Works on Main St. g
and see the monuments.
We are going to move our
works to Court street and
'desire to save handling the
monuments we have in stock if
'and have reduced the price K
to nearly cost. This makes
a rare opportunity to get g
beautiful monuments at a
low price. j
We guarantee satisfaction.
Elegantly Furnished
Steam ne
PiimTVjifi Plan.
Sample room In cosoectie
50c, 75c
thc pn BTLAKI
etrrt. Sirll itr reur u ,
ffcntlrmrn The mat. M m
noder Turkish J$aA
t7lT in .lor bklftfc U&JkZi
aitw.Tnl-jlotr.oc. w I '-JJ rent
inn.. 1 2S: To Hit. ti A SZJ el
To Klde, 1 It: lo K!Of j '"V iVft "1
Office in Qolden Kuien""
ine """K" -r urn
and the people appreciate it