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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1902)
CHOLLY'S MISTAKE. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. VAN DRAN BROS., Props. i ne msx notei m Jrendieto$ and as good as any. t All Kinds of Seeds, countVon bulow. SEEDS i Alfalfa, Timothy, Broome Grass, Blue Grass and White Clover. Orders for any kind of Seed Solicited by TAYLOR, TNE HARDWARE MAN. Wha 'Sells 'Field heace'ln all'helghts, ma well as every variety of HARD WARE, Barbed Wire, &c Empire Heat Market IS THE PENDLETON DEPOT FOR MEATS ' OF AXL KINDS IN LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. QUICK DELIVERY IN CITY. FAMILY TRADE SPECIALLY CARED FOR. Schwarz & Qreulicb, Proprietors. Phone, Main 18. . 607 Main Street. WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. Kemerer Coal. First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone, Red 401, or call on W. C. MINNIS. Office Main Street, just opposite Hans ford & Tnompeon'B naraware store. LaFontaine & Garrison Proprietors Old Dutch Henry ; Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses for Sale. BEST OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT GIVE US A CALL. SEALS! Notary and Corporation $3.50 to $5 Delivered Order of us and save money. Orders for Rubber Stamps also solicited. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. GO The above Is the latest picture of Count Von Bulow, whose prominent connection in current news makes him of interest. NESMITH AND WILLIAMS. True Origin of Former's Famous Wit ticism About the Mule. Judge George H. Williairis, of Port land, writes to the Oregonian as fol lows: ."Permit me to say a word or two about a story published In the Ore gonian, In which It Is stated that I presented a bill to the senate for ex penses In which there was an item of $10 for cab hire; that Nesmith took exceptions to this item and was induced thereby to say that when he j knew me in Oregon I rode bestride a mule, a long-eared animal without pride of ancestry or hope of posterity. I never presented any bill to the en ate or elsewhere, for cab hire. That part of the story Is pure fiction. Ne-; smith and I were warm personal friends until the quarrel came up be-' tween Andrew Johnson and the repub' lican party. Nesmith was a Johnson man and secured some democratic 1 nominations which I defeated In the ? senate. This made him very angry. When I was nominated for chief jus-' tlce, Nesmith was a member of the house of representatives and actively , and bitterly opposed my confirmation and, referring to the fact that I rode in the department carriage, about which there was a great ado made at the time (I was then attorney-general) he said on the floor of the house what t is above stated. The wit and anr casm of the remark are undeniable.' Our differences were entirely politica' and I am pleased to say that long Le-t fore Nesmith's death our early f riond-1 ship relations were resumed." -. - r " " " f0tlcal Notes. E. M. Croisan, local manager for Joseph Simon, practically dictated the date for the Marion county primaries. He did it In the interests of Simon and thereby secured an advantage of no small Importance. While the date selected, March 14, does not give him an advantage over the anti-Simon people, it places him in the position oT ' absolute dictator over the Geer people- The contest between State Senator Williamson and Representative Moooy in the Wasco county primaries Satur- ADMIRAL VON Commander Of the irrmerlal vaeht . w , , iiu wiiw v riniwv inenrjr pan. day, resulted in a victory for Mr Moody, giving him a plurality of 35 votes in the county convention as now reported. Three out of the four of The Dalles precincts were carried by Moody. There were 71 votes in Mr. Moody's favor out of the 107 compris ing the county convention. At the enthusiastic meeting of many representative republican voters in Portland, plans wore discussed for get" ting out the fullest possible registra tion previous to the primary election, in that city, .March 15. Judge C. H. Carey, who was selected to act as chairman of the meeting, was author ized to appoint a committee of three in each precinct to urge all voters to register in time to vote at the pri mary. The Baker City Herald gives the fol lowing democratic slate in Baker county: Joint senator, William Smith; representative, J. H. Bobbins, of Sumpter, banker and miner; coun ty judge, W. W. Travlllion, 28 years in public office; sheriff, John P. Han-i non, of Huntington; clerk, George H. Foster; recorder, C. W. James, cumbent; assessor, George W. Jett, whose political scalp the big mine owners of this county will go gunning for, and Commissioner, J. W. Moody. Elgin republicans says the Recorder, will ask for two places on the repub lican ticket for Union county. D. H. Proctor will try for the recordership, and J. L. Hindman wants to be coun ty judge. At bedtime I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complexion Is better. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It Is made from herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tallman & Co., sole agents. , True. 'The occasional ad Is one of the very best methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertisine. on the other hand, will bring ample re turns for the money invested. Sug gestions. BAUDISS1N. Hohenzollern. now In New Vnrk han.1 1. "Thnt'B an awf'llv smart alrli" .murmured little Cholly Chapley to 'himself. "I'll skate behind her, and p'r'aps she'll notice me. 3. But Cholly was small and light, and that girl was rather tall and heavy, and somehow, though Cholly did save her from a tumble WHY THE Mistress: "But why did you leave your last place?" Cook: "Oh, why, bless you, mum, I couldn't stand the way master and mistress quarreled." Mistress: "Wty, what did they quarrel about?" Cook: "Well, mum, it was generally about the way I cOoked tho dinner." PUTTING THE OTHER FOOT IN IT. Mother: "Ethel Is the very Image of what I was at her age." He: "Reallyl I shouldn't have thought it possible." Mother (coldly): "May I ask why?" He (seeing his error and striving to rectify it): "Oh cr I was for getting what a long time ago that must have been!" iii.L HE WAS BOUND Maalstrate: "Now, my boy, tell me It as big as my head?" Truthful lay: "Yss, slrf,but not so 2. "Here's s bit of luckl The. dear thing Is falling backward Into my amm! Now for the graceful saving actl" 4. he wished he hadn't afterward, for the ice wasn't built to stand such a strain as was put upon It. And Choi- ly spoiled all his clothes too. COOK LEFT. TO BE ACCURATE. the size. of the stens he thraw. Was thick." . - ' Jft 1 hhhr UKAnaaamamBa Headquarters for Traveling Men,. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every flodern Convenience, Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN REE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson StreeU, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM. LIOHTED BY ELECTRICITY. American Finn, ratee $1.25 to 12.00 a day. European plan, 60c, 75c, 11.00 Special ratei by week or month, Vrm Rtii nfa all Tratna. Commercial Trade SollcltaaC Fine Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade CJEO. DARVEAU, Prep.; Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan., Block and a balf Irosn depot. Sample Room la coaaectlea. Room Rate - 50c, 75c, $1.10 ' The; Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION JN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA A WEBB 0TB F.X. SCHEMPP.frop. Daily Oriaialaw ay Cm1 waato nly ti )