Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1901)
CLASSIFIED ADS. w Jet CdCNT 8KVEN WORDS one Hn. or more, Pr week, at ..r more, per month, at l" k!ik links (late '" tnnen 4BC. MOh ml lltlniial inai'rtlon . L'ft B.' ' -.MOmllK. ni KIC1 IN .1 IT 1)1) m. : l to 5 O ri..,r ... I M II . ' I U K IvKA R i in BlMLlI to 13 hubii - SMITH Offl R , Han. ovkh Turn I leptlOUf 11, ....., i, m p hii f PATH nun it. v Ta- eiB.. y,.:.'innr III JIKI t I V I I (a"r" D . Hold Pendleton. HKVDRKI V- PUTWOMH AND .:, t, nose ud iP"""1" 1 1....L I IKK . I '.. I ir.m a i i.i.w-i.. . -alarrha . . iv i i iif'L' fried Itr riii.Mirvi.... JJ KAI I. R''M ' ASSOC. A- -a. 1 Ur linn ' f ruiin -mi w bo ivj- nil , nil. '.Ini-k Wlt uf Ho ft . y k' RLAKKHI K, CHRONIC ' na .il -1iM..iui''t. of u.iia.Mi .. u .... i nt. . . 'II. I if ITI( T A lie u .... .a,,. I. Ill' t. I' D I . ,, . .1 I IN Ml. ft... . -,,.i .... itna' if lultl. tml dine I" U' 1 1 1 J " i-mi'ii-j. ntnl'' 0 I (U.K. ' ' N I I' I OKU AMI Kil'ii.ft'" I.IMUilfto on inui. no worn i iiiaiiv i n.wii ni'ii" ;nr aTrft " neir "i" nwi MAY (NTR ACTOR ANJI .,. I .. , .i. .1 oi. all kind ol alkt, ntajiM walla. -.r. Or ,t, Kai -"tuan ataexi A , iillt ttlMl.ig MBKTIBT, OmOl r i - v -.s.'.-i s i.'n uffl ' II. MBTZI.C't DKNTI8T. SA- AUKS AND HROK8NS. KAT! .'IN Ai. BAN Bv III A I M R A . ii, i . i.liia and proilta, Hkii H1! ui n. lie 4. it'.nBiai prv I. Klrt li- an Ha U- L lm .1 I h..r Ha-net aaalalMi - j , i . . ni V.'l 'S AViNOri RANK ( irextiu iiig'iln.l MaTi-h 1. IHS'i y. . ... iu inu-rMft al- llm ... i. Kxiinangi- Im iglr. Hi nl prlerlpal polnta. Bpe.'lal at rii prea'rMBI . T I to Kant Mm iftrftftft,,.., ,...i. tsaoil coininercial travel. Bm 1 mil KitiMantly Purnistied 6teim Heated mock and a half irotn depot. Sample Knom (a connection. Room Rale 50c. 75c, $1.00 r HE HOHTUANU. OKKOUN l I MANHOOD RESTORED BrvJ.71r.l ti4" l"-wi't..... ..1 ...iiuMMr'raoi'b Pl.yne lau. will quu aijr.cure job QtaB Paiill' '".yaan uf tba a.-... ,,uvt orgai.n, nuct aa -- BUaavkiuaaB, Inwnvnila, aniTL ""nan., B.Mlaal IiTiTj.T .77 ""f. :kMnaUn- Urala. wrlaftxalavaia.avanit fynuipnaji kaaaab.d.v .,r ....i.i h..,i..u..kiM..,l dia.-iianie whi.-n Unotctsatat m i.v" I'tiruii a.ft.".T'.lU k ,i.,..w-..... ........ . itiumifti Reaaai i k ry..""f"fr. "MMilcumd by Doclora La tftfcaoae W prr nent ar' troubled will. Pranla nitla niiuwu rfUif.iv ., , Tiu,,, .it .ii uiftaraiiuu. Ham luaUu... i.n. A wriiMa " a ... aoH I,. . . irur.1 if a .ifft,ii.fta.u.,L aUvoL ataJft&,d MIuwulaJ& U- SlillClnft Ift, . .. .. Pi BY TAUMAH alio., DBU4MIBTB, ft NDbaTOB OKBalOII. TWO LINER I time 15c time 20c H times Mc 1 10c eai h extra Innertlon. TO I'M K. LINK, the rate o( tv per line. the rate nf im- per line, KIVK LIN BP I time KM i tlmea m I time soc tneeuton BIX LIN KB 1 time Me 2 time AOr I timet (Or 2)K- each additional insertion. THK KARMKK'H BANK OK WK8PON WeaUm. Oregon. Doe a g.'uernl hankinr bunlncn. Kxc'innge bought and noli. Ool Inrtlonr promptlv attended tn Affaire In mot xrellnnt condl.'lnn. and an reported arson b ln-i-atlgatiui committee ( rnaponalhle c'tlien lf"cen: K. lemenon, prenldcnt; (leo. W Mrnebetol. vice prentd"rn (' M herot reahlor 1 R. Klllgnrc. wliur.i CMbiiiv director 0. A. Hartmen M M lohna T 1 Priced I' Draw, I. p. Klllgnri. Robert leineenn 0, " "rnnbateil. KIR8T NATIONAL HAXKUK PKNHL.K ton capital po.onrt; anrpina, 10,000. Tran ant h vmeral bauklni biialuio Rxrban. and Inlturranhli' . ...i-i on rhlcam. Ban rranrlniM), Np Yort and ?ri?n Ipal polnta I: the Northweat. Iira'ta I'nawn on Ctiltia. Tapen and Riiropn Vakin nollertlonn on reaannabl. U-rmn. Url Ankrnr. pretldenl; W. P. Ma'.lor) Tlce-prealrJeni ; ; II Wade, oaahier; H I Hiiem,"- caahler ATTORNBTS. OARTBR RAI.KY. ATTORN KYB aT Lan OtBne In Harlnaa Bank Buildluf . HKaN A LOWBLL., ATTORN KYB "AT law Room It Aanoi'lailon Hlo.'k Pnuile ton. Oregon T. O. HAIl.KY l,AVYKR. OKKICK IN indd Bull.iinx P.'iidleion, OreRon. N. HKRKKIiK.Y. ATTuRNKY AT LAW OBlrii In Ako'latlnu Block. K. I). BOYD, Dourt HI. ATT'-RNKY AT LAW. Ill L H. BKBDBR, ATTOB H I Y AT LAW Pendleton. Oregon. .1 A M K8 A Building. KKK I AW OKKIUKIN JI i H HTILLMAN it PIIROK, ATToRNKYr1 at law Mr Btlllniau lia tx-en itdmltted to prartlee la United Htataa patent otBeea and I'atonl Lew Hoomn III, i VI and in aeenela'loti bl.wli - HIDBS, PKLTS AND JUNK. YOI' CAN OKI THK HIOHKST MAI! ket prlee lor your Inden, pelta auil all klnrln il Junk, me h .in rubber, braaa roppar, lead, line, ragn mid lailtlea Irou of all kindn a apeclalty Yon ran bring In ntn worth of old raga or nlilp lu fVO worth of hide and V7UJ Im- triateil In M name wuv We have coini" here to ntay (live una rail and you will tie natlnfled L Bhank A i'o , oitlce and ware bonne next to Kantern Hotel. I'viidlelon, Ore Telephone Red W CALL FUR COUNTY WARRANTS. All t iiiatilla i.niiiiy warrant regtntfted In . iiteinb.'r and October will be paid at my ..tin. at tlie omri Ii.mim uhii. prenenta lion tnterfnt evnue en oa in puiitu atlou Paiiill.iton. Oregon PaBBaBwf fl h k. YaTKH. Trennorer of I'maliMa Cotinu Subscribers to if VOU WANT IV HI It nerlbe tor magazine o -i . in.r- In the Collet tatoa or Europe, rami l tiy Mtal note, i heck oi nenil tn the Karr oaauo nias tUc net pnbllnham price ol the publlcatlor roll deelre, and we will Magazines haxv Ii aeut to yon and ananmc all rink of th moui being loat in tbumalli. II will aave yon LhiiIi ininble Mid rlak. II 7011 are a nnbncrlbei IB UM Knur oskiminun, in remitting yon ran dadurt ten par cant imm the publlnbrra' prlca Addrean KAHT nKI'iOK: A. N PTli, 00 Penile tn l,.-f. PORTLAND fl.l.ln Mnrilnnd Headauart e r H C. HOWBRS. Manager Kaaiaalunu. Bfr-aai asawiiity. r.TT ,r.,r.,,i ,,,,.. i, , i' fl ln:! t: . ieatitaa wa ....... i...,....i,i .ainrxr iranaihana r ii. . ft ft, -.ft.., flue. KiiniHiMkita) n. ftft... v OaMftftfttfW -TRADE EAOTFt-N BUYER WANTS WALLA WALLA BARLEY Let of 10.000 Sac!. a Sought b Karr. Mrh at 70 Ccnta. WailR Walln DM, I, KbmIhiu bit its art' RflW WaahiiiRtmi l.arloy. an I an ffort In IioIiir made to secure a niimhiT or carloaila at once for h:.i merit to rhloapo. Marrv Marsh. n- rercntltiR the ChlcaRo Maltlnn com pany. la In the city today endeavoring to buy of W P. Riser, the lartreat lot of barb y in Walla Walla county. 10 000 ancks of exci'ptlonally fine Rraln. Mr. Rescr Is the largest barley ralaer !n the county, and Is trylnR to sell his crop at "ii r-ents per hundred net In the warehouse. At this time the price Is a cent or two below that Cmiro. Mr. MbtsIi wants barley tor irpiin'.l' ate shipment to Chicago. He vants only fine brewing quality and Is hpv Injr illfflculty in making farm'rs be lieve the market Is In Rood condition to sell. It la likely Hint a shipment may be bad :it Dayton, but th- pros pects are not good for a movement from this city at present prices. QUESTION OF NUMBER AND PRICE OF HOGS. Umatilla County and the Quantity of Pork Raised. The records of I'matlUa county show n great decrease In the number ol' biiRs In the enmity troni the time the assessments wee made in IP-nn and IM1, while Bi the name time there ban been u marked luereaae In the ntimlier nl cuttle. Hlne.. 1 Vim the tiumbet of hogs ha dei Bi ased l.!W tintl the value lias de . leased rrom 111. 541 to fli.iiKT. This rei . ird bat i.een ntiii, in tile lace ot good (irlces for hogs and hog prodiu tn the prlci being cents on foot at this time and they have i n as high na 4 OMtl In the past few months In IX.tti the number of cattle whs l.0tn. with a valuation ol $17;.:i!':!. This year the number has Increaseii to I7.0M with a valuation of $212.42' Mors ran down In number unlll niter i in prlei broke, when gradually the flgttrer were made to show !.2liu in ItM. Then a decline began and the lowest notch was reached In when but 2,727 hogs could be totitid in the eiuinty The Increase since that time bus iieen gradual, but slov When b()g were tit the high tnark eat tie reached the other eMreme. and In IBM we Mini the largest number of hogs and the smallest number of act lb ever ItBtOWB ill the county. I'mntiUa eotinty has lost almost I. nun horses and mules since the as sessnietit whs made u year ago In lliuii the IlKitres were 10 .OBI wliil. Mils year but 12.7uk were found. Th value last year wits IMfjQOO. while this year i lie amount has decreaswl 60 0OU, On tin other hand, sheep have Iieen com ing to the lore I yeat the number assessed was Kln.lttu with -t valua tlon of $1(12.712. This year the or returned 1Rfi.lili7 head valued a' $228.8D5. A large proportion of tin horses missed in the count ea . be u counted for In the cavalry service of this country and Kngland Thousands of Oregon horses have been sold to agents oi these governments and rniHtillu county furnished . large shun- of the stuck taken (POfJ th bttuehgrasR ranges. I'matilla conntv Is one ol tin beat atooh sections of Oregon, and many fortunes have been made by stock men when the business WHS irOierly handled WHEAT REMAINS AT 47 WITH STABLE PROSPECTS. Recent Advance Was Due to Local Speculation No Further Rise Look ed for by Pendleton Buyti. Tlie local wheat market i. mains the same as yesterday when It was quiu. .1 at 47 cents per Inibhe1 This ma de the top of the market ...i the pies enf. n least, according til local deal era. who say that the . an- no condi Hons In sight now that warrant the conclusion that the ,n,. will furthei advance or even remit!!' where it Is The recent ail . Bin e w as caused by lo ial apsottlBtlOB, and Ii is thought thdt this will not hold good much longer Local Market Pricea. Tiu- lullowiug snows the yrlcva paid on the local market: Turulps. 7&c per sack 1'arsulps, 70c per sack. Cabbage, 2c lb. Otei-n otiioiib. pet BBB buuehea, 2Cc Cheeac pet ib . 20i Onions. ar BVL $150 lleetP pel lb . 1 '-jc i' (let cwt., $1.76. Sweet potatoes. 5c per lb. Bauer Kraut, 40c per gallon. Apples, per box. 75c. Cucumbers, per do.. 10c. Tomatoes, per lb.. 6c. Horse radish. 12Vc Ib. Oarllck. UC lb. I'oultry : Cbickens, hens. ser lb. 2V to $tt- Roosters, per lb., 2V". Turkeya, per lb.. 9c. Qoaaa. per do.. $10. SSirm. chickens, per doz $2.7$. I nicks, per Uott., $4. Higeolib, per dog.. $1.50 Kggs. 3Uc In trade. Mutter, 46 lo 60c per roll Choice bee. cattle, etc Cows, per hundred, $3 lu. Steers, $3.60 Hogs, live, f BC Hogs, dressed. 7V,c. t'ftthce B$MBda 7 to Sc. Eastern Livestock. Chicago. Dec. li. Cattle- Kecel COMMERCE is. i. mi market steady to ationget good to prime Bteora. $6.3507.60. poor to medium. $4.Ofl6: atncRPts ami feodern. $2174.25: cows and hell era. $1.26(15.50:: canners, si. 2602.50. bulls. $204.40: calvea. $2.6005 60 Hogs--Receipts. 66.000; mixed au l btttcherB. $6 fi5T6.10; good to choice heavy. $6 Rofffi .15: rough heavy. $6.4 ftr. 5: light. $5 60fT6 86; bulk or Bales $5 70 ft 5.85. Sheep -Receipts. 20.000: mark, t sheep, steady, lambs stetdy to 10o lower: good to choice wethers. $3.b0 ff4 26: fair to choice mixed. $2 76? 1.60: western sheep. $364: western lambs. $30425. Hops. Wool. Hides. Pelts. Etc. Portland, Dec. fi. -Hops. 8i pic pal lottnd. Wool--Valley. nominal. 11014c eastern Oregon. 8012'ic: mohair. 2D?T21 V4t per pound. Sheepskins 'bearings. lRff2ftc: short wool. 26T35c: medium woo!. 3O0ROc; long wool. f!Oc0$1 each Tallow, prime, per pound. 4ff44e: No. 2 and groRBe, 2408c. Hides -Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up. 150164c per pound :dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds. 15c; dry calf No 1. tinder I pounds. 16c; dry Baited, bulls and stags, one third less than dry flint: salted hides steers, sound. 60 pounds and over.. 809c; .lO to 60 pounds 7408c: under 50 pounds and cows. 7c; stags and hulls, sound. 50 54f: kip, Bound. 15 to 30 pounds. 7c; veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; calf .lonnd.. under 10 pounds. 8c: green, outsailed) 1c per pound less, cillln. Ic per pound less; horse bides, sail. . I. 8BPB $15002; dry. each 11.D0: colts' hides, each. 25050; goat skins common, each. 10015c; Angora, with wool on. each. 25(i$l. Pelts - Dear skins, bb to slat No !. each. $5(T20. cubs. $2f.'. badger each. 10040c: wildcat IfffSfa; house cat. 6010c: fox. common gray, each. 30 0 50c: do. red. each. $1.b0eT2: do. cross, each II .t IS do. BjlVBI ... I black, each. $100(j200: flBhers. each. $.rif.6: lynx. each. 21 :!. mink, strict b No. L, each. 30, 1T$I 25 : mai Mn. dark Northern t.- mattett pata idne. ace, I'njl t-i si. ami . h i II rat 43; mttskrais. latv . each, .ip'ior. skunk, each. 26(136: civu or pole cat, each. 5010c; otter, for large with hend and claws perfect, each. $205: raccoon, for large prime, each. 30036c; wolf, mountain, with pBifMt, each $3.5n(i R: wolf, prnlne (coyotel. with head perfect each. 40 fllioc; wolf, prairie IcoyotO head. each. 35(1 60c: wolverine each. $107: beaver, per skin. aBFBB WO do. medium. $"4; do nn.ill. $'?i I IB do kits ."iO075 Don't Let T.iem Buffar. Often ihllilieit are tortured with itching ntul !. limine c. renin and other skin diseases, but lluckli n'a Arnica Halve heals the raw Bores. exMls In BBasBBltlOB. lesM s the skin without a near. Cleuh. tragi ant. cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try It Cure guaranteed Only 25c at Tall man It Co.'a. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. V II Skinner San Krancisco Herbert Berrard. Koresl drove J. II. Currey. Seattle. Ni A Da is. .Milton W I. Page Port lain! ' : Pratt Omaha C i Henderson. San Krancisco G W Httrsi and wile i'ortland 0 II Hase Livingston W O. Allison. UklaB John M Iboitly. city 1 K Pow ers. Jr Port land M W. Hlakely. I'ortlund I) K Smith and wio DOBVOT l T llraiilhorTer H K Carvln Denver W D Chamberlain it D L O'Conner. PortlaUid. II H Hees. Portland The Golden Rule. Kuddy, Genesee K A. M. I. HelTron and wife. th. t. a II Paltou. Spokane. Ilrihto Agetn Jennie Mroaseo and son. I.a (iiatiib W Mandell Halt I ul I Q U Strong. Pilot Hock II P Preston Omaha Oeorge A. Welle Poitlai.d. Mark Sugaiinun Portland. W. J Moon Spokane ((it K Schootimacker. Spokane S. A. Mitchell, Spokane It. I, Mare. Spokane Dr. J. W. Vogel. Purtlaud I. aura Pascbel Portland Scott Benjamin Seattle. Hoe Barton, city. w ii I.WU.S Pilot B,nnB; D W Mumford illy. H. Crowner, city S P Wall Kalrbault, Mlun William Dargavel. Fairbault Ml ii ii I mils Bergevln. Athena Kd Fare. Athena Jacob Flerchlnger. city ' Peterson elij T W Tevls. Walla Wall i J. C. Holcoui Athens To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers In apply lug liquids into the naaal passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Kly'g Liquid Cream Jlalm Price, including the spray tube Is 7S cents Druggists or by mall. The liquid embodies the medicinal proper ties of the solid pi paratlon. Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed by the mem brane and does not dry up the s Hons but changes them to a natural and healthy character Rly Brothers. r. Warren street N Y For aale, 50 vacant ! ib, '5 res i.em e piop.-ctles cho;- - ranches t'amas and Starkey pr1' tea. VBCatl lands and stock ran' bet. K T. Wade. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS.. Props. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton and as good as any.,iurtcrsfor TuvclinR Men. Cornniodious Sample Rikuils. Rates $2 per day. Special rates h week or month. Excellent Cuisine. ByBfl .lodern Convenience Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. OBfBM i I'll r I i i Jobnnun Btreeln. Pendleton. Oregon, M. F. Kolly. Proprietor. MFATI!I BY STHAM. I I0HTI.D BV bLbCTHICITV. American Plan rate I i.l oiaday Ruropeaii plan. tOc. TV. II 00 Special ralea by week or inontk Free Bus fleets ell 1 rains. Commercial 1 rade Solicited Fine Sample Rooms SHHial aiit'iition iTflClQltn lVgVif Have you seen (hem ; who? Why the New Lumbermen j WHERE? Oppaiu. W. k C. K. e$lt PKNDI.I I'ON, oki.i.on Cray's Mm Cniiiiiit'nial Co., W J BE WELL, i .1 . - i BO Y t. ARB' EXPB FtltNCB mm iniaot BR ARK a Of Blame Coeysuceits Ac a i rone nennl'.g a nki. b and aaa.rli4e.a u.r qui. my aaaarlals ur oi.ibM.n free wLe( ai. il. ..!.-. I. I r 'bablf bavlVlitcaiil tluatrtfltJf ( OliOds-HlllaU llaUaai i ii.uiftiiii.a taaatua. BBiiA' trmm niSMt . r ! ,?. id. VaiuU t4a4Mi Ibrwtufb Muuu a t -, rM.l attMaV HutUt W II Ik' U I Viimt lULli SckHtlfk Hmrktn. IU 111 a ..... I.. .....I. uiueiraied weekly I ii a. iwi.t 10. 1- L,n..i raari f'.ar auaxkn It Sold bra. l.tiei clr SI a .....Urnlm SblB.u.U.., Vl Si ft Waab CUtf YOUItilf I I ni n. g for eeaetexal fttlackargaa. lbg.iftiu.lloea. i'.t.ll..b ul ft.l.rlUHft ul anniini u,ru.U.ia. l aiulaaa. ami u i aauti. , a-..' u, ..... . Banal iuu. or aval Hi k.i.,1. IBeBBI S esptaan, twaaand. t l u. t, i UHilaa, B ' ' in ...i m-ui w. BBaeasft gBBBsHPae'fRMBal P"H MMLV'ttH . BUB flD Km.'HiiftWlUBUal ' '' ur'wahnBp' Jfft. B WBi gn jt AlSBlJa HBWBflc4HaaMBfTg4l Special fflEyjjaBjHfl H nAgwl k-TAJi It Si ' vta Hunt TSal V M tVgaB JelMil...,u,.. l: aBjglrl mm. OREGON Shout Line Uion PACIFIC Time ohedule taaixa From Fa dleton aax Halt Ul. i. i.v -t Ft. Worth. Omaha, Rao nan cut si ,,utn. t kl m . ago and Kaat. salt t,aat, Penrcr. Ft.. Wuftb. Oiaaha, Kan aa city, bi Lamia, ok I 1 1 i ago and Rant M P Bt. Paul Walla Walla, latwlnl... Fam Mall ! Bpnkane.Walla.-e.lhiM a. i.y a. ib. man, MlbBeapolla, Bt la Paul, Diilnlh. Mllwau Spokane kee, I'buago and Kaat Ocean and Kivcr Schedule. sunn FOBfl aNB All nailing dalea tubjeel le . hangf ft HI I III For Ran iiai.t-co 4 p. ra sail every l naya I ally I Ice pi siiuday p. at. I sat unlay rft Columbia Rlvar lo Antorta and ay Laisllogn. t p ax so iidar IU p. Bi. I Willamette River leave Portland dally, except l. except Siuidar, Im W ii huh lie ali i ft ,.i a i i pcrmillllig Yamhill line latlnta. Leer r LjafR k.rm ' Snake River twlnmn l -ivy a bi. in a Pailv ! Blpaeta M Uwmton Paltr f .rM Monj tai pi Uoa K S MM-IIV Agent lemtiekaa Washington & Columbia Kivcr Railroad lake thfs route lor Pof Chicago, HI Hiie 'It v. Ht. Paul, Hi. I la Ktu- .lue. ( luialia. Mini All Points liast and Soutb Portland and points on the Sound OMR i tidleutn, dally en I .rani' ni nun.laya at :il pm Arrive ! ii.llcii.n Fintay ii: in Arjive Pendleten Saturday i JA am . Monday Mrdunatay aa4 Inenda) Ibiiiedai and leave Walla alia dally, eant bound in on pan Arrive Walla Walla dally went lamnd vu.aax For lul.irinalli.n regarding ial.-. an I a.- ni.i.i . t . 1. call ..u or aildrrae w A PA US. Agent Peadleloa, oragua B B I'ALpgRIIKAP. O f. A . watia Walla. Wank ni;w LINK To ami Irom-lbe Illinois Ceiiiralriailroad Solid TrainH New hquipiiiciit Wide VcBtihulc BaaaiFa agent o. h a n. iu,., or h II I kl'MBI I.I., (i.ii.'l. Agetil, 142 Tbifd it., Portland, Or. NORTHERN PACIFIC HI NS I'u 1 1 in, i ii Sltx'piiiK ' I IcRuut DiniiiK (aurt. I ui i-it Slcepintf GEff HI PAD I. MINNKAPDI.IH Dl I . I ' I II KAIUiO OHAND KOHKR I ItOOKi-imN TO ! WINNKPKt. I HK1.KNA aud BlJTTK TUHOUGU TtCMJm I HK'AiiO WAHIIINUrO.N FHII.ADKI.PHIA N I W VOHK BOHION ami all .n,u Kaal ami BWIvtl 10 . ii o. avu le J. fttiil I lillftt Via laauiua and Norlbvru ste.uiablu u and American Hue TIBR BLNRUULg. I talun leave Puudlabuu dally eaoaei Suudar ataiglp. a. For lurtber Itttwr aiaiiuti, Uaxa caida ...k aud llckeu call ou m ante W Adaiaa. I'aa lleloa Oregon, ar A p I'HAkLTOM. Third aud atonieou eta . forllaud. Ore. "lift I