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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1901)
feu; DAILY EVENING EDITION IE DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather ..... ilir I'murm "'. . bf . srrler Tnnliihi Jiei b v (m sight PENDLETON, l M A l l l.i. COITNTY, OREGON, I l . NOT KMHEH BO, IJMM 1 1. NO. EVENING EDITION HNtRAL NEWS awaretom ol ths Horn for hint CnlMrrn Krn, Ol the, i-vnl 0nge In- Will field niiuviv, rhil.i.-l.lii. yesteraar. I., r T K Mutton, won cum ... J ... ..... t ... i fln1 l,lgU'J "l iiiouuiT-u , J logo has been ap rowmntid' t .n- nici n un let thf AliStlHIISI ooinuioii- f-nrli 'tianil- i of deputies, by rTT. . .. .1. ..a.wl iho Chi Of 3.1. 1 I U - ' c " - gft Dg ' 'wo P"r- . nf th Ana: artlrie. wmcu me glOtl hl1 lllSericil Mtn.iiri ncr I the government. .Amerloun roncress will be .. . iutlnl. .ill.ttt Bp trmt'N' ptwwti Peru and Moll via. ii Bgnu declines w w ' lor the Argentine itopunnc win Mteil to arl'ltrat'' these mat- gnakc. who led th lebelllon rtnn rch -ii-- . toTmrwmmn, m I raimr nf the croon ooeocni ' T . (.and will send laiagaUoc to Washington. inins- the ! 'I'tiK "i iwk Ion. WO x"Ul 'is assembled lajUuMrtvtni dinner given wiieinmi H I.or.;f. Tatil Cambon. tnii'HHsailiil t 'cecal nnmiu lltl of President ktli; in' wave, accompa obh wind, baa done much alone th eastern coast of Iron. N ' Kant Rivera kv, rl itanka. dams walla m- ii invaded and Lf country have lieen nub- aritery surrounding the aale AMn- b) public auction haa r -.. announcement Au::t Lredorlck Webater. the ptirrlias' The new own- deaeen.l'ii: of Sir Thomaa , who bought the ablspy from I Monts-' i 1711 and whoae rHalaed posesslon of It for rt . ml hoard of i 'instruction baa led th r ommondattoan call- congress relative to the two k '!(! i TtilHera. ssesrlaj man v technical whii 1. havi nrlaen at to minor, batteries tr The unmendatlons Miml !f '; 'hi two atllllK tonsi tacl TIC NORTHWEST NEWS Mmob agetl yeara. died ' IT Kite whk Mr of 0 Maaon of Hantlani !' kttnn4lag wii Vlllan: T Hartaon haa botu liy Repreaentntlvo Jonea aa Tempi. . anceeaaor In The aiinouneement wna Mr Jon. ,, h maelf. riterittiis Iiii Tiiriiin lioldlnc Hp hla - patet, la atill MB and children I towarda Oawe and. "tll hull Ot the W L White of i . 1 1 i it nnoiimnHU l! WhkIi on a wf aurvlTM bin. '"I" mder of Koaaland N uf Mh. , S "orden. u plonoor af " ' that leKion'a '' 6 laat Tilea- om ned vain , 'i: Mini aa i 'o enter the We la a native of OaJlfor WIL L NOT SUPPORT Proposition of Mr. Elam as Recently Stated. NOT MUCH COMFORT FOR COUNTY DIVISION PLAN thi t mty jii.ia. 4 Both Athena and Weaton Paper. Which Reflect Local Sentiment. Are Oppoard to It Leader la Satiafled to Remain in Grand Old Umatilla County. While Preaa Say Milton May "Flock by Heraelf." The Athena Preaa favora Mr. A. M Elam'a dlvlalon scheme By all means let Milton be act aalde n the county aeat of a new county, even though th' corporate limits of the town mark the boundarlea of the new tounty. aaya the Preaa This scope of territory would be amply aufflcient to aatisfx the cravings for county seat honors for only In the precincts of that town can te found tax-payers who count 2 and 2 aa I, and cherish the princi ple that two sets of MMSfjtj officials can run the government affairs of the territory at present emhrac.-d within the houndiiM lines of Pmatllla county as economically us can on- set of of ficials In any event, give Milton the county Heat honors she has all the long years so earnestly com. ted. but let the county lines be drawn wholly within her own precincts, for outside oi those no one wants to see I'matllla county divided. Mr. Klam's dlvlalon scheme la one prolific with hoary, dis mal failures of the past It will fall, should It ever come squarely na ture the people and tax payers of the county. No one can lay blame to Mr. Elam for Itelng ambitious for his tow n, but It la only self preservation on the part of the county to see to it thut Mr. Klam doca not upbuild his towp at their expense Develop the Resource. Milton bhould have long ago turneil her attention to the development of her resource, instead of building count) scut ail castles to be toppled over l near I v ever) session of the legislature tor yearn past Had she lione this Milton would long ago have been u n i better town tlmn any seat of government of a county, no matter how large the territory, could possibly have made her. and her prop ii. would have advanced in value accordingly Mr. Elam'a plea that 37 miles is too far for Milton people to 0 to ii ansae! county and court bual MM "Tumbles before the fact that ii,. i. is scarcely a county In the tate of Oregon where like condition do not exist Apparently Mr Klam loaaj sight of the fat that It takes terrl tory scope of country to maintain a county government Pendleton stands not iilone in opposition to dividing of I BaatiUa 'count) Athena ha always and still will b the knot on which thi saw of division grates off it dull edge Weston and the whole county outside of Milton stand m bristmas resents - - "' " kooh have our Holiday tiooil-. displayed and ti, . ,L. olng to make som lit induccinents to My Holiday Buyers Ws have msdt some very careful selections in tin Iollowi,1K linss; Ebooy, Celluloid, Wedw-jod, Kookwou,i. Toilet Cases, Pipestone Ware, Mam l;r' s' ' Leather Goods, Ktc, Lts. ori u make a selection see us, as our goods ' all Ik. Iiew goods and the price will interest yor. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY. 'IvlctD DRUG STORE ON COURT STREET. solid phalanx against the proposition, and po w-e aay by all means let bet have her county of 1 ee. but let It be confined to her own immediate pre clncts. LEADER OPPOSES DIVISION. Say Milton Mutt "Flock by Herelf" on That laauc. The l eader Is not Inclined to think that Weaton people regard the dlvla ion movement seriously They have not. In fact, since the time, years ago when Weston was prominent in the fight and nearly won a MWMjf seat That was a great fight, but Pendleton had the longest sack. y the Weston leader. Milton Is not to be blamed for agl tatlng county division, and the views of A. Ml Elam. published elsewhere are those of a Cltlang alive to the Interests of his town. There Is con siderable Justice In Milton's claim that she Is so far awav from the county seat as to make the necessary visits of her tax-iayers expensive and inconvenient Yet It Is Itgat that whatever row la hoed In this oft-eultl vated field of controversy, Milton will have to hoe It herself. Weston Is entirely satisfied with the present ai rangement. In so far as the I-eader has informed itself, and It does not think that Athena will be likely to weep because Its )Kople cannot go to Milton Instead of Pendleton to rans act the'r county business. If Milton wants to divide, let her dl vide and be "the proper place for the county seat." as suggested by Mr. Elam A line somewhere the other side nf pry crock would give her this Inestimable privilege. But as for the rest of us. we are mostly content to remain In old T'matilla. and WBOOO It up f the blgeeat grain county In Oregon LOVES FOOTBALL pany la entirely within its rluhts ami Is not violating any law ot the state of Montana ot Minnesota " FORECAST RULER'S ANNIVERSARY QLEEN ALEXANDRA REACHES 57TH BIRTHDAY. She Looks Younger and Ha Freh Face and Supple Figure. London. Nov 30. Queen Alexandra reaches her '.7th birthday tomorrow, though no person won! I ..r assign half a century to Ipm handsome, iresli face and supple Intra. So long as she was Princess ot Wales her wishes that the day be not formally observed wen- respected but now that she is queen the country Insists on elebrat Inn her natal day. Her royal hlnhii" ii well Known would much prefer that the annlver aary lie obierved by a family fat) at Norfolk House Custom and tradl tion. howeVM declare In favor of the linging of h'-lls the )rla of flags and a general holidav ttlftMglMMM tb Brit ish empire Beautiful presents are al readv Mta received at Windsor tor lio aoverelgn is mote popular JOB the loyal houses ot Europe than Kin l-Mward ara' luus consort SEE WAS NOT PERTURBED MRS. BONINE'6 MAGNIFICENT NERVE REMAINS WITH HER She View Blood Stained Article With Smile on Her Fair Face. Washington Nov M Mm Bi nine's magnificent uerve ontlnued to uphold her today, when on the floor by the wttaOM stand spread I tit arpet which was on Ayreg' room at tin tine of l ip death The defend ant simply smiled at Its prnonsoA Mlodstains on it were identjfled by I. lent. Moore Ayres' trunk and a sec tion oi tb. wall were placed in posi tion similar to those al lh time ot his deatii and the dciendaur wrap pel bloodstained was passed to the jury. ISSUES OF LABOR. Amalgamated Ask for Extension of Injunction Against Copper Co. Butte Mont Nov ii" The applica tion tor Ho- extension of. Ho- uijuuc Hon recently obtained by John Me diums against the Huston and Mou tana floaiaolldataa Oononr and Silver Miniug company and for the appoint- ' uient ot a receiver for the company cam. up for hearing today before Judge Clancy The action is one of a number of similar cases which are intended lo deleat the amalgamation oi tin big mining companies. TO EXORCISE THE DEVIL. Chief Executive Encoungei the Great Game. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT GOES TO A FOOTBALL GAME Attended by the Member of the Cab inetWent in Special Train to Phil adeiphia. Washington. Nov. T.n The presi dent and family and member Of the cabinet left this morning for Phila delphia to witness the navy and ai my football name this afternoon. Philadelphia Nov. H. Never be fore in Ua history of Franklin field had such a crowd gathered as that which greeted President Roosevelt this afternoon Fully H,(MM people w.ic on the grounds. The president and Mrs Roosevelt occupied seats for the first half lu the navy section stand, the cabinet In adjoining boxes. His entrance was accompanied by music. "Hail to the Chief." by botl army and navy hands, then the army side cheered Secretary Rivot ntid not to be outdone, the H8V V eheeroil See rotary I ong An hundred picked de tectives circulated about the presl dent's Imix. while 0Q uuliormed po HeoaaN were on duty on the field The president was cheered all the way from the d. I"" to the field The navy won the toss and Hravea kit ked off lo the army. At thi end or the first half, the army score was !"; navy. I, with the ? 1 1 in oanfar field Dairlaj Hm Intermission the presl lent crossed over lo the army side The dual scon was: army. 11 . navy. 5. Railroad Advances Waegs. l.onisv llle. Ky Nov. M.- The w aue advance recently decld'-d upon b the Louisville - Nashville railroad be OMMt efTei-tlvi- tonionow- The In crease, which average IS per cent . benefits all the mo hai.P s In the shoos at New I . i at nr. Ala and at several other isdnts along the system. A German Family Cudgelled the Mother to Death. Berlin. Nov So In tin village ol liatteu a family named Kashke. the husband, hi sister, a daughter and two sous recently wei. pataai with a religious mania and in order to ex orcise the devil cudgelled the mother to death All are conCic I in the asylum. CONCERNING THE RO.M) TRUST MANY EXPRESSIONS ON THE RAILWAY MERGER. Governor White Join Governor Van Sant The Latter Position Sena tor Turner Favott It Governor Gecr Incline to Think Combine I No Harm. St Paul Nov M Tile text ., tint rnor Van Sant a ! tier on the rail road mi rger lo the othei governors, is: "No doubt yoiii attention bar. I n ailed lo tin- organization under the law of New Jersey of a i urination Lhuwil as the Northern Securities i o in pa u y formed, according to the public announcement thereof to se in- control of the Croat Noith'in Northern Pacific and the Chicago Burliuatou & QuiBCJj railroad compu nles. Sin ii OfMMOfMSltM and control us are said to be in contemplation are not ouly lu direct violation ot the laws of this state and of your stale as well, but are ataffJtal no lim es lo the common welfaie of the Immense tor rliorv of tin- states mentioned "The legislature of Minnesota be Moving I list the alMilitiou of coinpc titiou U'twcen parallel Hues of tall ways In this state would be Injurious to the beat Interests of our Citizens and hostile to the public welfare, has adopted stringent laws to picvciit any combination or singular ownership or control of patallcl or competing line that would in anv ikm-i' hamper i est rict the most open and free com p. tit ion of the roads "If our people an- line to them selves they can break up ibis consplr acy against their pruaperily throusii the medium of the courts and Icg-ista t urr Thorn is no oonM of that Mr Hill has ovcrrcai h d himself and is now in position where : d can deal with him. and where. I Imagine lin y will be disposed to deal with no light hand " Berlin Palace Stables Burned. Berlin. Nov 80 - -The palace Btafiles at Frlederlchsruhe and the year hai v. si wer. destroyed by fire today What James J. Hill Think. New York. Nov 30. When the re ply of (jovernor Traile of Montana to the invitation of Ooveruor Van Kant of Minnesota to enter a conference of northweatern governor to discuss step to be taken against the North .in Securities company, was shown to J J Hill, president of the Oreat Northern, by a press representative, today, he aald "When the gentlemen get through 'u.iaphlng to each other, they will find that the Northern Securities com White, of North Dakota. St Paul. Nov. lo Coventor Van Sant received a reply lioin Uovcinoi White oi North Hiikola to hla letter rognrainn the advtoabllltj or holding a coniciciu e of northwestern govcr nors to devise ways and means for preventing Mm roaootidntloa oi the North in Pnciflc, the Qrttl Northern and the Itnrltngt on systems Qovomor White declares hlmseir in sympa thy wiili the protect W hile ils "state, he savv has lew laws rOVOrlM the question, tin re is a constitutional pro viMon against the consolidation of parallel and Competing lines He ex presses a willingness to meet and confer with Covernor Van Snnt and other governors at whatever time and place may be selected Senator Turner' View. Washington. Nov M Senator Tur nor, who hasrcturnci from Montreal, when asked regarding the rumored consolidation of transconilnenial tall ways, said: "I have no doubt the consolidation of the Northern PncigC and deal Northern railways Is contrary to the public policy of our state as declared in the constitution The Northern So uritlcs company may lie a legal and valid orcanlntlon and Impervious to attak l don't know how that f not being lamillar with the laws of No- loner, but cornoratlona doing business in the slate of Washington i an not tai.e advaniace oi what niuv be a valid conlrivam in some other state to violate the poller or the ror m i state. Our conatltntional proria Ions agnlBQl tmota ami consolidation are in effci f the same as those of Mln neaota and Montana There can bo no doubt those provisions rre set at naught and violated hv tin . cus i'Ma tion of these two rallro.idi through the instrumentality of the N'rotbein S. nrlMcs company." THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported b I. L. Ray a Co.. Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Broker New York. Nov. N HlghOI cables started wheat with a rush this morn mi: New York opening a hall cent higher J7s lor May. but there VSI considerable profit taking being Sat unlay ami I ha close was the same as reatornaj Chicago opened TT ' , and closed 77. l.lverMMll closed ." o', Pork opened IMA dose, I 1g.l I Corn was '' lower ' ', TI Krt -lilpim nth loi the wc k were ".' ism otnpaied wlili 2 IPS, for the Mini'1 wi eg last year, end the shipments since July I five months are fjfj, 00 mi. The toad I v Of the market is towards a higher b vcl of pricoa, and us tlie conditions in tht winter lnuii stales are v ery unxiit o-lie toi v we win wi' nmett higher pnfcea before spring Cloae yesterday "-' . hpon tislav k Range tods H2i2 Closi to.lav 2 Sugar. ISSH. Steel ni St. Paul. M'.M', OglOg Pacific, 03. Wheat in Chicago. CIlP at'. Nov 'tb Wheal. 7S' CONGRESS Review of Preliminary Specu lation About It. OUTLINE OF WORK CONGRESS WILL DO COMING SESRo Pnncipal Subjects Will Be: Trusts, Internal Revenue Ped;1 tion, R :r and Harbor Improvement, Curren cy, Labor, Insular Affair, Paclflo Cable. Nicaraguan CanI and Mer chant Marina. Washington Nov N Ugjggg all signs fall the lift seventh congreaa which win be gfvoi birth at noon da after tomorrow, will In nflg of tie busiest and moat Impoiiini oi rOONl years. Little talk and much woik will be the rule followed If the pro cut plans of the leaders are canto I out. The iint is ganarnll) rsrogntiod thai no Uasa inusi be aroatod it all of the Important nnatlooa are tuiiy i onaiderod ami acted on Dndar the most tavorahlo conditions. It seems probable thai the session must be pio longed It considerable (line beyond the usual date or adjournment Monday will be dev. led i, the road ma ot the preoldenl ago whbh i aspeetod to ho one of tue most nn- 'Maui state papers oi saeal (fears The iiii imi .'i bon pi pareil, rend be i ore the cabinet and reewlvod I's tlnal corrections. One of the first arthMM ol i ui mil i aaesntbllng win ha to tahs p n per action in regard to iba death 'f the lota I'm sid. in MeHlale) 17n doubtedt) both the house and BOMta win follow ciosci.v the preeodenta of the two procodiag tlgea vheg gruel ib nts foil by tin builds i I assassu When the nooongo ol Pre dent Boo veil has been i. i i he, I and read a motion will be uunb io i for the por tion referring to ipa death his pro di . . to a sci. i i una Itti a of one frooj onch state on the pan ni the house, with such as the gePBto gSSP Join. This commlttic ull' report s i oiu urrenf n solution piovldins I but ail illation lie dellveied befoie the I WO hoiisi s at mi carlv date Important Subjects The main anhjocta of piobablo leg)' i.ll It . l I I'll, II I 111 oil. I I .11 ' Kent-ally I. no. n The I mail I ii l i Bel reran as rednetioBi rlvm ami her inn iggproroBionl ronatrurtlog ol pnu ii bultdlngs ponaiona ravisloo of tha rurroMI ami banking laws, niiaatlm ami insular nfTiiiis mi, loboi b'glala lion will occupy a arcal deal of a1 itattoa Three uthei subjsx'tii owewhni i bed in general lenor will also be Baking Powder Royal Btkini Powdtf If ot the highfMl jnal- ity, always purtj, Mrboli OflM, UfliforUli TThdJ contents of cat Ii can are exactly like every Other, ami will rt-tain their Mrt-nth ami fffpsj neM and BrOfJuCf the same ami thr highf leavening efTctt in anv iliinate, it any time. The"RoyaJ IsiMrajidPnasrf Cook " over Sts moot Hu -n alcookliig rei eipts bee to every patron. S ml aildrt-ha. A vi mi I baking i I i . in.ttla loan alum AtUni is a cotl'i sive winiii taken in icssl in. ana nomy tu bt-ultii. aovat. lagMM eowoia co too whuim si , ggpj roaa.