Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1932)
«fr R í The M oat Thoroughly Read W eekly in Southern Oregon« Published in the Biggest L ittle Tow n in the State ........................................................................................................................................................ .................. ............ ...................... ............ VOLUME XXXV G O L D [III ' l / o REWN. ....................................................... *NI**MRrR*n...... STATE PLANS RELIEF WORK N E W S O F O U R FO O TS CREEK A N D ROGUE R IV E R N E IG H B O R S (tty Mrs. Marion l.anes) Mrs. G. II. Pheifer, .Mrs Wallace (■albruth, Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Paul MrQuat and Mrs. (> C Palmer from neur the Alaska auto rump spent Prlduy ut the Community hall In Itogue Hlver with the Aid ladies who are quilting a quilt for the bn snar Io be held in December. It was a gift from Mrs. Louise Owens of I Ilea, N. Y., a former resident of Hogue Hlver, wli» w ill be re membered as Mrs. Don Wilson’s mother. Word lias been received that she suff< red from a stroke a few weeks ago and passed away. ELECTION SET Hi,,m FOR MONDAY „ JSTATE BOARD OKAYS CÜTOFF (By 8. M. J.) claim where Alice Hanley now lives, On the Jacksonville-Central Point of Clinton and Walton. The log road, set well back and guarded by house in which they lived for many New Plan W ill Provide Road Large Vote Expected in immense und aged trees stands a years stood just back of the pres Says Sams Valley Road Ap white two-story house which is one ent two story house, and it was W o rk Based on a $1.50 Choice of School propriation Shall Not Be o f the most interesting homes in the there that all but one of their chil- valley. Those who are fortunate <,r*'n wcre born D aily W age Scale Director* Diverted John Hanley who died in Hu- auough Io I k - entertained tliere f.nd an old time hoapitaiily which fits late nim lies was in business in In extremely well with the person Medford. William Hanley, better Emergency relief work w ill be The annual school meeting Io be known as Hilt the sage of Harney The state highway commission an provided by the »lute higliway de- held next Monday, June 2D, is ex ality of the owner, Alice Hanley, and with the rare old pieces of fu r county and whose philosophy of nounced Saturday that the entire piiiliuenl. but it w ill tie on n fur pected to bring out the largest vote niture, about which she can tell life has become known through Ann $30,000 previously allotted for the different Inis Is unit plan thun ha* in the history of the district, with ! Shanon Monroe’s book. “Feeling many interesting stories nblulned in the past. two board members to be chosin. completion of the Sums Valley cut Michael Hanley, her father, w is Fine" is another son. Ed Hanley, This was Ibe announcement lust F o r the information of residents off w ill be used for this purpose, who lives in Seattle and has ex week of Leslie M. Scott, chairman Mrs. Mabel Muck, county agent, of tile school district, anyone who i.< born on a farm near Mariella, Wash, and no portion of it w ill be divert of the slate highway commission, gave a vegetable and meat canuiiq twenty-one y«urs of age who has nglon county, Ohio, June 24. 1824, tensive interests in Alaska but still owns a ranch near Medford, is also ed to building thr Little Butte Creek who Thursday night submitted tils demonstration ut the Evans Valley lived in the district thirty days 1» •mil when twenty-five years of age resignation to the governor because grunge hull Tuesday for the ladies eligible Io vote ut the annual iue« I Jie lure of the west and its gold well known. Michael Hanley, known road as asked by the Medford of his unwillingness to participate of the Hogue Itiver district. Those mg und to hold uflice us distric. mines led this strong, daring young throughout the county as Mike, is Chamber of Commerce. The Little Butte Creek road is a man south to New Orleans where a rancher nad lives near Mtdford. in what tic believed a wasteful re from here attending were Mrs. L clerk or us director. Mrs. Ella Hanley Bush, the young short route to Fish Lake and Lake lief program tliul «lid not return L. Sniilh. Mrs. I.lovd M iller, Mrs '1 lie school mt cling w ill be calie«. u- embarked in a sailing vessel for est daughter, lives in Medford but of the woods, while the Sams Val Oregon. full value for the state's dollar. Mr. Paul McQual and Mrs. Effie Birds at 2:00 at the school gymnasium. Is also inter« sted in ranching. ley road ruts off 13 miles from the Scott withdrew his resignation after eye. He visited many mints, prospect- In addition to the election, thi But it is Alice Hanley, well known present Crater Lake route. The cut couferene" with Governor .Meier ut board w .i consider 111«- unnuui school I l'd some and finally in 1852 bought and beloved, who Is said most to off leaves the Pacific highway at the latter’s home later that same ) :l donation land claim of ?2-i acres Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison an:* report. resemble her fathrr. Rain or shine Gold H ill and runs north and east night. Nominations w ill be received f o r . in.I«t»uglas county, two and one-half children and son-in law Mr. Lind- you w ill find her out superintend 15.8 miles instead of through the iireelor for three years to succctd j miles north of Myrtle Creek. The emergency relh f plan dechl s y, who formerly lived on the Bi ing the work on the ranch, but valley to Medford and then swing ed upon by the highwuy commission Woodcock place on the left fork of Chairman J. N. Cornutt; director' December 13, 1854, he married when an « veiling is cool she w ill ing north. It connects w ith the after long conference with It. I I . : Foots Creek and have spent several for two years to fill the vacancy Martha B. Burnett and three years light a fire in the old fire place and main Crater Lake route at Dodge- liuldoek, its m gineer, is to be bused months in northeastern Oregon and caused by the resignation of Elmer taler they moved to Jackson county, tell most interestingly of early Jack bridge. upen federal aid and w ill carry Idaho, have returned and are now Dungry; und for district clerk for having purchased the donation land sonville. Considerable effort has been made wage scale of 11.50 a day. one year, Ihe |x>s.’tion now held by living on Calls Creek in the last few years to realize the Hcrlhu Coy who has servid in this Independent* Loom Taxpayer Io Gat More Eva Coy M arried Saturday; establishing of this cut-off by mem Mrs. Ted Miller of Portland und capacity for eight years. This ih - w wage scale, it is fell by bers of the local Chamber of Com According to the school law, the in F all Election W ill Live in Washington merce because of the publicity the the highway ilepartment, w ill more Miss Margaret K err o f Medford ballot box must be o|>en for ut least were Wednesday evening visitors nearly approach the jmi I i i I where town would receive as the junrtion Independent candidacies h a v e full value is obtained for the tax at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. M C one hour, and as it is not known Miss Eva Coy, daughter of Mrs. city, and the increased business payer's dollar thun was approached Boomslulter and daughter, Beth, al just when the other business w ill started to blossom for the general Susie Coy of this city, was married brought by the traffic which would Riviera nulo park. In- completed nnd nominations ac election in the fall and today two to Clifford M. Wright of Homedale by the old plan, which carried be diverted here. Much credit is cepted, voters must be present as applications for petitions have been Idaho last Saturday evening. The wage scale of $3 a day. due efforts of the members and also soon as possible after the meeting Mrs. L. R. Skelton gave a birth filed und grunted by the county ceremony was performed at the to C. J. Shorb, until last fail editor I'm lcr the new plan, suid Chair court. man Krolt, the worker w ill receive day party Saturday fon her twin is called. Church of Christ parsonage at Pen of the News, and also to L. M. Chairman Cornutt, in a statement every bit ns much money us he did daughters, Marjory and Jean at the A resident of Hogue River who dleton, Oregon, at five o'clock in the Sweet © Beagle, who worked w ith Pass. Tuesday evening said thul in order left no name requested a pe-titiou afternoon. before, tint he w ill give more labor Howell place m a r Grants the local men on the project. The (or il. The old plan was held only Her cTilesI daughter, Barbara, spent not to prolong the meeting unnre which he said would be circulated in Miss Coy, who taught at Rose road was finally designated as a essarity, nominations would prob the week end at the home of Mr. 50 |K-r cent efficient, as compared behalf of an independent candidate burg the last three year*, made a secondary state highway, and an ap ably he railed for curly, and the bal for justice of the peace to oppose short visit at her home here the last with present-day highway eonstru« and Mrs. Cobb near Merlin. propriation of $90,000 was made fo r lot box opened, to allow for voting H. D. Johnny) Heed, incumbent, two weeks and left Friday for Pen lion methods. The plan, it is be its completion. The work was de Mrs. V. L. Briscow who with her while some of the routine business who won both the Republican and dleton. At Roseburg she was met lievril. w ill approximate the 100 per layed, however, because of the pos husband live on the Clay lilies was being handled. cent efficiency ideal. Democratic nominations at the p ri by a number of friends, two of sibility of diverting the funds to the The special board meeting, previ mary. ’’It is a plan whereby, in our place, was taken very ill Eriday and whom accompanied her to Portland. Lake o' the Woods road. opinion, the credit of the slate rushed to the Community hospital ously ratted for Tuesday, w ill be A. U. Rhodes of Medford, a sales Continuing the trip alone, she was A tour of the route was made by held tonight, Thursday. w ill lie conserved,” said Chairman nt Medford. man, has procured a petition blank met by Mr. W'right at Arlington. Chairman L. M. Scott of the state Scott. “That mailer of preservation and w ill circulate same to secure Mrs. W’right was a member of highway commission, R. H . Baldock, Max Reswick and Lewis D ruyf Gold H ill Baseball Club of credit is, to me and to the other endorsement of his candidacy for the Class of *25, Gold H ill high state highway engineer, J a m e s commissioners, highly important.** who own the James Childers place sheriff as an independent. Rhodes Continue* W inning Streak announced during the prim ary that school, having attended the local Bromley, resident engineer, accom Federal Aid Expected Soon are spt nding several days in Port school during her entire school ca- panied by President A. A. W alker, The commission expects that $2,- land on business. he would be an independent candi er. She later graduated from Secretary Toney Ross and other The Gold H ill basebull nine add date, and circulated among the vot Southern Oregon Normal and since OGO.COO in federal aid w ill be forth members of the local commercial Haymond Riles son of Mr. and ed two more victories to its string ers. coming from congress within the has taught at Savage Creek. Ban club, Moose Muirhead and C. W. «< wins the past week. next 30 days. H. B. Van Duzrr, ex- Mrs. John Hites received a badly It was reported around the court croft and Roseburg. Martin of the Beaver Portland Ce Butte Fulls was defeated on Hie house that three and possibly four highwny commissioner, advised the sprninrd hip one day last week Mr. W'right is the son of Mr. and ment company of this city, Mr. commission thul in his opinion the while working ut the rock mrushcr home lot last Thursday afternoon independents are w illing to make Mrs. J. D. W’right of Homedale. He Sweet, and Medford and Grants federal relief measure would pass at (iold llill ownrd by Oscar Joel- by n count of 10 to 8. and Sunday ihe sacrifice and run for sheriff, and is employe*! by the Peck Construe Pass men also interested. Ihe locals bested H ilt by a score of contemplate circulating petitions. tion Co. and has been stationed at son. congress. They found that about 4 miles of 7 to 5. This game was placed at Gordon Schermerhorn of Medford is Pendleton for some time. The cou Receipt of that money w ill solve the Sams Valley road needed to be many of the stale highway depart I.eRoy Cameron of Gobi H ill H ilt. the regular Democratic nominee ple w ill be temporarily located at be completed, and that the stretch The Gold H ill outfit now has a and Everett Beeson is the regular Ukiah. Oregon, but w ill make their came to the home of his aunt, Mrs. ment's problems. had been surveyed, fenced and right The commission also has almost Kffle Birdseye lust Thursday where record of seven wins out of eight Republican nominee. permanent h o m e at Aberdeen, of way secured and cleared ready games played. having lost to Glen $1,000.000 of federal aid still avail he w ill spend the summer. The law relatives to independent Washington. for grading. dale. Gold H ill has one win over candidacies requires that the sign able, if it can provide the match The young couple has the best The state men then made the trip Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hoomsluiter Glendale to their credit, however. money for it. ers of the petition total three per wishes of the entire Gold H ill com up Little Butte creek for 17 miles, “It would lx- businesslike to issue and son. Nelson Lee. of Grants Pass cent of the vote polled for gover munity. finding 12 miles constructed on bonds for this purpose under our «pent Sunday at the home of Mr. Past Noble Grand Club nor or for president at the last gen market road standard, 5 miles of new plan,*' said Chairman Scott. and Mrs. M. C. Hoomsluiter ut R i eral election. The last general elec Another 50c Dance Here poor country road and the remain M eet* at Ferguson Home The plan provides for major con viera nuto park. Mr. Hoomsluiter is tion was in 1930, so it w ill be neces Saturday Evening der supposed to connect w ith the struction work lo be done by con employed at Grovers creumery. sary for the independent candidate Butte Falls road, impassable. The The regular meeting of the Past tract or force account. for any office to procure signers Butte Falls road is 5 miles longer Noble Grand club of the Rebekah Another 50c Dance Special w ill C ancen in ’ lon camps would he Mrs. Victor Birdseye from here. equal to three per cent of the total into Lake o’ the Woods than either lodge was held Inst Thursday at the be given at the Gold H ill dance pa erected on these jobs. Minimum Mrs. Ira Phelpa and Mrs. Percy vote cast for governor in this coun vilion Saturday night w ith Ike Por the Little Butte Creek route the wages would be determined and Thomas from Hogue River were home of Mrs. Pearl Ferguson. A ft try in 1930. Medford Chamber was supporting, er the business of tliPm eeting was specified, as would be maximum luncheon guests Suturday at the The periixt for filing independent ter’s dance band furnishing their or the Dead Indian road from Ash completed the Indies spent Ihe after usual red hot music. board charges. On those projeels home of Mrs. Charles Forsyth. candidacies is fixed at not more than noon quilting for Mrs. Ferguson. Last Saturday's dance, the first land. Ihe slate eoiild rejeel eontrnets and 100 days before the general election It is thought a new junction for I.ater In the afternoon lovely re one under the new adinisison do the work by force aecounl. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Cook and son date, nor less than 45 days before the Sams Valley cut-off w ill be con freshments were served by the host charge was a huge success, with Jobs to Be Distributed Alva, of Gold H ill nre spending some hat time. structed here, widening the turn ess. one of the largest crowds of the It is readily apparent that under time ut their quartz mine on the considerably, and other minor Those present were Mesdnines season in attendance. Ihe new plnn, needy and qualified right fork of Eoots Creek. Also Mr. Local N ew * Item * l.ily Carter, Lola Heed, Delia Kell, W ith warm weather approaching changes and improvements w ill be Jobless would not necessarily work It. Eddington of Galls Creek. Olive Turner, Edith Cameron, Lucy it is expected that the crowds w ill made on the road as now estab In the counliis in which they live «1. Mrs. Vclty Riles of Medford was grow steadily larger, attracted to lished. All mi n i n. ployed under this sys- Mrs. Pauline W ahl returned Sat Mee, Katherine Lance, Elinor Force, visiting friends in this city Tuesday. this large open air pavilion which tiam would be ohtnlned through urday from Medford and has been Rebecca Boss, Mabie H iltle, Evelyn Thompson, Ella Carter, Viola Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker left is one of the largest dance floors Forest Lookouts calls made upon Ihe various coun quite ill with a very severe cold. Kale Ross, P ia rl Gray, B tlle Smith, Tuesday for Ashland to spend some in the county. Ike and his musicians ty employment committees, to in M ust Be Married always have a wide range of dance Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lance were Lulu Smith, Pearl Ferguson and Em time. sure fairness and distribution. In Medford Thursday afternoon ma Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Benn and daugh numbers and the singing trios are Laws of the forest service this The next meeting, Thursday, June «-ailing on Mrs. George Lance who ters, Vera and Edna, of Weed, Cali extremely popular, and “Curly" of year require every lookout be a Odd FeJIowa H iv e Is a patient nt the Sacred Heart 23, w ill be held nt the home of Mrs. fornia, spent the week-end with Mr. “That’s My Weakness” fame brings married man and must take his wife Fine Session Tuesday Kate Ross. hospital. and Mrs. Emmett Sutton in this down the house w ith his comic to the station w ith him. I f a fire interpretations. city. occurs within two miles of the Gold H ill Lodge No. 129 met in STOLEN CAR S T IL L MISSING Christian Scientist* M ove station he is required to extinguish Bud Best who formerly made his regular session Tuesday evening, T IL L E R -T R A IL , L IT T L E B UTTE it and during his absence his wife home w ith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puhi June 14, and hud u fine session. to Old Woodmen Building No trace of the Oldsinohile ear CREEK ROADS G E T S T A T E A ID has charge of the station. M r. and Word wits received from Grand stolen from John Hanunersly a week near this city is quite ill in Wash Mrs. Dean Saltmarsh and fam ily of Lodge Ihal Brother W illard Miles of Members of the Christian Science ago Monday evening has been found. ington where he has been working The amount of $3,000 w ill be spent Jacksonville went on duty at Tal- Ashland lodge No. 45 was appoint rhureh in this city have obtained Slate police have been working on for some time. on a survey of the Little Butte ed D. D. G. M. anil we hope that use of the old Modern Woodman hall the case but to date have not lo Tom Shaver, Clarence Shaver and Creek road in Jackson county, and lowbox last Monday. Others going by next meeting we w ill know when for their regular Sunday services. Floyd Eddings were among the Gold $15,000 was allotted in Douglas on duty later are Mr. and Mrs. cated the machine. he w ill Install Gold H ill loilge. They have ealsomined Ihe walls, H ill people who attended the Lom- for w ork on the T ille r-T ra il road Leonard Andrews of Ashland at painted Ihe woodwork and put cur ski-Snwyer fight at Medford Wed which is a short route from Rose Wagner Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mrs. May Logan nnd two sons, Winninghnm of Klamath Falls at CARD OF TH A N K 8 tains up to the windows. The first accompanied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. nesday evening. burg to Crater Lake. In Klamath Whiskey Peak; and Alex Schichtl meeting in the new building was Kell, drove to Klamath Fnlls Sunday Mrs. Mildred Campbell and daugh county $10,500 w ill be applied for I wish to thank Ihe ball teams held last Sunday. where Mrs. Logan and the boys are ter Ann of Forest Grove arrived work on the west side of the Fort on Dutchman's Peak. for the $80.00 received from bene Everyone is cordinlly invited to spending the week w ith Mr. nnd here Wednesday to make an indef Klamath highway, and $10,000 for A crew of men worked on the fit games for Mrs. John Logan. attend Sunday school each Sunday I Mrs. Ray I.ogan. Mr. and Mrs. Kell inite visit at the home of Mr. and survey of the Klamath Falls-Weed street west of the Delta cafe th i* at 9:45 and church at 11:00 a. m. | returned the same day MAY LOGAN. Mrs. George Meisinger. road. week, widening and grading it,