Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1932)
A THE GOLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, Pa« 5 iq v Read the Ada in the News. It ia W orth W hile who plan to spemi th e ir two-month viled guests fo r a dinner party Mr. Tourists W ill Leave $50 lacalion in Oregon. and Mrs. M. C. Boomsluiter and N EW S OF OUR FOOTS daughter, Beth, und Mrs. Pauline* For Each Oregonian One man w ill bring his w ife und x^Esaaima^saei—^Aa*a ««a^siao— e ^ *a *> < ^ ts * CREEK AND ROGUE Wahl from Riviera, Dorris Sundry la Portland Estimate child in his privati- airplune and hop about the state fo r 05 days. He from Bogue itiv e r, Mabel Grimmett RIVER NEIGHBORS r* asked for inform ation on flying con and James Kohrbaugh from Med I 'Ute estimated tourist business for ford und Mr. und Mrs. Grant Neely 1032, as compiled from figures ot ditions und fo r airport maps. (By Mr». Marlon l.ance) Several express« d an intention to ami daughter Guy, from Prospect. I he Portland Chamber of Commerce make a home in Oregon. w ill result io fifty dollurs being Mr«. Paul McQuut, Mr*. Puuline The number of inquiries received Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith and brought into Oregon for every man, Wahl, Mr». Effie BlnUeyc, Mr». Vic this year Io dale is 30,000. In 1931 daughters Dorothy nod Mrs. Nelson woman and child in the state by to r Birdaeye, Mr». Georg«’ l.unee unit 32.000 inquiries were received all Mr». Marion, Lance from here at Boomsluiter and Mrs. Smith’s sis out of-stule tourists alone. y«ur. ter», H arriett and Ella Tipping, who tended the nil day meeting of the 't in flood of wealth brought into Civic club ul the Gnm m uiiiljl hull have visited the past two weeks the state liy tourists this year w ill 10.852 CITIZENS OF COUNTY nl Hogue River Friday. Mr*. Mabel here, spent Tuesday at Crescent mount past $50,(KM),IMW. it was pre A real live Shetland Pony and ten other prizes to VOTED IN THE PRIMARIES Muck, county ugent, wu» present und City, C alifornia. The Misses T ip dicted. be given away. Visit the Golden Rule and learn esikted the ladle» In outlining their ping left Saturday fo r their home Last year 150,000 foreign uulomo- In the prim ary election Friday, how you can get thia fine pony. program» fo r the coming year. A at Seattle, Washington. | Idles entered Oregon, fig u rin g 450,- May 20, 10,852 voters went to the vegetable cookery demonstration | (100 visitors. An average «tally ex | h >II s , out of a total registration of ; Mr. and Mrs. BcnJ. Harrison are wa* given at noon, and served w ith spending most of their time at the penditure of $7.50— considered con- 17,315. This was a fraction more a i overrd dish luncheon. home o f Mrs. Harrison’s parents, servatlve—fo r un average stay of then 61 per cent of the vote—the I June 7 a canning meeting w ill lx* Mr. and Mrs. C. Carr, during Mr. .even days would aggregate $25,000,• highest on record fo r a prim ary ’ held by Mr*. Mack at Evans Valley 000. lection in this county. Carr's illness. ('.range hall Io which ull Interested This year tourist inquiries are The vote in fie ld ¡¡111 was 241 o u t' are invited. In the afternoon the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Joelson and pouring into the slate ut double the •it 442 registered; Foots Creek 84 regular htixiue*» meeting wa* held. son Leon who have lived al Rose volume of 1031. The chamber ex out of 113 registered; Jacksonville., GRANTS PASS, OREGON At the close Mr*. Effie Birdseye, burg during the past w inter, ar pects twice us many tourists and north, 199 out of 306, Jacksonville, , who has been president for the past rived Tuesday at the home of Mrs. twice tlie income. south, 157 out of 254. tw o years, installed the new o ffi Judson's pari ntg. Mr. and Tiie esl mated average stay of sev Mrs. cer»: Mr*. Cloyd B irk, president; John Biles where they w ill be for en days is expected Io prove conserv ROGUE RIVER COUPLE MARRY Mr*. Victor Birdseye, secretary; some lime, as Mr. Joelson is pulling ative. Thousands who w ill come to Mrs. Paul MeQuul. treasurer; Mrs. in a rock crusher at Gold H ill. Oregon to attend conventions plan Doyle Mills and Bertha Stevens, Brashear, vice president, absent. to make extensive side trips through both of Rogue River were united in Other» present were Mrs. Charles marriage Saturday morning by Jus Lester Boling has b< en suffering Hi? slat , the inquiries indicate. The business and professional people of Grants Pass, l-orsytrh. Mrs. W. A. Johnston. Mrs. w ith a severe cold on ills lunas that Last w inter tiie Portland chamber lice E. \V. Madison at the Josephine Percy Thomas. Mrs. Ira Phelps. Mrs. came near being pneumonia during communicated w ith 2000 persons county eourthoues. M ills gave his listed in this directory are glad to serve the people of this Albert M ctlvain, Mrs. Carlos Mag- the oast week. His son Wallace is who hud asked fo r information early occupation as fanner. territory ift any way possible. They firmly believe that eric, Mrs George Hadley, Mrs. It. A. in (lie tourist season. The average also ill. whenever possible your home town merchant should he Pierce, Mrs. Oseur Shepperd and person spent t l days in the state, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS patronized, but they offer their services in addition to Miss Shirley Jones. it was learned. Alden Galbra’ h and lbs parents those you can receive at home, and invite you to consult The IO!) per cent increase in in- DR. A. M. LOUGIINEY Mr. and Mr. Walluce Galbruth are and niece. Gay Neely spent Sunday leresl Ibis year is ascribed io the them when in Grants Pass. be ng visited by their son Alden, who vUitin« «"«»><• home of h i. brother number of conventions and the 10th New Treatment for ASTHMA and II 'Y FEVER has been in Fresno. California, for H yde and fam Iv al Evans Valley Olympiad on Hie Pacific coast. Free Examination DEVELOPING AND PRINTING SMITH’S VARIETY STORE •ouie time and expects to leave soon ibove Bogue River. The estimates do not include r a il Dr. O. McFsy'a office Phone 196 We have served the public’s I 32 Tuffs Bid«. Grants Pass fo r Klnmnth Falls, where he w ill be road traffic. W ith Hie elim ination photographic needs fo r 25 year*. Toy* — Notion* — Hardware t Know whut is gning on in Gobi of the coastwise1 fare differential, Mail Ua Your Fila*a joined by Mrs. Galbruth mid daugh I Grant* Pa G. Street ter u* soon us school is out. (in H ilt—Subscribe Io The News and J that number of tourists coining by 1 MUSIC AND PHOTO HOUSB Saturday evening they had us in kerp informed. rail, is expected to soar. Grant* Paaa, Oregon A compilation made by Bay Con ' LOOK LOOK LOOK VALLEY CLEANERS way of the Grigon Stale Motor asso 611 1-2 East H St. ciation from federal figures shows! NEW LOW DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE , Grants Pass, Ore. that the daily foreign tourist mile-! at the lowest prices consistent I Opposite P. O. Phone 260 LAUNDRY PRICES age in Oregon is greater than in | w ith quality. I Suits cleaned and pressed $1.00 any other western state. Hats cleaned and blocked $1.00 PERM ANENT W AVING HEATH'S MEN’S WEAR f Bough d r y, w ith those Plain dresses cleaned and press Out-bf-stnle cars drive 434,000 This is an age of progress. Methods considered new und Grants Paas - - - - Oregon pieces that should be starch ed, $1.00 daily in Oregon, according to the I in fu llib le Inst year are obsolete today. Supercurlinr Steam ed, Marched und ready to survey, w hile in Washington they j Waving is the latest contribution of science. The Supercurlinr iro n ; all flat pieces nicely I travel 357,000, and in C alifornia 411. BUY—SELL—EXCHANGE system uses LIVE STEAM on your hair . . . Steam that keeps ironed, ready to use, one O. 8. BLANCHARD 000. | We do good business fo r many, your hair soft und nulurnl during the waving process. LAWYER hdkf. to each pound nicely Secure our assistance fo r These ears conlribute almost $1500 i Practica in AU Coarta yourself. hand ironed, extra hdkf*. a day to the stale gasoline tax fund THE HAMILTON-SPRINGER CO. at a charge of 1c each, at— —more Ilian $500.000 a year. Tuff* Bldg Grant* Pa Bonded and Licensed Real Es Telephone 436. tate Brokers 8c Per Pound The survey shows that 92.8 per : 517 “ H” St. — Grants Pass, Ore. | at East Eighth Street, Medford, Oregon rent o f Oregon's automobile tourist (Minimum Charge 50c) 1 tra ffic comes from slates west of has the exclusive rights in Medford for this the Mississippi rive r. 5 per cent from We have the largest and moat Bough dry, no starch in We Appreciate Your Business superior system., complete stock of east o f the riv e r and 2 per cent anything, flat pieces ail USED PARTS SLOVER’S Irom Canada. nicely ironed, wearing ap PHONE 1526 FOR APPOINTM ENT north of San Francisco and NATIONAL DRUG STORE Inquiries this year indicate leng- j parel soft and most of it south of Portland. lliy visits. The stacks of letters re CITY AUTO WRECKING CO. f it to wear, one hdkf. to J. A. Slover, Prop. North of Town Hwy. Phono 111 Grants Pass, Oregon ceived Wednesday morning included each pound; extra hdkfs. lc a half dosen from school teachers each, nicely hand ironed— DR. BLAINE B. PRUITT 7c Per Pound BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIRING ADAM S C A B IN E T SHOP B. B. 8. DBDRICK Osteopathic uto and T ru ck Bodice PlamMag and Shoe« Motel (Minimum Charge 50c) Physician and Surgeon Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Readjusted carine T work a Phone 117—Rae. Phone 238R Office Rm. 4 Lundburg Bldg. g KIDS Get Ready KEDS Party Golden Rule9» * The Golden Rule { Grants Pass Business Directory ♦---------------------♦ S U P E R C U R L IN E ; Cinderella Beauty Shop Saw Filing — Edge Tools Ground All Work Guaranteed Special Offer* on “Bikes” Heavy Service Bicycles $27.75 $40 I d e a l B ic y c l e S h o p Next to Burke Tent & Awning Co. 116 N. I'r< nt Street Phone 755 Medford, Ore. (Formerly with Medford Cycle & Repair Shop) Conger Funeral Parlors Office of County Coroner MEDFORD RELIABLE REASONABLE OREGON SPECIALTY No. 251.2 Gold Hill Gold Hill Lodge No. 1 » L O. O. F. Miel» every Tuesday evening Visitor* Always Welcome AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGE »7. Meds every Wednesday Night at the I. O. O. F. Hall, Gold H ill, Oregon Kate Ross, Noble Grand. Pauline Thompson, Vice Grand. Evelyn Thompson, Secretary Lucy Mee, Treasurer. gold hill chapter w . r . c . Meds Twice a month on the 2nd ami 4th Wednesday* nt th eir Club rooms in the C ity Hall. Edith Bryan, President. Winona Steelman. Secretary. Madge Donnnn, Treasurer. Gents Suits Dry Cleaned, $1.00 Leave Orders at SHAVERS BARBER SHOP and we w ill call and deliver at your home. Family washings are our specialty. also W e Call Tuesday and Friday W ill Also Pick Up Dry Cleaning F r e n c h ’s . Steam Laur, d ry Grants Pass, Ore. fyrdll feel a f ffome in * th^JpadouA. oliarvi lobby Phones: Ofs., 356, Res., 104-Y 51$ F. St. Greats Paae, Ore. LUKE’S SECOND HAND STORE FOR MOTHER’S* DAT Give her a Permanent I $3.75 — Guaranteed Phone 262R Over Jim’s Toggery MRS. ALDERMAN Grant* Paas, Oregon Pay Cash and Save the Difference Cranta Pasa, Oregon—Ph. 228J Tell Them: “I SAW IT IN THE GOLD HILL NEWS” AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CO. « General Maintenance DeSoto and Plymouth Sale» International Truck» Mr. and Mrs. T yre ll H. Carner Grant« Pas», Oregon PHOTO FINISHING New Low Prices Developing 10c per ro ll. Prints, 120 sire and smaller 4c Prints, 116 size and smaller 5c Mail orders finished same day. ARTCRAFT PHOTO SERVICE Box 6— Grants Pass, Oregon DR. H. C. DIXON Dentist 108W South Sixth Street Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 32 511 J S t RBASONER MACHINERY CO. Mine, Mill and Contractors Machinery, Rentals, Sales, Service R. F. Reasoner, Prop. COUCH’S PHARMACY H arry E. Couch, Prop. Drugs, Stationery, Perfumes ( Patent Medicines, etc. We Specialize in Prescriptions Phone 5—Grants Pass, Oregon APARTMENT HOTEL Feoturinrf c o u rte s y and c o m f o r t . . . A q u ie t lo c a t io n y e t c lo s e t o t h e p r i n c ip a l c e n t r e s .......... F r iijid a ir e and m odern a p p o in tm e n t* th ro u g h o u t. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Dyeing All Colors Mall Us Your Shoes We Pay Return Postage GOODYEAR SHOE SERVICE C. Gotschall 107 S. 0th St. Grants Pas* AS LOW AS $ 2 ? ° SINGLE, » 3 ? ° D 0 U 6 U REDWOODS BEAUTY SHOP If It’* w orth Welding It’* Worth Welding Well W ITH DETACHED BATH AS LOW AS -L 5 0 SINGLE. » 2 ? ° 0 O O 8 lE Phone 120 OVERLOOKING UNION SQUARE The U ltim a * W comfott and qenUne enjev m en! • • • selected by seasoned visitors as San Frcnciscos ideal hotel1 -• running ice «eater ■ • Excellent Dining Boom C. Coder Shop 350 ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH Home of K R O W m t f o - o t k e ANGUS MACLEAN GARAGE IN CONNECTION VANCOUVER * CANADA Redwoods Hotel Lobby—Grants Pass ELECTRIC WELDING WORKS «11 K St. Phone $08 Grants Paso, Oregon Visit the studio r PÖ W ELL 1 0 4 0 G E O R G IA STREET WEST ; We have a m ining country to go w ith our climate. Grants Pass, Oregon ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO. Sherwin W illiam s Paints McCormick-Deering Farm Implements Housewares— General Hardware 204 South Sixth St.—Phone 38 i Grants Pass, Oregon RATES BY THE DAY. WEEK OR MONTH ARE MOST MODERATE A l o n ag er BTRD 8HOB SERVICE en’a Sole* $1—Ladies’ Sole* 75c her Low Price* with Quality Wtork Next to Redwood* Hotel AT O ÏA R R E L 1 - UPHOLSTERING & REPAIRING A ll mattresses delivered at our shop during A pril w ilt be rebuilt fo r $3.50 each. New covers fu r nished. GOLDEN RULE MATTRESS SHOP 408 8. 6th St. ‘'Rear** Grant* Paas MERRITT SIGN SHOP “Signs of Merit” Expert Work en AH Signa 602 S. 6th St. Phone 364 Grant* P au, Oregon »f