Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
For that classy Hair Cut T R Y DICK The b est, and la te st, “ k u ts” Baths in Connection R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n “ T h e C ity S h o p ” Professional Cards DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS admisistxkk D RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GNERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL. OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Com plete line of burial robes, caskets, etc. FU N E R A L CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Phone, Homs 2—K; Pacific-Bi-Main GERMANS MAKE DASH FOR BREST LITOVSK Would Leave the Czar's Men Without Future Base of Operations in Poland. London.—The A ustro-G erm ans are m aking a determ ined attem p t to e n velop Brest U to v sk by sw ift m arches from th e w est and south before the j re treatin g R ussians can recro u p them - I aelvea to defead th e ir Im portant tert- ( ress base. Official d ispatches from both P etro grad and V ienna agreed on th is p o in t Vienna rep o rted the arriv al of a G er m an arm y w ithin 36 m iles of B rest Litovsk. The R ussian w ar office a n nounced th a t “o b stin ate stru g g les a re Increasing" In th e region w est of the fortress, through w hich th e B avarians a re advancing from W arsaw. The G erm ans, it w as believed here, a re attem p tin g to ru sh the Slava off th eir feet, cap tu re B rest Litovsk by a cyclonic aaaault and leave th e R us sian field arm ies w ithout a base for future op eratio n s in Poland, com pel ling th e ir Im m ediate retire m en t far behind th e Kovno-Brest L itovsk line. The new positions occupied by the G erm ans and A ustrians w ere outlined with approxim ate accuracy on good au th o rity for the first tim e since the fall of W arsaw . T he line sta rtin g from th e vicinity of OssoweU. near the P ru ssian border and opposite the M asurian lak es region, curves to the south and east, run n in g through So- kolow. Siedlce, Lukow. O strow and Vladova. AMERICA DECLINES TO ALTER WAR LAWS may find thing * Read These •*£» the For ban! or »»ft wissl of ft neat quality order from John J. Ritter. Phone 3F21. Cedar rente Posts for sale at reason able price. For information call at the News office. Butter pa|icr, printed InJ accordance with the law, for salt* on onler at The News office. I saw eordwood to stove lengths with power saw, promptly on onler. Phone John J. Ritter, 3F21. Found—Valuable pair of eye glasses, »[ax ially ground lens.«. Owner may re cover property by railing at News otfiiv and paying chargee. W auhxi:—Good milch cows, calve« and ittle pig*, on time; deferred payments well secured. Address Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold Hill; H. A. Ensign, A. E. Dixon, inanageit I weave rag carpets or rugs to your onler at reasonable prices. Gall or write, Mrs. R M. Nicholson, Gold Hill, Oreg. One and one-half mile« northeast of city. Orders may be left at News office. Prom pt Auto Service.— My machine Is always for service ami to hire at lowest possible rate. For four passenger parties the rat» is no more than railroad fan«. Phone 32J. —C. L. D csknhxkky , Gold Hill, Oregon. Common lumber, si oxi, *13 per thou sand, thon«ugldy seasoned. AU building materials at reasonable prioee. AU com petition elax-rfully met. —Big Pine« Lumber Company, Gold Hill, Ore. Orders taken for any hook published in the United States. Also we are the sub scription agent for all I*. S. ami many for eign magazines and papers. —John R. Kelsey, with Gold HiU News. Wood by tier or cord at lowest market price, delivered at your shed. Finest fir, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. SAVE MONEY! From now until Sep tem ber 1st we will sell school pencil tab lets at 45c per dozen. Bowers Pharmacy. W ashington.—The reply of th e U n it ed S ta te s to th e p ro test of A ustria- H ungary ag ain st th e sale of m unitions of w ar to th e allies is a refusal to ac Gold Hill - Oregon cept th e A ustro-H ungarian view. Meets first Friday of each month In ju stificatio n of its position, th e ! Jay E. Davidson—Counsul U nited S ta te s recited am ong o th er Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk things, th a t in tern atio n al law, the practices of nations, th e secu rity of th e U nited S tates and o th er natio n s Is Hanged to Tree 100 Miles w ithout large m ilitary or naval e sta b From Prison Farm. Near lishm ents and n eu trality itself w ere opposed to prohibiting th e export of Home of Mary Phagan. w ar m unitions by a n eu tral to a belli g eren t in tim e of war. M arietta, Ga.—Leo M. F rank, serv Complete Line of Automo T he U nited S tates contends th a t it bile Supplies and Repairs, could not deny to o th ers th e right ing a life term for the m u rder of Mary which it claim s for itself to purchase P hagan, th e A tlan ta factory girl, and especially Fords w ar m unitions from a neu tral in event who w as ta k e n from th e prison farm A Specialist in this work, of a foreign attack . In th is connec a t M illedgeville Monday night, was as well as any detail of tion, th e U nited S ta te s h in ts th a t it lynched 100 m iles e a st of h ere by the General Blacksmithing, etc. m ight have to buy from n e u tra ls if arm ed p arty which took him. He was hanged to a tree. attacked. F ran k was brought 100 m iles from the prison farm to a point alm ost with- B la c k s m ith GRIP ON KOVNO TIGHTENED , m sig h t of th e form er hom e of Mary Russians Making Stubborn Stand : Phagan. F ran k 's body, barefooted, and Clad Betw een N a re w and Bug R ivers. Berlin.—T he G erm an official rep o rt ' only in prison tro u sers and sh irt. Was Wood of every description at on operatio n s in th e e a st tells of a j found a t 8:30 o'clock T uesday morn- lowest prices. Wood saw for so rtie of R ussians from Kovno, which, 1 ing. Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A FRANK TAKEN FROM PRISON ANO LYNCHED A U T O M O B IL E Q . G A S ENGINE REPAIRING C H A R L E S KELL Fire! Fire!! custom work. Y ards RivesidejAve. Phone 3F21 J. R itte r P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry SM O K E M T . P I T T (EL G O V . JO H N S O N C IG A R S I-C-E I |(have constantly on hand a supply of ICE th a t’s chemically PUKE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. W ill d e liv e r - to r e g u la r p a tr o n s every m o r n in g -S p e c ia l ¡¡o r d e r ! f ille d at o n c e Youjcan’t afford to eat tainted food, or drink luke warm beverages when ice costs only A FEW CENTS’DAILY W. A . C o o k it says, w as repulsed, and of stubborn resistan ce co nfronting o th er G erm an arm ies. The grip on Kovno is d ecla r ed to have been tightened. T he re port says: "A rm y group of Field M arshal von H indenburg: T roops u n d er G eneral von Buelow have driven th e R ussians n ear K ubisko in a n o rth easte rly d irec tion. F our officers, 2350 men and one m achine gun w ere captured. A R us sian so rtie from Kovno was repulsed. One thousand priso n ers fell into our hands. O ur a ttack in g troops worked n earer to th e fort. “Betw een th e N arew and th e Bug the enem y m ade a stu b b o rn stand. A Narew crossing w as forced by our troops. “The arm y of G eneral von Scholzya took m ore th an 1000 prisoners, and th a t of G eneral von G allw itz took 3550 prisoners, including 14 officers. T in y also captured 10 m achine guns. On all fro n ts we gained ground.” OFFICER MATERIAL SOUGHT Citizens Who Train Four Weeks May Be Recommended. San Francisco.—Any man in th e P a cific N o rth w est who Is n o t u n d er 21 y ears o r over 45, who is well educated, able to pass a careful physical exam ination and has a desire to fit him self for a com m ission in volunteer forces in tim e of w ar, can have an oppor tu n ity so to do th is y ear by atten d in g for four w eeks a business and pro fessional m en's cam p of Instruction th a t will open a t the P residio of San F rancisco A ugust 20. M ajor-General A rth u r M urray, com m anding the w est ern d ep artm en t of th e arm y, has, by perm ission of the se c retary of war, ju s t issued an ord er au thorizing the holding of such a cam p—the first one of its kind in the w est, and th e second In th e U nited States. M illedgeville, Ga.—A well organized p arty of arm ed men who cam e in five autom obiles attack ed the Georgia sta te p en iten tiary here, took Leo M. F ran k , serving a life term for the m ur d er of Mary Phagan a t A tlanta, from a dorm itory and escaped with him. The arm ed men arriv ed at the prls on farm practically unnoticed. Five men w ont to th e house of W arden J. T. Sm ith, aw akened him and m ade him prisoner. At th e sam e tim e a sm all squad of men w ent to the home of J. M. Burke, su p erin ten d en t of the farm . B urke w as forced to go with them to th e g ate n e a re st th e dorm i tory. T he party rushed in. got Frank and hurried him to one of the autom o biles. He was forced down into the car, while a m em ber of the party is said to have flourished a rope in front of him. MEXICANS FIRE ON U. S. BORDER PATROL record, firearm s a re confiscated and a w arning given not to obtalu any more. A uthorities here received reports th a t 26 horse«. Including som e reeog- ulaed as anlm ala stolen by haudlta In recent raid» on the T exas aide, were delivered lu M atam oras, the Mexican tow n opposite here held by C arransa troops. 10 Days Stopover OUTLAW ESCAPES GRANTS PASS JAIL SAN FRANCISCO O ran ts Pass, O r—Jo h n A ustin Hoop er, college g rad u ate and king of high w aymen, aided by a fellow prisoner, who says th a t H ooper forced hie as sistan ce, m ade a daring escape from the Josephine county jail. T he highw aym an, who waa in jail h ere aw aiting tria l since hie capture a t T he Dalles July 19, for the robbery of the S outhern Pacific statio n here th ree month« ago. overpow ered S h er iff Sm ith, disarm ed hint, locked him In a cell and fled with Joe Gollnge, the fellow prisoner who aided hint. Co- llnge has been recaptured, but nothing has been seen of Hooper atnee he left the o u tsk irts of G rants Pass Aa S heriff Sm ith entered the cell w ith the tw o priso n ers' breakfast. Collnge seised him. pinioning h it arm s to his side. At the sam e tim e Hooper grasped the sh eriff by the th ro at, pre venting an outcry, and then tied a rag around the officer's mouth Gollnge, a t H ooper's order, then took the «her tff'a autom atic pistol. They then forced S heriff Sm ith Into an open cell and slam m ed the door, locking It. H ooper then took the autom atic pistol and cartrid g e belt from Gollnge and, picking up a sm all valise, left the jail, accom panied by Gollnge. T he two prisoners separated as soon as they left the Jail, Hooper startin g for the hills north of G runts P ass anil Collnge going tow ard the railroad tracks. art allowed on all ticket» to the Ea»t W ith but one dissenting vote, the P ortland C entral laibor Council adopt ed the revised report of the Joint com m ittee of th eir body and the Portland C ham ber of Comm erce, establishing "a Joint conciliation board to prom ote Industrial peace." P ro fesso r II. S. Jackson, head of the d e p artm en t of botany and plant p a th ology of the O regon A gricultural col lege for the p ast several years, has re signed to accept the office of chief of tlje botany d ep artm en t of the P erdue U niversity experim ent station. Industrial Com m ission Comes to End. Chicago.—The federal com m ission on industrial relations took a final adjournm ent in a crash of discord and disagreem ent. Each of the ten mem hers of the com m ission dissented with th e o th ers and each will subm it a sep a ra tc report to congress. and tO Day» at Lot Angela» This will c-nahle you to see the t w o wondarliii world Expositions without loss ol liiut) or extra expense. Scx-nery enroute Is unsur|>a««ed. Every mil« |>re- tcx-kxl by Block Signals. Four fine trains each way d a l l y Portland to San Francisco making connections for tlie South and East. le t us send you our Illustrated folders "Wayside Notee," and "Oalltornla and Its Two ExpiMitlon«*’ SOUTHERN PACIFIC Our local agent will lie glad to give you full Infor mation and an itinerary of your trip or you luay addrese John M. Scott, Gen'l Passenger Ag’l, Portland, Ore. G o ld H ill ] A u t o L iv e r y F a st D r iv in g T e a m s Feed in C o n n e c t i o n S ta b le s HAVE added to our general livery business ▼ ▼ two completely equipped 5-paasengvr touring cars —to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater I,ake will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e .S h o r t e s t W a y T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trialjand’our LiveryJService makeajfrienda—-tryjit! D a r l i n g (Q. H o d g e s C O L D H IL L . O R E G O N Legal Notices N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N D ei - aktsikv T o r the I xtkr I ok 05842 U. S. I.sml Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, A ugust 10, 1915 , N otice is hereby given th a t Jo h n F. Rail», of Gold Hill. Oregon, who. on Jan u ary 29, 1910, m ade hom estead Ei • try , S erial, No 0584*2, for the W >„ of N W ; *4 of Section 2. Town>hip 37 S, itaiig-- , 3 W, W illam ette M eridian, has tiled notice of intention to m ake Final Five- j year Proof, In estab ish claim to tile j land above described, before W . if , Canon. U. x. Com m issioner, a t hi» o '- j lice a t Medford, Oregon, on the l’ôth I day of Septem ber, 1915. C la im a n t name» as witnesses: (ivorgu M artin, of Gold H ill, Oregon. A rt Uoggis, of Elia Davis, of C entral P oint, ” E rvin Ray, of Gold H ili, Irrig a tio n is C r o p In su ra n ce You can raise some crops every year and all crops some year., w ithout Irrigation, lint want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. Irrigation by flettraally drivel. Pumps is Fcononm al, R e lia b le ami Ef ficient -and i-xix'lls all other form» of Power. If you h a v e s water supply from well, cr.«ek or stream , an Electric Pum ping Plant can lie installed at a small cost per acre, ami a t a minim um of expense for operation. < )ur Power Line» cover a large |iortioii of Jackson ami Josephine coon- tii's ami we are constantly making new extensions. Full information of cost for installing ami operating can Is- obtained by inquiry at any of the Com pany's Olliees. —I. M. U pton , 8-14—9-18 Register. Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under Execution in Foreclosure ) Edward J. Ede, The Gold Hill B ank,) Louise E. Ede, hi» a corporation, ) wife, H arry G. v». )Fonl, Mary .1. Ford B row nsville, T exas.—A detachm ent )and < 'liarlen Erlwein of th e U nited S tates cavalry patrol was fired on from the Mexican side of By virtue of an Execution and an Or the Rio G rande n ear Progreso. The der of Sale duly issued out of and under cavalrym en retu rn ed th e fire. C orporal W ilman Is reported to the seal of ti e Circuit Court of the Stale have been killed and L ieu ten an t Roy of Oregon in and for the County of Jack- O. H enry and P riv ate Jack so n wound son, dated the 17th day of July 1915, in a certain cause therein, wherein ThcGold ed. R angers and peace officers a re d is Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintiff; arm in g all Mexicans outside of the recovered on the 14th day of July 1915, a judgm ent against the defendants, Ed larg er tow ns throughout the Browns ward J. Ede. Ixinisc E. Ede, his wife, ville section. H arry C. Ford and Mary J. Ford, his F irearm s discovered In th e posses wife, and each of them for the pitm ol slon of M exicans in rural com m unities Five Hundred Fifty (*550.00) Dollar« of th is section is p ractically equfva with interest thereon from tin- 15th day len t to a death w arran t unless that of September, 1013, at th e rate of 8 per Mexican Is well known to Amerioan:- cent [ st annum and Sixty five (*86.00) as being peaceful. Even w ith such :• Dollars attorney’s fee, and the further CALIFORNIA-OR. EG O NPO W ER. CO M PANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street s u m of Fifteen (*15.00) Dollars costs 1913, the date of said Mortgage, or have which judgm ent was eurolleil ami dock- since acquired, or now have in ami to the eted in tlie Glerk's office of said Court in following described real property, to -w it: in saiil County on tin- 14th day of -Inly, All of tlie Soutliwest quarter (SIVW) 1915, ami is of record in Volume 23 of tin- of Section Five (5) in Township T hirty- Circuit Court Journal at pagi-s I 19 and six (30) Month of Range Three (3 ) Wc«-t ISO thereof. ■ of Ila« W illamette M eridian, situated In la m commanded by said Execution Jackson County, Htute of Oregon. atql Order of -Sale to make sale of th e ' All of the above described tract o f hereinafter described real property, t o land will lie sold a t said tim e and place satisfy the judgement above named, to in the m anlier provided by law for tlie gether with tlie attorney’s let« costs ami sale of real property under execm ion to the accruing costs of this sail«, I will there satisfy the judgm ent i ii favor o f the fore on TUESDAY tlie 24th «lay of Aug Plaintiff and against tlie Defendants tr - ust, 1915, nt tin« hour of 19 o'clock a. in. gether with the attorney's fees, costs and at the front door of til«- Court House in tlie ai-i-ruing costs of this sale. Jacksonville, J ’ ckson County, State of Dated this 17th day of July, 1915. Oregon, offer for sale ami will sell at puli — W. I I . S lN lll.K K , lie auction, for cash only, subject to re Sheriff of Jackson County. demption ns is by law provided, all tin- State of Oregon. right, title, and inh'rest th at the defend By E. W. W ilson , ants hud on tile 26th day ol September, 7-24 8-21 Deputy.