Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1915)
67>e G o l d H i l l N e w s & Overdrafts tSciMT«<l Unvsc-ircd, T " PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL, JACKSON OOVNTY «u r n - ................................... '■nrinrr OREGON. BY , B e n H . L& m pm & n Entered At the Gold Hill postoffice (or transmission through the maila aa second-clare matter SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Abraham Lincoln A n A p p r e c ia tio n b y J. W. Stealm an, o f t h t 110th Ohio In fan try ¿Ml B. H. I. s a -----J - ...... - Thu Night Drive 8otnebody cried in the dark, it Hashed on a wire through tin* rain; tlie room wan warm from tlie shifting storm—ia* 1 took to the mail again. Tlie sorrels lunged through the dark—a slather of mud and foam—tliey caught tin« urge with a rush and surge on Ute long row! from home. Twenty miles to the fore is a shack where lights hum dim; the Mack night reels to the clicking heels—sunn body sent for him. Somebody sent for whom—n cklcre of storm or doukt The lounging jake at t h e corner spake— “ Somebody’s sick . . . that's Doc Somebody cried in the dark, it s|a*d on wire through the murk; it’s open tlx door and ont oner more—(hat is a doc tor’» work. Billy, good horse! and Bob! old pals of the midnight trip, livery nags that make no brags but swing to the steady clip; good friends of the hurry ciJl, a-raciug the road with Fate, rattle the wheels to your spark-tied lie-la—some- issty can’t be late I tfomebiaiy sent for him—-one of hta thousand f i n k ; tlie will! wind spoke to the corner oak—“ Some JUST R EC EIV ED A ll th e N e w T hing's in L A D IE S ’ W A IS T S F r o m 75c to $ 3 .5 0 SPRING LiNFE SHOES For Men, Women, Children— Hamilton Brown Shoe Company $ 3 t0 4 ORDS are signs of ideas; therefore, we must understand the words, in order to arrive at the true ideas contained in the words used. One hundred and sixyears ago on February 12th, Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. In commemoration of the life American he lived, and the services he rendered his county, the whole na Gentleman body’s sick . . . th a t’s D o c!’ * tion, on February 12th, paid a fitting tribute to the Martyred Always ont of tlie dark d<a<a it speed on Security School President a wire through the rain; ever it cries of Shoes from I was in Washington the day of his death. I shall never one who Ilea dntehed in the claspof pain. Never in vain is it sped—a slather of uiud S P R IN G S T Y L E S IN R O Y A L W O R C E S T E R C O R S E T S forget the clear notes of the bugle blast, that sounded “lights and foam, the sorrels swing to the sum out”, when the Patriot was left “where the dead reign alone". moning on tlie long road from home. B IG B A R G A IN S IN R E M N A N T S There was a solemn stillness in the air, and, out upon the heights, Weary lie looks in the dawn, grey as the leadened ash—yet his is the debt we the clouds bended low, and wept icy tears. “Lights out”, is the would forget, or pay in paltry cash! Al closing epitome of all that tread the earth. I cannot tell what ways they send for him—recklcre of storm was in the mind of the author of “ Lights Out”, when he set it to or clock—the black night's goal i a a soul—“ Somebody's sick . . . martial music, but in it there is more, to me, than its title straining that’s Doc!’ ’ indicates. When will the deeds of Washington die? How can time ef BRIEF WAR NEWS face the record of that valor which gave, and preserved us a na Germany's declaration of her Inten tion? Will the thunders o f the Declaration o f Independence Notice For Sale; 77 acres on County Road tion to sink British merchantmen afte within 21 miles of Gold Ilitl, about 80 cease amid the roll of ages, and while the earth stands will freed- February 18 with only necessary rt BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON under cultivation, gissi land, fine spring N o w « is lierehy given that tlie City of inen forget Freedom’s Proclamation? No friend of Lincoln, gard for the civil passengers' lives and which could I n - piped to house and burn, Gobi llill, Oregon, lu-rehy calls for seal those of the crews Is the most signlft ftssithsoa w ill be McMinnville col need, with pen or speech, paint an ideal man, and call it Lincoln. some fruit trees, sn Ideal dairy ranch, ed pr<i|HSialsfi< tlie installation of a stresrt warning of the week. lege’s representative In the state in- for quick sale for only $80 per acre. For His name and fame will stand the test of searching scrutiny in cant lighting system ami furniahing elm-trie Damage Is sure to be suffered by ter-celleglate contest. . current for a period of ten years. Said the light of truth. He has written his History in deeds which the merchant marine and doubtless D rain’s nsw 16000 municipal light particulars call or address, stnvt lighting system to Is- installed and —C. S. Redfield, will live so long as pens are dipped in ink, so long as men read, non-combatants w ill be killed but the ing plant has been opened and for the Gold Hill, Oregon. electric current furnished to is- according m ilitary and economic position of Eng first time tn its history ef 60 years and so long as History is written. The history is worth some land probably w ill not be seriously dis , I «Ians and specifications on Hie ami of FOR SALE—<100 fine fanning acres in record in the ofllceof tie- Recorder of tlui thing; it is valuable, it is not a history of glittering generalities, turbed by Germany's new policy, un Drain has electric lights. During the menth of January 71.178 of Gold Hill, which said plans ami but is a history of great deeds, and great things accomplished for less an entirely unsuspected type of Jack rabbit scalps were taken In nt a compact body, nearly level anil nearly ' City specifications are subject to Inspection by all under high state of cultivation. thi3 country. Small wonder is it that among those numberless submarine has been evolved by Ger the olerk’s efflce la Burnt, for which No better laud for fruit, grain ix-rsoiis contemplating making such pro man naval architects. $1,711.96 was paid In bounty at 6 cents or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Bub- posal. thousands, who, in that great time of trouble, gazed upon the tall, Fighting in northern Hungary, along a scalp. gaunt form of Abraham Lincoln, and heard his clear, sad voice, the Carpathians, assumed new im i The oouaty court has been naked Irrigateli, every 40 acres is choice, Well Tlie City Connell of the City of Gold located and only 8 miles from R R. sta- llill also calls for sealed proposals for In were some who almost imagined they saw the form and heard portance during the week because of te make an appropriation with which ilon. For particulars call upon or write, stalling electric pumping s y s t e m for the arrival of heavy German reinforce to maintain a publlo library tn Rose the voice of one of the great prophets and leaders of Israel. —C. 8. IlKurizu», Ag- nt. ’ lamiplng water ta supply said city of ments to support the Austrians. This burg. The matter baa been taken un I Gold llill ami furnishing electrto current But not one soul of the Grand Army that followed him with marks the first appearance of the Ger der advisement by the court. FOR SALE— Eighty acre unproved to operate said pumping system for a pur mans as defenders of Hungarian ter love, little dreamed for a moment that all too soon the light of A special train has been arranged farm within two miles of Gold Hill, all led of t e n years. Said electric pumping ritory, and is undoubtedly the direct those brave and kindly eyes was fated to go out in darkness, result of Magyar discontent with the for to bring the delegates from Port good land, along the Pacific Highway, system to Is-installed and electric current land to the State Christian Endeavor house and burn and some fruit. $100 per furnished according to plans and sprt-ifi« th a t sad voice to be hushed forever, that form to lie bleeding and previous subordination of their na eoaventlen, which w ill be held In Eu acre. Terms i cash, very easy terms cations on flic and of record In the ollice dead; a martyred sacrifice, indeed, upon the altar of his country. tional interests to the requirements of gene February 19, 11 and 21. and long time for the ludanee at 0 percent, of tin- Recorder of tin- City of Gold llill, Germany’s Poland campaign. which said plans and specifications are Lincoln was born poor, and died poor. He well knew the The Russians have lost ground dur The annual meeting of the Oregon consider this choice. Loganberry association was held at subject to inspection by (s-rsons contem —C. S. Redfield, grinding of poverty. He had to make his own way in the world ing the week in the eastern Carpa Balem and good progress wan reported Gold 11111, Oregon. plating making such pnqiosal. thians and they have also been com and earn his own bread. He was not much versed in the learn In the advertising campaign started Each proposal must bo accompanied by pelled to give some ground before Wood by tier or cord st lowest market a certified check on some State or Na ing of schools, but learned readily with his eyes and ears, and Warsaw. The new German offens throughout the east in order to widen price, delivered at your shed. Finest Hr, tional Bank of the State of Oregon, pay few men in the country today know how to use the English lan ive toward the Polish capital by Mac the market for loganberries. pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, able to the City of Gold llill, in the auin W ith the present equipment in the guage more correctly or effectively. Had he been born rich, had kenzen's army probably w ill be con Monmouth training school only 48 stu Phone 3F21. of Six Hundred Dollars ($tkM).tW), same tinued. The kaiser is now on his way he been trained in the universities, he could never have been to Marshal von Hlndenburg's head dents can be graduated from the Ore Wanted to trad»1— Light driving team to Is- forfeited aa liquidated damage« in case the propoaal accompanying it lai ac Lincoln. Not down from the heights, but up through tribula quarters and an effort to duplicate in gon normal school this year, aocord for 1200 lb. work horse. cepted and the person or |s-rsons making D aki . i . mii A H ikmikn , Ing to Principal Thomas H. Gentle. He the east the recent Soissons exploit lations, toil, and suffering, come the leaders of a free people, the said pro|sisal shall fail to enter into con Gold Hill, Oregon. says that inadequate facilities are may be expected. founders, the guardians, the saviours of free institutions. tract and to furnish $8000.00 Bond on No important changes In the west cheating the students of the adran each contract within ts-n days after being tages for which they have paid. Wealth is a good thing—we all want it. Education is bet ern war area have occurred during notified of such acceptance, and to lie re The bigger,t land deal ever consum D ryt Win In Idaho House. the week. Both sides seem to be wait t e r - a ll should have it. But wealth and education in these days Boise, Idaho.— Defeat of the short turned in ease said puqs>sal is rejected. ing for the arrival of the new British mated in Um atilla county was an have their dangers. The gilded youths who dawdle out their army, which is to give the signal for nounced at Pendleton. By the trans ballot constitutional amendment by Council reservea the right to reject any l.ttle lives in clubs and streets of the city, either die unknown the renewal of the battle of Flanders. action all the holdings of the Inland the senate and the decision of the and all proposals. Such pro|sisals will be revived by the In Alsace, the French have suddenly Irrigation company In that county are house of representatives to recom and unseen, or are rudely jostled when they come in contact City Recorder at any time before 7 1’. M. halted their offensive without giving transferred to J. O. Story and asso mend for passage a state wide pro with the actualities of life. on the 1st day of March, 1916. any reason. The Germans probably elates of Tacoma, Wash., for a con hibition bill effective January 1, 1916, Dale of first publication, January 30th, were two events of Monday's session sideration of more than 81.000,000. Let them take thought lest they be handicapped by what have thrown large reinforcements into 1918. Announcement was made by Bishop of the legislature. the district, between the Rhine and the ought to help. Only hard work of hand and head will make a B. O. H A R D IN G , O’Reilly of the Catholic diocese of Vosges. City Recorder. Lincoln. Unless a halt is soon called in wasteful extravagance, Baker City of a plan to establish In JAPAN THREATENS CHINA Baker an orphanage and old people’s in servile imitation of foreign customs, in selfish living, the time Battles in Russia Grow In Violence. London.— Battles of a violent char home by eonrertlng the Catholic hos Futility of Resistance ia Urged on NOTICE“ FOR PUBLICATION will soon come when it will be easier for a camel to go through President Yuan-8hl-Kal. acter that has not been surpassed dur pital to this purpose and applying to D rpartmxnt or tub I ntkhioii the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to find a seat in the high ing the present war are reported In the state for the allotment of 18 a P ek in — M ilitary action to enforce places of popular confidence and truth. Poland from the capital of Russia, month for each orphan as provided by its demands on China has been threat 04411 while Vienna declares that fighting law.' • Lincoln is dead. Yes, dead. Has this man utterly passed la going on “everywhere” in the Car Manslaughter was the verdlot re ened by the Japanese government, ac U. 8. Lend Office at Roseburg, Oregon, cording to cable message from the January 20, 1916. away? Stands he no longer a tower of strength for refuge and pathians. turned by the Jury which heard the Chinese minister at Toklo. It Is be Nirrtcx is hereby given that Ulssis G. trial oa a charge of murder, at Pen defense? Not so; it cannot be. The call shall not sound “lights The Russians are pushing vigorous lieved in official circles here, however, of Richard Barks, Indian, who that the communication should not be Welch, o f Asbestos, Oregon, who, on out”. His light is not out; though invisible to us, it still shines. and unexpected offensive operations dleton, March 2, 1908, made Homestead Entry where the Germans have withdrawn last fall shot and killed Bd K irkpat taken too seriously. No. 14796, Serial No. 04441, for the N | rick, well-known rancher of Um atilla Friends, this noble man’s work needs no monument, no parta of their forces. Roth public men and newspapers are of HWJ<, NW Ji of 8Et< and REltf of eounty, in an altercation at a ranch written scroll in order that it may be perpetuated. It is higher urging President Yuan-Shi-Kal to let house dance. Burke pleaded self de Japan seize by force wbat she wishes, HWt^ o f Section 10, Township 34 8, than the dome of S t Peter; loftier than S t Paul’s; it rears itself Allies Admit Lose and Report Gains. fense. Range 2W, Willamette Meridian, h a s London.— Local gains on the Fran as China would be unable to oppose above the Pyramids; it soars beyond the highest mountain tops; co-Belgian front by both the Germans Prominent Norwegians In Minnesota, her, but to refuse to grant humiliating filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the and it is written in letters of the sunbeam across the blue arch and the allies are described tn official North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and concessions. It is reported that Presi land atiove described, before G. A. Gard Wisconsin are receiving Invitations to communications from Berlin and dent Yuan Shi Kai Intends to meet ner, County Clerk of Jackson County, th a t forever looks down upon the busy tribes of men. ▼lilt Portland en route to, or return some of the demands, granting Japan Paris. Oregon, at his office at Jacksonville, Or They closed his eyes, his work was done; The loss of positions in the A r ing from the expositions In San Fran- such concessions as would be given to egon, on the 8th day of March, 1915, gonne at Bagatell Is admitted by the olseo and San Diego. More than 1800 any other country, but stubborn^ re What to him is friend or foeman, Claimant names as witnesses: such letters have been mailed out the sisting any transgression of China’s French war office, which offsets this Rise of moon, or set of sun, J. B. Welch, ol Asbestos, Oregon. with the report of capturing a wood last week by the Norwegian-American sovereign rights. Jack Walker, of ” Hand of man, or kiss of woman. reception committee of Portland. north of Mesnll-les-Hurlus. Ed Peile, of Trail, ” The W alla W alla Swine and Cattle Vsto of Literacy T u t la Sustained Joe Mayfield, of Beagle, We leave him to God’s watching eye, " Filibuster Against Ship Bill Renewed. Breeders’ association and the W alla Washington.—An attempt to pa«« —J. M. U pton , Trust him to the hand that made him. Washington.— Administration forces W alla Meat A Cold Storage company the immigration bill prescribing a lit 1-30-15 Register. Mortal love weeps idly by, of the senate succeeded Monday In are offering Prizes aggregating 1200 eracy teat for the admleelon of aliens for the best pigs to be produced by forcing the republicans and insurgent Christ alone, has power to|aid him. over President Wilson’s veto failed In W 4 to 5.50 1.50 to 3.50 Special Sale o f Men's Dress Shirts—less than c o s t LANCE & COMPANY - The Home Store ___ _ _ _ _ —J. W. S teelman , Galls Creek, Oregon. democrats back to the defensive in the members of "pig clubs" to be organ fight over the government ship pur Ized by the boys and girls of Um atilla county In Oregon and W klla Walla chase bill. and Columbia counties In Waahlngtoq. i j 20 hard-working men desire positions the house, the affirm ative vote lack in the country at reasonable wages. Ad ing five of the neceaeary two-tblrds. dress Portland Commons, 196 Burnside St., Portland, Oregon.