Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1914)
£T/?e G o l d H ill N e w s PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, m w m ii .----------------------- ------------ - - OREGON, BY Overdrafts B. M. I. Unarcurvd Sonala» at the Shack B en H. L am pm an C o m p a r e O u r P r ic e s Bill has went across the Jordan, surf lie’ll never pixy a tune when (he Spring Entered at the GoW Hill poatoffice for transmiis-ionÿhreugli tlx1 mails ax is on the meadow xml the base is on tlie second-el*.-« matter moon; never tilt lib elixir at evening up beside the open door, teasing nmsie froui a Addle like was never teas»sl before; SATURDAY, MARCH. 21, 1914 Play the ohl tones oft and over—till the memories return, xml we sort of sen*' the S J INSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE clover and the new grass on the burn; till we quite forget he's playing, and we wander eonntry lam's—just some kiddies A PLATFORM AND ITS CANDIDATE gone a-Maying when tlie earth Is bright with rains. Played a tune I’ve quite for gotten—kind of fairy like and wild—out O IN MANNING was in Gold Hill one day this week. By of night am i skv begotten, like tin* laugh way of explanation to those who may or may not require the ter of a child. Now. I ain’t worth shucks same, let it be said that the gentleman is candidate for the Dem at singing, and the strings to uie are ocratic nomination for Governor. John Manning makes many dumb, but my la-art was always spring- ing when he made the uiusie come. Only friends wherever he goes—at least he annexed a few new ones once in each so often, God he makes a in Gold Hill, where it is occasionally understood just what John Fiddler Bill—and, 1 nvk -n, it’« to soften Manning, as prospective governor, proposes to accomplish for them as grows too hard and ehill I the people and the state of Oregon. Those who are ever ready Bill has went aero»» the Jordan a'id he ain’t a-comlng back—and there won’t he to announce that it is the immemorial custom of candidates to no more uiusie in the twilight at the decorate pleasing platforms with pretty pledges—for purely shack; won’t lie no more tunes go ramb campaign purposes—are invited to inspect the public record of ling to the mystery of the moot), when tlie year is young in April or the fields John Manning as District Attorney for the Fourth District. aie gay with June. But he left ids tunes Therein is noted the ever recurring fact that pledges are not al behind hitu, singing a’ways, though un ways made to be broken, and that at least one public official heard, and it isn't hard to find them in rapture of a bird. There's a mo lest stands behind his with all the potent force of a determined per the wisp of feather—drab xml do-less, just sonality. During the panic of 1907, John Manning, as district like him—and it doesn't mind the weath attorney, saved to the depositors every copper of deposits and er as it warble« from the limb; when the trust accounts within the keeping of the defunct Title, Guaranty sun is slanting westward, and the wind is but a breeze, then it gives us boys tlie & Tiust Company. But for this depositors would have receiv beat word from its shack among the ed not to exceed 30 cents on the dollar. The point is, that dist trees. And you’d swear ’twas singing rict attorney John Manning promised this to the depositors-and clearly something that you'd heard la-fore —something just as like, or nearly, tunes kept his promise. Bill played beside the door. Sure, I None of Mr. Manning’s pledges are incapable of fulfillment know there’s nothing in it—but I'll het or visionary. They are practical and popular. His proposal to a stack of blue« that somewhere, this very minute Bill has packed the heaven settle the idle lands of the state by improving them, selling them ly pews! D e a th o f M r«. W . G . M y er« • W ith those of other towns; if O. K. let us have a portion of your business; if for any reason you are dissatisfied with the way we treat you, tell us and we will gladly make amends J Berry Sugar - $5.00 per sack Fruit ” - - 5.00 »» M Dry Gran. ” - - 4.80 »» »» Good Coffee - - 1.00 for 51bs Red Carnation Hard Wheat Flour 1.40 per sack New Stock of Dry Goods about April 1st. We pay 17 cts. in trade for fresh eggs at cost upon a twenty-year payment plan, and issuing bonds as a lien upon the land, guaranteed by the state, would not divert one Inexpressibly saddening to the entire GOLD HILL IS LOGICAL SITE city, was thedeath of Mis. W. G. Myers, penny of the public monies. It would, however, provide thou (.Continued from first page) nt her home in thia city on Friday even ■ sands with self-sustaining homes at an interest rate of 3 or 4 per ing of last week at 7:15. No winning cent, as compared with the ruinous banking and private loan ent art- the winters of southern Oregon, preceeded the sad event, Mrs. Myers hav rates. It would add immeasurably to the wealth of the state, that it is unneeessaiy to shelter stock at ing been in apparently excellent health to the hour of her demise. Short and the prosperity of its citizens. Upon this plank John Mann any period during the year. In the opin almost ion of close observer* this locality will ly after 6:00 she complained of illness, ing has nailed the p ro v iso -“Settlers only need apply.” soon become a large exporter of stock and a half hour elapsed before 11 was re The platform also proposes to reduce the number of salar and dairy products. Land suitable for alized that her condition was serious. Medical attendance w as then hastily ied office holders and commissions, in so far as is consistent with such purposes may lie now obtained at a summoned, but Mrs. Myers lapsed into reasonable figure. efficiency, and to shear off the barnacles. To provide a plan for With a present population of «00, pub uneons’onsness ami passed away despite the financing of public roads, and to divide the work into three lic schools are maintained that would do every effort to revive her. Death was pronounced due to apoplexy, from which jurisdictions—those of the state, the county, and the road dis- credit to more pretentious cities. Two site hail not noticeably suffered previous school buildings, modernly constructed tric t—thus distributing the expense fairly, and permitting the and equipped, presided over by a cort>s ly. Mr. Myers, then in San Francisco, improvement of laterals. To provide for two legislative ses of competent instructors, furnish educa and himself but recently recovered from sions; the first for a period of one week for the introduction of tional advantages second to none. Sev illness, was summoned by telegram, and churches of well known denomina arrived on Sunday evening. measures, followed by a 30 day recess. During the recess the eral Funeral services were conducted at tlie tions hold weekly service. The various public might find much for disapproval, and the consequent fraternal orders are also actively represent M. E. church Monday afternoon, when weight of sentiment operate against snap judgement or tricky ed. The city is electrically lighted at a Rev. A. Coslet paid a beautiful tribute to the Christian life and splendid womanly legislation. Following tha 30 day period, the legislature would low rate, owns and < perates its own water qmditities of Mrs. Myers. Many floral system, and has an excellent sewage sys meet for the deliberation and passage or rejection of these bills. tem, cement pavements, ami no debts. tributes were tendered by Iriends, the Publicity in state affairs and the expenditures connected there To tlie sportsman no location could be casket and altar being almost hidden be neath the springtime flowers she so fondly with is also firmly declared for. The News regrets that a short better suited. The Rogue and all its trib loved. At intervals during the impress utary streams provide the finest trout age of both time and space—an ailment peculiar to country fishing on the coast. The gamey steel ive service, and at its close, the quartet weeklies—precludes the publishing of John Manning’s platform head, acknowledged peer of all trout, interpreted in comforting melody hymns in its entirety. There is no ring of insincerity to its metal—and brings a thrill to i he angler that is never of beauty and approprialncss. In the forgotten. Thousands of these fine fish silent little city of Rock Point cemetery, it is excellently devised to serve the purposes of the people. frequent the river doriug the fall and where the first spring wildflowers are “John Manning Makes Many Friends,” might be a shibbo summer runs, while mountain trout and blooming now, and lb ■ river comforts leth for his campaign. It will not startle those whose know him the fighting cut-throat abound at ell sea eternally, tlie remains were consigned to sons. The Chinook salmon, food fish of earth. best, if this facility for making friendships extends to his en the continent, is also a splendid fighter Mrs. Lula A. Myers was born in Areo dorsement at both elections. and rises readily to the spoon. The green la, Illinois, January 6th, 1873. Here she CONCERNING LOCAL GAME PROTECTION OCCASIONALLY the Grants Pass Courier levels E VER the AND blunt shaft of its questionable satire at Jackson county. hills and deep cool gulches shelter deer in numbers to make tlie limit bag easily ob tainable by any hunter. Bear, congar, wild cat, and smaller fur-bearers afford sport to the hunter ami revenue to the trapper. Grouse of several species inhabit the tim ber, with the mountain quail, while in the lower lands and bottoms tlie pert little valley quail flocks in large coveys. That splendid foreigner, the China pheas ant, has been introduced by the game commission, and is thriving exceedingly. In sonthern Oregon tlie summer vacation is at your door. Tlie mystery of Crater Lake calls, the hills and streams invite, and the railroad ticket is a negative quantity. I Homeseekers an<l investors, regardless of their financial means, are invited to correspond with the Gold Hill Commer cial Association, addressing Tlie Secre tary. Inquiries will be promptly and courteously replied to, and every assist ance rendered in supplying information and data relative to the district. With a frequency that is for the most part charitably disregard ed it does not hesitate to cast aspersions upon the standing of Jackson county sportsmen and wardens regarding the vexing problem of game protection. In a recent issue this county is as sailed for no other reason than that the commission considered proper the appointment of three resident wardens. The absurd charge is made that distinction is drawn in the arrest and con viction of law violators from the two counties. The News does not pretend to appear in the role of apologist for the Jackson county wardens, were such a course necessary. It desires, how ever, to direct attention to the fact that the majority of convic tions secured have been those of residents within Jackson coun ty, that numerous attempts to bring fish and game poachers to b ok for their unlawful lapses in Josephine county have met such disapproval that convictions could not be secured in the face of plain evidence. If specific instances of this sort are Address—C. 8. R edfield , Secretary Gold Hill Commercial required, t h i s paper cheerfully volunteers to provide them. Association, Wardens Sandry, Hammersly and Hubbard; represent not Jack- G 4d Hill, Oregon. son co m ty—but the state of O reg o n -a fact that our provincial friend to t ,e west appears to be totally unaware of. Warden For Sheriff. Fred Merrill, of Josephine county, also possesses a splendid re cord in the service. If the true sportsmen of Josephine county, I hereby announce myself as Repiibli regardle s >f market fishermen and pot hunters, will extend to ! can candidate for nomination for sheriflfof any of the-1 four the co-operation and assistance that is requir I Jackson County, subject to the d clsion (ifthe voters at the primary election of ed of g -od citizens, the Courier need have but little fear of game ! May 15, 1914. —A. W. W alker , Medford. Oregon. infracti within any of the territor embraced by its circula (Paid Advertisement) tion, at th erv least. grew to young womanhood, and on Sep tember 7th, 1888, was married to Will iam G. Myers. Two children were born to the union, Mildred, age sixteen, Abram, aged fourteen, both of »limn survive her. In the fall of 1910 the family came to this city where they have since resided. During those few years Mrs. Myers bad, by her cheerful ami kindly nature, by her unfailing qualities as a good friend and neighbor, endeared herself to many close friends and gained the respect and friendship of the entire community. It is not lightly therefore, tiiat these friends proffer their sympathy to the hus band and children, and acknowledge that tlie loss is dveply and sincerely felt by all. Card of Thanks For the many expressions of sympathy, for the kindly offices of friends, and for the floral tributes, in the deatli of our wife and mother, we desire to express tlie utmost gratitude. — W m . G. M yers and Children. | BRIEF I. ■ NEWS OF OREGON A bounty pn tiles is going to be of fered by the Salem commercial club to the school children in Salem. Senator Chamberlain has been re quested to use liis influence to have the Dead Ox project included in tho Owyhee project Bids will be opened April 1 at St. Helens for the $360,000 bond Issue re cently vote'd by Columbia county for permanent highway construe i loa. P h on e 8L D. H. M ID L E R H e a d q u a r te r s fo r Hardware Stoves Tin, Granite and Ahimintini Ware Garden Tools Haying and Heading Tools Builders’ Materials and Tools Roofing Building l ’a|» r Paints Gils Varnishes Brashes Glass Uroekerywarv Lirge Assortment of yiiiensware As fine a H im - and assortment of F is h in g T a c k le ss there is in the county Catturaugus Cutley Guns Ammunition licks Shovels Miners’ Supplies Powder, Fuse snd Caps Base Balls and Mitts, and Bats. My Stock is eoinpletc in every line and my prices are right R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d s ia D. H. M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ” Dairy cows In Coos county this year are aelllng for a much higher price than ever before, due to the Increase In the dairy business and the efforts tq better the grade of the dairy stock. The county In which a schoolhouse is located lias Jurisdiction In trying cases of crime in or near the building, according to an opinion of Attorney- General Crawford. The Corvallis commercial club has started a campaign to Increase Its membership to 600 aud to become more effective In developing Corvallis and Benton county commercially. Counties which have collected in terest on delinquent taxes without di viding It with its taxpaying districts may be sued by the districts for their share of the money, se Attorney-Gen eral Crawford decides. A false reading of a Babcock butter fat tent is a violation of the weights and measures law, according' to an opinion written by AttomeyGeneral Crawford for Deputy State Sealer of Weights and Measures Buchtel. THIS STOMACH REMEDY HELPS YOUR ERIENDS Almost every day some grateful person conies into our store and tells us of Is-ne- fits received from tin- use of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets. Knowing how murh good they have done others and knowing what they are made of, we feel sure they will help you. So great is our faith in them that we urge you to try them entire ly at onr risk, with our personal promise that if they don't do all you expect them to do and make your stomach comfort able and healthy and your digestion easy, we’ll hand laiek your money. We couldn’t endorse anything any more strongly than we do Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets. Containing Pepsin and Bis muth two of the greatest digestive aids known to medical science, they soothe the stomach, cheek heartburn and dls- trisw, promote a natural How of the gast ric juice, and help regulate the bowels. Remember, if they don’t make your di gestion so easy and comfortable that you can eat whatever you like whenever you like, we want you to come bark and tell us and get your m o n e y . Sold only at the more than 7, (kill Rexall Stores, and it) Kickapoo Worm Killer Expel« Worms The cause of your child's ills—the foul, this town only nt our store. Three sizes, fetid, offensive breath—the starting up Joe, oi)e and 61,60,—M. D, lloiveis, Gold Hill, Or. with terror arid grinding of teeth while asleep—t h e sallow com plexion—t h e Stubborn, Annoying Coughs Cured dark circles under the eyes—are all In “ My husband had a cough for fllteen dications of worms. Kiekatmo Worm years and my son for eight years. Dr. Killer is what your child needs; it ex King's Naw Discovery cnnplelely cured pels the worms, the cause of the child’s I tnem , for which I cm most thankful,” unhealthy condition. For the removal writes Mrs. David Moor, of Saginaw, Ala of seat, stomach and pin worms, Kicka- W hat Dr. King’s New Discovery dkl for poo Worm Killer gives siirerellof. Its these men, it will do for you. Dr King’s Inxfitive effect adds tone to the general New Discovery should be in every home. system, Supplied'as a candy confection S to p hacking coughs, relieve» lagrip|ie —children like It. Safe and sure relief. and nil throat and line,! ailment», Monev Guaranteed. Buy a box to d ay , Price iiaek if It fail». All droggi-ts. I’rieo 26c. All Druggists or by mail, Kicka M’e and $1.00. 'I |,; Buckled A Co. poo India. M e r s v f.oei. Pldlnde|p,-o , lo n ii.