Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
T**' - . WE BUY OLD GOLD c « m ( m m h .<^ ow ^ i « w . i » v , r tiWKMtpri«M.g«M a w « . Portland. VI Tl Hll» U t INTFRFKT 111 IN Ills NFW lXllluIlLaJl TT O ak ami METHODS GROWING 1TENT3 p PROFITABLE FEED FOR PIQS Parmer Should Know Physical Make Up of Animal Thoroughly In Or der to Secure Oood Park. -■ -Q .’* ' . . — HIS JOB A HARD ONE) ■ - . . i ‘ " . ' J--V - Discouraged Tb o expression occur» so m any tim e , in U t t .r e from sick w om en, I was com pletely discouraged.” A n d there ie always good reason lo r the discouragement. Year» of in and suffering. D o c to r after doctor tria d in vain. ediciaee doing no lasting good. I t ia no wonder that " wom an feels discouraged. Thousands of these weak and sick women have lo o t Itb and courage regaioed a t the result of the use RED-HCADCO O FFICE BOY W AILS ABOUT HIS FATE. To produce pork the most profit ably, to do It at least coat of feed, time and labor and In the shortest Shifted the "Long Guy" From Room possible feeling period. It stands to to Room in Effort to Do Duty reaaon we should know tbs physical and Than Was Scolded make-up of the animal thoroughly In b y the Boos. î ï ï ’r “ ” î ï order that tbe breeding, the feed ae I I t establish«« regu larity, hcale inflam m ation and uloer»» W rite for e»t» loruaa ami lito m tw m Developing lected, the housing and caring from •» and p rin t In« Mail «niara riv a n p n a p p i ailon uon Prof. James Munyon, the health ex tioo, «ad cure« weakness. "That job of mine is awful tough," birth to butchering, would all tend ro m and Photo Supply Co pert, had a strsnuuiui time yesterday. ■ m . said tbe red-headed office boy, slump 14» Third «treat KIRTLAND O R R. I T M A K E S W E A K W OMEN K T B O N O People teemed to flock to him on ac to ba the most Ideal and beneflclal, ing down dejectedly. He reached for * E N D S I C K W OM EN W ELL. says the Agriculturist. RFRTOM - Aaaarar aa4 rkawlsR, count of hi« remarkabla auceeai. and Select well-developed, large sows a piece of pie on (he quick lunch <b4*>i»4u. R »■•*.• la-a» priueai OvM, ___ ____________ J Refuse substitutes offered by unscrupulous druggists it was a difficult m atter to get w ith ir RU««r. a i li v r .L L»ad, o a 4 . 11, f i G. M. M lher. t\» . (I« M f ia « counter, while his friend of an ad a » Coppe«. 11. M alh ae eovalape« a 4 f a ll pr Ire II«» ■peaking distance of him. Several about a year old. si- o a compact, vig joining f o r this reliable rem edy. office peeled an orange. •a a t o a a i. t. lira i loa (V a tru l »t>d (m a ir e wurfe «e Sick wom en are in vited to consult by le tte r, f r r ,. A ll correspondence persona »x pressed themaelves forcibl) orous. healthy smaller boar to Insure Belted. Befereaioi LWtoaate Nat^maf ttaal. “All joba is tough," commented tbe stric tly p riva te end sacredly confidential. W rite w ithout fear and w ithout in explaining the reasons for their be strong, healthy offspring. Give them other boy. D>,P* n* , r \ ; S ' V ' P ierce’ M - D -- * » » • ’». Buffa.o, N . Y . lie f of the man. One young woman, a clover field to run In. a comfortable UT t«W«tta»’»l Plnoennf Palis». MA..U«. - - stomach, . liv e r and "You bet,” agreed the Injured one D i'. , . Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta régulât« and I______ invigorate who ia very prominent in the city, place to sleep and for shelter; plenty “I ain't done a thing this morntn' ~ ~ ~ A tin ----- -e--------------« ---- --- * ■ bowels Sugar-coated, y granules, easy to * take ae caadv. of fresh water and you will have tali B O Y N T O N FURNACES »aid: / but be hollered at somethin’ tierce." Moat «rueem <*al and effective far house " I have been suffering for yean en the first Important atepa to obtain aiul ach<«4 haaling "What's be jum pin’ on you now w ith a combination of stomach troub vigorous young piga. U tiliz e E v e ry M o m e n t. Cat Nover In Danger. At weaning time, when artlflclal fer?” Inquired the other boy, with J. C. B A Y tR NJRNACC CO . les, catarrh and other troubles, with Know tbe tree value of tim e; growing Interest. "Some extra kick, H e r love for robins nearly got Mrs. feed ta to be aubaituted for nature’s f r o n t and Ma.-I.rl SI». Portland. O r. general debility. I could hardly d< or just th' regular grouch like all Antoinette Perkins of Hackensack, N. ■natch, seize, and enjoy every me» MEND FOB CATAMKJtig. anything at timea on account of th< food, It ia well to know that the near boseee hast" f . Into grave trouble tbe other day, ment of IL No idleness, no laziness, ain in my stomach, aide and cheat. er the feed barradnlzes In chemical The red-headed boy shook bis head lor the three ballets she fired from no procrastination: Never pat off had a dull gnawing pain in the pit ol constituents with those of the ani mal's body, the more iiealthful and gloomily. "Extra kick this time," be a revolver at a cat that was killing till tomorrow what you can do today. my stomach, palpitation of the heart, BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL j vigorous will be tbe growth and de »aid, "an’ all about nothin', too. You a robin on her lawn came near kill — E arl of Chesterfield. n l •> a w Sana» aamSau a Sinai and a feeling o f weakness that I coulc know yourself how they're always ing three persona. One bullet went »•I wa» U w b « W » not -understand. Headaches most ol velopment and lest the liability to poundin' It Into a feller that he ain’t through the wall of a neighboring ua. » k A . an. Ml a w the time, w ith extreme nervouanea», disease. The Perfect Man. F a * wM aw aW - l w >wa t w - m » 4 MS made it so that I could not eat, and The selection of tbe right feed for to let In them book agents an' trri bouse and passed close to tbe head of _ A perfect man la the one who gated land sharps an’ guys without an a person sitting at the dining room aarawa M w wab. what little food that 1 did eat I did little pigs la especially Important, be- hU ®TelT f*« lt “ d not the U1MWIT W O UMOW S table. T h e ’ two « b e r buïüto whla-1 not seem to get any strength from. cauae It forma tbe basis on which tbe appoh-traent, an’ alt that?" C A IM I who Insists he has none. "Btgre," said tbe other boy. tied past tbe beads of two boys who (w ZM aW Mauaaa IWa 3> Very often I would have to get up al foundation for heavy, forced feeding "W ell," went on the aggrieved one. were passing the Perkins home. Tbe night for something to eat in order to during tbe later fattening period la atop the hungry feeling that would built, and If this darly foundation la "at a quarter f 'leven thla mornln’ offending cat escaped unhurL a gent walkr Into tb' office an' asks tome over me. E V E R Y H O M E not strong, healthy and vigorous, it To Brea. >a New Shoes. “ Munyon's treatments had been will break down under heavy feeding for tb* bosa. He's a long guy wttb W hen You Feel A lw a y s s h a ke In A lle n 's F oo t . Ease, a p o w d e r, Should have a e py o f m y new booklet. suggested to me, but I laughed at ths and sickness, disease and Inability a rort o' grin In bis eye, an' before I t eurc« h o t, s w e a tin g , a c h in g , s w o lle n loet. knowed « h at I was doin' I'd showed -u res co rn s , In g r o w in g n a ils a n d b u n io n s . A. ••N e u ro lo g y --th e W a y to H e a lth .” idea that they could do me any good, to gain in weight Is sure to result. him Into the boas' private office, an' i l l d ru g g is ts s n d » h o * «teres, 25c. D o n t a co ep l I t te le o f the w onderful curve th a t have been as I had tried so many doctors and rem m y su tw tltu le . S a m p le m e a ll i li - q f R K h . Address Therefore, tbe feed used should be le m m ade and bow to get well. W rite fo r It today, to I was tired, easy to digest. It should supply vigor tells him the boss is out, but fer him t lle ia A u lm s t e d , Le Ror.N . Y. DU W K H K E Z E , M vrcbanta T r e a t edies w ithout relief. M U «.. »’MtHand. Oregon. nervous and worn out all tbe time. and energy to Induce rapid growing to wait. The gent says, ‘Much ob Real Epoch« of Life. Nothing I could do made me feel any | t should be succulent to create keen liged' an’ alts down .comfortable an’ Reel action Is ln silent momenta. better. | appetite, build tissue and rich blood. pulls a book out of his pocket you can always blame it "Then o' course it hits me what a Tbe epochs of our life are not ln tbe I bad little hopes th at his new. The following ration will be found to fool trick 1 done In ahowtn' him In on a lazy liver and clog visible facta of our choice of a celling treatm ent could help me, but when I contain all the elements fog success there. Bo I fusses around outside, our marriage, our acquisition of an I heard what wonderful work he was fully growing little pigs; ged bowels. This disa figurin' out what 1 oughts do about office, and tbe like, but ln a silent doing here I decided to consult him. Ground oats or peas. It Pretty soon 1 goes in an’ finds thought by tbe wayside as we w alk; greeable sick feeling can Now I feel like a woman made over; Merlene, a sterilised molasses. the feller readln' hla book. 'Excuse In a thought which revises our entire am regaining my weight, feel well Grevu lo u ve r. be quickly corrected by me. mister,’ I says. ' I l l show you manner of life and says: “Thus hast and cheerful all the time. I was sur M ilk, slop or water. Into 1'r. Simms’ office. That's tbe thou done, but It were better thus."— prised at the quick results, for my im taking This ration will nourish all parts of boss secretary.’ provement was almost Immediate; my Emerson. the pig's body and produce fast " 'All right,* aaya the gent real soreness vanished and I could eat any •liaeaseotxugfore eg2 m e b ... t-h44 pleasant 'just as you please.' Cleanin' Earth’s Cora. thing I wanted to. I look and feel 10 growth. It w ill bring the piga up to day In hero? " At a meeting of a scientific society years younger, and I t la all dua tc tbe fattening period In a mort excel " 'Nope,' aaya I. But I shows him at The Hague Professor W elchert as Prof. Munyon's new treatm en t.” lent condition, when the ration can be Into Slum s' office, that joins the boss’ serted that his studies of the varying "T h ia statement la one o f many,” changed to corn and merlene, with Then I fusses around some more In velocity of earthquake tremors, pass said the health expert today. “I water and slop, and you w ill be sur tbe waitin' room, an' after awhile I lng through the Interior of the globe, . have nob had one single case of dis satisfaction or poor results result! from my prised " ", how fast they ' w ill fatten and thinks to myself that just sa likely lead to the conclusion that the earth ' It has helped thousands treatm ent in thia city since opening b B tbejr w <row - as not the boss Is goln' to fire me consists of a central core of Iron or — w ill help you, too. T ry steel, about 6,680 miles ln diameter. for lettln* that guy in there at all. here. “ I believe that I can do as much foi HOUSE FOR THE HIRED MAN so I walks in again. it today. A ll druggists. Constipation causes many seriooa dia- " ’I hope vou'U excuse me, mlater,' others as 1 have done for her. Mj sases. I t is thoroughly cured ‘ by ~ Doc- methods are simple, founded on N a Laboring Man Prefers City Life Be I aaya. 'The boaa is likely to come tor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, One a In any time an' I wlsbt you'd Just laxative, three for cathartic. ture, and I have made stomach troubl« cause He Cannot Obtain Comfort step Into Mie Adams' room.’ a deep »tudy for years. That ex able Quarters In Country. plains my universal success. “The feller sets an' looks at me In the Sheepfold. " I w ant every man or woman suf for a minute an' bis face gets solemn. Regularity In feeding la of much (B y B. J. W A O O O N E R .) Every farm where hired help Is em fering from rheumatism, bladder-kid “ 'Shall I not be— er—inconvenienc Importance. If It can bo so arranged are the aaf eat sud moot reliable cathartic and ney troubles or indigestion to go tc ployed by the year should have good, in’ the lady?' says be. as to feed at 8 o'clock In the morning ayatem cleanser. The best remedy for Torpid the nearest drug »tore and get m y! comfortable quarters for the help. It Liver, Bilionanesa and Sick Headache. and 4 o’clock In the afternoon. It la " ‘Nope.’ says 1. ’She’a out to- A t Dr.ggtat«' »r by M a il. XS Cants remedies. These little pellet« removtils time we began to reform our h a b it' lunch. about the best that can be dona. No H e r r C a a m r ai. Co. F o a n a a o . Ooaoow the cause o f your trouble once for a ll.! of housing our farm help. One of the I -go he get« up an’ toilers me Into live stock w ill make better use of a I f you are not sure Juat w hat youi i reason« why laboring men prefer to th’ a nograpter’a room, an’ I le t’s him few turnips or other roots, In winter, trouble is, w rit« a personal letter tt live In the city la because they cannot get there— me expectin' to get called than w ill breeding ewes. I t la advis Prof. J. M. Munyon. 63d and Jeffer-.flnd comfortable bouses In the couo- down foi It at th a t An' t h e n a l t of able, too, to give them a little grain, son Sts., and he and his expert corp. try. How many dairy farmers who then ail of a sudden I think to myself how M is '! 11 help« them wonderfully. I f the of physicians w ill give you medics^ «re complaining about the scarcity of Adjm s leave« her rubbers an’ h e r . flockmaater knows Juat when to ex advice absolutely free. They w ill good help provide as good bouse for pocket book lyin’ around loose half P*®1 I“ “ *» he can often save the Ufa send you an examination blank anc their help as they do tor their cows? th' time, an' how suspicious th' boas • * • Ble* ,Bmb by »«tchfnlneaa and a The Dawn of Scientific Knowledge ask questions and give you the most Can we blame a self-respecting labor la. I know this here guy ain’t no ' Uta* car* the rt<bt Ume painstaking examination and there ii tb * “ other take» due car« of IL Icn rn a Profession where the de not a penny to pay nor are you undei Ing man for not moving his fam ily In thief, but I ’m feelln’ despriL so In I Possibly be may lose a few hours' to a hovel? The American farm la goes an* braces up to him again. mand ia greater than the supply. any obligation to follow their advice. borer is a human being and he should “ T hope you’ll excuse me, mister,’ I sleep during the season, but when he Honorable. Dignified, Lucrative be shown as much respect as a prize says. 'Y'understand how It is. but comes to sell the lambs and put the Hla Right to T itle. Jersey, to say the least we’ve been m in in ’ inkstands an’ pa price ln hla pocket, he can refloat W r ite fur L ite ra tu re and Inform ation. I t w ill A French paper aaya that a Nee ba to Y O U R advantage. How many neat and attractive cot perweights around here lately an’ I that this lost sleep Is paid for. Invalids and others needing skilled tre atm en t, Zealand chief had just taken up hii tages suitable tor an American labor wlsht you’d let me show you Into the w rite fur p artlrulara. residence upon a piece of land, hli ing man are there vacant In your waitin' room, where It's nice an' IV itiis l \ c S a lv e 4 0 9 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or. right to which was contested: "1 neighborhood? Any good man who ta warm,' I aaya, to be polite. have got an undoubted title to th< worth hiring by the year la worthy of "The gent don’t say a word, but property," he observed, "as I ate th. a good, comfortable bouse tor him he begins to cough, violent He gets Color In Proclou« Stones. preceding owner." self and family. up an* tollers me Into the ontslde of The color of gem stones, although If we keep good help we m utt treat fice, an’ Just then ln walks th’ boss, of greatest Importance commercially, them right. Men who have no bomea an’ be jumps over an' shakes th’ gent la of little or no value In determining Something New. Certain - _ .. An Irishman just from the sod wai go to the moat cheerful places they by th' hand an’ leads him Into his pri their particular Identity. can find and I am sorry to confesa vate room. An’ pretty soon I hears atones show their characteristic °M cheese, when he wUUMng «h.w« o l » Il kinds sad color« found, to hla his dtsma< dismay, that It con It Is not always In a hovel behind a th' long guy In there roar out laughin’ shades of color. It Is true, but tt Is fit to bust" only after various tests have been talned living Inhabitants. "Be Ja big red barn. The better tbe house The red headed boy swallowed the applied that color can be considered and surroundings you furnish, within uwl' T ' M 0 R f bers," said he, "doea your cheese It limits, the better class of men you last of hla pie with a gulp. "An’ then,” a t all as evidence ot value. AU min V i ’'? . J . DANDY • this country have children?" he ended bitterly, "after all my trou erals ln their pure state are pure will be able to hire. RUSSlf ; ble the boss comes out ln half an hour whits, and tbs color shown is due to You may have a Headache, Tooth I I •• I * an' Jaws me because the long gent mineral pigment In many cases. ache, Stomachache, Earache, not seri Dlseaso of Chfiakano. ous enough for the doctor, so you suf was one of our best customers. The It Is Important to have a good un - - i ‘e fer. Hamlins W izard Oil stops thes. Mott-ra arm Lad Mr*. WlnSloar-a Rnnthtng derstandng of the causes of diseases boss called me a red head, too," he lyrnp pains quickly. «»t n-medr to us» uo fo> ’ ttwlrchUdrañ ‘ ‘ * the ‘ brat In order that one may prevent their added, "an* me hair ain't red. Me tu rla g ih» teethla» period. M V O R t i '- 1' ’ - 1 sister sex It's awburn." spread and find a cure when neces Bridge Perfectly Adjusted. Methods of 8abb«th Counting. In the Forth bridge there ia a hor sary. To attempt to apply remedies Just Like a Vacation, Whllo. the Egyptians named tbe izontal pull of 10,000 tons ot. the chief Is useless unless the cause of the dis TOBACCO An eminent English physician pays of tholr week, the Jews num spans, and a weight of 100.000 tons ease Is accurately determined. Isbtt» P o o tt i-.lj Carea, Tbe white diarrhea which has stands authority for the statement bered them only, the first day of the O I I . T BlXiB Ih. cm’» i.<tic. .h.v drwrtw on Ibsir bases. H a lf a dozen iron- 'my aathorized K « i g i Ifl» Chat positively cnntalne OIL. Week« en<1 »ollBhre « » .* .. . ilu t e 1» Vroffoa. W rite H i i t a * and chiidr«»*B boot« and ehoaa, e h la e a clads might be hung upon them with* proved so destructive to chicks Is an that If any one w ill spend twenty-four week being always the day after the >r illu atm ted circular. example of bacterial disease. Ex hours continuously In bed he will se weekly Sabbath. Fifteen different w J > A % T 4 i" o m i" i» t lo n to r ” »anlB«<»n'djptoLbln« o u ^ cnualna nnv u«>ft,e strain, all kin 1« o t m .» r ( o r Is n »hoy», 95c. " S ta r" «Is«, 100, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perts In Washington, Yale university, cure the equivalent, In health giving methods of Sabbath counting are E L IT K com bination fo r rc n llc m c n w ho u k s Rhode Island and Connecticut State results, of a week's vacation of the known to have existed during the last p rl.l« In having th e ir «hoes ’ook A 1, Keaton-« colleges, Doctor Paige said, have been ordinary kind. m funders color and lu rtre to all black »hues. Poliah w ith a tour thousand rears. Including every 1 ---------------------------------------------4Ü1L.'..LUI.,,' 1 1----- 1-------- C E L E B R A T E D ^ R , | l f l i f i brush or cloth, 26c. Investigating Its cause. They have Those unfortunately so situated that day of tbe week, weeks of different r N U N o. 3 7 - ’ U BABY KI.ITE alas 10c. found that It originates In the Infec they w ill be unable to take a vaca and varying length, from six to ten I I f jo u r dealer done not keep the kind you w ant, •end u« hl« »ddrea« and the price In «tamp» fo r tion of the egg from which the chick tion can try the remedy. Almost days, and months of various and [ w I l KN w r itin g to n d Tertiaara ph a fu ll •!« • ptckaife. A Tonic, A lt e r a lir a a n d ReaolvenL The m e n tio n th ia p a p er. N Is hatched, but no cure has yet been everyone has one full day in tbe week varying length. best re m e d y f o r K id o c y s , L iv e r an d Bowel«. W H IT T K M O R f f B R O 8 . A O O ., 9 O -3 C A l b a n y • « . , C a m b r i d g e , M a n a , E rad icate» P im p le », E ru p tio n » an d Disorder» discovered. x which he can make a day of absolute 3ns o l d r il t a n i l L u r u r r t M a n u f u e f u r e r t o f »1 th e S k in . P u rine» th e B lo x t e n d give» rest, should he choose. But the ma S h o t D o li t h e t in tfis H orld. T o n e , S tre n g th a n d Vigor io th s s a tire « y .te m . Keeping Plants' In Bloom. jo rity of those who are In a position Picking and using blossoms as fast to take vacations w ill doubtless con as they open w ill Induce continual tinue to do so, and they w ill do well COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 blooming. When this Is done no seeds thereby. will form to sap the plants of vitality, There Is something more In a va VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON W O M E N w e a r W .L D o u g la a stylish, perfect and nature, ln her effort to repro cation than a mere resting of the tired H o sever« operation», m any ca»es perm anently cured In one fittin g , ea»y w alkin g boot»,because th ey give treatm en t. M ust tiuie-saving mo»S nntural, m ust safe. ▲ duce, w ill continually send out more muscles and mind from the strain of long w ea r, »am» aa W . L-D ougla» M e n ’» »hoe». radical and perm anent cure. I give m y word and w ill c ite blossoms. you to other m edical au thorities th a t th is is a fact. 1 am cer dally labor. The great advantage Is ta in ly pre part'd to cure by experience and equipm ent, w hich For the same reason, when any that It affords a relatively long break T H E S T A N D A R D O F Q U A L IT Y are th e key ■'tones to success. I have th e beet equipped bulbous or tuberous rooted plants In the monotony of dally life. m edical unit e on th e Coast. I w ill g iv e $500 to any ch a rity sa guarantee th a t eve ry statem ent in tb le a n n u u n m u e n tle true. have finished blooming cut the tops 1 In v ite you to eume to m y office. J w ill exp lain to you m y away before seed has ripened. This tre a tm e n t fo r Vartooae Veins. H e rn ia , Nervous D e b ility . T h e workmanship which has made W . L . A Fast Talker. Blood Polson, Piles, F is tu la , Bladder, K id n e y, Prostatio and w ill not only make the roots more all M e n ’s A ilm e n ts and g ive you F K R B a physical exam ina Douglas shoes famous the world over is vigorous tor subsequent growth and1 The orator spoke about the things tion; if necessary a m icroscopical and ohemlcal analysis of maintained in every pair. - - secretions, to determ ine pathological and bactoriolugical con blooming, but the unsightly tops will he had not Bald, the things he did ditions. R v ery m ar should take advantage of th is oppor- not believe, and the things he would be out of the way. If I could take you into my large factories tu n ity to learn th eir trn « condition. A p t r ................ m a n tn t C u rt t»4 not do. w hat you w ant. A p s rta a n rtif d u ra i t w hat I autt. at Brockton, Mass., and show you how WRITTEN GUARANTEE-My w ritte n guarantea marma a "That fellow," observed the sailor, Blackleg Vaccine. nA o t t>dy. i d y . I f diierentoe fiie re n t^ t to o rn u r m s c c«rt«ln»ilntA o rt.ln »Ilm oDt» D t»(ir or rafuntl m tu n d a evA tm rj . carefully W .L.Douglas shoes are made, you dollar ollar you have pdd. pi M y •Arvlct-ero«» you nothing util»»« I During the fiscal year ending Jun« “Is talking at the rate of about 30 would then understand why they are war «a, F I.t u la , Blood Fol- euro you r V arlroao Vein», l l . r n l a 1’1I«»L ills " not« an hour.”— Jndge. 80, 1910, the bureau of animal Indus , or any »11 tnnnt I (u a r» n twi t<i onm. . Tprm iareruNA onahle ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and no more than yon are » r . ahi» «1,1» and w illin g to pay to r b»ueflta. try of the department of agriculture 0ÍB«« h«nr»~ • A. M. to ( T. M. S»n<»j«, 1« A. M. <» 1 T. M. wear longer than any other make for the price distributed over a million doses ol Simple. A . ( I. S m ith M . D. ID I” (Off 610QD JOHON I ure PiofetBor llirlleh’i rronferf»! new fir P lIIT i n N Tb « gvnu ln. have W . I_ Douglas blackleg vaccine. During the prevloui “And what do you sailors do when I am tbe only.peeiajlrtln Ponlamt who VKU I HJW name and price »tamped on bottom corerj. ' '606” In care» of gyaelffe Slnof Polion. Il earn In OS» tre a t I foe» not »freni»« a Ictltlou. nam» or m ent and ia tba g reatan mrrrrt »f nefleal aelenee. Thla new remaf j you get homesick?'* fiscal year out of 678,996 cattle vao I f yon cinnot obtain W. L IX»n(laa thoea In I photograph. o ur tow n , w rit« fo r oataloa. Shoe» »«nt dlraot ONF. PAIR of mj BOYS* Si,•4.50•» "W s goes to sea again, mum." clnated only 2,242 died. I puhllrh m j tr»» phorr-rrayh. eorract rom fao to ry to w earer, a ll charge» p re p a id . W .I». S8.OO iH O K N w ill positively out w«ar 0. 0. MARTIN, »» ’ •«« M»* K Remarkable Success Here At- trad in g Attention. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. KODAKS 1 Ù U p F M m * m m W BILIOUS MAMV k Y .G ol pen HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS temores Wfiith li ' S h o e 1 Palishea K ê d e y f ILCOHOL INUM— (u re ^ P ortland . O R E G O N . K J V P BLOOD P W. L. DOUGLAS •2 .5 0 ,’ 3.00,’ 3.50 4 ’ 4.00 SHOES FO R O VER 3 0 YEA R S a I nam» in f perronally confnrt uir office. U n « Ha U» »M l I n POSTLASO. ostoos i AIsAJtg 144 S park MU, fereekton. K aaa. T W O P A IR S of ordinary boya’ akCM