Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
YOU SEND HOMEY BY M A IL ? Than try o m of our B A N K M O N K Y ONDKKS. T h«y a n cbaaptr than althar tapraaa or poar oltlca order«, aia aaalar to obtain, ara food «, and quickly •nada good It lorn or daatroyad. THC COLD — - » g J? ' A M I ai— H IL L B A N K i w y v ’»'* y w—rjs^yw ■ ■ ■ m w y Local News Notes H t). Krad waa at Mndfurd on bud Monday. um m J. Q. Jarvla waa at btialna»« Thuraday. Misa Olive Turner »U"«d Irlend« Wednesday. Medford C. Coppack returned W .dnenlay (rum a trip to hie former hom« in lll- inola. His train was delated several l uiee by ttorme nsfore he got loto lie tr-nqu I atmosphère oi the l*a> Irte coaat. F. W. Dirige le»t We*in* «dav on a three-week«* trip » hleh will take him 'o San Francisco, Crlpph* Cre k, Ei I’a-o, Chicago, Indiana po'l« end Lan - ing, Michigan II. » ill vl-it hie per* enta in the place Iasi-named lor e I. w lays. Grant« l*aaa on G . It. T u 'lt-r , or the first time in hie young Ilf , wa- attacked by a M r. and Mra. C. F. Oartnr war« fil«**<- acrobatie toothache laat Honda,, and Monday went to Mcdlori tores a de n ford vialtora Monday. list Ills wonted «, iro itv ol roui war C. F. Young waa hare I row Mod lord restored by lb« mliil«'r»tloiis of the on bnalnt aa Wadnaaday. Ino'h-'iiiker Mra. Kax H . I.ampuian waa a Central H. L. M either, la'e I Y aka the n> » Point rtaltor ymterdaj. manager ol the R gue Hiver Electric M illard H u ll, ol Granta Paaa, waa tha omoany, wa« In t wn yeeterdav with gural ol local relative« We<lnead..y W. Mart<n, the,* m p in t'a tiaveH ig Mr, and Mra. W I I Harvey ami representative, getting "Cqnainted w t i daughter Opal wrra Med lord vialtora hie pa i run a, M r W „|t*,er I- o .ilm isl- yaaierday. io over the pr.-rpeets (or S" aleetrltj lin e I. T , Galllgar, manager ol the Del fUo hrongh Ihe valley, an I • Xpr**«S»a t ie ranch, waa a hu«ln««a vial lor at M id w ith that i> may Ie* a con »umm a'Ion ot lord Monday. the nearluture M E R R IT T Carnation Milk Butter Cup Milk California Ripe Olives Pineapples Roast Beef 1 lb. can Deviled Hain 6 cans Pink Alaska Salmon per can Cove Oysters 2 cans Baking Powder full pound Pork and Beans per can Tomato Catsup pint Kelloggs Corn Flakes Diamond W Macaroni Macaroni bulk 3 Ita 50 lbs Sterilized Fine Salt COMPANY FOR 50 lbs Stock Salt . . . . j Range Salt 8 lb blocks Pure Cider Vinegar gal. White and Pink Beans Hard Wheat Flour regular price $1.65 Mason Fruit Jars one-half gal. per doz. Mason Fruit Jars quart per doz. Mason Fruit Jars pint per doz. Economy Fruit Jars 1-2gal. per doz. Economy Fruit Jars quarts per doz. Economy Fruit Jars pints per doz. Jelly Tumblers one-half pint per doz. Ja r Rubbers 4 doz................................. Economy Ja r Caps per doz. M ealam eaH. 0 . Perkioa and M. A Supt H. E. Redding, of the local Wert», ol Grant« Paaa, apent Thuraday »chool«. will r ad a paper a' the annual M e r r i t t Cs C o , w i t h t o w a y t h a t a f t e r O c t o b e r 1 s t a l l b i l l s m u s t b e p a i d p r o m p t l y w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s In Gold H ill. eachcra' in-tltut*- lor Josephine anil O. C. Odan, one ol Kvana Oreak'a Jark>on enun'ier, at Medfnid next Fri proairmu« farmers, waa In Ould It III on day, Octoh, r 26-26 27 A eonventicti o he school dlrec<or< of Jackson rouii'y buaineM Tuesday. haa been called by Supt. Well« for the I- O Adama and lam llv, ol Woodville, last day ol the lostitul«. a* d it 1« sufficient to iviruiit the l»-st w*. k I r will li avaaocu lor McMinnville, Where eoiwt.v is valued a t (875,002, while probable that tha focal erbool board, the t- nchers. tb'iv will make tlielr home. farm implement* are assessed at Ilh its clerk, Mr«. El a I ' t l ' i - k , w ill Among the le-hool. just vi ite-l i*y 1"! ,8o'_'. -The household furniture H A. Ensign, ol Klerpy Hollow ranch, ttwno. Hup rvl-or Henry tu the Ev ma . i* ek I ell laat Saturday lor New York oily W. P. Counts and «on 8 L. Count . country, h • n -tea t l i - t the Wav’ - -re-k ir ji - m ». d nl $315.000. T 't c t are $389 horses and mules Ila w II lie al»ent about two week«. fnimer resident« ol the Hugo,- river va - 1« ol. Miss Msnel M ar-h, te cite , ha- in Jackson county, assessed r.t An A-hland man haa a «quash that lev, hot ol late year» engager! in h it« '* iwatrllrd rim e th*- beginning the *3,11.110; 8521 cattle, valued at weighs 136 pounds ringside. Thia end« t ie r - at Heil Iteer A lbert-, ha*"e return* pre ent term * qufpnieu' t o -t t g $110.219; and 8804 sheep valued ut tin- «qua«b chawplonahlp cont'oviirav, <->l Irom the land ol Angort fros*« and wewty feel 1*1 hvlnp «tr hla It n»r A GOOD DRESSER always has a distinct ad an ill once more ca-t tlieir Io Inn* a in o >k'atokcare, «ntdow >t taril* f-> ta*>t*-r $ 's . ji i -,. The i)umber o f hogs is 4,- M r a 'G .A . I.andia returned verier, vantage over the man that is at all careless about day Iruni a two-montha’ visit with his most favored re* tion ol the uni V* iilllstion, >sn la y wa'er c- >- r* anr* 206 nt d they ore worth $13.1113. The Hogs, number 1948 and they are val w l'h liianda at Newport, her loinier verse They will open a flour and *« d tw-i rets «< annrtlsm *ntari read* r« for his Clothes or Toggery. tore al Grant« Paa», and as evi*l*-m e each ol three p imary graoes t w e t e- u ued at $1.038. home. O ther assessed valuation« include that th* y Int lid to r r i t ia ln p e r m a n e n t ordered. T h l - I n »dditios t >qaip All other things being equal—he’s always the Eugrna E ly. the aviator who II* w ai Improved land, not will erect a storeroom a id «atehott-u. ineiit already ou bant which t| tl the following; Me 'lord laat rummer, waa k lllid by a The junior member ol the firm, 8 L. ■ event y w uld ban- lte*-n e<ht«i<l •. u seeded or pastured, $10,055; tele winner. fall In hla machine at Macon, Georgia, lines, $5.000; Counts, will have active managernc* I a ven excelt* nt ruiiply—twett' v e t ol phone and telegraph Tliura lay. Great Boosters—good Clothes are—ask the good ol th« burinera and has purchased a hta* klxard, I t* rna ional d c i .uary, machinerv and stationary engines. The Ledlae Aid will meet with Mra. horns In Urania Para. $182 330. _____ th irty libr ry iooks , r* t of to p», Dresser! UM iiio i a neat Thuraday alinrnooe lor Mlaa Blanche Eaton and M r J J. rat her» de k and ct.air, c art.vtgn e ti If v o 1 ve « t> n li r»..> ti y*m cannot work Kvarv member la requested to Johnson w ire married at tbe home ol | inch globe, tiiermoni ter, flag, I rge In . ..»t (3 2 5 io h Her ».••v«n'« » than in We offer you, Sir, an opportunity to drees better—to wear be present. 100 ' e of • or» goat« In q u ire ot the bride’s par* ntr, M r and Mrs. D H dial cloeM, and (tens, hoi 'era ami nk Clothes that fit right and are Correct ia «tyie—Cloth*-« that John ll» ii.riie -lv . Gold H i I. C .J . Coburn, ol Granta Paaa, wa» Eaton, on Galls cr ek. at high noon Otheracliool visl'ed w t e t h e W i m e r have been produced by brain«, care and «kill. bar* Wednesday, and with 8 W. Me. Tuesday, October 17th, Rev. Goulilen, »eh ol, Mrs Harriet Mi ler, teaCber; I »• - I j t l v * - ■«! ,-i.a t t i « i » . en Fold Clandon went out to their mine on ol Medford, ■ llirlating The house wa T in e Grove, Ml«e M attie 1- .Mann; H i I »o*t W'Mt v i I« . F in d e l plea «e K auri creek. tastefully decorated with ml"tleti,e and Upper >ams Valley,M iar H »-ie Ne»t n. l. ’MVe a t \ ' - w - n ffiee . The Wrgo Theatre haa an attractive mountain lau,el. Th* groom no t th e ITie»e schools a e ordering suopi- men» Mining A p p lic atio n No. 06701 new atm —the work ol a traveling artlat h riie under an arch ot lh>- asm* he«at<i. taiy readers tor the primary grad a, A Lami Orti e, K p.irg, O-egon, —which will later be ll'nmtnaled with lui evergr* en» The brida was gownpd aanitary water jar« and m „ t ul th* in ■ Investigate Our Good a row ol electric light«. Angnst 24. 1911. in rich u n surah, trimmed with silk planning to a-td other »rtiule« ol n* c- The Pacific central telephone office clover. 8he carried a bridal bouquet of rssaiy eqillpme-t- Nnti in I, «by giv-i, tha Sam uel' H. Duffie , «nd Ja u « H i n-, whose ha« I teen moved Irom the hotel to tha lilies and carnations. T l •> groom was po-t'IB e g l i'e - I- Hold H ill, Assessment Figures A wed bank huildlnr, where quarter« »ere par drrssed io conventional black, J«c(«.’,i t’oo’ tv, Oregon, l «v« mude ding dinner »as served immediately tltionrd off by W alter Dungcy. According to the announcement • r ’ -Him or s pMient Io» eighty (80) nl plsi-er mining lau i b e a ri g ; J. W. Haya ba« Iteen at Woodville altar tba ceremony, p'au-s b. ing laid for mude Monday by County Assessor an plsre- g 'In situated In G all- ere k , aeveral day« thia week on huainee« con seventeen. Tha out-of-town guetta were Grieve, after completing the assess mini g d i-tri t, Jai'k»"n ounty,Oregon, j nected with the lalting ol the contract Mr. and Mra. W il'ard Eaton, grand ment of county property, the total and <1 scribed in he nffima. p at and Although tbe value of all tuxuble property LA Jack- and fiel.l note« on file in t h is offio,- a« ol the new water ayitern, (or which parents ol the bride. bride and groom have not r sided very son county, exclusive of railroads fnllowa, viz: W q ul 8 W W nt H, E W; work he ie a bidder. 8 W. .,t s E W ; E ol N- long among us, coming hare from north &nd other corporations whose prop E lf W e Pay Your Car Fare J. E. Crewa removed to Medlonl thia W. o' 8 E. 1«: a* *l W \ of N W . U ern Minnesota ah mt a year ago, they erty is assessed and taxed by Hie cl BE'« ; all n S«,-. 9 I'wii. 37 8. ol R. 3 week, where he haa Joined the '.eam- “ IF MEN WEAR IT WE HAVE IT ” have made numerous frieada,who ex State Tax Commission, is $33,511,- W e « i 01 Willamette Meri l i a n , containing iter«' union, and where he aipeeta to tend their heartiest congratulations. 158. 80 acre» known aa the "Duffield A Burna make hie future reeiilence. M rt. Crew« Pla-e* .Min*- ’’ The lo- a u m of this The présenta ara varied and numerous. There are 80,053 tillable acres m mine is receded in Hie olfi.e of the will open a rooming honse. M r. and Mr«. Johnson will ba home to Mr. and Mre. L. L. Drorhaugb, late ■ hair friends at their Galls creek reai- the cobnty with a value of $11,622.- Cooii'y Rec rder o f «aid county on ige 882 of volume 16 of the record ol 647, and 2,353,367 untillable acres, ol Gallce, were here tbe first part ol denci altar October 21st, and Water rights. There are which have a value of (11,436,455. 1 no ¡nine the week, visiting tbelr friends, M r. and adjoining eläm isinä That Gold H ill will have an up-to- Improvements on the county's acre Ail perron« holding adverse elairnt Mra. F. B. W llm artb and Mrs Nina date opera hone« la announced as th - age amounts to an assesed valuation theretoa»e required 10 present theaame Smith and eon, Dr. Smith. result ol a deal which baa ju tl gone of $701.231. before this office within »ixti days Irom I. T. Galllgar thia week purchased through, whereby W. H . Stlckel br the fli»t day of pubi cation heieof, or Of special interest is the total as they will be barrel bv virtue of the eight acres ol the Crewa tract, adjoin ooms« the owner ol tha present opera ing the wart and ol tbe Dekuro ad boose,which haa (alien Into such dis sessed valuation in the incorporated provision« of the «ta'ule. First publication September 2, 1911. dition. He will improve tbe property, repair that it haa bean declared unaafa. towns and cities. These are as fol Benjatn'n F. Jones, lows: Ashland. $3,183.746, Medford and may later lay it out in lota. Register Tba consideration ta (4,600, and M r. $6,471.843, Central Point, $464,501, The Southern Pacific gasoline motor Stiukel’a residence propery la Included Gold Hill $212,317, Phoenix $115,- ha« been lame, halt arid belay the past in the deal. Tba seller la F. M . Bough, 137, Talent 140,417, Jacksonville week, and yesterday tbe effort to make a Portland attorney. Work will begin Eagle Point $02,836, it behave waa abandoned, and engine at once on the rehabilitation ol tha $418,091, Woodville $75,377. Absolutely the See the window and coaches were put on instead. building. I t la a brick structure, and The total value of all city lot, is Tha Gold H ill Hotel under it« new tha Iront has cracked and sagged so best! display $7,263,035, while the value of the management oontlnuee to maintain the that the oity oouncll condemned it improvements on the lots is placed reputation eatabllabed by Capt. Gala— soma time ago. Tba (root will be at $3,604,117. that nl being tbe beat hotel along the taken out and solidly rebuilt, with steal There are 2Gw auiumobiles in the line in a town ol the «ixa ol Gold H ill, reinlorcementa. A naw drop-curtain county, with an assessed valuation w i l l a to p i n G o ld 1 1 1 be painted and the interior thor C L. Barlow ami 0 . J. Newman, ol of $164,220. There is $63,835 !n H i l l n e x t tim e h e Gallce, were here Tuesday, calling on oughly renovated. The work will be money and $87,200 in notes and ac c o m e s th is w a y . their (ormer townsman. Dr. Smith. completed In tim e lor a grand re counts. There are 2781 shares and M r Harlow has jnet «old hie mercantile opening Thanksfliving hall. The build A r c h ie B u tt h a s stocks which have a valuation of business there to n company of which ing will he further improved in the to ld h im o f th o s e spring by extending It In the rear loth« $410,805, or nearly hnlf a million M r. Newman Is manager. h o t ta m a le s a t alley, a distance of thirty feet, it« pres dollars. The Medford oommeroia* club has ie- The merchandise and stock in the ent dltneosion« being 60 x 70 feet. T H E BSHSMSmB go i d a new pocket tunpol Jack-on coun ty, on wliioh, through an error by the Among the Schoo!« For Sale— 100 hend ol Angora gnsts. map-maker, Gold H ill dues not appear. The country school« «re now nicely Inquire of Wm. H itti«, Rock Point, or This 1« cruel,but Gold H ill will struggle settled down to work, efficient, enthasl- John Ham m e,elv, Gold H ill. along «oinuhow under the injustice until astic teacher« presiding and ecenes of a rubber «tamp correction can he mail- busy anlmatl >n prevailing a, Hie v«r- i — » I n n il w ill he tin* mo-t prominent S. V. McFERREN iou« school beust h «(-«tiered throughout i point on l he map. the dirtriots, there being tliirtv rehonl« I uuni iU The local Rebekahs announce n -ocltd in seRRionnut ol a total of th irty-liv e in I ee—ion following tlielr regular meeting supervisory dl-trlct No. 2. Of ihese all next W. due-day evening I—unol, will are one room acbonlt ex-ept Gold Hill Watches, Clocks bt hi rveil, and various form« of nmu-e- which ha« «ix teach, tr and Woodville | and ment provided. In fact, the Rebekahs four. B read, Pie» and Cookie* propo-e to have a real, old-fashioned I t is becoming more and more appar Candies and N at» Jewelry good time, and every member, as well ent that the ‘‘country achool” of our C ig ar* an d Tobacco as visiting member«, are cordially urged (ethers 1« relegated to tlie pa-t, end one S o ft d rin k * o f a ll kind* to be pruaent and participnte. only needa to inv stigate condition« in F u ll line o f Lunch good* tlio rural dhtricts at tbe present time Fresh F ru its in season I have about 100 head o l Angora goatr Io find antiquated methods and equip Cheaper than Ice Cream which I w ill «ell for (3.26 per head. ment, in«u(llcieut or entirely Peking elsewhere 8 lenriiig machine goes with the gnats. being replacutl by modern plana ol H o t Coffee and Lunch D a y and N ight I PllUI Inquire ol John Hammemley, Gold H ill. work and apparatus and materials GOOD DRESSER FALL GARMENTS ARE READY CLOTHES! Suits - $ 1 2 .5 0 ,1 5 .0 0 to $30 Overcoats 1 0 .0 0 ,1 2 .5 0 to 25 Peerless Clothing Co. S Grants Pass, Oregon P R E S ID E N T T a ft C o lg a te ’s 25c T a lc P o w d er T o o th P aste T o o th P o w d e r Soap BON TON S h a v in g S tic k S h a v in g P o w d e r S h a v in g C re a m P erfu m e Jarvis the Druggist innis T u r n e r s Lunch R oom WAtTHAM WATCHES Qyt\™ n J