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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1911)
FOOD TRUST CORNER DEFEATS OWN END BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK The custom s retu rn s for 1910 show 03946661 th at the Im portation of cham pagne Into th e United S tates has decreased 47 p er cent com pared with th e previ Gossip of Persons In Millions of Pounds Cold Storage ous year. Snapshots at Celebrities Six railroad lab o rers w ere killed the Dispatches Talked About Butter, Poultry and Eggs and an o th er fatally Injured by th e pre m ature explosion of a b last on the Held Five Years. $ G rand T runk Pacific rig h t of way In BRAND new Issue has ap|>enred 11K street car doc P rince R upert, B. C. iu tim e for the annual elec to r o f tlie United Chicago.—Millions of pounds of T he 40-<xld train d isp atch ers em toral b attle ofi the D aughters S tates has reeelv cold storag e b u tter, eggs, cheese and ployed by the different railro ad s in of the American Revolution In ed another hurry poultry, some of It as much a s five the Pacific N orthw est have followed call and will soon the G reat Atnerlcaii Baby. The skir y ears old. according to estim ates of the exam ples of all o th er lines of ra il be on his way to mish Hues already throw n out by the dealers, are about to be throw n upon way service and made a dem and for Philadelphia to In principal candidates indicate that the ject busiuess anti infant will play a strong putt, and th e m arket and sacrificed at w hat an Increase in salary. toxin luto the certainly no candidate who falls to e v e r price they will bring as the re T he tongues or railroad station Q uaker City’s a u r show grandchildren lias u chance of s u lt of the collapse w ithin th e last ag en ts in M issouri may be loosened i n c e (ninsporta becoming president general of that tew days of th e "food tru s t.” which, If a bill introduced in the legislature tiou and adm inis l«atrlotle body tills year. by steady aggressions has piled prices is passed. The bill provides a fine o f : te r revivifying tun At present the three forem ost fig It isn't a q u e tio n »lone of whether vou o f provisions up to th eir present *25 to *50 for anjr agent who refuses ica born of lung ures In tile society are .Mrs. M atthew want n lx-ttcr salary—it's a hard condition figures. T. Scott, president general, who de- to answ er any questions put by tra v and auccenafnl experience. of life th a t you must face to protect your This trans|a>rtntl«n physician Is vires a sisond term ; Mrs. Donald Mc- A lthough th e collapse of th e “cor- elers. self and those J«;x-n,tent upon you. Thom as E M itten, president of the l.e a i i. her War- ■ e r” is likely to be felt most keenly A bill providing for the subm ission ; Chicago City Railway coui|siny. and tv I c k. who Is Von can't stand still— if you don't want by the cold sto rag e men of Chicago, of a constitutional am endm ent giving he Is belog loaned to th e Philadel working for tier to go backward, you must go forward — th e pinch will be felt in many of the ' women th e right to vote in Indiana , phians for a good fat fee. Mr. M itten re-election, a u d th at is, yon'tv got Io «am wore. E a ste rn and Middle W est shipping has been introduced m th e legislature. |ierf»rm ed w iiat seem ed to be a m ir .M rs. W 111 I a in Earning more means holding a better centers. Chicago, New York, Phila- U rging the most radical legislation acle in Ills reorganization of the big Cummings Story, position—itulepczdcnte, happiuvss, and a £ deiphla. Omaha, K ansas City. St. and demoralized Chicago system , fo l leader of I he op- ever presented to a C alifornia legists, j chance to provide for the future, lowing sim ilar aucceasea on a more p o s t 1 1 o n. w h o , L ouis and M inneapolis are spoken of ture. Governor Johnsen, in a special modified scale In both Buffalo nud nearly Thou-.inds tti<en thousands who once held low, defeated I a s the points w here most of th e u n poorly paid ptfii'ions now earn high salaries ns a m essage, demanded the im m ediate Milwaukee. Mrs. Scott nt the loading probably would be done. result of letting the I nthbsational C oskksponp - ; consideration and early passage of a The Philadelphia Rapid T ran sit com last I in I lot i ug and In putting up prices to th e high kncb S chools stow them how to nccompli-h the paitv. which operates all the surface, thinks she can do ! railroad regulation bill. figures attain ed during th e la s t two elevated and sub it this time. change. During last year about 4,(XXI students vol y e a rs th e cold sto rag e men cut th e way lines there. Is All a re m em untarily rejsjrted increases in salary amounting to * ground from under th eir own feet. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS the new patient, and ber* of th e O rder voluntarily over two million follarsi Every month on average <>f 300 JlO.ikk).(M)O is to lie of P. Q.. which, P eople who could not afford to pay 35 aition and carini' Why not multe report to us ndv.utcetni nt tran slated , mean«, H enry Burr B arnes, p resident of the i spent In rehabilltat- and 40 re n ts a dozen for eggs stopped YOUR a rt t ‘ is montili n o t p re s id e n t publishing firm of A. a. B arnes & Co. big tlie en tire sys eatin g them. g e n e r a l , b u t tem and m aking it enflWîC Sihcil* iBlcrUu Ju st how much food is In storage and a d irector of th e A m erican Book ( thoroughly modem . proud grandm oth eoa. Pa. In and around Chicago th ere is no Company, is dead a t his home in New I The com pany con- er. O f course Simply mark on the coupon York. m eans of ascertaining. Only the t r o i s about <500 there are other the position you wish to at- are. . , 1 « i H trwtnau Issues, such as w holesalers know, and they will not It is announced th at Jam es A. F a r miles of trackage. then tear o ut und mail the coupon 1 Iwatoi.etkna.««» c. sroav. w h e t h e r M rs. . ' "» ! > «l t'» »Il MW«»* ti ilu« tell. A few days ago one firm con rell, newly chosen presid en t of th e b u t fioiitlcs a n d to the International Corres|xmd- nk»«! l ot Scott declared she would not 1 m - a can ! » «,*>»»• » «g.M tro llin g 33 w arehouses adm itted it United S tates Steel C orporation, will strikes, it is asse rt cnee Schools. This puts you » ed. have g reatly didate for re-election and such. They « » - ’• • 4 . »»».'roialMI had in sto rag e 44,000,000 pounds ot ■ form ally assum e his new office Feb- under no obligation v. batever but w eakened Its pow a re m inor Issues, but may become of > . -14 - u.iU «r«*»r b u tte r th a t m ust be disposed of be ruary i. allows our experts to adapt a ers. E. T. Stotes TIIOS. E. MITTBft. Importance, since both candidates are 4 :».,<«# t HUtfuil’n fore May 1 a t th e la te s t Mrs. C arrie N ation, the K ansas sa bury. a leading Philadelphia banker reecgulzed m em bers of the 0 . I', tl. Course to your individudl needs 1. .tityiNT, 1 M* * and circumstances. loon sm asher, has suffered a nervous ' and harness horse en th u sia st and a V' ’ . > to* » Uw’ i •» ' »** 1 At> m X MUWltAKWsit»»»* I o u 'v e g u t to e a rn m o re m o n e y . associale of J. P ierpont Mor This Is the season of the y ear when ATTACK MRS. EDDY'S WILL collapse H er condition is such th at business I he I. C. S. w ill help you. she expressed th e fear th a t h er career gan, w as called upon to save the sys pro-.- utlng uttonit'ys the country over H ill you inhe the a le rt today? tem from wreckage, and he im medi are proudly ixdtitlng to the records of O pinion by A ttorneys D eclares the as a tem perance lectu rer and active ately consulted with Mr. M itten, and victoriei attained during their term s enemy of intoxication was ended. $3.000.000 Bequest to C hurch Void. the ÌH M W M I ex penditure w as settled of olfice, but It is doubtful If any will Judson C. C lem ents, of G eorgia, upon. Concord, N. H — T h at th e gift of be found that will excel that of Ed- T.W. Smith, Ri’presentdtive, Medford, 32 S. Central, Box 8 4 3 $3,000,000 by th e la te Mrs. Mary was elected chairm an of th e In te r Manuel, th e deposed king of P o rtu B aker G. Eddy to th e C hristian Sci state Commerce Commission to suc e n ce C hurch is invalid is the sub ceed Judge M artin A. K napp. Mr. gal, while aw aitin g a call to retu rn to s ta n c e of an opinion signed by Wil C lem ents is th e senior m em ber of th e his throne intends g ettin g u regal ed ucation. T he form er king is confident lia m E. C handler and o th er attorneys. commission and is a D emocrat. the P ortuguese will call on him to It is said to be th e plan of the atto r Benjam in ( ram p, a m em ber of th e agyjy the reins o f m ouarchy. n e y s for Mrs. E ddy's sons, George W. shipbuilding iam ily of W illiam C ram p and he inten d s to thoroughly equip G lover and Dr. E. J. Foster-Eddy, to & Sons, died of gas poisoning In him self ag ain st th at tim e and to pre T H A T M E A N S ----C .E T A N a tta c k th is clausp of the will. The Philadelphia. M em bers of his fam ily vent any fu rth er contretem ps such as tlie recent revolution. opinion declares th e residuary clause say his death was accidental. As is knowu. Manuel has hud a resi ▼oid because a sta tu te in New Hamp- Congressm an B utler Ames was put dence ren ted for him at Richmond, near « h ire forbids th e gift to a church of in th e Ananias club by Colonel Roose- London, and ns soon as he Is settled m o re than *5,000 annually, and a sim i velt. In a telegram from O yster Bay there it Is bis intention to attend lec We will send you an iron on 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL la r M assach u setts law lim its the to S peaker W alker of th e M assachus tures a t O xford university nud other e tts house o t rep resen tativ es th e colo English cen ters of learning. The boy am o u n t to *2,000 annually. nel charges Ames w ith “o u trageous king’s tastes are said to be literary falsehood’’ and vigorously upholds th e Opposes Deep Waterway Plan. M A IN O F F IC E - •M E D F O R D , O R . Chicago.—The comm ission appoint candidacy of S en ato r Lodge for re- e d by P resid en t T aft to inquire into ; election, th e practicability of digging th e first FOREIGN NEWS BITS sectio n ot the Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep Bench w aterw ay from Lockport to the Mis KliWIM W. SIMM. Made Bubonic plague in M anchuria is sissippi River, has prepared the d raft win W. Sims, district attorney a t Chi spreading rapidly. R eports sta te th a t o f a report to be made to th e P resi cago for tlie dopartnient of Justice of d e n t, and It is said the rep o rt will be hundreds of persons a re dying every the federal guverniueut. He cun show day. • N o . 2 0 5 5 . A a lu r d y e o m ' o r l . M . lo o tlie books to prove that lie has won th a t a governm ental appropriation for r o o m .h o o f..r h . . . . m„ n. -J „„ ,ul| The strik e of railroad em ployes of 05 per cent of the ruses he has prose d o u b le a o w i o f th e o ld m e th o d b e r k Ia n * th e Lakeg-to-the-Gulf w aterw ay is im - • f e a t u r e of a ll " S e n a te * * »hoe«. cuted in the last four years, atuoiig P o rtu g al which began on Jan u ary 11, p racticab le at this time. B r o a d k e e l w id e , ro u n d to e . U pper them lielng some of more than nation l e a t h e r la « e le c te d A u s tr a lia n k id . has ended. T his probably will resu lt al reputation Not only that, hut the SHARPERS DUPE BANKERS in a peaceful settlem en t of th e com office has had the greatest period of m ercial d isturbance occasioned by th e activity in Its history, so th a t proves W hole N orthw est Is the Field of w alkout of thousands of men in all | e x - x i x n MAMUBL OP POHTUOAL. even more than the bare percentage O peration. d ep artm en ts of labor In sym pathy and scientific, and he expects great statem en t of Mr. Sims' office record. P ortland, Ore.—A fter carry in g on w ith th e railroaders. Especially d u ring the last year have I benefit from th e lectures, though he fo r more th an a y ear a successful P rom pt step s to punish A dm iral has no Intention of seeking a degree. notable cases been tried or Instituted. b an k sw indling schem e through which Y ashiro for his criticism of P resid en t But the im|>ortaut p a rt of M anuel's Prom inent Chlcngo packers, for In b an k ers and business men in various T a ft’s plan to fortify th e P anam a Ca post g rad u ate educational course is to stance, have been tw ice indlcteil, and citie s on th e Pacific Coast were fleec- nal, will be tak en by the Jap an ese comm ence w hen he finishes a t the uni investigations of the oleom argarine •d of sum s ranging from *250 to »2500, governm ent If an investigation now versitles. He has planned a tour of frauds uml th e so called paving brick the world and Intends visiting Aus tru s t have been made. Roy R. Thorpe, alias George S. Stimp- under way should verify th e rem ark s tralia, A frica, C anada, the United •o n , was arrested by P in k erto n de ascribed to th e adm iral and said to S tates and the nations o f the orient, T here are few playw rights In all te c tiv e s a t H ot Springs, Ark., S a tu r have been m ade while he was a guest with the Idea of carefully studying the probability who decline to sell their different form s of governm ent. w ares a t any price unless their condi d a y night. T horpe's two accom plices, of Colonel G oethals a t Panam a. tions a re agreed to J . O. Ross and Rose CorelR, a re be in full. Yet th a t is Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, th e woman in g shadowed and, to e d etectives say, Snowbound P assen g ers Rescued. attorney of W ashington who ran for the experience of w ill be arrested soon. Spokane, W ash.—A fter being held president In 1884 ag ain st G rover Clere- the Rev. Charles M. p riso n ers for four days tn a snow- land. Jam es G Blaine and Benjam in Sheldon of Topeka, T acom a Will T ry Recall. d efendant In a suit K an., known the Taoom a.—A m ovem ent for th e re bound G reat N orth ern tra in n ear f o r $10.000 dam world over as Ibe c all of A. V. Faw cett, th e first Mayor Fielding, Mont., 40 passengers were ages. the plaintiff au th o r of “ In His elected in Tacom a under th e com rescued . All gave assu ran ce th a t b e i n g Jam es B. S t e p s ’ ’ and later m ission plan of governm ent, adopted they had suffered no inconvenience. B rack ett of Dalton, as the clergym an Ga.. and the charge laet year, was startefi when M. B. who handled the To m alicious a rrest in The W tlcom s Nugget. peka Dully C apital S tam baugh, a form er city council- an atte m p t to ex for one week "ns “ A S q u a re M e a l a n d a S q u are D e a l’ The largest nugget of gold ever znan, filed charges ag ain st Mr. Faw to rt money. The C hrist would hnve c e tt with th e City Clerk and made found, known as the “Welcome” case Is attractin g run It.” fo rm al req u est for blank form s of nugget, was dug up at Bakery hill, k- much attention In The popularity of near Ballarat, in Australia, in the I re c a ll petitions. ■ t l i e national capl- “ In H is Steps" soon early days of gold mining in that g tai. w h e r e Mrs. led to offers for the c. m . shklpo :». dram atic rights of country, and was sold for $46,625. ’ L o c k w o o d has Gill Invites W ar. Steve Jone», Proprietor practiced for many the book, but ns no theutrlcal m anager S eattle.— M ayor Gill has throw n the It weighed 2,159 ounces, so that the years. could be found who would agree th at « age o t b attle down to th e m anagers price obtained was $21 per ounce. MP.S BELV A A . T he 111 i g a tion all the actors should tie professing of the W elfare League, which has When melted in London a few LOCKWOOD. grew out of a gov C hristians, and this broke off negotia Electric Light in Every The Beet the M ark e t been conducting a hard fight against months later it was found to con ernm ent settlem en t of th e claim s of tions last y ear w ith a New York pro-, Room A flo rd t the Gill adm in istratio n , and will fight tain more than 99 per cent of pure the descendants of the eastern Chero dueing house. gold. It was twenty inches long and kee Indians. B rack ett's fam ily, it Is h is opponents a t th e polls February So Dr. Sheldon did the drnm ntlzlng T, th e d a te assigned by th e city coun twelve inches broad. The two men stated, received som ething more than him self, assisted by P rofessor F. H. to m ake final com m utation proo', to c il for an election to decide w hether who struck it fainted dead away in $4.000 o f th is m onej, of which Mrs. L ane of W ashburn college. At p res NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lockwood dem anded 10 per cent. This ent the piny is intended for church establish claim to th e land above de th e p re s e n t executive is to be recalled. the hole they had dug, believing D e p artm en t of th e In te rio r, dem and w as refused by B rackett on scribed, before W , H. Canon, U. 8 . production entirely. that they had come upon a whole the ground th a t he had not employed It Is probable th a t the play as It U. S. L and O ffice a t R oseburg, O re., Com m issioner, Medford, Oregon, on the *reef” of the solid stuff. C ollector Loeb has been barred from the erstw h ile presidential asp iran t to stands bow would not be a financial N ovem ber 23, 1910. 17th dav of Ja n u a ry , 1911, th e U nion L eague club. I t m ust hu rt hnndle th e case. W hen B rackett re success If produced In a theater, b u t It C laim an t names as w itnesses: Notice is herebv given th a t Florence A girl m usician w as recently m a r ceived th e money Mrs. Lockwood had would require com paratively little W alker of Beagle, Oregon, who, on John C. W alker, of Asbestos, O regon. $0 bo compelled to pay duties. Jo h n B. W alker, '• •• ried to a d eaf man. P erfectly ideal him arrested on the charge of larceny work to rearran g e it to m ake it n high A pril 3, 190«, m ails hom estead e n trv , H ugo G u n th er, of Beagle, Oregon, No. 0483«, for N W '4 N W U , Section 2, l i te r t r u s t W hen th e ease w as heard, ly Interesting production for those who Mere m an does w ell If be m anages union! Were you ever m arried to a ■' •• T ow nship 35 S , Kangs 2 W W illam ette T hom as G odfrey, to get to the bargain counter without a m usician? B inks Is, and he envies however, th e charge ag ain st B rackett visit playhouses to study and who are M eridian, has filed notice of intention BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. ra n dism issed. not particularly anxious to be amuaed. t» -n A esf IT IP -, People of Note ' .......... J A & SK W K0W TO DO IT DO Iron in Comfort E le c tr ic I r o n ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO Lance & Co. GOOD MEAT t h a t ’s a ll G o ld H ill M a r k e t r- lx*" The Gold Hill Hotel #•