Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 28, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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tions to this paper. JMrVt here we have no ajrents re
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TIOX OK Till! T1.MK I'.MIi KJI!.
Amitv It f. Simmon
I enanon . O W .Smith
Uttlstillt IICMcTlminonds
Aurora Oco .Miller
llrottnstillo... .WKItlrK
lliittcilllc.. John lis tcbi Her
BiitUiCruk Khkcrtln
lirookn .. W II Han is
Delict no . JiiTIUvIs
.ool' Inir Class M Cochran
l.lneoln I. Abriins
Mclllmillllc ..I .MtPhlllipt
McCoy S llolihliis
.tit ricasant r sm.it ir
Craiifordsvlllo. Hcbt (Jluss
Cottage (lr..J II Minrtrlihre
Corvallls .Meter Harris
Mirlon. .It II Kuthu ford
Uohsvvk .J N Churchill
Monmouth W Wntcrhoune
NnVjuihill OVt Sapplngton
Powell Vallev T K Williams
Pilot Itock . ,K Oilll.ni
f.'liatnliocir . .A.l.lttc
Damascus . II Forbes
D.nlili.. K O HadittJV
Drains lion J V llrnln
llalhs . -J ll Smith
Pendleton Lot l.lterniorc
I'irrjdate ..! W Mtfircu
ItitcrsMc C F Know ts
Itoicbunr S K llivninnd
Iiufur .-A J Dufur, Jr
Kola .Thomis I'tini'
Mktori . .A II fl. hits
Kuitcm- Hon.; IIJItt'lMiig
i:ilcnsbiirif lion M llllcj
Sw ct Home .. II Mm
.S W ChliRll
forest llrotc . .HHui-liis
Fox Vallet A l (iarilucr
SU ton
.A IHltrdnir
Jno Ilounln,'
.1 S Morrl
(loshcn . .J Hands ikt r
-held .
Oiston ..A O Itiitnioiiil
nervals M .Mil. I, til
V M Pott cis
John l.upir
!t iiiri nt
noMelidtlo II I'SillorACoTiiriur
r tt .tmichon
Harrisburir Jinn II Smith VV illmr
Ilalsey III tck, I'tiirl A ColW lllinnttu F Jl WHUiu
Irtlnit A O Jtiiiilnjrs Welles . A A Williamson
Independence W I, Ilndirill Wchton I. S Wood
JackKOlitillo Mix Milllt'rWalthbiire YV X Kinl'h
Junction ,.V II IliheriHalla Wulla. J.latols
Jilfcrson J W ItoluicI in . S hOlinhh-
Oukiohkman complaii s tliatMO have Hivtn
him snuit m.ttter tins wick for tho cilitoriul
jngo, but our ruailcrs, wo hope, will tuKu our
slectchos of tinvul tliib wruk and nnko the
best of thrill. Another week wo will tiy to
do inoic, if not better, but. with the able con
tribution!! from friends thiyveck wo do not
think our re.ideis will need any apology from
U8 for lark of editorials.
An vk c'MWK the week'H work tho wiathc
shows feigns ol iinpioveinuit,aud wu uiayhopo
that a littlu niiiisIuiio will como to warm the
soil and set vegetation growing. All tilings
considered, tho season, though backward, is
not inauspicious. II wo escape frosts tho fi nit
buds will, in tho next two weeks, set well for
fruit. Tho fruit prospect forms u very iin
portant eoniiectiou with tho pioqiciity of
many in this vicinity.
Wk iiavk presented to our readers tho norr
illations and platforms of tho respective polit
ical parties, and liavo by so doing diM'haigod
our duty as a nowspapir. The political aspect
is rather quieter than usual. TIilio is no cs
Sintiul dttrurutico between pal tins, a fict from
which tlio citizen must draw his ottn conclu
sions. Jt must bu conceded that the treat
political pi! tics have put good men licfoio tlie
people, a concession to principle! that was
nuwwsaiy nt this time; or the lesult tt-jjulil
liavo been dinstcr. We are gratified to re-
co 'IM70 that tanners liavo mailo themselves
felt in county nominations, but should judt;u,
from nominations made, that time weie no
farmers in either of tho Statu C inventions.
Siimk A1T1IKIU:.I0N is felt as to tho olivet
tho present cold rains, continuing so long, will
have on crops and fruit, Tho season is so Into
that it niMMiis. to iudicitu continued raius, and
s not harmful to theuram eiops all eady sown,
but farmcis on low lauds ale pn tented fioni
doing their woik, and seeding must continue
on such lands in this viilluy all tliiouyh May.
No apprehension need bu had of dimage to
fruit if these rains aio not followed by haul
floats, mill ss it bo that rains thiough blos
soming time will prevent impregnation, which
is possible. Mr. Scth I.uelling, of Milwaukee,
who is one of tho most acute obscivois among
ill our flint growers, thinks tho vitality of
lioynl Ami cherries has lioui iujmed by the
taTcct of cold, rainy weather on tho blossom.
fjr Tun 1mtii.ii and Wnlli Walla ro
gions hi oiling is fully done; crops look bo well
advanced that they claim a ceitaiuty of excel
lent yield and ipi.ility. If they have the usual
rains in May both ((iianlity and quality will
be most oxct'llcnt. Above Walla Walla and
in tho l'alousti and Spokati ngions, they are
still plowing and seeding, as the seasons aio
later than abmit Walla Walla. They liavu
recently hid lefi calling rains through most of
tint Upper country, ami crop, prospects were
never better at this time in April tli'iu now,
(t is thought that cultivation on a larger scalo
has a favoiublu ellect on climate, nud that
rains now como more seisonably ai d leliabl) .
If this is so (and tu have no doubt it is so),
settlement and cultivation and tico culture
over all that interior region will losult in
secuiiut; moiii reliablti seasons and more uni
form good flops, It is found, in dry seasons,
on the Koithcrn l'acitio ru.ul, in Spokan
county, that springs can be developed on
ground when it is plowed. A farmer near
Dayton, W, 'P., informed us that after a few
yens' cultivation two sptingi broke out in
tho lulls he funned. It will ltd interesting to
natch tho lesult of cultivation through that
region, and It is raasotiable to expect tint all
lint immense tenitory will show a change of
conditions as the iciult of cultivation that
will be B.iti.fs. toiy to those iuteristul
Oregon State Orange.
Okkiios Citv, April '.'0, ISM.
Kditor Witlauietto Kanncn
Tho regular annual tneutins of the Oregon
State (i range will be held at Salem on the
lourtli Tuesday in May C.'3d),
Governor Thayer will deliver an address of
welcome, and a response on tho rt of the
Oranje wi 1 bo made by Judge C, K. Moor,
11, P. IIoisk, Muter,
N.W lUhiiAU.Sot'y,
Tho Northern Pacific Railroad-The Spokan
Country and the Big Bend
of the Columbia.
It is not easy in theBe days of rapid progress
and development to keep tho run of atlairs;
to know what new regions of tho Pacific
Northwest aro deserving attention, and what
portions of tho Upper Columbia are attract
ing the immigration that is pouring into the
country with each trip of tho ocean steamers.
Desirous of ketpiag somewnere in the van of
progress, we lately took a holiday, away from
the cares of a newspaper ofiice and the details
of ordinary life, and with passage booked for
tho Spokan Illihcc, were off early one morn
ing in tho steamer for tho Cascades, on the
way to the new scenes of the Upper
It is not nee ssary again to picture the
scenes on the Lower Columbia, the passage of
the Cascades, or the v-yage above to Dallas
Ci'y, all which occupied the light of an April
day, gvmg agree iblo employment to the
sight as we passeil tho many notable objects
on the shores of tho river. Wo saw tl c works
progressing on the Oregon side of tho Cas
oides for construction of the canal and locks.
All along the Oregon shore was tho track foi
the coining railioad, which is comi leted so
that construction trains can reach the Cas
cades from tho Dalits. From th - Cascade
down to Poitland manygings of gralersaroat
work finishing tho work so that tue iron can
bo laid. It will be a great advantage for
trido when the car- shall run from Portland
dueet to all towns ab'vo; time will be savo 1
and fi eight Jieapcnid when there will be no
more portaucs to make and no transshipment
to inert aso tho deUy and the expense.
Amving at hallos City we weio transferred
to the waiting train, an I at 8:30 were speed
ing towards tho Kast. The boat was so loomy
that it cave plenty of spice for the medley of
passuigeiH, many ot whom were decidedly
coars-o inatuiisl, having lately come from Cal
ifornia to get work "at the front," which
mi anp at tho farther end of any of tho rail
roads that are being constructed in the Pacific
Northwest. Some weio carpenters, and car
ried themselves rospectfully, whilo the mass
weio decidedly "of tho baser sort," and
weie wending their way to swell tho crowd of
ne'er.c'o-weH's to be found in adranco of pro
giess on tho Noithcrn Pacific. Starting
through tho cars to reach the Pullmau Sleeper
wo pissed through a smoking-car whero those
common fellows were vo'itmg foul tobacco
smoke, drinking foul whi-ky and using foul
luuguiige. Another car contained mor.
icspectablo humanity, culled up in grotesque
shapes. They had turned in for tho night,
and laeh generally had a seat to himself.
Then wo canio to a comfortable railway coach,
were families wcro making themselves as
easy as possible I.ittlo fellows wcro carefully
tucked in on tho plush cushions by anxious
mothers. Tho next was tho sleeper, a very
tuup'e of luxury and repose. Having il
t 'ined a section in this dtpirtmcnt, wo wero
soon iniido comfortable by thocoloied porter in
charge, andon a good bi-d between clem sheets,
sunk to sleep as ccitaiulyas if on llowery
beds of o ise under any other circumstances.
Wu passed along tho baiicn shores of the
rivers for over a bundled miles by tho light of
the stars. Just after tho dawn of day had
in.tdo tho barren shoies visible again, wo were
called on lo prepare to cham'o trains, for the
tegular train does not yit go through fioni
D.dlcs to Aiusvvoith. It was rather trying on
a bloopy passenger to liavo to leave tho lux
my of a good bed at such ail hour, bad enough
to bo turned out to watch tho gyrations of the
monster windmill lint raisul water from the
desert sands, vv oi sit than nil to bo snitched
fioni tho liiMiiy of pleasant dreams to tho
companionship of this gang of sans calottes
who weio lushing to tho front. Hut tho equi
ties asscit themselves. In due timo tho
loughs weie bestowc' in a car by themselves,
and the rest of us were pleasantly provided
for in a com foi table way, if not quito so ele
gantly as when wu had about us tho dama'k
cuitaius and plate glass nun ins of the sleeping
Tho first experience of waking was with a
California farmer, who had come up to visit a
brother and vviu to return homo soon, with
small opinion of a country where farmers
lived in poorer stylo than tho merchant
princes. Ho was a very Munchausen of a
giauger, was this California fanner. He had
sold XI, 000 centals of wheat at '2 cents per Il,
and cleaied $10,000 on it in one season. He
hail seen it proved in court that 100 centals of
wheat had been grown oil a single aero in
Monterey county. Wu drew common arith
metic on him to show tint his wheat netted
him $1 t!.i a cental and only cost him "5 cents
a cental in the bin, and showed him that 100
centals, wni 111" bushels of wheat to tho acre,
but he stuck to it like a California!!. A news
pipei man cannot put up w ith another telling
a bigger story than he dares to himself, so this
worthy from Mouteiey Ins 107 bushels of
vt lis nt to tho aero to his ciedit.
Wallula Junction is a place that one likes
to get away from. It windmill is tho only
attiaetiou, and it is not often lonesome for
want of wind, Ainiworth is 11 miles above,
over a level plain that grows promising, until
it looks as if wheat would do well there if it
had a chance. The Uy of the laud is good, ami
the laud itself will probbly lie some day
unbred for fanning purposes. At Aius worth
the cars slide cautiously down on a feny boat
of giaud dimensions that goes to the other
side, vv lirn a locomotive comes down and slides
the ears off again. At Ainsvvorth you aro in a
region tlo.cribed en the map as "sand ami
sage brush." The house are mostly the color
of the sand and sage brush, but m one of them
you are disappointed at finding n good break.
fast waiting for you. Your opinion of the
t)vvu improves, and, oil jour return, when
you liiul another gooj meal ready, that opiu
ion advances to absolute reapoct. There is a
garden spot seriously fenced iu here, and, Mr.
Fairweather, a merchant of tho place, assures
us that it ouc, without irrigation, grew tine
watermelons snd good "potatoes. He also
points to the blue hills across'.the Columbia,
west of Ainsworth, and says good farms are
now being located on the benches of thoso
hillsi land that is well covered with excellent
bunch grass premises to do as well for wheat.
Well provisioned, wo leave Ainsworth and
journey towards the Spokan lllihee. At the
edge of the town, we see Vihcre some more
than commonly hopeful man has cleared away
the sage wood and plowul the ground. If he
rewards himself with success, then "tand and
sago brush" on the map will no loi.ger bo an
inscription of contempt. We have heaid a
story that we will tell here as an offset to that
ot the citizen ol California, who vso met in the
sleeper below. It is to this effect: While the
North Pacific road waa building, above Ains
worth a sick ftf potatoes became untied and
got strewed by the wayside, and covered up
by the drifting sand. Tho rains and snows of
winter did their part, and the next season it
was discovered that these lost tubers had re
produced themselves by multiplication of
useful "spuds."
At first we pass sand and sago with occa
sion d bunch grass throtiiih it, after fifty or so
miles the sagn crows less, then is infrequent,
then gives placo to bunch grass, which rules
the solitudes alono for miles and miles. The
hills are monotonous, but their carpet of grass
is nut reprehensible. It i i inviting. At times
rocks crop out. Occasionally theieare stations
where wind mills do their duty mechanically
forever and forever, or at least until something
wears out or break. At HiUville, whero we
dine (pooily,) tho monotony of our progress is
vwicd by tho appearance of ranches in the
di tance, and some c ittle and horse3 in the
foiegrouud. All the hundred miles, since vte
ciossed Snake river and have inlib n over roll
mg bueeh-yiass prairies, there has not been u
horn or hoof m sight. For miles and miles we
liavo springing bunch grass, sometimes ovei
longiollinir hillsides, sometimes among bioken
lock cropping, with no running stieams o
living springs. Tho railroad statioi.s stand
solitary, but tho company has at each one-
made the attempt to prove if trees can bo
crown, and if tho trees they have planted
grow successfully it will indicate that tm
whole region can bo reclaimed for agriculture.
At ltitzvillo wo aro only twenty to thirty
miles distant from a much valued pastoral ro
gion known as Crab Creek, wheie living vv;
ters mako farming possible, and where some
well-known stock men mako their headquar
ter, while their cattle and horses roam at
will over tho wide bunch-grass rolling prairies
of the Big llend of tho Columbia, of which we
shall liavo moro to say when wo sum up in
Tho first placo of importanco wo reach is
Sprague, which has come to life in so short a
timo that it reminds us of tales told by Kast
ern romancers in tho Arabian Nights. Six
months ago there was nothing at Sprague. It
is situated at tho upper cud of Colville lake, a
long and narrow stretch of water that pleas
antly bleaks tho monotony of this open wil
derness. For eight miles wo have pushed
aloug its wes'crn edgo to sud lenly tome upon
a placo that bristles with activities, for the
Northern Pacific Uailroad Compuiy has here
established its work shops and round house,
and will keep two hundred men employed in
repairs and ei ustruction. AH aloug the route,
the level track and silent rail, with the talk
ative telegraph wires strung "on tho side"
wore all the break there was in the universal
monotony. Kven tho reedy lake had become
same in its relief of tho scene, but wo sudden
ly seo rudo fences, fonio meadow laud on
closed, rudo dwellings of stockmen aloug tho
lake, and while we look wo pass boyond them
right iuto tho busy streets and among the
busier work shops of Sprague. Locomotives
aro vvheezily maneuvering on the sido tracks;
railroad otllcials tush about importantly; a
crowd of loungers (of tho class who prey on
workingmcii) coma out of the billiard shops
and gin waiehousos, and you have time to
look about you and seo what a day will bring
1-ast fall Sprague waa non tut. It hadn't
been discovered. The wateis commenced
gathering together heieand made a beginning
of the lako; wild fowls wero at homo among
the reeds and on tho waters; and an Irishman
named Camanskn (moro or less) settled near
them fourteen years ago, and has grown licit
by just letting tho universal bunch grass fat
ten and increase his flocks and herds. Put
Sprague waa all in tho womb of the future un
til suddenly conceived in the inind of a rail
road builder, when it commenced an active
existence. Ilesides tho railroad shops, there
aro now quito a cluster of houses, some well
stocked stores, two hotels (one of courso the
"Villard House,") minor shops iu plenty, and
superabundance of "saloons." Near by is a
brewery. Just to think of these alkaline wa
ters being rouse 1 fiom tho sweet ret of so
many inert ages to lie brew ed suddenly iuto
bei r, and fighting beer, too, for such a town
as Sprague nerds no mildly mannered brewing
done iu its vicinity.
With a brewery in full play and so many
liquor dealers in successful operation, of
coui-ao Sprague does not need many schools
or churches. Wo didn't hear of any yet.
Sprague has grown like Jonah's gourd, almost
iu a nikiht. One of those days, when six
months inure age shall have ripened its beer
and played out some of its saloons, we shall
no doubt tiutt churches aud schools taking a
hsiid iu its civilization. Off to tho West, not
far distant from Sprague, considerable good
land is fouud, ami in time laud around
Sprague itself may lie cultivated. The rail
road has been built over a district of "acab
lands" to-called, because rocks crop out even
with the surface frequently, aud sometime,
rocky lodges stand up like walls; but the soil
is certainly rich and the bunch gnus show a
more prolific growth as we proceed. The time
is uot distant when agriculture wilt take au
important part in Sprague' business progress.
Iu front of oue store wo already see plows on
the platform, so plowing must be doue some
where iu the surrouudiug country.
Hitherto we hive had a treeless regiou. J
Sprague is one hundred and nine miles from
Ainsworth, and for one hundred miles of this
distance not a shrub is to be seen above tho
dimensions of healthy sage brush. When we
reached Colville I.ake (which a fellow traveler
called simply Big Lake) we saw willows and
small growths along the shores, but not an)
thing to style a tree graced the changeless
horizon, until we passed Sprague and were in
sight of the Irishman's cattle ranch, and found
that the lord of the manor had his shanty 111
siitht of scattered pines. We feel thankful to
see tlicin incieasiitg cs the train rushes on,
and no doubt the settler who needs fencing
and fuel has a full appreciation of their pres
ence, though "bull pine" is not considered the
most desiiaMe timber or lumber. It can keep
tho pot boiling, and that is a viltue above
price. All the way to Spokan Falls the scab
lands continue, but pleasant groups and scat
tering grow ths of forest relieve the landscape;
also there is some undergrowth. The climate
is changing. It may bo cold iu winter, but
not severely so, and the sunoundings partake
of natural blessings we all prize. This region
is well watered, for it has frequent lakes,
small water reservoirs that can often be easily
drained and afford splendid meadow hnd.
They call these ponds, "tule Likes." but tho
tules are not there; instead, wo find the com
mo n flag that bears the "cat tails" bojs prize
so highly.
Leaving Spraguo to outrun Jonah's gourd,
if it can, we pass on for twenty-five miles fur
ther to Cheney, another new town, not so new
as Sprague, and not having any local means
of supporting a town, as Spracue has. This
place is wonderfully difl'ercnt from the other.
It has a beautiful location 'among the pints, a
hill side rises noith of the tiack to a beautifu1
ridge on which public buildings will some time
oveilook the region to the south. T'so rail
road has a handsome depot building and ware
house, one vtiug of which is occupied as the
Land Office of the company, where Judge D.
C. Lewis as laud agent, attends to sales of
lands to settlers; and Mr. A. S. Abtruethy,
oue of the oldest Orctronhi s, formerly of Oak
Point, down the Columbia, 13 agent for the
town sites along tho road; having chosen tho
location for these sites he now attends to sales
of lots in all tho towns along the line. Below
the railroad is a really splendid flouring mill,
with a run of five buhrs, chiefly owned by
John C, Davenport, formerly of Silverton,
who also has a bank here, is heavily inter
ested in merchandising, and if he isn't careful
with the hold he has already, will become a
Cheney, as everybody knows, is named aftt r
a Yaukee gentleman, one of the Northern Il
eitis magnates, who was so gratified that so
wholesome a place was named after him that
he made a ten thousand dollar donation to
wards establishing an academy here. Seven
thousand of this has been expended for a
structure superbly mounted on the ridge,
tho mateiiul for which came from Portland
and was transported free of cost by the
0. R. & N. Co. It is a structure that would
grace Portland or any other city, hand
somely, finished and furnished within
and without, aud looks down a broad av
enuc that will somo timo be a handsome
street. Lots were sold' here at $'25 to S75,
originally, that are now worth exactly ten
times that amount. Eighteen months ago a
log house went up there, and since then the
town has made satisfactory progress. It has
two hotels, several eating houses and stores
that carry heavy stocks. A neat church edi
fice is on the hill, and many comfortable
houses aro scattered among tho pines. It is
the county seat of Spokan county, which con
tains more territory (and good territory) than
several States of the Union. Eight to ten
miles of scab land and scattcied pine forest
extend south and east of Cheney, land that
cau bo utilized for grazing to best advantage.
Its small lakes have beeu successfully drained
near Cheney. Beyond this, on the southeast,
you come to a magnificent farming country
that will trade here in all the future. West of
Cheney the good country extends iu almost
unbroken continuity. This laud commences
back of the academy, and instead of piues and
undergrowth you see stretchinc away as far as
vision cau reach gently rolling hills that are
fenced and farmed. This recion revives the
traditions of exuberant production that are
told of Walla Walla, for thoso who left that
spleudid farming country and moved here,
assert that whilo they have even a moro de
lightful climate the production of the soil is
not one whit behind the marvelous fecundity
of tho Walla Walla valley. So far as rich soil
and eneigctic agriculturo can benefit a town,
Cheney will improve and be permanent. Its
character will always be that of a place
blessed with social puvileges, and having a
healthy moral atmosphere. Last winter, wheu
suows packed down and made magnificent
roads in all direction), wheat was hauled to
the Cheney mill from as far otl as Farmington
in the Palouse country, and from farming
lands across tho Idaho line.'
Fifteen miles beyond Cheney, tho Northern
Pacitia comes to the thriving town of oldest
standing in the Spokan region, a place that
Nature designed for great activities of life. It
has nude the beautiful Spokan river, which is
crosstd here, leap down a chasm over 150 feet
deep, creating a water power of maguificent
force that must some time or other turn the
wheels aud spindles of many factories. The
tow 11 of Spokan Falls is older than any the
railroad has built, as its advantages w ere ap
preciated before there was any certainty that
a railroad vv ould be constructed. J, N. Glo
ver, of Marion county, Oregon, took up the
town site and falls a number of years ago, and
some four years siuce sold au interest to J. J.
Brow n and A. M. Cannon, the latter formerly
of Portland. With the progress of the coun
try the place has grown, aud business has in
creased and enriched these enterprisiug pro
prietors. Spokan Falls was quite a thriving
town several years ago aud they now claim
$00 to 1,000 inhabitants. Catholics, Episco
palians aud Cougregationahsts have church
buildings, at. J Baptists will build this season. '
Good schcols are maintained by Episcopal aud
Catholic churches, and the public free school
is maintained nine mouths in the year, as it is
at Cheney, and at each place they have to
waids 100 scholars. There are fivo large gen
eral merchandise storos at Spokan, several
hotels and a multitude of smaller business
placet. A. M. Cannon has a bank, large store,
and a saw mill that cut aud sold three milium
feet of lumber last year; logs of cedar, pine,
fir and tamarack are cut in the Cotter d'Alean
mountains, run down the rivers to the lake
and then run down the Spokan river about
twenty miles to the falls. Lumber from here
goes all over the country on the railroad or is
hauled by teams.
Tho town is on a beautiful prairie at the
falls, which aie divided iuto seven channels
by islands where tho upper plunge occurs
theH tho waters gather below for anothtr sin
glo fall, all together making 150 feet in de
scent of cataracts that oiler the greatest advan
tage for manufacturing purposes found in all
that region. An advantage that time will
certainly developc. There is alr.-ady a flour
ing mill there and another to be built the com
ing season. A bridge that cost $6,000 spans
tho Spokan river hero from island to island.
After viewing the 50 two place, that seem
to entertain feelings of active rivalry, we con
clude that Cheney has tho greatest area of-
arable land w ithin easy teach and must be an
unpoitant point. It already has the founda
tion of gotd society and active trade. Spokan
Falls also has a sp cially good farming regiou
within reach, and valleys above it reach to the
Colville liver. In addition to its agriculture
it w ill undoubted v , as n milling and manufac
turing point, be one of the greatest, most pros
perous aud desirablo places East of tho Cat
cado Mountains.
In another issue wo shall give a more par
ticular description of tho country north of
Snako river aud in the Big Bend of the Co
luuibia, and try to furnish information of
value concerning all this regiou. We must
say it surpasses by far whatever views we
liavo had of it, for it possesses millions of
acres of land not excelled in fertility by flit
best known in all the upper country.
Republic n Nominations.
The following is the list of nominations
made by the Republican State Convention
which met in this city last week. Wo went
to press oue day before tho nominations avert
made, hence the delay :
For Congress M. C. George, of Multno
mah County.
For Governor Z. F. Moody, of Wasco
For Secretary of Stato R. P. Earhart, of
-uiiitnomaii uounty.
For State Treasurer E. Hirsch, of Marion
For Superintendent of Instruction E. B.
McEhoy, of To iton County.
For Stato Printer W. II. Bvars. of Douolas
tor hupremo Judge W. P. L' rd, of
.Mai ion Couuty,
For Protpcuting Attorney Second Judicial
District E. G. Hursh, of Douglas Countv.
For Prosecuting Attorney Third Judicial
Distiict W. F. Piper, of Marion County.
For Presecuting Attorney Fourth Judicial
District J. F. Caples, Multnomah Couuty.
ror rrosecutmg Attorney fifth Judicial
District J. C. Lcasuro, of Umatilla County.
Yaqulna Bay a Port ot Entry.
A bill introduced by G rover, has been
unanimously passed by both houses of Con
gress and sent to the President, creatinga new
collection district in Oregon with Yaquiua,
the western terminus of the Oregon Pacific
railroad (at Yaquina bay), as its port of entry.
Ill-Luck with Ensilage,
The following letter from the Hometteatl
presents tho uther side of the ensilago ques
tion: It seems strarge to mo my experience is the
roversa of all I can glean from all agricultural
reports. I took hold of the subject with great
expectations, built my silos of boards above
ground, and when my corn was in condition I
had it cut in the most approved manner, and
packed away. I never put away so much in so
little space lefoie and never oxpeet to again.
I opened the silo November 1st, 1881; it con-tain-d
about four hundred tous. I fourd its
co ulition to be as good as any I ever saw,and
was happy. I had seen ensilage from most of
the leading pits in t' e country; so considered
myself a judge of its condition. The day we
opened it we commenced feeding; my cows
took hold of it with a relish; so they do now,
after feedine on it for four months, with tho
addition of three quarts of meal, six quarts of
"run iiuu oue-naix quart 01 oil meat per cow a
Now, then, for the result. My cows have
not given the same flow of milk, and have not
g lined in flesh; nor do they look. bright and
clear ns they did last winter fed on corn, cut
aud cured in tho field, drawn to the barn, run
nirougu a cuiier aim uressetl with same pro
poitions as this w inter meal and vv heat bran.
A fatter, brighter, cleaner lot of cows could
not lie found than I had last spring. This
winter, I am sorry to say, it is the reverse.
What's the cause! I say ensilage. A few
days back my cows were doing poorly, and
looking as though they would like to tell me
that if they had somo sweeter food they would
do better. I ordered the food changed to
ensilage for breakfast, bsrley grains for din
ner, cured cornstalks for supper, with oue
quart of meal and two iiuarts of bran inter
mixed at each meal; aud to day forty cows
show an increase of sixty quarts of milk
against ene week ago. Why is it! Last win
ter 1 had no thought on the subject. They
miked well, looked sleek, and became fat.
Butchers sought them. The butchers don't
trouble me now. I did not change the cows'
feed. They consumed all I gavo them and
seemed satisfied. It is not so this winter; they
seem to long for something else.
Hay I have now only for my horses, and let
me say here, by way of an experiment on
feeding ensilage to horses. I bought a mare
for a few dollars, eight years old. Her only
trouble was wind founder. I had her fed en
silage; she held her own for six weeks and
died with a throat disease. I can't ssy ensil
age killed her, but know that my other horses
aro all in tine condition, and did not take the
malignant uipiitneria.
My place is of easv access from Vot- vi
My barn contains every improvement modern
lugenuity has devised, even the silo. Even
one is welcome. I can show as good ensilage
as the is in the country, and a nnnr rv.L-
George II. White, Uigrillt, Stolen IthnJ,
Circuit court convened in Jacksonville Mon
day last.
The old Strong tannery at Salem has again
started up.
Major J. A. Kress is making the annual in
spection of Fort Stevens.
Tho College Base Ball Club, of Salem, wjli
revive for tho coming campaign.
Silverton had a horse show recently and a
goodly number of stallions were in attend
ance. The salmon run thus far, says the Astoria"
has been exceedingly light. Sixty cents is
being paid.
The farmers of Polk county are perfecting
arrangements to pool their wool this season.
Ou Wednesday April l!)th there was a
slight fall of snow at Independence, Polk Co.
The Oregon Pacific railroad will build a
telegraph line between Corvallis and Yaquina
Tho Baker City Reveille editor crossed the
Blue Mounts lately on the stage and reports
it as simply ttrrible.
The mining season does not promise to be
so good in Eastern Oregon the coining seasrn
as last. Mauy of the mines aro beirg
It is (stimatcd that Weatherby & Co. will
take SHO.OOO O'lt of their claim on Burnt
river, Baker caiinty, this season.
Our exchanges are full, of political news
this to the detriment of the news.
A little son of Wm. Calloughs, of Oakland,
iu cresting a street in that city was run over
by a ttau and wagon and severely injured.
The Roseburg academy will commence
Monday, May 10th, aviJi an able corps of
Judgo Boise is holding a special term of
ourt in Linn county for the purpose of try
ing a 11 au by the name of Lewis, tor the kill
ing of Wiuand, at Sweet Home, last Fall.
Crop prospects in Jackson county, says the
Sentinel, nev er were more promising than at
present. Much grain was put in before the
present rain and is now up and growing finely.
A Mr. Hunter was attacked by two grouse
in Marion county, near Silverton, says the
Appeal, and was obliged to kiU them to pro
tect himself. A poor excuse on which to kill
game out of season.
The taxable property of Colfax, W. T., is
The Evangel, a dimutativo steamer, made
to coast in along Puget Souud and to Alaska,
is being lengthened out, and rumor says she
will go oh tho mail route to Alaska.
Gov. Newell has turned over to the G. A.
R. of Olympia, W, T., twenty-five stands of
arms. .
The weather coutinues wot says the Olym
pia Transcript. The rains are co'd, and as a
consequence the fruit crop looks unfavorable.
Gov. Newell has appointed Gen. John V,
Sprague as Adjutant General of Washiugton
Territory, in place of M. R. Hathaform.
Base ball is attracting considerable atten
tion at Dayton and Waitsburg. At a recent
game at Waitsburg the score stood 34 to 99.
Wm. Lindrom, who murdered his landlady
in New York in January, 1881, was hanged
last Saturdaj-.
The New Mexico and Arizona road is to be
completed within four mouths to the Col
orado. A Boldier, sentenced to Alcatraz, escaped
from his guards at Walla Walla.
A warm rain gladentd the, hearts of the
Walla Walla valley grangers April 21st.
Sam Johnson, of Walla Walla, has 737
ewes, which dropped 757 lambs.
Mr. Conrad aud associates have purchased
about 3,000 head of cattle in Idaho and the
northern part of Washington Territory. He
win urive tneir. to -Montana and Dakota.
A religious debate is to take nlace June
25.li near Colfax. W. T. The subj-ct is re
Larding the seventh day.
James Kelly, a 'longshoreman, came near
being d. owned at Seattle the other day. He
stepptd off the wharf into the water, fifteen
eetdc-ep Ho was drunk when the "drop"
occurrnl. but duly sober when the "lift"
came along.
The Sisters of Chanty, says the Intelligencer,
will cr.ct a hospital on Fifth Ftreet. It will
havealiontageof 90 feet and 110 feet hack
and thito stories high.
The Sorghum Question.
The Nation il Academy of i-'ciences, at a meet
ing in November last, appointed Prof. Chan
dler, D . Morency, J. L. Smith of Kentucky,
Dr. Goosniau of the Massachusetts Agricul
tural C liege, and Profs. Brewer, Johnson
and Silliman, a committee to investigate and
make a report of tho sorghum sugar industry,
with reference to tho methods employed and
results obttined in experiments made by
Prof. Collier durine the cast three or four
years nt the department ot agriculture. The
committee made their report to-day. It is a
voluminous document, and annroves all the
c'lemical work doue in the department of
agriculture by Prof. Collier. It declares
sorghum to be the best sugar-producing plant
next to sugar cane in Louisiana ana the
tropics; that it is as rich in actual sugar cane
contents, and that it has the merit of varia
bility and adaptation to various soils and cli
mates of tho United States.
Live Stock and Grain Notes.
Chicago, April 21. The Belvoir and Ma
nor herds of short-horns, owned by Richard
and John Gibson, of Iederlone, Canada, were
sold at Dexter park to-day, the 47 head bring
ing $27,000. The most noteworthy sale was
Imperial Duchess Wildeves lo J. M. Bigstaff,
of Mount Sterling, Kv., 'for 84,000.
One of the causes of the panicky drop on call
beard this afternoon was the rumor that Phil.
Armour, who was supposed to be the chief
bull factor iu the grain and provision trade,
had suddenly died in Milwaukee. The rumor
was groundless.
Northwestern Crop Reports.
Chicaoo, April 24. The Tribune says:
Correspondence given this morning from a
large number of localities in the West present
an almost uniformly gratifying and favorable
showing in the spring wheat regions of Min
nesota, Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado and
Nebraska. Seeding has begun, and is being
pressed forward as actively as the weather
will permit. In Kansas the same encouraging
outlook is noted as in our dispatches a few
days ago. Advices from Illinois points indi
cate that no very serious injury to winter
wheat has resulted from recent frosts.
A San Francisco dispatch says 1 It is un-
d rs'ocd that among the signers of the pet:4
Uou from New York, praying the President
to veto the Chinese bill, are the following cor
porations and firms tht are represented in
tlis city, viz.: Insurance companies Ger
r an American and Prcenii, of New York
Exchange, and tradesmen drv cocxl. E. S.
Jenny; bankers, Sligma & Co.; importers.
a. a. M)we vO,