Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 20, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    ''-.J' Tf'Mt '- Klf-yt nn
Ireued CTery Weak by t
Me year, (Fostaffe paid) In uvancc. . . I .M
tu months, (IVwUzepaH), la advance. l.a
Jltt thn ( month" will bo, pr month
AaTertUementswIll bo Inserted, proriansrtn aw
Mtaaetablo, at the following table of rates r
Am Inch of space per month...... jt.o
nree Inches of space per month J.OT
One-hall column per month W.oo
9e column per month -"""i
jerSunple copies lent free on application.
Publication Olliec: No. Watajto Street. 1P
-tain, rooms No. 5 and M
Wo have lost or mislaid the flies of the fol
lowing issues of tho Fakmfk, and anyono
haying files containing Hie following date,
irill confer a favor by lotting us know. The
-Ott issues aro as follows : May 24 itfnl 28,
J880j Juno 10, 1880; and Juno 10, 1881.
We will pay a fair price for any or nil of
these issues.
Any one having them will pleaso let us
For two years past wo have been trying t5
get our business as near as possible upon it cash
basis, anil probably would have entirely suo
oeeded, only that times havo bocn, hard aral
money scarce. In 1879 we had rust; iu 1880
wheat hadnoprice to pay thofarmers.irnd even
the present year has not seen farmers as pros
erons as we conld wish. So when wo realized
that money was hard to Ret, we tried to ac
commodate all old subscribers who requested
it, and in fact all who were behirul, and the
const quenco has bocn tho greatest trouble and
anxiety to do business, ou our part. Our bills
re all cash, and how then, without any great
margin to go on, can wo wait for years on our
subscribers! Let nil sensible men consider
low wo havo struggled theso year, let thou
sands of dollars stand, sacrificing pioptrty,
laboring hard to earn money, and managing,
of course, to run in debt considerably, finch
wm tho caso this Will, and as we had to have
means to meet our obligations, and had abund
ance duo us, we made domandB on subscribers
in arrears, and are pleased to say that many
have responded and holpcd us to what they
owed. Others have been indignant. Wo
hare a curious sort of want of respect for just
ort of indignation. Wo narrate these facts
to let tho people see, who owe us, that wo
have Buffered extremely for want of money to
Ms Sn conducting business to advantage.
We expect all who can do so to pay in ad
vance, and shall notify them when their tune
spires and request renewal. In case nny old
.jnbecrihors should liko to bo favored, wc aro
willing to givo such reasonable time, bntthoso
abould only be exceptional cases, and all
friends of tho paper should cheerfully pay
promptly in advance,
We havo madu many sacrifices to sustain
th.li paper, but that has grown tiresomo and
W are no longer young and hopeful. The
country is prosperous in the main, and rap
idly increasing in people and wealth. We
will make all tho nowepapcr tho peoplo will
pay for, and tho pay part is so necessary, that
when thousands owe us money for a year's
hack subscription as was thocaso last Full
it makes times tathcr blue for a publisher.
We aro stopping somo papers and notifying
others that thoy must pay or wo will stop them.
It is a mere business necessity to have the
money, and no man has tho least cause to take
offense when ho ask for our dues. Wo haven't
aid anything for a long tune abont this sub
ject, but it seems advisable to have a little
plain talk just at this time, and we have given
it. This is Now Year'B time and a time when
we expect a general liquidation.
The New York Time has a lengthy edito
rial devoted to the project of tho Southern
Pacific railroad to carry wheat from Calilornia
to New Orleans, or Oalvestou, and pronounces
it impracticable. If it is not practicable to
carry wheat from California to the Gulf of
Mexico, and ship from there to Europe, it is
much less a practicable featuro to take Ore
gon wheat six hundred miles further, tho
aame rotito, but reports aro current that the
California railroad men have, some of them,
been to Otrmauy and havu forstallcd Mr. Vil
4ard with the Germans who own tho Oregon
and California road, and havo arranged to havo
connection completed and to have our road
work in harmony with tho Central and South
ern Paoitio roads lather than with Villard.
This may not bo truo, but again, it is very
reasonable that tho Central l'acilio should
took to Oregon for business, and that the
ante men, owning tho Southern l'acilio also,
hould wish to take our wheat to tho Gulf, if
they seriously intend establishing such a
trade. Tho editor of the Fakmkh a year ago
published a letter, direct from ex-Oov. Stan
ford to him, antciing inquiry as to the re
port that they intended to transport our w heat
to the Gulf, and he ausuered that the South
era l'acilio road ai greatly built with that
end in view.
At to the Timet editorial, Mo are more dis
poned to put faith in the experience of theso
railroad nun, and their plain intentions, han
ia the opinions of any newspaper. As to the
report that lliiutingtou and Stanford aro ob
taining control of the Oregon and California
road, through agreement with the Germane,
it it not at all unreasonable that they should
do to, and if they do to, it U evidently with
the intention to transport Oregon wheat to
the Gulf of Mexico via the Southern Pacific.
We lately noticed a statement that Stan
ford had beu t New Orleans and arranged
to build a railroad from there, due east, to a
port ou the Gulf, or a bay of it, only 23 miles
from New Orleans, at which deep tea veuelt
could bo easily handled. This place is to bo
provided with wharves and warehouses and
made a flipping point, And if such a sea port
can be located that near New Orleans, it is
much more feasible to connect it with rail
roads, ass deep-water terminus, than to bring
oefcan tonnage to New Orleans by tho devious
route of the lower Mississippi.
Tho introduction of the Central Pacific in
terests to, Oregon would disturb Portland, as
it would tend to take trade to San Francisco,
but it woukl benefit tho country in several
I way, because in various ways it would make
competition possible, and that is wh fanners
say tlrcy want. The vote of tho oonntry
wouhl no doubt bo overwhelming in favor of
competition, even if the pcsligc,of Portland
suffered by it.
' While wo do not dare attach too much im
portance to aril-rent rumors, et tho question
vhether Villard or tho Central Pacific inter
est shall control the Willamette Valley roads,
and connection with California, is interesting
and very important to this part of the State.
What Villard docs control, no doubt, is
the narrow gauge system of flib valley, and
steamboats and locks on the Willamettp. If
tho rumor provos true, wo may expect to see
the narrow gauge system completed to Port
land, ai Wm. Keid p'anned it, and then com
petition of on interesting nature may be ex
TitF. Biijish ship Bcccrot which cleared at
tho Astoria custom house December Cth, went
to cia yesterday. l''or moro than forty days
slio Jay idly at anchor, waiting for a chance to
cross out. Owing to her deep draught 21
feet 0 inches it was necessary to await the
favor of the wind and tide, ami several times
during the past forty days it would have been
impossible for lur to have gone to sea: but
these occasions havu been comparatively brief.
If there had been at Astoria a tug boat of suf
ficient Bim and power to hamllo large ship?,
tho llcccroft could havo gone out promptly
and would to-day be two thousand miles mi
her way to Kurope. Tho commerce of the
Columbia river has endured an outiageons
jfime of greed long enough. Oi'iyonimi.
The above shows a truo state of facts We
'stated last week that twenty-four ships, loaded
with whe.it, ero lying at Astoria or Baker's
Bay, waiting a chance to go cut, and some
had been there a month or more. A good tng
boat, or to of them, Would icmedy much of
this evil. No doubt tho bar needs w oil; done
to improvo tho channels, but the want of
good, serviceable tugs, is beyond question
Tho fact, stares us in the face that while wo
havo insufficient tug service, tho man who owns
tho inefficient tugs has got to bo a mil
lionaire. The competition of lailroads to
Puget Sound will bo apt to solvo a problem
that Portland, Astoria and Captain Flavelare
waiting to havo worked out.
West Union, Or., Jan. 17, 1882.
Editor Willamette Fanner:
I have b'een a subscriber to tho Farmer for
many years, and hive had many benefits from
it; I have got the hist market reports from
it, together with much good advice, but you
do not speak loud enough for us I mean
farmers and working men. It appears that
the class of men that produce tho most gets
tho least; there must bo something iu the!
way, and we want to remove tnat something.
It there is an evil weed ill our ground, we
must go down to the bottom ot tho loots and
dig it oat. Our taxes are petting higher every
year; labor and produce lower; monopolies
and corporations are closing in upon us.
What aro wo to do f Shall we, who boast of
freedom, submit to tho present white slavery,
or shall wo ask our editors to speak for us?
Tho root of evil has carried away our lcgisla
latpre, as wo verily believe, and own tho
ablest editors both soul and body. Wo think
it is now timu that wo sot up business for
oursolvcs. Mr. Kilito-, wo do not hold you
accountable for theso evils, but wo wish you
to show to the citizens a remedy, as does tho
Iowa Stale Tribune, and a few others that
dare como out on tho fair and square princi
ple, and resolutely keep her laws, not caring
for consequences.
The people of this country tried the party
called Independent, but it was taken posses
sion of by demagogues and went to naught.
Tho Granges were tried, and that has also
fallen into the hands of its enemies, because
of its leaders working in tho direction of the
largest money profits, and where they get ten
dollars from othct business to where thoy get
oiio from the farm. lawyers, merchants,
railroad speculators and saloon keepers, with
a few thin-soil farmers, that can bo led by a
fow sharks as easy as an ox to the slaughter
(I allude to our own county), liko tho serpent
that had its head cut otT in the morning, and
was wriggling its tail in the evening, but had
not enough tense to know that it was dead.
I have not written one-third as much as I
wish to, but will stop till a more convenient
80,18011. S. A. IIOl.OOMl).
Not long since wo showed in this paper.in
an editorial, that one-halt the people of tho
United States were farmers, and that success
of production, aud the profits made by pro
ducers, mako the groundwork for public
prosperity; and, therefore, the producer has
for allies tho merchant, mechanic, laborer,
professional men and all thnte, in fact, who
are interested in a healthy prosperity. All
the foes he cm havo are the speculators and
corporations, who make unreasonable profit
by handling product. Of course, this com
parativelysmall class, having immense wealth,
can use it to hup up political wire-werkers,
and to corrupt politics and legislation; and
the people they buy tip are always intriguing
aud unscrupulous, but after all they form but
a cry smalt proportion of the great mass of
humanity and citiienship. The great majority
has only to understand itself, and work un
derstanding!) and harmoniously, to secure
either the ownership of railroad line by the
government and their operation for the bene
fit of all alil'e, or to secure fair legislation
that will put a guard ou all encroachment ou
public right, and secure transportation on
terms that will give produoers and consumers
all the benefits they can reasonably demand, i
If there is not virtue enough in the Ameri
can people to enable therrn to defend their un
doubted rights against a very few speculators,
then "whito slavery" is all there is left for
thejm, and all they deserve. It looks very
much as if the political panties owned ttie
people, njid the corporations own the parties.
What wo need is Independent thought and
action both in politics and tyade.
The1 very men ho haven't enough sense
and ipdopendence to emancipate themselves
from political thraldom and their own igner
ancc, get together to denounce the FAiiMun,
sometimes, becauno freight is high and wheat
is not -a dollar a bushel. They also shout
"anti monopoly" tintHthcy arc hoarse, and
then tro to the polos and voto for whoever
their political ring puts up. They should ex
ercise independence and comsnon souse by re
fusing to sustain men for office they don't
Irnoin to be honest and capable, and also by
combining and ce-opcratiag, both in politics
and trade, to secure their own interest?. Co
operation of farmers in California and Oregon
could have pulled freights down to a fair rate
Idirg ago; independence of party will secure
legislation that will protect produotioti all it
A great many farmers want to be monopo
lists themselves, apparently. They wish to
force every body to work for them, to invent
and manufacture for them, and live on bread
and water while they do it, ond at the same
time to pay a fancy price for all (arm pro
ducts. Thcro is too much ignorance anion?
farmers wc moan, of course, those wJio do
not take tho Wiilamette Farmer. What
we used is that all should study and read
caiefully to inform themselves as to whit
their labor is worth, and what other men's
labor ia worth. We believe the Grange to be
the best medium for pioper education and for
elevating and enlightening tho producers of
tho world. "Live and let live" is a golden
rule. Our correspondent has good view s, and
wo hope he and others won't bo cither dis
gusted or astonished w hen we sum up our re
ply by saying : The farmers need only to co
operate and work together intelligently and
harmoniously to run tho world as they
Cutter Making.
East Portland, Jan. 11, 1882.
Editor Willamctto Farmer :
Although we are not in the butter business
on a ery large scale, I do not know that it
would bo amiss for mo to make a few remarks
on this subject. Our number of cows are but
two, and yet I mako moro butter than many
would from one or two more. Perhaps, with
ordinary treatment, that is such as cows here
generally receive, ours would not be consid
ered No. 1, but with our mode of caring for
and feeding them we make about fifteen
pounds of butter a week, besides which we
use three or four quarts of milk a day. Here
tofore wc usually had customers, and some
time tho neighbors would take all the butter
and milk we could spare, but since last Fall
we take it to Mr. J. B. Knapp & Co. We
think it less trouble to take all to one place,
and it pays ns better; bcldcsi' this firm deals
largely in this article, and has shown a gret
interest in endeavoring to get as sweet and
puro butter, and in as fine condition as possi
ble. They prefer having it done up in two
pound rolls, which makes it easier to pack,
and, when neatly done, presents a fine ap
pearance It had been my custom to print in
one pound bales, nnd when I undertook to
make tho rolls it came very awkward to me.
Mr. Knapp showed mo some of his which
showed theie was something lacking,. I
have a great deal of conceit, perhaps moro
than is necessary, and I don t think he suc
ceeded in taking much out of m3, and yet I
could see his was in better shape than mine.
Mr Khapp did not look cross and tell me he
could not sell my butter, he did quite the
contrary. One Friday morning, when I was
about to prepare my butter to take away on
Saturday, ho put in his appearance, went to
work and worked, tempered And moulded my
butter for me all nicely, and gave me instruc
tions regarding my cream and butter, how tj
make it look nico and palatable. I do not
pretend to be perfect yet, but hope I may so
continue to improve that- he may feel fully
recompensed for his trouble. Mr. Knapp has
about 200 pounds sent him every week from
his farm, aud says ho would like, if possible,
to visit every one who sends him butter, so
anxious is he to havo it in good condition and
appear ifcell when put upon tho market. It
certainly speaks well for him, and if ho con
tinues iu bu siuces I think the people of Port
land will bo able to realize a fact not known
to them before that J. 11. Knapp & Co. are
prepared to furnish them with butter equal
to California or any other State. I will close
my remarks on this subject for the present,
and Iwg leave to offer a fow suggestions in re
tard to this firm which may benefit some of
our patrons who live at a distance. I suppose
all of them have read their advertisement in
your paper, but perhaps never gave it much
thought. Mr. J. B. Knapp came here at an
early day, aud I suppose is well known in his
immediato vicinity as being an honest and re
liable person. Since he has become our agent
many varieties of ' product have passed
through his hands to be told or shipped. In
most cases the returns were expressed as bet
ter than expected. It it true, our business in
this line hat not met with much success,
owing to bad management. Heretofore those
those who took it in charge were either too
grasping, from self motives and lack of en
ergy; but I believe, through the patronage of
the P. of II., the present firm can bo made
just what we want, aud feel safe in recom
mending them to the public generally. Yours
respectfully, Mr. K. J. Price.
From LtwUrUle, Polk County.
There hat been very little Fall anil. Winter
wheat toxin in this section of Polk county,
and very little plowing dining this Winter.
Wo will haie to make a grand rush iu tho
Spring if we get iu at much as there was sown
last year. Your fraternally,
11. F. Smith.
Climate and Capabilities of ru Bquno.
The rost-IntellUrencer,
As I have not been nearly tire years a resi
dent of this Territory, I will, with yor per
mission, give a general synopsis of its miner
alegy during said period, together with some
Observations relativo to other matters o in
tirest. For the bonefit of new comers, and
those intending to coine, I would say, here on
Puget Sound, exists a climate rarely equaled,
and perhaps not excelled, ia any part of the
world. Its cool, bracing air in Summer, and
its mild, pleasant Winters, together with its
lovely scenery, combine to render it an earth-
fly paradise. Daring the past lour ana a hall
years the tnermomctcr nas uuij u" """""
01 degrees in Stitnnur, or fallen below 14 de
grees above ztro in Winter and that cne day
only. In Summer the range of thermometer
is much greater th.iti iu Winter. As.no mat
ter how warm the dajs may be, the nights aio
always cool and refreshing, the m' rcury gen
erally Jails to about 50 degree at night.
While in Winter it rauges mostly fiom 33 f
45 rUfcrreea. and often as hich as U devices,
The rainfall nveracres from 50 to 31 inches per
annum. Another tcatuae that adds greatly to J
tho pleasure of a residence here, is its ttceilom
from winds and storms, both in Summer and
Winter. Alsn beautiful flowers blooming in
tho open air, at almost all seasons of the year;
the groutxl seldom being frozen deep enpugh
to destroy the most tender tubers.
This seems to be the natural home of the.
itaveral graisis, timothy and clover, of which
there aro some eight or nine varieties. The
grass, Mesquit, Blue Grass, Red Top, etc.,
all grow remarkably well, and remain green
tho year around. This latter fact, together
with the mild and regular temperature, com
bine ro render this one of the finest of dairy
ing region?.
Another fact that seems to have been over
looked is the sandy uplands, with a little
manure, become very productive of both fruits
and vegetables, and the vegetables, especially
potatoes, thus raised, are qiite superior in
quality to those raised on the bottoms, or tide
Fruits grow on the uplands remarkably
well, as have been fully tested on my place
during the past two yews. Last Spring, two
years since, we planted an orchard ot two-year-old
trees, and this year had quite a lot of
apples, pears, plains, prunes and cherries. Of
the latter, we had fruit on tiees raised from
seed planted three years since.
Fiom one-eleventh of an acre in strawber
ries wc picked the past season 252 gallons,
many of the specimens measuring six inches
around and maikcted tftcm at COe per gallon.
All other fiuits have done equally well with
While in California I tried poultty raising,
but had pocr success; my fowls contracted a
variety ot diseases and they died amid all the
care and attention I could give them.
Here I have tried again, and so far, havo
succeeded admirably. My fowls (White Leg
horns) are healthy and very productive. Jan
uary 1, 1880, I had 87 liens. These laid dur
ing tho year 012 dozen eggs. The net profit
over cost of feed w as 137. I began January
1st, 1881, with 100 hens. These have laid to
date (December 17th) 1049 dozen eggs, and
from the sales I have realized $283. The cost
of feed during said period was SOu.
Now, as to preference of localities I would
say, having tried West Virginia, Pennsylvania, '
Illinois, Kansas and California, that I am bet
ter satisfied so far, right here, and have been
more prosperous in tiie same space of time,
than I was in any of the above named States.
Here we expect to stay and terminate our
days. R. M. Homunso.n.
Port Blakely, W. T.
Mixed Husbandry.
The great impottance of mixed husbandry is
not yet felt in Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton as it will be a few years hence. Now
w heat raising and stock are the great staples
of production. The virgin soils, clear of foul
plants, bring forth fabulous crops of grain
with small labor or tillage. And stock have
roamed over the vast grassy plains Winter
and Summer, lit and sleek, without care, ex
cept to work or brand. It was supposed by
many that the bunch grass in this empire of
rango would never be eaten out, or fail. But
flike the Umpqua valley and the Willamette
valley, signs of failure are seen in many dis
tricts where stock animals have continuously
ranged for twelve or fifteen years past. The
opening up of the vast districts of bunch grass
landt to cultivation by the running of rail
rqadt through them, is the signal of a new era
iu productions there. Millions of acres of
these lands will soon be planted in grain. To
that extent stock growing will decrease at
least so far as the wild bunch grass is con
cerned. On the declivities and rocky districts,
not suitable for tillage, stock will still ruu in
limited numbers. This is all for the best. A
larce number of men came to the bunch crass
country to make their pile easily, but not to
settlo down to rural life. Like the children of
Israel, they wander with their flocks and
herds. Soon this vast.wheat empire will be
settled up with prominent citizens. Stock
raising will be limited, and farming will be
the great business. Instead of grubbing and
clearing olf timber lands as in other districts
on this coast, the God of Nature has Bpread
out ready cleared lauds of great richness and
fertility, millions of acres. The great railroad
systems now operating in all the vast bunch
grass lands are opening to the outside world
the immense tonnage of human food, and
these people will be in direct communication
with the great Eastern and Western nations
of the earth. These settlers will be permanent,
and the country will bloom and blossom as
tho rose.
But no nation can be permanently rich and
prosperous that depend mostly on exporting
their grain. The rich prairies of Illinois, Iowa
and Willamette and Umpqua valleys were
supposed to be inexhaustless in wheat prodnc
tiou. They were run continuously in wheat
or other gain, and now their yield has gone
down to less than one-half of former yields.
If the farmers in this vast rich bunch grass
country will in due time resort to mixed bus
bandry and rotation in crops, they will reap
the benefit thereof.
There are numerous articles of production
that can be raised in abundance and perfec
tion iu this large country, which, if properly
put up for home and foreign use, will save the
importation ot such articles into our country,
ana thereby keep that amount of money at
home, while at the same time the lauds would
recuperatefor'future wheat crops. Canned
articlta in immense quantities can be put up
for market at home and abroad. There are
plums, prunes, pears, sweet corn, tomatoes,
strawberries and blackberries, apple preserves
aral jellies. Potatoes in vast quantities can be
dried on the apple driers and made into pota
to meal and canued up and stnt to foreign
lauds, and when opened out, can be prepared
by the cooks in fif'cen minutes for us nn H,-
table, and are as freah a if just taken front the
groumi. au.ntuer lauoweu lands iu corn,
Kiuahca. ttttne. turuiis, cabbaee. .
beans, Letts aud melons are not the least im-
Kiverithed by such crops, but will yield a
rgcr crop of wheat the next year. Such
20,' 1882.
I ..i . ...... !,. lns every fourth
vegetao e --.-. - .-- - de
crea'c in the crops.
A limited amount oi sucep snuum u
upoa every farmer's ranch as scavengers to
"it up the growth of words that will spring
up ,011 tho prame ianu. . " fj
. LnJ rvn mwtl in MaV
oraffC crop n mcee iuuuo j -" ,: -,
or June, .1 ,tnred in all the Fall and
Winter months. This w ill continue green as
long as it can. ot head out Vast quantities of
dried nipples, plums and pcatt (Wild bo mad.,
and shipped from t' tc districts.
When all thec vtit fertile dutnets ehall
become well sctHcd up by farmers, girdeneta
and ffuit raisers,
tt.e l uh.ig upon i"; -
roads will be-iucicavi
twenty tolil ncyonii
Then tonnage will be reduced to less than
one-half of what it is m.w, on the cars and
shin. Vast wealth and pmu1.V.ion wil. bo in
all these fertile districts. And thus the
owneis of the railroruls and r.h.ps, and the
majscs of tho par pie, ill be rccipr.catcly
benefitted. irntfct H'rirVii Sttttemmi.
Whatcom County, W. T.
Tho mainland p tf on of Whatcom county
cqnsiit. of to parts, tho valley of tho Skagit
and part of tho valley of the Frjscr. Theso
two imrts arc tNi idtxl by a spur of tho Cas
cades, whioli reach salt water at Bcllingbam
Bfly. If we adopt the theory that at one time
tho sea reached the baso of the mountain
lange, then all tho Iot lands in this count'
south of the Chuckaunt spur of njomtllns
lave been formed ky the deposits of tho Ska
git river, while the Uble lands north of it
have been.formed by the Fraser. The valley
of the Fraser, lying between tne mounuuui
and saltwater, and extending from Belling
ham Hay to Bn.rard Inlet, is somouhat in the
form ot a scnii-circlo and contains about a
thousand square miles of agricultural 'land,
about three hundred of which In trie form of
an acute angled triangle lay south of our na
tional boundary line and forms part of What
com county. Through this triangle run the
waters of the Nootaack or Lummi river, hav
ing two mouths, one of which empties into
Bellingham Bay, the other into the Gulf of,
Georgia. Between ajid adjoining these two
mouths aro several thousand acres of marsh
land, mo of which are overflowed by high
freshets, but all of which cun be reclaimed
and prepared for agriculture, bat as most of
those lands are wiithin ai Indian leservatiou,
nothing has yet been done to reclaim them.
This portion of nur county between Belling
ham Bay and the 49th parallel is almost all a
dm,o forest, but it is a forest which will some
day be t.ansformcd into some of the pleas
antest homes in North America. It is all rich1
agricultutal land, and, when once clcaied of
timber, will make valuable farms. It is table
laud along tho shore averaging about 40 feet
above the level of the sea and is almost all
level. The soil mainly consists of a rich brown
loam resting on heavy clay, which in some
places necessitates much draining. Every
do-cription of fruit, vegetables or grain, inci
dent to this climate aud latitude, grows to
perfection here, and unlike some portions of
the States, we can always depend upon a good
crop, if we plant or sow goo,d seed, and give it
a good show.
The whole ot this tract is wen waiereu witn
sm-inra and small streams of mountain water.
and everywhere good water can be found by
digging a well from 10 to 40 ieet.
oomo oi me nnest umuer in tne xerruury
can be found near the Headwaters ot tne
Nootsack river; and some of the finest open
ings for manufacturing every description of
woouworK can ue louna nere. aoout three
miles back from Bellingham Bay is a lake
about 12 miles long averaging two miles ide, jj
partly surrounueu uy tne mountains. j.nis
lake is 300 feet above the level of the bay ; it
has but one outlet which empties into tho bay
at the town of Whatcom. Ihis outlet, which
is called Whatcom creek, falls 200 feet within
a mile oi the lake, forming about a dozen good
mill sites. It then meanders through almost
dead level ground for about two miles when it
has another fall about a quarter of a mile from
the nay ami another oi nearly 40 teet close to
the bay. On this creek every description ot
inauufacturing could be carried on. Post
Intelliyencer. Bar's New Flouring Kill.
We weie enabled one day during the week
to give this worthy institution a thorough in
spection, for the firsts time since the mills
rwcre set in motion. According to our humble
judgment, all the praise and commendations
which we had heard from others who had
preceded us in their visits were amply sus
tained. The mills are certainly a credit to
their owner, to the mechauics who constructed
them, as well as an ornament and a beuefi
cent enterprise to the community in which
they are situated. Mr. Sax kindly snowed us
through the various apartments. "From
turret to foundation stone everything glis
tens in nswncss anu neatness, me building
is four stories in height, enclosed with hiavy,
substantial brick walls, built upon a massive
stone foundation. For convenience of arrange
ment it is a model. The machinery is of the
latest improved patterns, brought directly
from an Eastern factory. One of the famnm
George T. Miller purifiers occupies the upper
oiuiy, unit i u curiosity in tne way ot compli
cated mechanism and ingenuity, as are also
the mammoth bolting compartments which
extend on down to the floor of the third
story. Four sets of burrs are fixed upon brick
piera which are ouill up irom the solid
ground, giving each an independent founda
tion and relieving the building of the jar,
whicn a millstone in motion usuallv nm,ln.
This substantial feature is characteristic of
the arrangement of the structure and its ap
purtenances throughout. The result is that
all the machinery, from the great ponderous
driving wheels to tho tinie3t little spindle
shaft, runt with the utmost smoothnxa .!
regulanty. In all the work, which brought
this monument of ingenuity together, is the
evidence of a master mechanic. Mr. William
Kirpatnck was the millwright, and it is but
justice to credit him with baring placed into
Sosjtion at McMinnville one of tlie finest
ounng mills in the State of Oregon.
Products of Northern Idaho.
Mr. Barringer, of Crystal Valley, in the
Cow Creek country, called and left with us on
Tuesday, a few heads of timothy hay raised
on his ranch last season j the heads are eleven
iuches long, the stalks six feet high, and the
Eroduct was over four tont to the acre. Mr
amnger also raised last year 200 bushels of
oats to the acre by actual measurement from
some imported teed of the White Russian va
riety ; his yield of flax averaged 21 bushels to
the acre, and it may inteiest our readers in
!" &uf,t0 know that he arrived here from
hcypt in SonUiern Illinois four vears aeo with
a family of six children and 519.85 in cash; to
day he has a title to 320 acres of the best land
in the world, 100 acres of which i. under
&ft' t. V" Ulll,er cultivation and
, u...w.i , u iu uu granary. If there ia
a country, that offers wore or better i.E "
wore or better induce
ments this aide of
than Northern Idaho, we thould likeo see it
PmilV Ia ..
Nevada and Oregon Railroad.
rri.. n.. .TWrun? nf Den. 31 - . a
ins ! - - "ja . i0la
engine, cars and rolling stock, ties and aUf
other property of a personal nature belonging !
to the Nevada and Oregon Railroad, or Thee,!
Moore, contractor, was attached by Mannint
It Merry yesteruny, m buhoij timm oi nearly
S20.090, of which about 13,000 is due Man
ning & Berry, and the remainder claims ol
. 1, t, I7..1.A n.,.1 nil. V
lj. A. uraiig, liciiij ivunu wm, uwiurs. fj-l
Moore has been disappointed in raising the
mney in New York. Moron, tho banker
refuses to advance any more money on tfaaf
bonds until the rails are actually laid a sufli.
cieut distance to indemnify him, but their !
Incnus uencve niai, .uuuiu . uaicti will
shortly get enouyu muuuj- n, pay bu neht. ;
anu gu uut:ttu ", wi, aiioore it I
expected in iwuv in u.t uuja, jucanniiiie, E
Ull U H. Wl V iwim -,v um ij'Wallt.11,
The Lakcview Examiner says : From Geo
R. Hamersley, who recently returnaj from
Reno, we learn that tho Nevada and Oregon
Railroad is graded out to the Junction, and
that there are twenty-two miles of track laid
and iu running order. Ho says that Reno
people me uwpocu .u ou, i,iiu mea mat tbs
Central Pacific proposes to build a road from
Wailsworth to Tho Dalles by way of Goosi
lake, though there aro good grounds for be
lieving wi'!- ouuii w mw lutuiiiiuu oi tne u. p
folks. He says tlrat in tho event of the road
boing started from Wadsworth theie will be
amnio capital to push tho road fast ennnnti t-
reach the Oregon line much sooner than the
N. & O. can, and it is the universal opinion
that if that road is started in earnest, the Ne
vada and Oregon will branch off into I'lumu
county, anu aoanuou tno project ot coming
to ureguii. iiiwuujctuvu point oi tne pro
posed roau irom tvoiiswoitn will be Tht
l.'Ollts, aim, ii cuiniiieiicuu, it will Do built M
fast as men and money can do the work.
Ventnor. -
A correspondent of the Cheney Tribuiu
writing from the scene of operation, on Pta '
d'Oiielle Lake, says : "Ventnor is the depot i
for distributing supplies ot all kinds by the
steamer Villard, Tho town contains several
stores, numerous saloon, butcher, barber and
shoe shops, Wells, Fargo Exptcss office and
telegraph oifice. There arc about three hun
dred men and a few families living in the
place, and about a doren children maybe
seen running around, which givee the place
an air of growth. The freicht train runs U
within a mile of tho lake, where over 8,000
feet of trestle work is to be built beforo the
cars can cross tho hike, Tho giadcrs are
located from Sandy Point to Pack river, a
distance of twelve or fifteen miles fiom Vent
nor. There are 1,500 wluto men on the work,
and twice as many Chinamen. Common
laborers get $2 to a day, untnamen halt u
much. The men live in tents provided by the
company. They aro supplied lyilh stoves,
and in the event of sickness or accident a hos
pital and attendance is provided at a monthly
charge ot one oouar irom eacu man. r ron
Westwood to the lake, a distance of forty
miles, there are no settlers, nor are there any
around the lake, not even an Indian is seen in
the Winter. The forest stands unbroscn, ex
cept as the railtoad grade cuts its way 1
through the trees and deep hillsides. The j
cedar and other lumber making timber it
dense and extensive along the line, ana
stretches for miles along the margin of the
lake. The chances there for a city are some-
wnat remote should it have to depend on a
farming community to build it up.
Northern Idaho.
A correspondent of thoLewistonA'ftwgiTM
the following :
Three years ago an old "man came to this
country with a larce family and no money,
and took up a homestead, n Single handed hi
has built up a comfortable house and is out ol
debt. His granary is full of good wheat and
n&ta. aud his horses, cattle and hoes are lit u
Is there another country on this great foot-1
stool, where the labor of one old man will sop. s
port a family of eight persons, and in three?
years secure and stock a good improveu laimj.
nf lftft nnrpi, ? Snmn vnnncr men savthertrlF
discouraged because wo have no markets, indjj
want to leave the. country. They have MS
surplus, and never had, nnd even buy "S
provisions, such as flour and meat on credits
Where can these discontented individuals bet-E
ter their condition? Wages are goodheMij
and labor always bnngs a sure return. ."T'f
erty is an unfortunate condition, but it it the
portion of many, and "the poor man can Iiti
in no country, but by the sweat of his bKrwJ
Anw vmttifr man vchn ittannnpfl nf his hOUH
stead in a temporary fit of despondency and
"pulls up stakes," will have reason to ngt
the blunder. It he is tho latner oi a lauwj
their destitution may disturb hit rest ia tin
potter's field.
Everybody comes here expecting to engtgi
In f riA atWilr liuoitiaan Wh art fU7 tlO follOW
u v.aw ovwaa. uutiUGBD, I at jf aw w" ----- w
that occupation it a mystery. Cattlo tMl$S
hogs at prevailing prices are wore Pr0I"Yjfij
than grain for transportation. One buthelol
wheat properly fed to hogs will make Kt
for the meat wheat fed to hogs wilt bring 7W
cehtn a liusliel Ttr .,i.inrv f ho meat and Sell'wl
ing it at the customary prices for bacon Wia
wheat would be made to bring a dollar &1
bushel. Why doa't farmers feed more nonin
Mr. Joe Grief, of this neighborhood, kiUMj
sixteen hogs last year, which brought ju?ij
over five hundred dollars, and Mr. CaW!
omitn Killed two, which he sold tor aevKMiri
nve dollars.
This new town whieh has been started byu
the Oregon Improvement Company, tndl
named Endicott. after the Boston banker, ill
located ia section 31, township 17, north ofji
range 41 east, near the southwestern limit of
the 150,000 acres ol land bought of the N. F.
K. K.. It is located on the line of the abt
doned railroad from Texaa Ferry, about for$
milet from that noint. mnil tu-entv miles wear
of Colfax. It it about forty milea from eitket!
Spraeue or Ritzville. with eood roads bett:
it and all the placet round. The O. I. Co-
going to "whoon nn" their now town, win
is situated in the midst of a rich farmi
COUntrV. Th railmal m-alo fmm TeiasFetTJ:
is to be bridged and put in order for a fin
class wagon road, the lumber for a fine Ho
truss bridge over Union Flat creek havia
been ordered. That hnildinr- may not be re
tarded. 250.000 feet nf lumher ia btlBll
shipped from tne company "a yard at D4?"".!
to tnuicott. The company havo a large iw" vji
of men and teams at work breaking and "'
ing ground in the vicinity of the new to n. ; '
H alia Walla Union. ?i
correspondence Pendleton Enterpruti 'i
saw m your issue of Dec. 29 a ttatcment o J
tomb big hogt being killed in different pr?
of the Mate. Mr. Samuel Richie, our towJ
butcher, can beat anything in Oregon, and Ijj
think anything on this coast He has J2
Ulled thirty bog; one netted 018 poundHS
one 466, one 460, and twenty-seven tbtlj
netted 8,410 pound. If any one can do beV
, mem. snow up.